PP-211 MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DO PLUMBING V DARTMOUTH, MASS. Type of Occupancy-Commercial ❑ Residential Owners Name Ake c -e 'r0 Owners Address Building Location a I°''-4't\R. + ro S L ri , Date f I I le l q 4 New V Renovation n Replacement n Plans Submitted z z l�w uoz �, Hz � �a¢ �x ,=4, z ¢ x z O0zzza . - / � w vwHex ap a E E. A a U z sx W QW Z a) za O 14 M =r 0 HUQx az - QHx W 4 9 -+ O zOzw Vx.. F., a a A - A ► QO NO5 w cd � ¢ 3Q O 4 a o SUB-BSMT. BASEMENT 1st FLOOR 2nd FLOOR 1 1 3rd FLOOR 4th FLOOR 5th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 8th FLOOR n pp�� -- Installing Company Name A•z. S • 1 'pf h 9) -1- It A,-) Check One: Certificate Address i", O` Bo-( D-C`S E Corp. i \ �/ City °r 9 v-r State /V A Zip Code Oa.-719 ❑ Partner / Cl\ 1.." Business Telephone: q 9 0`� y�i ‘ Ft Firm/Co. i Name of Licensed Plumber or Gasfitter "iArT h o it r. S c -Q•1 INSURANCE COVERAGE: Check 9ne: I have a current liability insurance policy or its substantial equivalent. Yes o❑ If you have checked yes,please indicate the type coverage by checking the appropriate box. A liability insurance policy✓ Other type of indemnity Bond I OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Mass.General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. Check One: Owner ❑ Agent ❑ Signature of Owner's Agent I hereby certify that all of the details and information I have submitted(or entered)in above application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all plumbing work and installations performed under the permit issued ' for this application will be in compliance with all pertinent provisions of the Massachusetts State Plu.�g Code and Chapter 142 of the General Laws. B y .v Type of License: ak142) '� 0 Signature of ;ens.. Plumbe Title i ' q 4 i• ASTER usy/Town _Q�,vv ,..r 0 JOURNEYMAN License Number [Q R p 3 1 Z 0 P C..) W 44 4.) tl h z ci) \ Mcii •• .%4- C..7 . g 00 f,rei ; v: A c4 0.9 o .v) • A 61• .9 : c.7 4 a4 0 C21. PP 4 0 .:Az 2'-c :=1, (.-- z o 4 E. ,_, ..,-.„ n • \._,,,5 ',7.4 )4. —.t), i:::. • 2 0 ,..‘. Z 5 1-4 — 0 , \ co ,.) e _ 9 E-1 aq 64 12- 0 ,..>•• -,.. . 0 at t•-_--si\--„ r----, (13'...--RaiZrii„.., ,.. : •N a C\ . a. 5 1 't1111114.:'- .•E \.,.) 9$S, : 11111111P.41 -•,.., <4E-1 '''ci•a o•t'f" ' -1 . •(.14) Z \ 1-4 cA . ;A : C.)