BP-2003-27962 Permit No. B'P-2003-27962 GIS+ _ I ;DX: // I ommontuati . • emm� � ", -e • .•t t . >dI Ib TO } g - H ;Category V W. / 4001locuw'Road,Dartmouth,. • 2= ` , . Prolecf 9 20I3�207U: Phone• (5b8 910-1820 Fax: 508• 0=. Lst.Cost 78 0 I - a Fee ; �.k�. ,r, $1b0A0 v PERMISSIONNISHEREBY GRANTER' • :Const Clasat 4 y , icy _Use.Group R4 r.N Contractor:. ` Lice x e`` hone Lot Size(sqrft.)� 12500 ROBERT R ST AMAND €* 'fCS 000315.' i (508)'-992-3134 Zoning: 1<4 :;SRB a;,,:4 '1 Engineer. V E 4 New Const :234 s u.ft. 5 a ' r X r a ;. � '+, Alt.Const z N/A yry ; 4 . Applicant. � ��ta� ,,�; � ��r ,r. � ��,� �`,� �' c :�Ple`one#: Date Typed ;03-17-2003 ROBERT R Si AMAND F (508)992-3134 OWNER: - . ‘ x,,, $ JENNINGS JOHN A • A 's3 DATE ISSUED: cv h TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: 18' x 13' sunroom over existing deck; SEE NOTE ON PLANS BUILDING PERMIT Project Loca ikpn: 8 . PI ISLAND RI) 1 # Approved/Issued By: A�1._ _r' _�► JOEL S.R ED, cA1 BU LDING INSPE •R All work shall comply with 780 CMR 1 TH E'.(MGL Chap. 143)and any other applicable ass.Laws or Codes and plans on file. - POST THIS; RD SO/T/S VISIBLE FRO THE STREET SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE PER 780 CMR 111.7(NOT MORE THAN 3 EXTENSIONS WILL BE GRANTED)OR ON ISSUANCE OF A REGULAR OCCUPANCY PERMIT. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdiction are not met; not withstanding the issuance of this Building/Zon'ng'Permit. Signature of Owner/Agent: /� g g Comments: BOARD OPAPp=AiS Case# /i 1r S p REPLACEMENT FEE WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LOST SIGNATURE CARD COP'! TOWN OF DARTMOUTH M BUILDING RECEIPTS " COLLECTOR'S OFFICE Name' ,. r .d.� lizoperty ,r . .;_ Date' ; .-, i y _.. Owri f Job Location: i/( `., , g.,,-- . r' ,1 I s'`I ° _ '-- '. ' C '' White Copy-Collector's Office / ( ,: �l' Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt Plot r Lot: .. r)(0, Pink Copy-File Copy Z CD Green Copy-Building Department i Phone: e Description ar " ueneralLedger#'s Ref.# Amount License&Permits-Building 01000-44105 7•O d -.-' License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 License&Permits Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 This is not a Permit or License for Building,Plumbing or Gas Received By: / = -_ NMI --R TOWN OF DARTMOUTH 4. 1UIE ING RECEIPTS z. ` COLLECTOR'S OFFICE Name c: ., , r`_ Property. L, A„ „_., q_ , Date: •- F; / �/' .�'.' - -•-' Owner: <. Job Location ` ; -�° f, f F. r, r i• White Copy-Collector's Office Plot: ,'j�, Lot `r) / Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt :�" Pink Copy-File Copy Green Copy-Building Department Phone: Description General Ledger#'s Ref.# " Amount License&Permits-Building 01000-44105 License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 r-1 f,, - ( �',r License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 License&Permits-Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 ,t_ Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 I , ' This is not a Permit or License for Building.Plumbing or Gas Received By: RESIDENTIAL ,: 1 ' 0 FOUNDATION ONLY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE &NON-TRANSFERABLE X /113 DATE RECEIVED °uTH� DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT °� _, 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 i2 `" Dartmouth, MA 02747 \ ' fi° -' // 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ..=. • • • , , -- „ - .-::*.ar s. ..411 fi,%.,=4- - t-ag'I .,-' RECEIVED BY: „ate .' BUILDING PERMIT DATE SENT FOR REV W: :4 ---- NUMBER: - t ' DATE ISSUED: - OK TO ISSUE-SIGNATURE: , `�-‘_- �,, , � _.DATE - III � � � -A Build g Commis loner/Inspector of Buildin s 1 1 Zoning District:— a Proposed User- .Zone: MT ❑B 0 A p V Outside Flood Zone ❑ s Aquifer Zone .0 ) THE FOLLOWING AG CIES SHOULD BE NOTIFIED: . 1 - . '_3 s .f V . . .,Its - oard of oard of ❑Con.Coin 0 Demo r �'' t < �x LL ' * ❑DPW ❑Elec z„❑Energy Report Appejizals Health Affidavit : Card Sent e- Cut Off i Follow-up* i_ m fli c El Fire - 0 Gas 0 Planning Board* 0 Sewer Card t❑Water Card a {0 Zoning ❑Other Chief Cut Off /Cut Off : °,/Cut Off `' 7,geview* w *REQUIRES INSPECTOR'S REVIEW BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT. DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL w 1 Zoning Review: Signature: Y -. Date: U Energy Report: Signature: .4 / Date: Fire hief: Signature: ' Date: I, oard of Health: Signature: evii, /,' ,z43 i-ad, Conservation Commission: Signature: Date: Other: Signature: / i j J �L2 te:%% i/ AA.,t_o max., Description of work being performed: \i .�4�-z-z_ iG2 E y -,.,, -- " ' Jvn ,,v� < , SECTION 1-SITE INFORMATION NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: 0 yes 0 no 1.2 Assessors Plat&Lot Number: 1.1 Property Address: 2 5 (; . `. .,ex-, k Xi( Plat 7 7Lot c / - Nearest Cross Street: 7'y c Ye c,2 6 Subdivision Name: ,rf2r,u� 1.3 Historical District 0 yes 0 no Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? Total Land Area Sq. Ft.: 0 yes 0 no Date: 1.4 Water Supply(MGL c 40§54): 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: 0 Municipal❑ Private Well 0 Municipal 0 On Site Disposal System 1 C vhld,fnrmc\Rldtrann res wnd :we 1 RE 1, , 1• 'll 1 RESIDENTIAL 2001 SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of cord: Name(print) . Contact Address Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: 0 6� t� 7; PIA- / c Name(print) Contact Address Phone Number SECTION 3-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable 0 Licensed Construction Supervisor l am, 4. License Number c— e3 j5 Address / / � i, J i. ep. /zet__ Expiration Date Signature Telephone 5-o 1�9�2-3/.3y / -0 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable 0 Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to(780 CMR-6)? 