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.. BUILDING PERMIT FIELD INSPECTION Dartmouth Building Department =;;, ,7i -prr Plat: 79 400 Slocum Road-P.O. Box 9399 ,i:A/ ..D J Lb. Lot(s) : 6-8 North Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size: 81, 896 Telephone 508-999-0720 Zone Dist. : SRB Issued Date: 09/28/95 Permit No. : 245 Project Location: 18 Medeiros Lane Number Street Subdivision Name: Nearest Cross Street: Applicant/Agent: Leonard Pacheco (Coastal Concepts, Inc. ) Contact Person Phone #: (508) -995-5798 Proposed Use: Residential Residential, Commercial,Industrial,etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of Improvement,Add,Alter,New Const.,Demo,Land/Move,etc. New One-Family Dwelling/ 3 bedrooms/ 21 bath/ septic system/ well/ oil heat (3, 192 Sq. Ft. ) indicate no.of bedrooms and bathrooms and other rooms Owner(s) of Record: Structure Realty, Inc. Address: 70 Lambeth Street, New Bedford, MA 02745 DATE TIME TYPE OF INSPECTION REMARKS INITIAL >I / ,/3-cr zdd- - o ,-/3-95 7/ .0/)i /i-13-q5- /%.5o pri Oct,: .- /'./.4_41i,G'.A-�_ t.✓-1� CI-/ , A it-� .- //30 ems_,, �_/c ,✓ / 7, r , _..I/l ..fH�Lfl® „AC t* :_ _ ` /— -9 ' /73 r cam,, j � ,0i-- C` - BUILDING PERMIT Dartmouth Building Department Plat : 79 400 Slocum Road-P. O. Box 9399 Lot (s) :6-8 North Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size: 81, 896 Telephone 508-999-0720 Zoning Dist. :�l SRB September 27, 1995 (typed) Permit No. : X'ii Issued Date: / er/ Gi. Clerk: JMH Project Location: IS' Medeiros Lane Number Etrse.t Subdivision Name: Sylvan Springs Nearest Cross Street : Collins Corner Road and Flan Swamp Road Applicant/Agent : Coastal Concepts, Inc. Lennar,4_, /i cticv Address : 70 Lambeth Street, New Bedford, MA 02745 Contact Person Phone #: (508)-995-5798 Type of License: Owner: ( ) Const. Superv. License #: (026972 ) Architect : ( ) Engineer: ( ) Other: ( ) Proposed Use: Residential Re.sidentiol. Coaaorolal. industrial, .to. Permit Issued To: New Construction Typo of improvement. Add. Alter. Now Const.. Dose. Land/Move.. ate. New One-Family Dwelling/ 3 bedrooms/ 2 1/2 bath/ septic system/ well/oil heat indicate. no. of bedrooms and bathrooms and otMr rooms Gross Area of Const. : 3, 192 sq. ft. Cost of Const. $140, 000. 00 Cost-Other Const. : TOTAL FEE: $ 319. 00 Owner (s) of Record: Structures Realty, Inc. Address: Lambeth Street, New Bedford, MA 02745 All work shall comply with 780 CMR 5th Ed. (MGL Chap. 142) and any other applicable Mass. Laws or codes plans on file. I hereby certify that the p opo,-ed ork i au hgr1zed by the owner of record and I have been a th• ize by t e o n to make this application as his authori e• =gent. Signature of Owner/Agent : Address: ******************** *** ** * © *** ************************** Signature: Approved/Issued By:, el S. Reed, Local Building Inspector COMMENTS: ��y i1 ORIGINAL 0 APPLICANT 0 ASSESSORS 0 CLERK 0 COPY • OCCUPANCY PERMIT STRUCTURE REALTY, INC. NEW DWELLING Occupancy is hereby granted for the premises located at 18 MEDEIROS LANE Assessors Plat 0Z— t 6-8 The premise has been found to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code in effect as of the date of permit issue and other applicable Massachusetts Codes and regulations as evidenced by approvals affixed to the reverse of this permit. The use Is further found-to be in compliance with the to-c-af Zoning By-Laws for user as indicated, as of this date of issue. This permit is further conditioned on the continued maintenance of permitted conditions as provided by law. ZONING DISTRICT - Single Residence District APPROVED USE RESIDENTIAL BOARD OF APPEALS/SPECIAL PERMIT N/A Approved b David J. Silveira J A N 11 1996 Building Commissioner & Zoning Enforcement Officer DATE OF ISSUE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY -DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL To be signed by each division indicating compliance on final inspection. BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS PER 780CMR 119.5: USE GROUP CLASSIFICATION TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION MAXIMUM LIVE LOAD FLOORS SPECIAL,CONDITIONS BUILDING 0 PERMIT NO. 245 Approved by Date JAN 11 1996 Comment PLUMBING a PERMIT NO. 6-1Q Approved by /10 Date Comment GAS PERMIT NO. I Approved by ov/p Date Comment ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO. Approved by �'T/ Ta ,./ Date /— `7C" grig Comment FIRE Di sr 3 PERMIT NO. Approved by choye/77a,,A, Date O/ 03- 5'4' Comment BOARD OF HE THE PERMIT NO. qs.-who Approved by L� 7/te, Date q- 102- g5 Comment DPW-WATER PERMIT NO. Approved by Date Comment N/A DPW-SEWER PERMIT NO. Approved by Date Comment N/A WATER DIVISION-CROSS CONNECTION JOB NO. Approved by Date Comment E - 911 COORDIIVT O ADDRESS NO. /? Approved by , t Date JAN 0 4 1996 Comment PLANNING DIRECTOR (Off-Street Parking Plan) Approved by Date Comment - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,r__ _ _ _ -__ _ - _ _ __ _ - _ -__ _ _ __ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ „ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ _ _ - _ - _ - _ __ _ __ _ __ - _ _ _- _ _- _ _ _ - -_ - - _ -_ -_ - _- - - - -_ -- z -- __ - - _ - -- - _ _ _ - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ -- r _-_ - -_ - - - - - _ - _ - - -__ - - - -- - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - _ _ -- = - - - - - _ _ _ _ - -- - __- _r _ _ _ - _ - _ - -- _- - -- - _- -- . _ _ - _ _ -_ - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - __ _ _ _ - - - - - - -- _ - _ . _ _ __ =- - -- _ - -=_ - __ _ -- - _-- - -= - _ - _ - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - - _ _ __=-- _ - - = - - - - - . - . - _ - - _ r _ _ _ _ - - - _ - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ --- - - -= _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - _ -- _ - - -- _ - _ - _ - _ _ - - - - _ _ - - = - - -_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ - _ - - - V . / ki J C4—{A.Uset-a"-) A . , 0 _./„JOT If.4, �' PERMIT NO. 1 h u TOWN OF DA TMOUT Lko ' DATE ISSUED 9- Y, Y4 = -r C F1 0 �� TOTAL COST ,=> _ 0_ �c APPLICATION FOR y3o yy LESS APPLICATION FEE ,-)1 L ' 1864's BUILDING PERMIT FINAL PERMIT FEE D-94.00 ati uE ),65.7— LOCATION OF BUI NG 01 Number & Street edeiros Lane 01.1 Zoning District 02 Cross Streets(between) Collins Corner Koad and Flag Swamp Road N„671:1-3-<:ot ''r Plat 7 9 04 Subdivision Sylvan Springs Lot 5 OWNERSHIP COST 05 1 Private (individual, corporation, 36 Cost of Improvement 1 2 7 , 5 5 f) . U(l non-profit institution, etc.) 36.1 To be installed but not 06 ❑ Public (Federal, State, or local government) included in the above cost 2 ,9U0 . 