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FIELD INSPECTION Dartmouth Building Department D �.;, Ir } Plat: 79 400 Slocum Road-P.O. Box 9399 ��.,. _ _[ ) Lot(s) : 6-6 North Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size: 44, 315 Telephone 508-999-0720 Zone Dist. : SRB Issued Date: 10/19/94 Permit No. : 269 Project Location: 10 Medeiros Lane Number Street Subdivision Name: Nearest Cross Street: Collins Corner Road Applicant/Agent: Alan Manchester (M. & B. Construction) Contact Person Phone #: ( ) 508-998-1569 Proposed Use: Residential Residential, Commercial,Industrial,etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of Improvement,Add,Alter,New Const.,Demo,Land/Move,etc. New One-Family Dwelling/3 bedrooms/1 bath/oil heat /septic system/well (2923 sq. ft. ) indicate no. of bedrooms and bathrooms and other rooms ---O erT s of Record: David-J. & Debra--R. H —__11 - - '--- —_ -_ - Address: 70 Tecumseh Street, Fall River, MA 02721 DATE TIME TYPE OF INSPECTION REMARKS INITIAL co jo / ?-9f` /9 s' / ., �/ l/-big-9'f .rev a-.._, l`..s- E „• As eao.r /1-,/1 r- "4" At. /4.vse.„4,. e/0._.� ....z. ,P�� - a-fl /off VS-- 9'/ /..e�dr Co�.T / iv �'�GtcL r* �"C �! �' ;N. 1°1 ,)") ,3 r Etv iy, / V r'14- 1-o a d l,. e� OCCUPANCY PERMIT DAVID J. & DEBRA R. HILL NEW DWELLING Occupancy is hereby granted for the premises located at 10 MEDEIROS LANE Assessors Plat 079 Lot 6-6. The premise has been found to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code in effect as of the date of permit issue and other applicable Massachusetts Codes and regulations as evidenced by approvals affixed to the reverse of this permit. -- The use is further found to be in compliance with the Local Zoning By-LAws-for use as indicated, as of this date of issue. This permit is further conditioned on the continued maintenance of permitted conditions as provided by law. ZONING DISTRICT - Single Residence District APPROVED USE - RESIDENTIAL BOARD OF APPEALS/SPECIAL PERMIT N/A Approved by avid J. Silveira wilding Commissioner D & Zoning Enforcement Officer ATE OF ISSUE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL To be signed by each division indicating compliance on final inspection. BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS PER 780CMR 119.5: USE GROUP CLASSIFICATION TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION MAXIMUM LIVE LOAD FLOORS SPECIAL<CONDITIONS BUILDING PERMIT NO. 269 Approved by ' — Dateo/7 Comment PLUMBING �^- PERMITO. / 7y - = 8 ? /Approved by e- �r,'�U Date 3 7 5 Comment GAS Approved by Date Comment ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO. Approved byd2 Date Comment FIRE ()J377-3 PERMIT NO. Approved by //fit 4!C9 Date 3- -91" Comment BOARD OF HEATH PERMIT NO. Approved by 4 4,6,4 Date io pis Comment DPW-WATER Approved by Date Comment DPW-SEWER NO. Approved by Date Comment WATER DIVISION-CROSS CONNECTION . Approved by Date Comment E - 911 COORDINATOR ADDRESS NO. / Approved by Date ti3 - g- y� Comment PLANNING DIRECTOR (Off-Street Parking Plan) Approved by Date Comment BUILDING PERMIT Dartmouth Building Department Plat : 79 400 Slocum Road-P. O. Box 9399 Lot (s) :6-6 North Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size: 44, 315 Telephone 508-999-0720 Zoning Dist. : SRB October 13, 1994, (type ) Permit No. : 02-14 Issued Date: fv/ Clerk: soh Project Location: 10 Medeiros Lane Nnabor S Subdivision Name: Sylvan Springs Lot #3 Nearest Cross Street : off Collins Corner Road Applicant/Agent : Alan Manchester (M. & B. Construction) Address: 14 Red Maple Run. North Dartmouth. MA 02747 Contact Person Phone #: ( ) 508-998-1569 Type of License: Owner: ( ) Const. Superv. License #: (010265 ) Architect : ( ) Engineer: ( ) Other: ( ) Proposed Use: Residential Residential, Coaaardtal. Industrial. etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of I , Add. Alter, Now Coast.. Demo. land/Move, etc. New One-Family Dwellina/ 3- bedrooms/ 1 bath/ septic system/ well/ oil heat indicate, no. of bndroos. and bathreeas and ether rooms Gross. Area of Const. : 2(423 so. ft. Cost of Const. $ 85. 000. 00 Cost-Other Const. : TOTAL FEE: S 292.00 Owner(s) of Record: David J. & Debra R. Hill Address: 70 Tecumseh Street. Fall River. MA 02721 All work shall comply with 780 CMR 5th Ed. (MGL Chap. 142) and any other applicable Mass. Laws or codes and plans on file. I hereby certify, that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and . I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his authorized agent. Signature of Owner/Agent : ��°''ems Address: *************************************** ************************** Signature: '�V�K' e�-- -• 6 Approved/Issued By: William A. Braga, Lo 1 Building Inspector COIENTS: Cr ORIGINAL 0 APPLICANT 0 ASSESSORS 0 CLERK 0 COPY `r- 4 0;..411• . . • . ; ftt0 t•- - 1- tt.