BP-2003-31096 Permit No. BP-2, 3-31096 GIS#: 4208.i /J/J / Map: 0079 L//�� rnrn oonwyea�th o f Fr/a33achuiett3 A Lot: 0024 Sub-Lot: 4U00 TOWN OF DARTMOUTH s Category: NEW/IR EPLACE 400 Slocum Road,Dartmouth,MA 02747, Project# JS-2004-0466 I Phone: (508)910-1820 • Fax: (508)910-1838 Est. Cost: $2000.00 Fee: $40.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Use Group: R4 Contractor: License: Phone#: Lot Size(sq.ft.) 12500 Zoning: SRB Engineer: License: Phone#: New Const.: 192 sq. ft. Alt. Const: N/A Applicant: Phone#: Date Typed: 10/31/2003 JOHN A JENNINGS (508)995-7347 OWNER: JENNINGS JOHN A DATE ISSUED; I TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: Build 6'x 12'wooden deck against existing deck - Install 10'x 12' shed per approved plan BUILD/NG PE IT Project Location: 85 PINE ISLAND RD Approved/Issued By: LYNWOOD R. COMSTOCK,LOCAL BUILDING INSPECTOR All work shall comply with 780 CMR 6ru Ed. (MGL Chap. 143)and any other applicable Mass. Laws or Codes and plans on file. POST THIS CARD So IT/S VISIBLE FROM THE STREET SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE PER 780 CMR 111.7(NOT MORE THAN 3 EXTENSIONS WILL BE GRANTED)OR ON ISSUANCE OF A REGULAR OCCUPANCY PERMIT. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdiction are not met; not withstanding the issuance oft is Building/Zoning Permi Signature of Owner/Agent: )!' (� Comments: REPLACEMENT FEE WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LOST SIGNATURE CARD copy TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING RECEIPTS COLLECTOR'S OFFICE Name: Property Date: jf% ;{; ; ..4� . . Owner: —41:7 f Job Location: r White Copy-Collector's Office Plot: t Lot: F f Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt --1' Pink Copy-File Copy Green Copy-Building Department Phone: r z,• �� Description General Ledger#'s {O\ `y`Ref# Amount License&Permits-Building 01000-44105ah. ,i License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000 44105 -�� License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 License&Permits-Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 This is not a Permit or License for Building,Plumbing or Gas Received By: :' ' Il(‘-' TOWN . OF DARTMOUTH -9 " ,- ' " " ''' ' BUILDING RECEIPTS y `" COLLECTOR'S OFFICE F DARTMOUTH Name: - . _ Property -`€,'.TowN0 OFFICE Date: " a �F�/ f a. ::, (. r = e-i - , 1}__ AY Owner: r il-VECTOR'S r j i ,_.._; ... t t �r Job Location: _ . , r e�' /4 F - _ CT White Copy-Collector's Office Plot: --7 Lot: r Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt / t. ,,, ti, _w .: Pink Copy-File Copy a �+ Green Copy-Building Department Phone: C O _.1 Description - General Ledger#'s Ref.# Amount License&Permits(- Building 01000-44105 .-I ¢ ... �, License&Permits'=Tiiilting Misc. 01000-44105 License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 License&Permits-Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 {This is not a Permit or License for Building,Plumbing or Gas Received By: - RESIDENTIAL 2003 • 0 FOUNDATION ONLY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE at NON-TRANSFERABLE o�TH:'ti ,P`M� v':i.. DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT _ y DATE-RECEIVED o � r.�_ 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 _ E =;' \\Z�� Svv% Dartmouth, MA 02747 \Ifib4,� 508-910-1820 FAX 508-910-1838 APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING E,u - a; is s . t" ext '�"a + « w .,. r > P k R a� ; -*'Y-a Ai �"a` m -r 1, �s' p PI CEIVED Y: y I BUILDINGPERMIT NUMBER:/ A "S ai a t ya"I u :,,_,;,;_:7 � ""` d o �ISSUED: ��I� M ;ice �i w 3 AT Z■ : ^r l off 5► Ea +S�_ on,: a oaa s no _ i Dl a- _ ❑ '41- ne eport mt o e . ' ff { B Dut d oo one A iferone T0 1A = t 4-. VO O G AGEEVCISSHOULD BE OTIFIED ' t+ i wa 14.1 - t 1-h a , tf r t M Wia DE1ma R : msw 3 vi _A- '- a nt : y. CuOg *uf \e .�.ls r 'i a L. - `r � p, a p' e .... rDa� , e � r h a� WaC :rOt0 Bo er A a g RC as f bg _ Ct c -` 4 � a � � i� 4 ., 4� i r imoiii . 