EP-137-96 RECEIPT FOR PERMIT ouTy TOWN OF DARTMOUTH /` l •—3 pees PERMIT NO. y* No t '`•/864'. Date S ` l Received From ;� -- 1--�� - 6/-6?--yr) Owner , LL---v'2u CL-+ Location" /Y -4_4,-0 -, ,< Type _----!-A-—✓r-2--) Amount Paid C' 77 Received By =�1��,,- e- �- ' . , RECEIPT FOR PERMIT Om. . TOWN OF DARTMOUTH / '"*-3!(f; .t..4,"----,:-------10 ,5vp., 4 PERMIT NO. lkl'S .: No Date ,. 77 Receivel From X—/-72. vi-, - 4..„--0--1.--- ( '14.---1--/) . , Ow, ner,. f. . / • :-.„;,- 2 Locations)' ////CJLt Type .---/A.P---e-1- -, j'i ‘-- ) h4 c ..s..,,,W2gr Amount Paid (:_.-0 . 7 7 -.:,-,0,0 , „ ,, ,•,,,,,,,,*,.0 C: / .) Received By a_ ` ,K Q-1:1 0 70 Office Use Only -3 7 t n t = =__6 Permit No. ,,,(3.....,: 11767: °I- 1. • • :V.. Fee ,• 3/90 (leave Blank) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFOF M,.EL-ECTRICAL WORK Massachusetts All work to be performed in accordance with the MassachusettsEle saes Code-. 17 CMR 12:00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK O TYPE ALL INFORMATION) 4 l' at 9'_ City or Town of i 2 Ire Z To the Inspector of Wires: The undersigned applies for a permit��t{o perform the elect{ A;I,`moktkldescriD i i�i+� T' e C/ Location (Street & Number) / Medejr- -5 /znt - 191� �'(J f7 a& O Owner or Tenant /'1�i! ✓ 19/�/rile, e it .j ' /f h Owner's Address C 5 L( 0<a (�C 9 l j . Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit: Yes ❑ No ❑ (Check Appropriate Box) Purpose of Building Utility Authorization NO. Existing Service Amps / Volts Overhead ❑ Undgrd❑ No. of Meters _ New Service Amps / Volts Overhead ❑ Undgrd❑ No. of Meters Number of Feeders and Ampacity �� , �Ir �-� Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work /J, ..2 tsf�/VJ --TTL_1 2 cfilirt-Yil //3/,LL7 "7— t r1/G6' No. of Lighting Outlets No. of Hot Tubs No. of Transformers Total RVA No. of Lighting Fixtures SwimmingPool Above In- grnd. ❑ grnd. ❑ Generators KVA No. of Receptacle Outlets No. of Oil Burners Bao. oftteryEUnitsncy Lighting No. cf Switch Outlets No. of Gas Burners FIRE ALARMS No. of Zones No. of Ran es f Total ). No. of Detection and 8 No. of Air Cond. / tons , Initiating Devices No. of Disposals No. of Heat Total Total No. of SoundingDevices Pumps Tons KWa No: of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW No. of Sell Contained Detection Sounding Devices lb. of Dryers Heating Devices KW Local❑ Municipal ❑Other No, of No. of Low Voltage _ Connection No. of Water Heaters KW Signs Ballasts Wiring No. Hydro Massage Tubs ' No. of Motors Total HP OTHER: INSURANCE COVERAGE:Pursuant to the requirements of Massachusetts General Laws I have a current L bilit Insurance Policy including Completed Operations Coverage or.i substantial equivalent. YE 51 NO 0 I have submitted valid proof of same to this office. YES NO ❑ If you have c -cked YES, please indicate the type of coverage by checking the appropriate box. INSURANCE Ai BONb ❑ OTHER t�1p�❑ (Please Specify) / /AJe 6 `%4 7 (Expiration Date) Estimated Valoe df Electrical Work $ Wuk,to Start Inspection Date Requested: Rough Final Signed under the penalties of perjury: •• FIkM NAME LIC. NO. r Licensee Der.) Signature IC NO. 7Z....- Address P6 52/teary r* 74r us. Tel. No. ' Alt. Tel. No. 57 OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee does not have the insurance coverage or its subl . stantial equivalent as required by Massachusetts General Laws, and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. Owner Agent (Please check one) Telephone No. PERMIT FEE S (Signature of Owner or Agent) r„� ^- `. r ' R Z FA i _Z a . x In g alp ; .. i - LII np Ca ' d °C mU a z a Iit Z a \ � Q E4 Et v Z I .i .9 W ig wo \.--„,. ._;__,- ,-,--ic I j.: i"?' . \\j) ; \ Z .._, \ \s, ) \‘,...0,.. s. v :1 \ i . a w Q