BP-86698I ' r c, Pl MIL Of Nome Design Orroup � X-x- � � �� Profeaaknel AulHnp Deagn4ara a z ""s-. -"`�^„'- i�-..•_. 'Y�r` �•a=-'• `, EXISTINGDWELIING l h OMce Soa l5B.B1CB elfr. olds - NN _ -S, r,Mi [ - - a ,z 1 EE Gary D$reckilin o -ai PrWeaebnetauiHlr�Desgnrgr American !,,elute IF at/ldfng Lbe3gn I 4 - `, Typical Roof ConneNon Cut eAstinglobt back' - - /� y - _"'``" b.. Table l2 of Guide to Woad ConstruNon = to exhtin beam. a Y%1ND Beam',' 22xi Coro i Creati I+ ''�,. 5p a T e otzetag Anthraw cop C} a p6em al 1 14Y12Y JCOp �I(t In High Wind Areas. 1 sde wtth block n¢In a E{istmg — — Ezlstm¢ cl between Jost _ 5 ' .. a„kat Roo�Assembry - 1-®-- �': `r'g - `."av";EPDM IbtemfYtane Ro fAssambly` Span=16' Spacing=l6'o.c. Sheet DB5C%IF7H0'i7 ` ,. Uplift= 203 lbs per rafter ,. y : - - - R APAPEore ratedsheathing, Lateral =17616s Per rafter iD'p 5onotube lD'¢djonotube o - id'Q Sonotube 30"0 5onotubei - Shear=771bs per rafter 12 ih Footing I. 20 ♦71Faoting n' n 2e"Q Footing 2$'O Footing I - ;; FLASHING 2X7.2 RdffersatlG amn- 1 I I ¢ ( ,= Bottom of Window s SX35trappidgaf iB e{e. �' _ Builder to use38d common toe -halls (I - _--,A.x - 13)bc-P----led _ j- {3)2r10 Pi5PP dded �7ry r�ll :.a,, to Provide 22516s lateral &shear resistance -�"_ ---- -P Bcym D R-3Q Batt !naps, cart - - pro -- ----- --c�� _ HS r H2.5 Hurricane-r a to pmvlde a _ Imumof365Basupliftresistance FIRST y r cope ..,` .,.: , . .. 4� .< ' = � ", N „'. r �= TYPI13tfadAJSoiflt }� FLOOR.: Soffit Rehr a ��a� _ taHegaer su,PPna PLAN sal . c- -,'� -. ga ��� ;� r a derbetwee cat, SONTUBE LAYOUT PLAN 2 SCALE. If4n = I.-D�. -"- ,' r 8 TYPicalC lumnto Beam Connects, n N a Attach column to beam with 51.pson CA35 Framing Clip at four comers of Q column See Detail af3 8 E _ W 15-iN � � Edst ng Floar 21tiOdiS2" Wp or 2X32 at16"a,t, - „ - , `. w a : S ,'< s ., RSA. Baffifnsgladdrr� -. ; I - • ..(3j2rt3QFL led Beam - ' - Y Kv f2k't tass.: 1'rlsting Adiotfstt,2 a _ - 14W� Plata under s" 4'-D" F aeT 6ea{afnaalfad.::, Cr _ ., �`f H2.5. _ kwerRi columns. Extend wan 3ke`athino rr' plate, .LLy' -_r:. ACB7fAC£bZ. LEacfF af#'CfP beWitfi 3 d- -,,. CO—t p:'� swrprpd_ntou:n51i3&H2. ti`o.:frrmNPnida ._ -.: .;u. � � �,,_' .: In ezlsfingjolst back �z .rt SZ ,`z•^ F. -,-; !: - . ,.`...-: .-.a r'�., ;. hA°faNfsttnBdrAPbeam _-- ,.' za -5 Q �=�ocdguuf beam- o o_ <..�ras:'. w WDeonodteCs TYinPlcaol6rxie6 l.. zl mo aa.Lo Bulk-uPColumn each zo tdn. 3 ` muz- ,_ side _ y, EiP.- ..�r"' EXlsting4z6 w� Column e rz'f - Propoxd 6x6PT SP a _> Column 3 CONSTRUCTION DRAW ws � "- �✓ .^�� - :i' -' -.. _, >� � E.. _� R's J Z TIff3E PA9WWG9 AfEFa'PEBYy -__r -1 ,.. .,:" Yam ,'3..'z � :.. ' ' _ FEPFROT PP A1E0ESIGN ti!OMWWI '< §�y i. - s: '�' y; _ Stand Off Post Base ma PEAMTAPPLICATIONAMOBIMLG:YN3 ' D2= "� '^�_ - EXISTING CONC PATIO -...>s - � d STING DECK With A.B: ro w Denlotas TYPkal 6x6 5, ^ p aoNBTgUCrMN Wood Column or (4)2x6 1' h-uPtoumn s aut I m Attacho column to beam with Simpson SUNROOM PANELS 11SUNROOM PANELS ASS Framing Clip at four Cmersof 2WOF _ column. See Detallg/3 ;M 20,-0. _ T u : 'o� �t `�" ,r 1 GA5Q1k BEARING' '�m SHEET TYPICAL SECTION �� `� � �: x ;GALE: Ifa„T I,A, C1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN x „; 2 SCALE: 1/4" 1' 0" �'- " • ' �� "Our Design BoSif r; In Ywr Nuenno• rr !a f Dwelling Areas Square Feet Existing Deck — 160 Proposed Sunroorn — 300 Proposed Deck — 20 CHANGE IN FOOTPRINT — 160 GENERAL NOTES DRAWING SYMBOLS STANDARD OF COOPERATION 1. AN construction shall strotl co with the 8th edition of 780 CMS Massachusetts State Building Code for One. and Two Famil Dwellings, and an local state or federal 0 Y comply9 Y 9� Y COLUMN OR mgulaaorre. 