2� Ai i af si eit~ rsmg� W ,A • --� l me `C VIE . X1 I1"- AIT � ` -:, ": % : �.� AN A ®®V - ue . 3m : „ _ Z . . -, , :;-- a: .1 ,'x . .: 1� .._2 ,a c ffs _ _ _ Zoning Review: Signature:Energy Report: Signature: Date: Fire Chief: Signature: Date: and of Health: Signature: _).‹_I___ _f i °`. .�j Date: �'it .r Conservation Commission: Signature: Date: Other: Signature: '%I' c4` !,a r't { >.4,y -j_ . r� Date: ;, /J /:';3 i Description of work being performed: 6: f'�(� a w 'at -�, 7-77." jai"Z- IN TION �L" i .' - .. a -, NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: ❑yes 0 no QQ �/ 1.2 Assessors Plat&Lot Number: 1.1 Property Address: UJ /.dl� 3►/1/,l� 7 Plat Lot • ?"/ - Nearest Cross Street: 1./1//1 Subdivision Name: 1.3 Historical District ❑yes ❑no Total Land Area Sq.Ft.: � ) pQ �( j I Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? 0 yes ❑no Date: 1.4 Water Supply(MGL c 40_§54): 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: , ❑Municipal 11'Piivate Well 0 Municipal Itv Site Disposal System C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 1 Rev.January 1,20r- ice` ` RESIDENTIAL 2003 n +12 P llzu �'Y Q RS1W/AUThORIZED AGENT, 2.1 Owner of Record: Iv& (JO N cEAPVIA/ S 'a gs- P/Nr Z/Aivi) RJ) ‘5;;ff 715,347 Name(print) ' Contact Address Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: Contact Address Phone Number Name(print) _ SE .3 'CON `l ucTION III]� ES b . 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable❑ Licensed Construction Supervisor License Number Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to(780 CMR-6)? ❑ yes ❑no If no,go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes,submit the required affidavit! s Company Name Registration Number(if none,state ❑none❑) Address Signature Telephone Expiration Date 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place-Room 1301,Boston,MA 02108, (617)727-8598 Owners Name(print A- t Signature (' s by signing the ahoy,the twine owner acRTrow edges a e will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date /a// 6.3 3.4 Homeowner Exemption-One&Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0,effective July 1,1982,no individual shal be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction,reconstruction,alteration,repair,removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures,unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section;provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s)for hire to do such work,that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only,a"Homeowner"is defined as follows: Person(s)who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is,or is intended to be,a one or two family dwelling,attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under his se ion sign below. Signature: lJ �� [�(�vvG� Your signatu arries ce in res thilities,including but not necessarily limited to,general liability C:\bldg.forms 1 g orms\B dgapp.res.wpd Page 2 Rev.January 1,2003 RESIDENTIAL 2003 NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor,whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) Ti ,, 1xl 'S ct NN O U E A-:, —E ( ,c 1 §25 Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑yes ❑ no SECTION DES RIPTfON OF,-. tOP ,ED WORK(cock St app cable ❑new construction* ❑ addition ❑ alteration ❑repairs ❑ chimney/ ❑ woodstove (energy report required) (energy_ / report required) fireplace dl' eck ❑pool iY ssory bldg. ❑replacement window/door ❑other ❑demolition (she arage) no. of windows_doors_ (specify below): (specify below): *If new construction,please complete the following: Single Family: no. of bedrooms no.of baths Two Family: no.of bedrooms unit 1 no.of baths unit 1 no.of bedrooms unit 2 no.of baths unit 2 ❑ Furnace(hot air)-fuel gas(natural or propane),fuel oil,electricity,other(specify): ❑ Boiler(heating)-fuel gas(natural or propane),fuel oil,electricity,other(specify): ❑ HVAC(combined unit)-primary fuel,natural gas,propane,electricity,other(specify): ❑ Air conditioning-(separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided ❑ Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other Brief Description of Proposed Work: ® /r S)1 — c72. Ziji A0 L f K cDoe lL x I ✓11Al - .T0 EX1,(;7n1 - L'k i `! N a 'i ' `m; �U -i Rif;: v 'i? x , ...,....