0 0 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 36.2 Electrical 07 n New Construction 36.3 Plumbing 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 U 08 ❑ Addition -Type of Room(s) 36.4 HVAC 4 , 5 5 0 . 0 0 09 ❑ Alteration 36.5 Other - Specify 10 ❑ Foundation Only 37 TOTAL example: elevator 14 0 , 0 0 U . 0 U 11 ❑ Demolition (#of units if residential) 12 ❑ Moving (relocation) STRUCTURE STATISTICS 38 Wood Frame 13 Number of Bedrooms 3 39 ❑ Masonry (wall bearing) 14 Number of Bathrooms (Total) 272._ 40 ❑ Structural Steel Full-Tub / 41 ❑ Reinforced concrete 3/4 - Shower / 42 ❑ Other - Specify 1/2 - Toilet Only / RESIDENTIAL-PROPOSED USE DIMENSIONS 15 K) One-Family 43 Number of stories 2 16 ❑ Two or more families 44 Total square feet of floor area, all floors, Number of units based on exterior dimensions 3 ,192 ,... � 17 ❑ Garage 91 742 18 ❑ Shed 45 Total land area, square feet 19 ❑ Carport 20 ❑ Swimming Pool SEWAGE DISPOSAL In-Ground Above-Ground 21 ❑ Woodstove 46 ❑ Public or private company 22 7 Fireplace (By Owner)t 47 IA Private (septic tank, etc.) 23 ❑ Other - Specify WATER SUPPLY 48 ❑ Public or private company NON-RESIDENTIAL - PROPOSED USE 49 IA Private, (well, cistern) 24 ❑ Amusement, recreational 25 ❑ Church, other religious PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL 26 ❑ Industrial 50 ❑ Gas , 27 ❑ Parking Garage 51 2 Oil 4. 128 ❑ Service station, Repair garage 52 ❑ Electricity '29 ❑ Hospital, institutional 53 ❑ Coal 30 ❑ Office, bank, professional 54 ❑ Other - Specify 41 ❑ Public utility 32 ❑ School, library, other educational TYPE OF MECHANICAL 33 ❑ Stores, mercantile 55 Will there be central air conditioning? ❑Yes Xli No 34 ❑ Tanks, towers 56 Will there be an elevator? ❑Yes ?0 No 35 ❑ Other- Specify PARKING PER ZONING BY-LAWS 57 0 Enclosed 58 K1 Outside r)r;veway 59 Does this building contain asbestos? E YES )Cl NO If yes complete the following: • Name & Address of Asbestos Removal Firm: r IDENTIFICATION - To be completed by all applicants PLEASE PRINT 60 Owner (print) Stru - es R-alty, Inc .- Lambeth St. , New Bedford, MA 9 9 5-5 7 9 8 r•• E 7 MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. , j,/ 61 Signature � _� �` � � ' DATE 9IP- J� , Builder's 62 Contractor (IP oastal • ,t ept s , `. , /0 Lambeth St .N.B. License No.0 269 7 2 NAME MAILIN •DDI TELEPHONE NO. 63 Signature '' • DATE / / 1.-- 64 Architect or En:'n:-r (print) C•asta C;onc- . Inn . 70ToTnhnth St . N. R. u2745 - Lic1S-5798 N E ILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. 65 Signature ��%�. DATE a/,�// 1— CERTIFICATION TO PERFORM WORK 66 I/We hereby appoint Coastal Concepts , inc . , 70 Lambeth St . , N.B. MA 02745 NAME ADDRESS as my/our agent for the urpose of applying for and obtaining a building permit for the work to be done described in this application. Signature f ls'. DATE `V /1 .- r ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 67 Has A-1 or Determination been issued by Conservation Commission? KI YES ❑ NO Submit copy o otification sen EQE an the State Dept. of Labor Industries and result of air sample analysis after asbestos rem al i' complete. �� 68 Owner or Ag t - I certify and r peril the pens of perjury that the information herein is accurate to the best of my knowledge Signature Cs-v DATE �-'7 Owner or Agent 69 BOARD OF HEALTH REVIEW DATE Inspector or Authorized Person 1 COMMENTS: 70 DPW -WAT R Service No. SEWER Service No. To be competed upon issuan e of p rm' - (if a li ble) 71 I will post pe it nd address as to be visible o treet. Signature DATE 9�`�/�J� Owner or Agent 72 Dave received list of required inspections Signature DATE Owner or Agent 73 FOR RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS OTHER THAN NEW DWELLINGS: Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to the registration law(780 CMR-6)? YES NO A Are you claiming an exemption from the law by homeowner sign-off? YES NO (if yes,submit required signed affidavit) r Contractor's Signature: Date PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (780 CMR-6) QUESTIONS or COMPLAINTS? Call or write: Home Improvement Contractor Registration One Ashburton Place-Room 1301 Boston,MA 02108 617-727-8598 Owner's Signature: Date: RECEIPT FOR PERMIT ou T TOWN OF DARTMOUTH H •V oe i PERMIT NO. c =/=i=x o \30.-4- No , �e: f� 2 G Date �-�» Received From , .. .!'.�L Owner `C rl,fc t,A-":'' i'`'` ' Location /j ?(�',.L_v'7y�s /Z L Y Type .6 ' 1 a)t-' lai'iti..4e9 Amount Paid tf LA '?) d 42 0 Received By -----(1Wati _., i RECEIPT FOR PERMIT our TOWN OF DARTMOUTH ✓ , 7e4'4w PERMIT NO. 0 1=►''R" ,/J,,' , L.= N off"l t hi..---2 i -% - Date Received From 7``,-. ...-0--.",,1--,--.- - " -'.A.---r`._ 't c_._+, '' I Owner. fe.c(_L_. 1t _ Location ?.e--- -.'-.om ,.A---'t cam. /K'. --k- a 3 Type 6� > te. a_ - f 4 ` n ` c— — / Amount Paid "" �` �-A--4--=i_-4 1 4 1 Received By ;' 7. f - ,. -- --,6 ---��_ . i 3 TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT �, TO: ( Board of Health X Fire Chief Dist. 1, 2,3 Conservation Comm. ❑ DPW Engineering Selectmen-Licensing ❑ DPW Water/Sewer ❑ Board of Appeals ❑ Planning Board Town Clerk ()_-cTax Collector [1] ) 9-1-1 Police Department AIEJ Cross Conn./Water Div. The following is forwarded to your office for your information only - no response is required. The Building Department is in receipt of an application for Plat } 7 Lot 7 �k , ' Address - by (/ A-c (-- k_ r �-' ..-c to ors- ��__ CON9'ACT PERSON&TELEPHONE j � - • 444 demo,construct,alter, -Q -6--.may'`-���—'L.��,_� �✓c������c, >occupy, etc. a(n) .- 4.