Notice of Intent LOCATION TIME STAMP PLAT 79 LOT 7 SUBDIVISION NAME / STREET APPL I CANT L- �"tc4 PLAN RECEIVED TO: CONSERVATION COMMISSION PLANNING DEPT BOARD OF HEALTH ''ILE /NOTEBOOK I have reviewed the proposed plan prepared by i s 4 dated, l( -`t g t fore. o-- TYPE OF PRO CT I find the following: Q 1. Zoning District S�� 2. Aquifer Zone 4/9' 3. F. I.R.M. Zone �.. 250051 0Q0_ (SP dated 6 I3 . 4. Other Overlay District k)/( 5 . Building Department Permits uired. ed. 6. ❑variance if: required. ZBA Special Permit cis not required -- ,a Case # 7. Indicated setbacks MD-) (do not) meet current requirements of G5-0 - ZO - 40 ) . Setbacks are measured to all porches, decks, occupiable areas and fireplaces. "Grandfathered" setbacks_(,are) (fit) , allowed, for vacant lot ONLY..at-(1-45 - LO - . 0 ) , 8. Certified "as-built" required including top of foundation elevation. 9. \ t-- - r- BMITTED ,, DAVID J. ILVEIRA BUILDING COMMISSIONER & ZONING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER DATE: 7 fR"q Y �oUTH.M • Air • ,Pc, eTtgaPrb 1 9.151 k:___. 400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 79399 �ee4/ North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747-0985 •CONSERVATION COMMISSION 508-999-0722 FAX 508-999-0739 July 8, 1994 TO: Building Department Department of Public works Planning Board Board of Appeals Board of Health FROM: Dartmouth Conservation Commission SUBJECT: Request for technical review and written report on the accompanying Notice of Intent and plans from Timothy L . Medeiros re : Map 79 , Lot 6-4 , Medeiros Lane . Please review the attached Notice of Intent and plan(s) . If you have any comments , please prepare a report and submit it to the Conservation office by July 18, 1994 . Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter . RC: re c CID .-5f. C; C.a7 (-) C:v 0 G> CID C.)"D %J/C y�C 7� 5- _____ v It gWaR101,4 400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 79399 �e�4 yy North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747-0985 •CONSERVATION COMMISSION 508-999-0722 FAX 508-999-0739 DARTMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held in accordance with the provi . ions of the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw and M . G . L . , C 131 , §40 , the Wetlands Protection Act , on the Notice of Intent of Timothy L . Medeiros who wishes to construct a single family dwelling on land located at Map 79 , Lot 6-4 . Medeiros Lane in Dartmouth . The hearing will be held at 7 : 30 p . m. . Tuesday . July 19 . 1994 at the Dartmouth Town Hall , in Room 103 , 400 Slocum Road in Dartmouth . Gerald Franklin Chairman THE CHRONICLE LEGAL AD: Please run once in your issue of July 13 . 1994 . . CC : D. E . F . Dartmouth D . P.W. Dartmouth Board of Health Dartmouth Planning Board Dartmouth Building Department Owner Applicant Engineering Firm 310 CHR 10.99 DFFFiteNo. (To be provided by DEP) Form 3 City/Fown Dartmouth Applicant Commonwealth Department of of Massachusetts Defense United states Notice of Intent of America Under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, G.L. c. 131, 54O and Application for a Department of the Army Permit and the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw Part I: General Information c < 1. Location: Street Address /"' e d/ 1%' 5 L ail (J�y/Vae Spry Jigs Su 6 cif"- Lot Number 'L+�`s '� ',', �8 4 9 d. ..i ¢ ,. , �suC�`!rl /`/;;. e we ll' 2 Hd �A", a.1 pLt. 2. `Protect: Type Descrip ion ' r / r. , .4_7 y‘ 1 �G' !�0(5 0 � Ire Zayre 3. Registry: County Ul/-f7' Current Book -3 3 c'd & Page / 6, 5— Certificate (if Registered Land) 4/7,4 4. Applicant • 07 T�t Q l, L . AIed/c* r'/ 03 Tel.0 97z-6?34-- Address 7 7 l /2e 1e /C es21, •caell�0e17 4 /-I //fa r ��'i a Z 7 4-7 5. Property owner S P LN 6 Tel. Address / /a 4 6. Representative �/.' 