BP-11748 BU I LDFNG PERMIT 78 MILLERS DRIVE Dartmouth Building Department Plat : 70 400 Slocum Road-P.O. Box 79399 Lot (s) : 13-39 Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size :2 . 19A Telephone 508-999-0720 Zoning Dist . :SRB June 16„ 1999 (typed Permit No. : Issued Date : 7 //a1/'j'I Clerk: BAS Project Location: 78 Millers Drive Number Street Subdivision Name: Millers Farm Nearest Cross Street : Albro Avenue Person Permit Issued To: Jose Marques _ Address : 26 Oak Grove Avenue, Fall River, MA 02720 Applicant/Agent : Same Contact Person Phone #: (508) 679-0408 Type of License: Owner: ( ) Const. Superv. License # : (025219 ) Architect : ( ) Engineer: ( ) Other: ( Proposed Use : Residential Residential,Commercial,Industrial,etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of Improvement,Add,Alter,New Coast.,Demo,Land/Move,etc. New single family dwelling with three bedrooms, two full and one 1/2 baths, fireplace plus two flues , deck, well water, septic system, heating to be determined -- 4, 672 sq. ft . indicate no.of bedrooms and bathrooms and other rooms Gross Area of Const . : 4 , 672 sq. ft . Cost of Const . $138 , 765 . 00 Cost-Other Const . : N/A TOTAL FEE: $ 557 . 00 Owner (s) of Record: Antonio & Paula Ventura _ Address : 21 Lenox Street , Fall River, MA All work shall comply with 780 CMR 6th Ed. (MGL Chap. 143) and any other applicable Mass . Laws or codes and plans on file. hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies mayg have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdictio a e not met; not wi,'--h-�s�t���aa�nnding the issuance of this Buire of Per / �/QXYA 'Z- Signature of Owner/Agent: Address : ********* t************ ********* Signature: Approved/Iss. ed By: Joel S. Re d, Title : Local Building Inspector COMMENTS : PLEASE POST PERMIT CARD SO THAT IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET. SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. 0 ORIGINAL 0 APPLICANT 0 ASSESSORS 0 CLERK 0 COCE)LM TOWN--OF DARTMOUTH1 1 748 BUILDING RECEIPTS COLLECTOR'S OFFICE Name: 7 f , `` ,, - ,y f f / u , Property , - Date: �"y / i I /...1 i t. \;t• l Ut 1 I: IA iA k .!.LOwner: C-A-k L 1. f i I'L / 7 Job Location: :, r V u ! j 1 t : lLL.Vt _L , , ) C -, fir: n.;Ia R.\eA \',tante Copy-Collectors Office Plot: i/i Lot: 3 _ 2 0i 0qs 0FE fellow Copr1Customer's Receipt i - /-_✓ } .0,I;ECSO- Pink Cipy-Fil§Copy C0 Copy ding Department Phone: ✓Q �'� -0 Description General Ledger Ws Ref.# t Amount License&Permits-Building 01000-44105 Ai / 1 ( # 1 • CO License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 \ License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 N---,,_______ License&Permits-Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 This is not a Permit or License for Building.Plumbing or Gas Received By: , iOWI1.rp.:i DARTMOUTH 11.144 BUILDING RECEIPTS COLLECTOR'S OFFICE �.. Name ,,f G'f:�/ r , 1/ Y J ' 1 1 > , I/ Date i ( , J II j t >1 Owner: f / Job Location: r--/c tye / -, White Copy-Collector's Office l °r f TQ'QIY OF �A({T°try�ipj (ow Copy-Customer's Receipt Plot: Lot: / COLLECTOR'S OFFIgink Copy-File Copy Green Copy-Building Department Phone: MAY 2 7 1999 ik viz Description General Ledger#'s nR # 07 Amount License&Permits-Building 01000-44105 77 License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 '/ ?,- .{6 - IC d License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 / / License&Permits-Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 / .- /// T This is not a Permit or License for Building,Plumbing or Gas Received By: (—!/(7 C `!!! -Lc"( -Z. — • l Residential ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY 1999 <".=m'",N, DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATE RECEIVED :A K 1 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 vi Dartmouth, MA 02747 I;) : '•'lof@Y SYYi .i 'fiR”..: 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING :...-:..'.::—: .-.....j.z.:�:..,:::..:_,:.:.:.::::r":�:.>.>::::::::>:::<::.:::;:y.,:.:::.::.:.:.: :..:.:::.:::........::..:.::::::.�,:..,.:.:..:::::.:, ,, +•� 'i �r.:..:...:.::::�,:�:.:;�;:�:;.,.;..:..s•:�.:.:;:;.:;:.;;:.::�;�:a•:a:.;;.a i;::i�:rs�i_::::;:':..:;:i�:w:;:�:x:•:�::<.:,.:!�':�:;<.:i::::<:.:.:..::.....::::.�:>::;.:::<.:;:;:.;:.:_:;:.:::;r:::;.:.:;;;..;;:.::.::�♦��::: ..r.:....:.::.:....::::.:.:.....::.:..:.::::...:.:...:::._....:.:.:<.:.....::.:.:.:...:_:;.�:.:__.::.:...::.....:.::..:..:::....:...::.:::::..:.,.....:.... .[E[JILPIL�G;j!'ELtN�1T::1f�6Ukl'I '<:7 :::>:r.4.:r',.'. ::..:.:::.lit : : .; . . 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CLSetver.carrt::.:,::>:::::. .:,::.... ;:::,.::: ;,::::z:::>:<:::::.;::.:..,o,... :.:.;:;; .: . . ._......_.:.....::.._.._....._:..:._. . .....:..::....:..........:..:.:......... .. ...:. ...... :. ._.... .ICttt::..: .;::>::;::>.:,;:<;.: .: :::::<.:...<:.::;dui.ew :::.:.:. .:.,:.::,.:. r.:,..;..:.:::::.:..: : •;;. :.....: :: ...:.:.....:.. ..:......:..:::.. QttER��..:INBPEE'IYbEi'5::tiR . ; ....:.:,..:...:;.........:�.. .<.. ::.:....::,�.:.� : ,; ...:.:: . ,... _.... ..... 'Y1L�t'I3�TrOiEE�TlktaSSitANCE::U�'>� :� . . .. . .. ��:.... :�: ::..::.:. .._.......:...... ...:.....::::. .::.:....:..::..:: ::....:.....:�.. .. ..:.::.:::.�.��.:........ ... .A PF;Rtl7(C2:':-;e:::::..;�:-:::::�::i: ':)4..?ii.si:'i:: ::;:: s:�:`:. :.:.::: Zoning Review: Signature: lie Date Date: Energy Report: Signature: 1' 1V' fire Chief: Signature: Date 9 Le/ :• a• Board of Health: Signature: 0 19- / er'—' Dat r� ✓Conservation Commission: Signature: / Date: Other: Signature: Date: NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: a SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: CSI4S ❑ no 1.1 Property Address: ) c 1^ c\ U 1.2 Assessors Plat/&'7Lot Number: Nearest Cross Street: .r 1Ud/I1 Plat ' 76 Lot 13 -,�jct Subdivision Name:\o\l\ 'e 1 �j �1 AA 1.3 Historical District 0 yes Via) Has application beet'submitted to the Historic Commission? Total Land Area Sq.Ft.: /�'` L.��-�� ❑yes Q,tfo Date: 1.4 Water Supply(MGL c 40§54): —// 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: 0 MunicipalL'Yrivate Well 0 Municipal 130n Site Disposal System ... .::::.::::..::::.......,.:::::;;:;SECTION2:-PR: : . .: .Y:O ; U3XM kSti€IF/:Nt1TH 3 .... . ,::::r:s:z::.;;.a;: r::.:i.. r;:<:r:::::. . 2.1 Owner of Record: • \ ki4\ `^` ° -kf� jy `A -\Ct \f-6 kr� Contact gddress C �-j (1�'l Name(print) `l, V \ \\V\\YY IVti�, t 7< / �' qak < '�' l✓!�•�.)� l9 ,35 / \�� phone number c:\wpwin\forms\bldgapp.res Pagel January 20, 1999 Residential 1999 2.2 Authorized Agent: Contact Address Name(print) Telephone EC1'iOt' 3 :CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable 0 Licensed Construction Supervisor �" try\, a / License Number!23-2 /2 A \Obce�1V\ Y1ll,f 'i LU c • Address \n OG}1 / �c h rc C _ Expiration Date Signature /� Yy Tel hon -7%YO? 2.--/&-- � 3.2 Reg. te`red me Improvement ontractor: Not Applicable 0 Are ou a Home Improvement Contractor subject to(780 CMR-6)? CCIJ"yes 0 no Ifno, r othe next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? 0 yes o If yes,submit the required affidavit! Company Name Registration Number(if none,state"none") Address Signature Telephone Expiration Date 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only • PERSONS CON fRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place-Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 Z)wners Name(print) Signature r by signing the above,the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 3.4 Homeowner Exemption-One&Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT • 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1, 1982,no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction,reconstruction,alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures,unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section;provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s)for hire to do such work,that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only,a"Homeowner"is defined as follows: Person(s)who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: Signature: • Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to,general liability Ic:\wpwin\forms\bldgapp.res Page 2 January 20, 1999 Residential 1999 NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor,whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) igngRENtgEMEggotlitimmokiiiikkiewtiolottoiticootiotigotit Att.thAtit kikidECIS.Zf 52) Work.rs Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application.,lure to provide this affidavit will suit in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: yes 0 no MEM:ftaa'i'Em:i:i1: :i: E:':'i'::':i''i'']'i'SVCt,F,t.0g$ DEs-citiOtitiji-jEllio#ijkl,:i*stiji,ie(--dgekuir itiotithhtemo:;; ; ;.i;];;a;.im4;;;;;]:;;;; :;i;;A;i;i;i;i:;;i; DI/new 0 addition 0 alteration 0 repairs 0 chimney/fireplace 0 woodstove construction* 0 deck 0 pool 0 accessory bldg. 0 replacement window/door 0 other 0 demolition (shed/garage) no.of windows doors_ (specify below): (specify below): * If new construction,please complete the following: Single Family: no.of bedrooms .3 no.of baths_j Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit 1 no. of baths unit 1 ... no. of bedrooms unit 2 no.of baths unit 2 Brief Description of Proposed Work: 0 C—q eit C\_ sttit ;nonnagsmommoggnmEmmgeittitiN!26tgrimATEtrittymunemtirwriutwi:gWMagii: ;::i;::i;::i;:;:;i::; -----------):<.'"'<"'-x.x.x.x.):-...::::::i:::: ::i:*::::"":":::::::::::',:m::::::',:,':::',: •,'::.,--',.:,:...:.:.,.:,,,,:::*,....::......------,,,,,,,.,:..:-:::.:.in:w:::-:f=v,:mm:=:m:H,niimi:ii;:ig::]mimiiiionE:iiimi:miam:mmiu Item Estimated Cost($)to be completed by permit applicant 1.Building 2.Electrical 3.Plumbing 4.Mechanical(HVAC) 5.Total=(1 +2+3+4) * Estimated Total $ 13 4-7(95 (gm) $00nONUNOW$PWAVTAMPARMigiiiNiiikaik!!!!!MiniaiiiismegimPiiiligiS ::::::::: : :::: :::::::::: : :::: : ::: ,:,:;::::,,:;:.:;: woominemonimmbOokiintowsimawiioN4giair4tOilinUttlek*pitofotb011410gSkAttYg: ;:;;I::E;; ; ; ;ga:]: .._.v. (pleaseisrint)} , I, H n-tor))o Ven,-1()(0.__ ,as Owner of the subject property hereby authori±e \(-)4-)-{5\fl i) \OCC( .)2IS to act o my half, in all ma ers relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date MtEMEURRiMiiemimimimitiii: :•sgetioNt.t78RowNt.100ee OWNER/AUTHORIZED ,,:(tis:€1,*iiti':•Atnt,t.eittre--: M:at,,,PXNXIal,47.S.Uittl::..;:;T“, ,V:,,i,A#N41,::V.Vin'a]in;Cg?] ::? :?Mann:MgaiNiiMa: I, lieti)0/1-1 IC: . 71 (27,5/th u g 4 ,as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. . Aid i 0 A) 0 - AI V, t) ;ci ,Q.Y-9 Print Na , -- Signature of Owner/Authorized Agent Date c:\wpwin)forms\bldgapp.res Page 3 January 20, 1999 • Residential 1999 SECTIONS tNSI TOWS P.t WEWICOMMENTS 1. Date plan reviewed: 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: • 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals(see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED(see project review worksheet): Date: 6. HOLD reason: 2,-^ �y,-- 7 -•-e- C S)-F Da ee 1.4 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: 8. Conunents:_ • 9. Inspector's Signature: *4 ' � : SEG1'IONa API'I.I ANT"'Nt3TI;kICATION Applicant informed of a ove ate Time: ya I�� Clerk- Comments: YJ m N a i iti Q `ot• 3 // /9ç SECTION 1(I OFFICE------------ $ tit©TES Total Permit Fee: $ j _S ' 7 Less Application Fee: $25.00 Remaining Balance: $ �-_3 f0'r7 TOTAL FEE: Gross Area-New Construction total sq.ft. 4/ �.