}- _ ic_„-IAA The plan was received by this office on f-, � _;;_. date This office will review said plans and subject to availability of potable water, where required, the provisions of Zoning By-law per MGL Chapter 40A and MSBC 780 CMR 5th Edition will have available to issue or will deny a permit for the above-mentioned work within 30 days of date of receipt. The applicant has been advised that your office as indicated above may require them to apply for licenses or permits subject to your jurisdiction and that they should contact your office, as indicated, for specific information. It is not necessary to respond to this notice unless there is a specific issue at hand or you wish to forward material or information required for permitting. When required, an Occupancy Permit will not be issued until all Town Agencies have had the opportunity to "sign off" that the work under their jurisdiction is complete to their satisfaction. To The Applicant: Be advised that this notice will be sent to the Agencies checked above as they may have separate jurisdiction for your project. Any questions about the Agencies Regulations & Policy sld be - • •ressed the individual Agency. Your - ignat re o 1 acknowledges your receipt of a copy of t is) s notice ' Y/9,-1- APPLICANT/TELEPHONE l DATE V TOWN OF DARTMOUTH REQUEST FOR ASSIGNMENT OF HOUSE NUMBER Y?`•' . Owner(s) of Pro ert P Y Structures Realty, Inc. Present Address 70 Lambeth Street, New Bedford, r1A 02745 Telephone Number (508)995-5798 House Location: Plat 79 Lot S\t�•J'` Subdivision Sylyan r4± gs' 2 Lot 5 Corner Lot ? `' Yes No x Street Medeiros ane Single Family x M Famil ,ndtrninium # of Units Site P1,:n Submitted ? X No Date Submitted Signa ure of Owner House Number Assigned 18 Medeiros Lane Date Assigned 9-25-95 Date Assessors Notified 9-25-95 Date Building Dept. Notified 9-25-95 Date Owner Notified SH-pprehrteml n , epartment of Public Works • THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOAR OF HEALTH kJ-04)4U OF / Fds Disposal iliorks fttstr ion Fault Permission is hereby granted..a.0a41:-.S.--e.. to Construct 0( ) ox&lepaithi.e) n Individual jewage DisposalSystem at No Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No. .)175.74‘ Dated DATE 9 2/-rs- Board of Health FORM 1255 A M SULK1N CO **** ***75 . 00 COAST. CONCEPT SEPTIC PERMIT L • • • ; ALL--STATE OVERHEAD DOOR I HOLLIS INSURANCE AGENCY ? 1./96 ARCHITECTURAL FIREPLACE B. T . O'CONNELL INSURANCE AGENCY 7/95 ( ABLE ASPHALT CANESSA, ROBERT J . EXCAV _ I HACKWELL-BOONE INSURANCE 7/9, CAPEWAY KITCHEN & BATH RICHARD A. SCHELLE INSURANCE 9/95 ' // °..0 I V4-VEIROS--INSURANCE CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS SOUTHEASTERN INSURANCE AGENCY { '1/9 C & T 'S HOME CARE CORNISH & CO . INSURANCE 4/96 DANSON SURVEYING ( PETER BRIGGS INSURANCE 1/96 D & P CONTRACTING ( CORNISH & CO. INSURANCE ! 5/96 EAST BAY INTERIORS INC HUGHES INSURANCE AGENCY i 1/96 FAIRHAVEN EXCAVATING i { FRIENDLY FLOOR COVERING f BROOKLAWN INSURANCE AGENCY 12/9.5 HAWES ELECTRIC j LIBERTY MUTUAL 11 /95 MEDEIROS, PAUL ELECTRICIAN 1 CORNISH & CO. B/95 OLDE BOSTON SURVEY STORER, DAMON & LUND 2/96 A . PONTES & SONS i CHAS. S. ASHLEY & SONS 1/96 O. A. S INSULATION R E BACKLUND INSURANCE AGENCY 5/96 OUELLETTE , DONALD PLUMBING I MAUREY KVSINITZ INSURANCE AGENCY ! 12/95 REIS ASPHALT THEODORE L. MONTEIRO JR. INSURANCE 9/95 z-' SIGNS WESTPORT CONCRETE ,j H. W. LAPOINTE JR. INSURANCE ( 5/96 WESTSIDE WELDING I TOMLINSON & O ' NEIL INSURANCE i 9/95 WHALING CITY DRYWALL GEORGE P. PONTE INSURANCE 2/96 JOSEPH G . MELLO INC SOUTHEASTERN INSURANCE AGENCY i 5/96 FITZGERALD ENGINEERING NONE ?OSE TOLEDO I BRANCO--GARDNER INS . AGENCY i 5/96 f 'W II Iiii !! : COASTAL CONCEPTS, INC. 70 Lambeth Street New Bedford,MA 02745 L V L BEAM DESIGN 1ST. FLOOR LOAD 40* LIVE LOAD 100 DEAD LOAD 2ND. FLOOR LOAD 304` LIVE LOAD 10 * DEAD LOAD CEILING LOAD IO DEAD LOAD TOTAL LOAD PER S. F. =I00# 1/2 SPAN 14 % J bOS. F. LOAD = I400* LF (0' SPAN REVIEW UNIFORM LOAD CHART 3 L V L BEAM = 3 'A ) ` V = I5Z7 B 1 G, 2 , .6 " G L Nei 1 /J I TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 ZONING REVIEW TO: X ENGINEER ' PLANNING DEPARTMENT FY'', X FILE/NOTEBOOK X BOARD OF HEALTH `. CONSERVATION COMMISSION OTHER ****************************************************************************** (TO BE FILLED OUT BY APPLICANT) PLAT T LOT 6 7- STREET NAME r f t-E. ( & L'r1 OWNER'S NAME OSa_STc6( CcucPPTs SUBDIVISION & LOT # �y hick 0 S,O/ D CONTACT PERSON Cie e-oJ ,fit. t-,Z'z(.-e r-Q(..0 TELEPHONE # 761 3fZ� DESIGN PROFESSIONAL AGENCY f-,T2 -F c.0 tic- THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY A_SANITARIAN _LAND SURVEYOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER (INDICATE CIVIL. STRUCTURAL, ARCHITECTURAL or OTHER ) CHECK APPROPRIATE ANSWER WHERE PROVIDED, CROSS OUT INAPPROPRIATE ANSWER I After review of the above noted site plan I find the following: 1. Zoning District SI gsi' � aT Z6 i3 Vacant Lot_X Yes_ No. N/A Date plan approved a.e '79 (Girt2 Zoning District appropriate .Yes No. N/A Date plan endorsed csc I$ tqCiC( \ 2. N/A Street X Existing, _Public, _Private, _Ancient Way, under construction Yes No. Street complies x Yes No. 3. /A Fron e ', complies yes_no_, not shown - provide ` - f 7 N Lot Are , complies yes_no_, not shown - provide r" N/A Percentage of Lot Coverage Yel % maximum allowed, indicate Yes. No. Complies yes.` no . May May be additionally restricted by item number S. 4. N/A Setbacks current for this site area) Front(any street side);26 any other sides. "Gra dfathered" setbacks (are) (are not) allowed and are applicable to vacant lots only. (\ "Gra fathered" setbacks for this lot may be, per Plan Date . at front__, sides and rear , and 19_ Zoning for the Main Use, if otherwise allowed. Pi Exempt etbacks existing yes_, no . Exempt Exempt setbacks will exist due to "Grandfather" �f' rights yes no. Exempt se back(s) occur when legally pre-existing structures are closer to lot lines than is currently allowed. A "grandfathered" setback may become an exempt setback. (over) 5. Accessory Structure(s) indicated yes_no. Setbacks comply?yes _no, _N/A . • e �� 6. N/A Off-Street Parking (Residential-2 space minimum per dwelling unit) complies yes_no N/A Driveway (3'minimum setback required except common drive at property line crossing only) complies yes no 7. N/A Top of foundation elevation ' N/A Cellar Slab elevation - required yes no . complies complies yes_ no _ N/A_ N/A Bottom of footing elevation ' 8. Aquifer Zone_L-_.