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Permit No. BP-2001-18977 GIS# 4173.00 ` Map: -0079 L.ommonweei o I Waled , A.w 4 Lots a 0006- y 4 Sub-Lot '1.-1 1;• 0010 TOWN OF DA D TMOUTH NEW Category '- 400 Slocum Road,Dartmouth,MA 02747 DWELLING'] Phone:(508)999-0720 Fax:(508 999 0738 Project# JS-2001-0632 ;4 Est.Cost $75000.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTER 'O: Fee: $304.OQF a ( Const.Class:: Contractor: 4 ;CtcensePhone#: Use Group. : '.ems R4 _ ,fse Engineer: � � � �Ltcense � Phone#: Lot Size(sq.ft.) 41020 • Zoning SRB A licant: ` New Coast 2,740 sq ft. PP a k }(508)999-4039 _, WITKOWICZ AARON M ' Alt Coast: N/A OWNER: Date Typed: -. 03-15-2001 WITKOWICZ AARON M&KIMBERLY A WITKOWICZ DATE ISSUED: 3 � � 'l - - TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: New single family dwelling with one bedroom,one bath, well water, septic system, oil heat, fireplace,NO DECKS BUILDING Project Lo ion: 1 MEDEIROS LN Approved/Issued By: 1111P JOEL .REED,LOCA :UILDINE 1 SPECTOR All work shall comply with 780 C 6T Ed. (MGL Chap. 143)and any other a' . icable Mass.Laws or Codes and plans on file. POST TH CARD SO IT/S VISIBLE FROM THE STREET SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE PER 780 CMR 111.7(NOT MORE THAN 3 EXTENSIONS WILL BE GRANTED)OR ON ISSUANCE OF A REGULAR OCCUPANCY PERMIT. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdiction are not met; not withstanding the issuance of this Building/Zoning Permit. Signature of Owner/Agent: L'u Comments: REPLACEMENT FEE WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LOST SIGNATURE CARD c JP\ TOWN OF DARTMOUTH 1 9 2 I4 BUILDING RECEIPTS R �� COLLECTOR'S OFFICE h Ef Name �' , f f 1 ,-7 Property Date: I' �� Owner: � - `') `.; " Job Location: ; i . f It".: White Copy-Collector's Office PloteI Lot f ,; ; r'; �, 'i !, (,,`'` Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt I {. : / (1 1 iv' Pink Copy-File Copy Green Copy-Building Department Phone: t CI Description al L edger#'s Ref.# Amount P License&Permits-Building c,i, 01000-44105 , cy t ,) License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 ".,, 1 License&Permits Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 '"__---...,. -- Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 This is not a Permit or License for Building,Plumbing or Gas Received By: ' ,-- TOw V- OF DARTMOUTH 1 977 BUIbING RECEIPTS COLLECTOR'S OFFICE Name(r1 ; -- i ,, , Property ,, , Date: ,1 ,)� / / t � )(- .l ; it I L. Owner: .. -- 1 wl-.,.— ,-- r L,. ! r job Location: ds. TOWS OF �FRT�IOUTH Copy-Collector's Office Plot: "-n�%. Lot: / ,� Yellow Customer's Receipt f' �. /� ,, COL LECTOR'S OFFICE Copy- P J i E i !Pink Copy-File Copy I Green Copy-Building Department Phone: F E B 2 0 2001 j, 4,7 Description General Ledger#'s c(v.' # '«"7 Amount License&Permits-Building 01000-44105 Fj. g if 4y. f License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 C i i ,y ra License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 ' 1 License&Permits-Plumbing Sr Gas 01000-44107 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 I This is not a Permit or License for Building,Plumbing or Gas Received By: _ _V` .,_ RESIDENTIAL 4 - - 2000 0 FOUNDATION ONLY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE &NON-TRANSFERABLE / ^"O"TH.. DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATE RECEIVED o�'1, _ 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 Dartmouth, MA 02747 '•....Lp °.'=' 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING :':;>:.::::>::>; ;::;::::>::>>::.<»»:>.;:>:>:>:.;::>::»s;:::>: ::is:::>::>:::::':>::; >::':>_;:::>'::>::::T .IS SIvC''t'IU9V I`CkEt P.VI+I.�3AI.:.U.dal".:ONI... .:..;;::::::. ..... . •.::::. :::.:.:.:.:.:::..:: : :':.:.::.;:.;::.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.:::::;:;.;..'.;:.: . ::: :.:.:.' •.:1;i::is.....i.,•:i.:•45::::,.....?'.1.4..e:3iMia,;,:i.r...::::.pi:%!..m....i-a,?..;..---.1.. .......:•:-.-----:::.-,-.- -i::::.:-,-,:--;,..:::...-..,---:;:,-,-,-i,.?;•:.:•,..,..,-:-.::::i-i.::::,::::...:-:-.....-::::::::'.....•,..-.......-..:N:.pvii-ivitIpg!7:....i7t..,:.i....i.7......11.. .:-.,.........i,"9ii,,..iilliiii,!il.i.:gii...,ii:::::•.:-..!.....!......::.::::::..........-i-;.:i..:::..i.:: .--::.::Ta:r.E....:StiSiTFOR.::.IREVIEW::'".---.,,.:',','"'..:',Ii5 .:'''.':•'::.:::: ::.:::...:).:::::::.::...!.':-:::.I..:1...:.......:------:'.:,....:...:1•:•:::':':::::. :::---%::: . .... •• • 7- -.....-•-•---''',5:-/Ii-..,-.4.)1.::::-..,:*,*., / : : : •: :Yiiiii:...: :.-*.:ex4::i.'v::"•::i•i .:::•::.::•:':.:•::: .- .':.:ii.ii:•::''i::::..::::. •:::::::::. :::::.�:}:•iiii:::::^:^:::': :•.•: .:::....�::•:: .::::::::::::::.. .:::: d� :C. 0 x.ae� 13utldia `>::::> :<:: :<>: ::>::>>>:: _ : : : :: :>::';; :>: ::>:>':> � >:>::>` ::::::.Z---:O.:Oi-0....40. 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Saih.r. o ... . . ` .. n... m....,.................. �#�8avi#:;; :<i ::: .i;Card:::§wnf,:: :: : .:.: . ::..GuUFf.::;> Fvttuw-u. :. :.i.:.i:.i..i>:..;:.i'.i :.: e "':©.Gas ,::::::>:::: >::t:7;PEannin ;:Board:::>:::::>:::©.Sewer Cari€:<.;:.;:>::::.1: :Wa#exC4rd>:::::>:<:<>' 1 `:Zonin: € Other:: '.::'::>:::::>::>: :::',::::::::>::>:::::::.!;:•.>:.::>:>::.::::::»::::>:"::. ::.: >: >C#�iel:::>:::>::`:»:::::>::::>::>Gii#:O:€f`: :::': ::>;' ::>::>:>:>:' :::::::::::::::>:::::::>:::>:>:':::::::>:::::::�:Ctif:.0€f::::::.::.;>::>::::::>::;1Cit:Qt�::':: '::>:;::>:.>:::: ::>:::>':>::':':R viesx.;:.;::.;::::::;;.i:.:.i..i;.;.>".i:::.::.i:.;:.::;::.i.;::.i:.:.>: ....:.:: :........:...:.:. '...i:.::;::i,: :'::'.:::. :.:::c:.% ..:..:..':: E LIif2E9._......'�3R:S;RE...T. E.R`Q#tET I.511 N :"3F:i�:AER......::...'::::::.:.>:7:.:':'""::»'.'.:":;..:,...::: ........... •;:`<'DEPARTMENTALiAPPR , AI1 f...:;:`:' <':: > :>>:->: : ::< < '< :; > ';:<:>s.....:::> ;::::, Zoning Review: Signature: : a _ -j�i . Date: Energy Report: Signature: /Z// ©AJ./4A- r S.—a ( Date: _ Fire Chief: Signatures 1,%/ .- rn ._ Date: /7 Board of Health: Signature: Date: Conservation Commission: Signature: 61(,- ./ L-'1- ---.i Date: Other: Signature: Date: Description of work being performed: _ EC I: ON I' SI.:E IN ORivi:ATIPN >�'.:::'.['.< :€:'':' :€'. : `€:'i::'. ':.:::R '.'