� _ Gross Area-Alteration total sq. ft. �y Permit Issued To. -G��- `4- � z0 .72 '. et-t! ' - SECTION;11-ADDITIONAX.L coMMENTs/SKETCHES . 1 , pwin\forn1s\b!dgapp.res Pagc 4 January 20, 1999 acuuenua 1-1rtiuiVDATIUjV ONLY 1999 "OUT~ DATE RECEIVED r�,.••—r.b N` DARTMOUT)ri BUII DING DEPARTMENT I,. . :-,.. • rl'* 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 "" �ao � y-ci Dartmouth, MA 02747 . 199,7 i Y 27 AN C: 4 2[ ^ : 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING ir ':<s �X>:a i:>:.Y,.?k:::: .'.!C:::?:ix4:n.::.iiE:<iC>..:4.�:::a:q:>>?):>5�$":::F»�>�:.> n:> �>p: vnasn4 Y,N{er��(;'>..��:�]� g i� L�p >:r p� ... ............ ............ tiV�� ... .4 :.. ,. . ... 8:..,.. ....:. .,n.:,;..:.i:,....,..4:..:.: : ..:. !:i>siiri�:;;,:iii;::. ........... ....n..... ................ .k .. .,... < .. ,,. ........n s: ,.... .,. ..Hann..!.. !.. !......, L?:4>:'$`C::V:`:S[i q.; .... ,........_.......:..........._ n.l .......3i... ..:w.x' ,:..._a,..._.:..:..,..n..> .._C„.....>.._.^4..�H:.H!a:.. ... ':i:::Sy >::.?i.�e..,;>.?:i: ;;;;; tsST3L: SiGI4'ATEIIIE. "`> «:.:..:. 4 . 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'7"�)� Other Signature: Date SECTTtON i $1 t t1YS:QM.TuOIy NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: - --- SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: 'es ❑ no 1.1 Property Address: `'/�FFJJ c\ J 1.2 Assessors Plat&r L/ot Number: Plat 776' Nearest Cross Street: � 1 Lot 13 _3 _ Subdivision Name:{' \ k` c 1 CI 1 1.3 Historical District ❑yes f o Has application beet'submitted to the Historic Commission? Total Land Area Sq.Ft.: 2-\ ({L(�.S ❑yes Ii2,r( Date: 1.4 Water Supply(MGL e 40§Sa) 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: 0 MuntctpalB Private Well ❑Municipal Q"On Site Disposal System S) C'Ft E14Z t itai I ttr OWNERSW[P#A'U'2' ro u2J iiosisN'S P 2.1 Owner of Record: a1 1 1 \f \° k au.I4 U t a�1 kr G Contact ddress C //�' '7� .. �( �Y�(3" Name(poor) �/I ��-�6x e N - t.JUR.)� l I_3 5 / �� phone number c:\wpwin\forms\bldgapp.res - Page 1 January 20, 1999 REQUEST FOR ASSIGNUENTTOF HOUSE NUMBER 1,11‘ner(s) of Property AN f o/Al ) a 4 Veit/I uR A 4Pr�esent Address a I h 6-AA) x s ( . - Fm it 12 1 ve� / /14/i _ 027 LT lephone Number j 0 ? ._ 6 7 5-3 J % 7 3/ 1 House Location: Plat /U Lot / - 3 Subdivision Lot Corner Lot ? Yes No Street 7G' g//r- Single Family %7 Multi Family Condominium # of Units Site Plan Submitted ? Yes No G¢ Date Submitted • Signature of Owner���72t House Number Assigned 78 MILLERS DRIVE Date Assigned 6-1-99 Date Assessors Notified 6-1-99 Date Building Dept. Notified 6-1-99 Date Owner Notified Superfrrt-wwkefit, partment of Public Works fiLE COPY -� eear.�eeudl Ir S9fEfr ._ C .-.es- aEer: - 19it s Btith A - rw 33 T3 1I102171112116119 4$ -' a-iittrst2d3a : i8 - i JOSS- - X Crux/ KAit--• • tv, hAkJfBp s- I F4(i PTVFS. ."E 137774 ' , =• .. • 06/04/99 08:53 CUNNUNWEHLIH tNbiNttN5 5 LUNSULI -* JOU 999 073U NU.00a 11103 MAscheck COMPLIANCE REPORT • I I Massachusetts Energy Code- I Permit # I MAScheck Software Version 2.01 I I ) I f Checked by/Date I I I CITY: Dartmouth STATE: Massachusetts HOD: 5426 COMSTRGCTION TYPE:- 1 or 2 Family,- Detached FILE COPY HEATING SYSTEM TYPE: other (Non-Electric Resistance) DATE: 6-4-1199 DATE OF PLANS: 5/1/99 TITLE: THE VENTURA. RESIDENCE y H PROJECT INFORMATION: DART Jir 1 MILERS RAOD"- " ,; n .B.�N DARTMOUTH, MASS. A Copy Of This Endorsed Plan Must Be Kept On Site COMPLIANCE. PASSES During Construction Required UA = 434 Date UN O 4 tiy.' Your Home = 360 Area orCavity Cont.._ Glazing/Dun: Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Value UA CEILINGS 1233 30.0 0.0 43 WALLS: Wood Frame, 16" O.C. 2072 19.0 0.0 125 GLAZING: Andersen Windows 318 0.330 105 GLAZING: Andersen Patio Doors 60 0.310 19 DOORS: Steel Foam Core Entry 40 0.350 14 DOORS: Interior Wood Panel to Basm't 18 0.390 7 FLOORS: Over Unconditioned Space 1233 25.0 0.0 47 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been designed to-meet the requirementse4 the-Massachusetts Energy Cade. The heating load for this building, and the cooling load if appropriate, has been determined using the applicable Standard Design Conditions found in the Code. The HVAC equipment selected to heat or cool the building shall be no- greater than- 1258 of the-design, load- as specified in Sections 780CMR 1310 and J4.4. Builder/Designer Bate 6-¢- 49 or_ -------_ 3 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts s=T,MW Department of Industrial Accident�C 1= �ceefl �o� E COPY 3=; 600 Washington Street 7 ,,9 Boston,Mass. 02111 Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit 944itill 0'4l79;15 9l t (7f_isu' d ;, .,,> ..1.:.,-,zij w r4,PNJ tA lb:t name: P) 1--L�(11O/� . ,Q) .11 in �t\Vet'1—Z�((�_ a location: )- 0I 13`I J i I Q.,-3 (Nil i VP . y �j city 1 i Olaf-1m NII�YY 1 , 1 t I0 phone# 16-10",� )(1 1 ❑ I am a homeowner performing all work myself. ❑ I am a sole proprietor and have no one working in any capacity Gil am an employer providing workers' compensation for my employees working on this job co' i&ii e T "i } r—y \ address: ��i its � city: - 1U:': l- . M1 ... ^'i ;Ihnne .67 { o insuranee.co F ekitit " Y paliCy ._ t f) cf . ❑ I am a sole propri r,general cantracsnrrerliomeowner(circle one)and have hired the contractors listed below who have the following wo nation polices: ( �scompanyname I ( ) cb�� C.� l -0. address: 7�: co ]cV.. f city: w flY U i Dhttn #C zq bi -7 insurance co. ii fl ` policy# 6:J company name: Fs 1u U�.- -. - U ( 1 �� l '�' 1(� address: i t 1.j ( k j �{, y/ �W(1 &P.. phone#( Lo7 1 Q Il(1 city: < ���r........��..��..r . pp insI.urance co. V}t °cif f� . nohev# 4 t Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to 51,500.00 and/or one years'imprisonment as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP-WORK ORDER and a fine of 5100.00 a day against me. I understand that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for coverage verification. I do hereby certify u der the pain and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true true and ' Signature Date --'7T Print name e Phone B n / — A official us y do not write in this area to be completed by city or town official. city or town: permit/license# riBuilding Department Licensing Board check if immediate response is required QSelectmen's Office ❑Health Department contact person: phone#; oOther (revised 3/95 PM) ;A Information and Instructions Massachusetts General Laws chapter 152 section 25 requires all employers to provide workers' compensation for their employees. As quoted from the"law", an employee is defined as every person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written. An employer is defined as an individual, partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity, or any two or more of the foregoing engaged in a joint enterprise, and including the legal representatives of a deceased employer, or the receiver or trustee of an individual ,partnership,association or other legal entity, employing employees. However the owner of a dwelling house having not more than three apartments and who resides therein, or the occupant of the dwelling house of another who employs persons to do maintenance,construction or repair work on such dwelling house or on the grounds or building appurtenant thereto shall not because of such employment be deemed to be an employer. MGL chapter 152 section 25 also states that every state or local licensing agency shall withhold the issuance or renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or to construct buildings in the commonwealth for any applicant who has not produced acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance coverage required. Additionally, neither the commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall enter into any contract for the performance of public work until acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this chapter have been presented to the contracting authority. pk . s sty E ..v »s e rir xes .. .. a eq £�:,n ;§ ✓.... 4'���bu :' •�< #vs �a�s,•""3tgy l'�d,ai�?Y s,: ' ,',, � „- ,;,, ..,f,...., .r i...� Applicants Please fill in the workers' compensation affidavit completely, by checking the box that applies to your situation and supplying company names, address and phone numbers as all affidavits may be submitted to the Department of Industrial Accidents for confirmation of insurance coverage. Also be sure to sign and date the affidavit. The affidavit should be returned to the city or town that the application for the permit or license is being requested, not the Department of Industrial Accidents. Should you have any questions regarding the"law"or if you are required to obtain a workers' compensation policy, please call the Department at the number listed below. City or Towns Please be sure that the affidavit is complete and printed legibly. The Department has provided a space at the bottom of the affidavit for you to fill out in the event the Office of Investigations has to contact you regarding the applicant. Please be sure to fill in the permit/license number which will be used as a reference number. The affidavits may be returned to the Department by mail or FAX unless other arrangements have been made. The Office of Investigations would like to thank you in advance for you cooperation and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call. d , *nnY+ter.'+-�' ;" a', {F„e'vM•+ , a ;;,F ds.*:r/C�'s�'.. N,";'":•' , ., :y-��° The Department's address, telephone and fax number: The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations -. 600 Washington Street Boston, Ma. 02111 fax#: (617) 727-7749 phone #: (617) 727-4900 ext. 406, 409 or 375 ja = Dartmouth Building Department E, D �•r. N• y1 t try C: 1 400 Slocum Road �. RR%'„ P.O. Box 79399 508-999-0720 v : • ET Dartmouth, MA 02747 ILE COP IAX 508-999-0738 4 . . ZONIN ',REVIEW To: Engineer 0 File&Log Notebook 0 Conservation Commission 0 �/ Board of Health 0 Planning Board t❑ Other❑ Plat /0 Lot '3 - 3Q Street L4 `,U_� LU1 1zO `'Ll.lIC Subdivision Name: Jn,( j LEA 'Q (Jtk I1'L, Lot#:_ Owner's Name: f'S(7 Kc(SL111_-_ Designer: Kuy,tilL ,l _ g-C t Q)Lk.LIxC�- lL ISJAC . ," '� I� 1 Contact Person: )Li l2bL. +J - �..0vet--Ut CA---- Designer's Specialty: Professional Engineer I11- Surveyor❑ Sanitarian 0 Other❑ 1. Zoning District ' .R£ Proposed Use/Project M�����''`� • '�j 2. Vacant Lot yes ne-GI.