�......-...�._, ,,, -�.� a _�,.. ._� ,,.m,.F= �..* GM.. ?sue- .._ _ =a , Item Estimated Cost($)to be completed by permit applicant 1 Rnilrlino 7 Electrical '3 Plnmhino 4 Mechanical (14VAC'.1 5. Total=(1 +2+3+4) *Estimated Total $. ZOOO .00 y SEC'1tON 7A-owNi1 AUT1 RIZA #3N bee feted when+- Ier'� en o ntra r P. or d ng r-mit) t t a f , (please print) I, , as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date SECT N 7B OWNFIRfA.UT IORIZEDAGENT DECLARATIO1 _ I, treD� `* c/�/�/i(/l/i � ,as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on e foregoing app lication g a pp cation are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties • perjury. (--: 10 // /O3 Signature of Owner/Aut • Agent-C/-t;7L65/ Date C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 3 Rev.January 1,2003 I RESIDENTIAL 2002 ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE ac NON-TRANSFERABLE GT 1NSP CTOR R vI$W Olt 1. Date plan reviewed: d C 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals(see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED(see project review worksheet): Date: 6. HOLD reason: Date: 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: Date: 8. Comments: 9. Inspector's Signature: �C�Ci Date:17�Z/ 7 A ICANT #TI I ON Applicant informed of above Date: .7/42Ve)3 Time: 4.1 'JQ Clerk X , Comments: CL � J i%tL_ to 4 d,� TX_ �C 'I � aA._01 • SECTION Total Permit Fee: $ 6_5. ®e, Less Application Fee: $25.00 Remaining Balance: $ TOTAL FEE: , Gross Area-New Construction total sq.ft. / /S'`— 42 �-'fs Area-Alteration total sq.ft. — Permit Issued To: ,t,,/d 6 X/ Z'c.4cod t E c: c ad✓1 II C y • c c>e 1 c //,re' x/ 2 - 5h'd ,, €0' 'Id, 6 0 (ter ) e C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 4 Rev.January 1,2003 'erm it No. BP-2003-31096 Project Location: S5 Commonwealth of Massachusetts TOWN OF DARTMOUTH M p#: 4208=00 400 Slocum Road,Dartmouth,MA 02747 Lot: 0024 Phone: (508)910-1820• Fax:(508)910-1838 Sublot: 0000 BUILDING PERMIT p #: NEW/REPLACE FIELD INSPECTION Fee: ° � $40.0000 Const.Class: Contractor: License: Phone#: Use Group: R4 Lot Size(sq.ft.) 12500.00 Zoning: SRB Engineer: License: Phone#: New Const.: 192 sq.ft. Alt.Const.: N/A Applicant: Phone#: Ceiling: JOHN A JENNINGS (508)995-7347 Wails: OWNER: Floor: JENNINGS JOHN A Glazing:. DATE ISSUED: I TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: Build 6'x 12'wooden deck against existing deck- Install 10'x 12' shed per approved plan D TE TIME TYPE OF INSPECTION&REMARKS INITIAL IA16/ /4 A2V-) )4,/ ziee n r!. AP?" ,„ Copy — DARTMOUTH A`��a',_ ' � MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS y� 400 SLOCUb1 ROAD • P. O. Box 79399 ��• 5y' 1664 DARTMOUTH, MA 02747-0985 TEL. (508)910-1823 • FAX: (508) 910-1839 April 7, 2003 The Chronicle P.O. Box 268 r pelt" North Dartmouth,MA 02747 thrt Dear Sir/Madam: Please publish the following notice in the "Legal Advertisement" section of your newspaper on Wednesday, April 9,2003 and Wednesday, April 16,2003 and bill this office for the same. TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held in MEETING ROOM #304, TOWN OFFICE BUILDING, 400 SLOCUM ROAD, NORTH DARTMOUTH, MA, on Tuesday, April 29, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. on the application of John Jennings, for a variance from the zoning bylaws of the Town of Dartmouth to allow the construction of a 17' 8" X 13' enclosure for the existing deck and a 10' X 12' shed increasing the lot coverage in the aquifer district. The petitioners seeks the Boards