.:: >_' ..:::::.:. > :: '': NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: 0 yes 0 no 1.2 Assessors Plat& Lot Number: 1.1 Property Address:/ /l e-�6�7/re 1 Zilje Plat /7` Lot (. - /C)_ Nearest Cross Street: 1.3 Historical District 0 yes El no Subdivision Name: , `)) ) Total Land Area Sq. Ft.: L/ Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? 0 yes 0 no Date: 1.4 Water Supply(MGL c 40 § 54): 1.5 Sewage Disposal System:0 Municipal )(Private Well 0 Municipal ,A1 On Site Disposal System C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res;vpd Paee 1 Rev.January 13.2000 RESIDENTIAL 2000 1 CQN 2-1'liQp11 i 4 fl4k VRS�1tp 1.�C T1�Qttl l U,iCEri7 2.1 Owner / roof Record: / 4) �Y s )// J/ 05Gc055 VNA, 4% �A © Name(print). ��i� /�J Contact Address ) Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: ro11 1/\/(-k-Y1OunC,2. `��6 C-of-, Carr HA Rc194`1.b3q ame(print) Contact Address / Phone Number .... SECTION 3:»CQNS7 Rirc"TIQN ERVTCEs 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable❑ Licensed Construction Supervisor License Number Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable 0 Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? 0 yes 0 no If no,go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? 0 yes 0 no If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name Registration Number(if none, state"none") Address Signature Telephone Expiration Date 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place-Room 130/, Boston, .L9 02108, (617) 727-8598 Owners Name(print) Signature by signing the above,the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 3.4 Homeowner Exemption-One&Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures govemed by Construction Control in Section 116.0,effective July 1, 1982,no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction,reconstruction,alteration, repair,removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures,unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section;provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s)for hire to do such work,that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only,a"Homeowner"is defined as follows: Person(s)who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is,or is intended to be,a one or two family dwelling,attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: Signature: Your signature carries certain responsibilities,including but not necessarily limited to,general liability Bldg.forms\Bldeapp.res.wpd Page 2 Rev.January 13.2000 RESIDENTIAL 2000 NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor,whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) SECTION`4 :'WORkER'S CO PE:NSAT1 ON IiNSLtRANC Ai FCIUAYIT(MCL c 152§2 Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Fai ure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: ' yes 0 no SECTI+ 5 DI.$CRIPTIoN OF PROPOSED vORK(check;all apphcab e) new construction*• ❑ addition 0 alteration 0 repairs ❑chimney/ 0 woodstove ( ergy report required) (energy report required) fireplace ❑deck 0 pool 0 accessory bldg. 0 replacement window/door 0 Other 0 demolition (shed/garage) no. of windows doors (specify below): (specify below): * If new construction,please complete the following: Single Family: no. of bedrooms w (i) no. of baths 03 (1) Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit 1 no. of baths unit 1 Z------. no. of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths unit 2 ❑ Furnace(hot air)-fuel gas(natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other(specify): ❑ Boiler(heating)-fuel gas(natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other(specify): O HVAC(combined unit)-primary fuel,natural gas, propane, electricity, other(specify): O Air conditioning-(separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided ❑ Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other Brief Description of Proposed Work: j�/,, ;..... :»: :::::::: ::;. >:: SECTIOINt 6 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST*;::::'>:;::.. . Item Estimated Cost($)to be completed by permit applicant 1. Building • 2. Electrical 3. Plumbing 4. Mechanical(HVAC) 5 Total=(1 +2+3 +4) *Estimated Total $ 75 ite eif.) //i/ 5-tGTIDov 74 :E1,,,:DER A,,]'#'i-It)RIZ,k'I'IoN t. e . it.li?C...011t let@.,.d.�vhett.;owner: : en . ;:.t.ttr.cQnxrar or::::a . lre ::f. ::: ........... ._::.:::.: :..;;.;;:.;:.;::;:.;;;.;:.;;>:.:.;: :::::::::::::::::::......t.................. . �.a s.or..buildln <: emit;;;;:.;;;:.;::.; :.;::;;:;;.:.;;;;;:.;:;.;;;:.;:.;;:.;;:.;:.;:.;;:.:;. (please print) // XI, Pkc 6�1 ( I j.pl e7}LZ , •a Owner of the subject property hereby authorize yLc�,.t'Oi Val 1,-at,C1CZ� to act on my behalf, in all makers relative to work aut orized by this building permit application. SignatureOwner Date aia1 o i t r... , ;.. ;:. SEC?>TC�t'7I3..:.Q1�>4EIi1.1CTIIt?S�l�iIT..EfICIA.ILA.'i`CfI�»:.`".':;"'.. ., , \\ I, u c \i\ \/\(t-k}fia.z)\C. ,as Owner/A horized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my``knowledgge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. AL - L,.7Lo- 2- '.o -6 i, Signature of Owner/Authorized Agent Date C1 bldg.forms`,.Bldiann_res.\snd Page 3 RP., ra„,,,,,, 11 1nnn MI RESIDENTIAL 2000 SECTION$ INSPEC OR S;REVILW/COlti'1MI iNTS . ......... I. Date plan reviewed: 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals(see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED(see project review worksheet): Date: 6. HOLD reason: ' , - e2 t C I - 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: "t' , I �y,__ Date: - -�• 8. Comments: 6i 9. Inspector's Signature: Date: SECTION 9 AFWc NT NO '1[ 'IC 4 Ois .. Applicant info d of above • Date' 'a T�me: y'� jerk: Comments: • �- .� k! /i./"../....7t Total Permit Fee: $ Less Application Fee: $25.00 Remaining Balance: $ a 7g c, TOTAL FEE: �>' f r Gross Area-New Construction total sq. ft. Gross Area-Alteration total sq. ft. 767 Permit Issued To' /t.04-e j�-..