0 yes 0 no If no,go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? 0 yes 0 no If yes,submit the required affidavit! Company Name ,,j Cx � �� r�r,✓�ixa (C� Registration Number(if none,state"none") Address /c. i f C Vic,Ei�Zua l� • " f �Gr�yc r�/� /'U / % 9 73- Signature '. ti? Telephone jZ,- _,-4_3 y Expiration Date - 5 C 9' 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place-Room 1301,Boston,MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 Owners Name(print) Signature by signing the above,the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 3.4 Homeowner Exemption-One&Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures govemed by Construction Control in Section 116.0,effective July 1,1982,no individual :tall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction,reconstruction,alteration,repair,removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures,unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section;provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s)for hire to do such work,that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only,a"Homeowner"is defined as follows: Person(s)who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is,or is intended to be,a one or two family dwelling,attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: Signature: Your signature carries certain responsibilities,including but not necessarily limited to,general liability C:',bldg.fornis`Bldgapp.res.\vpd Page 2 Rev.January 19.2001 RESIDENTIAL 2001 NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor,whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) SECTION 4-WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(MGL c 152 §25) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑yes 0 no SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable) ❑ new construction* 0 addition %alteration 0 repairs 0 chimney/ 0 woodstove (energy report required) (energy report required) fireplace ❑deck 0 pool 0 accessory bldg. 0 replacement window/door 0 other 0 demolition (shed/garage) no.of windows doors_ (specify below): (specify below): * If new construction,please complete the following: Single Family: no. of bedrooms no.of baths Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit I no. of baths unit I no. of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths unit 2 ❑ Furnace(hot air)-fuel gas(natural or propane), fuel oil,electricity,other(specify): ❑ Boiler(heating)-fuel gas(natural or propane), fuel oil,electricity,other(specify): o HVAC(combined unit)-primary fuel,natural gas,propane,electricity,other(specify): o Air conditioning-(separate unit) o None of the above to be provided ❑ Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other Brief Description of Proposed Work: ;, AL(} PN/c t SECTION-6 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost($)to be completed by permit applicant I. Building 2. Electrical 3. Plumbing 4. Mechanical(HVAC) 5. Total=(1 +2+3+4) *Estimated Total $ /'0.28 -- IIIII SECTION 7A-OWNER AUTHORIZATION (to be completed when owner's agent or contractor applies for building permit) (please print) I, ,as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. iC.--7 je Signature of Owner,} P fl �/ ,j., c 1 Date SECTION]B- ER/AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION I, ,as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. 4 4110 Sature of Owner/.u .: tzed Agent Date C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.vpd Page 3 Rev.January 19.2001 I RESIDENTIAL 2001 SECTION 8-INSPECTOR'S REVIEW/COMMENTS 1. Date plan reviewed: 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals(see project review worksheet): Date:_ 5. DENIED(see project review worksheet): Date: . 6. HOLD reason: _;// '7-- ( > C te: 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: c 8. Comments: I z-. /(`C-*? `f 9. Inspector's Signature: , 81A F ?M SECTION 9-APPLICANT NOTIFICATION Applicant informed of above Date: Time: Clerk: Comments: SECTION 10-OFFICE\INSPECTOR'S NOTES Total Permit Fee: $ Less Application Fee: $25.00 Remaining Balan : $j Gross Area New Construction total sq. ft.TOTAL FEE: / 2 :d _ Gross Area-Alteration total sq. ft. _ Permit Issued To /x" X =� 2 � - ).: TA.'. i —, SECTION 11-ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/SKETCHES /C C:`bid,.tomis\BIdeapp.res.wpd Pan 4 Rev.January 19.2001 Permit No. BP-2003-27962 Project Location: 85 PINE ISLAND RI) Commonwealth of!Massachusetts TOWN OF DARTMOUTH GIS#: .00 79 .4208 Map: 4208 400 Slocum Road,Dartmouth,MA 02747 Lot: 0024 Phone: (508)910-1820 Fax: (508)910-1838 Sublot 0000 BUILDING PERMIT Category: NEW 03-0718 FIELD INSPECTION Est Cost- $100.00° Const.Class: Use Group: R4 Contractor: License: Phone#: Lot Size(sq.ft) 2500 ROBERT R ST AMAND CS-000315 (508)992-3134 Zoning: SRB Engineer: License: Phone#: New Const.: 234 sgft. Alt.Const.: N/A Applicant: Phone#: Ceiling: ROBERT R ST AMAND (508)992-3134 Walls OWNER: `Floor:.