• ; '/ 171 ;Jr: „ . -. .t h tt, ttt :t.ttiJ = . . k ci t/1 IMININENIImismomormimemir Plat Lot Address Required approval Approvals received please (X) approvals Please (X) approvals and required for this project Initial as received DATE INITIALS Zoning Building Comm. Board of Appeals Water Card Sewer Card Board of Health Bond Selectmen Conservation 13iG c Tctf 7471, _ Fire Chief ,/a/ y /707 Cross Connections. Licensed Contractor Controlled Const. Affid. Other information required / V ©Af „En. // / • J lti&t 0'�, fJB� ,, PERMIT NO. 02.� /4 � TOWN 0 DARTMOUTH DATE ISSUED cry-r� y r'"'/J� '4 x Qp y : APPLICA'I`ION FOR TOTAL COST � 9�1• doe syy LESS APPLICATION FE 020-1 ®ea BUILDING PERMIT FINAL PERMIT FEE LOCATION OF BUILDING l°1 io 01 Number & Street LC)/ #3 /a'?E1 E//2 OS 4-ANC 01.1 Zoning District 6-E-8 02 Cross Streets(between) Orr COAL/A/S cokAi ?I and 03 Lot �ro Plat 0 7 ci 04 Subdivision -S P-UJAt3 SPA 1A3 L • Lot14 3 OWNERSHIP COST 05 1 Private (individual, corporation, 36 Cost of Improvement non-profit institution, etc.) 36.1 To be installed but not 06 ❑ Public (Federal, State, or local government) included in the above cost TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 36.2 Electrical 07 `$ New Construction 36.3 Plumbing 08 ❑ Addition -Type of Room(s) 36.4 HVAC 09 ❑ Alteration 36.5 Other - Specify 10 ❑ Foundation Only example: elevator 11 ❑ Demolition (#of units if residential) 37 TOTAL II S� 0 - 12 ❑ Moving (relocation) STRUCTURE STATISTICS 38 [%Wood Frame 13 Number of Bedrooms 3 39 ❑ Masonry (wall bearing) 14 Number of Bathrooms (Total) / 40 ❑ Structural Steel Full-Tub 41 ❑ Reinforced concrete 3/4 - Shower 42 ❑ Other- Specify 1/2 - Toilet Only RESIDENTIAL-PROPOSED USE DIMENSIONS 15 AI One-Family 43 Number of stories 16 0 Two or more families 44 Total square feet of floor area, all floors, Number of units based on exterior dimensions 3;3 4 17 ❑ Garage 18 ❑ Shed 45 Total land area, square feet zit 3 I S 3 r 19 ❑ Carport 20 ❑ Swimming Pool SEWAGE DISPOSAL In-Ground Above-Ground 21 ❑ Woodstove 46 ❑ Public or private company 22 ❑ Fireplace 47 1;4 Private (septic tank, etc.) 23 ❑ Other - Specify WATER SUPPLY i 48 ❑ Public or private company NON-RESIDENTIAL - PROPOSED USE 49 Private, (well, cistern) 4 24 ❑ Amusement, recreational 25 ❑ Church, other religious PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL 26 ❑ Industrial 50 ❑ Gas 27 ❑ Parking Garage 51 Oil 28 ❑ Service station, Repair garage 52 0 Electricity 29 ❑ Hospital, institutional 53 ❑ Coal 30 ❑ Office, bank, professional 54 ❑ Other - Specify 31 ❑ Public utility 32 ❑ School, library, other educational TYPE OF MECHANICAL 33 ❑ Stores, mercantile 55 Will there be central air conditioning? ❑Yes A No 34 ❑ Tanks, towers 56 Will there be an elevator? ❑Yes 1Z No 35 ❑ Other - Specify PARKING PER ZONING BY-LAWS 57 0 Enclosed 58 I •Outside 59 Does this building contain asbestos? ❑ YES i .NO If yes complete the following: Name & Address of Asbestos Removal Firm: IDENTIFICATION - To be completed by all applicants PLEASE PRINT C. E. A(` - 60 Owner (print) b f7v i U + e. f41 L-L / v e cc.0 s s i TELEPHONE NO. NAME MAILING ADDRESS . ,,� �1, f rn I)& '` tiz ,/ p t-e-C DATE /6 y'/ 61 Signature t/C,�- p Builder's A Cc /�(c,� 1oc T/C'!1 (510 99g` /567 License No.0/Et7/.6 62 Contractor (p ' LING DDRESS TELEPHONE NO. DATE /®-- (' 63 Signature S (6-Ds} 6PP' 31d 7 64 Architect or Engineer (print) -Jilin ��AE MAILING LI �S TEHONE NO. 65 Signature DATE CERTIFICATION TO PERFORM WORK 66 I/We hereby appoint '1 'f/0 yr,Aloc#ES7 f 4 gal it i9oi_. NAME ADDRESS as my/our agent for the purpose of applying for and obtaining a building permit for the work to be done described in this application. Signature '/2.4% ?"` DATE /D, 3/7 51 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 67 Has A-1 or Determination been issued by Conservation Commission? C YES ❑ NO Submit copy of notification sent to DEQE and the State Dept. of Labor Industries and result of air sample analysis after asbestos removal is complete. 68 Owner or Agent - I certify under peril of the penalties of perjury that the information herein is accurate to the best of my knowledge /� DATE ,<®-/- 9 T _ Signature �"'�` Owner or Agent 69 BOARD OF HEALTH REVIEW DATE Inspector or Authorized Person COMMENTS: 70 DP\V - WATER Service No. SEWER Service No. To;be completed upon issuance of permit- (if applicable) 71 I will'post perm. nd ad ss s a o be ibl from street. Signature DATE /0^/s 9� Owner or Agent 72 I have received list of required inspections DATE Signatre Owner or Agent 73 FOR RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS OTHER THAN NEW DWELLINGS: Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to the registration law(780 CMR-6)? YES NO Are you claiming an exemption from the law by homeowner sign-off? YES NO (if yes,submit required signed affidavit) Contractor's Signature: Date PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (780 CMR-6) QUESTIONS or COMPLAINTS? Call or write: Home Improvement Contractor Registration One Ashburton Place-Room 1301 Boston,MA 02108 617-727-8598 Owner's Signature: Date: RECEIPT FOR PERMIT TOWN OF DARTMOUTH 3 y5_ ouT„.M 04,�®�,P7' PERMIT NO. 4,. `_ No ,8.4, / / O 13 hell 1 ,� Date / Received From �/1/1'� Ala Pe{it- Owner J.1.4t 0 A - .s 2 Y 0.