02. The Bulldsr before subMtting his proposal shelf Visit the she and examine for himself all conditions and limitations which may affect his proposal. He shall carefully examine all PLAN VIEW PROPOSED ELEVATION VIEW ® POST The Designer, their employees and associates assume no liability for any construction from the release of Mesa drawings. The release of these drawings to the Owner, and . Technical questions as to these drawin should be directed fo the Desi ner, No error, or oversight the Builders part an be reason to requirepayment above contract documents. h al q gs foul g g W eq WALE, SEE CRAW. ORACULAR FILL act mote the pa tip guilder allwmtr tto blocsold Standandol his agreed upon contract. Exception Is allowed when connecting new work with existing and the Bulidercould not aMicfpate hidden problems orunforesaen issues LEGEND SAND ® DIMENSIONAL ande van . Caopsm8on. Building design and construction ere complex processes end even though 03, The Builder shall provide the owner with proof of Workers Compensallon and Liability Insurance by Certification from their Carrier. together with a copy of their Construction LUMBER tits Designer and Na assocame perionn their services with due care and diligence, they Supervisor's Ucense. This does not Ihilt the Owner from requiring additional Information before awading the contract. - comoc uaranteepedecdonard elimination of all lumanerrors, suchas ryoosend 04, The Builder shall furnish all labor and materials, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, necessary for a complete installation as detailed herein EXIST14G CRUSHED STONE SOLID mW bei g. My ambiguity or dfscrepency found through the use of these drawings shell e work 1 for ore replace damage u etlb it F O5. Contractors shall respect m of others and are responsible a tar and liable repair r s the work. Failure of camrecfors to edortn their work pre P° P P Y g Y P WALL, SEE CgAW L, . OR GRAVEL be an el u to the attention of the Designer, and he shell be afforded time to medal brought Y ubs accordance wild the applicable codes end regulation. shall constitute screech of contract and all substandard work must be redone to comply with applicable codes and re umtlons. PPP Y aPW g LEGEND SO immediate th e he Issue. Failure to notifythe Designer, or proceeding before Ire Designer 9n � Pro 9 9 0 All m hell be less otherwlsea Ifled. Workmanship met be thehi hest quality a materials used or specified shall be of the best quality that emarketa s. 6, materials b unless h h f and the ifortl P� P 9 9 N P q nY - DETAIL NUMBER has the opporuniry to remedlate compounds MsuMerrtandkg and may lrrcreese 07.Theas drawings are for Illustrative purposes only and shall not be scaled. Should a rGmensbn not be shown the Builder shall contact the Designer forguldance. °. ,.,4 PROPOSED 4 PROPOSED i SECTION c Afag to preet St of CooperIssue, asimpinsethe to by simple Afng 08. The guilder is responsible by mosistanceofthese drawings to verify dimensions, framing members, drawings odor to ordering any materials. Any differences, emore omissions or ambiguities found shall be reported m the Designer Ina timely manner. The Designer shag be afforded a reasonable time to correct or detail these hems found. Should the 1 CONCRETE s- CONCRETE - ____._ Si KEY she Designer,ost. 0 to Imof Designer, andties