Wetland Site Inspection „v,, �y,:: -v ^ siwrz o .: •< 6 400 Sloc n Road frii.. .,,,„..-,3 i'--..,A1'0,'--- �t 9 9 Dartmou ssachusetts 02747-09 CONSERVATION COMMISSION ,..1 1 rI;'�� 4 U ' (508)910-1822 R , ct-,CZ g 1 FAX:(508)910-1897 Wetland Site Inspection (Form A-1k 0 '; --�- ' ;;ttp: v.w .mwn.dartmoutit.ma.us •t a, Randall Medeiros n 3 ‘ � �,,,,,,..---=”` '1 j`\ „1 August 15, 2005 Name of Person Making Request t.; , 1`". Date i',JiJ 822 State Road .'' ' ed iros Lane Mailing Address u"N Street Location Of Property To Be Viewed Dartmouth, MA 02747 Y Ot`tril �t014 `�";� ,�i d�+ p 79 — Lot 6-12 City/Town, State Zip Code Dartmouth Assessors Map and Lot Number 508-264-2212 House Construction Telephone-Day Reason for Inspection: 508-264-2212 h ,a 'tic ,sept'_ sys r ai etc.) Telephone-Evening Signature of Person M ' Request_,. r Randall Medeiros Randall Medeiros Name of Owner of Site To Be Viewed We n.:_..r__.. 822 State Road Owner's address Signaof Owner of Site to be Viewed (if not Applicant) Dartmouth, MA 02747 City/Town, State Zip Code Print Name If person making request is NOT the owner;the-person is: ❑Real Estate Broker 0 Engineer 0 Contractor 0 Consultant 0 Real Estate Appraiser 0 Other(explain) All filing forms are available in the Conservation Conmmissian.ofl'lce,room 107 at the Dartmouth Town Hall,400 Slocum Rd from 9AM-4PM Monday and 9:00AM-4:30PM Tuesday through Friday. For parcels twin 1 t0 5 aces only,the Conservation-Inspector isavailable to flag the wetland edge. However it is the Applicant's option to acquire the services of a private consultant to-delineate the wetlands on a parcel of that size. The Inspector has the right to require the Applicant to obtain the services of a private consultant to ertbrma wetland&lineatinn on areas ri-q than S acreswhere abnormal site conditions or.evtonsive use of soils evaluation would require an excessive amount ottiiYne be spent by the Conservation Inspector in making a determination ofthe wetland areas present. Sites over 5 acres must be flagged by a wetlandseien st;botanist or other qualifed Berson-Brier to.submjingthe A-1 site inspection-form The-Conservation-Inspector will then review the-flagging in the field and make adjustments where nrrnecsry. The Conservation Commission may require proof of the qualifications ofthe person performing the delineation. Note:The A-/Site Inspection is a procedure_matinenin the TYarimouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw..Lisa service available for the purpose of identifying wetland areas on_a site. The issuance ofthis completed Site Inspection is NOT a fmal determination of wetland boundaries or their jurisdictional status under the Massachu efts Wetlands Protection Act(MGL at:1-3-1-j40)ofthe Dartmouth-Wetlands-Protection Bylaw: Only-the-issuance of a Determination of Applicability,Order of Resource Area Delineation or Order of Conditions by the Conservation Commission finalizes the determination of wetland boundaries anchor their jurisdictional status under these taw/ The completion_of this Site Inspection is notan_amtho ization to proceed with work.This site inspection . expires three(3)years-from the date of issuance. FILING FEES: $50.00 Improvement to existing,non-conunerrial-ctn,r tare jsepticrepair,addition,in-ground pool,garage,barn,etc.) Inspection limited to within 250 feet of existing structure(s),area to be inspected must be clearly marked on a site plan submitted with the application and area to be inspected must be easily identifiable the-in-the field-(staked-;flagged,etc.) $100.00 Up to 2 acres-wetland inspection with or without wetland delineation,or verification of wetland delineation by applicants consultant) (residential,no sub rvision of land no evicting tnrcpge), $200.00 Up to 2 acres-wetland inspection with or without wetland delineation,or verification of wetland delineation by applicants oonsultant(commercial;orreal-estate subdivision) $250.00 2-5 acres-wetland inspection with or without wetland delineation,or verification of wetland delineation by applicants consultant $400.00 5-10 acres-verification ofwetland fietineation_by.apptimntc consultant $800.00 10-20 acres-verification of wetland delineation by applicants consultant $1200.00 20-100.acres—verification e€wetlanddelineatier-by applicants-consultant $2500.00 above_10a acres-ve ifiCation.ofwetland delineation by applicants consultant ❑ No wetlands or other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission exist on site or within 100 feet of site. No other filing with the Conservation Commission required. ❑ The proposed work is not located within 100-feet of a wetland area. Other wetlands may exist on site. Any further work to be located outside of inspected area requires the filing of an additional A-1. a ❑ Wetlands exist on( North, South, East, West )of site.Please refer to drawing(if