4 J. /"L//J/c�f h�'l 0 Al Tel.(5 ) �'4 Z-Z Z?1 Address 444- 7 ..5'( o c it 47 K 4) Nb • gdY aK j/�f$1 6 Z?4 7- z' i( 7. a. Have the Conservation Commission and the Department's Regional Office each been sent, by certified mail or hand deliver, 2 copies of completed Notice of Intent, with supporting plans and documents? Yes Or No ❑ b. Has the fee been submitted? Yes Q3 No 0 c. Total Filing Fee Submitted 44 2 OD . e)e d. City/Town Share of Filing Fee 1 7' 5 ' State Share of Filing Fee/1Z• Cd (sent to City/Town) 02 of fee in excess of S25, sent to DEP) e. Is a brief statement attached indicating how the applicant calculated the fee? CYes ❑ No 3-1 Effective 11/20/92 8. Have all obtainable permits, variances and approvals required by local by-law been obtained? Yes ❑ No obtained Applied For: Not Applied For: /9/. Cli-n5e1/-y 74 er-frt g.e.e,/a4ne7 . S c ! U l/ 9. Is any portion of the site subject to a Wetlands $gstrict qn Order pursuant to G.L. C. 131, S40A or G.L. c. 130, S105? Yes U No lid 10. List all plans and supporting documents submitted with this Notice of Intent. Identifying Number/Letter Title, Date 1') Z ii.s 5 7 aloe 71 L. cvf 2� 2 S ,'tg � Gi)e Il/ Se-44ia?c 0/s/705af 412 2/` 11. Check those resource areas within which work is proposed: (a) OirBuffer Zone (b) Inland: ❑ Bank* Land Subject to Flooding (4Bordering vegetated Wetland* 0 Bordering ❑ Land Under Water Body i Waterway* 0 Isolated (c) Coastal: ❑ Land Under the Ocean* 0 Designated Port Area* ❑ Coastal Beach* 0 Coastal Dune ❑ Barrier Beach* 0 Coastal Bank ❑ Rocky Intertidal Shore* 0 Salt Marsh* ❑ Land Under Salt Pond* 0 Land containing shellfish* 0 Fish Run* *Likely to involve U.S. Army Corps of Engineers concurrent jurisdiction. See General Instructions for Completing Notice of Intent. 3-2 . 12.• Is the project within estimated habitat which is indicated. on the most recent Estimated Habitat Map of State-Listed Rare Wetlands Wildlife (if any) , published by the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program? • YES [ ] NO [ ✓f Date printed on h stimated Habitat Map NO MAP AVAILABLE [ ] (if any) 1 7 If yes, have you sent a copy of the Notice of Intent to the Natural Heritage and Endangered species Program via the U.S. Postal Service by certified or priority mail (or otherwise sent it in a manner that guarantees delivery within two days) no later than the date of the filing of this Notice of Intent with the conservation commission and the DEP regional office? YES [ ] NO [ ] If yes please attach evidence of timely mailing or other delivery to the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. Part II: Site Description Indicate which of the following information has been provided (on a plan, in narrative description or calculations) to clearly, completely and accurately describe existing site conditions. Identifying y Number/Letter (of plan, narrative or calculations) Natural Features 212. soils ! `t- Z/ Z Vegetation ! f 71 2_ Topography / open water bodies(including ponds and lakes) {Z- Flowing water bodies(including streams and rivers) Public and private surface water and ground water supplies on or within 100 feet of site 2.12. Maximum annual ground water elevations with dates and location of test Z Z Boundaries of resource areas checked under Part 1, item 11 above Other Man-made Features: structures (such as buildings, piers, towers and headwalls) Drainage and flood control facilities at the site and immediately off the site, including culverts and open channels (with inverts) , dams and dikes Subsurface sewage disposal systems all underground utilities 3-3 2 2- Roadways and parking areas • Z/' Property boundaries, easements and rights-of-way Other Part III: Work Description Indicate which of the following information has been provided (on a plan, in narrative description or calculations) to clearly, completely and accurately describe work proposed within each of the resource areas checked in Part I, item 11 above. Identifying Number/Letter (of plan, narrative or calculations) / Planview and Cross Section of: Z'! 