- Use Complies yea. no❑ Existing Structure yeee no,gi,V 3. The site is found on a Subdivision Plan AND Cluster St,I,d;.;.,;...FPlam&- Plan Endorsed Date)( -L 3"1 2 Lot Released yes) , nee- Se-El-- Lot is protected by M.G.L.Chapter 40A. Section 6 yati nee- "gemrdfadteredt`0 e/a-L- 4. Board of Appeals Action n/a❑ required 0 On File Case# ,see decision) , Comment „ 5. Lot Frontage Current Required 200 Provided a S3 Complies yes%nee (M.G.L.Chapter 40A,Section 6) .• 6. Lot Area Cupp RequiredN�jf�,�,'/�Jy�j�''�ey Provided c7• (e7{}_ Complies yesine-a (M.G.L.Chapter 40A,Section 6) ., Q _Y 7. Setbacks (Build tg setbacks are measure to the footprint of all habitable/occupiable space, including porches,decks,stairs,full bay windows and all fireplace/chimney projections and the like.) Current Required Front AO (any street side), 20 (any other side) Allowed Front 30 (any street side), /D S - . i,E (any other side) "Grandfathered"(M.G.L.)Chapter 40A,Section 6)minimum allowed front ..90 ,sides /0 rear en The least mit}r$um setback may be used. Setbacks of less than 5'which may be allowed,ARE NOT RECOMMENDED Provided Froiit /0 f' Other /.S Complies yes ( ne-0- Exemptsetlf ks existing yee8— noV. Exempt setbacks will exist yes$- ng' if yes.where? .rre....❑ Side 6 Rea 5-- Exempt setback(s)occur when legally pre-existing structures are closer to lot lines than is currently allowed. A"grandfathered"setback may become agjexempt setback. S. AceensoricStructure(s)indicated yes❑ no) setbacks comply 3res.0- ite•Q•n/a" 9. Off-Street Parking minimum spaces required 2. Complies yes 'ee•0• Driveway setback required (except common driveways at property linecrossing) -n/a9• 3% -t6'-0- G""�-ed '— (OVER,) c: tvpdocsljormsconerev.wpd :lord 23. /999 leri LC 10. Elevations(proposed) �/ � Top of foundation elevation 2 3 c f 2 Cellar slab elevation 2 zC •2 Water table elevation 2 2 Y•g5� Per test pit# Cellar drain provided no, Complies - no� Generally a two foot sep ton is required between cella4 slab an ater table or a cellar drain must be provided per subdivision regulations. 11. Percent of Lot Coverage a 4 e /� „ , ( �f 1 Aquifer Zone n/ak 3 39-a- - / �('✓J ° . Lot coverage maximum allowed per Zoning District S&R_ is 50% er. eth^^ - . Percent of lot coverage proposed is % Coverage complies yes-®--ne-8• rat't� 12. Flood Zone-F.I.R.M.Zone Elevation Panel#250051 00 lS R Dated 4 / / /fl Flood zone building requirements applicable yes---nog A 4et -ninntinn of^^bstarp"l sens•n'cticut m'y b' •P9,,:red s--44 '/ Comment 13. A Certified"As-Built"is required for all new construction and additions where no er`As-Built"ekt an a so where additions are prated at the minimum applicable setbacks. The"As-Built"shall also include top of foundation elevation in ACTUAL,not assumed,numbers. The J/ "As-Built"shall be submitted before backfill or any other construction. The"As-Built"shall state if in conformance with applicable zonin"g") as to placement of the structure. 14. Submit further information yes,' -ne-a if yes,see item(s)# `d� / / /Respond Below* 15. This project will require further review when new,revised or requested information is submitted to any agency. 16. This Zoning review does not indicate compliance with any other Agency,including,but not limited to,the Massachusetts State Building Code. 17. Building Department Permit(s)required yes4 age 18. Home Occupations have additional requirements and will require separate review. 19. A_J I e n/a=not applicable OFFICE TUSE ONLY Apphcant/Engtneer PPRO VZL t ptoeeed �� � �+� ?ottmg APPRQY�tJi tit proeeled sitbie�f�a submtSs[ons notedabove , 'PRq ED,sub 9t#4torn►afla requested absvet I'ITT PROCEED,►usofeierst tttforrroattonl pirntded,RE4i.IBIS OT+ St bmitted by, Aavtd,f nlivetra ,,, Building Commissioner at Zoittng Enforcement Qm ter Y in *Applicant's response to#14: al `-5- j / K . / ' - G o 7e1 Date iT co9 e • 7F t/1 ✓r2 ),V C,z( de7oC--(//l a Corrections Approved By: Date c:IwpdocsiformsL-onerev.wpd April23, 1999 BUILDING PERMIT 78 MILLERS DRIVE FIELD INSPECTION Dartmouth Building Department �n�r t]7 Plat:70 400 Slocum Road P.O. Box 79399 OLT J[t [ Lot (s) : 13-39 Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size:2 .19A Telephone (508) 999-0720 Zone Dist.�:iSRB Issued Date: / /�,� /99 Permit No: // g Project Location: 78 Millers Drive Number Street Subdivision Name: Millers Farm -- Lot 39 Nearest Cross Street: Applicant/Agent: Jose Marques Contact Person Phone #: (508) 679-0408 Proposed Use: Residential Residential,Commercial,Industrial,etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of Improvement,Add,Alter,New Const.,Demo,Land/Move,etc. New single family dwelling with three bedrooms, two full and one 1/2 baths, fireplace plus two flues, deck, well water, septic system, heating to be determined -- 4, 672 sq. ft. __ ... iluiwlr Am.of u ti,vmv9 and Mohr-moos anti other rooms Owner(s) of Record: Antonio & Paula Ventura Address: 21 Lenox Street, Fall River, MA 02721 DATE TIME TYPE OF INSPECTION REMARKS INITIAL BLD. CODE 6TH ED./ENERGY CODE (yes no)czeSee /.'a'.eee r��l�iG✓Y�f/,.OY✓-/ //�C/l.O�t+�e� / 9 //• a a- /-/? 001 //; /s ® .. A 4'K . _ e Re t /4/33 //•' 05'ctun� .,,,.J /44441ei, , ' i-i rd,'et '_n • As n/ en :cam l c 'f,l l ,> af-- o � . ?/ / o iA; A 3 - al - vb //; /S " .. . r� ,� t- OCCUPANCY PERMIT ANTONIO & PAULA VENTURA NEW DWELLING Occupancy is hereby granted for the premises located at 78 MILLERS DRIVE Assessors Plat 70 Lot 13-39. The premise has been found to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code in effect as of the date of permit issue and other applicable Massachusetts Codes and regulations as evidenced by approvals affixed to the reverse of this permit. The use is further found to be in compliance with the Local Zoning By-Laws for use as indicated, as of this date of issue. This permit is further conditioned on the continued maintenance of permitted conditions as provided by law. ZONING DISTRICT - SINGLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT APPROVED USE - RESIDENTIAL-ONE FAMILY DWELLING SPECIAL PERMIT/BOARD OF APPEALS CASE - N/A pproved by Local BuildingInspector P DATE OF ISSUE r CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL ' To be signed by each division indicating compliance on final inspection. BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS PER 780CMR 119.5: USE GROUP CLASSIFICATION TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION MAXIMUM LIVE LOAD FLOORS SPECIAL CONDITIONS — BUILDING PERMIT NO. 11748 Approved by Date 3-?.2 -03 Comment PLUMBING z PERMIT NO. / .Z 3`' Approved by g ✓%//� Date SA V o Comment GAS PERMIT NO. / '3 3 V 5' Approved by Date 3/40,z, Comment ELECTRICAL / PERMIT NO. /er22 oZ Approved by get-act.G Date 3 ` /j c cC Comment /- FIRE DP,- 3 PERMIT NO. Approved by flt2l,t I'C re 1 t &a Date 3 e /,g= 0 Q' Comment BOARD OF HEALTH PERMIT NO. Approved by \HEALTH ` �. ` ,— Date o2-�a yo 0 Comment DPW-WATER PERMIT NO. Approved by Date Comment N/A DPW-SEWER PERMIT NO. Approved by Date Comment N/A WATER DIVISION-CROSS CONNECTION JOB NO. _ Approved by Date Comment N/A E - 911 COORDINA R ADDRESS NO. 78 ? a Approved by Date 3 - a Comment PLANNING DIRECTOR (Off-Sweet Parking Plan) Approved by Date Comment N/A a BUILDING PERMIT 78 MILLERS DRIVE Dartmouth Building Department Plat : 70 400 Slocum Road-P.O. Box 79399 Lot (s) : 13-39 Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size:2 . 19A Telephone 508-999-0720 Zoning Dis//t//..G:SRB June 16, 1999 (typed)„,„ Permit No. : // ! `J0 / Issued Date : /I //�/ c/ Clerk: BAS Project Location: 78 Millers Drive Number Street Subdivision Name : Millers Farm _ Nearest Cross Street : Albro Avenue Person Permit Issued To: Jose Marques _ Address : 26 Oak Grove Avenue, Fall River, MA 02720 _ Applicant/Agent : Same _ Contact Person Phone # : (508) 679-0408 Type of License : Owner: ( ) Const . Superv. License # : (025219 ) - Architect : ( ) Engineer: ( ) Other: ( Proposed Use : Residential Residential,Commercial,Industrial,etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction _ Type of lmprorennv,.Add,Alter,New.Coast Demo IAnd/Move.ete. New single family dwelling with three bedrooms, two full and one _ 1/2 baths, fireplace plus two flues, deck, well water, septic system, heating to be determined -- 4 , 672 sq. ft . indicate no.of bedrooms and bathrooms and other rooms Gross Area of Const . : 4 , 672 sq. ft . Cost of Const . $138 , 765 . 00 _ Cost-Other Const . : N/A TOTAL FEE : $ 557 . 00 Owner (s) of Record: Antonio & Paula Ventura _ Address : 21 Lenox Street, Fall River, MA All work shall comply with 780 CMR 6th Ed. (MGL Chap. 143) and any other applicable Mass . Laws or codes and plans on file. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdictiof e not met; not wi*�hstanding the issuance of this Building\Zoning Permit. O%fl )_ /J Signature of Owner/Agent : i / r ' i /42 U Y Address : *********** **** ** *,* ,**�****** ******************************** Signature: Z� Approved/Iss ed By: Joel S . Re-d, Title : Local Building Inspector COMMENTS : PLEASE POST PERMIT CARD SO THAT IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET. SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. 0 ORIGINAL 0 APPLICANT 0 ASSESSORS 0 CLERK 0 COPY 05/20/1999 16:20 508-992-3374 FERREIRA ENGINEERING PAGE 02 w__ .G`Ot ENG/n�E •eta 5 s 0 z $ LDz° Kenneth R. Ferreira Er neerin&lno” ,r• �6 MP.O. Box 7903 • Registered Land Survey nrs 4 y New Bedford,MA 02747_1903 • Frnte55iOnal Engineers A. 508 992-0020 a Fax:508 992-3374_ • Environmental Consultants S�hd'dl;]SN�O Fit Cop/ra `` y May 20, 1999 Dartmouth Building Department Dartmouth Town Hall 400 Slocum Road Dartmouth, MA 02747 ATTENTION: DAVID SILVEIRA RE: ZONING REVIEW,LOT 39,MILLERS DRIVE, MILLERS FARM SUBDIVISION Dear Mr. Silveira: The proposed percent of Lot coverage shown on the septic system design plan for Lot 13- 39 Millers Drive is as follows: 4.5%for the house and driveway, 5.2%including the proposed deck. In regards to the water table to basement slab separation, a proposed cellar drain is to be connected to the existing drain line located in the street layout. The drainage stub is shown on the street and utilities plan for a portion of Millers Drive dated 10/6/99 and revised though 2/7/90, sheet no. 25 of 32. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. KEVIN S A, Project Engineer KS/pf cc: Paula Ventura 05/20/1999 16:20 508-992-3374 FERREIRA ENGINEERING PAGE 01 C."li ENCI.yFF kS o �^ �c zKenneth R. Perreira Engineering, Inc. nr Mt. 8oc 7903 • Registered Land Sun rrnrc Z? •iy New Bedford, MA 02741.1903 • Professional£ncuse.rs '\ 508 992-0020 a Fax:50S 992.3374 • Envjommental Consultants pp SINY1.1 11$1.-- FAX TRANSMISSION- COVER PAGE DATE: / °I g r TIME: -I- 3tad`1 • TO: &faUL3 0p�V4_ • ATTENTION: �VJJi D "S l If ve.rr4, FAXED BY: -PAULA- C70,A • rArie geq--D738 • The documents accompanying this fax transmission contain information from Kenneth R. Ferreira Engineering Inc.,which is confidential ondfor legally privileged. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named on this transmission sheet. If you ore not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this faxed Information is strictly prohibited: and, that the documents should be returned to this firm immediately. In this regard, if you have received this fax In error, please notify us by telephone immediately so that we can arrange for the return of the original documents to us at no cost to you. • TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET = IF YOU DO NOT PAGES,RECEIVE/ALjL/ LEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY. COMMENTS: ,M; /'7//L�S PG��1 • 469.50' , • 91.56' LOT 2.19 .234.89 218.65' 319.67' `� 963. 353.09' a MILLERS DRIVE O I C UU a O rc STOCKORAFTING FORM NO.101i1 Nett r7o fo-t- ) -5 - 5 1;22 ri :o: ç/ i / 9q q let Tr,;eze s iv rz-.•7u,z10 vo th ?fl IL IC n/51 r eU A CNiv US Erdn?Ti[ 17- 11J?I-4;A De Ver.4. Sih During Construalion Date a-- — 9 LiS-5 • 9 kc. 225.00' °O.F.."414-AiNt 146.6,40 E Nrr 1;1 FM:' RA 11 Pi • 28716 ctit GtsTEO e%/4 FOUNDATION AS—BUILT PLAN BY SCALE i" 50. APPROVED DRAWN BY DATE 7-28-99 REVISED ANTONIO VENTURA MILLERS FARM MAP 70, LOT 13-39. OARTMOUTH. MA. KENNETH R. FERREIRA ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NUMBER 46 FOSTER STREET, NEW BEDFORD, MA. 02740 SE 6514.39A MOUTH.".� fir? Dartmouth Building Department -, O '1 :ic2 400 Slocum Road `� � P.O. Box 79399 FILE COPY 508-999-0720 Dartmouth, MA 02747 FAX 508-999-0738 ' ; ZONING REVIEW ,. To: Engineer❑ File& Log Notebook❑ Conservation Commission❑ Board of Health❑ Planning Board❑ Other❑ Plat 70 Lot: 13 - ^3/\'q Street: It PViDiC Subdivision Name: L)Jr IC,( I Lu 'Q out Ink_ Lot#:_ Owner's Name: /f'S o Kft (1 Designer: ) QA k. r._ ,4_Qhh_L11�C9_, eL is./AC , Contact Person: KQ lill/Ltk 1. .k)JO--lit at---- Designer's Specialty: Professional Engineer O--- / Surveyor❑ Sanitarian❑ Other❑ 1. Zoning District C R A Proposed Use/Project Thu>- 41fiI ' 2. Vacant Lot yes*, ne-0- Use Complies ye no❑ Existing Structure 3. The site is found on a Subdivision Plan% AM-0 Cluster SubdirisienmPlan-B-- Plan Endorsed Date )( -Z 3 52 Lot Released yesK ne-9- nFa-U- Lot is protected by M.G.L. Chapter 40A.Section 6 yesjl ne-9- "g."..df,.tl,",S❑ x{a-9- .4 4. Board of Appeals Action n/a❑ required❑ On File Case# ,see decision) Comment 5. Lot Frontage Current Required 2°o Provided a Sla Complies yes%ne-O (M.G.L.Chapter 40A, Section 6) .:1 6. Lot Area Current Required 29 tx,'O Provided d- (clfle_ Complies yes nefl (M.G.L.Chapter 40A,Section 6) 7. Setbacks (Building setbacks are measured to the footprint of all habitable/occupiable space,including porches,decks,stairs,full bay windows and all fireplace/chimney projections and the like.) Current Required Front SO (any street side), 20 (any other side) Allowed Front .30 (any street side), /OS .t,E' (any other side) "Grandfathered"(M.G.L.)Chapter 40A,Section 6)minimum allowed front .30 ,sides /0 ,rear SO The least minimum setback may be used. Setbacks of less than 5'which may be allowed,ARE NOT RECOMMENDED Provided Front /O / Other /.i3 Complies yes ee-a- Exempt setbacks existing yes-9- no%Q( Exempt setbacks will exist tes-a-^ ncX if yes,where? -Fife-& t U R,,a,9 Exempt setback(s)occur when legally pre-existing structures are closer to lot lines than is currently allowed. A"grandfathered"setback may become an exempt setback. 8. Accessory Structure(s)indicated yes❑ no,k setbacks comply 3'es.17- sag-n/a Ir 9. Off-Street Parking minimum spaces required Z. Complies yes Xi be-a- /I Driveway setback required (except common driveways at property linecrossing) n,ta. - 3 .. . ._ Cep pcici C_ (OVER) c:lwpdocslformslzonerev.wpd April 23, 1999 =� 10. Elevations(proposed) Top of foundation elevation 2-c/2 Cellar slab elevation 2 LG •2-- Water table elevation 2 2 c/•g6^ Per test pit# Cellar drain provided 3re&S' no ' Complies no� Generally a two foot separation is required between cellar slab and high water table or a cellar drain must be provided per subdivision regulations. 11. Percent of Lot Coverage Aquifer Zone n/ak z% 39- 2 Lot coverage maximum allowed per Zoning District SRa is 50% or what - . Percent of lot coverage proposed is % Coverage complies yes.❑ ne 12. Flood Zone-F.LR.M.Zone ' Elevation -- Panel#250051 00 (.!5' i Dated t; / / /t� Flood zone building requirements applicable yes —non Comment 13. A Certified"As-Built"is required for all new construction and additions where no other"As-Built"exists and also where additions are placed at the minimum applicable setbacks. The"As-Built"shall also include top of foundation elevation in ACTUAL,not assumed,numbers. The "As-Built"shall be submitted before backfill or any other construction. The"As-Built"shall state if in conformance with applicable zoning as to placement of the structure. 14. Submit further information yesjjki -ne-a- if yes,see item(s)# /(:) / f /Respond Below' 15. This project will require further review when new,revised or requested information is submitted to any agency. 16. This Zoning review does not indicate compliance with any other Agency,including,but not limited to,the Massachusetts State Building Code. 17. Building Department Permit(s)required yeX ne 18. Home Occupations have additional requirements and will require separate review. n'a=not applicable '{" OF'1FICE Usk ONLY a AppllcanVEngmeer g APPROVED rneced Tuning PPROVEDter p ttf prnc end sub;eet tG sul3nrrsstons noted above TQt PRf) l,sabmit n formation requested ab z�ner _ TPRo .E`BO .fnsatfe ent fntotntation provided,RE- Uf 1Tt _ submitted by, David 1 Stlxelra 1999 Buildhng Co tmissfoner&Zontng XnforremeotOtie•er o� • *Applicant's response to#14: Date Corrections Approved By: Date c:lwpdocslformslzonerev.wpd April 23, 1999 • i SX ciri� r � for" •. _. T LOCUS mc"'s r= 1 LOCUS MAP - NOT TO SCALE LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED IO0---- CONTOURS 91" 9 SPOT ELEVATION L-91.1 PROPERTY LINE E.P ---EDGE OF PAVEMENT E.P. STONE WALL ram% WELL O DEEP TEST HOLE __'J LEACHING TRENCH -- - PLUMBING PIPE -- ---- - 232 \ ,� 232 Lot 4 F/F/F= 235.3� T.O.F.= 234.8 -- FINISHED GRADE= 232.0 230.50 12" TC COVER - 230.0E _ 229.81 229.71 6" LIQUID LEVEL r-oJ4_ =10, 5= 0.01 =22' 5= 2 10"14 WAIN. a 4' F/B/F= 226.2 '; 4.5' SEPTIC TANK 4.25' ,x. ..:� �.• IGAS PVC L15OO�AL. BAFFLE R EQUIVALENT 10.5' BENCHMARK: NAIL SET IN 12" OAK ELEV.= 227.66 urtAINAUt tAbtMtNI U w-to a.r.) TO BE CONVEYED TO THE TOWN 6q6 0 OF DARTMOUTH SF ' % �f- ALL WELLS FOUND (existing or proposed) WITHIN 200' 20 OF THE PROPOSED S.A.S. ARE SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 0e Parcel "B" FI IS ED GRA = 231.0 .. 1 ... •' 12" MIN. pr.. ---2" MIN. ' ND CAP V_' . y 229.49 229.35 SYSTEM PROFILE NOT TO SCALE 40' 30' 5' 30' ?0' 5' END CAP 5' Uyp.) 2.5 SAND OVERDIG SEE NOTE #II LEACHING AREA DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 226 2ti6 230 / SITE PLAN SCALE: I" = 30' 2I. CLEAN COARSE PEA STONE _. FIN GRAD--- 231.0 2.5' 5' 5' IL 5' 2.5' 1. I„ ------- -------�-EL.-229.85 4" PERF. 1 1 PIPE s I_ I 1-EL. -229.3 5 CLEAN COARSE WASHED STONE ;-EL.=228.8;`5 +•--- 5' 1 ( 20' 10 5' - �1 1 SAND OVERDIG 4' I ( (design) I � 224.85 ------------------'-EL.223.0 4 ROWS OF 4" SDR-35 (28' LENGTH) PERFORATED PIPE OR EQUAL FROM TANK I!- CLEAN COARSE WASHED STONE W/g" - 2" CLEAN PEA STONE COVER I BASIS OF SANITARY DESIGN BUILDING USAGE: 3 Bedroom �Cl 110GPD1bedroom TITLE 5 SEWAGE FLOW: 330 GPD SEPTIC TANK SIZE: 1500 Gallon, GARBAGE GRINDER: None WASHING MACHINE. Yes PERCOLATION RATE: TP 204= 7 MIN/INC1=1, TP205= 15 MIN/INCH DESIGN RATE: 15 MIN/INCH CLASS 11 SOIIL LEACHING FIELD: BOTTOM AREA: 20 ft. (v,�idth) x 30 ft. (length) = 600 sq.ti SYSTEM CAPACITY: 600 sq.ft x 0.56 gpd'sq.ft. 3 3 G gpd SOIL SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT PERFORMED BY: ALEXANDER GORODETSKY WITNESSED BY: CHRIS MICHAUD ON 8-4-98 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOGS 204 (EL. 227.15) Depth from Surface Soil Horizon: Soil'exture Soil Color Soil Mottling Other (inches) ,'unsell) (Structure, Stones, Boulders, I Consistence, % Gravel) ' 0-9 A Sandy 10YR 2/2 None Friable, Structureless. Loam Massive 9-20 B Silt 10YR 6/8 'gone Friable, Structureless, Loam Massive 20 - 53 C1 Fine 2.5Y 6/4 'gone Firm, Massive,Structureless Silt Loam 53 - 120 C2 Gravelly 2.5Y 6/.3 a 42- 10% Very firm, Massive. Medium 101'R 4/4 Structureless, 15% gravel, Sandv medium, !0% cobbles Loam common, distinct 'MINIMUM OF 2 HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Parent Material (geologic) Glacial till Depth to Bedrock: >, 10' Depth to Groundwater7 Standing Water in the Hole: n/a Weeping from Pit Face: n/a Estimated Seasonal High Ground \\'ater: 42" (EL. 223.65) PERC TEST DEPTH=: 58" (EL. 222.32) DEP APPROVED FORM - 12/07/95 K PERFORMED BY: ALEXANDER GORODETSKY WITNESSED BY: SUSAN GRIFFIN ON 8-6-98 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 205 (EL. 228.35) Depth from Surface Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Sal Mottling Other (inches) (Mussel]) (Strucntre, Stones. Boulders. 0-6 A I Sandy 10YR 3/2 None Ven• Friable, Structureless, Loam Massive 6- 22 B Sandy 10YR 5/6 'gone Friable. Structureless. Loam Massive 22 - 48 C1 Finne 2.5Y 6/3 '\"one Firm. Massive.Structureless Silt Loam 48 - 120 C2 Gravelly 2.5Y 6/3 a 42° 109'6 Very firm, Massive. Medium 5YR 3/4 Structureless, 15% gravel, Sandy coarse. 15 °'o cobbles, some stones Loam common. di stint t 'MINIMUM OF 2 HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Parent Material (geologic) Glacial till Depth to Bedrock: > 10' Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole: n a Weeping from Pit Face: n/a Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: 42" (EL. 224.85) PERC TEST DEPT''-{= 59" (EL. 223.43) DEP APPROVED FORM - 12/07/95 REVISED 04/23/99 HOUSE AND SYSTEM LOCATION K.J.S GENERAL NOTES: new construction: 1. The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shall be CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE with the requirements of 1995 310 CMR 15 (TITLE V) of the State Environmental Code and local Board of Health regulations. Any MODIFICATION TO THIS DESIGN mist be approved in writing by ti-e engineer and the local Board of Health prior to implementation. 2. Contractor shall verify and check the BENCHMARK(S) as shown on this plan prior to construction If the proposed system. 3. Notify the local Board of Health when the system is ready for INSPECTION, prior to any backfilling.1,lf CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION (as -built) is required !Y an engineer, 3 day advancEd notification is required for the survey. 4. DEEPTEST HOLE INFORMATION indicates soil condition, percolation rate, and watertable elevaticm at the time and location of actual testing and should be verifies at the time of construction. Thle contractor shall notify the local Board of Health if GROUNDWATER or PERCHED WATER I's encountered at a higher elevation than indicated on this design plan. 5. TOP OF FOUNDATION, BASEMENT and FIRST FLOOR elevations may be raised but NCT LOWERED without the consent of the engineer. i 6. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, this system is No designed for the use of a garbacle grinder or other high water usage devices. 7. Where the building sewer pipe exits the foundation ABOVE the basement floor, an effluent a grinds€�r pump conforming to 310 CMR 15.229 may be used to discharge A VOLUME OF LESS THAN 25% OF THE DESIGN FLOW from any future basement bathroom / sink f2�ilities. i 8. If any components of the proposed system are specified as HEAVE' DUTY, those components shell conform to all state and local requirements for ASSHTO H-20 loae'in9- 9. The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 gallons minimum, unless otherwis- specified on this design plan, arid fitted with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUTLET TEE WIT'i GAS BAFFLE of proper length. Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 CMR 15.226. The SEPTIC TANK OUTLET COVER is to built up to within 6" of the finished grade unless otherwise specfied on this design plan. 10. SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, and PUMP CHAMBER (if any) shall be placed on a 6" minimum compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heaving or settling. ALL SEAMS ARE TO BE WATERTIGH Ir, sealed with asphalt cement or other cement suitable for that spec; c component. 11. EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL within five feet horizon}:tally of the leaching area from the pea stone cover down to ele\4:223.0 (60inches below the original existing grade.) Excavation m2'y be required to extend deeper if uniform suitable material is`hot encountered. See notes 1?a & 11D.' 11 a. SOIL PREPARATION PROCEDURE FOR THE LEACHING FAC,,LITY AREA shall. conform to 310 CMR 15.246 & 15.247. 11 b. Any EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL designated on thi plan shall conform to Constructic n in Fill requirements as outlined in 310 CMR 15.255 (1-6). 12. No HEAVY EQUIPMENT shall be run over the components or the prepared leaching area durrg installation. RUBBER TIRE MACHINERY are not to be driven ove' the prepared natural soil base i;r sand/stone bed during system installation. 1 13. TANK SEAMS, riser connections (if any), and all plumbing faints are to be installed 1001 )/0 WATERPROOF. ALL JOINTS MUST BE WATERTIGHT, sealed with rubber joints, cement or othl�r suitable sealer for that specific component. Any groundwater or su-face water entering the system wll severely limit the life span of the leaching area. 14. ANY LEACHING AREA (OR PUMP CHAMBER) VENTS shall be constructed of 4" solvent weld SCH 40 PVC, The twin 90 degree elbows comprising the "U" shall not ba glued. Any D-box vent pipe shell utilize an inlet knockout. Vent to extend 24" min. above proposed grade. 15. RESERVE AREAS that are shown within 25' of property lines mas' require impervious barriers to be installed (to conform to side slope requirements) during the installation of the future reserve. 16. For RESERVE AREAS that may be required to be installed at a hither elevation than the primary area (due to any naturally occurring slopes in the topography), eithe" a pump system or elevating the building sewer & tank may be necessary. 17. ANY CLEAN -OUTS shown shall extend to within'3 inches of finished grade and capped with a SC-! 40 threaded clean out fitting. 18. ANY VENTS shown shall be constructed of 4" Sch. 40 PVC. The hvin 90 degree elbows on top of thre vent shall NOT be glued, allowing future inspection access. Sheet inetal screws are recommended to prevent unauthorized entry. Horizontal lengths of vent piping shall'pe sloped up toward the vent. Ariy vents shown connected to the Distribution Box are to utilize an un''lsed D-BOX INLET opening. 0 t BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS I TONI OF DARTMOUTH OT IREVIEWED, Any f;t r;Z',%USt u SEE REPORT I Dom" Of AOVI d ®Y 99 1, P.E. STAMP SEPTIC SYSTEM Dk--SIGN PLAN OWNER: ROBERT KFOURY KENN R. NE LIRA ASSESSORS MAP & LOT:MAP 70, LOT 13-39(MILLER.) F SA` STREET LOCATION: MILLERS DRIVE FARM) 1_ ENGINEERING FIRM: Kenneth R. Ferreira Enginecring, Inc. P.L.S. STAMP 46 Foster Street, Neu Bedford, MA. 02740 OFMO Tel. '(508) 992-0020 Fax: (508) 992-3374 KENRETH G� DATE: 3-31-99 Scale:1 30' v FERREIRA a _ No.28716 CONTACT PERSON: Kevin ;111lva O 9Fr.rSTEVk AL ADDRESS: Same as above TEL: ia® SE 6 514.3 9 4,_„....*,,,,;...,MourH. Dartmouth BuildingDepartment w� 9i �'vo ��� ;�c' 400 Slocum Road ' '_.t.P P.O. Box 79399 508-999-0720 %r: Dartmouth, MA 02747 FAX 508-999-0738 o �`� �'� ZONING REVIEW To: Engineer❑ File&Log Notebook❑ Conservation Commission❑ a Board of Health❑ Planning Board❑ Other❑ Plat: 70 Lot: /3 - 3 9' Street: /if/kr/ Dr,t., c Subdivision Name: '/C(_14.m S P-ip Lot#: 3 99 Owner's Name: % i " ,c-Ac Designer: rOfrit, 1 a✓ f2 t-erricia (i k. 6rriu- Contact Person: /(min Si /vo— 0 0 Designer's Specialty: Professional Engineer` - Surveyor❑ Sanitarian❑ /O7 Other❑ 1. Zoning District 5RB Proposed Use/Project tae_i2 2 2. Vacant Lot yesj ae-Et Use Complies yeskAzitea Existing Structure yes❑ no 3. The site is found on a Subdivision Plan ,&NR U C„}ust S,b Nan CI Plan Endorsed Date (f-23-99 Lot Released yes 'a.- - -Sada- r Lot is protected by M.G.L.Chapter 40A, Section 6 yes ,,.,❑ `+ grattdfitthefl 4. Board of Appeals Action n/a^� rc,d;,ed❑ On Fib-Caac# - Comment----" 5. Lot Frontage Current Required 200 Provided .33 eg Complies yeg`ya ne-a"(M.G.L.Chapter 40A,Section 6) 6. Lot Area Current Require) Provided o27- (9 th- Complies yes*, ne-a--(M.G.L.Chapter 40A, Section 6) 7. Setbacks (Building setbacks are measured to the footprint of all habitable/occupiable space,including porches,decks,stairs,full bay windows and all fireplace/chimney projections and the like.) Current Required Front b (any street side), 1 a (any other side) Allowed Front ----- (any street side), (any other side) "Grandfathered"(M.G.L.)Chapter 40A, Section 6)minimum allowed front .30 ,sides ( 0 ,rear .a The least minimum setback may be used. Setbacks of less than 5'which may be allowed,ARE NOT RECOMMENDED Provided Front f o ( Other 90 Complies yes n-U Exempt setbacks existing no) ' Exempt setbacks will exist lest— nth if yes,where? F,e,.t B Side-0 RearB- Exempt setback(s)occur when legally pre-existing structures are closer to lot lines than is currently allowed. A"grandfathered"setback may become an exempt setback. 8. Accessory Structure(s)indicated nrta, norae setbacks comply esB ,-n/agi j 9. Off-Street Parking minimum spaces required Z. Complies yes ne-B- Driveway setback required (except common driveways at property linecrossing) u/a-B- S .F6'$. (OVER) c:IwpdocslformsL-onerev.wpd April 23, 1999 10. Elevations(proposed) Top of foundation elevation&3y Z. Cellar slab elevation Z 26.Z Water table elevation af•86 Per test pit# Cellar drain provided yesQ� _,.uaQ- Complies yes' --ne$ Generally a two foot separation is required between cellar slab and high water table or a cellar drain must be provided per subdivision regulations. 11. Percent of Lot Coverage Aquifer Zone ri/alfi .- --}7�- Zone 2 and 3 allow maximum lot coverage of 10% of lot. Lot coverage maximum allowed per Zoning District is 50%.ec other-1. . Percent of lot coverage proposed is J.2 % Coverage complies yes3K 'net 12. Flood Zone-F.I.R.M.Zone C__ Ele atio ^ Panel#250051 00 (S fa Dated 6 / /_/3 Flood zone building requirements applicable 3 no'sl A dawisinatiorrof sul,staiit:al...,,,x,....t:.,..may be rrp.iratl Comment 13. A Certified"As-Built"is required for all new construction and additions where no other"As-Built"exists and also where additions are placed at the minimum applicable setbacks. The"As-Built"shall also include top of foundation elevation in ACTUAL,not assumed,numbers. The "As-Built"shall be submitted before backfill or any other construction. The"As-Built"shall state if in conformance with applicable zoning as to placement of the structure. 14. Submit further information yes-lit noX if yes,see item(s)# 'Respond Below" 15. This project will require further review when new,revised or requested information is submitted to any agency. 16. This Zoning review does not indicate compliance w'h any other Agency,including,but not limited to,the Massachusetts State Building Code. 17. Building Department Permit(s)required yes no❑ 18. Home Occupations have additional requirements and will require separate review. 19. 6-) ( n/a=not applicable f1!flCE 11S :NLti Tic kppltcantftngtneer .. "i,Zoning APPROVED to proceed 440.**i3OSOISOligiii4gOggOlget 1es4bttitss1ens noted above ,i .tztliNorPgacttosiiiiiiikerniiiiiiikiWiliAitataiWijk.emENERREEMEESMEENEZgEEEMEMEgMEMMEMENgg fQO ` ROfl flt,tnsuf etent tn(orte a&n pr©nded, .SVfMITt submttted by, Davtd d,savers MAY 99 RiddingConnnlssioncr. ZornngRnfortiement€lf'ticer Date "Applicant's response to#14: Date Corrections Approved By: Date c:lwpdocslformslzonerev.wpd April 23, 1999 cyILENGIN���S 4� z Kenneth R. Ferreira Engirteeriiig;)nc `` Z &f P.O.Box 1903 A. Registered Land Surveyors 1 aye New Bedford,MA 02741-1903 • Professional Engineers A, 508 992-0020• Fax: 508 992-3374 • Environmental Consultants May 20, 1999 Dartmouth Building Department Dartmouth Town.Hall 400 Slocum Road Dartmouth, MA 02747 ATTENTION: DMVID SILVEIRA RE: ZONING REVIEW,LOT 39,MILLERS DRIVE, MILLERS FARM SUBDIVISION Dear Mr. Silveira: The proposed percent of Lot coverage shown on the septic system design plan for Lot 13- 39 Millers Drive is as follows: 4.5%for the house and driveway, 5.2%including the proposed deck. In regards to the water table to basement slab separation, a proposed cellar drain is to be connected to the existing drain line located in the street layout. The drainage stub is shown on the street and utilities plan for a portion of Millers Drive dated 10/6/99 and revised through 2/7/90, sheet no. 25 of 32. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. KEVIN S A, Project Engineer KS/pf cc: Paula Ventura - _ toff/✓� r/ , �11- / P C(LOCUS 1 N _ KLCRi (ARM LOCUS MAP - NOT TO SCALE LEGEND, EXISTING PROPOSED I00- - CONTOURS --r� 91 " 9 SPOT ELEVATION -911 PROPERTY LINE E.P --EDGE OF PAVEMENT E.P. _ STONE WALL r � WELL 0 ❑ DEEP TEST HOLE LEACHING TRENCH -- - ---- PLUMBING PIPE - -- - --- 232 232 Lot 4 319.67' F/F/F= 235.3 T.O.F.= 234.8 - - FINISHED GRADE= 232.0 230.50 _ 12" TO COVER = 230.OG 229.81 229.71 3" r-o G" LIQUID LEVEL �•• MiIN " =10 S= 0.01 ' S= 2 f r 10" ► MIN. 14" MIN. ; 4' F/B/F= 226.2 4.5' 1500 GAL. SEPTIC TANK 4.25' ,• , .;�'.• : PVC ` I0' (GAS BAFFLE j• ►: ;OR EQUIVALENT 10.5' I • TOTAL PERCENTAGE OF LOT COVERAGE: 4.5% INCLUDING DECK: 5.27% I I I SAND OVERDI6 I SEE NOTE z11 231.0 �5 _ TP 204 226 /r 9 G' TP 205 PROPOSEll' -�acHtNG DWELLING AR�A SEE DETAIL L=10, 30 (12F05.f .l 30 S=0.01 /1.0.F =234•2 r=2262 =22' 231.0 232 ESERVE ARE 228 /.226 r � BENCHMARK: NAIL SET IN 12" OAK f �� ELEV.