-- R - 441 i Location / ' "e �3 --- Type ezietifr Atz--. Amount Paid c ,LS7-) ( .. �:: { Received By ".4.41-Al a 1 RECEIPT FOR PERMIT TOWN OF DARTMOUTH o4)9 pUTN. M4JN' PERMIT NO. I 7 z. =v-- No 5 �41 ' ram: ,e. Date /6 --)V- /9 Received From ,_,,,havid ("- 4)7 6)---ex....• 7T/4( j • Owner Sain-C..,..., i Location Jo /A ftd&TaJ i s!l- . . 1 ) Type V-11 -C/ 4 1 Amount Paidtoi fp 7,t/jJ 4 Received By .. d Ya • COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS 600 WASHINGTON STREET . • James CampbellBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02111 '-omr7ssione' WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT (licensee/permittee) with a principal place of business/residence at: /q fl? fit E R A NO. /)A/sT i'?1 SS. o. ', 7 6.ew 77.135 (City/State/Zip) do hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that: [] I am an employer providing the following workers' compensation coverage for my employees working on this job.h/Aicovie T -004,495 /t's>tvmgc et). /3/3 So: rM/tr S7• EALL I?i'tr&e, MASS /-#1/ZrfoRb 1=/RE /AJS . C.a . -3C? 7 i,q Insurance Company Policy Number [ ] I am a sole proprietor and have no one working for me. [) I am a sole proprietor, general contractor or homeowner (circle one) and have hired the contractors listed below who have the following workers' compensation insurance policies: Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Number Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Number Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Number 0 I am a homeowner performing all the work myself. NOTE: Please be aware that while homeowners who employ persons to do maintenance,construction or repair work on a dwelling of not more than three units in which the homeowner also resides or on the grounds appurtenant thereto are not generally considered to be employers under the Workers' Compensation Act(GL C. 152,sect. 1(5)),application by a homeowner for a license or permit may evidence the legal status of an employer under the Workers'Compensation Act. I understand that a copy of this statement will be forwarded to the Department of Industrial Accidents'Office of Insurance for coverage verification and that failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties consisting of a fine of up to S1500.00 and/or imprisonment of up to one year and civil penalties in the form of a Stop Work Order and a fine of S 100.00 a day against me. Signed this `• day of e't , 19 9 Y Licensee/Permi c Licensor/Permittor 4.4 iTOOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT rival ' Board of, Health 47 Fire Chief Dist. 1, , wiz Conservation Comm. ❑ DPW Engineering 0 Selectmen-Licensing ❑ DPW Water Sewer ❑ Board of Appeals Planning Board 0 Town Clerk Tax Collector -1-1 Police Department ❑ Cross Conn./Water Div. g.--9 The following is forwarded to your office for your information only - no response is required. The Building Department is in receipt of an application for Plat 79 Lot -6_(— , Address es by 4j',7 it /fOt)(/ u to '1 r 1CONTACTPERSON&TELEPE# demo,construct,alter "cuff etc. a(n) �1� Lf'Y)r` f j j/ - p The plan was received by this office on /6/3 /L/ . date This office will review said plans and subject to availability of potable water, where required, the provisions of Zoning By-law per MGL Chapter 40A and MSBC 780 CMR 5th Edition will have available to issue or will deny a permit for the above-mentioned work within 30 days of date of receipt. The applicant has been advised that your office as indicated above may require them to apply for licenses or permits subject to your jurisdiction and that they should contact your office, as indicated, for specific information. It is not necessary to respond to this notice unless there is a specific issue at hand or you wish to forward material or information required for permitting. When required, an Occupancy Permit will not be issued until all Town Agencies have had the opportunity to "sign off" that the work under their jurisdiction is complete to their satisfaction. To The Applicant: Be advised that this notice will be sent to the Agencies checked above as they may have separate jurisdiction for your project. Any questions about the Agencies Regulations & Policy should be addressed to the individual Agency. Your signature only acknowledges your receipt of a copy of th of e. ___=, / /,3/g APP CANT/TELEPHONE DATE TOWN OF DARTMOUTH 1� REQUEST FOR ASSIGNMENT OF HOUSE NUMBER Owner(s) of Property b 1: 4 DGBk A Present'Address 7c) 7 C-t ms !