2. Structures(such as buildings, piers, towers and headwalls) Drainage and flood control facilities, including culverts and open channels(with inverts) , dams and dikes zlL Subsurface sewage disposal systems & underground utilities Filling, dredging and excavating, indicating volume and composition of material . ' Compensatory storage areas, where required.-in.`accaTdatice with Part III, Section 10.57(4) of the regulations. r. Wildlife habitat restoration or replication areas other Point Source Discharge Description of characteristics of discharge from point source (both closed and open channel), when point of discharge falls within resource area checke.¢ under Part I, item 11 above, as supported by standard engineering calculations, data and plans, including but'ngt limited to the following: 1. Delineation of the drainage area contributing to the point of discharge; 2. Pre-and post-development peak run-off from the drainage area, at the point of discharge, for at (east the 10-year end 100-year frequency storm; 3. Pre- and post-development rate of infiltration contributing to the resource area checked under Part t, item 11 above; 4. Estimated water quality characteristics of pre- and post-development run-off at the point of discharge. x 3-4 f r Mitigating Measures Part IV; ps ng 1. C4early, completely and accurately describe, with reference to supporting plans and calculations where necessary: (a) All measures and designs proposed to meet the performance standards set forth under each resource area specified in Part II or Part III of the regulations; or (b) Why the presumptions set forth under each resource area specified in Part II or Part III of the regulations do not apply. O Coastal Resource Area Type: Identifying number or Er Inland letter of support documents 2u K o 72" I tom, +4/ air a 44 of—a c 7e a /v a S $ 7�t �' .e 4of v G r !` lea :ce-t t cam' At/ as c/dn- cr .07 $ of / e55 flay ¢ 7 5 /4.,7c a rc f,�vi >ir e-rt f dK • ., +► as; !, 'q 'y , �.�..; . t ''� . .L.-Nb i', 'S ♦. it � . , -, . .{ • O Coastal Resource.• ea'Types; - `Idegtiiiify g` nuiiber or O Inland ` • letter of suppore • • k, �' ... ,aca. documents �. a Q • • 3-5 0 Coastal Resource Area Type: Identifying number or 0 'Inland letter of support documents `� t 14 14 c�j 2. Clearly, completely and accunaterv'descaibeS.witb'tefe7acalotsupp r Lens'and calculations where necessary: •`' *' \a? '� a .k " `r rya V "i ��Z t t. • K r, (a) all measures and designs to regulate work within the Buffer Zone so as to ensure,that,said ,ork does not alter an area specified in Part I, Section 10.02(1)(a) of these 4rid4latit+h‘;'pr 1Y \- (b) if work in the Buffer Zone wilt alter such an area, all measures and designs proposed to meet the performance standards established for the adjacent resource area, specified in Part II or Part III of these regulations. 0 Coastal Resource Area Type Bordered - Identifying number or ❑ Inland By 100-Feet Discretionary Zone: letter of support documents .r/a / e f Ai ger Iia/e f 74 4 c cia a� �1 /N e. . ?L /(!e 74e-el 74 al 3! l4 74o/+c • T ai'I'e es er a �GGrt / Ldj'tl N a 7T ^ 2-- 3-6 Part v: Additional Information for a Department of the Army Permit 1. COE Application No. (to be provided by COE) • 2. (Name of waterway) 3. Names and addresses of property owners adjoining your property: 4. Document other project alternatives (i.e., other locations and/or construction methods, particularly those that would eliminate the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters or wetlands) . 