�_ c�, �,Fa � Ym, : jZ4 SECTION 11...:ADDITI A � 42 il � $ s�, > ; . ► , ,204 C:'.hldu.tiirms`131deapp.res.wpd Page 4 Rev.January 13.2000 • MAR-15-2001 04 :01 AM P. 01 MAScheck COMPLIANCE REPORT ` Massachusetts Energy Code I Permit # MAScheck Software Version 2.01 Release 3 I Checked by/Dat TITLE: NEW HOME n �Y CITY: Dartmouth FILE COPY STATE: Massachusetts HDD: 5426 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 1 or 2 Family, Detached HEATING SYSTEM TYPE: Other (Non-Electric Resistance) DATE: 3-14-2001 DATE OF PLANS: 3/15/01 PROJECT INFORMATION: 13 MEDEIROS LANE DARTMOUTH, MA COMPANY INFORMATION: MR. AND MRS. AARON WITKOWICZ F ; 405 CROSS ROAD DARTMOUTH, MA NOTES: A Copy Of This En o Sed RICHIE'S INSULATION DID MASS CHECK Plan Must Ee Kept On Site Date D �° iqu°11 COMPLIANCE: Passes Maximum UA = 255 Your Home = 227 Area or Cavity Cont. Glazing/Doc Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Value CEILINGS 1100 30.0 0.0 WALLS: Wood Frame, 16" O.C. 1100 13.0 0.0 GLAZING: Windows or Doors 110 0.310 DOORS 39 0.310 FLOORS: Over Unconditioned Space 1100 19.0 0.0 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculatior submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts Energy Code. The heating load for this building, and the cooling load if appropriate, CURRENT MESSAGES MESSAGE: r ' I r ( //::/M/ ..,14ky( . , , jiZe2YL/_-,--z-(7-x,ed — ,436_4(..,.....,) I i 4_ /./9,4 2c- 64,- 7 b--(11-(-1' j--.,,ID--0/ I C S � � 1 . S (-(,5 7/, ).( d'cli" e,x ) c = = 34- FILE elpif L(rr 1 . ei 5 o ` ( � 0e7 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Department of Industrial Accidents 14 --_ _ Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street Boston,Mass. 02111 Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit �pllea nfatibn -*s ,�,,J . .�.Please,PRINT Iegibly �� name: An s'c-)`C i Y 1 iO )i C2- location: i.6 c C ro55 tc.J\ city A . �.L l(if" !vve.) 1—k MA phone# '16,3 9 fP/ am a homeowner performing all work myself. I am a sole proprietor and have no one working in any capacity �a rss�� k !/;,,..<,�ha ,ti,.u„ia. 1c'.�'�77z,wu,/,,77ra.r,.aui74'� I am an employer providing workers' compensation for my employees workfng,on this job. company name: address: city: phone#: insurance co. policy# Liati6"777 N,.G,,.ij„//,/��/� ////<.tF%//�.' '%��. �f,,...*',:���l�l�i%Ja /��<k��� I am a sole proprietor,general contractor, o omeown trcle one) and have hired the contractors listed below who have the following workers' compensate n polices: company name: t" address: city: phone#: insurance co. policy# ; ? /i. ?,�',,, *S°ra+zmall,,lat mar .,.'1"x ;2 Z: '�i if-' • ,y , -C'�/,t<;���,�l;� .�i��:YlCvaG''�'.�� i.�.ia�i%�:.s s ,�Y!.�c ti.�mi/ica„�,,,.,.ci.��1i �,�'� % company name: address:: city: phone#: insurance co. policy# 1 tfggiz,gain j*ritFi eCgg rig ,,,r f , v j mivv' .. ��i 4 Tr r.w,�,.;.�"�i' Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to S1.500.00 and/or one years'imprisonment as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of S100.00 a day against me. I understand that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for coverage verification. I do hereby certify under the pains and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct Signature . e:A Date z -2 - O 1 Print name :44-Re,ki W .'+kG w IMC Phone# `ic4 official use only do not write in this area to be completed by city'or town official city or town: permit/license# ['Building Department K" F' ['Licensing Board ['check if immediate response is required ['Selectmen's Office ['Health Department contact person: phone#: ['Other • ..:.xaa , w a^w{. 3;iaebu..,....,.,.�x.�.�... ,_..a�uxe•s�.. « �. .. _... i. k'°i L'#` zt .,.«? :is+"t �i r_z_ kY:'" �: (revised 3/95 PJA) Information and Instructions Massachusetts General Laws chapter 152 section 25 requires all employers to provide workers' compensation for their employees. As quoted from the "law", an employee is defined as every person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written. An employer is defined as an individual, partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity, or any two or more of the foregoing engaged in a joint enterprise, and including the legal representatives of a deceased employer, or the receiver or trustee of an individual , partnership, association or other legal entity, employing employees. However the owner of a dwelling house having not more than three apartments and who resides therein, or the occupant of the dwelling house of another who employs persons to do maintenance , construction or repair work on such dwelling house or on the grounds or building appurtenant thereto shall not because of such employment be deemed to be an employer. MGL chapter 152 section 25 also states that every state or local licensing agency shall withhold the issuance or renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or to construct buildings in the commonwealth for any applicant who has not produced acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance coverage required. Additionally, neither the commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall enter into any contract for the performance of public work until acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this chapter have been presented to the contracting authority. y�,f? j f .si' / xt :i% �i'/�i/%ir...0//ir /"g ;/ /%s ;% / // / %; /e j ''* "u" .� .. ,.. i �y rtx....,,.�� �"'/'/(i//��/////1, . :�4r i! ����iy�j�. �%�$„�/!x,. �w//�'��,..t,/%��/��/i/rF':i,v� ,.. �' Applicants Please fill in the workers' compensation affidavit completely, by checking the box that applies to your situation and supplying company names, address and phone numbers as all affidavits may be submitted to the Department of Industrial Accidents for confirmation of insurance coverage. Also be sure to sign and date the affidavit. The affidavit should be returned to the city or town that the application for the permit or license is being requested, not the Department of Industrial Accidents. Should you have any questions regarding the "law"or if you are required to obtain a workers' compensation policy, please call the Department at the number listed below. Y r '// " o f y 7 77 dui //?,/ City or Towns Please be sure that the affidavit is complete and printed legibly. The Department has provided a space at the bottom of the affidavit for you to fill out in the event the Office of Investigations has to contact you regarding the applicant. Please be sure to fill in the permit/license number which will be used as a reference number. The affidavits may be returned to the Department by mail or FAX unless other arrangements have been made. The Office of Investigations would like to thank you in advance for you cooperation and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call. 77.4%,/'� i'"/'//' /r/ J�'�j/�i',/ �, rr i�i��,��%//'�"�7�j//�i //"/�,�/�/�' ,� / y ice.;:-, � ` � �2�/i��./. .