� S'%; rig. 6a7-f Telephone Number (6b8) House Location: Plat O79 Lot a -L Subdivision 5'jl1.t'At3 S bA 6 S Lot #3 Corner Lot ? Yes No ✓ Street ffl E El RoS 1-J4NE Single Family 'J Multi Family Condominium # of Units . S� ' P1 +►`,.Subini teed';? Yes t�' . aNi A date_ Stititio ti '. 16131,0: ignature of Owner House Number Assigned ‘c=, Date Assigned -2.. . 94 Date Assessors Notified t©_ v7. .94 Date Building Dept. Notified c _ i2 . c.x4 Date Owner Notified , Department of Public Works Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 402079 T1 DBL.FINK 11 1 M&B CONSTRUCTION RtLIABLE 1 RUSS CO. - 3.000 s Jun 1 1994 MiTek Industries,Inc. Mon Oct 17 09:52:30 1994 Page 1 -11-0,0 6-1-3 , 11-6-10 , 17-0-0 , 22-5-6 , 27-10-13 , 34-0-0 35-0I 0 1-0-0 6-1-3 5-5-6 5-5-6 5-5-6 5-5-6 6-1-3 11-0-0 5.0007 4x8\\ D - 4 T 1, 2 48 C E '9 4x8; �\ ,B T /IV 1 / V - ^I �� it 1 liu B2 V71 1 T 1 4\ifr B1 o :,v A � L K J 1 H - 0 4x8= 4z8 ti 4x8= 4x8= 4x8= 4x8= 4x8, 4x8= 8-0-0 8-1111213-0-0 21-0-0 , 25-10-4 , 34-0-0 8-0-0 0-1-12 4-10-4 8-0-0 4-10-4 8-1-12 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [C:0-2-4,0-1-12],(M:0-0-0,0-2-0],[A:0-0-0,0-0-6],[L:0-0-0,0-3-8],[G:0-0-0,0-0-6],[I:0-0-0,0-3-8] LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL (in) (loc) 1/defl PLATES GRIP TCLL 30.0 Plates Increase 0.90 TC 0.65 Vert(LL) 0.27 K/J 999 M20(20ga) 199/146 TCDL 7.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.93 Vert(TL) 0.43 K/J 717 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.91 Horz(TL) 0.04 G n/a BCDL 10.0 Code TPI Min Length/LL dell=240 Weight:135(Ibs) LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-0-11 on center purlin spacing. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied,or 10-00-00 on center bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF No.3 Except: A-M:5-0-2,H-1:6-3-0,G-H:5-9-11,J-K:6-3-0,I-J:6-3-0. WEBS 1 Row at midpt M-C,K-D, D-J REACTIONS (lbs/size) M=2401/0-3-8,G=1248/0-3-8 Max Horz M=41(load case 3) Max Uplift M=-1205(load case 4),G=-626(load case 4) FORCES TOP CHORD A-B=974, B-C=1258,C-D=-508,D-E=-1411,E-F=-1935,F-G=-2205 BOT CHORD G-H=2024,H-1=1495, 1-J=1495,J-K=793,K-L=202,L-M=202,A-M=-897 WEBS B-M=-416,C-M=-2379,C-K=906, D-K=-662,D-J=1043, E-J=-650, E-H=510, F-H=-374 NOTES 1)This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 110.0 m.p.h.winds at 25.0 feet above ground level, using 5.0 p.s.f.top chord dead load and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord dead load,25.0 miles from hurricane oceanline,on a category I enclosed building,of dimensions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposure C(ASCE 7-88). Lumber Increase= 1.33, Plate Increase= 1.33.Both end verticals are exposed. • LOAD CASE(S) 1)Lumber Increase=1.15,Plate Increase=0.90 Uniform Loads(lbs per ft) Vert:A-B=-74.0,B-C=-74.0,C-D=-74.0, D-E=-74.0,E-F=-74.0,F-G=-74.0,G-H=-20.0,H-I=-20.0,I-J=-20.0, J-K=-60.0,K-L=-20.0, L-M=-20.0,A-M=-20.0 Concentrated Loads(Ibs) Vert:A=-74.0,G=-74.0 • Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 402079 T3 FINK 11 1 M&B CONSTRUCTION IttLIA13Lt 1 KUSS CO. 3:0005 Jun 19943111TeK Industnes,Inc. Tue Oct 11 11:29:59 1994 Page 1 -11-0�0 7-3-14 I 14-0-0 I 20-8-2 I 28-0-0 219-0�0 1-0-0 7-3-14 6-8-2 6-8-2 7-3-14 1-0-0 5.000[T2 4x5= C T r 5x5; 5x5 B D c' _ 1:6-‘4\/ \//.41 ,_ co H G F 8o 4x6= 4x4= 3x4= 4x4= 4x6= 9-6-10 I 18-5-6 I 28-0-0 I 9-6-10 8-10-13 97,6-10` Plate Offsets(X,Y): [A:0-1-0,0-0-3],[C:0-0-0,0-2-12],[B:0-0-0,0-3-4],[D:0-0-0,0-3-4],[E:0-1-0,0-0-31 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL (in) (loc) 1/defi ;, PLATES GRIP TCLL 30.0 Plates Increase 0.90 TC 0.84 Vert(LL) 0.44 G/F 755'` M20(20ga) 199/146 TCDL 7.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.82 Vert(TL) 0.69 G/F 482 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.43 Horz(TL) 0.08 E n/a BCDL 10.0 Code TPI Min Length/LL defl=240 Weight:98(Ibs) LUMBER BRACING . TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-4-4 on center purlin spacing. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP SS BOT CHORD A-H:5-5-6,G-H:6-3-0,F-G:6-3-0,E-F:5-5-6. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF No.3 REACTIONS (lbs/size) A=1554/0-3-8, E=1554/0-3-8 Max Horz A=34(load case 3) Max Uplift A=-760(load case 4),E=-760(load case 4) FORCES I TOP CHORD A-B=-2843, B-C=-2535,C-D=-2535, D-E=-2843 BOT CHORD E-F=2612,F-G=1789,G-H=1789,A-H=2612 WEBS B-H=-455,C-H=911,C-F=911, D-F=-455 NOTES 1)This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 110.0 m.p.h.winds at 25.0 feet above ground level,using 5.0 p.s.f.top chord dead load and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord dead load,25.0 miles from hurricane oceanline,on a category I enclosed building,of dimensions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposure C(ASCE 7-88). Lumber Increase= 1.33, Plate Increase= 1.33. Both end verticals are exposed. LOAD CASE(S) 1)Lumber Increase=1.15,Plate Increase=0.90 Uniform