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Request for Determination of Applicability
4-4, 's'ma , Dartmouth BuildingDepartment ni a� f400 Slocum Road `- P.O. Box 79399 508-999-0720 CD Dartmouth, MA 02747 FAX 508-999-0738 r. ZONING REVIEW To: Engineer❑ File&Log Notebook❑ Conservation Commission❑ • Board of Health❑ Planning Board❑ Other❑ Plat: '7C( Lot: 6 - It Street: rke diet ro5 L n Subdivision Name: ' tt(t/'ct,tk) p t-t A S g Lot#: Owner's Name: R cx,Trticl y Kcd e.c S,g Designer: 5 e Te Contact Person: . Ltj c 7 vY Designer's Specialty: Professional Engineer 121, Surveyor 0 Sanitarian❑ Other 0 FOR<OFFIC US >OL`> >`>o° ><<' ':<` <` <>E ` > '<_>`'€> > >'r>:'« ' >< { <<>>''>'>'':M:i`>`<< > < s<''<> >' ' :> ><> `:>»>E ><' 1. Zoning District $0t/ Proposed Use/Project 014 v ' 2. Vacant Lot yes X nt o Use Complie 1" 111 — Existing Structure yam- no 3. The site is found on a Subdivision Plan X AN EI- Cluster-Sebtlivision Plan❑ Grp Plan Endorsed Date)tT ii- 5.3 Lot Released yes tif ne-E1- Lot is protected by M.G.L.Chapter 40A,Section 6 yes ?Kra "grandratileFeti"❑ ,a{R g. 4. Board of Appeals Action n/a regairsd•❑ On File-CC;.e# ,see- eeision) 5. Lot Frontage Current Required 200 Provided in Complies ye nr•0- (M.G.L.Chapter 40A,Section 6) 6. Lot Area Current Required P 0b Provided's,325 Complies yes I ng9 (M.G.L.Chapter 40A.Section 6) 7. Setbacks (Building setbacks are measured to the footprint of all habitable/occupiable space,including porches,decks,stairs,full bay windows and all fireplace/chimney projections and the like.) Current Required Front S-c) (any street side), 20 (any other side) "Grandfathered"(M.G.L.)Chapter 40A, Section 6)minimum allowed front 3o ,sides (d ,rear 3O The least minimum setback may be used. Setbacks of less than 5'which may be allowed,ARE NOT RECOMMENDED Provided Front 7 " Other . /3 Complies 4 yes -ne-E1- Exempt setbacks existing yes$• no' Exempt setbacks will exist yes,t in"-9 if yes,where? Front❑ Side Ai Rear Exempt setback(s)occur when legally pre-existing structures are closer to lot lines than is currently allowed. A"grandfathered"setback may become an exempt setback. 8. Accessory Structure(s)indicated yes.+2•- noN4 setbacks comply yesE" ne-$-n/a 9. Off-Street Parking minimum spaces required 2. Complies yes 4( rrrst3 Driveway setback required (except common driveways at property linecrossing) -rrfa$ 3'p' t6'-t Complies yes X -rre•9P (OVER) c: wpdocs forms_onerer.w pd Rev. September 1999 tAt. 10. Elevations(proposed) ,. 1'� , Cellar slab elevation 211• S • �- _' Top of foundation elevation � 3 Water table elevation /ate Per test pit# Cellar drain provided 4i &----nay s Complies yo3-0 ,.u$---' Generally a two foot separation is required between cellar slab and high water table or a cellar drain must be provided per subdivision regulations. 11. Percent of Lot Coverage Aquifer Zone n/at4 i?