�G%�,�//'///✓, .,s.,,:y„ Y��,,,._/�!//�/< / .,,,; ,;G y�,. //! , . , //i/%ice��y/�,�,� � *,:4// The Department's address, telephone and fax number: The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street Boston,Ma. 02111 fax #: (617) 727-7749 phone #: (617) 727-4900 ext. 406, 409 or 375 Perrpit N . BP-2001-18977 Project Location: 13 MEDEIROS LN Commonwealth of f Massachusetts ,GIR#. 4173 00 . TOWN OF ,DART—MOUTH Mai 400 Slocum Road,Dartmouth,MA 02747 Lot: 000E„,; Phone: (508)999-0720 Fax ( ?508; 999-)738 uot �� ot 0 .. .' p BUILDING 1 ERMTT Category NEW N DWELLING Froect# '. JS,O`01-0632 FIEI ,l INSPECTION Es toss $7!Coo.00 Fee. . g_° $304.00. , Contractor:: License: Phone#: Const.Class. �„v Use Group R4 . Engineer: License: Phone#: LotSze(sq ft.) 410 4 Zoning: SItB Applicant. Phone#: :New onst, , 2,740 sq _ WITKOWICZ AARON M (508) 999-4039 Alt,Gonst �' - N/A� ;` OWNER: __ WITKOWICZ AARON M joiLEE &KIMBERLY A WITKOWICZ �( DATE ISSUED: , ,'-' TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: New single family dwelling with one bedroom, one bath,well water, septic system, oil heat, fireplace, NO DECKS DATE TIME TYPE OF INSPECTION&REMARKS I INITIAL /2./a / .',?-s e To - -_ . a / - d, -,... /7 ,- -1-- atfi .,c--,-4,-77 f z e,/a--y,44-7-46 1, ,i--A ,/-4 g 4-0,--,:-Ie. r7./---a'L...._ 1%./V 7/k/of 9:I:0 61..a.4., 4,4.,7ecee-74...(4 .42"„Lede, ../et .„..„.„1 .4_ '-,/e,-A. : 14 4_- ,511-- /Ir.)/ /4/9-o I f/ '5 - - C,&.,_..--%._ t -81- ---, ,f: ,.,j�4 ,e) a7 o/ //•' 25 ex-t, d',e /P.A/ / ,per /(-) /i 47 , Permit No. BP-2001-18977 GIB#: 4173.00 I/ Map: 0079 Commonwealth. of!addachudettd Lot: •` 0006 Sub-Lot: 0010 TOWN OF DARTMOUTH Cate o NEW 400 Slocum Road,Dartmouth,MA 02747 g '' DWELLING Phone: (508)999-0720 Fax: (508)999-0738 Project# JS-2001-0632. Est.Cost: $75000.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Fee: $304.00 Const.Class: Contractor: License: Phone#: Use Group: R4 Engineer: License: Phone#: Lot Size(sq.ft.) 41020 Zoning: SRB Applicant: Phone#: New Const.: 2,740 sq.ft. WITKOWICZ AARON M (508)999-4039 Alt.Const: N/A OWNER: Date Typed: 03-15-2001 WITKOWICZ AARON M&KIMBERLY A WITKOWICZ DATE ISSUED: 3 /(i r � TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: New single family dwelling with one bedroom, one bath, well water, septic system, oil heat, fireplace, NO DECKS BUILDING PERMIT Project Lo ion: 1 MEDEIROS LET Approved/Issued By: JOEL .REED,LOCA UILDING SPECTOR All work shall comply with 780 C 6T Ed. (MGL Chap. 143) and any other a icable Mass. Laws or Codes and plans on file. POST TH S CARE SO IT/S VISIBLEFROM THE STREET SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE PER 780 CMR 111.7(NOT MORE THAN 3 EXTENSIONS WILL BE GRANTED)OR ON ISSUANCE OF A REGULAR OCCUPANCY PERMIT. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdiction are not met; not withstanding the issuance of this Building/Zoning Permit. Signature of Owner/Agent: ; ;�°�:,;t� (�/ ;,+ �, j f) Comments: REPLACEMENT FEE WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LOST SIGNATURE CARD ' I Commonwealth of Massachusetts TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING PERMIT Project Location: 13 MEDEIROS LN Map 0079 Lot 0006 Sublot 0010 Issued To: WITKOWICZ AARON M Contact Phone No.: (508) 999-4039 t-, Date Issued: ' -1 t: `I Permit No.: BP-2001-18977 To Perform the Following Work: New single family dwelling with one bedroom, one bath, well water, septic system, oil heat, fireplace, NO DECKS Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Inspector Building Inspector Underground: Service: Water Service #: Footings: Rough: ovfo,e Rough: Sewer Service#: Foundation:(J/;' //i/)._/"-i Final: /-z $. z 0.7 Final: OK tilleP Cross Connection Final: Rough Frame. -�rao , Comment: Comment` �� Comment: Fireplace/C imney: Insulation: ak'' /0/30/0/ J Final: � , , V l� r%% rT Treasury: -- Comment: Inspector of Gas Fire Department Bo rd of H t -' E-9:11 Rough: f fr Final: /-,zie-oL e. Smoke: 0 �� ` . U/-/52O • �1/4/1-4Q _5, ,'/ Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Cyi. ,6//,/c4- A, Df 3 Additional Comments: Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy/Completion, this card must be returned to the Building Department with all necessary inspections signed off Department phone numbers are listed on the green "Town Agencies" document provided with the building permit application. REPLACEMENT FEE WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LOST SIGNATURE CARD 1 • Y • 0 +0.+ y ' 0 O ..I p.i riot a) U � b ° A HZa1 ° °�' ° � 'Z o - � � _ omi O '°' �rt U N oy o s -ate cn +O-' V . v� H.i +r C Q 4 RI V a � � � y x a air . -4:_.iir 1 ,,,,,,,,rz, .,,,t., •_._ 77:ii � 0 ° .^y . Q) roc # - . �r S czt CCI A. . Y Z cl) C7N a0 n A1 �+ •Q) _:4J. 0)-,,,,,,z Al-�� .rat -.� .oz i . 1•i W {..1 �N = firV,./y - ?. 4e ''s -sx •� N R a .- . . .,.._ N -- . ,.5.'•'-'W:-..- ._-_,--'_-_: .:Z4'.:4c,t,,,-:,•,.:!A,.,,,*.---4,-ir oL.-! ocd al .,.- • -0- c) - - „, ..‹ :,,,... : • ---., :,,,-„,„:„4-1-"0.., f.! i iy F :� ,2 cn C ''O ' -. a aoo aia v) zrstYl Q) gyp; C .0 • O C" 0 aL,a) p N . v� O a , " vi . .r„ O ..O " ^O c� - yr r ' E - •4 b � o -0 '4.0 j cam, AO ��" C7' zi U i 1 t�_N,. �.1 a E. a) E- 0 U N l U tir r 1. t.,A1V 1.. 6r,t, tZt,eUituciviE,11 1 J r Uri J U 1)LVYlv►71'Vl v VA - • TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 ZONING REVIEW Eeceived date TO: XENGINEER BOARD OF HEALTH XFILE & LOG NOTEBOOK PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONSERVATION COMMISSION OTHER PLAT 76/ LOT 6(--lc STREET n / SUBDIVISION NAME 5y I. 4 iA. ` .LOT # OWNER'S NAME I_ 'tin (..-► /4 44• DESIGNER /AL - CONTACT PERSON iCL 12 Ir2c � A rt DESIGNER'S SPECIALTY: t=" PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER SURVEYOR SANITARIAN OTHER 1. ZONING DISTRICT s-R 13 Proposed Use/Project ,,� r 2. VACANT LOT c9 file)- ) Use complies .FN.) 3. The site is found on a �ubc(v�sion Plan)) (ANR+ (Clus#r n Farm "#' Bate Plan approved S J[9•'�3 Plan endorsed date /!0 • •�.� Lot is protected by M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6 4,1400402) (r/>> ("grandfathered"). 