= 227.66 / k, DRAINAGE EASEMENT "0"(646 S.F.) 20� ,® TO BE CONVEYED TO THE TOWN 6q6 -off OF DARTMOUTH SE ' ova �f- ALL WELLS FOUND (existing or proposed) WITHIN 200' 20 OF THE PROPOSED S.A.S. ARI' SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. Parcel "B" 2.50 469.50' 229.54 0- OX 229.49 SYSTEM PROFILE I" - I" CLEAN COARSE - PEA STONE FIN GRAD = 231.0 QED GRADE= 7.31.0 2.5' 5' 5' 5' 2.5' i 12" MIN, � 4" PERF. � 1 �--2" MIN. PIPE I I -EL. = `�� _29.35 • ��. a � ;-1P. CLEAN COARSE WASHED STONE I l '-�,-EL.=2128.85 ND CAP 5--- 20' 5' �I �• I 1 I , 229.35 I 5 8' SAND OVERDIG 4' (desiggn) 1 � 224.85 i NOT TO SCALE 40' 30' 20' LE CHI G AREA DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 4 ROWS OF 4" SDR-35 (28' LENGTH) PERFORATED PIPE OR EQUAL FROM TANK Il- CLEAN COARSE WASHED STONE W/e" - 2" CLEAN PEA STONE COVER 220 2Z,6 / 224 1 l I / 7 90' 5 LOT 39 222 2.19 Acres / 228 / PROP. / / � WELL / PROP. CLEANOUT / l i RECOMMENDED 226 / /! 25.00' / l o 218' /PROPOSED CELLAR DRAIN a ' O � LOT 01 101' a - do" 38 ' a APPROX. LOCATION OF LL' DRAINAGE STUB! / v � / MILLERS DRIVE SITE PLAN SCALE: I" = 30' BUILDING USAGE: 3 Bedrmrn Ca 110GPD,Ibedroom TITLE 5 SEWAGE FLOW: 330 GPID SEPTIC TANK SIZE: 1500 Gallons GARBAGE GRINDER: None WASHING MACHINE: Yes PERCOLATION RATE: TP 204= 7 MIN,/INCH, TP205= 15 MIN/INCH DESIGN RATE: 15 MIN/INCH CLASS III SOIL LEACHING FIELD: BOTTOM AREA: 20 ft. (Wdtl,`1) x 30 ft. (length) = GOO sq.fit SYSTEM CAPACITY: GOO sq.ft x 0.56 gpolsq.ft. 33G gpd SOIL SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT PERFORMED BY: ALEXANDER GORODETSKY WITNESSED BY: CHRIS MICHAUD ON 8-4-98 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE L(OG* 204 R. 227.15) Depth frorn Surfacel Sc:..._:. _:.c. Le I So'.c_.-. Sca l'.,c,:t:itng other (inches) ;}•^.u:aeL' (Structure. Stones. Soulders. Consistence, % Grave;) 0-9 Sandv 10YR 2/2 None Friable, Structureless, Loam Massive 9- 20 B Silt 10YR 6/8 None Friable; Structureless; Loam 'Massive 20 - 53 C1 Fine 2.5Y 6/4 \one Firm, Massive,Structureless j Silt Loam 53 - 120 C2 Gravelly 2.51' 6 j 3 i a 42- 101, o Fern• firth. Niassiv e. Medium 10YR 4/r4 Structureless. 15(o gravel. Sands• mediut?h• !01ro cobbles Loam commoih• i di stin c it 'MINIMUM OF 2 HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PRC)P0SED D1SPC)SL.L AREA Parent Material (geologic) Glacial till _ :.-<; :}, to Se r<,ci Y.: > 10' Depth to Groundwater: Standing %'atei i , 'ie Hole n a ,`run-, Pit Face: nla, Estimated Seasonal Hi�,h G:-m.nd r 42" EL. 22_�.65) PERC TEST DE';-' T, H= 58" (EL. 222.32) DEP APPROVED FORM PERFORMED BY: ALEXANDER GORODETSKY WITNESSED BY: SUSAN GRIFFIN ON 8-6-98 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 205 (EL. 228.35' Depth from Surface soil.-...-_.. (inches) 0 - 6 C'1 R 3, 2 None VerV Friable. St uctureiess. Loam 1 a5s:n e 6 - 22 B Sand' j ; C1 R �, 6 \one Friable. S:r uc :-c:ess. Loam ' ?assiVe 22 48 Cl � \o_;e r:rm.liassine.�:: cC.aeiess Loa 48 - 120 C2 i Gravelly 2.51 42- erg' firm. ',":a5sae. "edium 5Y R 3/4, Si ucCureless. l5";, gravel. Sandv coarse. 15' . (obbles. some S"ones I.oar_1 (om^iorn. I distinct- 'MINIMUM C)F 2 HOLES i'ROPC)SED 1)ISPc ISAL AF.EA Parent Material (geologic) Glacial till Depth ;o Sc•dro(Ik > 10' Depth to Groundwater: Standing Rater i;i :e Hoie: n a Weeping from Pit race n a Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: 42" (EL. 224.85) PERC TEST DiEPTH= 59" (EL. 223.43) DEP APPROVED FORM - 12/07/95 REVISED 5-19-99 ADDED % OF LOT COVERAGE 6 MOVED CELLAR DRAIN LINE E;Y K.J.S. REVISED 04/23/99 HOUSE AND SYSTEM LOCATION K.J.S GENERAL NOTES: new construction: 1. The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shall be CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE with the requirements of 1995 310 CMR 15 (TITLE V) of the State Environmental Code and local Beard of Health regulations. Any MODIFICATION TO THIS DESIGN must be approved in writing by the engineer and the local Board of Health prior to implementation- (! 2. Contractor shall verify and check the BENCHMARK(S) as shown on this plan prior to construction of the proposed system. 3. Notify the local Board of Health when the system is ready for IINSPECTION, prior to any backfihing. If CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION (as -built) is requi°ed by an engineer, 3 day ad\r'anced notification is required for the survey. 4. DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION indicates soil condition, percolation rate, and water table elevation at the time and location of actual testing and should be verified at the time of construction;'. The contractor shall notify the local Board of Health if GROCNIDWATER or PERCHED WAtER is encountered at a higher elevation than indicated on this design plan. I 5. TOP OF FOUNDATION, BASEMENT and FIRST FLOOR: elevations may be raised bt,!t NOT LOWERED without the consent of the engineer. 6. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, this system i= NOT designed for the use of a garbage grinder or other high water usage devices. 7. Where the building sewer pipe exits the foundation ABOVE tie basement floor, an effluent a c(rinder pump conforming to 310 CMR 15.229 may be used to dischare A VOLUME OF LESS THAN 2,5% OF THE DESIGN FLOW from any future basement bathroom / sink facilities. 8. If any components of the proposed system are specified as 7-1EAV' DUTY, those components shall conform to all state and local requirements for ASSHTO H-2t loading. k 9. The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 gallons minimum, unless oth'rwise specified on this design pl2 n, and fitted with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUTLET TEE WITH GAS BAFFLE of proper length. Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 CMR 15.226. 11 he SEPTIC TANK OUTLET COVER is to built up to within 6" of the finished grade unless otherwise specified on this design plan. 10. SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, and PUMP CHAMBER�if any) shall be placed on a 6" miikiimum compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heaving or settling. ALL SEAMS ARE TO BE WATERIIGHT, sealed with asphalt cement or other cement suitable for that ?pecific component. 11. EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL within five feet horizontally of the leaching area from the pea stone cover down to elet:223.0 (GO inches below the c-iginal existing grade.) Excavatic"n may be required to extend deeper if uniform suitable material is not encountered. See notes 11a &(11b. 11 a. SOIL PREPARATION PROCEDURE FOR THE LEACHING AGILITY AREA shall .conform Ito 310 CMR 15.246 & 15.247. I 11 b. Any EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL designated t n the plan shall conform to Consti uction in Fill requirements as outlined in 310 CMR 15.255 (1-6). { 12. No HEAVY EQUIPMENT shall be run over the components or the prepared leaching area during installation. RUBBER TIRE MACHINERY are not to be drive!^ over the prepared natural soil base or sand/stone bed during system installation. 13. TANK SEAMS, riser connections (if any), and all plumbing joints are to be installed' 100% WATERPROOF. ALL JOINTS MUST BE WATERTIGHT, se -led with rubber joints, cement or other suitable sealer for that specific component. Any groundwater cr surface water entering the systeem will severely limit the life span of the leaching area. 14. ANY LEACHING AREA (OR PUMP CHAMBER) VENTS shay. be constructed of 4" solvent weld SCH 40 PVC, The twin 90 degree elbows comprising the "U" shall pot be glued. Any D-box vent pipe shall utilize an inlet knockout. Vent to extend 24" min. above prop.)sed grade. 15. RESERVE AREAS that are shown within 25' of property line; may require impervious barrier, to be installed (to conform to side slope requirements) during the ir'stallation of the future reserve. ; 16. For RESERVE AREAS that may be required to be installed at i higher elevation than the primary area (due to any naturally occurring slopes in the topography), either a pump system or elevating the building sewer & tank may be necessary. 17. ANY CLEAN -OUTS shown shall extend to within 3 inches of finished grade and capped with 1`a SCH 40 threaded clean out fitting. 18. ANY VENTS shown shall be constructed of 4" Sch. 40 PVC. The twin 90 degree elbows on top of the vent shall NOT be glued, allowing future inspection access. SI'eet metal screws are recommen Jed to prevent unauthorized entry. Horizontal lengths of vent piping'ihall be sloped up toward the vend:. Any vents shown connected to the Distribution Box are to utilize sn unused D-BOX INLET opening. (AMP BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS BOARD OF HEALTH STPS OF DAnTMOU1 H ONIING PIEVIEVVED - Any Changes f9ust. Resubmitted SEE REPORT 07tz of R de 9� By .... i SEPTIC SYSTEM? DESIGN PLAN OWNER: ROBERT KFOURY I ASSESSORS MAP & EOT:MAP 70, LOT 13-39(MILLE:RS FA IM) STREET LOCATION: MILLERS DRIVE ENGINEERING FIRM: Kenneth R. Ferreira Engineering, Inc. P.L.s TAMP 46 Foster Street, New Bedford, MA. 02740 11 ,SH OF M,S Tell. 15� ") 08) 992-0020 fax. (508) 992-v3 t 4 KENNETH v A. FERREtl�A DATE: 3-31-99 Scale: I" J 30' No. 28716 Q ° y,SSEIR . CONTACT PERSON: Kevin Silva A` ADDRESS: Same as above TEL: SE 6514',39 M / i 010 , t ,LOCUS - .. Apo Ike LOCUS MAP - NOT TO SCALE LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED 100- - - •- CONTOURS loo 91 x 9 SPOT ELEVATION �91•1 PROPERTY LINE E.P ---EDGE OF PAVEMENT E.P. STONC WALL WELL O DEEP TEST HOLE LEACHING TRENCH PLUMBING PIPE --- F/F/F 235.3 T.O.F.= 234.8 71 FINISHED GRADE= 232.Q 230.50 12" TO COVER • 230.06 _ 229.81 229.71 3" ♦ t ' 5= 2 6" r-0 LK"D LEVEL A N =10' S= 0.01 t Y 10" y. ! * MIt1 14' MIN. F/B/F= 226.2 4.5' 1500 GAL. SEPTIC TANK �; 4.25' ,i•...::'. PVC J GAS BAFFLE R EQUIVALENT Ir 10.5' • TOTAL PERCENTAGE OF LOT COVERAGE: 4.5% Parcel "B" INCLUDING DECK: 5.27% 469.50' 2,12 232 dot 4 \ I 90' 96' I / 228 SAND OVERDIG 2 231.0 TP 205, SEE NOTE x:l I F�OpO5E9� ACHING SWE22 LLING E 11 / ARA L=IO' 30 (12�OS.F.1 6 � � SEE DETAIL 2gq 2 5=0.01 2 /1.O.F 319.67' l L=22' /B/F=226.2 4 - r / •-. 231.0 232 / ESFRVE 15 / ARE \53 230 / TP 204 228 101' \ 226 a _rJ Cl- Y � . v BENCHMARK: I \ J cl� NAIL SET IN 12" OAK I 1' ELEV.= 227.66 1 DRAINAGE EASEMENT "0" (646 S.F.) TO BE CONVEYED TO THE TOWN 6q6 0� OF DARTMOUTH ALL WELLS FOUND (existing or proposed) WITHIN 200' S ARE SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. OF THE PROPOSED S.A. - ?29.54 ! / O 229.49 U;- STEM PROFILE NOT TO SCALE 40' 30' - 28' 5' 30' 5' END CAP 5' (typ.l 2.5 10 12" MIN. -2" MIN. --END CAP 229.35 SAND OVERDIG SEE NOTE Oil LEACHING NOT TO SCALE e" - Z" CLEAN COARSE PEA STONE FIN GRAD = 231.0 2.5' AV5' 5' 5' 2.5' 1 „ ------ -------I-EL..7229.85 4" PERF.t 0I PIPE' -h" CLEAN COARSE WASHED STONE6.' L. =229.35 :-EL.-228.85 SAND OVERDIG 4' 5.8' g 224. (desa5) I �� 4 ROWS OF 4" SDR-35 (28' LENGTH) PERFORATED PIPE OR EQUAL FROM TANK CLEAN COARSE WASHED STONE W/e" - 2" CLEAN PEA STONE COVER 220 '1151 / 22A 75' / LOT 39 2.19 Acres PROP. WELL / 1 / PROP. CLEANOUT / RECOMMENDED l �1 25.00' S /PROPOSED CELLAR DRAIN 7 l O J1 O o 1 � / APPROX. LOCATION OF / DRAINAGE STUBt / 1 i 1ILLERS SITE PLAN. SCALE: I" = 30' BUILDING USAGE: 3 [Bedroom@ 11 0GP D/bedroom TITLE 5 SEWAGE FLOW: 330 GPD SEPTIC TANK SIZE: 1. 