$ -4Q Zo lot coverage of 10%of lot. Lot coverage maximum allowed is a99fr9 50% k Other—El— Percent of lot coverage proposed is Y.6 % Coverage complies yes16 ue'0 12. Flood Zone F.I.R.M.Zone ,C--' Elevation ; Panel#250051 00 11.5 B Dated 40 I I /g3 Flood zone building requirements applicable igstla no, A determination of substantial construction is required ys] no Comment 13. A Certified"As-Built"is required for all new construction and additions where no other"As-Built"exists and also where additions are placed at the minimum applicable setbacks.The"As-Built;shall also include top of foundation elevation in ACTUAL,not assumed,numbers. The "As-Built"shall be submitted before backfill or any other construction. The"As-Built"shall state if in conformance with applicable zoning as to placement of the structure. 14. Submit further information yes V no 0 if yes,see item(s)# / /Respond Below*• 15. This project will require further review when new,revised or requested information is submitted to any agency. 16. This Zoning review does not indicate compliance with any other Agency,including,but not limited to,the Massachusetts State Building Code. 17. Building Department Permit(s)required yesi(l no❑ 18. Home Occupations have additional requirements and will require separate review. • 19. 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September 7, 1999 50Wri ebuth 400 Slocum Road • P. O. Box 79399 \e84• Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747-0985 CONSERVATION COMMISSIdN (508)999-0722 FAX: (508) 999-0797 http://www.town.dartmout h.ma.us January 6, 2000 Li IED TO: Building Department Department of Public Works Planning Board Board of Health FROM: Dartmouth Conservation Commission SUBJECT: Request for technical review and written report on the accompanying Request for Determination and plans from Frank Evangelo re: Map 79, Lot 6-11, Medeiros Lane Please review the attached Request for Determination and plan(s). If you have any comments regarding the proposal and/or plans, please submit them to the Conservation office by January 18, 2000. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. RC:rc • 2000 UT \ t' tC� �f \ -awn. of 2arimoug cz, of ._ /-. yy� 400 Slocum Road • P. O. Box 79399 t 884• Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747-0985 CONSERVATION COMMISSION (508) 999-0722 FAX: (508) 999-0797 http://www.town.dartmouth.ma.us DARTMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be held in accordance with the provisions of the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Act, and M.G.L., Ch. 131, §40, the Wetlands Protection Act, on the Request for Determination of Applicability from Frank Evangelo regarding land located at Map 79, Lot 6-11, Medeiros Lane in Dartmouth. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 18, 2000 in Room 103 at the Dartmouth Town Hall, 400 Slocum Road in Dartmouth, and all interested parties should be present at that time. Gerald Franklin Chairman CC: D.E.P. Dartmouth Board of Health Dartmouth Building Department Dartmouth D.P.W. Owner Applicant Engineering Firm THE CHRONICLE: LEGAL AD: Please run once in your issue of January 12, 2000. PRE-PAYMENT CHECK ENCLOSED 310 CMR: DEPARTMENT OF EN VIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 10.99: Forms DEP File No. (To be provided