4. BOARD OF APPEALS action ? (Rdau+red) (Gn File Casa Comment _• / f S. LOT FRONT E current required /0 u a Provided 1 S O Complies (Y(le (M.G.L. Chanter 11 40A SP*ion 6) '/ 6. LOT AREA current required d T" Provided 97,D 2-o Complies ( )) (t.ve* (M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6 apelies). 7. SETBACKS (Building setbacks are measured to the footprint of all habitable/occupiable space, including porches, decks, stairs, full bay windows and all fireplace/chimney rojections and the like). Current Required Front b d (any street side), any other sides. Provided Front / 7 Other 2C Complies Se -b+9e).. "Grandfathered" (M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6) minimum allowed front 3O , sides, le) rear The least setback may be used. Other setbacks allowed y s 4fe4 Exempt setbacks existing yes) 405.0' Exempt setbacks will exist ley, c if yes where Exempt setback(s) occur when legally pre-existing structures are closer to lot Lines than is currently allowed. A "grandfathered" setback may become an exempt setback. 8. ACCESSORY STRUCTURES) indicated L'y 5) no . Setbacks comply (yCe) 461p) (over) w M Z I Y VC•, m I > m Z�iCO >� I m40 I mr-� I WO rrl Z CC, Fi ! Q {_ 171 It M T z I r ri %o I 0 0 CO i Cl� c < c I� �MF N 0 z V) v N N (,� (A (A (Ar . . --I.! io O O NWLnO z —& _s —16 _% Z Z D NNt4WDD I �CO oo0) 1-A a �U) -<Fit) a s �. D o CO --q z g: > M x O to Oo �- 3 3 s--.- ;u K 9 rx 0 D 0 r rn pp 0 c � C7 M C U) r -� z A..� a 0 m < ---- o z co g �.M � . � _ m I a� z N V (J� Q D 3 �f .% i s -� Sy v fv a �Cf lb CL oo M try M. I o C: 0) Co, I co 0 MAO C/) m 40 co 0 z Ul a� �aa�� � o, O � � O tl C-n it tv co CY) CO I N rn • 9. Off-Street Parking (two spaces minimum for residential per unit) complies Ire). 6 DRIVEWAY SETBACK (except common drive) minimum required 3 . Complies ( -{eol. • 10. ELEVATIONS .// • Top of foundation elevation //e�7W•C Cellar slab elevation Water table elevation / 7. 2. Per Test Pit # cellar drain provided n o complies Gaol. Generally a 2' separation is required between cellar slab and high water table or a cellar drain must be provided per subdivision regulations. 11. PERCENT OF LOT COV ;..E AQUIFER ZONE : '. • . Lot coverage maximum allowed per Zonin District Percent of coverage proposed is �.� 7. Coverage complies (yes) (no) (indicate) ^� 12. FLOOD ZONE - F.I.R.M. Zone — elev. r- Panel # 250051 00 dated 6 / I / Flood zone building requirements a licable ( oc . A determination,of substantial construction may be required. Comment 13. A CERTIFIED 'AS-BUILT' is required for all new construction and additions where no other "As-Built" exists and also where additions are placed at the minimum applicable setback. The "As Built" shall also include top of foundation elevation in ACTUAL, not assumed, numbers. The "As-Built" shall be submitted before backfill or any other construction. The "As-Built" shall state conformance with applicable zoning as to placement of the structure. 14. SUBMIT further information layee) a. If yes, see item(s) # 15. This project will require further review when new, revised or requested information is submitted to any agency. 16. This Zoning review does not indicate compliance with any other Agency, including, but not limited to the Massachusetts State Building Code. 17. BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT(S) required (9.1nu) 18. Home Occupations have additional requirements and will require separate review. 19. N/A = not applicable i r OFFICIAL USE ONLY • TO APPLICANT/ENGINEER Zoning APPROVED to proceed. ZJt,;..g APPROVED to proceed subject to submissions noted above. .•--_-DO-NOT PROCEED, submit information requested above! ---D9-NCII PROCEED, insufficient information provided, RESUBMIT! , bmitted by, 1 � Davi J. Silve Building Commissioner & Zoning Enforcement Officer 1A1 03 1998 APPLICANTS RESPONSE TO #14: . 6 CORRECTIONS APPROVED BY DATE ZONREV.298 - . POP„w. wraps oil 9� woo NOTES ALL LOT DIMENSIONS,WET LANDS, AND EASEMENTS ARE TAKEN FROM SUBDIVISION FILANS OF SYLVAN SPRINGS PREPARED BY SiTEC ENGiNEERING, f, �'J}, Q l �� " . , SUB.ILOT47 ' r ! PROP SE D� WE TP P L A 79 LOT 6'1 O P7_ St.� f. D�1� I SE 0N'\ LOT--�M r, FLU' %ECG__ its 44 TP. Y.Y s} ' a , ' ..,+. , i , `%? �il`f. ` 5 � Q `, rice• \;t;.. 67 26 rf 'd % A- 0 105 TP.- e \ , J , 8A v , Q pa -6 i 63' ; 0 • EM/C11-AC. END! --- - - - 7- LE\, 1 4-0. , o LOCUS MAP SCALE: N.T.S. (SEE Pt TI) TP #8A DATE; 04/15/98 Q, ELEV,- { 12` 320 48, 7 0' (Ap) SANDY LOA'11 Q w ) SANDY t_1](V, (C1) SANDY LOAF,,° STANDRxIIG WATER (C2)MEDIU,,` LOAI`�1' 5�;�•' 115 tD 13 4,6 132,9 131,E 129.8 V TP #8B DATE: 04/15/S1118 ELEV,= 1.39,5 (AP). SANDY LOAM 12 " 138,5 (Bw) SANDY LOAM 34, 136, 7 (C1) SANDY LOAM STANDING_ _ WATER (C2)MEDIUM LOAMY SAND 68' 133,8 72' 133,5 TP 05 �. DATE., 06/18/91 ELEVI 0 B' 4 2' 52' SU ='SOIL TICsHT ND ! 141,8 141.1 138.3 1.37,5 TP #208 DATE: 07/21/93 o, ELEV.= 3 'r 72" 90'r I TOP SUBSOIL FINE-MED, SAND, SILT STONES TIGHT FIN;=-MED, SAND 133,8 130,5 129.0 120' --- 1125,6 120" 129,5 12011 i i31,8 L_____ I 120*' 126,5 32C29 MOTTLING 46EL= 135.7 + PERCOLATION Rr-, - ES, 8r ►jn1/�, f -ILATYMOTTLING EAN RATES 7mIn. /tn, SOIL EVALUA T DR= R.1". -;At�D C, ALVES Jr, SOIL EVALUATOR, RICHARD C, ALVES Jr. r-- INSPECTORi V ENY �� , W. HENDERS D,, T� 1NSPEC i UR1 SUE GRIFFIN NSP T R� ►E G R'i_{.4 I EC R C� St✓s�. �F „ + i•N INSPECTORS SOUL GRIFFIN PERCOU' I ION T EST l=�Ei*:;= �' = .r-= �. ': Y: S ► TEC Et�GINEERI NG W 0 STAXT'S DESIGN PERC► 2.0mIn,/In, Ctass II SOILS Ert �' 4 MIT DESIGN FLOWi 3BR, x 110 GPD/BR = 3300PD or MIN DESIGN OF G00 Sri, Ft, nL7LR FABRIC LEACH AREAL 18'x35' LEACH FIELD CALCULATIONS,. 18'x35'x,539pd/s-F = 333,9GPD LE 1,"A L 1""0 �a a ' ! . < . ' .-BULK HEADS & CHIMNEYS ARE PART OF THE .F'�iUNDATION, MINIMUM DISTANCE FRCIM SEPTIC TANK TO FOUNDATION = 10,0' MINIMUM DISTANCE FROf-t SEPTIC SYSTEM TO FFIUNDATION = 20+ 0' ---ALL WELLS WITHIN O , i � ,�, r; H 2 0 OF PROPOSED LEACHIr�C a, S ,r,, F� C I �.TY ARE E� i-� G I' _1 fi- 4 ._-F11I i rrr -�� � III Ili -� I Lli t(1. vI +III l I i ' • i �_ �_. D, ., ([- , IF: C Ai 0 _ , ( , ^C. .: z 0 IN- I N G RE -QUIREA 'NT_�_- ZONING IS SRA SINGLE RESIDENCE A I AINIMUNI, LOT FRONTAGE r 50.00' j PI IM U TOTAL AREA 40,000 { I`y1A!\ i M U f'rf L O l COVERAGE �.1 0 / C U i 1,/i E FRON T YARD 50.00 IAiNIMWU ., SIDE YARD 20.0 0 � MINNUM REAR YARD 20.00 PERCENT OF LOT COVERAGE MAXIt1Ui�! Lai- COVERAGE = 20,5i0 S,F, HOUSE = 1,120 S.F. - PROPOSED B,T, DRIVE -- 2,000 S,F, TOTAL = 3,120 S.F. PERCENT OF LOT COVERED: 7,6% < 50% O,K, - - E j• 'C. �7 •6.