` JENNINGS JOHN BOARD OF APPEALS dazing DATE ISSUED: U Ca V Sp TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: COEf.P_.E7'EE) 18' x 13' sunroom over existing deck; SEE NOTE ON PLANS DATE TIME TYPE OF INSPECTION&REMARKS INITIAL /0//0/0 7/3 0 4-6(J - 47)"2/.. CURRENT MESSAGES DATE MESSAGE BY 6 /,/h3 / �c�' � - "17/Ls I, t►� i v /1?-1,47.44/6 g&PN-e FrE COP / g/a 6717,--- Town of Dartmouth � �'���: Board of Health '- COPY o n 4 Sloctu toad P.O. Box 79399 ki , nil rt ,tth, MA 02747 Wendy W.Henderson,R.S. Director Thomas W.Hardman Chair Telephone: 508-910-1804 Linda M.Motha Fax Telephone: 508-910-1893 Gail Davidson,M.D. April 18, 2003 John A. Jennings 85 Pine Island Road Dartmouth, MA 02747 RE: Plat 79, Lot 24, #85 Pine Island Road-Aquifer Variance Dear Mr.Jennings: At the Board of Health meeting held on April 16, 2003 in which you were in attendance, you requested a variance from the Board of Health Aquifer Regulations. The variance requested was Section 20.602 - the rendering impervious of more than 10% of any lot in Aquifer Zone 3. The variance requested is for construction of a small addition (proposed 18' x 15'.9" addition of a three season room over an existing deck and a 10' x 12' storage shed). The house lot is 12,500 square feet. The current impervious area is 2,793 square feet or 22.3% impervious. The proposed additional impervious area is 349 square feet making the impervious area 3,142 square feet or 25.1% impervious. The Board discussed this matter briefly and voted to grant the aquifer variance noting that the aboveground pool has been removed from the lot and also that the 2,500 square foot allotment for small lots has been supported by the Board of Health. Please be advised that the shed roof runoff must be directed to a stone trench or other inground facility to recharge into the ground. If you have any questions relative to the aforementioned matter, please feel free to contact this office. Ver truly urs, Zdthebtall.00" ' ,. / . / ,,'i /i 6 DARTMO - :• - �D OF HEALTH DBH:psd cc: Board of Appeals file save:C:\My Documents\Aquifer\85pineislandrd.4162003.doc 7V D A 11 T M ® U T H 6it H. ��o�•,•,��� 1� ASS ACI---� LJSETTS A t s. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS e. B 400 SLOCUM ROAD • P. O. Box 79399 i� . 5�y`� DARTMOUTE-1, MA 02747-0985 �/664 °` TEL: (508) 910-1823 • FAX: (508) 910-1839 DATE: 5/6/2003 TO: BUILDING DEPARTMENT/DAVID J.SILVEIRA OR ACTING FROM: CAROLYN L.PICKERING RE: JOHN JENNINGS/85 PINE ISLAND ROAD The Board of Appeals held a hearing on April 29,regarding an aquifer variance on 85 Pine Island Road,North Dartmouth for the petitioner,John Jennings. The Board requests your attendance at its next hearing on the above-mentioned parcel on May 13,2003 at 7:45 PM. The Board requests you have any files and/or information available at its hearing. The Board specifically would like to address the issue of building permits granted for the pool and the garage in 1985 & 1989 when the Aquifer District was in effect and the Board of Appeals has no records of any variances or special permits being granted. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. See you on the 13th. DJ 14,1 G! B k.R . �. E' t i; E3 ,., p ... , ?....."--- C2L-e t t A--,k A ., .0. , Z , qes- I i : . /0 - C - l 9 ? --) 4r--r-s-5..-c__ / g" 1- c4-° MAY 1 3 2003 },:,� ��- _0� R...s. (....,.." 11,..... nil) -...........,x‘v; ---, c's, i'''" • -;..?' , 4 ,.., ------.--------- . _.-----____-- / 74 . ,... 4• . .; C't 1 .C....) tz , -,....., 1....,, ...... .... -r 1 . . < )(-,. -,- 1 ----:- 4,..„Nr.„, ;"--%. ILI C -%.„...„--.. / 4t1 / '... *;;••,. 1 ; .. .f.,„. .... '`...) 00 :;:'; 1, --.. . -.., ---....."--' .. . ____............_ 6 ......... o 1 1 -4f P co i 1 -----,, 1 1 .., ,,........ '''\ ao A 1 i -....,i'\...... 1 —q1P1.,-...., - -",,- i —.... , —Jr 1 .., -... '.,„ r..,..., • i Cs, 00',:,,k' 'N 1 I % 1 I '-,.....„ %. 1 ✓1ze -0owvr o4uaeaith of ./Hadiac/ucaeCla tddaacrr T-4df P.001 F-874 ---"MrBoard of Building Regulations and Standards LI I Y INb U KAN UZ UAIt(MM/uuIY Y1 =i 01/02/2003 r? °-' HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR TIi15 CLH 1 ii ICAft fS ISSUED A A MA I TER OF ORMATfC3Rr�+—` .,: ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPnN THE CERTIFICATE �,s /= Registration: 101198 HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NUT AMEND,EXTEND OR Expiration: 6/25/2004 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Type: DBA - " --- - _ INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE ROBERT R.ST.AMAND ALUMINU Vobert St.Amand INSURER A. Hartford Insurance Company 141 Chipaway Rd _ INsuRER B: _� — INSURER C: E. Freetown,MA 02717 Administrator — — - INSURER D: INSURER E: • 7 D NAtv1ED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING .,IIt, . ✓fie {vo�rrvireorulidwiA o`./% acfuae ENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR ICI >v r• BOARD OF BUILDING REGULATIONS IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH t1'' License: CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR S. JOY-M-b4.i1Vt-rULILY tiPtHAH1'}_ LIMITS UN , Number: CS 000315 TE(MMlDD1(Y) DATE(MMIDDIY • EACH OCCURRENCE $ Birthdate: 05/01/1944 FIRE DAMAGE(Any one tire) $ Expires: 05/01/2004 Tr.no: 23367 MED EXP(Any one person)$ __— Restricted: 00 PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY $ ROBERT R STAMAND � GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 141 CHIPAWAY RD (,Z«,.-v— � q• PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ E FREETOWN, MA 02717 Administrator COMBINED SINGLE LIMI i $ (Ea accident) =_ w i70 yh. F Jt ,s rdw s2�J; BODILY INJURY 'fin Ysr "M•cC g4 y,ny N ki 6) Ei,pl c +r-p ,, �tiD (Pnrporson) .