by DEP) Form 1 City/Town Dartmouth Applicant Frank Evangelo Commonwealth ofMassachusetts Request for a Determination of Applicability Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, G.L. c. 131, § 40 & THE DARTMOUTH WETLANDS PROTECTION BY—LAW 1. I, the undersigned, hereby request that the Dartmouth Conservation Commission make a determination as to whether the area,described below,or work to be performed on said ares,also described below,is subject to the jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act,G.L. c. 131, §40. 2. The area is described as follows. (Use maps or plans,if necessary,to provide a description and the location of the area subject to this request.) Location: Street Address Lot 9 Sylvan Springs, Medieros Lane Lot Number: Map 79 Lot 6-11 3. The work in said area is described below. (Use additional paper, if necessary, to describe the proposed work.) The applicant proposes to construct a single family dwelling with utilities and grading as shown on the attached plan. A haybale barrier will be installed at the limit of work and shall be maintained throughout construction until all areas have been stabilized. 4/5/96 310 CMR-399 i d : 1c. 310 CMR: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 10.99: continued • 4. The owner(s)of the area,if not the person making this request,has been given written notification of this request on (date) The name(s)and address(es)of the owner(s): 5. I have filed a complete copy of this request with the appropriate regional office of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection 01/05/00 (date) DEP Northeast Regional Office DEP Southeast Regional Office 10 Commerce Way 20 Riverside Dr.,Route 105 Woburn,MA 01801 Lakeville,MA 02347 DEP Central Regional Office DEP Western Regional Office 75 Grove Street State House West,4th Floor Worcester,MA 01605 436 Dwight Street Springfield,MA 01103 6. I understand that notification of this request will be placed in a local newspaper at my expense in accordance with Section 10.5(3)(b)1 of the regulations by the Conservation Commission and that I will be billed accordingly. Signa re Name Brian Levesque Address 3 b Road Tel. (508) 998-2125 w Bedford, MA 02745 4/5/96 310 CMR-400 SOIL DATA LEGEND DESIGN DATA DESIGN PERC RATE: 1" IN 8 MINUTES 10o TP-206 TP-207 TP-9SE1 TP-9SE2 EXISTING COiN TOU R DESIGN FLOW: 3 BEDROOMS X 110 GPD/BDM = 330 GPD Rr: QUIRED oo 0 TOP 130.5 0 TOP 130.2 0 A SANDY 32.3 0 A SANDY 131.0 PROPOSED CONTOUR � \ - SYSTEM DESIGN: USE X AND AND LOAM LOAM / / / E 30 20 LEACHING BED PIPE INVERT ELEVATION I SUBSOIL SUBSOIL 1 0YR3 3 10YR3 3 12 MIN. EARTH EARTH BACKFILL \ > ,� BOTTOM. 