— . Maximum impervious cover is 10% of lot area,_Yew Nn 40 INDICATE percentage of lot coverage_ Yes'" ,.No. 9. F.I.R.M. Zone elev — Panel#250051 00 i a date 6/ I / i3 Flood Zone construction requirements apply, yes no X. Comment 10. Other Overlay istrict Inland Wetlands (section 17) - Requires further action, yes_ no Comment Coastal Wetlands tion 18) N/A _Requires further action, yes _no_ Comment 11. 0 Zoning Board of Appeals action is required_Yes x No. Comment Was granted - Case# See decision. 12. >7i! Certified "As Built" REQUIRED, including top of foundation elevation in actual elevation numbers, not assumed, prior to backfill or any other construction. 13. Submit further information No )(Yes. If yes, refer to item(s) # (7 . 14. Project will require further review when new, revised or requested information is submitted to any agency. 15. This Zoning review does not indicate compliance with any other Agency, including, but not limited to the Massachusetts State Building Code. 16. Building Department Permit(s) required 4 yes _no 17. tcAN 1% a t- EtttSiof! DF c' ) c_ __LteUt� LET f r- ?Lr %E, it t 4jt1T k2 8Q'ti PSC i — /e Z`' O(}f Kt I'lhcetpl oC SL14 ti -3oi4R t E Dc2Sc D P LA-6 PR(O — uA. N/A =not applicable To applicant/engineer: _ ROVED to proceed. • ZDO NOT PROCEED, submit information requested above! D&NOP PROCEED, Insufficient information provided, RESUBMIT! Submitted by, David J.Silveira - Building Commissioner & _. Zoning Enforcement Officer Date ZON!REVI.oa; . . t,. tY • THE C'OLLEcToR 'S OFFIcE . . DATA: 22)a . /9•9t TO: BUILDING DEPARTMENT FROM: COLLECTOR'S OFFIC.Y RE: PAYMENT OF PAST DUE TAXES PLEASE 8E ADVISED TEAT ON IMES DAy ` S//C1��iTBE Taxes FOR PROPER3LOCATED ON/r pARam HAVE BEd' PAID. THE PERMIT WIZ'CS 5 S Bmmr amuzszeD 1w a ISSUED-17.3 CIF YOU HAVE ANY QUZ TzoNS CONC ZG Tars pr CO C cc:DEBORAH L. PIVA -1. . a i . . laumuiiiii.5 Utt'Rti 1 MtilIT li TELEPHONE 508-999-0720 FAX 502-999-0738 TO: 77A/' _v&-c .,./9 - ' (i X Fire Chief Dist. 1, 2, 3 U Board of Appears ❑ ,(. ,_ X Tax Collector � D.P .W. Engineering Board of Health D.P.W.L_! Water/Sewer _ Conservation Comm. 0 Cross Conn. /Water Div. • ,: Selectmen-Licensing 0 Planning Board _,� '. ❑ Town Clerk [-_] 9-1-i Police Department The following is forwarded to your office for your information only - no response is required. i PLEASE PRINT The Building Department is in receipt of an application for Drat _ � I Lot Address �'c/ - A - / i€_., 1 ki1/1/ ,�tA,� to CONTACT PERSON&TELEPHON # o. S o p i y , demo.construct alter. occupy, etc. a(n) • The plan was received by this office on (d • date This office will review said plans and subject to availability of potable water, where required, the provisions of Zoning By-law per MGL Chapter 40A arc MSEc 780 C:LR Sth Edition will have available to issue or will deny a permit for the above-ment_o.ned work within 30 days of date of receipt. The applicant has been advised that your office as indicated above :na-; require them to apply for licenses or permits subject to your jurisdiction art that they should contact your office, as indicated, for specific information. It is not necessary to respond to this notice unless there is a specific issue at hand or you wish to forward material or information required for permitting. When required, an Occupancy Permit will not be issued until all Town Agencies have had the opportunity to "sign off" that the work under their jurisdiction is complete to their satisfaction. Te The Applicant: Be advised that this notice will be sent to the Agencies checked above as they may have separate jurisdiction for your project. Any questions about the Agencies Regulations & Policy should be addressed to the individual Agency. Your signature acknowledges your receipt of a copy of this notice. )441A----`—<7 aPPL1C._T. LEPHO\E(PLEASE PRINT / SIGNATURE / A -:i E\cED c,O\TRAiTOR'S \A.MME.TELEPHONE:PLEASE PRINT 4 310 CMR 10.99 DEP File No. 15.1163 Form 5 • (To be provided by DEP) City/Town Dartmouth Applicant Coastal Concepts , Commonwealth of Massachusetts Order of Conditions ,. Massachuetts Wetlands Protection Act G.L. C. 131, 540 and the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw • ' From Dartmouth Conservation Commission Issuing Authority To Coastal1 �am Concepts� R.J. Canessa Excavation Co. 70 i m gi A S licant) 2 Knofwood $i operty owner) Address New bedford, MA 02740 Address No. Dartmouth, MA 02747 This Order is issued and delivered as follows: 0 by :avid delivery to applicant or representative on • (date) 13 by certified mail, return receipt requested on 8/1/95 (date) Sylvan Springs Subdv. Lot 5 This project is located at Plat 79, Lot 6-8, Medeiros Lane The property is recorded at the Registry of Bristol Book - 3458 Page 217 Certificate (if registered) The Notice of Intent for this project was filed on June 30, 1995 (date) The public hearing was closed on August 1, 1995 ' (date) Findings The Conservation Commission has reviewed the above-referenced Notice of Intent and plans and has held a public hearing on the project. Based on the information available to the Commission at this time, the Cnrtmi s:inn has determined that the area on which the proposed work is to be done is significant to the following interests in accordance with the Presumptions of Significance set forth in the regulations for each Area Subject to Protection Under the Act (check as appropriate): 11 Public water supply i! - Flood Control Land containing shellfish Private water supply ''t Storm damage prevention Fisheries Ground water supply '• Preventinn of pto.iP.ti...e eutectic•, of Uildlifo habitat Total filing Fee Submitted $250.00 State Share $112.50 • (1/2 fee in excess of $25) City/Town Share $137.50 Total Refund Due $ —0— City/Town Portion $ —0— State Portions —0 (1/2 total) • (1/2 total) Effective 11/10/89 5-1 Coastal Concepts ` F ORDER OF _CONDITIONS - Continued: FILE NO. 15-1163 •` ' . • Therefore, the Commission hereby finds that the following conditions are necessary, in accordance with the Performance Standards set forth in the regulations, to protect those interests check above. The Commission orders that all work shall be performed in accordance with said conditions and with the Notice of Intent referenced above. To the extent that the following conditions modify or differ from the plans, specifications or other proposals submitted with the Notice of Intent, the conditions shall control. General Conditions 1. Failure to comply with all conditions stated herein, and with all related statutes and other regulatory measures, shall be deemed cause to revoke or modify this Order. 