00 Gallons GARBAGE GRINDER: Nlone WASHING MACHINE: Yeas PERCOLATION RATE: TP 204= ? MIN/INCH, TP205= 15 MIN/INCH DESIGN RATE: 15 MIN/INCH CLASS I1 SOIL LEACHING FIELD: BOTTOM AREA 20 ft. (vidth) x 30 ft. (length) = GOO sq.ft SYSTEM CAPACITY: 600 sq.ft x 0.56 gpd'sq.ft. 33G gpd SOIL SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT PERFORMED BY: ALEXANDER GORODETSKY WITNESSED BY: CHRIS MICHAUD ON 8-4-98 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 204 (EL. 227.15) Depth from Surface I S c i 1 P?erizon I � Saa eXture Soil color soil' N;ouhng Other (inches) (MIunsell) (Structure, Stones, Boulders, i Consistency, % Gravel) 0-9 A Sandy 10YR 2/2 "None Friable, Structureless, Loam Massive 9 - 20 B Silt 10YR 6/8 done Friable, Structureless, Loam Massive 20 - 53 C1 Fine 2.5Y 6/4 None Firm, Massive. Structureless Silt Loam 53 - 120 C2 Gravelly 2.5Y 6/3 g 4 2" lo% Very f=, Massive; Medium 10`YR 4/4 Structureless, 15% gravel, Sandy mcedium, !0% cobbles Loam cormmon, Ci i stinct 'MINIMUM OF 2 HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL ARIEA Parent Material (geologic) Glacial till Depth t<, Bedrock: > 10' Depth to Groundwater: Standing V; 2ter in .:e Hoie n I a t'crl,i::g from Pit Fade: n/a Estimated seasonal 42" (E?_. 223.65) PERC TEST DEPTH= 58" (EL. 222.32) DEP APPROVED FOf, M 17 ; Y", PERFORMED BY: ALEXANDER GORODETSKY WITNESSED BY: SUSAN GRIFFIN ON 8-6-98 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 205 (EL. 228.35 Depth from Surface Sc:] .;c:.-,.. C, i (Inches) 0-6 A Sa,idv 10YR 312 ��one Ven- Friable. Siructureless. Loam 6 - 22 3 Sandy ICYR 5 6 Friable. S.ructu:e'ess. Loam V assive 22 - 48 C 1 e 3\c:;e Firm. �9assi� e. Stru<tu:eless Loam i 48 - 120 C2 Gravelly 2.5Y 6/3 4-)- 10"i e'en f;•tn. '�":assiye. Medium SY'R 3/ 4 Structureless. 1510, gravel. Sandy ce,orse. 15 °-o cobbles. some stores Loam corm -non. distinct `MINIMUM OF 2 HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AFi`A Parent Material (geologic) Glacial till Depth to .'gedrock: > 10' Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water in tl�e Hole: n/a Weeping from Pit Fact;;: n/a Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: 42" (EL. 224.85) PERC TEST DEPTH= 59" (EL. 223.43) DEP APPROVED FORM - 12/07/95 REVISED 5-19-99 ADDED % OF LOT COVERAGE 8 MOVED CELLAR DRAIN `LINE BY K.J.S. REVISED 04/23/99 HOUSE AND SYSTEM LOCATION K.J.S GENERAL NOTES: new construction: 1. The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shay be CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE with the requirements of 1995 310 CMR 15 (TITLE V) of the ` tate Environmental Code and lol:al Board of Health regulations. Any MODIFICATION TO THIS DESIGN must be approved in writing by the engineer and the local Board of Health prior to implementation. 2. Contractor shall verify and check the BENCHMARK(S) �s shown on this plan prior to construction of the proposed system. 3. Notify the local Board of Health when the system is react' for INSPECTION, prior to any t,ackfilling. If CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION (as -built) is required by an engineer, 3 dal'( advanced notification is required for the survey. 4. DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION indicates soil condition, percolation rate, and water taE1e elevation at the time and location of actual testing and should oe verified at the time of constrlliction. The contractor shall notify the local Board of Health if CROUNDWATER or PERCHED WATER is encountered at a higher elevation than indicated on thii design plan. 5. TOP OF FOUNDATION, BASEMENT and FIRST FLOOR elevations may be rais6d but NOT LOWERED without the consent of the engineer. 6. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, this system is NOT designed for the use of a garbage grinder or other high water usage devices. 7. Where the building sewer pipe exits the foundation ABOVE the basement floor, an effluent a grinder pump conforming to 310 CMR 15.229 may be used to discharge A VOLUME OF LESS TH}%N 25% OF THE DESIGN FLOW from any future basement bathroom / sunk facilities. 8. If any components of the proposed system are specified as HEAVY DUTY, those components shall conform to all state and local requirements for ASSHTC H-20 loading. 9. The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 gallons minimum, unless otherwise specified on this desi')n plan, and fitted with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUTLET TEE WITH GAS BAFFLE of pr6per length. Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 CMR 15.^26. The SEPTIC TANK OUTLE'f COVER is to built up to within 6" of the finished grade unless othe�ise specified on this design plan. 10. SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, and PUMP CHANVBER (if any) shall be placed on I. minimum compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heaving or settlirg• ALL SEAMS ARE TO BE WATERTIGHT, sealed with asphalt cement or other cement suitable forthat specific component. 11. EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL within five foet horizontally of the leaching area from the pea stone cover down to ele\4:223.0 (60inchesbelowthe original existing grade.) Excrsvation may be required to extend deeper if uniform suitable materiat is not encountered. See notes 1a & 11b. 11 a. SOIL PREPARATION PROCEDURE FOR THE LEACP..ING FACILITY AREA shall. colorm to 310 CMR 15.246 & 15.247. 11 b. Any EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL designated on the plan shall conform to (;onstruction in Fill requirements as outlined in 310 CMR 15.255 (1-0- 12. No HEAVY EQUIPMENT shall be run over the compcnents or the prepared leaching area during installation. RUBBER TIRE MACHINERY are not to bedriven over the prepared natural soil base or sand/stone bed during system installation. 13. TANK SEAMS, riser connections (if any), and all p`umbing joints are to be installed 100% WATERPROOF. ALL JOINTS MUST BE WATERTIGHT, sealed with rubber joints, cerr"ent or other suitable sealer for that specific component. Any groun&,ater or surface water entering thi�� system will severely limit the life span of the leaching area. 14. ANY LEACHING AREA (OR PUMP CHAMBER) VENTS shall be constructed of 4" solvent weld SCH 40 PVC, The twin 90 degree e I bows, comprising the "U" shall not be glued. Any D-box veEit pipe shall utilize an inlet knockout. Vent to extend 24" min. above proposed grade. 15. RESERVE AREAS that are shown within 25' of property lines may require impervious b� ''3rriers to be y installed (to conform to side slope requirements) durinc the installation of the future rese rve. i 16. For RESERVE AREAS that may be required to be installed at a higher elevation than the primary area (due to any naturally occurring slopes in the topogra hy), either a pump system or elevating the building sewer & tank may be necessary. 17. ANY CLEAN -OUTS shown shall extend to within 3 inches of finished grade and capped; with a SCH 40 threaded clean out fitting. 18. ANY VENTS shown shall be constructed of 4" Sch. 40 PVC. The twin 90 degree elbows tin top of the vent shall NOT be glued, allowing future inspection access. Sheet metal screws are recor0nmended to prevent unauthorized entry. Horizontal lengths of vent p�oing shall be sloped up toward tl re vent. Any vents shown connected to the Distribution Box are to utilize an unused D-BOX INLET of ening. BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS t a ,r P.E. STAMP SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN PLAN OWNER: ROBERT KFOURY o FEGRrIRA' ASSESSORS MAP & LOT:MAP 70, LOT 13-39(MILLERS 35835 FA R M ) STREET LOCATION: MILLERS DRIVE ENGINEERING FIRM: Kenneth R. Ferreira Engineering, Inc. P.L.S. STAMP 46 Foster Street, New Bedford, MA. 027-40 AHo Tel.1508) 992-0020 Fax: (508) 992-3374 KE"NET"� oDATE: 3-31-99 Scale: I - 30' o FERREIRA 3 �.cNo.28716 CONTACT PERSON: Kevin Silva o`�RvAILADDRESS: Same as above 1 TEL: SE 6 514.39 F/F/F - T.O.F.= 2348 FINISHED GRADE= % _'r VHF 3" '. '��� 6' LIOIAD LEVEL r-o 16N. 1.4 ► � _10 5- 0.01 =2 Sc=`' Y 10 14" y + ' • * MIN. Q ., t F/B/F= 226.' 4.5' x 1500 GAL. SEPTIC TANK �;' 4.25' %. ..:; .. .• PVC (GAS BAFFLE lOR EQUIVALENT 10.5' `J LOCUS MAP - NOT TO SCALD LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED 100- - - - CONTOURS I� 91 X 9 SPOT Et_EVATION PROPERTY LINE E.P --EDGE OF PAVEMENT E.P. S T O N C WA L L ram% WELL O ❑ DEEP TEST HOLE LEACHING TRENCH -- -- -- PLUMBING PIPE - - 232\ `` \ � 1 234' Lot 4 319.67' I 5' SAND OVERDIG I SEE NOTE #11 23LO TP 205 -ACHING / ARE A SEE DETAIL. I 1 � l ' / ESERVE q5 / ARE TP 204 22 ; BENCHMARK: NAIL SET IN 12" OAK ELEV.= 227.66 r ,OARD Qr i �EALIN 1"SPECTI0 REQUIRED WHEN D(CAVATED DRAINAGE EASEMENT "O" (6� TO BE CONVEYED TO THE T( OF DARTMOUTH �f- ALL WELLS FOUND (existing or proposed) WITHIN 200' OF THE PROPOSED S.A.S. ARE SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. BOARD OF HEALTH INSPECTION REQUIRED WHEN (EXCAVATED Parcel "B" 230 469.50' J FI. ISHED GRA r-- 2',' 12- VIN. -2" MIN. D- OX `: '>•c'� ND CAP 229.49 229.-5 SYSTEM PROFILE NOT TO SCALE 40' 30' 7ZI - 28' 5' 30' 9a' 5' END CAP 5' Oyp.) SAND OVERDIG ' SEE NOTE 011 LEACHING AREA DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 2`1.0 Z,2rO { / 22Q / 75' 96' / LOT 39 222 2.19 Acres / 228 2" CLEAN COARSE PEA STONE ^K� FIN GRADE= 231.0 - 2.5' 5' S' S 2.5' 1 ., ------- ------EL:. 4" PERF. i PIPE -IE" CLEAN COARSE WASHED STONE 12' �- 229.35 + :-E1L.=228.85 20' SAND OVERDIG 4' 1 1 5.8' ( (design) 224.85 ------------------ EL.223.0 4 ROWS OF 4" SDR-35 (28' LENGTH) PERFORATED PIPE OR EQUAL FROM TANK 3" - IZ" CLEAN COARSE WASHED STONE W/e" - z" CLEAN PEA STONE COVER pROPOSEIY pWELLIN I L=10' ' 30 (12605 F.l 226 5=0.01 /T.O.F _234.2 L_22' F/B/F=226.2 4' 232 230 / 228 0 101' 226 a .0 PROP. WELL / � 1 f / 25.00' ' 218' y: MILLERS DRIVE SITE PLAN. SCALE: I" = 30' BASIS OF SANITARY DESIGN BUILDING USAGE: 3 E�edroomC 110GPD'bedroom TITLE 5 SEWAGE FLOW: 33(0 GPD SEPTIC TANK SIZE: 15•00 Gallons GARBAGE GRINDER: Nano WASHING MACHINE: Ye;S PERCOLATION RATE: TP 204= 7' MIN/INCH, TP205= 15 MIN/INCH DESIGN RATE: 15 MIN/INCH CLASS 11 SOIL LEACHING FIELD: BOTTOM AREA: 20 ft. ((0dth) x 30 ft. (length) = 600 sq.ti SYSTEM CAPACITY: 600 so, ft x 0.56 oDd'sc.ft. 33E apd SOIL SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT PERFORMED BY: ALEXANDER GORODETSKY WITNESSED BY: CHRIS MICHAUD ON 8-4-98 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLn� LOG* 204 (EL. 227.15) Depth from Surface Seil Hor:zcn Soil Texture Soil Color Soil 'Ntottling J Other (inches', 't:^�`:. I Stn�ctt re. Stones. Boulders. Consistence, °i� Gravel) 0-9 A Sandy 101-R 2/2 '\'one Friable, Structureless. Loam Massive 9-20 B Silt 10YR 6/8 N\'one Friable, Structureles's, Loam Massive 20 - 53 C1 Fine 2.5Y 6/4 \'one Firm, Massive,Str-uctureless Silt Loam 53 - 120 C2 Gravelly 2.5Y 6/.3 g 42' 10°% Very firm, \4assire, Medium 10�i'R 4/4 Structureless, 1S% gravel, Sandy medium, !00/. cobbles Loam common, ci�-stinct -MINIMUM OF 2 HOLES REQUIRED AT EERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Parent Material (geologic) Glacial till Depth 10 (Bedrock: > 10' Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water in :he Hole: n a Wtt-ping from Pit Facc.: n/a Estimated Seasonal High Ground t','aicr: 42" (EL. 223.65) PERC TEST DEPTH= 58" (EL. 222.32) DEP APPROVED FORM - 12/07/95 PERFORMED BY: ALEXANDER GORODETSKY WITNESSED BY: SUSAN GRIFFIN ON 8-6-98 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLn- LOG* 205 (EL. 228.35) f Depth from Surface Scil Hcrtzen Soil Texture Soil Color i ( Soil '+• ! " ,, ;, +..g � I,ct '- (inches) (Munscll) (St.ructutt.'Stones. iould(m, 0-6 AI Sandy 10YR 3/2 gone Very Friable. Structureless. Loam Massit-e 6 - 22 B Sandy 10YR 5/6 \one Friable. S--ructureless. Loam N'assive 22 - ?8 C1 F ie 2.5)' 6/3 \one Firm, Mass;ve.Structureless I I Silt Loam 48 - 120 C2 Gravelly 2.5Y 6/3 r 422" 1o, V-en• f=. massive, Medium SY R 3/4 Structureless, ISO gravel, Sandy Marse. 