$ +. t ,,, ;a P- -- ty O 4' -: G t( ' 1BODILY INJURY" .44 `,s, �l�,, I f U R,,,a d" 4 a t o (Per accidonE) {ram @rYssl y icy ,I<a ,F',A�5. • 4a•a✓e\4. - "`�� `-`��`t�+�3S�'"k+'���<F r f�,, J ( y yF��✓ •w,s tl'; PROPERTY DAMAGE s � --1) i � • �, �'�1- x'�� e, D (Perecclaent) $ frsr,�+sV � rN` y �Xfu` r ?ii4r AUTO ONLY EA ACCIDENT $ +. I t�'1p 4;:g.OM f4,t�'�, ,w"�CC.y`� '- r ,k� 1. ` >' dl i t +Y�r, f„yf Q 3f� OTHER THAN EA ACC $ a �' �^5is� nVro �- j . a ..� wv t �. a �..wW c .�`� .�'Pt-°`-+�'.,� z .t�. � .�+ s .� �+.law e.C, F?g Y. v'R i E1tri� a Rit•,,ISkirt i'AC Il l`I MLY `t . ,t ;m r AUTO ONLY: AGG $-- ..t - y .'X s,i f y P p kOI 4 ,5 �"t fTvs,,,,, EACH OCCURRENCE 5 Siie�7L.{ r f1 3aS171ra {I�911}T.°(�Ii�p�. 7f-3` +Ct , AGGREGATE $ s� sAK'Kijj i`6'3t+ 4, s -4t w+eft I 1�64�105 r: ��f(ftSx�`t'•°4l/i'` '4 sL 3�Y +t.5,-`y4, •144, l� rpt A,.tr S:'.7 •7^'' "-� � r„1t5 ry ° o,tilk5$1 '�0Z3Z�f i7a}l'i ct�yi.., (...mt li i .s`f ��.A.' " x 3yti4. '4l,^ (: a ?,j Ta n �,. �� ',,M1.Y'.r wN •'f+ ^'2 ,?F t11F'ri `'.�,'r`r `°"':"!;,{ $ VVL SIAIU- 1• X TORY LIMITS 1 ER /31/2002 ,2/31/2003 E,L.EACNACCIDENT $ 100,000 E,L,OISEASE-EAEMPLOYEE $ SO0,000 E.L.DISEASE•POLICY uMIT $ 100,000 PECIAL PROVISIONS 3ANCELLATION --------- SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL .{1 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF. Y KIND UPON THE COMPANY,ITS. BENT$OR REPRESENTATIVES. IUTH�1 PRES TATIVEJ„/) //y/ IAi-ia Brfanc y ` "."tr f ------CaraRITCORFLTRATioN 1988 , : ="° The Commonwealth of Massachusetts sue:_ _-- -__ Department ofIndustrial Accidents )xt = ' =_== Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street ;A`� .; yF Boston,Mass. 02111 Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit �p h iiioir tianr �% 7 i Pleases'RI egi Ott 14?4" 9 ,y ar—ATE f°``,'" name: location: `' city phone# I am a homeowner performing all work myself. El I am a sole proprietor and have no one working in any capacity xi I am an employer providing workers' compensation for my employees working on this job. company name: ,.• vrwx . C.f. c�rnc--aczr.,,L (—G - address: //I/ (_�/u - ,,..c -ram_7 /2 - city: C-L -, „6 --,4 , phone#: .fi`o g'- 1 7� - )3 cl insurance co. 6,.'t polic # Sy (- n Y.✓ .---eY :�3 k' 6 e...L 0 I am a sole proprietor,general contractor,or homeowner(circle one)and have hired the contractors listed below who have the following workers' compensation polices: company name: address: city: phone#¢ insurance co. policy#' company name: address: city: phone#: insurance co. policy# Attach Ka' j heel a e ssa c a/fi r i Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of\IG L 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to$1.500.00 and/or one years'imprisonment as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of$100.00 a day against me. I understand that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for coverage verification. I do hereby c'errtiify under the pains and penalties of perjun'that the information provided above is true and correct. Signature v- �,-- 7, Date J id 0 Print name o/l:,a-I� �' .S/,,7,7r1 R h r( Phone# J D E — 9 9,:i- ,31 3 4 official use only do not write in this area to he completed by city or town official city or town: permit/license# ['Building Department ['Licensing Board i check if immediate response is required ['Selectmen's Office ['Health Department contact person: phone#; ['Other ue_ : .. i, , _',7.7 .7,7, _M.«.a � .s i revised 3/95 PJA) Information and Instructions Massachusetts General Laws chapter 152 section 25 requires all employers to provide workers' compensation for their employees. As quoted from the "law", an employee is defined as every person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written. An employer is defined as an individual, partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity, or any two or more of the foregoing engaged in a joint enterprise, and including the legal representatives of a deceased employer, or the receiver or trustee of an individual , partnership, association or other legal entity, employing employees. However the L.• owner of a dwelling house having not more than three apartments and who resides therein, or the occupant of the dwelling house of another who employs persons to do maintenance , construction or repair work on such dwelling house or on the grounds or building appurtenant thereto shall not because of such employment be deemed to be an employer. MGL chapter 152 section 25 also states that every state or local licensing agency shall withhold the issuance or renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or to construct buildings in the commonwealth for any applicant who has not produced acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance coverage required. Additionally, neither the commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall enter into any contract for the performance of public work until acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this chapter have been presented to the contracting authority. Applicants Please fill in the workers' compensation affidavit completely, by checking the box that applies to your situation and supplying company names, address and phone numbers as all affidavits may be submitted to the Department of Industrial Accidents for confirmation of insurance coverage. Also be sure to sign and date the affidavit. The affidavit should be returned to the city or town that the application for the permit or license is being requested, not the Department of Industrial Accidents. Should you have any questions regarding the "law"or if you are required to obtain a workers' compensation policy, please call the Department at the number listed below. /i��/., /lam%"..; �r/ i. /% .