2. The order does not grant any property rights or any exclusive privileges; it does not authorize any injury to private property or invasion of private rights. 3. This Order does not relieve the permittee or any other person of the necessity of complying with all other applicable federal, state or local statutes, ordinances, by-laws or regulations. 4. The work authorized hereunder shall be completed within three years from the date of this order unless either of the following apply: (a) the work is a maintenance dredging project as provided for in the Act; or (b) the time for completion has been extended to a specified date more than three years, but less than five years, from the date of issuance and both that date and the special circumstances warranting the extended time period are set forth in this Order. 5. This order may be extended by the issuing authority for one or more periods of up to three years each upon application to the issuing authority at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the order. 6. Any fill used in connection with this project shall be clean fill, containing no trash, refuse, rubbish or debris, including but not limited to lumber, bricks, plaster, wire, lath, paper, cardboard, pipe, tires, ashes, refrigerators, motor vehicles or part of any of the foregoing. 7. No work shall be undertaken until all administrative appeal periods from this Order have elapsed or, if such an appeal has been filed, until all proceedings before the Department have been completed. 8. No work shall be undertaken until the Final order has been recorded in the Registry of Deeds or the Land court for the district in which the land is located, within the chain of title of the affected property. In the case of the recorded land, the Final order shall also be noted in the Registry's Grantor Index under the name of the owner of the land upon which:the _proposed• work is to be done. In the case of registered land, the Final order shall also be. noted on the Land Court Certificate of Title of the owner of the land upon which the proposed work is to be done. The recording information shall be submitted to the Commission on the form at the end of this order prior to commencement of the work. 9. A sign shall be displayed at the site not less than two square feet or more than three square feet in size bearing the words, "Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, rile Number 15- 1163 10. Where the Department of Environmental Protection is requested to make a determination and to issue a superseding order, the Conservation commission shall be a party to all agency proceedings and hearings before the Department. 11. Upon completion of the work described herein, the applicant shall forthwith request in writing that a certificate of compliance be issued stating that the work has been satisfactorily completed. 5-2 * . ,Coastal Concepts ORDER OF CONDITIONS - Continued: FILE NO. 15-1163 12, The work shall conform to the following plans and special conditions: Plans: ' title Dated Signed and stamped by: 5/30/95 Subsurface Sewage Disposal Gerald M. Fitzgerald a , • The above plans are on file with the Dartmouth Conservation Commission. Special Conditions (Use additional paper if necessary) 13. Prior to the start of construction the following must occur: - a - The holder(s) of the order of Conditions or their representative shall notify the Conservation Commission office of the starting date of construction. Unless specifically indicated to the contrary by the commission or its agent, an on-site meeting between the conservation Officer, the contractor, and the holder of this order of Conditions, shall take place on site prior to the star of work. b - All siltation control measures shall be installed prior to any excavation or tree stump removal. The siltation control measures shall be approved by the Conservation officer prior to any other activity on site. c - When deemed necessary by the Conservation commission or its agent, the applicant shall have on hand, at the start of any soil disturbance, removal, or stock-piling, a minimum of fifty (50) hay bales and sufficient stakes for securing these bales. Said bales shall be used only for the control of emergency erosion problems„ and shall not be used for the normal control of erosion. d - This Order of Conditions shall be recorded within fifteen (15) days of receipt in accordance with Condition #8. e - The name and telephone number of a contact person in charge of activity on site shall be submitted to the Conservation Commission. 14. No activity shall occur prior to obtaining all necessary and required permits, licenses, and approvals, and until copies of the same have been furnished to the Conservation .Commission. 15. Any design modifications, alterations, amendments, or additions- to.the- approved Plan of Record, which fall within the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission, shall be subject to the approval of the Commission. Requests for any changes shall be made in writing, and shall be accompanied by two (2) revised plans. 16. No modification of surface features, drainage or topography shall be permitted, except as indicated by this order of Conditions. 17. Contours shall remain unchanged except as permitted by this order. of Conditions. 18. There shall be no construction other than that proposed by the Notice of Intent and included on the submitted plan. 19. Immediately upon completion of the exterior construction, grading and landscaping shall be carried out in order to minimize erosion. 