Loads(lbs per ft) Vert:A-B=-74.0,B-C=-74.0,C-D=-74.0, D-E=-74.0,E-F=-20.0,F-G=-60.0,G-H=-60.0,A-H=-20.0 Concentrated Loads(lbs) Vert:A=-74.0, E=-74.0 OFFICE LABORATORY 1498 HIGH STREET 176 PLYMOUTH STREET BRIDGEWATER,MA 02324 BRIDGEWATER,MA 02324 OLIVEIRA ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. WATER-WASTEWATER-FOOD-DAIRY PRODUCTS CHEMICAL&BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSES Telephone(508)697-2650 FAX(508)697-0163 September 26, 1994 Norwood Well Co. , Inc. 117 Kingman Street Lakeville, MA 02347 Source: Well Water - Drilled Well - 300 feet deep - producing 12 gals/min. Located on the property at Lot #3 Medeiros Lane - North Dartmouth, MA Analysis # 94-09-7223 Coliform Count /100 m1 @35C Absent Membrane Filter • S.P.C./ml @35C L 1 Color (APC units) 0.00 Sediment none Turbidity (NTU) 1.10 Odor N.0.0. Taste satisfactory _pH 7. 1 -Specific Conductance 117. micromhos/cm mg /liter Total Alkalinity (CaCO3) 47.0 Free CO2 7.24 Total Hardness (CAC03) 42.0 Calcium (Ca) 12.8 Magnesium (Mg) 3.71 Sodium INal 7.17 Potassium (K) 0.79 Total Iron (Fe) 0.04 Manganese (Mn) 0.05 Silica (Si02) 21.0 Sulfate ISO,) L 10.0 Chloride (CI) 5.00 Nitrogen - Ammonia L 0. 10 Nitrogen - Nitrite L 0.005 Nitrogen - Nitrate L 0.50 L = less than N.0.0. = No Odor Observed - On site collection made by G. Lech of Oliveira Laboratories - 9/22/94 at 1420 hrs. Sample relinquished to laboratory by G. Lech - 9/22/94 at 1550 hrs. Bacteriologically, this well water is of a satisfactory sanitary standard and is suitable for drinking and domestic purposes. Chemically, this well water meets the standards for all of the chemicals tested. 2&-dC:211:44' 14••• Director F83384-1 • The Standard Plate Count indicated the general bacterial population of the well at the time of collection. Coliform Group Bacteria: Significance The coliform group bacteria includes organisms found in the intestinal tracts of warm blooded animals, birds, decaying organic matter (hay, leaves, wood, etc.), the top 2 to 3 feet of the soil, lakes, ponds, brooks, rivers, drainage and types of vegetation. Because the organisms can cause some illness; because the presence of coliform organisms in the water suggests that other more harmful organisms may be present, water containing one or more coliform group bacteria per 100 ml of sample should not be used for drinking or cooking purposes unless boiled 5 minutes or disinfected by other means. This bacteria is of animal origin (intestinal tract) and may be considered as closely associated with disease causing organisms. On this factor, none should be present. Color—APC Units- Ground water ought to be practically free from color. For attractive water-color should not exceed 15 units. Turbidity—NT Units - Recommended limit not to exceed 5 units. Odor&Taste— For water to be of high quality,the water should be odor free and taste good. pH —The pH value defines the concentration of free hydrogen ions in solution. Expressed on a scale extending from 0 or very acid to 14 or very alkaline with 7.0 being neutral. Recommended range 6.5 to 8.5. Specific Conductance—Conductivity is a good criterion for measuring the degree of mineralization and assessing the affect of diverse ions of chemical equilibria. Total Alkalinity—The alkalinity of this water represents its content of carbonates and bicarbonates. Free Carbon Dioxide —Well water having a low pH and a Free CO, level in excess of 50. mg/I will be corrosive to iron, bronze, brass and copper tubing and fittings. Total Hardness—Waters having a hardness range of 0 to 75 soft, 75 to 150 medium hard,over 150 very hard. Calcium - Calcium contributes to the total hardness of water.Appreciable amounts of calcium salts break down on heating and form scale in boilers, pipes and cooking utensils. Magnesium — Magnesium is a common constituent of natural water. Magnesium and calcium ions are principal contributors to water hard- ness. Concentrations in excess of 125 mg/I can exert a cathartic and diuretic action. Sodium—Recommended Limit-28 mg/I. Potassium—Potassium concentrations in drinking water seldom exceed 20. mg/I. Total Iron—Standard not to exceed 0.3 mg/I. Manganese— Standard not to exceed 0.05 mg/I. The principal reason for limiting the concentration of manganese is to reduce esthetic and economic problems. Silica — Silica content of natural water is most commonly in the 1 to 30 mg/I. Silica in water is undesirable because it forms difficult to remove silica scales. Sulfates—Standard not to exceed 250 mg/I. Chloride—Standard not to exceed 250 mg/I. Nitrogen —Ammonia is present in variable concentrations in many surface and ground waters. Its occurrence in ground water is generally a result of natural reduction processes. Nitrogen - Nitrite — Nitrite in water poses a health hazard, but fortunately seldom occurs in high concentrations. Waters with a nitrogen- nitrite