� .....,'*"�' ^-:r� � �'y y� � y'/s` .s/"�i'/',.,;Z , i6. /��'i,�:� 1t,;A/ias., ., ",/�%''ui y�i. !/�✓% i% ! y/ V,0 ii?.. City or Towns Please be sure that the affidavit is complete and printed legibly. The Department has provided a space at the bottom of the affidavit for you to fill out in the event the Office of Investigations has to contact you regarding the applicant. Please be sure to fill in the permit/license number which will be used as a reference number. The affidavits may be returned to the Department by mail or FAX unless other arrangements have been made. The Office of Investigations would like to thank you in advance for you cooperation and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call. ,: 77- TI ,.,.~v t ,r/' i //y 0*tW / ,(_4,44 /e/ The Department's address, telephone and fax number: The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street Boston, Ma. 02111 fax #: (617) 727-7749 phone #: (617) 727-4900 ext. 406, 409 or 375 Ts The following information must be completed and returned to the office of the Town Clerk prior to the commencement of any work. TO: Town Clerk for the Town of Dal[mouth Please be advised that action taken by the Board of Appeals, as stated below, has been recorded at the Registry of Deeds. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 53 Lakewood Road,NORTH DARTMOUTH PLAT: 79 LOT: 24 OWNER OF PROPERTY: John A Jennings VARIANCE CASE NUMBER: #2003-16 DATE RECORDED: BOOK: PAGE: 0 • 16 03 ; s n7 DOC. 28680 €-- Bristol r Co, _;,D,a 0— cot E.t_3 m C 12 '---'-----f..MpUTy, �n�'/,,/��M /�//////��//yam t/nwa h 400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 79399 Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 RECEIVED OFFICE OF THE ZONING DECISION TO BOARD OF APPEALS CASE#2003- � 23 P II: 2Q BOARD OF APPEALS Ii TEL:910-1823 i(�t T(� t� CLEl? VARIANCE HEARING FOR JOHN A. JEI\ CASE NUMBER#2003-16 BOOK: 5330 PAGE: 264 There was a Board of Appeals hearing open to the public held in MEETING ROOM 04Y TOWN OFFICE BUILDING, 400 SLOCUM ROAD, NORTH DARTMOUTH, MA, on Tue ay,r°'._ , May 13, 2003 at 7:45 P.M. on the application of John A Jennings, for a variance from the zoning,: bylaws of the Town of Dartmouth to allow the construction of a 17' 8" X 13' enclosure fot-he' existing deck and a 10' X 12' shed increasing the lot coverage in the aquifer district. The petitioners seeks the Boards approval to increase the impervious cover from the allowed 10% to the existing 22.3% to the proposed 25.1% for property located at 85 Pine Island Road, North Dartmouth m: a Single Residence B District owned by John Jennings (Section-20.608- Aquifer District)PLAT:, - LOT: 24. Present were Chairman Joseph L. Cosentino,William D. Whipp and Margaret A. Sweet. DECISION It was the unanimous decision of the Board of Appeals to GRANT the requested relief to the petitioner,John A.Jennings to allow the enclosure of the existing deck and the construction of a shed rendering said parcel to be increased to 25.1%impervious cover in the aquifer district. Based upon the information and data presented at the public hearing the Board made the following findings. The Board found the property consists of an improved parcel of land approximately 12,500 square feet located in a Single Residence B District and as such is an existing, legal, non- conforming structure. The current dwelling, garage and driveway on the property render 22.3 % of the property impervious. The Board legitimized said increase of the 22.3%. The petitioners propose a 10' X 12' shed and enclose the existing deck. The Board finds the petitioner's construction will render an additional 3% impervious upon completion. The Board found the Board of Health unanimously voted to allow the petitioner, John A Jennings,to increase the percentage of impervious cover to 25.1%percent at his property located at 85 Pine Island Road,North Dartmouth. The Board found that the petitioner purchased said property one year ago with an existing garage, driveway and pool that had an impervious cover of 22.3%. The Board further found that said petitioner removed the pool. 9 I ILL bur i The Board finds that the proposed construction will not be substantially more detrimental to the water supply of the Town of Dartmouth than the existing use. The Board finds that the petitioner's proposal is in harmony with the purposes of the Aquifer Protection District by-law and will not have an adverse effect on the existing or potential water supply of the Town of Dartmouth. The Board finds that, owing to conditions especially affecting the parcel, but not affecting generally, the zoning district in which it is located, a literal enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance or zoning bylaws would involve substantial hardship, financial or otherwise, to the petitioners. The Board finds that desirable relief may be granted in the matter without substantial etri,u ent to the public good and without nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent or alurgilte of the zoning bylaws. The