20. All wetlands and Buffer Zone areas shall be kept clear of rubbish, debris and construction material. 5-3A Coastal Concepts ORDER OF CONDITIONS - Continued: FILE NO. 15-1163• 21. All exposed soil or subsoil shall be 'stabilized using mulch or other appropriate. erosion control measures such as jute netting, and/or replanted with vegetation such as grass, ground cover or shrubs so as to minimize erosion and siltation. 22. No runoff shall be caused to drain onto adjoining property or upon any public way. 23. All excavated material not used to establish final grading shall be removed • from the site. • 24. The Inspector and/or the Commission members shall, at a reasonable time, have the right to enter upon the land for the purpose of the inspection and/or. the taking of pictures. 25. When the Plan of Record has been prepared and stamped by a Registered Engineer, a Registered engineer shall certify, in writing, that the project has been completed in accordance with the above Order of Conditions before the Certificate of Compliance will be issued. 26. All facilities and equipment shall be continually' operated and maintained so as to comply with this order of Conditions and M.G.L., C 131, 540, the wetlands Protection Act. 27. Certain conditions, such as maintenance' or monitoring, are on-going and do not expire at the end of three years, or with the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. 28. This order of conditions shall apply to any successor in interest of the applicant, or successor in control of the property. The applicant shall furnish a copy of this order to any subsequent owner at the time that ownership is transferred. 29. Any changes required by any other board or authority may require a new filing with the Conservation Commission. 30. The Conservation Commission and/or the Town of Dartmouth shall not be responsible or liable for the construction, the operation, or the maintenance of any part of this project, and does not warrant the safety of,the same. 31. During construction, any fill and/or construction materials shall be stored in upland areas. 32. If changes to the approved plan-of-record on file with the Dartmouth conservation Commission are required by other regulatory agencies, any such changes shall be submitted for approval in accordance with conditions #14 of this order of conditions. 33. Any construction in the flood 'plain shall conform to the Massachusetts Building Code, 780 C.M.R., S2102, the Design Requirements for Construction in Floodplains. 34. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant or the applicant's representative to continuously maintain all siltation barriers required by this order of conditions until the Commission approves or requires removal of said - barriers. 35. Unless alternate erosion/siltation control measures have been approved by the Conservation Commission or its agent, all exposed soils exceeding a 4:1 slope shall be stabilized using erosion control blanket/netting within 48 hours of soil disturbance, and shall remain in place for the duration of the project, or until vegetation has been re-established. 36. Any soils exposed by construction activity or disturbed in any other manner'' shall be, upon completion of construction, immediately stabilized with indigenous vegetation. Plantings may include, but not limited to grass seed' mixture for approved lawn areas, indigenous shrub and tree species, or indigenous herbaceous cover species. All plantings shall be approved by the Dartmouth Conservation officer. 5-3B $ Coastal Concepts z • , ORDER OF CONDITIONS - Continued: FILE NO. 15-1163 • 37.' Once plantings become established, all hay bale silt fence and snow fencing, or any combination thereof required by this Order of Conditions shall be, upon approval of the Conservation Officer, immediately removed. 38. The Commission reserves the right to require additional protective measures for the resource areas should a site visit indicate the necessity for those additional measures. 39. Unless alternate erosion/siltation control measures have been approved by the Conservation Commission or its agent, all exposed soils exceeding a 4:1 slope shall be stabilized using erosion control blanket/netting within 48 hours of soil disturbance, and shall remain in place for the duration of the project, or until vegetation has been re-established. 40. Any soils exposed by construction activity or disturbed in another manner shall be, upon completion of construction, immediately stabilized with indigenous vegetation. Plantings may include, but not limited to grass seed mixture for approved lawn areas, indigenous shrub and tree species, or indigenous herbaceous cover species. All plantings shall be approved by the Dartmouth Conservation Officer. 41. once plantings become established, all hay bale silt fence and snow fencing, or any combination thereof required by this Order of Conditions shall be, upon approval of the conservation officer, immediately removed. 42. The Commission reserves the right to require additional protective measures for the resource areas should a site visit indicate the necessity for those additional measures. 43. In the event the proposed pool is drained, the water shall be hauled out by tank truck, or, allowed to stand without chemicals for a minimum of seven (7) days before being allowed to drain. 5-3C Coastal Concepts ORDER OF CONDITIONS - Continued: FILE NO. 15- 1163 Issued By the Dartm uth Conrvatio ommission Signature(s ,rf� 4/7,?