concentration over 1 mg/I should not be used for infant feeding. Nitrogen - Nitrate — Standard not to exceed 10. mg/I. Nitrate, in high concentrations can and do cause methemoglobinemia or so-called nitrate poisoning in infants. Water with 10 or more mg/I of nitrate is unsatisfactory and is not considered safe for drinking or cook- ing. It is especially dangerous to children and should never be used in infant formulas. Copper—Standard not to exceed 1.0 mg/I. Lead—Standard not to exceed 0.015 mg/I. Arsenic—Standard not to exceed 0.05 mg/I. Tannin—Tannin may enter the water supply through the process of vegetative degradation. Fluoride—Standard not to exceed 4.0 mg/I. F83384-2 • • THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS j BOARD O HEALTH �7 G-7e.cy.�........OF ...4 No �.. FEE�� lits#Iiiglkl t:i:orb (gIZItftXtUtti11t f rrmit Permission ijhereby granted . .11 to Construct CO or Repair ( ) an Individual,Sewag isposal System at No P• -71 L.. /C Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit o. Dat 2 9—C7 (77 DATE `2-?—9 "/ Board of Health t~' z ?�ZO PERFORMED BY _� 1�L(�► WITNESSED BY DATE: ��� TP 2 0r2 V� ` T P Zoo If 13� O o o o �Co i A� AepiwA P1 I �o- 1Z 1-2 J��_f 0 )ll� Oe9t U �A �.S0 WV D L9 Ito ► P�0 C, t o8 -7 /tof ql�-7 0 r TOP VIEW 3• S•• OIA. INLETS S. S•' DMA OUTLETS ENO VIEW 2•• WALLS 2H 4 -t♦ 1� .L. L•—i �.� is - CROSS SECTION VIEW 2•• DISTRIBUTION BOX ` NOT TO SCALE LEGEND. 100 EXISTING CONTOUR 10 PROPOSED CONTOUR PIPE INVERT ELEVATION TEST PIT e o SEPTIC TANK � DISTRIBUTION BOX W PROPOSED WATER. SERVICE LINE Si OBSERVED GROUNDWATER TABLE ELEVATION RESERVE AREA PLOT PLAN. g 1 Lo�T Z A M 5' 'l I, A-O LOT INFORMATION Subdivision Flame : �Y�-VAQ �P�-[Q&� Date: mxi Io, Iqq� Lot: Owner: OAF-2 Assessors Plat: Lot f : Zoning District: Aquifer District: }� E Other overlay Districts: FIRM Zone: ZOkJe Special Permits Or Variances: Of Lot Coverage: C27- 0/o DESIGN DATA I01 1 r- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- :s - 1 1 , S' 8'' I' L _ , I ]. 5•• 01 A. 1 I KNOCKOUTS . • I INLET S"DIA r - -- I OUTLET 1 I ' PLAN VIEW �ir . 9" COVER -18- DIA COVEN 10" it 14 * COVER 1- TAPER _1 A , 1 I , 1 1.1 A 1 I• 1 1 • C,I Am OUT • ,ww CT Wti COVI a r-r nAM vllw , _, p0001T VIIw r lit r- L.,.,ZxnUTf •O. HO MOALLAffON N0I vT0V r SICTIOM A -A 91CT10• 9•• PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBER FD 4 X 8 — L FLOWDIFFUSCR", Lt !l OTf 1 1 r--- - ----; ,---�---� -,--- --- 1 r I •• •• I A J— i— • CLUw OUT • 1411 COv4`4 r-r PLAN V"W i 0 oar p L_ 1 J rwf! •O• .a,••.Cw,.•r.,,.fOON cm r t sib, O•!•-ow f arr /AorT 1NlIIII AIO• VIL �r•r �_� •r r' r rT • �r I � . FT' 0 i aawCaocin 00. NO OWTkILAT.O. y+7 � �• • �` •/CTIOIi1A•A •scrlc-=o • PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBER FD 4 X 8 — D FLOWDIFFU%CORI L., 'r AI Vf:-aGTU PAD EW eZ7rC>fJ DO 47# !E-ok S oe GENERAL NOTES • ' �'22 5) XD, v�� 1l�� 1%� �1 '?� �((Z �, x 11 O G PP/ E50 Z?wk . \ 1. THIS SYSTEM SHALL BE INSPECTED WHEN LEACHING AREA IS FLI;-LY EXCAVATED d toW �I �, 4'x8'x.9Co,WtTt-i Ge �t� S.Tbt`l� AND WHEN ALL COMPONENTS ARE IN PLACE. WHEN THE SYSTEM IS READY FOR L \ INSPECTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. •" � 2. WASHED CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE FREE OF ALL DIRT, DUST AND FINES. P s. .Z pn ►°, \ SIDE VibI ,L . G�8 UC>QG X . qCo ���P x 2 SI ��S 5C `.C�o G� D/ >�• q� G 3 . ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON A46uME;v ELEVATION DATUM. NOT BE ALLOWED TO OPERATE OVER Tj�E LIMITS x I W I D� x�� GPo S � ,��� 8 G �D 4. HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL L �O�TO f� 48 LOQ6V I'� / c - �� E OF THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DURING THE COURSE OF CON..TRUCTION ! a I� ao \ - ro_ �-T�� 10 �C . °1C� DEEP k NHS k .OU cm = G, PO OF THE SYSTEMS. , \ �,'u � �J`,IpS 17, \� � Z � Z�.d SYSTEM SN•°+LL BE MADE 5. NO FIELD MODIFICATIONS TO THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL S WITHOUT PRIOR WRIT -TEN APPROVAL OF A ENGINEER AND THE LCCaL BOARD T OF HEALTH. btatlonV� ��� _ ___ ___�__�;--------- -- �s---------� �,� 6. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE j NSTAL.LED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE V OF THE STATE ENVIROMENTAL CODE AND ANY 'Ridge - -- f Hill 4PPLICABLE LOCAL RULES. \ A SEWER LINES, \ cem 7. AT ALL POINTS OF INTERSECTrON OF WATER LINES AND SE E �> �°c 80�P.DF �� • ' ' �-Bedford MECHANICAL JOINT VATED T CAST IRON PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED FOR BOTH LINES New �rSp���ol �LOC(��iAP 10 EITHER SIDE OF THE INTERSECTION POINT.Rod and Gun Club 8. SEPTIC TANK DISTRIBUTION BOX ETC. SHALLREQUIRED 111BE MANUFACTURED BY. Gravel �• , + A. ROTONDO b SONS OR APPROVED EQUAL. - > c _ Pit �..