following conditions and restrictions shall apply: • 1 1. The petitioner and/or subsequent owner is hereby allowed to increase the existing site to 25.1% impervious which shall include the enclosure of the existing deck in substantial compliance with plan submitted and entitled "John Jennings, 85 PineIsland Road,North Dartmouth"which has been hereby marked"A" and made part:of the Board of Appeals file. 2. The petitioner and/or subsequent owner is hereby allowed to construct a 10' X 12' shed which shall meet setback requirements and shall render no more than 25.1% of the lot impervious. No variance or special permit, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the Town Clerk that 20 days have elapsed and no appeal has been filed or that if said appeal has been filed,that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the registry of deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. Appeals, if any, shall be made pursuant to Section 17 of the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, and shall be filed within 20 days after date of filing of such notice in the office of the Town Clerk. If the rights authorized by a variance or special permit are not exercised within one year of the date of grant of such variance they shall lapse; provided, however, that the permit granting authority in its discretion and upon written application by the grantee of such rights may extend the time for exercise of such for a period not to exceed six months; and provided, further, that the application for such extension is filed with such permit granting authority prior to the expiration of 10 !^• such one year period. If the permit granting authority does not grant such extension within thirty days of the date of application therefor, and upon the expiration of the original one year period, such rights may be reestablished only after notice and a new hearing pursuant to the provisions of this section. Copies of the complete minutes of this hearing are available, upon request, at the office of the Board of Appeals. r.SEPH L. COSENTINO CHAIRMAN • 11 1 , .A4 ..... ....... c.' 1.) , s•--N .-... .(* ".1`•,,_ VIt ci ,:.... .1‘,..... AA, s •7,.., .t., ,tr ,-, ':•"'" --_ , \ 1...___ :,-...,. i (-1-1 'i. r-, c ,...) -7- 1. - ) 7. t— • , ...E.. 1 cst -,• t• .. ,,i ,. -, ..... • ,-.-.. '22' . fi. i ---- _,,,,,g, j , kJ p ,.......r... _.,,. i - . ,T , .." `)‹. .....-- x: '. 1 31,-, 1, --- ___...... __ ---- —... , ;::-- I --- = — ..__, "'.._, _ . --- .._- ___ --, —, . , 1 -,,- i 0 i fr, ! 11 It f \ r 3...1 0:1 / s',;s t)(0 -.... . \ , 0 00 0 . ,, "-----,..-- --e s; N. 0 . X. . . . •,. .-.-...,,_„....,_.... .. 1.4 1i I I , -\ 4. i... ci ts, , ------N ,,,, _......... rc..., N .,. "-• % 00 .c.---- '/C — I .--.:16, r.,• \ ‹.-....._ '`.7ik 1 -,t,,, • -7-1 7- 1), .—N,><Q6 C.-3 N'''. I P C()•;,,•,, O. t:0) T --%."---- . 1 — X ,-., '- - i ',., r.- :__)t c,y:- . ., .. . /- . 1 1 . , i , CO . i .._., ,, -)...- ,-- (-- . --, _ C 4 b ',-.... 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BOLTED COINECTJONS (+/ r1 ARw / A� '�"j"yjg � / � h / r) (� / �tl �xrs as #orr� e„ ao>t�r as/nn � - 3 IN. 1 # FOAM )STEEL BOL?' �� W� AL STRUCTURES SF41LL BE ALUMIM1 TIED a,o Centrold - 4.9672B1, 7.201289 in 0.019 AL. 15' 13'1 12'1 12' i i' 9' 8'-8' GALVANIZED ZINC PLATED EIE HAU BE AW )ZEI I, OR Nae7v►s or wank ear ao3tae o.e:Qee - sauas �I1 /e07 Nd27t/S or erst►W ea ao►et aazn br oe17e0 oaea2e HOT DIPPED �uNovrs ar evotler ear aatsat' WMI yr a0tae omse n+asrs of a„mneea at OM47r 1.071et 3 IN. 1� FOAM STAINLESS .GAL /N ORDER TD PREVENT GALVANIC CVANIZEC!N by asJTa7 aoeoto AM ,,� p/ ,� M• �47 ao�f aJo s,o Ixx = 0.065847 in^4 Principal axes an le of rotation = 16' 14' f3'-8' 13' 12' 8' 7'-6' THAT WILL e7EELT FROM DIRECT CONTACT BETWEEN STEEL AND MOM OF o►tenart = nsWU 1.iefol h / r) Met % rnr/ mono aF cYMflf>fr = 0.4ea7 vim »' t.o7/et a:stee Ixx p g 0.000000 0.024 AL ALUMINUM. er 1.reau aazra7 +e+stus of anenxhr s► asloarl aeuazo rt a�w7 a�2oe 1 as 16.929516 Irq^4 4,967281,7.201289 erouotrs aF sorreu d aatos7 all aeuaas aratts onrm� roe: o t.75M a70.1W lyy = 0.220019 in 4 6.057342 7.201289 3 /N. 2# FOAM 3.) ALL DATA CALCULATED FOR EXPOSURE 'C' enreolE , o r etas asatTS asl+tu auraal Q� rite 0 r.elsfsi auto t:aAt fE rH� o a75ee mats c o.7s7eo t ems7 3 I = 17' 1 e'-C 16' 15' 14' 12'-4' 12' , �J IN THE A.S OR HANDBOOK ANSI ASCE 7-88. r eerie MOM OF aft MM or 0.71AW f.nte7 a 1.10oas i,111m1 c fit ol7ee O O y ]1 8.218756 In^4 4.9672B1,8.291349 0.030 AL. ,� D�/u� - � DWG. 803 DWG. 804 ri a7f.1t _ xso Tao 4.967281 7.110 99 4 IN. 1 WARNING• T,gAO A/yp TABLES ARE INTENDED ,4S A5° ' I Jz - 0.285866 in^4 4.967281,8.310099 # FOAM 'THESE CALGU o ' ' Jz' = 25.148272 in^4 0.037500 2 19'-r 18-1 16'-2' 15'-7" 14'-5' 12'1 12'-2" 0'-11" 9'-10" 8'-8' 7'-6" MINIMUM CL'PELiNES TO NORMAL & PROPER INSTALLATION c talm 1.eeeas 0.024 AL. ,.,' S MUST 8E REVIEWED BY A REGISTERED BMW rva b� 0.000000 4 IN. 2# FOAM ANY VARGM. 61e� eih10 EXPOSED Pxy 1.616 5 Tin 4 5.512311,7.201289 20'-5" t9'-1 19. 