%1K e);6 This Order must be signed by a majority of the Conservation Commission. On this 1st day of August 19 95 before me personally appeared Gerald Franklin , to me know to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he/she executed the same as his/her free act and deed. 6/28/96 Notary Public Rita Costa My Commission Expires The applicant, the owner, any person aggrieved by this Order, any owner of land abutting the land upon which the proposed work is to be done, or any ten residents of the city or town in which such land is located, are hereby notified of their right to request the Department of Environmental Protection to issue a Superseding Order, provided the request is made by certified mail or hand delivery to the Department, with the appropriate filing fee and Fee Transmittal Form as provided in 310 CMR 10.03(7), within ten days from the date of issuance of this determination. A copy of the request shall at the same time be sent by certified mail or hand delivery to the Conservation Commission and the applicant. This Order of Conditions, unless specifically indicated to the contrary, is issued pursuant to both the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw. Therefore, in addition to the appeal process specified above for the appeal of an order of Conditions issued pursuant to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, any person aggrieved by this Order may also appeal this Order of Conditions in accordance with Section 1.08 of the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw. Detach on dotted line and submit to the Conservation Commission prior to commencement of work. To the Dartmouth Conservation commission Issuing Authority Please be advised that the Order of Conditions for the project at File Number 15- 1163 has been recorded at the Registry of Bristol, book ,page has been noted in the chain of title of the affected property in accordance with General Condition 8 on ,19 If recorded land, the instrument number which identifies this transaction is If registered Land, the document number which identifies this transaction is signature Applicant 5-4A rev. 5-3-94 MJO/RC 7 is 7L F71.1 cr) CM) CZ CD :3 uppo.0 Cn cn w 7-77� CD CD . l.i t „ ,� ,:.. .,Y: srt, Ir-. ur, y. q El .,. .+'..-.,_.:a_«:s.' -e a..,. ..� :n.:,.•.n :rol ,. x..r.i «`.. ,... f b i Jv� BOARD 0P HEALTH INISPECTION ED \g1jEtj EXCAVATED REQUIRED - 1 1 {t<,.w.1i:iota.tow._�-1.:..,-._,o,x.�M`.t,.a..a.rem..t.�"'..�.._..,-•..,•d„Fia.�.e..r,4 �,.a �.., s:.... <... . / 50. o0 LS M1... 10 to 14 4-3 P vc AGE 71 6" �O Not wine `y TYPICAL SEPTIC TANK D AIL mvi ;degkWhirlmoof �' Not to Scale ;' RAI Vtrater Use �-'�C � R0TpNDC) ST I1500 or approved equal m ti n 10 To - o, � 17 - 7 < �or1G �.a ��p 10 a- e .�:0j., 0, - Id • Z.k)4q 6&66 -- ti (N ��� �' C-►��� TYPICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX DETAIL 00 Not to Scale i; '�- `� ��•.�� `!1 a s���,�.s��- ;ol�• AMERICAN PRECAST or approved equal io 0 �Gr'1oJG-r,> � � ,� i I `�r=�r �A� i orl. 1�AS �'rx�J �t>��.'_��i�CS�. .. • ... •r 50 '� GQuSu StbtJ� � 10 V, `• \ j HEALTH wsPECTI O N� y - BOARD OF H REQUIRED WHER EXCAVATED TOP OF syr ,� � �^ � •tom• • �. J ` `"•' t `• , O Y7 v_fee - 190 ...� eF- _... SELEVATIONS 0 1 FOUNDATION FINISH GRADE s• . ;D • o /• z ' t 1500 s..a; 11 ►� ' • Note: 1/4per foot : OA L LON CONCRETE. slope min. TANKSEPTIC ;:.: `LEVEL STABLE 1 ..• r•. •.• -I U LEVEL STABLE BASE L DISTRIBUTION BOX ) CHARGED WITHOUT BOARD EALIN APPROVAL PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBER Not to Scale ROTONDO or approved equal Q q Q Q Q Q n 5 �CLEAN CLAY FREE GRAVEL - TYPICAL PROFILE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Not to Scale Note: Overdig limit (Shull ), extend r feet = Note: Discrepancies of soils or water table during construction outside leach area and exCvvated to must be reported to the engineer for inspection. elevolioni4-Z.3and backfiiled with coarse Note: Any changes to this plan must be approved by the washed sand to elevation 1,5l.o Board of Health and the Engineer. 77,77, : S,li'-�� �_,f t � -... '.. ,. I..NI• ,lit .1..-, t'�vi !1.'4 ..w. ', .4.. .1 .ram -.. .. SOIL LUCK tSi 15 - i YS �f►,l� 1`rl�f� � S� TEST TAK� E N I N S P E C T 0 'R - . "Z2.,k �-.)► - - PE RC OL A ►� ION RATE -_�� SEEPAGE-. LEDGE- GROUND DESIG1114 DATA f DESIGN FOR ESTIMATED F L (J W -© CALCULATIONS = x z 7T LEACH AREA - Jo �--- c��, � �r�s -���� � ��:� - � �-o . �• L NOT%SGENERA. I.) This system is designed in accordance with the S s Code (Title 5) and any city or fov!n modifcc a � 2.) Engineer and C='oord of He-alth To system before backfiliing. -& •• 3.) Elevations based on ���3t��J�S�a�.� datum plane. 4.) Distribution pipcl)s to be capped at outlet. - Z5 5.) Locus being 6.) This system ( i"-,s not designed for a garbage disposal. 7) Leach area to 15e excavated to elevation l �-Z• - and -.� bockfilled with, clean clay -free. gravel to bottom of bed. S f PLAN LEGEND" _ 1 4., PLASTIC PIPE: ( Tight joints) SEPTIC TANK -�— 4" C • I, PIPE ( T fight joints) d DISTRIBUTION BOX 4 - - - - - - - 4" PERFORATED iPLASTIC PIPE TEST PIT 5� - EXISTING CON"OURS g.M "''` BEF�CH I'►/+ARK E W . .:. 5� PROPOSED C 0,NTOURS _ - 1 '- RESERVE LEACH AREA ` { 1XJ 'M1.J. 1 Q WELL JUN 23199 FIT 1."GER'AL0 35 -.W.- Awl- C ot739 I 1, .5i.4..irt +ks'^�.+: 3..1-LeF.. ei'Ji �.1C.. ,,.. i.::. : .u..wi>+l.r,. wa-...�-.� .L,>•.:.1 .•.ia.'.:.i:-.Lil:'�zz o-.y�'.n Ltn.:�.. .> 17 00 � P� l � 1 L 6 C,0 is . Oi i �• VL 9 t 4 Z�-i• e TOP OF fl 1 FOUNDATION ELE V . = /5&.!5 s' 4�% o s .. • Note. -�- 3 4 's r_i 1F.: •. a ..� ,..a.` :u w'"K �, .,. , ._ 7777 �.e,Ii.,...t..,,.. ... r, <_ �� ........ ..tir y. ev'+ \tat-:.....�i N�+LYM �+�n'...�-r...rv.a .[•ll4.u,.:a i'-'t, ......'L:. , ♦Y. a..• ro..+i.1d :3 ! ? Ric �sL,� i owe slope min. �\V1 L• \ ;..,., II 46 ' � ♦+. r)L�_.::Y,iL .f1��. � r.-M..':�. •..Ji w..v'a4-fir .�. z. .Tk ,....tz':..-.. +N-n-.t �..::.�'. r•, .. �., ,r i rr..; :x' ....+..:: •e, .�1.. 5.'G Y:.- .:I :�a � i•+.w- .t, ri ... i..' .�zfv s: . .. :..I.-.a�ry 4-.b•.^..,��, ax}., a_!i.,ti.. mot...[ ' ... . T- Y S (J I L L U G` f I'536 ZC() e 11 4-3 toy_ 6„ TYPICAL SEPTIC TANK . DETAIL Not to Scale ROTONDO ST 1500 or approved equal F�u_l G Z IA ►10 � v ��f tU'�i I I Y " �i •• '• Z ZO Z k)Aq 4LGS SOU Q ON TYPICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX DETAIL -`s °o Not to Scale �� o -� d equal � s►��co�.l.s�vol,o�1. AIVIERICAN PRECAST or approve q _ = — Q G.1.Cs AF�c-�• SiTr� �S S�� �i�.Ev edl.� `,o - ` Gctusu ED S�N� � i i / - • ' / 000000 00, our PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBER Not to scale ROTON D O or approved equal a r r� ;4: LEVEL STABLE = -�� = ♦ .... I . 