� �� - ,� _ 9. GROUT TO BE USED AT ALL POINTS WHERE PIPES ENTER OR LEAVE Al-L CONCRETE V 7.. I r v t STRUCTURES IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT SEAL. L r. , r wA«: L(Vfl - - 10. ALL SHIPLAP JOINTS IN SEPTIC TANK SHALL. BE SEALED WITH NEOPRENE GASKE'i`S� _ Lam, Gravel F Pit OR ASPHALT CEMENT.. ' \ \ Designed j - ' • � � C°'-��lt: � _:' � - - - - 11 . EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IN LEACHING AREA AND (�ACKFILL WITH F •' \ \ Pond Is N® �� - ,; - - ,; .J �, � �. -, - _. _ _ CLEAN GRAVEL AND COARSE SAND. �LThis - ; ; . - - - TITLE V MUST 610094f SECTION VIEW , o _ 12. A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AS REQUIRED BY SECT. 2.8 or CROSS 1. ►� - ' v BE OBTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UPON COMPLETION OF THE A�'•UYE WORK. I { r-or.BM �. •• .,Ev+ergreen - - Garbage ,!� �. -�? . cam -- I NG FR01 THES OAR] All \ 1,',- : fi '� - AN AS -BUILT PLAN I S REQU I RED DUE TO CONTRACTOR DEV I Al�IlI'H t�.1Gl-�Ni �i� • t \ late, r � .... ;,� � �...� - � �• _COMPENSATED FOR 6Y �4 L (T HEALTH SEPTIC TANK��C A \ \ 4 �'i F `�.. • ..� ,- PLANS WORK FOR SUCH AS BUILT PLANS SHALL BE \ a der .. -�_ _ , - ~` - �' ' THE CONTRACTOR. NOT TO SCALExville M__�:¢�L : I�o.S \211�� — 13. THIS SYSTEM IS NOT DESIGNED FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL. UNIT, ; FINISH GRADE \� \� Ils\I= Iqc, C) FINISH GRADE ELEV >� I A-.4•�2 IB rot�nx I DWELLING>toe? V OVER TANK = E _.' � _ ~ ^!- 8•-�LENGTHS TO FINISH GRADE 1 ST f .---- �• ELEV PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBER BE LEVEL TOP OF • X 8 D FOUNDATION o �.�►- 1 _ -- w- q ia-r _ 47470Z6 FLOWDIFFUSOR O EL I�(�.00 �• { 'L :. �l - • 10 _ L1ENT- • 0 0 ©� ®' m � I= •. • 7 o E- 3i I'-1 `� GPlsH a� C : . �' P' �' C DAV P 1 I'L, i q2 �1 Q cal � � c.� z � --�- -- - -s-' PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBER FD4X8-- L F L OW D I F F U SO R l i S g 00 GAL. •.:.: r .�..; ...�-_72 E ..TE you2 cf s N o 9A I � Q REINFORCED CONG 1�4r•Z� G �•� I r{ t 4, GIOIOSA . i IL ' 1, A2oV t`1D •I }`- �` � cw j SEP 619% 65 -t SEPTIC TANK _ -` , No: 32� SUBSURFACE SEWAG • . , ' .... 3Y:- ,. LEVEL STABLE BASE ,� CSE� ���1,,; ���•� 4 !iN 0 ,�TN�OJTH t, '� �o ��. ,.�,.ISPOSAL SYSTEM, . 1 "LARD OF HEALTH _ —� � —• B.O.N. NOTES T E S P.L.S. STAMP A M P P �. FILE contact.5VAU SYSTEM �3.0. . A.WUe, �� NOT TO S C /, t , E THE APPROVAL BY THIS OFFICE w i •�-AS-BUILTDOES FOOT GUARANTEE Nr pf , MA 0774g.. � �" EhIGINEERS THE - ST N � EFFECTIVENESS I` CERTIFICA71 ECTIVEI`�ESS O. ANY Civlland Er\�lronmentnl Cnpine�ring � � aa...PLMI C.I0� I �; LAnd U�o f'��nning NGE I STA_LAII01� .. ...STIATEMENT RE�U RED DAR � i� OUTH BOARD OF HEALTH OF fI1 j -�s 1 ' 'I DA T �': I � Iqq- Job no,�� - i togo ROTptV00 .•. $CtiS. PLAT 7 LOT (�—CO TIME STAMP 111 SUBDIVISION/STREET NAME Pled e iYo /AA) OWNER: ba v/ /i / I PLAN RECEIVED TO: CONSERVATION COMMISSION PLANNING DEPT. "BOARD OF HEALTH FILE/NOTEBOOK i-ENGINEER I have reviewed the proposed plan pr pared by eC,/( 1 Yi��J 4F'vr5f v E dated, for /\./ c,C ) TYPE OF PROJECT I find the following: 1. Zoning District S R►3 z°�`'r• ocr za6i. s_�3 2. Aquifer Zone kVA 3. F. I .R.M. Zone G 250051 00 IS-8 dated 4("F3'_ • 4. Other Overlay District rJ 5. Building Department Permits are re uire) a wed 6. ❑variance is requirod. ZBA ospedapermil qs not required) was issued Case # 7. Indicated setbacks (do) (d.-sat) meet current requirements of ( 6t) - 2.0 - ZO ) . Setbacks are measured to all porches, decks, occupiable areas and fireplaces "Grandfathered" setbacks (are) (ars+=sot) allowed, for vacant lot ONLY at ( 41O -2o -Ya ) . Exempt Setback(s) (4010 (are not) allowed. 8. Certified "as-built" required including top of foundation elevation. 9. C L LJA. .r2e- 6 SUBMITTED BY, . DAVID J. SILVEIRA BUILDING COMMISSIONER & JULZONING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER DATE: U 2 fi i994 SOIL DATA • � 1, l�L• WITNESSED 8Y DATE: �E� ? � ZQ PERFORMED 8Y __ o � V� TP Z 4 TP Z o ,. I � .o o'� o F• 18 �O?4701 1 �2 I55.5 �2I' A� AePuA �Z I� V-'ILie � N1eDI U kA << ��o�� Iz,�•o Z� 1Z�.o VA 0 Ito ���e C' L(p ► 08' -7 /V Iq ';� -7 /to[ LEGEND. 100 EXISTING CONTOUR — 10 PROPOSED CONTOUR —y' PIPE INVERT ELEVATION TEST PIT SEPTIC TANK � DISTRIBUTION BOX W PROPOSED WATER. SERVICE LINE [7 OBSERVED GROUNDWATER TABLE ELEVATION RESERVE AREA PLOT- PLAN. �AI.E1=30' 5 71 r: r F s -j-1 _ -T r %L �1 �1 y I i TOP VIEW S. S" 01A CUTLETS 2" WALLS A_ . L `, •. , . CROSS SECTION VIEW 2" DISTRIBUTION BOX NOT TO SCALE 3. S•• OIA. INLETS END VIEW _ low �11 1 , 1 L-- 1 ' N 1. 5.• 0 1 A ;-.. , 1 .� I •"'•' KNOCKOUTS INLET V 011A IL OUTLET I 1 1 , I , PLAN VIEW 1 PP-oP�,ED NP�C P�ALCh r,1 I z� LIw10 i J' {UAL L f L (V (L r - e- • ` 1 t CROSS SECTION VIEW C SEPTIC TANK, �L •. i I N O T T0 SCALE S A E \ �/ : .