2' IS, 16'-1 14'-e' 14'-5' 13'-e" 12'-4' 11'-2' 9•-8" ID ENGINEER. ExaosEo a fo - Px y' = 11.616954 in 4 5.512311.7.201289 0.030 AL. emirs � ero� � e:17.7 N�nt4 E 6 iN. 21 FOAM b,. t.a= rsn4: rxx = 0.450348 in V:.T. 8901 1.500 0.030 AL. 29' 28' 2T-6' 26' 24'-7" 19-7' 18' IS' 16'-6' 15' f3' nloas OF crn�txtc ., :won :swx r rx'x' 7.221087 In rr 874W &seas ryy 0.823209 in = L 120 VAR/ABiE4: DWG. #813 cnraree r1�e a a,,,s, s,�4 / E -MODULUS OF EIAS7ICITY rYY = 5.031336 inJ L - SPAN IN NVCf�S. DWG. 812 c series am7a - 0 ar: eaf>:R1AL_ r - RAarls OF crrrAnoN MW 64 3 IN. 1 # FOAM S - GrTUTE COLP1RESSIVE I - MOMENT OF INERTIA sauce Ton �" -- Number of component areas: 1000 +•� Imax 0.220090 in^4 f4'-6' f3• t2•-2' f2• fo' s•-8" 6'-t' utnAlAiE IIN1T LOAD _ EXPOSED Imin 0.019 AL. � T1ltL Arse ««««««*«««r«««*««««««*«««*« 0.065776 in^4 Zt00 � SrnENc7}l. P - h / r) fwe / ess0 3 IN. 1 # FOAM 15 13'-4' t 3'-1' ee>rFxrs OF se�raa ea aae7o7 aerate sows rat /s14 sauce wr+ /s15 --- sans aorr pre - sows Far /817 Area 0.272795 In ^2 I L� I 0.024 AL. ' SLEWERAESS RA770 : 30 644 S�yD �T001 p QO 701 rr 0.41ate �� +�s Mrs r A>o s ewer ' Ass _ 3 IN. 2# FOAM p - 87t 0.0 P.�l. �4'01 m0.caaroracle>ru or a4t41s t.f2Ae '!r) pew (► %�0 lw/r1 l / ) h%�, 1+�+/r► i Centrold 9.192458, 7.376196 in Number of component areas: 1000 16•-7' 18' f5' 14' 12• 10•-1' 9•-10' p _ P - n245 P.S.I. M' .f?SU 0.4f4fa NOW107S OF alM ; hx aesn7 0.eeen NOII" of WflM es a04at2 1�4 NokWS OF aO M' eQ 1.0.11T! 1Jt5T7 *««*++««++*««««*««*«#««**« 0.030 AL. 60.50 P.S.F. p 55.0I RIF. raNwa etovrK e" assze4 °1°�°t be' 1AWO now" bet FA7141 CAR= Ixx � = 0.020361 in 4 Principal axes angle of rotation 0.000000 4 IN. 1# FOAM L - 3&000 . exrtaarz r>s o t.emn f.tteaa a/emt atenot br nreaae aataee ^ gg c 0.anu �°!1°vers of o►nmrae = 1.1rs7: lsaovt Ixx 0.170174 in^4 9.19Z458 7.376196 Area = 18' iB'-t' t5'-8' 14'-7" t3' 10'-6' 10• 8'-5' 6'-4" 4'-r 2'-I' MOMEM OF IASWA X-X 1.9840 MMEW OF WERTiA X X 0.40 9 WI revxe Cror a►maoee = IJ21M f�s/rr A ME OF aMIM A ae1e:5 1 t457f nlarrB W ata M* = I.5 = t.tasee = 0.596581 in^2 0.024 AL. La#=jr 0.48718 0.44M » ►14405 as7=t 1.t?5/4 aisle rr IJNJ1. 7 An"MGA"Iff l 23 21 47 Inn 9.947868,7.376198 4 IN. 2# FOAM MOMENT' OF INERTIA X-x 1.9840 MOAIENT OF INERTIA X-X 0.3977 /N4 anr� rre� o VAKM r W775 onerAAe rteRE o i.Mme ti3m exrreore rlsiie c 1J1:ro s1T5M txTAaE Fi�E c t-W70 :.laws I�' = 23.212474 in^4 9.960366.7. 3 369 r----200a--=I Centrold = 8.699478, 11.378232 in i9'-1 f t9•-s' IS' 16'-1 14•-5' f0'-1' 1 i'-1 9' 6•-e' �� of GY�I1IpN x-x 1.1748 RADIUS of GYftA7io1V x-x 0.397 C aeaeto aea77a c t.eaes t.7a57a c ayeeo zootso c a�B7p sexeeT 9.960366,7.363696 I 0.030 AL. 4'-8' 2'-2' RADIUS OF GY/LtnON Y-Y 1.1748 RADIUS OF GMTION Y-Y aso le le Jz = 0.190535 111 9.192458,8.144104 Ixx = 0.356563 in^4 Principal axes angle of rottatton , Jz' = 38.083480 In^4 0.025000 V.T. 8900 _ P gg O.000000 6 IN. 2# FOAM 28'-s' 27'-e- 2B'-4' 24'-6' 21' 15' 14'-1' 12' 9' 6' J. 3 x 3 x .125 TUB:' AF9800 1 aao Ix'x' _ 0 392 91 i^^4 8.699478,11.378232 0.030 AL. 0.000000 I 0.392591 In 4 9.578203,11.378232 SPAN P.S.F. SPAN P.S.F. Pxy = 0.000587 In-4 9.57D762,7.376196 I jf = 45.558735 In^4 8.699478.12.356957 H Px = 18.496399 in^4 9.570162,7.376196 - 9.703262,11.353173 = L/180 12.000 65.32 12.000 64.54 f 0.749154 in^4 8.699478,12.382016 aaelsfertam - rrx xx = 0.273202 In �►oe --- 4 Jz' _= 123.140467 In^4 0.050118 V.T. 8900 3 /N. 11 FOAM 18.000 64.51 18.000 62.84 x' - .789820 in 0.000000 0.019 AL it,-6* to'-5' 9'-8' e'-t t' 7' 4' 3'-t0' 18.000 63.42 24.000 62.64 sew w>91 vA Mari ryy • = 0.78 449 in Pxy 0.032074 i11 9.188840.11.378232 24.000 62.08 30.000 60 h / r) t►�t / ere8 rYY = 9.224494 in 3 IN. 1 ecMertrs of aamK tr ts. IN ta7ss17 _ Px Y' 59.084444 In 4 9.188840,11.378232 # FOAM 12'-8' 12' f0'-2' 9'-7' T-2' 4'-r 4'- " 36 .95 V.T. 8901 0.024 AL 1 .000 60.50 36.000 55.01 by 5e� saesoe �>` Imax = 0.170176 in^4 rxx = 0.773096 in 42.000 58.75 42.000 51.90 w,oxa _ 40M ao7s:o Imin = 0.020359 in^4 rx'x' 0.773 96 in NOTES 3 IN. 2# FOAM 42.000 58.75 48.000 51.90 ly r.s� 1.attat Number of component areas: 1000 ryy. = 0.811214 in v.Tegao a vr. eso, Musr BE BOLTED I� 0.030 AL 16' t4'-2' t3•-1• f2'-5' i1•-e' 9'-r Q. 54.000 54.82 54.000 48.72 101711 � o .14o7er a4o7se sacs Tarr #Via -- elms rat Iwts - **««*««*««*««*««4q�«««««««** ��� ItiiF! c 4 AMM �o�i1priA Number of component areas: 1000 ryy' = 8.738787 in 118 TEK o of s 4 IN. 1# FOAM 60.000 5273 54.000 42.47 i� ' i - *««««*««e+««««««*«««*««««# FROM EACH END 24. 0. C. BOTH SIDES 0.024 AL 16•-1' 14•-5. 13'-f0. 12•-7' 11•-1 9'-5' 9•-1• T-7' S'-2" 2'-10' 1'-2' 60.000 52.73 60.000 39 55 soccs rcrt /� - Area = 0.566080 in^2 Imax 0.411364 in^4 .51 eaeecvrs OF aExltr aor fssats LFOsr eeorrovrs of I+m1Mr eQ aea7ea aae>sz �k M %A b' LOW IAW � or dm7m A e'&M a'� Centrold = 20.371189, 13.074018 in Area = 0.355822 in^2 Imin = 0.337790 in^4 4 IN. 2# FOAM 72.000 48.45 72.000 36.71 0.030 AL 19'-r t 7' t5'-8' 14'-1 14' e'-1t7' 8'-70' T-1' 4'- l0' 2'- t' 1'-Y 78.000 46.32 78.000 34.09 AIaR/3 OF Qrratxrc a QM7 I.Oe1Q _ _ NQYfMS or er�xnt OQ fe•aeas rseens xr a7.1e7 "120OJIM7 rr a7swe anste ^ Centrold = 179.275344. 