Designerrime ioreme the a Ueaigrrer from responsibility for ell consequence. Charges made to these drawings M' Builder proceed with construction without said notification the Designer shall be relieved of of responsibility for such errors, omissions or ambiguities. SHEET NUMBER others mthout the consentof the Designer shall slsorelleve the Dedgneroi 09. These drawings have been prepared in accordance with the 8th edition of 780 CMR"Massachusetts State Building Cade for One-andTwo-Family Dwellings;' Including Section "ClIr Design High Wind In these drawings be Questions r _________ HIDDEN PROPOSED DETAIL NUMBER responsibl'tyl sanivd oralicomsequenceingoutsaidchanges.TNsaHkmist abe R301,2 and Geographic Criteria." Construction requirements shown shag thirty followed. shall be brought to the attention ofthe Designer. No opening In an exterior wail shall be moved or relocated without the approval of the Designer and production of an Addendum drawing by the Designer. L_________J OE`ECT - FIN. GRADE S1 DETAIL KEY -riled ofany variations from the dimenslons and cone itbns shown In these dravAngs. 10. At sections, details and materials shown and listed as "Typical" In these drawings shall apply to all other similar conditions and locations unless otherwise specified. - SHEET NUMBER 11. h is not "a"'Or'of these drawings to show not indicate all fastening orframing techniques, or all conditions present. 12. Unless otherwise noted all framing and Irish lumber are sized accon ingto nominal dimensions. D R A W I N G ABBREVIATIONS LEGEND - DRAWING SCHEDULE 13. No variance, watver or —piton by a Building Official shall be binding on the Designator Builder. 14, The Designer, his employees or associates shall not be responsible rorconstructionprocedures, techniques used, materials &equipment selected or otheractlons in regards to workers'safety, or the failure of any contractor to carry out work In accordance with all applicable codes and regulations. 15. No deviation or change to the work shown In these drawings shall be performed without the Builder presenting the Owner with a "Written Change Order Request" and the Owners 8 Pound DL Dead Load HD Heavy duty PT Preservative treated written approval. The Change Order shall state how It affects the cost of the project, the materials to be used, any delays In construction, and how this change compiles with the requirement of these drawings. Any unauthorized change not approved by the Owner In writing shag be corrected at no expense fo the Owner. Should the Owner tncur expense due to @ At ON Down HD G Hotdlppad galvanized R Riser an unauthorized change then the shall allowed chargethe guilder, AS Anchor bon - DWG D Drawing HORZ Hodzontel RAFT Rafter tback Man shall 16. All materiels and workmanshipshag be shell be warranted the Builder for period of one- ear from the date of Wnei acceptance, unless all pales agree In writing fo different. by pre Y P P pr g AFF Above Finished Floor DW Dishwasher HVAC g, vanllation&arc Hatching, REF Refrigerator i TITLE SHEET & NOTES 17. All contractors shah o and sail More, orate or support property y pport all work as required. The be the full responsi6fliry of the Builder and direction by the AWN Awning EA Each HW Hot water REINF Reinforcing _ the r t,sponslbvehty. thispment, for BOT Bottom EDPM Ethylene Pro line thY pry ICF Insulated concrete form REQO Required q 18. Staging a equi mateials,ee 18; Staging area for materials, aqulpment, sellers, vehicles and storage shall