approval to increase the impervious cover from the allowed 10% to the existing 22.3% to the proposed 25.1% for property located at 85 Pine Island Road, North Dartmouth in a Single Residence B District owned by John Jennings(Section-20.608- Aquifer District) PLAT: 79, LOT: 24. Joseph L. Cosentino CHAIRMAN cc: Assessors Office Board of Health Building Commissioner Conservation Commission Department of Public Works District Fire Chief Tax Collectors Office Safety Officer Planning Boards: Dartmouth,New Bedford,Freetown, Westport,Fall River, Gosnold rMuVT Town of Dartmouth le-. y z Board of Health ;� fr -w''1 n= 400 Slocum Road P.O. Box 79399 Ci �mit l Dartmouth, MA 02747 Wendy W.Henderson,R.S. Director Thomas W.Hardman Chair Telephone: 508-910-1804 Linda M.Motha Fax Telephone: 508-910-1893 Gail Davidson,M.D. April 18, 2003 John A.Jennings 85 Pine Island Road IC._ Dartmouth, MA 02747 I f . 1/ RE: Plat 79, Lot 24, #85 Pine Island Road-Aquifer Variance, Dear Mr.Jennings: At the Board of Health meeting held on April 16, 2003 in which you were in attendance, you requested a variance from the Board of Health Aquifer Regulations. The variance requested was Section 20.602 - the rendering impervious of more than 10% of any lot in Aquifer Zone 3' The variance requested is for construction of a small addition (proposed 18' x 15'.9" addition of a three season room over an existing deck and a 10' x 12' storage shed). The house lot is 12,500 square feet. The current impervious area is 2,793 square feet or 22.3% impervious. The proposed additional impervious area is 349 square feet making the impervious area w3'142 square feet or 25.1% impervious. The Board discussed this matter briefly and voted to grant the aquifer variance noting that the., aboveground pool has been removed from the lot and also that the 2,500 square foot allo ler i for small lots has been supported by the Board of Health. Please be advised that the shed roof-= runoff must.be directed to a stone trench or other inground facility to recharge into the ground. If you have any questions relative to the aforementioned matter, please feel free to contact this office. Ver truly rs, / 114))140,3) . 440 of#46.• DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH DBH:psd cc: Board of Appeals file save:C:\My Documents\Aquifer\85pineislandrd.4162003.doc The following information must be completed and returned to the office of the Town Clerk prior to the commencement of any work. TO: Town Clerk for the Town of Dartmouth Please be advised that action taken by the Board of Appeals, as stated below, has been recorded at the Registry of Deeds. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 53 Lakewood Road,NORTH DARTMOUTH PLAT: 79 LOT: 24 OWNER OF PROPERTY: John A Jennings VARIANCE CASE NUMBER: #2003-16 ? '' 1 C DATE RECORDED: BOOK: . PAGE: B : 6286 PG .54 06.E 16/03 12:07 DM = 680 cv Bristol Co. B.C. 1 W ry ii L 8 C • 12 The Commonwealth of Massachusettsir° _ _ Department of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations j 3=:rh+L , 600 Washington Street Boston, Mass. 02111 tC13 OCT 14 ANf j: OWorkers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit ,,.y, >J JJ't'}:'?:{:,:t}„?:it'rf.{';:!t•}J}}}:-v x '•?�Uv't+'rh:'•}?Y•:iiY{{•Y�}!r v':{•}?'•}'14'-v:v:1+v'+,.... .•rAv.:.:y-.•:y::}vj.Y:rr ntt•}}S?.}tTYi., ,:.::::::::w: ... v:t;{+'•}TT T'-}'v JC '` �:::.r:r:Y;Y.- t::+,,,, ....::.it•.:,t•• .}$•}+x:-::-v:.v3PiY.:....::C#. ..,:t..r..,.t,.,, „ .....:.........: ,..,..w''.'.?.. rX,...h..,:::-.v:;�..,. ....1....:.:L, -r,{. {t�•tc... ..... ... ....:'L:.$:•:Y:v:.q. z.,. .... .. .... ...,. .w r..:''�r.{? ::..,..r.....,... ..t...,#+...+. :tvx. .t.r•��,r':r: t';»:.'t }+? f..A, .}}�}..F•: tfh ..r.r./.. iL4...x+... 