3 LEAGNING getp l TYPICAL PROFILE of SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Not to SAC®l . Note: Overdi limit (Shall extend 5 feet • 'n construction 9 Note Discrepancies of soils or water table during outside leach area and excwvoted to ' must be reported -.to the engineer for inspection. elevotiont-2:�and backfilled with coarse • washed sond to elevation p5'I,0 Note: An changes to this plan must be approved by the I y . Board of Health and the Engineer I�1.1 s 30 17.117 T t of s z, 77Z - �-n cz-_=, -4�zs-JorJ�s of TA '�.ZE f U TEST S P E C T 0 R i N . — -- P E RC OL A-T I O-N-• RATE— S E E PA G E LEDGE- GROUND WATER- 4olQ a ► -�. DESIGN DATA r(t I DESIGN FOR C: ESTIMATED FL.OW -- C A L C U L A T 10 N S - Z. .. r,. LEACH AREA - o-�.� c-.�.�� fps �� � �� = 3 � • �• 1 N 0 ES GENERAL I i s s stem is des-i ned in accordance with the State Sanitary y g Code (Title 5) and any city or town modifications. 2.) Engineer and ,3oord of Health to inspect seviage Criss %cr-,:; r 'system before bacNfilling. •' 3.) Elevations base=�d on 50j301\j1S1o#J datum plane. 4.) Distribution pip.►As to be capped at outlet. �. s s • . 5.) Locus being c�.at3 ...�..�► 'at..r,..J► `�� CM=�s:::.``` • 6.) This system f its not designed for a garbage disposal •.b: - 7.) Leach area to 'be excavated to elevation I +Z• 5 + and .d:A* backfilled with clean clay -free gravel fd bottom of bed. PLAN LEGENCr ' f 4PLASTIC PIPE (Tight joints) SEPTIC TANK 4'C. I, PIPE ( ii ight joints) ❑ DISTRIBUTION BOX - - - - - -- 4" PERFORATED PLASTIC PIPE TEST PIT -- 5� - EXISTING CON -TOURS g.M.� BENCH DARK 5� PROPOSED CC)NTOURS w WATER LINE RESERVE LEACH AREA ---- D DRAIN LINE 1� J Q WELL /4 1- el FOUf\J'DATIOfVi'BRSE MENT f'LA SCALE 1/4 0 f-0 457 4_0 A,7 4 -0/1 � I � Ca Y o �1/iv��� �/L � , A N V T E •ftw 4 L L e k ,1- - - - - - _- - - - -,! - - � -fir -�-� LEFT SIDE 'LLEVA ION SCALE 1/4" = C-0 it U Le 4 C= 0\ .� N Qtj IT low rT. * - 4" 4 4 4w 14 0 5 TU-0.5 r -C JL L At I J FIRS I FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR -Z s., rr_ P-� F Q U 11 L L F - 1`7 SCALE I/ - SCALE 1/4 1 0 ;d, floors s'te 411- 1 0 Denetrations thru rated walls ai n)revenu-!,- material capable pealed with a i-s when sub;", flames and hot gassc.- assage of Uirements of the Test ':34L-andard specific the req .0 r ���v_ AST+-E-81 4Qor_T Fire Stop F�Iil U Y FRONT e L r VA ION SCALE 1/4" 1' - 011 r -A j_ 71 v- _ ir - 7' -7 T:� f 7 t 1 71! 177 T T JT � ALjJ I jl- L J_ --A -A, i_... r ) _r_.J- _. . L LIt 7-1 o' Ht U _7 -4 _ — - - DURING 7 SHE BUILDING 1 J. - ----A T Al \NORK. OF _f HIS i -A PROGRESS• iTT A- A --A. -, r I -T -7 - :aFI V T%RTrDI I r L ;6 6i 10 T T- .4. This Er id ©rn. A Copy Of k _7L lccrt trust Be Kept Qn SKC k- L Durin;, Co{!�(`istrumori 7 SE 22 1995 7`7 __,L_. 'r L- v*-' L_ 4--r- r- :T:.-- .......... ,_1 A. -1 - 7. :1 -7 77 T T 7 r r T TM OF D AM, sue? date MILDIM DEPARTEM Qr 92 199m ri V NA ..... plan, has been rev 1*eTV and 'accepted as a record copy of York FV 11, 1 [ ` C proposed to be perforred in corplime vitb 78?1 CTIR 5th Edition, 1.7 Ell r The oner, applicant/agent and/or ardMted/ngineer is responsible I i ' ��. , i for insur A ing final corpliance Tith the above ntioned code T. notwithstanding any errors or olihssions in the record plan., Any change in oyner, license contractor or enginser mist be reported to this office i"nediately. Any change in plan east be suhitted to _/�� /- �' l s this office in a ely canner. L _T Signature ION — mill 11 N"01122MM 0% 0 tot I RIGHT S I E E VAT 10 N, E. D LPA Ion PROPOSEU ;j D ON SCALE 1/4 1 -0 LOT 5 SYLVAN SPRINQS2 'MEDEIROS WAY., NC. DART MA 8CALE:AS NOTED— - APPROVED r onow/14 BY DATEAPRIL 17, 1995 FOR Les t A LE COASTAL CoNCEPTS I I NC. DRAWNG NUMrER IA 170 LAMBETH STREET., NEW BEDFORD, C. I of .tN No 198MF AGEPROOF MASTER FORM . I "FL A S44) 4 -T- S �Q L.t L K I !�1'G- 974 tJ �' v WINDOWS 0 + I Vz" .S1+E0r R0CK ON WALLS, 4 CC_(LjtJ65 p,-?" >44" 70? ?L4TE L rk 1 ago VIINIYL kPVINDOWS Be, SLIDE DETAIL--- L1/JT6 -P A a SECT10i\i A A SCALE 1/2I I 1 = I - 011 CA U L KIN,G ,SE7,& L A � T 8R)ce � LJ Bib I LL 4:-L,& S441 0 6 6RICV v6N 6c?--.0 PIN5 130&'RO "No I L L I N� �4" & lea," 0. c, 6TUPS �/z�� t�1Su1.�.�'to� R - i DOUBLE HuNu V I N1, *Y-0 L W I 1plv' D 0 kft/ t OMWA j°,Paceo°�����3 L6 4!_�':�t Nyj�� co 0NV E N1, E E I Hi ����-jvj I I U; �41 F, T I W G U" E Ti SCALE 1'- 0" v '; I 1j r. r-: 1, t:� 4 , i" L 1J. 6 Penetrations thru rated walls and floors cz'l sealed with a^ material capable of reventi ,,":soi flames and hot gasses w-hon sup; ��. ;asage 'he requirements of the iest Standard sp":,cii t�.; . - �� for Fire Stops A T-E-844o r-A I Y/42 U L E ' UNIT GRILLS HEAU'R ITEMI I TYPE I R/O REMARKS DIMENSION OUAI YES NO S I ZrF A 14- B c Wqo SLID. 6,�Y? D K4 8 + 181, &T, W/ P, 6 0/Z TO�P F G H K L M jkm As Built Suz-vcy rnust bc� submi,,tcd to t:a--s D�aildinwr U K DRAWING DRAW YOUR 13UILDING DURING Dept pricr to cal -_I�k �jt A-F THE OV THIS \NORK_ J a founclation in3p.-actionn PROGRESS r T-A any further ccna- I)EPARTIAEV" .4 G c5# 11\16 4 ES- ------ 77� too" wpm�" 9 92" WAG ;AT._Qa=a0= AA. A —,4,— r I j •�+~�..�.-_a--�- --I•• -f"-'i--•y`.�"'a-r►_._.. .-.•a-�+'rw•,�.r.r .. _�.....+a.: .-. •L •.1_._..,...��_•i_'1__"_ � ••- •....*.«♦-•-..%-.:+►..:. ...w.-a�.�. L,.,,r,-,,. ,, L � - .... _:l•�.•-_..►.. •.-••..- ..,�. w. .. t_ . ..,. A. 'e7 : A _J 4- r L_ "77 _'Am A. --A —7- A.- T = ai:».,r� �,_. •,..� �...r>,.�.. ~' , �� -�� .ram. _ __.. ��J •r�."`__�_ `r"� .J i. ' r.i.__..».i.�......»�,,,_...►. �....1.— - - i ..�_�,.,-.y,,.�r p i .V....-.►,._,r...� _,,,,.r t...r+....... L._.� , ...1 ._ � • -,s. r .. i .. ........... N Pu I:xDq I T01 0 F P Al" Rz' 71 1 - 0, U R EM ;tea Ev, D r' 11 A-, V"t A C-c)py Of This Endorsed 1 Plar Must Be Kept On Site I Purin Construction -4— - --iEP-2-2-1995— r-- �a �- _7�1 A 2 I V111 U REAR ELEVATION. PRO POS ED& '3 BE r"--11 0 0 R-1 D k1V E L LL 11 1 If 0 N SCALE 1/4 1 0 LOT 51 SYLVAN SPRINGS, MEDEIROS WAY, NO. DART, M A. �It I - FIF. - Fff F�,: APPROVED BY SCALEAS NOTED ORA N I DATEAPRIL 177 1995 FOR NETZGEN NO 19SMF AGEPROOF MASTER FORM PAUL /�ND /ail'_VCy AWI COASTAL CON EPTSt INC. ; NU 70 LAMBETH STREET r .7 W BEDFORD., MA ORMQScpG