� FINISH GRADE d��'�' FINISH GRADE �- ��_� DWELLING ELEV• In l4A-,- _ ._ �•_o� 8�. OVER TANK a- 9ol� �\1 \,., • A i LOT INFORMATION 1 •1 A Subdivision Name: /7*YLVAO Z7?Z[Q&"7" • Date:MA\� I0,Iqq� ' Lot • �D� • CLEAN our• IN•••CT.Q•• COVER 1 / /� %I 1 r-r Owner: IV 1A�� !i CC) 1F, ` %� PtAM View 11 K00 Assessors Plat: D� P '�� Lot f : Lj Q C3 C? C] r7 Zoning District: —�e I301- 4 • L_. J .M•:•R�Titoo N01«trALLA►lo~ ('AopT VIIw so Do View Aquifer er District: �r •.•' �� ��+ _ Other Overlay Districts: [A `= c' •� ' - _ a -' . o ,.. •.o~ LI.I. FIRM Zone: Z0kAe LIS- L SICT1011 A•A sICTlO• If. • Special Permits Or Variances: Of Lot Coverage: �01, PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBER FD 4 X 8 — F R' g L LOWOIFFUSC • it Itor% DESIGN DATA D�� lC�?J '�� �1 �2t�J��• x 110 Gt PD/ E5021A - = �77D Gc P O ;Z e0 U 1 �..e_D STD ES lGc }J = t✓►t.ow �I �, 4• x8•x .9Co', W tTt-1 Gem �D S-Tb �1 SIDS \Jl1DJ..l�8LOUG x . qCo DEEP x 2 SI OeS }C bo-T-To N l 45' L0Q& X 1ZI WIDE X 0-r-2�> 61PD/SP GPD q1 o DEEP X• Z e-QVS Y. 1.00 GPD%s = C; 6 PC) 1• �tatlon � • - :�' : th��u� pip / _ • �/ - ' Ridge Hill ' 1 1 A 1 I , J `- r♦--•---i-J---••-- --- -----�-- A r-----�- --- --- i --�- ----- J- i ' 1 � I I I • I � • cLIA•• OUT . I••n•c T wood Covi. r-r PLAN v+{w I .0/46 0 0 c in T s •%_ on soft" r +•I arm a •u r • •M • �frll� Ir• r �. u r Iw PRO/IT view of Do VIII• �r•r ._. rou � --- --�-� -- N _ .. • J n�-•Lo.Lw - � 0 0 0 • Q r—� •■OCaO rs .Or wo AT"* L I - l• . IICTIOAA•A {ICf1p1e' • r PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBER FD 4 X 8 — D FLOWDIFFUSCR"I OP, ASP P 2.OVr::::D EQL) .L, GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS SYSTEM SHALL BE INSPECTED WHEN LEACHING AREA IS FULILY EXCAVATED AND WHEN ALL COMPONENTS ARE IN PLACE. WHEN THE SYSTEM IS READY FOR INSPECTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. 2. MASHED CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE FREE OF ALL DIRT, DUST AND FINES. 3. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON A�,uMEv ELEVATION DATUM. 4. HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO OPERATE OVER THE LIMITS OF THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEMS. 5. NO FIELD MODIFICATIONS TO THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SHA'-L BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF A ENGINEER AND THE LOC,IL BOARD OF HEALTH. • 6. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE IN�TALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE Y OF THE STATE ENVIROMENTAL COD. AND ANY • �' �?I 4PPLICABLE LOCAL RULES: czm 7. AT ALL POINTS OF INTERSECTION OF HATER LINES AND SEWER L NES, Neword INSTALLED FOR MECHANICAL JOINT CAST IRON PIPE SHALL BE IN T BOTH LINES Bedf Rod and Gun Club Locu �%� �.� S - _y - ti �P 10' EITHER SIDE OF THE INTERSECTION POINT. - - -- - �'�' _- -oor�' 8. SEPTIC TANK DISTRIBUTION P Gravel Z �' - �. �I L� I `' Z� , BOX, ETC SHALL BE MANUFACTURES BY Pit'' x • A. ROTONDO & SONS OR APPROVED EQUAL. m•cttt a. - - 9. GROUT TO BE USED AT ALL POINTS WHERE PIPES ENTER OR LEAV_ ALL CONCRETE ` • =� '� - E°v -=--- - - - STRUCTURES IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT SEAL. - 10. ALL SHIPLAP JOINTS IN SEPTIC TANK SHALL. BE SEALED WITH Nt'OPRENE GASKETS Gravel Vl�' '�� �� i�EE 1 iPit iOR (,ornell 1 _-; ASPHALT CEMENT Pond 11. EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL N 'KF WITH � I LEACHING AREA AND BAt ILL CLEAN GRAVEL AND COARSE SAND. 12. A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AS REQUIRED BY SECT. 2.8 OF 1IT1.E Y MUST 11.14� = It'll vg BE OBTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UPON COMPLETION OF THE AB01'E WORK. IF cem AN "AS -BUILT" PLAN IS REQUIRED DEVIATING FROM • c ' QU I ED DUE TO CONTRACTOR DEV I AT I I 0 THESE �••' �• .y PLANS, WORK FOR SUCH "AS -BUILT" PLANS SHALL BE COMPENSAT(D FOR BY '� Hi�-�-illF • . THE CONTRACTOR. - - --1-------- - -- -- ---- - -=� t > �. - 1 ST LENGTHS TO FINISH GRADE PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBER -` ER TOP OF BE LEVEL ELEV — F D 4 X 8— D FOUNDATION ' o FLOWDIFFUSOR O EL 00 `-' a °" L.v ��Ft OT 0 .:..• . -6•• PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBER F D 4 X 8— L =� FLOWDIFFUSOR,R I9Q_0 ROTONDO .•• SC•-S J•r-- 500 GAL. •1: - C3 0C3 cal t� c� C= ;•::. b �: 4 7j�•�D �r� • REINFORCED CONG I�G�Zi =• �'�'-� r SEPTIC TANK A: e. .., . �.;.:; ';:.•:;�:•;:;•.� LEVEL STABLE BASE 1"f �k.GAv�-rlo�1 sE� �-t SYSTEM., PROFILE - NOT TO SCALE 13. THIS SYSTEM IS NOT DESIGNED FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT. 2OF �j4,��_�'iz' G2USH�0 B.O.H. STAMP P. P CL IEMT: PAVIP P11A, WPhN�:D SaOt�lE ���N OF M.qs �J\rDEI�� I,AIJG ruA �►.►D � 2� sTevEa o. pF���►./IouTu , UlA ', GIOIOSA � CIVIL No. 32165 — 9 SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM B.O.H. NOTES P.L.S. STAMP contact: at: Civic end Gnvlm ,mentel Cnptndodnp Land Use Plnn��nQ Dpoll 11 NIPPONiQ %E: 1 � IJ �'1Q' Job 110,..00 1 4 • J i i { .� .� y _, .+^�' .b 4 1 �• 1 1 - rn \J.L to C •. C :3 Us. 0 � ` m m 7 r CD CD . „O S �r r N. N o n g 4 0 a n b d ~► b t Ir C o k O o 4 cx '113 ^ u. o I ..��/ y