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I understand that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for coverage verification. I do hereby certify that under the pains and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct. /01/4,/0-3 Signature: Date Print Name:(�h 17/V t Phone #S oe / 9,3— 2347 official use only do not write in this area to be completed by city or town official cityor town: ❑Building Department permit/license# ❑Licensing Board ❑ check if immediate response is required ❑Selectmen's Office ❑Health Department contact person: phone# ❑Other Information and Instructions Massachusetts General Laws chapter 152 section 25 requires all employers to provide workers'compensation for their employees. As quoted from the "law", an employee is defined as every person in the service of another under any contract of hire. express or implied. oral or written. • An employer is defined as an individual,partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity, or any two 'or more of the foregoing engaged in a joint enterprise, and including the legal representatives of a deceased employer, or the receiver or trustee of an individual, partnership; association or other legal entity, employing employees. However the-owner-of a dwelling house having not more than three apartments and who:resides therein, or the occupant of the dwelling house of another who employs persons to do maintenance,:construction • or repair work on such dwelling house or on the grounds or building appurtenant thereto shall not because of such employment be deemed to be an employer. _ -• MGL chapter 152 section 25 also states that every state or local licensing agency shall withhold the -issuance or renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or to construct buildings in the com- monwealth for any applicant•who,has not produced acceptable evidence of compliance with the insur • - ance coverage required. Additionally, neither the commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall enter into any contract for the performance of public work until acceptable evidence of compliance with the insur- ance requirements of this chapter have been presented to the contracting authority. r. r......r...`}ne,G:...... ..:.............>•..... , ....}.............r...:.r...noLwn..n........:}....:....,:..,. .... ..........:....... .............vA:...... .r..r..............«.r.n..l n.......................•..........:.. .}........ .\.........:........n.. ....:.. .:.....,...... ...:v:vv-. .... ............. :i{�i ...... .. r...r...n........r. ...............:...........i.r...... .. }....>.. .. .. .....?....n.............n.:.v.. )v mn:v. .....{.. v.+}..:..:....v.:..n.v....... n•::.5-::/.•:::nv:.-n4A.::.v.:n::v:y:.v:.i:...v..n......Yr:{{{{S>:.....:.:>::'::�::: r.�:• .>rvn. vv:r.n•:nv....::...::...y..: ......n............n. .n.YM..,. ..>. ...... : .r ...................:... 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Applicants Please fill in the workers'compensation affidavit completely, by checking the box that applies to your situation and supplying company names.: address and phone numbers as all affidavits may be submitted to the - Department of Industrial Accidents for confirmation of insurance coverage. Also'be sure to sign and date the affidavit. The affidavit should be returned to the city or town that the application-for the,permit.or license is being requested, not the Department of Industrial Accidents. Should you have any questions regarding the "law" or if you are required to obtain a workers' compensation-policy, please call the Department at-the number listed below. n:;• ..v: ..... .v.....:........ n ... .r}:nv.S:n:..::::.:n.:.vl::n:::::::.:..:it:: ::.^}::r.:,}:^xj: :i{{s?:i}v:^;F:.x.:: . ..v........ ,. v1..n:n>:{{•n.}ve:}..>vAv:Y..t:{.... :..:...: :...v::. ....:nv:i«:4{ri....iA ..n:«::.: n .......n....r:Y.....-.. nJ..:......nv:v.:.v. ..Y'.<. nv:nri-. ..... ....iv....n..:>J. .nn J..n.:v}' : .n ..«. T v«::r..: ..>.t,qt.: :r:::\... .n., n...::::;..v:.-v,nv.: n...... ............. :,,...... ..........r..:.r. ........ :.YC'S i,..:.......:...... .. :.,...........>:C..:n..n....::.......f:•:n..::n.:S�.. ...,,:,..:.: ..:........ .:Y? ....n>,..........:n......."n\.....:.. .. ......ti. 4 n.n........n..............: .. «.:L:.�n..........::�v:_:::n.n:.......:.: rC........n.7a}`r.}'::<!i:'>:-}Y:.YT»..............r...:n.......n.n..:n.:..n:::.:«>::: City or Towns Please be sure that the affidavit is complete and printed legibly..The Department has provided a space at the • bottom of the affidavit for you to fill out in the event the Office of Investigations has to contact you regarding the applicant. Please be sure to fill in the permit/license number which will be used as a;reference number. the affidavits may be returned to the Department by mail or FAX unless other.arrangements:have been made. The Office of Investigations would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. ff r: '9r Y J'j` ? ,n4 < s - .nY...... :t >.....n.r..•,:a.�f.,-- ::u .-:::::n•:::c>;•::........................:...n:,::.::: : .::n.....:-. The Department's address, telephone, and fax number. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts • Department of Industrial Accidents • Office of Investigations - 600 Washington Street • Boston, Mass. 02111 - • fax #: (617) 727-7749 phone #: (617).727-4900 ext.; 406, 409, or 375 000 0 00 0 o a o .= 0 0 ��DN N y `oC' o •0 © o71: 7 so so e4p a0 N C y 7 z o O M h y y'O 'C a Jo p I. m 00 Q yy CI 4 � ya N �V/ a R M c44 ^ o > > w 0 n . 222 V Q. U ''z. �Yr .V " tl A vce?Dw� ©C i000 A a -et oo y.000 'i c 4o : N o00 0 �` U QI +..+ ... ti: W b O O"p' . C'\r..Q a F�N E1•54. titner N '. h Iti 'C a' �� ON o00 o w y �� w ���n a� csc,�o en cr,oon 0. .. ['��oOON vo � � y ti �0.C4� ? 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' y L (� o 00 �b s° o b x� 3 a s �°' t= o d d C7 w f1 f,d cn O � y L tl' c`a — o o �W a 0 0 r v 3 U; A x,U Owz m— t A A o C.Jy in U ° ti a 4 N w i 00 'r .�` 5 p"j Mc Q 'ter p3 (� w = t) La U M '7 en en VI N 7 N<Y M el el 4 �'Q C7 �^ ., tO h Mo00 .... 00 0 .. . o00 0-. 1n ooa O IIH 'J ,A e. _ > 3 w w o < 0 0 o, - C7 wmwA y W ;,6 o 0 a 'C w w o o G G o0 o H o o 'n g 'n`n '4 ,. p y Y o •o 2 :: o o a�i N i�isF 'O.Sa" y, ep (2,,C.. O . 0:1=A V 0., S cn C7 coo w ac4 -2 4 xxd mm H wx C .� Uw Uww�3 ti 01- ytk 5;W/A 9044010f4 r 10 ti ice= y` 400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 79399 R E 1664'Sy Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 OFFICE OF THE ZONING DECISION TO BOARD OF APPEALS CASE#200 tie 23 P l;. 2 BOARD OF APPEALS TEL:910-1823 D QU 1 U 'v IU CLERK VARIANCE HEARING FOR JOHN A. JENNE CASE NUMBER#2003-16 BOOK: 5330 PAGE: 264 There was a Board of Appeals hearing open to the public held in MEETING ROOM #304, TOWN OFFICE BUILDING, 400 SLOCUM ROAD, NORTH DARTMOUTH, MA, on Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at 7:45 P.M. on the application of John A Jennings, for a variance from the zoning bylaws of the Town of Dartmouth to allow the construction of a 17' 8" X 13' enclosure for the existing deck and a 10' X 12' shed increasing the lot coverage in the aquifer district. The petitioners seeks the Boards approval to increase the impervious cover from the allowed 10% to the existing 22.3% to the proposed 25.1% for property located at 85 Pine Island Road, North Dartmouth in a Single Residence B District owned by John Jennings (Section-20.608- Aquifer District)PLAT: 79, LOT: 24. Present were Chairman Joseph L. Cosentino,William D. Whipp and Margaret A. Sweet. DECISION It was the unanimous decision of the Board of Appeals to GRANT the requested relief to the petitioner,John A.Jennings to allow the enclosure of the existing deck and the construction of a shed rendering said parcel to be increased to 25.1%impervious cover in the aquifer district. Based upon the information and data presented at the public hearing the Board made the following findings. The Board found the property consists of an improved parcel of land approximately 