be coordinated by fie Builder with the Owner priarfothe start of consWclon. Any damage fo the she BRD - Board Diane M-pass UNIT Interior RO Rough opening 2 FLOOR PLAN caused bycontractors or their employees shall be theresponsiblity ofthe Bullderto correct to preconslruction conditions. ERG Bearing EERO Emergency Escape IWS Ice & watershleld SG Safely glazing SONOTUSE LAYOUT PLAN 19. Provide plywood and blockin on all walls to receive wall mounted cabinets or Items thatrequire uire additional well strength. p g eq gth. CASE Casement & Rescue Opening KD Kim dried SCL structural composite lumber TYPICALSECTION 20. AN utilUea snail be Installed underground unless agreed upon otherwise by all parties in writing. Cc .Canter to center EQ Equal KIP 1000 lbpoundse. SP Southern pre CLG L CMU Ceiling Concrete Masonry Unit EW EWg Each way Each way bottom LBS LL Pounds Liveload SQ so Spruce-pine-0fir Square 3 ELEVATIONS COL OLD Column Closet EXIST EXT Existing Exterior LLD LSL Live bad deflection Laminated Strand Lumber SF SKY Square foot Skylight WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SPECIAL FLOOD & WIND HAZARD ZONES CQ Cased opening FOB FPoercemeM brt1. LVL Laminated veneer Lumber STL Steel 4 WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CONIC CONT Concrete Continuous FIN FJ Finish FloorJoist MHW MOE Mean High Water Means of Egress SUSFLR T Subfloor Tread CJ Gelling Joist FLR Floor NTS Not to scale TL Total Load This Dwelling is located Within Zone X (unshaded) as defined on FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Community 2500500358F, effective data (I Center Line FND Foundation QC On centers T&G Tongue & groove July 9,2009.. - - OT Collar Tie FP Fire Place OH Overhang TYP Typical D Dryer FTG Footing POO Pocket door TOP Top of Foundation This site is located within a Wind Category IS Expos ure with Basic Wind Speed of 110 miles per hour and is not within the Wind Some Debris Zone. DL Double Douglas fs FT GALV Foot Galvanized PLF PLT Pounds per great foot Plate VIF VERT Warily In Field Vertical - DF DH Double hung GWB Gypsum brd. PSF Pounds Per square foot W Washer - DIAfa Diameter H Height PSI Pounds per square inch WH Water heater DIM Dimension HEAD Header PSL Parallel strand lumber WP Weatherproof �.Cll Horne Design Croup Rolesabrlal sulklirg Desg'grets a Resid-f ill speeialish; 913 Maln 811-1 Eefrhe vsn, M essac huesetf veld OH'n: SSB.TE9.ams, Email: Inlot®Home-Oes�:xp,�ep Website: www,Nome-Omg�C.:rapcpn AI 1 B D„ Gary D Bradfrhkaq Pmfasslonel BMYllrg Deeggrrer American IrlstRufeW ewldbmi Design Creatingtivherepeoie flue Sheet Descrodeon TITLE. SHEET- & NOTE; I o; r�J a, m, 0 w- a " � a a o a� W eve � E } n mm 3 e N x CONSTRUCTION DRAIWNGS iHESEOR4WM^w^Ar�HEEREBY RELEASED BY HOME DESIGN CAAOW fOR PERMIT APPt10ATION ANOf(NLLgAG CONSAW'LTION 1 S H E E T ( VERSION IS Our Design Beginsin Your-'Fiotne°. nu B - Typical Roof -to -Wall Connection Table 12 of Guide to Wood Construction - - in Hlgh Wind Areas Typkal Roof Assembly Span=16' Spacing=i6"o.c. - EPDM Membrane Roof Assembly Uplift- 20$1bs per rafter " APA Performance rated sheathing, Lateral = 176 lbs per rafter span i6', exposure I Shear- 7716s per rafter Bottom of Window FLASHING 2x12 Rafters at 16' o a Sx3 Strapping at 16'o.a Builder to use(3)8d common toe -nails 0 Ba G.W.B. Ceiling R308att Insulation to provide 225 fits lateral & shear resistance 12 ©� - HS or H2,5 Hurricane Tie to provides minimum of 365 lbs uplift resistance Typical Facia/Soffit 