30 LONG X = 127.8 BACKFILL 0 G 20 WIDE X 0.66 G SF c�PD PROVIDED 32 / � / 396 32 127.5 10 B 1 1 10 B � TEST PIT FINE-MED. FINE MED. SANDY SANDY \ \ \ SAND SAND LOAM LOAM / SEPTIC TANl�, SILT AND SILT AND 1 OYR 6/6 1 OYR 6/6 ° ° o ° ° ° 0 a ° ° ° ° 0 ° ° 2" DEPTH OF 1 /8" - RESERVE AREA: 15' WIDE X 40' LONG 36" 36" o °o ° ° ° o ° ° 0 ° ° ° ° o ° ° ° ° °° ° ° o ° o ° ° o ° °° ° ° ° o°° o ° 0 1 2" WASHED PEASTONE 1771DISTRIBUTIO�;I BOX STONES STONES �i FINE 129.3 �, FINE 128.0 0 0 / 90 , SANDY SANDY v ° v ° v ° v d v v v v ° a v v ° d v v v „ „ ; 8423•J 84 123.2 OAM /�,M av v d v v v ° ° v v v v d d ° 10 DEPTH OF 3/4 TO RESERVE AREA L LOAM v ° ° ° ° ° � ° 1-1 2" WASHED I v v / FINE-MED. FINE-MED. 1OYR6/3 10YR6/3 " d v v _ v v v a d v v v v v d v v v v v CRUSHED STONE t' OBSERVED GRROUNDWATER SAND SAND 72" �2 LOAMY 126.3 96" �2 LOAMY 123.0 TABLE ELEVATION STONES STONES SAND SAND 10YR 6 /3 10 YR 6 /3 ' ' ' . 132" 119.5 132" 119.2 132" 121.3 146" 2SS' 2 118.8 _ r f MOTTLES @ 42" MOTTLES ©36" XI TINZONING REQUIRFMENTS MINIMUM NO WATER NO WATER TYP I A E S G �, �I _'' 10YR6/8 10YR6/8 C L OF ALL WELL PERC @ 120 PERC Cam? 132 ELEVATION: 128.8 ELEVATION: 128.0 t 001. RATE: 1" IN 8 MIN RATE: 1" IN 5 MIN WTYPICAL FIELD CROSS SECTION --�', ': y:co +-~``- AREA 40 000 S . FT. NO WATER NO WATER } � .r'�� Q - - - - - - - - DATE: 7 20 93 DATE: 7 21 93 DATE: 10 15 98 DATE: 10 15 98 �. ' �; P FRONT YARD SETBACK ' PERFORMED BY: SITEC, INC PERFORMED BY: SITEC INC �_ � �. � 50 ' NOT TO SCALE � ; ��� ' � ..�n • SUSAN GRIFFIN AN IFFIN ` �+ WITNESSED BY. WITNESSED BY. SUS GR SIDE YARD SETBACK 20 J I REAR YARD SETBACK 20NOTE: GWT TEST DONE ON 3-30-93, PERFORMED BY SITEC, INC, WITNESSED BY W NDY W. HENDERSON ' WATER © 36 --ELEV= 127.0, LOCATION SHOWN AS TP- 337 GENERAL NOTES � , Locus / 1 THIS SYSTEM SHALL BE INSPECTED WHEN LEACHING AREA IS FULL; EXCAVATED t • r ,; : - AND WHEN ALL COMPONENTS RE IN PLACE. WHEN THE READY FOR INSPECTION p• G A E E SYSTEM i , ' •� /' THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. �. �' E-"� 2) DOUBLE WASHED CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE FREE OF ALL DIRT D:1ST AND FINES. MAP 79 LOT G -11- j , w . nb 3) ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON MSL ELEVATION DATUM. SUBDIVISION LOT q , � AREA=45,328 5F _ 4) HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO OPERATE OVER TH:- LIMITS .yam. OF THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DURING THE COURSE OF CONS, --RUCTION. LOT 10 - S NO FIELD MODIFI ATl N BE MADE WITHOUT .,/ - ) C 0 S TO THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SHALL �`` - +h ,.fly �'J' , -- PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER AND THE LOCAL BOA, OF HEALTH. 6' 6) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE IN-TALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE V OF THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE AND ANY \-LIMIT LOCU S MAP APPLICABLE LOCAL REGULATIONS. OF BORDERING , 30.5" VEGETATED WETLANDS 7 SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX ETC. SHALL BE MANUFACTURED-Y A. ROTONDO & SONS ) ' OR APPROVED EQUAL. LIMIT OF8) GROUT TO BE USED AT ,'ALL POINTS WHERE PIPES ENTER OR LE ^ !,/i ALL CONCRETE STRUCTURES IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT SEAL. EXISTING WETLANDS 7-5" DETENTION VEGETATION .• � � � ' v -� y TOP VIEW �, IN POND I'9) ALL SHiPLAP JOINTS IN THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE SEALED WITH NEOPRENE GASKETS i� POND OR ASPHALT CEMENT. 