5. 81/2" x 11" drawings in planview and cross-section, showing the resource area and the proposed activity within the resource area. Drawings must be to scale and should be clear enough for photocopying. Certification is required from the Division of Water Pollution Control before the Federal permit can be issued. Certification may be obtained by contacting the Division of Water Pollution Control, 1 Winter Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02108. Where the activity will take place within the area under the Massachusetts approved Coastal Zone Management Program, the applicant certifies that his proposed activity complies with and will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the approved program. Information provided will be used in evaluating the application for a permit and is made a matter of public record through issuance of a public notice. Disclosure of this information is voluntary; however, if necessary information is not provided, the application cannot be processed nor can a permit be issued. I hereby certify under the pains and penalties of perjury that the foregoing Notice of Intent and accompanying plans, documents and supporting data are true and complete, to the best of my knowledge. signature of Applicant Date 0`-.r-e. S gna re of A cant's Representative Date FORM "Exception to ENG Form 4345 approved by HOUSACE, 6 May 1982" N ED 100 (TEST) 1 MAY 82 "This document contains a joint Department of the Army and State of Massachusetts application for a permit to obtain permission to perform activities in United States waters. The Office of Management and Budget(OMB) has approved those questions required by the US Army Corps of Engineers. OMB Number 0702-0036 and expiration date of 30 September 1983 applies". This statement will be set in 6 point type. 3-7 1) ram} \i .:. :4ELOIR soo4000— �� ` �à & 3OCraPber _, ,--, , tr„., it ;. . t\ Lc , •L. CC) 3500 Nsat, , ' II • 11000- � �� Lam,' _--Tr t/ i /1 _.,_ y0 .. _ /\13- _ 1 , 1 \ __Pumping _ o n ./<� • :'' - 4618 looao- \ "` s-3000 �� - _ - .. - mow. n,.,. ": , ( .\ - ° • lc i \ / 111 d:\e,.../v --.,,.; -----/ •'o -- CD '''' ' % ' -(--- , ./. __. _ _ ,/ . • . "` ~yJ.• ....._ _„_,_ _ s_ 200 _ 26'Cem .� o ..,. ` ` '� pry•' • „ - . �,.v- �(��-4►--v.� 2500 \g,.. • �°�, , ,N.+1: I I ter- ,�- © _, 4.- i 8000- � ` _RI•v ` .� ' ^:r'�. . _ ,sue 46- 1 J • - I• .rt- / Gee .w q t w - -fib y► - \�1` P, „f. ?G 1 �' t _"a=y'�'-".. r'abf', �� 7000- - "„7,...:: -\V-40 ' -..) \ / / - ';. . ., - ^ ' _ ` 'WRY .► .41. g� 02 1600 op - Gravel /1 7A16.714-...- _ Ai. [o° .cam .Q /iii* _ _ ter) 1..., •� 1�V U -ar - p I Il f' i \ — -�.. �..r -_ I. �s --'t •• "•` • ).. ..arer_ _ ....44' ,i"- /-: --.:i "' - 'r';.kC�- 4616 �_ / CemvG�,s,�J %l, __ ° �' \ �-�� c • °o.�� 800 162. ` • II" �� ' .� `/� p 1 �. - 700 i ; / � '� V/ (•... -" -PI I ' _ 2�— 600 1 c� t // Q . 0. •ii>„ )--= 6.1 ,`o - 400 Per [ .om - t ' -'�" e 1' \ 1000-. 300 r46/.f-_-..-r,,2'. ''- ;til r-' . -_-- - , 111P,,s_, - ' ii, \,,,,.. \ ' \` ,� .. )... _ `J / _ 1•1 i , 1 Feet Meters I n� \\� o'' " its \c� ..- V \ , �- �' J o /? ° ` 1 .3048 144 I ;�!\. / J \ \. `� /• ''.11 .4e ` U `!- / O C l.J 5 , 3 .2192 (1--- � ,� - r �. -,- 6 1.8288 -./ $' (� Q0/ _x r r = iL ��L7 L•7 i 7 21336 � 8 2.4384 nn 1� 9 3.0430 / \ f, Jj U 1 'O / 2 Jr L7�U 10 3.0480 '-‘11151 kif r / I / ' •�.� 46 = 3 _ __ ' �,� sh.m../n� M.0. 1. sift ee la i a� y T /(,� L To convert feet to meters ')- '-'e - //,p i _ - _'_ I/ I /I�t���y / ♦ e�G I ro- multiply M.3048 - - ,` 1.Gtavel --+�- _I/'z' r To convert meters to feet `':..Pit Gharlast istfe i r'-- -' multiply try 3.2808 - — - _�17 y • 4 Ir -�_ • NTERCI_ ellr- ,enr-tea- --- • - • i = -r - \ 3iaNe' ' \ I - BM , ,CY: -7-' _.s..._- . -, ---7,-\S-1._=..4- ,,,_-_-i-f.