2x6 Soffit Return - 2x6 Subfacfa 1x8 Facia Board . Typical Continuous Header (2) 1.3 Strapping (3)2x12 padded header Soffit with double top plate and plate - under between columns Typical Column to Beam Connection A - Attach columnto beam with Simpson o. " A35 Framing Clip at four corners of o o - column, See Detail 8/3 ol . For 15 0"Floor Span Existing Floor (2)2x8 FJ at 12"o.c 2x10 at 12 o.c or 2xi2 at 16" o.c _ Typical Floor Beam R-24 Hatt Insulation 1 2x8 FJ at 16" o.c, t4)A3. (3)2x10 PT SP padded Beam with 2x6 PF SP Plate under Verif 2"tl La Y () gs Existing beg joist at I6" o.c. H2,5 between columns. Extend wall at 16 o.c. are Installed sheathing down to plate. In existing and proposed AC671ACE67 Attach joist to be with (3)8d ledger boards CcI mn Cap common toe-nails&H2.SZ Hurricane Tle - New joist lap existing Cut existing joist bark - joist to Interior side ofebstingdrop beam to edge of beam Existing (2)2x10 - Drop Beam10 Existing 4x6 Proposed 6x6 PT SP Column - Column 6 Stand Off Post Base o EXISTING CONC. PATIO with A.B. to o i 28"0 Ftg - UNDISTURBED VIRGIN SOIL - HAVING. A SOIL BEARING CAPACITY OF 2,000 ESE TYPICALSECTION - 2 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" EXISTING DWELLING { EXISTtiYG DECY �,^i" G o 0 0 1 _ vj ZD o gin EI Cut exIstImil.it bade toexistingbeam. Attach new {.: KJA (2)2xldlb Pg `.vg j2)2x16Drop'.Be..' a `ao loist to side with blocking In E415ting Existing "h c-I between Jabt I I 7"- „ 1 ,• ,.. .:.,,1 o I I id'OSonotube i 10-0!onotub, ro u 10'O Sonptube I 10"0 S—tub. 12' 0 Footing 20"01 Foot ng n w 29"0 Footing _ 24E,0 Footing —�/i_ (3)2x10 PT SPPadded _; j * (3)2x10 PT5P Padded % r,t � I _ `�9 Drop Bl'eam �` j DropBea ` `4 �'/4" �4'-0' %21 SONTUBE LAYOUT PLAN 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-O" . -- -- -- EXIST. SLIDER - T- - - Denotes Typlcal6.6 UI *+ Wood Column or(4)2x6 Bulk -up Column each zI 0 _ r side of Slider —�— EXISTING DECK J to 1 m � Denotes Typical 6x6 O Wood Colu inn a r(4)2x6 Buih-u P Column Typical Column to Beam Connection Attachm erntob.—Mb Simpson SUNROOM PANELS —11j SUNROOM PANELS A35 Framing C6p atfourmmersof column. Sae Deta118/3 20'-0" 01 1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN . 2 SCALE: 1/4' = 1'-0"_---- � Nf Home Desigm Group Profcssbnel BUL6'ing f DsskJn xs & Resfo-Usi Speoclelbts . 110 =1,: S,Bf r e of Felrhe ven. Meeeeoehuo of to MJ18 Olnce: a,B Melrb Emell: IMoCdNonu-DewienOrapeam Website.www. Home-OosciprG+ttP.cnrv. B cPl Gary D Brao^klns Pmfessbnal SuAdinug D,,Vw Amencen Insthdo of Be.11ding Dash Creatingwherey oe j eUve Sheet Desceriptiorl FIR&;'T FLOO)'R PLAN n � O 8 N V � W Uw o Cd w n & u oUJ o a L ryiWiii N u o, EE s ^ P o U oil $ o g CONSTRUCTION [DRAWINGS THESE OMWING3 APRE HEREBY FlELE1aE0 eYHOME �EAIGN UFOIL PERMIT APPLICATION (ANO6U11cXILIXN3 Sr VERSION 21 "Our Design Begins in'Ywr %, a TM Raredtor 315 lb ,Plitt resistance perconnecton.4x 12601bs. e I' a rp a Simpson Strong -Tie ram A35Z Fing Angle, Installed at all bur comers of Column a TYPICAL A35Z BEAM -COLUMN CONNECTION 3 SCALE: N.T.S. _ FULLHEIGHT BLOCKING JOIST GIRDER SOLID SAWN JOIST FRAMING ON GIRDER JOIST FRAME OVER DROP BEAM W FCM - Figure 3.4a @ JOIST FRAMING OVER GIRDER SCALE: N.T.S.. (wi (3)6d common toe-nalle ratter to plate connectlon for lateral and shear reaistanc , Irnulatlon� 2x Blocking, Toe -palled into wall assembly &lace railed Into ratter & sublaola 2x6 Subtacia 1 xa Facia lord. Elk. +Ing- Rd Common nail at 4" o.c, for uplift In betwr