•�" ,r�.►!., 4J E�' � -�... `cam., �w� �' 1" 36' TOP OF POUNBATIQN ' o -o 0 0 0 0 0 o c� o 0 0 0 o c WAS C 11 H D S oo�o,.o�o„o � o.,0 0 0 � o„o,Lo„o..o cs', .,_�-i ,� T fl o ,.._ �. 0 U U U U U U j 14't-3'- 1 /, ? \VPSH�-p S115D gTONE U U U U U U U U 3' ' I ELEV. -- 146.o6 (VARIES) r,7777,145.5 - _ - Not � O SCate .. .. 1.45,3 145,3 145 G 15' MIN. A. 10' Min \ �. t.; ..,: , .... , , ■ F `�•A'ff `_ fi _.f��-►`�`6 �r--6 2 4- � 2 WASHED ,_ONE 14.3,20 � .� 1.43.2 r��I��� + V- - r SCHLE 40 PVC �-- T �� :� -_ � rr •` /,. � � •o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a Q o a o 0 o a a o 0 o c o a o f o � a� LIQUID LEVEL icy �v�� _� i� P —n--=-h n �. r�9�nAt3G�C�CS�.o„O.,i3O�,d�,�. _� O o O O - - --. --- - j�+ SDR 35 PVC 4- D -'S p - - -- ° .�.'`--�---.� K E FQ A L R 1 142.70 TOP OF BASEMENT f s�ft �; , � o � o a o � �- „� � � „ � � ���� . o � o o U �� 6 -- 3 4 -- 1 1 l?_ V�IA� H E D STONE E T 14 3 , 6 C ,1, ..:. , a / / /\/•�J� J\/�/� / {��lj \ / ( y�J/{� `d f , 1 • . •-, • • ry ' V �•�+ �+ • o LJ ,J V ,r.�/ l 2 1 2 0 .. _-J 1 11 1 + i LOOK EL_ 139.2 ,. y�. Q.V.C. SANITARY TEES r • I 35 \ \i a Ae sz 14 3,4 0 �- 4' min . { `\142,92 14 P"NECII r , , L— 10 t - :. •. .- DISTRIBUTION BOX .�. BASE 1382 HOLDING 46" LEVEL STABLE i I I i i I! 11 —I37� HOLDING 46" �► FROM . EL,i42 RUM EL,141 6 CRUSHED STONE ON MECHANICALLY_. COMPACTED LEVEL STABLE BASE 130± LIMIT OF, 's 5 i "" A ., z EXCAVATION.r.. `.+ L 1,F�. 'r, 'e.�..w�. •"s,+wry .. _ - Y _ +V� s'""'�"` I''.!., VWw r~,,,,'•`. ...,q,,,,�yi.. _ �. - ';a , 01W so PI smut NOTENit 11MMI""PI01" IV - v attempt .s been made to avold mistakes, the maker cannot guarantee acc,ns t huFlon error, the cot-itractor must verify atl dimensions' and details prior to an cOnstructian. While every a temp he p Y Any conflicts shalt be or to the attention of CORREIA'S ENGINEERING 1NC, prior t:c rc+nstr uction or excavation, 11 _ _ - _�m�P - DA_1'L:..03/30/93 p, ELE:\ =---� 134,7 3 6" 1 � I ANDING -CATER 131.7 INSPECTORI \.4 `NDY W. HENDERSON � P� L 1'4 U'D E Sell WNW INS 1. All work must be in accordance with the Massa husetts Department of Environmental Protection Regulations 310 CMR 1 .00 & 15.00 (Title V) and any local Board of Health Modifications, 2. No modifications shall be made to this system ivithout prior written approval by the engineer and the local Board of Health. 3. Engineer and .the Board of Health must inspect the completed system prior to backfllling. Elevations shown on plan are based on an subr'vision datum. 5. Heavy equipment shall not be run over the-dispOsoi system. 6. All unsuitable soil is to. be excavated from the eaching Area as shown on plan, and backfilled with clean- groN,,'l or coarse sand cs specified in 310 CMR 15.255(2). 7. Washed crushed stone shall be free of Iron, fln�� and dust. P. Septic tank, distribution box, etc. shall be manu-:octured by Rotondo fir. Sons Inc. or approved equal, and installed per r•�nufacturer's specification;., p g Grout shall be used to provide a eater tight ser_�. at all joints where pipe enters or leaves a concrete structure. G. Outlet distribution lines shall be level -for a mini:- ium of the first two feet 01^ their length as specified in 3110 CMR 15.232(,-`)• i 0. A. Board of Health certificate of Compliance as c:Alquired by 310 CMR 15.0 21 crust be obtained by contractor upon completior: of work. Flis tribution :ices to be capped of outlets. �. " his k ./ l.e,--n 1'" nC . d1�s►gned for C7 garbage grin.1 r. e �Y '�'�'Q'••yw•T••r.r,s m: ?Q'f.,c: rrwe-•• _a+rewr++.-�,�t+,sea -� 4 ` P,V,C, PIPE SCHL, 40 (TIGHT JOINTS; 000 SEPTIC TANK C EXISTING CONTOURS , PROPOSED CONTOURS ❑ DIST`ZRUTICIfd BOX RESERVE LEACH AREA TEST PIT 13.M, BEN 'a MARK ---- W ��ATEP L:r�E •- i PR0Pu13EP 'VELL BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS ►?BARD L 1F HEALTH STAMPS to M-11 0'""'IF PIA R7� TV E _7 Miwst 1eZ-1 0- n 11; It -a d .10 1998 . Deinzof Relf ievv 34 Wr r _ -, r �r-Y I -,-A E SEk. ERA�E D S OSAL S Y S 1�.� ' A , G'NER/APPLICANT; BOB CESA PLAT 79 LOT 6 --10 S U L0T#8 �y a � COG "'SYLVAN SPRINGS' • STREET LOCATION: - C LANE DARTMOUTH MLDEIRC�� -"r e a c nav"le e? T. U771 =J1. 7,i7� J'Al 71 VIM . !: •' a G•. t>tlf) j/ ' a' "�, F. CO..".y L tt. . Ali a .�i i �I :f �.f F� w ... . .. ..-_ .:. . ::.. -..-., . -.t _. F.• -. a, '_.L a .. s.-♦ - ._-... ..- _. .. ..,, ... DATEi 05/1.4/98 GGN17(',CT PEPSGINt jmSEPH E.,E r DWG. BY. RC -A FILE- MORSYLVAN/98--C�046 ��.•.,�...�„•!"-"'"•^?�r7ne'�_'�,r!'^'w_ „�..",py,"�w"ref`A�'7t"7'.•r,+"q,,,.•."""rs'. ,...r. _ . _ - T NOTES: ! ALL LOT DIt��E�!SION(,, 'WETLANDS, AND EASEt�/ENTS ARE TAKEN FI.Oi Rv, SUBDIVISION Q V ICON f'i_ ,E°'S OF SYLVAN SPRING'S PREPARED BY -SITEC ENGiNEERI,4G. ! F 05.0C} :lit f r F G r� t -4 v 01 1 ', �•� �� \ f ' , , ' j \ � - --_ ter- "_ 7)0 Co Oel TP r> :r; PLAT 7 LOT 6 L-109. t SUBDI\f S1ON LOT - > n .,� !041 P020 So. Fk. \1 A10- P IN r C Olt ' � , `� J C: �' 1. t f• �-�. ,��•. � %� � r c N'. (" 'Y _ i • Y � 1 r �. _A�{ . �f , a �.. i w .. \ r ; 1 1. `' �, '1 � � � �, t •` 1 �, TP-. 5 \rrE R I G\V, 4 2 8 .� . 2a' '` 8 A G ZAP, J-,% T�t _ 1 --• 3 0' mnD /1^ PnriN T1ATT()TJ If TP#l' TP #8B TP :a54��.. "V's'fSt'+n4'S:;t��.^T?S:. i, :].-: ,.,,,. t r, d' � I21•'r TP GTP DATE; 04 / / 98 RATE; 04/15/98 DATE.-C� /18/91 :ATE, 07/21/93 DA �, 03/30/93 10' ELE`v'.= � � 0 LEV�-- Inn 1- ELEV.1 � , .- no — .. �,. `^ ELEVI- ..,.. �- ,._ �LE\!1-- T - - ,*73 A 0 1.5 0 (Ap) SANDY LO,I 12' i 3 416 12" 31 4 71 `�NDY LOA!"t ----� .1. 3 2 ; 9 (C I) nNDY L0A13 STANDING 131,6 -VATER_ } 12918 CC2)MEI�IUI� LOAMY SAND 34` 681, 72° (.(AP) SANDY LOAM (13w) SANDY LOAM (Cl) SANDY LOAM STANDING WATER (C2)MEDIUM LOAMY SAND LEDAM 138,5 8° 14111 136.7 133,8 133,5 4 2' 52` 138.3 137,5 32f 7 2' 900 TOP & SUBSOIL FINE--MED, SAND, SILT STONES TIGHT FINE--MED, SAND 1010.J U- -- I%J--r, I 133,8 130.5 129,0 36` �TAr�DING WATER 131,7 120`L --! 125,G 12�" 129,5 120"I 1 131,8 120`1 126,5 MOTTLING 32" EL-- 1"D'2,9 MOTTLING 46" EL= 135,7 PERCOLATION Rf�.TESi 8min,/In, PERCOLATION RATES, 17mIn,/In, INSPECTORi N.'ENDY W, HENDERSON SOIL EVALUATOR, RIC 1- ARD C, ALVES Jr, SOIL EVALUATORi RICHARD C, ALVES Jr, INSPECTORi \NIENY W, HENDERSON INSPECTOR► SUE GRIFFIN INSPECTOR: SUE GRIF F IN INSPECTORi SUE GRIFFIN e PERCOL�`)TION TEST PERFOr�iED BY{ SITEC ENGINEERING S • .. fie. ,, X `N DESIGN PERCi 20riln1/in, Cass II SOILS �' '- � � � �I"* E1 Y 4 FEET DESIGN FLOWi 3BR, x 110 GPD/BR = 330GPD .,husetts Department of � . 