provided by inspector)for location information. All locations on sketch-provided by inspector are-approximate. ❑ Edge of wetland has been marked on site by Inspector. Flag numbers: wet Through wet Additional wetlands marked wet Through wet wet Through wet ❑ A Request for Determination(permit application)should be filed with the Conservation Commission before any work begins on site. ❑ A Notice of Intent(permit application)-should be filed with the Conservation Commission before any work begins on site. ❑ Coastal Bank exists on site. Engineer- must delineate Coastal Bank per DEP Wetland Program Policy 92-1. Delineation must be submitted to the Conservation Commission office for review and approval. ❑ Riverfront Area may exist on site. If work is located in Riverfront Area then a further filing with Conservation Commission is required before any work begins on site. ❑ 100 year flood plain may be present-on site. Engineer and/or Dartmouth Building Department must determine if proposed work is located within flood plain. If work is located in flood plain then a further filing with Conservation Commission is required-before-any work begins-on site. ❑ Asurvey plan of the wetland delineation should be submitted to the Conservation Commission office. ❑ Due to abnormal site conditions and/or the necessity of gathering an extensive amount of soils information to adequately describe the wetlands on site the applicant must obtain the services of a private consultant to perform a wetland delineation. Thedelin-at-- i -',be_submitted-.to-the-Consewaation Commission for review and approval. ® Other Comments: Any hand-drawn cl w++ on-the.atiached.plan-by the.Conservation Inspector is not to scale. To determine the actual extent of the wetlands on the site it is recommended-that the applicant/owner have the flag line surveyed onto a plan, IMPORTANT: Any activity(clearing,digging,removal ofvegetation,etc.)in a wetland Resource Area(as noted by inspector on this form)or within 100 feet of a wetland requires a permit from the Conservation Commission pursuant to Massachusetts Wetlands ProtecdonAct(MOI1_Ch/Irsection.40)and/or the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw. No work shall beetin until permit is received. This completed/ form is not a permit. ,y� 1 art C��-J JET� Y lC S ��`t l/�-1( , F-- ) ' Date of Issuance Michael O'Reilly Environmental Affairs Coordinator (Revised 05/06/03 MJ0) ::,'""---- - , 9bw,z' of' �a notit 400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 79399 f6,, Dartmoutlj ssliaIL fltts_ 02747-0985 _ CONSERVATION COMMISSION 1 n i i5 - (508)910-1822 J a 1 hi•• FAX:(508)910-1897 Wetland Site Inspection (Form A- AUG 16 n0135 !i/y, : f - Yi :itiP::„-ww.(t)wn ciartilmouth.madic Randall Medei cos —`;T:'.------ -- August 15, 2005 Name of Person Making Request *n Date 822 State Road Medeiros Lane Mailing Address Street Location Of Property To Be Viewed Dartmouth, MA 02747 Map 79 — Lot 6-18 & Map 81 — Lot 2-5 City/Town, State Zip Code Dartmouth Assessors Map and Lot Number 508-264-2212 Residential Telephone-Day Reason for Inspection: (ho ad ' ' n, tic stem reps' etc.) 508-264-2212 Telephone-Evening 6.-- Si e of Person ' g.B.egtt Randall Medeiros & Timothy Medeiros Randall Medeiros Name of Owner of Site To Be Viewed Print Name 822 State Road 360 Faunce Corner Road sy1 Owner's address Si�of Ownerf Site o bey Viewed (if not Applicant) Dartmouth, MA 02747 Timothy Medeiros City/Town, State Zip Code Print Name If person m ;tlg request is NOT the owner,the-person is: ❑Real Estate'Broker 0 Engineer 0 Contractor 0 Consultant 0 Real Estate Appraiser 0 Other(explain) All filing forms are available in the Conservation Commission ofce,room 107 at the Dartmouth Town Hall,400 Slocum Rd from 9AM-4PM Monday and 9:00AM-4:30PM Tuesday through Friday. For parcels from 1 to 5 acres only,the Conservation-Inspector is-available to flag the wetland edge. However it is the Applicant's option to acquire the services of a private consultant to_delineate the wetlands on a parcel of that size. The Inspector has the right to require the Applicant to obtain the services of a private mncrrrtant rnperfiorm.a wetland delineation on at-one rice than.5-acres-where abnormal site conditions or.extensive use of soils evaluation would require an excessive amount oftime be spent by the Conservation Inspector in making a determination of the wetland areas present Sites over 5 acres must be flagged by a wetland-scientist,be sat-or sshfled.perSenpssoc4o.submlttingtheA4 site inspection-form: The-Conservation-Inspector will then review the-flagging in the field and make adjustments where ne.v-scary. The Conservation Commission may require proof of the qualifications of the person performing the delineation. Note:The A I Site Inspection is a procedure outtin'd in trip rtarimnnth Wetlands Protection