Ed common nail for shear, see insu1 Brecad Wail Panal Plans preventg for spackg nX" thick APA Rated Wall sheathing Builder to attach rafteNtruse to wall with Iturdaane tle frumappmvedfist arm wnin these d—Ings, see Detali8 Sheet 4 for uplift resistance. RaQednuss attached b top plate with Sd common ios-nefls to resist lateral & sibs -be&. s TYPICAL ROOF TO WALL CONNECTION 3 SCALE: N.T.S. FASTENERS FASTENERS Ends of all members (plies) met end over or beam top Joists on of beam Joists flush with beam a bar; may a pocket. Members may exterXi ovar 16d threaded nel or810x3 j," through bolt with washer - two or more spans if member Is wood screw & nut with a minimum continuous, ander ds over of 2" clearance post odu n, between bolt & edge of beam 1 T - - Use plywood filler stipeas regUied or specified for proper beam width Pam, P� for attachment to postloolurm, SPAN Beamsexposed to the motlera - beams made fmm presenettve treated wootl shall use hot dipped galvanized ar stain esssteel _ fasteners. Builderb apply constructlon aoriesNes to membi surfaees to landnate piles bgetl ith the use ofapproprbte fatene s a TYPICAL LAMINATED BEAM 3 SCALE:N.T.S, Prescriptive Residential Wood Deck Construction Guide " Figure 4 r3 N LEFT ELEVATION 3 SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" G F G Nome Det.^,ign Group Polessnhal 60b1kin: Deaj,— & Reside dWSipecleleb 313 Mea9B eth ass Fairhe very Mea ec u tte eTTlB O%Ice BOMB ]aeBl04 Eman: lexaN"m «ev,.r �Asan w.w%.: www.Rppeom D.eyA.Gmµcan 1. �ib Gs. rr 0 8rackins P f nn 1 i'yWding Dasyrrer Amod Inatbt,_fBulldhg llesen Creating where PCOP dive Sheet Q),pscrlptlon ELEVATIONS CONSTRUCTION �2 RIGHT ELEVATION DE ,AILS 3 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" h N on on m � ow W ----- ---7 O ctg a n a exlsT� le nsT_� �exler.l) laws , W ZZ QG aonam Of Window a m B ?d m � gg � ' Etz DPM MEMBRANE ROOFING ( 3 Q re, IF LESS THAN 2:12 ROOF PITCH 'S o CONSTRUCTIZN DRAWINGS 4" MAX. THESEORAW%waSArE NEFEBY OPENING RELEA3E09Y Ha',ME aESIGN 0.9JLP Fdi PEaMIT APPLICaaTION AND Bundwo OQN3iT{p/CrpN - SUNROOM PANEL SUNROOM PANEL ____ W Skirt Board 4x6 LATERAL BRACE � EACH CORNER,NOT REQUIRED IN CENTER r fl 1I 210- S Kj' E E T v. k f 1 REAR ELEVATION 3 SCALE: 1/4"= V-0" �ON LO "Onr Desi9n$e0iatfs in Your Norma" T"' MAYBE APPLIED4affach EITHER SIDE OF mpson Strong-Tle H2A Hurricane Tie at each er/truss to wall nnection. Provides 5 lbs. uplift resistance. mmon toe -nails to after/truss to top plate. Provides 225 the lateral & shear resistance. 9 TYPICAL H2A HURRICANE TIE 4 SCALE: N.T.S. INSTALL ON EXTERIOR SIDE OF WALL Simpson Strong -Tie H2.5 Hurricane TIE at each rafter/truss to wall connection. Provides 365lbs. uplift resistance. o° oe° 3-Sd common toe -nails to attach rafter/truss to top plate. ° . Provides 225 lbs lateral & shear resistance. INSTALL ON EXTERIOR SIDE OF WALL. IF INSTALLED ON INTERIOR SIDE, USE SSP SINGLE STUD PLATE CONNECTOR (SSP) IN ADD177ON TO HURRICANE TIE ON INTERIOR SIDE OF WALL To CONNECT TOP PLATES TO STUD. MAY USE 142.5 TO CONNECT TOP PLATE TO STUD a TYPICAL H2.5 HURRICANE TIE 4 SCALE: N.T.S. 41c.e. Nall 6ladne W perimeter Zone N Perimeter Zone 4' Perimeter Zone anal edge nailing anal fed nailing p!Mel.ecigenWgng A Full fight Blotddrr II Wlihln Perimeter Zone / A i J! Gable Er Tn.