%\\i )' ._- -fl'-. ' -1, z-: -.+*''•'''.7---,.- c---- , . -- --- 12? �G J F .f - / .. - 4613 l PLAT 1 LOT ( ( 9 TIME STAMP SUBDIVISION/STREET NAME OWNER: / 01 /�/� rt / "t�� 'i 3`3L 22LCEIVED J (H uo,LJit4t� UtrT- TO: CONSERVATION COMMISSION PLANNING DEPT. BOARD OF HEALTH FILE/NOTEBOOK ENGINEER I have reviewed the proposed plan prepared by dated, for TYPE OF PROJECT I find the following: 1. Zoning District 2. Aquifer Zone 3. F. I.R.M. Zone 250051 00 dated 4111 4. Other Overlay District 5 . Building Department Permits are required. are not required. 6. ❑Variance is required. ZBA ❑Special Permit is not required,''' was issued Case # 7. Indicated setbacks (do):- (do not) meet current ` , requirements of ( - - ) . Setbvfs are measured to all porches,`decks, occupiable area" and fireplaces "Grandfathered setbacks (are) (are .not) allowed, for vacant lot ONLY at ( - - ) Exempt Setback(s) (are) (are :not) allowed. =' 8. Certified "as-built" require& including top of foundation elevation. 9. ; SUBMITTED BY, 1111 DAVID J. SILVEIRA BUILDING COMMISSIONER & ZONING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER DATE: _..-__.«.:_.._-.-..w.-..-+.....-..:w,.+.,.-m...-..•.--.ram..--.:r-..,.«.... ..a-•.-.A..-n.a..--.va-rr-.w.J->.v--.y'.m.,: Y BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL TEST 'PIT $1i, TEST PIT t 2 e/, %Z_8 — o" a , el. tzzi Gares7'Z, Fore54 Loam !o Sub s% S;mb sail f 3©, 3�n el. i2(o,3 ,F a _ a m� � � Coax Sg ,IC/ 72' el. I2 AIN „r' r San , w Y ELEVATIONS MUST T r�. -Y -s .. _ � , a CHANGED WITHOUT BOARD Nd-rE : Can , c�_�11 Y' I F,L'Cci (/ HEALTH O SOIL LOGS -4 , .� Sir �- r° S 7 a r , , DO NOT SCALE f` BOARD OF HEALTH INSPECDTION i i \ r J r ` l x I x :G V, r r -Z` iNS Ec�la 4- �E4'4 � �t / , REQUIRE® ¢. 2 a ' ;�`/v, / 3 2 .. J74 i r 7, This System is Not Designed For Garbage Grinder, Whirlpool STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS' TEST' DATA. DESIGN CRITERIA r All system components shall be installed in accordance with Or Other High Water Use Devices. 13l �'2.Title-Yof the State Code and local Health Rules, as amended. DATE .: /r`f1%Z 7/`73 PROP. USE 3 Q ` ' Septic Tank, Dis#ributron Box, and Z21ri usr�s to be H-/o INSP: : i����> S Gr EST. FLOW pre -cast .reinforced concrete as manufactured by A. Rotondo t;Sons ENGP,. S.'f-ec Sr`r-:c SYSTEM or approved equal. PERC.: a" �-D 4- SIDE CAP. ��)Z t3�}(i — An modification to this plan must be approved, in writing, by the �` a•¢3 =2¢7 3 Y RATE /10 ,, r���,/1, BOT. CAP. �`�� 2¢ x/ Z) a Engineer and the Board of Health prior to construction.4 Before proceeding with construction, and again prior- to backfill, W. L.C. 7vo ` w/lq TOTAL AREA: `� { L + notify the $pard of Health for an inspection. BOT. :e /z)to" TOTAL CAP. 1 0 � N BOAi''D OF HEALTH NOTES: S A L Si YAREV, zi , mGt. E�GIE13 R ' -, /O Z Y,9 r. I RS ASrR THE APPROVAL BY THIS OFFICE U�i.T DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE PREPArRED FOR S 5 � o , of a `17st & ZRTlFII ��PLAN ,.. , _--�-.:":i � - d ;�; -- � � u � � �, , f TiQ EFFECTIVENESS OF ANY , STATEIV, I INSTALLATION ,,� JUN 3 REQUIRED ` -; �' �-I� -+4- L - , , " -- DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH f [CART"'QUTti R w, N � 00 P.E.PREPARED- . R n1► Nam. a~ r � -ENGINEERING- LAND SURVEYING c -r 1994 , ,. ._., 463 SI_OCUM ROAD,NoDARTMOUTH, . . 6 2 9 v11 � 992 2 ;. n7l oc,. +. .ter..., ;; ... ,-,> .• .�_ _. H,.. _ ARTi�1 U ,.....,. r* iNNON,., . Q r ; � coNTACT Jol-iN I�cK .CYO .,, .. .. ,,. _. Ty Ct _ E P � r i D NOT SCALE) Q _ _ _ _ F � { R O L. P , YSTE s DISPOSAL _ S � _ . _ ._ D1SP .: _ _ _ _ DATE _ _ . AS t�DTE _ SCALE. r ., ,