1. All work must be in occardance with the t+,�ossc p or MIN DESIGN OF 600 Sq. Ft. Environmental Protection Regulations 310 Cl`'.4R 1 ' •00 & 15.00 (Title V) LEACH AREA, 18'x35' LEACH FIELD and any local Board of Health I~ odific;ctions. c i l I�.TE� FABRIC ,. i 2. No modifications shall be made tc this system %Without prior written CALCULATIONS, 18'x35'x►53gpcd/s-F = 33319GPD approval by the engineer .and the local Board o Health- 3. Engineer and the Board of Healt#. must inspect the completed system IJ y� `� - � �� �� .�� � `� prior to backfifiin L 1 _ 4 . P g ;^« 1 t,STY ! �•-�,�r �.�,. . r »- ; � E �L� �} 4. Elevations shown on Ian ore based on an sub< vision datum. i p -BULK HEADS & CHIMNEYS RE PART OF THE E=� 5. Heavy equipment shall not be run over the dist'.�sa1 system. E A OUNDATION, } MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM SEPTIC TANK TO F"OUflZATION = 10,0' 6. All unsuitable soil is to be eycavated from the eoching Area MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM SEPTIC SYSTEM TO FEJUNDATION = 20,0' as shownon plan, and backfilied with clean arc%'el or coarse sand as specified in 310 CPR i5.25�2}/ —ALL WELLS WITHIN 200' OFPROPOSED LEACHIN(. F�ACiLTY ARE SI-�0�"��t�. 7. Washed crushed stone shall be free of iron, fir:!s and dust. SOP 1 1 8. Septic tank, distribution box, etc. shall be man, actured. by Rotondo & 1, T+ Sons Inc. or approved equal, cnd installed per r•ianufacturer's specificatiors. I Ir P 9f Grout shall be used to rovide a water tight seill of all joints where pipe r 1 T" ►ti iI {11 ! �-- -1 l l l i i '• � �_ 1- 1 ��•• ! D TO f TM i ZONING IS SRA -- SINGLE RESIDENCE A MII'�IMU LOT FRONTAGE 150.00i MINIMUM TOTAL AREA 40,000 ft.. MAXIMUM, % LOT COVERAGE 50% sr`D At -i n rA`1-; r"P;" Z 7T B P� �€f c� Pr�,1J l P�� � E!� e Q! t.i 1% I -I 1 4 v 1 e 1 1 1 f—% t v �.. ( I c ,../ , t i..► � +\ � ..... 1�, t' 1 v• I�,!NIMMM FRONT YARD 50.00' KIINIM IJIM SIDE -YARD 20.00' MWIMUM REAR YARD 20.001 PERCE14T OF LOT COVERAGE MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE = 20,510 S,F, — HOUSE = 1,120 S.F. -PROPOSED B,T, DRIVE = 2X0 S.F. TOTAL - 3,120 S,F, PERCENT OF LOT' COVERED: 7,67.. < 50 % 0.K, enters or leaves a concrete structure. 9. Outlet distribution lines shall be level for a min"Mum of the first two feel of their length as specified in 3101 CMR 15.2320). 10. A Board of Health certificate of Compliance as ►equired by 310 CMR 15.021 must be obtained by contractor upon completio, of Lrfork. 11._ Distribution lines to be capped at outlets. 12. This system is not designed for a garl.age, grir,:er". � �',�'� ` .,�,��' '� ` .�� �' �O "�'�� ter- - • �'J►"�'r�i'' ''' �►'�'�t♦�►t�` �*''" ,�" ' �''iI ""'' ' `�' �'�' s'r�'' �1'i ' ,�+.�I'� �►��►- 'r ' NO; MM, NUM SUN ♦ • ♦ ! • ♦ • • • S • • • • �I' 3' 11 6' 1, 6 / 18I 3' BOARD OF HEALTIJ III.PECTIO REQUIRED WHEN EXCUATED THE APPROVAL BY THIS OFFICE DOES f%10T GUARANTEE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF �.ECTIVENESS OF ANY i E�PTiC INSTALLATION MUST BE COMPLETED WIT THRE DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH "iF THT iN TF OF _ • ti � , .. I � 1 4- 1 2 WAS l-' �. D S ► 0 C�! E \ l 3 2 � . �....._.. � � ,_ r,.. _ ._�. � �___�._� � �_.... ...�.._ ___ .... .�.> 6 , v �., . . �� �j{±,�LE �(� PVC T" "E - 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0/� 0 0 0 0}� 0/� 0/- 0/�0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 o s r - 1 ` -R,,; •' n .r1 h An n :� 11 _.�ii�i�s.-�. ....-�Y.+.�. �.LC.� - Q�_YL�...> .]u 1•y_ .. .. ,._ I•. I1 r, - P. S TAMP .Mli. !R. - --�f�— uc�+.� �o t�y�� r 1 `� � �-1 L L 4Q PVC .,gam � � n � � _ � o _ a _ c _ 0 0.. 0 0 0 0 0�:. ,� 0 0 0 0 � " ' ' t� •, >T - �� 4 SD 35 PVC 1 �� c� Phi A - I 142,70SEWERAGEPS`L yS r 3 -.•. r TOP OF BASEMENT11c, 6 - 3 4 - 1 � 2 WASHED STONE _..___ 4 14.E 60zn �; •.r... l_/ 0 a Oi.� / \ J \ t, t, At O a a C� E T __ _ /A LICANT BOB A I C FLOOR EL. 139.2 �" r .��.C, S�.NlrtARY TEES-----_______.�` ��,i i l I l �� /-�35 hIf t �+' min. �, 2 - SC L0T 8 �Q 1 3,�0 51 .�5 0.) 0 _ p ��,� PLAT 79 LOT 6 10 4 4 �� g SYLVAN SPRINGS I } I PRECII_�rl Cot%!�RfUE DISTRIBUTION BOX �.,�, 2S, \1 STREET LOCATION: MEDEIRDS LANE, IsAR�T OUT- V` • I . ' -• • • . • I v . '� '' • . 1 _ . _ v o _•.l _...-r ,. L 1 r... r _.a- _ ..A. • . Ti. .. .,... ,r '! .. _ '.l �✓_._, - . - - .r ♦ ♦ ____,.-�W-•ir...'�`ri1'z '�'� 11�i'�'' z-'z-�-r'�.l+r . �i�!y'1--'�'Y•tsr�j'i'- f .�, C: _— � � 1 _ 13812 HOLDING 4�!�y ��� ,�,�ina ` -L_� ! I-= 117- il f_ EVEL STABLE BASE . _ �'* ' aee.._.._.I_� _�--�1-- _ +r, - �__ �+ �e_, i 1 } 1 } i ; } ( i 1 1_'- 'I I l�r { 11 } 1---`1 f 1 1 1 }�"` I 1 1 1 } { ! } 1 i 11- - }_�—1 " ,.r� fi 7� �./�A I10LDING er 46 FROM EL.142 1 3 7, 2 __. �ZTC y FR0 r�; E L I1 ,____6' CRUSHED STONE ON tAIECHANICALLY_ _� - �- 13a+ P,L,S, STAMP " Strcef C01\�PACTED LEVEL STABLE BASE Sou_`" .14 t' LIMIT OF .. , . _IN (Z ,q EXCAVATION f .rr) .. t ,f' ...�,e.- - ads. '•'�-'.1 3y- ° ' `" Y�- "`=�,, _ "'!+ �' •ttea- . 1 � + 'ram..':} � t ,.,r r,. ` ` q Tl , , *°!"0' r � i ' � . ,i ';� i ♦ ( �j�'•►sAjf , �+wrtt. 't, �. �• ��' �-••!w/}II •� � �t!►..��.-,� �" Pe.�•.,.r.fi' �• � �"•:'.�•"1 � �: � - �� ` �' , tIr.FM► (..�� /1,� • - i �a1�- b��J • cek •'• V.aI fi f E �• �' ��u.._., Yi.: [��� �• C.I �/+�r R ti .1...- /' A f Ir, 0 INOWW111 MOIR1�1�•,IS�1'l,11.�76:YA.R.f•_"R'► •ei � ~� _ - - .. i��1'l�iie�'�l�C. V.Y�Y�•Y•.•�f- _ .. F` ._. .. ..4�'iit�'�71�•'./,�1 .. - .... n DATE 05/14/98 NOTE: . . _ T_ .. _ ... _ ... a., 1 i w u� t the raker cannot uaran �.eF ace <, �: l UMCr errer ; t E c0r�tr actor must ver�f y all c�ir�er�4io��r car �a detaiEs pr;Lr to any Inns ucti�+�. it •�, i T P� 'i t P E While every attempt 1 +as been r�cide t c ,-jir� , ,ts ake�, 0 brought to tl�e a-t-ten ;Eon o�~ CEQ,,REIA'S ENGINEERING INC, prlcr - t� cct atructlon or excavation, An conf ticts shall be 9 I�WG, BY. RGA FIE#. MORSYLVAN�98-�0046 .. .: 1r"�PPMR!-f••tT>A4i,!• .. _ ,. , 1E!'RM'IPRt " . -. _ L'M .. .. +7�L1++!a�lr+lag7le•t.rt !•- -' -p•r. . - - _ .. ..- _Wt. _ � _ �p7.xTil4 !•�4'>••• - . •�71•': ae"H'�.T'-+, NOV.- ..�'we`et�f1.