= of Eindwel I Section MA Perimeter Zane is IOtatel whn 4' 0* of rldQe, redo and over tang. Sheathing noting schedule for 16' o.c. Loolmut Blafs: Interior Zone Is mar area outside of the Perimeter Zone.. 8d common nails at 4' o.c. panel edge, 4' o.c. In field of pane Sheathing nallrcg scedulefor members 1e" o c. Shea ing nail"sq schedule far members 24' o,a eti common rota 6d common rolls Interior Zone Zone = 6' o.c. panel edge. Ir ax. In field of pane Interior Zone = e' o.a pane edge, 12' o.c. In Mld of pmtel Perimeter Zone = W c.a panel edge. I!' o c. In field of pene Perimeter Zorn • 4' ac. penal edge, 4" o.a In field of panel a RAKE & ROOF SHEATHING ATTACHMENT 4 SCALE: N.T.S.. WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL- Figure3.7b (3) led Common nags per foot to attach sole pate to floor 48" 48' JOISTS Gable e EndwaU m a A o FWI height blocking for d' first three adlockings at Fub llheight eachv gable en Blocking at 48" o.c. b, SECTION A -A Figure 2.3 Endwall Blocking Detail Floor sheathing to be APA Rated Sturd-14slo , tongue & grouve, Span rating 16'. AMdh with ed common nab at 6' o.rr. ecrg panel edge and 12' o.c. In Mid of panel. 3 JOIST BLOCKING & SHEATHING ATTACHMENT 4 SCALE: N.T.S. _ WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL- Figure 2.3 INSTALL ON EXTERIOR Simpson Strong -Tie H1 SIDE OF WALL Hurricane Tie at each rafter/truss to wall connection. Provides 400 lbs. uplift resistance. 3-8d common toenails to � attach rofter/truse to (t0l top plate. Provides 225 lbs lateral & shear resistance. INSTALL ON EXTERIOR SIDE OF WALL IF INS1 *2f ON INTERIOR SIDE, USE SSP SINGLE STUD PLATE CONNECTOR (SSP) IN ADDITION TO HURRICANE 77E ON INTERIOR SIDE OF WALL TO CONNECT TOP PLATES TO STUD. MAY USE H2.5 TO CONNECT TOP PLATE TO STUD 7 TYPICLHt HURRICANE TIE 4 SCAE: AL N.T.S. 16' Roof Span at 16" o.c. members requirements BaslcWind Speed.110 mph Wind Exposure Category. B See Table 12 Guide to Wood Frame Construction in High Wind Areas Uplift . 203 lbs Lateral . 1761bs Shear. 77lbs Hurricane Ties for Uplift Loads Hi hurricane connector provides 400 lbs uplift resistance. H2.5 hurricane connectors provides 365lbs uplift resistance. H2A hurricane connector provides 495 lbs uplift resistance. Use 3-8d common toe -nails to attach rafter to top plate. Provides 225 lbs lateral & shear resistance. Builder may use any other Simpson Strong -Tie Hurricane Tie that provides a minimum of 203 lbs of uplift resistance. Install all metal connectors in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications 6 APPROVED HURRICANE TIES \,,V SCALE: N.T.S. Use metal Double Tap MINIMUM strap a Plate HEADER SPAN HEADER SIZE# KINGS J# ACKS connector 2-16d common nails - (2)2x4 1 1 applied over stud to plate connection sheathing for &-a, (2)2x4 2 1 header over 36" in length Header 4'-0" (2)2x4 2 1 The number of full height studs removed because of window 5'-01 (2)2x4 - 3 i Icing Jack stud opening must be replaced on the studs) sides of the window opening. For P n9� 8'•0" (2)2x6 3 1 example It 5 studs are removed 5/ studs added to each T-91 (2)2x8 3 1 Double side as King studs. - Window Sill 8'-0" (2)2xl2 3 1 Plate 9'-0" (3)2x10 3 1 Use metal strap or 10'-0" (3)2x12 4 1 connector applied Bottom (Sole) Pes over sheathing for headers over 36" in 111•01 (4)2x10 4 1 (3) 16d per foot length 5 OPENINGS IN WALLS TABLE 9 OF GUIDE TO WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION IN HIGH WIND AREADE 4 SCALE: N.T.S. TABLE 3.23A OF WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL OUTER THIRD OF SPAN ONLY - IN CENER 14 1 MAXIMUM AT ENDS — OF JOIST 2"MIN. 1 3 JOIST DEPTH, MAX. 1/e JOIST DEPTH, MAX. SOLID SAWN JOISTS & RAFTER