15 % cobbles, some stones Loam cor_=on, d�stinct -MINIMUM OF 2 HOLES REQUIRED AT E\ ERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AR11;__A Parent Material (geologic) Glacial till Depth to'.Bedrock: > 10' Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water in eie Hole: n a weeping from Pit Face:. n/a Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: 42" (EL. 224.85) PERC T`.�ST DEPTH= 59" (EL. 223-.43) DEP APPROVED FORM - 12/07/95 REVISED 04/23/99 HOUSE AND SYSTEM LOCATION K.J.S GENERAL NOTES : new construction: The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shall�e CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE with the requirements of 1995 210 CMR 15 (TITLE V) of the Siate Environmental Code and local Board of Health regulations. Any MODIFICATION TO THIS DESIGN must be approved in writing by the engineer and the local Board of Health prior to implemenyation. 2 Contractor shall verify and check the BENCHMARK(S) a= shown on this plan prior to con;>truction of the proposed system. 3. Notify the local Board of Health when the system is ready for INSPECTION, prior to any backfilling. If CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION (as -built) is r'quired by an engineer, 3 day' advanced notification is required for the survey. 4. DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION indicates soil conditiorrp, percolation rate, and water tab[ s elevation at the time and location of actual testing and should ba verified at the time of constru('-,tion. The contractor shall notify the local Board of Health if GQOUNDWATER or PERCHED WATER is encountered at a higher elevation than indicated on this design plan. 5. TOP OF FOUNDATION, BASEMENT and FIRST FLOOR elevations may be raiseI but NOT LOWERED without the consent of the engineer. 6. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, this system is NOT designed for the use of a garbage grinder or other high water usage devices. 7. Where the building sewer pipe exits the foundation ABO\tE the basement floor, an effluert a grinder pump conforming to 310 CMR 15.229 may be used to discharge A VOLUME OF LESS THAN 25% OF THE DESIGN FLOW from any future basement bathroor? / sink facilities.' 8. If any components of the proposed system are specified as HEAVY DUTY, those components shall conform to all state and local requirements for ASSHTO IIli-20 loading. ,I i 9. The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 gallons minimum, unless otherwise specified on this desig'1 plan, and fitted with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUTLET iEE WITH GAS BAFFLE of prober length. Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 CMR 15.20• The SEPTIC TANK OUTLET COVER is to built up to within 6" of the finished grade unless othervise specified on this design plan. 10. SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, and PUMP CHAMFER (if any) shall be placed on a E" minimum compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heaving or settling. ALL SEAMS ARE TO BE WATERTIGHT, sealed with asphalt cement or other cement suitable for fiat specific component. I 11. EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL within five felt horizontally of the leaching area from the pea stone cover down to elev--223.0 (GO inches below the original existing grade.) Exca iation may be required to extend deeper if uniform suitable material is not encountered. See notes 1 la & 11b. 11 a. SOIL PREPARATION PROCEDURE FOR THE LEACHING FACILITY AREA shall . conform to 310 CMR 15.246 & 15.247. 1 11 b. Any EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL designated on the plan shall conform to C)nstruction in Fill requirements as outlined in 310 CMR 15.255 (1-6}. 12. No HEAVY EQUIPMENT shall be run over the compor.ents or the prepared leaching area during installation. RUBBER TIRE MACHINERY are not to be d'iven over the prepared natural soil base or sand/stone bed during system installation. 13. TANK SEAMS, riser connections (if any), and all plumbing joints are to be installed 100% WATERPROOF. ALL JOINTS MUST BE WATERTIGHT, sealed with rubber joints, cement or other suitable sealer for that specific component. Arfy groundw=ter or surface water entering the system will severely limit the life span of the leaching area. 14. ANY LEACHING AREA (OR PUMP CHAMBER) VENTS _hall be constructed of 4" solvent' weld SCH 40 PVC, The twin 90 degree elbows comprising the "U" Ehall not be glued. Any D-box vent pipe shall utilize an inlet knockout. Vent to extend 24" min. above?roposed grade. 15. RESERVE AREAS that are shown within 25' of property lines may require impervious ba'riers to be installed (to conform to side slope requirements) during [Ele installation of the future reserve. 16. For RESERVE AREAS that may be required to be installed at a higher elevation than the primary area (due to any naturally occurring slopes in the topograp''y), either a pump system or elevating the building sewer & tank may be necessary. 17. ANY CLEAN -OUTS shown shall extend to within 3 inches of finished grade and capped with a SCH 40 threaded clean out fitting. 18. ANY VENTS shown shall be constructed of 4" Sch. 40 PAC. The twin 90 degree elbows oil top of the vent shall NOT be glued, allowing future inspection acceis• Sheet metal screws are recorr'mended to prevent unauthorized entry. Horizontal lengths of vent piing shall be sloped up toward the: vent. Any vents shown connected to the Distribution Box are to uti.'ze an unused D-BOX INLET opening. CONSTRUCTION OF THIS OEM SWEI EALTH STAMPS MUST BE COMPLETED WITH THREE (3) ENIGINEERS AS-E[IILT YEARS OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL PLAN' & CERTIFIC E ION STATEMENT RLQI "[D This System Is Not ®osigned ELEVATIONS MUST NOT 13E For Garbage Grinder, Whirlpool CHANGED WITHOUT BOARD r Other High Water Use Devices. ar HEALTH APPROVAL BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS OW e or. R, THE APPROVAL By THIS OFFICE DOES NOT GUARANTEE tY E EFFECTIVENESS OF AN A INSTALLATION DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEAM P.E- STAMP SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN PLAN t:+oF+l, OWNER f ,4n6» i0' J'�Lu kYa FEW A•- i VI ASSESSORS MAP & LOTAR 70, LOT 13-39(MI LLE RS 10 N 95 .,. ��....�....� I -ARM) ENGINEERING FIRM: Kenneth'R. Ferreira Engineering, Inc. P.L.S. STAMP 46 Foster Street, New, Bedford, MA. 02740 jN Of '�'S Tel. (508) 992-0020 Fax: (508) 992-'" 374 RETH ti� o� KENN � m DATE: 3 -31- 9 9 U FERREIRA tin $eeNo.28716 oss��ALSTER l CONTACT PERSON: Kevin Silva ADDRESS: Same as obove t ►'� _ r IQca 1 &ENERAL NOTE5: I. PROVIDE FULL LATERAL SUPPORT OF COMPRESSION FLANGE ON 5TEE1 BEAMS 2. GONTRAGTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS IN FIELD. —: 1 3. AGTUAL PLAN DIMEN51ON5 SHALL BE USED M BEFORE SGALING FROM PLANS. TM 4. GONGRETE 5HALL HAVE MINIMUM 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE 5TREN6TH OF 3000 P.5-1. 45'-0" 5. ALL FOOTINGS SHALL BE PLAGED ON LEVEL UNDISTURBED WELL GOMPAGTED SOIL. 6. THE GONTRAGTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE TEMPORARY VERTIGAL t LATERAL BRAGING AT ALL TIMES DURING GONSTRUGTION 4 UNTIL 5TRUGTURE IS COMPLETELY TIED TOGETHER. I'-6! 12'-9" 5'-10" lo `I. ALL FRAMING LUMBER SHALL BE 5-P-F NO. 2 r WITH Fb 1150 p 5.i. AND E = 1,400,000 p-5.1. OR BETTER. 8. ALL STEEL SHALL BE GRADE A 36. 8 ALL GOLUMN5 GRADE B A 500 q. TION PRAGTiGES..SHALL BE IN AGGORDANGE WITH THE LATEST REVISED EDITION -OF THE STATE BUILDING CODE OR THE LOGAL GITY/TOWN REGULATIONS. 10, PROVIDE MIN. OF (3) 2"x4" BUILT-UP j COLUMNS AT ALL HEADER d BEAM EN05 WITHIN 4". WALL5 UNLE55 OTHERWISE NOTED. f 11. PROVIDE MIN. OF (5) 2"xb" BUILT-UP GOLUMN5 AT ALL HEADER t BEAM TPA ,ENDS WITHIN 6" YVALLS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. � G I 5TY a E W T G 12. COORDINATE FOUNDATION WORK WITH %�lN;irj SEPTIC PLAN 0E516N AND ALL OTHER SUB CONTRAGTOR5 FROM VARIOUS TRADES. 1 i f � i ALL MECHANICAL SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM -� ENER&Y'EFFICIENCY RATING (EER) OF ci0Yo - L_- r f. ELEGTRIGAL SERVICE SHALL:. BE 200 amp UNDER&ROUND SERVICE. ' f - #�i` I TA: DEAD LOAD = 10 psf ij ;i �' a 1 ll � — — -���.X ,_ LIVE LOAD = 30 psf - FLOOR: DEAD LOAD 15 psf m Lam-- -- _� = - - a` Up LIVE LOAD - SLEEPING = 30 psf UVIN6 = 40 psf I V_ LtSE GROUP. 7-f . � . a TYPE `OF GONST' N• 5B' I s - AREAS,*., 155" X 2 FIRST FLOOR AREA 1233 S.F. _ 4 5EGOND FLOOR AREA 1066 S.F. - FEA50NABLE CARE HAS BEEN TAKEN TO AVOID D15GREPANGIE5, HOWEVER THE-DE516NER 4,,EN6INEER CANNOT GUARANTEE ArvAIN5T HUMAN ERROR AND THEREFORE THE CONTRACTOR MI)5T VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS PRIOR TO 00N5TRUGTION AND ANY CONFLICTS MU5T BE 'BROUGHT T THE ATTENTION OF ARCHITECTURAL DE51C-�NS F(3R IMMEDIATE RE50LUT10N. 5'�0" ' F. - - 42,-0" ILE F Copy ti . x r i `I 1Nl./ OrN S`./ D L MARK MODEL. OT-Y.1 ROU16H OPENING DE50RIPT{ON 2846/GTN28 5- 2'-10 1/8" X 1-4-1/2" DOUBLE HUN& WI ON V41TH GIRGLE TOP GOMB. 28410 11 2 10.:1/8 X 5 1 1/4 TILT WA51-1 DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW ---- — nter- n t T M51-1 DOUBLE, HUN5 1 gINDOVy: G235 i 1 4'-0 i/2" X 3'-5 3/8" CASEMENT NINVOIN GO 18410 2 i'-10 1/6" X`5'-1 1/4"-J TILT WA5H DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW .i 2532 2 2'-10 1/8" X 3'-5 1/4" TILT VVA514 DOUBT E HUNG WINDOW 5E602 I V-O 1/2" X 5'-O 5/8" 5PRINGLINE WINDOW L 2515 2 2'-8 5/5" X V-3 1/4" PR.EFIN15HED BASEMENT WINDOW NOTES: SIZES AND MODEL .NUMBERS PERTAIN TO ANDERSEN NINDOV45 VERIFY ALL ROUGH OPENING DIMENSIONS ALL NINDON5 TO BE ALUMINUM VINYL GLAD VERIFY COLOR N1 OWNER ALL. K NOON5 TO HAVE INSECT SCREENS ALL KNOOW5 TO HAVE GRILLE PATTERNS AS .5HOV N lN ELEV. VI EN5 ALL WINDOWS TO BE TILT NAt5H Au 0 .._.(' . 421-0"10 -- --- , 10 1 LLJI ' n t_ " :2'-2 �2 2 U