� f� 'nlw ""'•''"ef"-' TRH! er,. �arr-�+•one.r _ ss��•s+a••.:t.eeRmlr^,ea•r+ra�,�e.e 4 r P,V,C, PIPE SCHL, 40 (TIGHT JOINTS O O Ol SEPTIC TANK 56 56 EXISTING CONTOURS 56 PROPOSED CONTOURS ❑ DIS -:IBUTION 'P30X V RESERVE LEACH AREA TES PIT W 1,./ATER LINE D.M. _� �,. BED ,:H MARK PROPOSED WELL IWI bti BOARD OF HEALTH 5' T-A, MU61 C I I A N' . I ITHOUT BOARD 'his System is Not Desiene- ENGINEERS AS -BUILT Whirlpool,PL � CERTII°ICATION For GarbageGrinder, . High Use Devices. REQUIRED0rOther STATEMENT t .. a F• ._ .-.-.. .:-._ T _ F-7, .v...,_. d':.... .._ -. -_«.. ... ..,c, :-ter - s'..-h.'. .i-�. ... --... .. r'_. .. 6_ ..... .., ._..- x. ..._. ..... .- ...., 177 ..n ... ._-... ...... ._... ,.. ..7 _ _. -._- . .. is .-.. -_ <. _....T ...-w._. ._- .+n_.«. .... ...._,...-. .. .__ t - BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS , -1 0�---- _____ (VARIES) � WPM �� + ..NN,� F1['_;1,Q, ' ._ ___..._.. 7_ ...__ ... _._ .:Nat-_ �i•o �-Scayle . .._ ..__. _. _ ..._ ....� 7 _. ........ 145.5 145,3 145,3 145 ,r A z IN . r\ ��\ i\r •i ,\��� ram` �, , ,, _ 15 MIN, 46. 4 I FRONT- ELEVATION rill 'Ut'd, -to". 61"• OPt - Prior to Cam•16 for • foundation 'nsPectiOn or ,any further cOristruct" Ion. 0 f 41 rl owl mm 0 n I m 0 wrip Ilm L 117, no,-% fro- ?^;nnt oft "-ru rsc,� r-O c. c""-•%• Et N�F! ri In" ot r 'r -.;, 4f O-P d4r-k CO Qt, t iZ 115 Zi i lt�at �.��a7p,n rs- �L- d f 7 an must On Site i's M 1• Be Key# A During Construc UO n Date 9 AARIIN WIT []wicz _j 414 1 S) I T, S)" - c F7H f 14 t POURGM. 13 M E D E'l R 0 SLN- - 111"N. . D2p, RM1,4Er,q- CU CA m 31� DARTMD+UTH) AO YOUR DRAVVING MUST L; AT -14, E All DRAWN BY. S,R, GRAJALES BUILDING D K?OGRESS OF THIS ty URING THi SCALE-, 1/4/�-l/ '0 ' � �Drpp 10 DATE, 2 2001 k i REAR. ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION O AARON WITI\[]w.l. cZ . 13 MEDEIROS LN, D.AR.TMOUT -, MA. BRAWN'BY,o' S.R. GRA JALES SCALE 1/4'-1'-0' DATE: 2-10—P(ln1 s 12'--3" 6'-6"L-5 6" -- 6 " Y .. 1 I .0 . - �T+Cw.'^'_,>r4le�'}f•'T'1Rx'F' tiii!•Si+J[Fn: ... _ - _. �..r-ygypAR 2 -. a �+. -� -a..- -.._ - - - l - • -Avow Y7 jar ssr 41 ow . L to I roe -p- - � /o 0 fj. 7 �' Pj. -.-Sd I Io an u 17 po .,clon ff 27' 14'-6" SECOND 4 0' 4 0' 14'-6" PLAN •a tar • � "• � %�! � � �i 1��, '' r`;Y;; i t ..i t PA, Dur qpll � te• � Q" i �� t R''u �, � � l� YOUR QR.AlP1lhG VAiST EF KEPT /J THE SUILDitxiG DURIVIG T13E , ,OGRESS OF THIS WORK. BUILD W ^ f3ERtATLOOME NT Tdv.,-n. of D rtrnos ej-s Soho-TU �tE SIZE AND D,_PT H It%.SPEGTIQh IS REQUIRES SEA -ORE THE GONCRETE IS Pv^URE1). BUILDIING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth Iq 777 _ v All. ��. i .d.�. � J jl t.- �i.: i��.� 'Sr. � .L' .f� S:.:s•�'Y ��s �G.r • 4. •..} !� ..� :� t, ti i �i.. Cc- i i" for in c insinf, LA"On G'" and furthei convtruict"on. Fii�,E STOPP R E 0, UIREN4EV i.. ?a{' r,s t h4' aled vv ally and floors c3 vttC: t ': with t t .5'� o 1 reap enii ��% �,�'iFti �L� isEf..,r•ri�` y�A �Rr S i1.�.�1. t-Si�,L�1��„i.f'�Z iS. E-ic 'I ' • 1 d 1 c ! : ' 3 i J. L/ L�.�' �it3�.J v`: :rt. ( 1� 1r" ._... 8 AA[RIIN WITK❑WICZ 13 MEDEIR❑S LN, DARTV,IDUTH, MA. DRAWN BYE SWR GRAJALES SCALE: DATE: 1/4 //-1/-0# 2-10-2� .001 e ,aid R ; the •`�Su.i�tFi./ V It I 27'-6" 6'-9" 11'-5" 4'_8„ 5'-6" 5'-C 10'-2 1/2" 6'-6" 4 0' 7'-0 1/2" 4 0' 3'-3" 12'-3" 5' 5'-6" 3'-3" 2'_1„ 19'-1" 27'-6"' SONO-TUB SIZE AND DEPTH INSPECTION IS REQUIRE-D BEFORE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. SUILDN I.G DEPARTMENT T orm of Dartmouth son . tM101r.T YOUR DRAWING MMST B KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PR0GRESS CAI" T IBIS VJIORY. BUILDING DEPAR T UTUIT T,y,,%m of Dar; -note J, r,..,,..,,,,.,.,,�,r�.r..sty,r..yx;.Mtr.-��.....rw,..��Co►w�!�.s•..--r«.-. _.._. .:�,. _._ ba Dcpt. prior "L-o aallil'0- fOr ' ..Oil in l 0 any furtber call.struction. ...,..�F"PiN-G REQUIRE ...�..- I I' - . ihim rotted walls and Ala: with i t' atcri;.1! capable of pr �.s `f;e cl fiamel a n d h /fix u he.. cn AA[RIIN W-ITKOWICZ 13 MEBE-IRDS LN, DARTMOUTH) MA. DRAWN BY. S.R. GRAJALES SCALE., DATE: 1/4 //=J/,O// 2-10-2001 ENIT )rs shall be ve-.nting the n SUbtc; -..�d and specific .1 //1 // /-%T1♦/ 1 %I S/8" 3/4" FIELD CHECK SONO- T UaE SIZE. AND DEPTH INWECTION IS REO►JIRED BEFORE THE COriCRETI= IS POURED. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth ti "A r Copy D'T r r !..'�;. i R p 1 c YOUR D; I)WIING ViUST BE MPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS S ILONG DrPARTIliENT `rov,jr-n of DartmQtlth I t #- 1 Dept.. priolr L-o callini for a fcrj-ndo,.t-.;.on,*,,nspo-,ct!On 017 an yr further cortsi'ruct,On. FIRS ., i�r;, c�.Di rS �i ru rigid walls and f1 rs sha I le of preventinc t _ to t i-nf re4quirc- Mi ents of the Toni Star"oar SP for F i •O Stars ASTNri-E-814. AARIIN' WITKOWICZ 13 MEDEIR❑S LNI DART-MOUT-1) MA. DRAWN BY., GRAJALFS SCALES 1/4/ 7--l/-O" DATES 2-10-EDOOJ b: ciflc� FRONT ELEVATION RIGHT ELEVATI❑N •*T�fK� r +{�fy� O •"4i f YOU I DR*r.°ING 1'�'L1FT BE to,E ' T AT THE BUIL.DItN DtJRINc- HE P'RUC.P,s,c, OF THIS WORK- DL IMC Di=f'��R.TUIECI T O11 Tovvin o' 1- JJf, O- 1 V�� SIZE 1 ie✓ a 4i�: 1 i c lVVE ,TON JS REQUIRED GE'FORE TI' 00�1GR ;TE IS POURED. 131 9ILDUr,!G DEPAP T MIENT Town of Dartmouth rn 01 01�` A• .1, r� t�R�fie:riaj cc`c a ,, d �. 1 �► P 04 and hcol cF,.Sr- to ��F requi �r��nt� of��1� �� for Fire Stays AST[ifi-E- 14. AAR[IN WITK❑WICZ 13 MEDEIRDS LN, DARTOUTH, MA. DRAWN BY: S.R. GRAJALES SCALES 1/4`/-1'-0" DATE: 2-10-2001 e nd floor$ c "' 11 100 of prcAvenfing t h e w 1 i., B REAR ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION � w rl t t„ At m f 0' rL�J,J IJ r Out i-,,, G n ti7, t I r r� r; "t a r, : -o i a--5 - YOUR Di AT THE Eta P fjO SRESS '%WING 1,AUS T BE KEPT LDING DURING THE )F T"IS WORt:• u.0 4C D1=PARTv1r--t1r• Toy n of Dar tmotdh SOS 0- T D?� SIZE AND DEPTH AHSPE :TION IS REOU(RED BEFORE TH CONCRETE iS POURED. 8 1LD1NfG DEPARTMENT !'own of Dartmouth An As 'It r stbe t e the B�.�uI��:�� � foum.ation inspection or all fY,1tiler cons ruct'00n- 1 PIDING RE0-RJ1Fj.rr_-iM,'ENT f:l',V;'LIC (-IQ; IJ to II U fa U �fc IDS aMGI14Q; S N idil L)' cealcd with a material capable of prcvcnting t1 1 passage o' flames and hoot gasses when sub .'.- . to thee. E equi cry ents of fl e Test Sf-Amdard specific AAR[IN WITK❑WICZ 13 ME--DEIROS LN, DARTI OUTH, MA, DRAWN BYE S,R, GRAJALES SCALE: DATE: 1 //--l/—O// /4 - 2-10-2001