NOTCHING & BORING LIMITS WFCM - Figure 3.3a z JOIST RAFTER NOTCHING LIMITS 4 SCALE:. N.T.S. a NOTCH :7 HOLE EDOE M� DISTANCE> OUTER i/ OF VW OLE DIAMETER SPAN ONLY SIMNOLE SNO VrUD HOLE DWMETER < Saba DOIIELE PLATE STUD HOLE EDGE DISTANCEi S/r STUD NOTCHING & BORING LIMITS WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR ONE- AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS FIGURE 3.36 1 STUD NOTCHING & BORING LIMITS \,V SCALE: N.T.S. r— IRO UI NV Home Design Group P.f—bnal BWIdlrg D ipn A R.Iden°°ISpeclabt 318 Mains treat Fa/rhavan, Maee hneatrsaDlB OHi�e: 60B. J58.6JOB Email: Inlo®Fbma-DesgMbapcan WNnifa: www.HomsDesi,�Graq.can A BD Gary D Bracktns Pm/easbnal BWdirg Deslgr American rush to of BWlding Desbn Creafingwherep p live Sheet Description WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION DETAILS o v � C }� w (Tgdj m w o H- M®w � c 3 N 6 g a B CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS THESE DR4 WINGSA(E HEREBY RELEASED aY HQME DESIGNCROUPFOR PERMITAPPLM..ATpN ANDBDILDNG coNsrRucrrorv. SHEET A{z y R VERSION 1.0 °Our Design Begins In Your Horne° T RESIDENTIAL :SE�TIOM 2 :_PROPERTY OlNNERSHIPfAUTHORIZED 77 AGENT 2.1 Owner Record: r l VrLOUCI2214 loi1asLXM % I 7 o - Name (print) Contact Address Phone Number 222r Authorized Agent: v - Name ,(print) Contact Address Phone Number SE "'IOPI 3 ti;,GOAtSTRUGTION SIrRYICE, t .. 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor/Specialty License: ®, License Number: Company Name/Contractor Name: / Address: A 1 Expiration Date: Signature: Telephoner - 27-1111 3.2 Homeowner Exemption - One & Twa amily Only Section 110.R5.1.3.1 Exception: FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages E person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures: A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you zre applying under this section sign below: Signature: "-�EGTION 4 _, Yf►tiE�KIrR'S,COM)?1_NSATI�3)�I IWSIIf�A�iGE AFFID�tf1T `rI1tIGL � 152 §=�5�� _ ` � _ Worker's Compensation Insurance Affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to pre this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: INo ��`$EGTION 5 DESGR[PTION. C1F.PR(3POSEE►:YVORF� (Ghe�k �11 app9tc�hlsj �.� ``- _ r 4 �__ 15 Deck ❑ Pool ❑ Repairs ❑ Alteration ❑ Chimney/Fireplace ❑ Woodstove/Pellet Stove ❑ New Construction* ❑ Accessory Bldg. ❑ Addition ❑ Roofing/Siding ❑ Replacement window/door (Energy report required) (Shed/Garage) (Energy report required) No. of windows_ Doors ❑ DEMOLITION (specify): Location of debris removal (per MGL C.40 Sec 5 ): C/u Facility Name: WGrC, �, Location: mpster on site ❑ Dumpster On Street e No,„j L� *If new construction, please complete the following: Single Family: No. of Bedrooms No. of Baths Two Family: No of Bedrooms Unit 1 No. of Baths Unit 1 No of Bedrooms Unit 2 No. of Baths Unit 2 ❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Air conditioning - (separate urit) ❑ None of the aboveve h,, vIAJ ❑ Hot Watr: Ga_ : Electric Fuel Oil Other W RESIDENTIA1 ❑ Phased Approval (R106.3.3) - 1.1 Property Address: �� w 1.2 Assessor p & of Number: R Contact Person. Map Lot Phone Number:'' 1.3 Historical District ❑ Yes I❑ No 1.4 Wat r-Supply (MGL c40 s54): 1.5 Sew ge Disposal System: Year Built unicipal [Municipal ❑ Altering more than 25% per side of building ❑ Private Well ❑ On Site Disposal System Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? ❑ Yes ❑ No Date: Revis d6lti3 q p El CONSTRUCTION PLANSSITE PLANENERGY PREP® T