12,500 square feet located in a Single Residence B District and as such is an existing, legal, non- conforming structure. The current dwelling, garage and driveway on the property render 22.3 % of the property impervious. The Board legitimized said increase of the 22.3%. The petitioners propose a 10' X 12' shed and enclose the existing deck. The Board finds the petitioner's construction will render an additional 3% impervious upon completion. The Board found the Board of Health unanimously voted to allow the petitioner, John A y: An ings,to increase the percentage of impervious cover to 25.1%percent at his property located at ais Pifle Island Road,North Dartmouth. C The Board found that the petitioner purchased said property one year ago with an existing gara , driveway and pool that had an impervious cover of 22.3%. The Board further found that said petitioner removed the pool. The Board finds that the proposed construction will not be substantially more detrimental to the water supply of the Town of Dartmouth than the existing use. The Board finds that the petitioner's proposal is in harmony with the purposes of the Aquifer Protection District by-law and will not have an adverse effect on the existing or potential water supply of the Town of Dartmouth. The Board finds that, owing to conditions especially affecting the parcel, but not affecting generally, the zoning district in which it is located, a literal enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance or zoning bylaws would involve substantial hardship, financial or otherwise, to the petitioners. The Board finds that desirable relief may be granted in the matter without substantial detriment to the public good and without nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent or purpose of the zoning bylaws. The following conditions and restrictions shall apply: 1. The petitioner and/or subsequent owner is hereby allowed to increase the existing site to 25.1% impervious which shall include the enclosure of the existing deck in substantial compliance with plan submitted and entitled "John Jennings, 85 Pine Island Road,North Dartmouth"which has been hereby marked"A" and made part of the Board of Appeals file. 2. The petitioner and/or subsequent owner is hereby allowed to construct a 10' X 12' deck which shall meet setback requirements and shall render no more than 25.1% of the lot impervious. No variance or special permit, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the Town Clerk that 20 days have elapsed and no appeal has been filed or that if said appeal has been filed, that it has been dismissed or denied,is recorded in the registry of deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. Appeals, if any, shall be made pursuant to Section 17 of the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, and shall be filed within 20 days after date of filing of such notice in the office of the Town Clerk. If the rights authorized by a variance or special permit are not exercised within one year of the date of grant of such variance they shall lapse; provided, however, that the permit granting authority in its discretion and upon written application by the grantee of such rights may extend the time for exercise of such for a period not to exceed six months; and provided, further, that the application for such extension is filed with such permit granting authority prior to the expiration of 10 such one year period. If the permit granting authority does not grant such extension within thirty days of the date of application therefor,and upon the expiration of the original one year period, such rights may be reestablished only after notice and a new hearing pursuant to the provisions of this section. Copies of the complete minutes of this hearing are available, upon request, at the office of the Board of Appeals. ro SEPH L. 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