Bytaw..It isa service available for the purpose of identifying wetland areas on a site. The issuance of this completed Site Inspection is NOT a final determination of wetland boundaries or their jurisdictional status under the Massachocerts Wetlands Protection Aet(MOl Ch 1-31-j40}erthe Darireeutlr WetlandrProtectien Bylaw: Only-the issuance of a Determination of Applicability,Order of Resource Area Delineation or Order of Conditions by the Conservation Commission fmalizes the determination of wetland boundaries and lor their jurisdictional status under these,tawe T7,.mmpl inn-of this Site Inspection is not an.anthori7ationto.proceed with work.This site inspection expires three(3)years from the date of issuance. FILING FEES: $50.00 Improvement to existing,non {septic repair,addition,in-ground pool,garage,barn,etc.) Inspection limited to within 250 feet of existing structure(s),area to be inspected must be clearly marked on a site plan submitted with the application and area to be inspected must be easily identifiable the-inthetield-(staked;flagged,e.c.) $100.00 Up to 2 acres-wetland inspection with or without wetland delineation,or verification of wetland delineation by applicants consultant) (residential,no suhdivicinn of land nn ex:dt in�etmctr re) $200.00 Up to 2 acres-wetland inspection with or without wetland delineation,or verification of wetland delineation by applicants consultant(commercial,or-real-estate subdivision) $250.00 2-5 acres-wetland inspection with or without wetland delineation,or verification of wetland delineation by applicants consultant $400.00 5-10 acres-verification ofwetland dPlineation.by.applirnntq consultant $800.00 10-20 acres-verification of wetland delineation by applicants consultant $1200.00 20-100 acres—verification--of wetland-delineation-by applicants-consultant $2500.00 above.If/O acres-verification ofwetland delineation by applicants consultant .:.,..0.--.,.:.st.caatvt. arr.l.1VIil.V1V11VIE1V1 R1y1) KrA.V1VIMI 1VllA11UM. ❑ No wetlands or other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission exist on site or within 100 feet of site. No other filing with the Conservation Commission required. ❑ The proposed work is not located within 100-feet of a wetland area. Other wetlands may exist on site. Any further work to be located outside of inspected area requires the filing of an additional A-1. ❑ Wetlands exist on( North, South, East, West )of site.Please refer to drawing(if provided by inspector)for location information. All locations-on sketch-provided by inspector are approximate. ❑ Edge of wetland has been marked on site by Inspector. Flag numbers: wet Through wet Additional wetlands marked wet Through wet ; wet Through wet ❑ A Request for Determination(permit application)should be filed with the Conservation Commission before any work begins on site. ❑ A Notice of Intent(permit application)-should.be filed with the Conservation Commission before any work begins on site. ❑ Coastal Bank exists on site. Engineer must delineate Coastal Bank per DEP Wetland Program Policy 92-1. Delineation must be submitted to the Conservation Commission office for review and approval. ❑ Riverfront Area may exist on site. If work is located in Riverfront Area then a further filing with Conservation Commission is required before any work begins on site. ❑ 100 year flood plain may be present-on-site. Engineer and/or Dartmouth Building Department must determine if proposed work is located within flood plain. If work is located in flood plain then a further filing with Conservation Commission is required-before—any work begins.on site, ❑ Asurvey plan of the wetland delineation should be submitted to the Conservation Commission office. ❑ Due to abnormal site conditions and/or the necessity of gathering an extensive amount of soils information to adequately describe the wetlands on site the applicant must obtain the services of a private consultant to perform a wetland delineation. Thedeliaeation .be_su ted.to the-Conservation Commission for review and approval. Other Comments: Any hand-drawn.sketch on the-attached-plan by the.Conservation Inspector is not to scale. To determine the actual extent of the wetlands on the site it is recommended the applicant/owner have the flag line surveyed onto a plan, IMPORTANT: Any activity(clearing,digging,removal ofvegetation,etc.)in a wetland Resource Area(as noted by inspector on this form)or within 100 feet of a wetland requires a permit from the Conservation Commission pursuant to Massachusetts Wetlands Protection-Act(MUL Ch-I3tsection40)and/or the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw. No work shall begin until permit is received. This completed form is not a permit. el-knt dr /I eq",c. ‘ his h /V r�eot if(,( Date of Issuance Michael O'Reilly Environmental Affairs Coordinator (Revised 05/06/O5 M10)