3, 5 DIA. INLETS --� � / � � � �; • `` � 1 I �f;� • • END VIEW LIMIT OF DRAINAGE \�o�, ' / 10.) ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IS TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WIT-] NEW MATERIAL HAVING • - �_ - - i c. c' A PERCOLATION RATE OF LESS THAN 2 MINUTES PER INCH EASEV ENT - 5, 5 D A. OUTLETS Ar ,T, . , . • . .� �1 .� - _ __ -____ - j �--_ _ _ _ ___ =r _ ____ _ ____ _ 11) THIS SYSTEM IS NOT DESIGNED FOR A GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT. CROSS SECTION VIEW PROPOSED WELL TO BE - .•. DRILLED AT LIMT OF EASEMENT e _- DISTRI13UTION BOX I 15' FROM PROPERTY LINE �•� �,% _ _ ---- EASEMENT TO TA �_ _ �_ - o BOARD OF HEALTH STAM. S NOT TO SCALE PRIOR TO WELL INSTALLATION) 1 9 Q/ /y 0 O ` BENCHMARK: CB STA. 4+22 ?"` / J rj, �. ELEV.-127.5 l - ,n EXISTING 10 3 WELL'. � .R .~ii/ .. \,, � / / / • � �, ~iil. ::r. ems' a .+Y1 Mi y"', PROPOSED �-" /� i� saw L :as 100-619 voS H A YB A LE.� , N7,. \ .� .,�,.,. .� - �-- o ! �� v 1 2000 • ' 1 ., �p !!" .::-._'� �► Y \. NOTES: 1. THIS LOT 15 PART OF AN APPROVED SU13DIVISI N BOARD OF HEALTH STAVS PREPARED FOR RICHARD GORLI S S IOR, LAND r �, LOCATED ON COLLINS G ORNER R O.AD 3.5"dia. „d10. - c y _ ` APPROVED ON MAY 10. 1993 knockouts' outlet LIMIT OF EXCAVATION 13�;_ _ r 5 TYPICAL 2. THE LOT 15 LOCATED IN A SINGLE RE SIDENGE inlet � � � -� 1t^ LOT 8 B (SR-B) ZONING DISTRICT. NOTES: THERE ARE NO WELLS WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE `�`w� ` 3. THIS LOT 1 S A ' � �,, � -� __ , �� �` � LOG TED IN A FIRM �_ oNE C . PROPOSED 5EPTIG SYSTEM EXCEPT A5 NOTED. ; �, 4. PER GENT LOT COVERAGE: 4.G7+/---- PLAN VIEW �- REVISED: JANUARY 5, 1999 5. C2� REQUIRED PARKING SPAGE S PR.OVIDED. i� G. THIS LOT 15 NOT LOGATED IN AN /-AQUIFER ZONE. REVISEC: MAY 18, 1999 2011d�a. cover (t��) 1 �� �, _. , P. E. SfTAV P 4., taper .+� � �'-� `-'. 3'.�'- r�'� FINISH A - �, � j.. r �y _ SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEU GRADE SCALE 1 = 30 t.y. �'; T .ELEV. = 136.5 K FINISH GRADE=:;,ra;:, I DWELLING = FINISH GRADE EL =135.1 4-;� �� , f-, OWNER/LOCATION ELEV. 136.3 �� o n, L - _.AZ'. i�.. RANDY MEDEIROS 1 1 4'-0" l'-7.5 liquid � ` .� � `-a� LOT 9 SYLVAN SPRINGS(MAP 79 LOT 6-11) 1 p„ level 5,_ 4" TOP OF ��l�C 1✓ 5,`e 4 r 5 ���_, ;�tsf.DARTMOUTHMA 4'-6" �, FOUNDATION .: 5� ,� -�� ELEV. _ -,..., .. . 137.0 . � 133.8 3 walls FIRM: ENGINEERING 1- 1500 GALLON . SITEC Inc. a v - 133.30 P.L.S. STAMP I ' 134. 5 REINFORCED CONCRETE v v 4 SCH 40 PERFORATED PVC v v � � , 3 __ v v v v �. ¢ I 13 Y�elby Road 133.79 v v v SEPTIC TANK 133.5 v 3/4 -1 1/2 WASHED r„ � New Medford. MA 074., CROSS SECTION VIEW DISTRIBUTION 133.62 - 134.25 GAS BAFFLE BOX v v v ° STONE ° v v v v s (508) 998-2125 Civil and Environmental Engineering FAX (508) 998-7554 134.00 ° v ° v 132.8 Land Use Planning SEPTIC TANK ` • ' - ' • ' ' • 6",3/4"-1-1/2" CRUSHED STONE BASE- SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER ELEV= 128.8 DATE: 11-17 98 NOT TO SCALE SYSTEM PROFILE I --- CONTACT PERSON: BRIAN LE\,'ESQUE\\---LIMIT 0F CAVATION EL 123.0 SEE NOTE #10 EXCAVATION ACAD NO. DART- 1720-SSDS. FILE N0.