65.272325 in 6 IN. 2# FOAM 84.000 44.21 84.000 31.65 � ufn s:f77 �� rt�e o ��� as1�o rx/llf� rie� 0 1.aot17 r.00ets Ixx � = 0.517419 in 4 Princippal axes anggle of rotation = 0.000000 nroeTs ac orwmar = totes toter c r.4Qfo r.ufo c s eaeao t.ez7ee Ixx 0.5174 9 in 4 22.01775 13.07 0 8 Ixx = 0.030 AL 28• 24•-6' 23' 21,-6" 18'-6' 12'-6' 11 • 9'-e 6'1 3•-6' 7•-6" 90.000 42.16 90.000 29.38 I 0.517419 in^4 22.017754,13.074018 0.049063 in^4 Princippal axes anggle of rotation = 0.000000 96.000 40.16 96.000 27.30 Jr 7 lien Ix'x' = 1519.891615 in^4 179.275344.65.272325 6 IN. 1# FOAM 10Z.0 cxneDle Fsae o t.W"111M 1wi I � = 235.400370 in^4 20.371189,14.720583 I - 0.320715 in^4 180.195010,65.272325 25' 21'-� 20' 18' 15'-6' 1p' 1 00 38.Z3 102.000 25.38 C : 'ffi7J 22.054004,13.037768 I y' = 11407.779547 In 4 179.275344,66.191991 0.030 AL 102.000 36.23 102.000 23.62 Jz = 32.65 3 in In 0.072500 j,DDO 180.210635.65.256700 #8 X 1/2? TEK ® EA. 114.000 36.61 108.000 22.01 Jz' 332.857301 in^4 22.05400 - Jz = 0.369778 in^4 179.275344,66.207616 V.T. / 2 POST i& 6" O.C. 0 = L/240 PER B.O. C.A. SEC. 1604.5.5 120.000 32.92 120.000 20.53 Pxy = 21.19400 Jz' = 12927.671162 1n^4 0.031250 �/ . T. 8 900 BOTH SIDE`S AS SHOWN #FOAM , -0.023451 in^4 21.19447213.074018 0.000000 3 IN. 1 Pxy = 150.742501 in^4 21.194472,13.074018 Pxy 0.012581 in 4 179.735177,65.272325 0.019 AL 9 -B 8'-ler 8,1 7'-7' 5'-i 1' as 0 --- rxx = 0.956053 in j,450 Pxy y' = 4163.744371 In^4 179.735177,65.272325 3 IN. 19 FOAM w"r� pe,RM/ rxx = 13.107546 in 0.371330 1n 0.024 AL 10•-9' to• 2' 8'�8' 8'-2' 6'-7' 3•-5' 3•-5' r = 20.39222 In rxx = SEE EXTRUSi(ON NUMBERS 3 IN. 2# FOAM NOTES: sa.�s Tait I� - e�vrs °` aOP/Ne °" °�L°°' ems!°' ram' V.T. 8902 rx'x' = 65.356646 in TAKEN UNDER LOAD /.Inns rslas4 YY 20.392227 in r 0.949387 in o.030 AL 13'-6' 121 if'-t• 10'-6" 1o' 7'-8' 7'-6' 1 ALL READINGS ewn� lw % �1 rera�cs of o►te�norr = f.�1so t.erlso - �'Y, _ - sates rat 1� J7 a7MW a74M Imax = _ WAV A*B Peuf Arm ee>MINIS OF PERM Aa 4.5efa7 4./5M1 049396 9 in^4 ryy 179.053992 in h/r1 (Aut%,wq by 4.Oat5f 4.GBt5f exnrarEresae o f.00t.17 /m7at Imin = 0.493968 In^4 V.T. 8898 Navovrs Cr evetrer a :f.7t+rs zf.7ssfa a a771M7 Iran Imax = PSF P MOM or 6"1 = r.5100 lafoes .0484 96 in^4 4 IN. 1# FOAM 2 UN/FORM LOAD DUNES PER SQ. FT. by a7�+% 21-7ml » 1.d78A1 tate7a Imin = 0.048482 in^4 V.T.8 9 0 1 13'-7' f2'�' t 1'-1 10'-B" 9'-4' 8' 7'-7' 6'-5' 4'-4" 2'-5' 1'-0' 0.024 AL 3 ALL LENGTHS 0/ERE A RESULT OF DIRECT TESTING c1ri1E]6 rsrE, 0 aooam aims - * , ._ ._ ._ . ,_ '- nraus of G7AlTlpk ,Q " IAAIQ�m C a4M;7 a453sD 1, 450 -� IF W. 18900 & M901 ARE SCREWED b f 4F"• &Mf 4 IN. 2 AT M.T.L. OR tY USING TEST DATA IN CONJUNCT/0�.' NOTE: 0.03o AL AM 1s'-3' 14•-4• t3'�' 12 -7. 11 9' 8 4' 7 6' s -o' 4 r 1 7' 11" WITH INFINITE ANALYSIS CALCULATIONS. TOGETHER AS PER IlNS7RUCTlONS 6 I0. 2 FOAM 4 DATA TO BE USED FOR V. T. PANELS ONLY Oft rtsM a !40""4 !49115 DWG. #821 DWG. j 822 OR WHEN Off 18M02 IS USED o.03 AL 23•-8' 20'-9' 19•-5' t8'-r 15•-8' 1 D•-r 9•-r 8•-T' S•-6" 31_D" 1 •-3" 5 FOAM ALSO RE; ERRED TO AS EPS e atuf±4 a4eT15 P0� DWG. #823 AS CORNER T. 6 IN. 1# FOAM 21•-3" 18'-3• 1T 15'-3' t3•-2' 8'-5' 9'-3' 7'_s' S•_1-F6 PANEL CONNECTION INCIDENTAL TO SPAN 0. 030 AL 2 -4" 1 •-cr 7 FOR GREATER SPANS, CONTACT V. T. 3" ROOM 2" ROOM „ ALL COMPOSITE PANELS CAN, BE USED /Ill ANY �� 2 ROOM " OF THE FOLLOWING: ROOF-WALLS-FLODF. 6 6 48 x 3 5/8 E.P.S. & 6 5/8" E.P.S. WITH (2) 15/32 G S. B. LAMINATES '•; 's' ••' ROUT HOLE IN 1" iDIA. WASHER W SEALANT, f: INTERIOR SURFACE 5 BY 'VINYL TECH, / �808 EXISTING STRUCTURE '' '` �•• _ • •• ar Fowl of PANEL . ;. 8o ON ROOF PLANS. 809 � 4 . f ROUT HOLE IN 4 :,. •, . �•', FOR BOX. 4. •• "'• �: INTERIOR SURFACE I °' ; , • • R FOAM OF PANEL '` ' �T swrrcH 48 x 3 5/8" E.P.S. WITH (2) 15/32 O.S.B. LAMINATES CLEF? SPAN LENGTH f' RECEPTXOR SWITCH #80 EXISTING WALL ;,••`'�.: #8 TEK SCREW 1814 I 12 O/c -fir,, 1814 ;' = L/240 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5O 55 80 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 tool 7' P.S.F. R F. R F. P.S.F. P.S.F. '`•• `,f I I t 43.P.SF. P.F. P.SF. P.S:F. P.S:F. P.S.F. P.sF. P.sF. P.SF. P.S.F. P.SF. P.SF. P.S:F. P.S.F. • 1810 3 ELE7Cf. BOX W/MnRE I I �:� •4; 1 2 6EA. 15132 0$B T' 2'- 1'- 1'- 0'- 4.0'- 9'-6' i EFT SIDE I I ,. ': RIGHT 5 ro INI OR1NiED 3 6 #812 ELECT. BOX W/wIRE I I R'�; SURFACE I ?:1'� 111 48" x 3 5 8" ,..... :.� ;:S.M.S. CLAMPS, MOUNTED =....._ #812 4�_ E.P.S. WITH (2) 15/32 O.S.B. LAMINATES CLEAT SPAN LENGTH TO INTERIOR I I `y': I I %` °•y ALUMINUM EXPANDER f0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 s5 >b 75 4 = L/360 R&F'. P. F. P.SF. P.SF. R. F. P.SF. P.S F P.S F. P.S F. P.SF. P.S.F. P.SF. P.&F. P.S F.I � 85 90 85 !00 :'•''± ,''"�' .'.� DESI(NED TO WITHSTAND P.S.F. P.sF P.SF. P.S.F. P.S.F. #819 SURFACE I I I r'"•� FLOOR RECEIVER LEFT SIDE WAL 3/A' DLIHOLE RIGHT SIDE WALL UP TO 2.6Eq, " 15 32 OSB 0'--6' 9'-4' 9'-0' 8'-8'� C 120 IMPH FASTEST MILE WIND LOADS •• ':.•. IN FOAM FROM ELECTRIC • �• • WIRE CHASE To "" 48" x 6 5 8" E.P.S. WIT a/4• olA.HOLE : ` #81 4 sox FOR HARE DETAIL 1 IN BtJTH UPLIFT AND LATERALLY IN FRAME FOR IN FOAM FROM ��`•'� SIC #810 4 ACCCIRDANCE WITH SBCCI REPORT H 2 15 32 O.S.B. LAMINATES CLEAR SPAN LENGTH • .: FASCIA SECTION #887!0 p = L/3C0 f0 15 2D 25 3a 35 40 10 50 60 65 70 75 8D 85 90 95 100 WIRE CHASE TO ,Ex/AL1>%.,. ELECTFt1C HAS ONLY BEEN sucxEsrED To BE ksrAltFD PER pyR•, 3 WALL. SECTIONS NOT TO EXCEED P. F. P. F. P.S F. P.SF. P.S F. P.S F. RIF P.S.F. P.S.F. P.S F. P.S.F. P.S F. P.S F. ° S.F. P.S F. P.S F. Aar P.S.F. SWING ODORS. Box FOR WIRE WIRE #811 3 =lyxlt�.•:' ELE�r• ALL TMCTHAS wares SHALL COMPLY wrrH THE LATEST EDITION of THE J�[/8 TEK '4 RUNE eNTprNL� �� AS WELL AS ALL LDG1L GJOES 1T SCREW ® s 6.625 2 FOAM 2. 1• 1'- 1'- 0'- 19'-9' 8'-d 18'- 7'-2' 16'-6' 5 54 rc 96" EA. 15 32 os - •- ' yy/k: E•"^T1?:i �1AS OtrLY BEEri^.L'.^G�!EO TO Bel' IHcTNl� 4S PFJt M. 1812 \ � J ALL ElECTRiCAL WORK SHALL COMPLY 'WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE � S' _� C �4 J / W.Y TO BE USED II V.T. SCREEN WOMS #812 RUN NATIONAL Elronzcx cooEs As WELL As ALL Local caoEs. ~. � •'� •..� �� . (� t/ -s D.A. REDH.71D WEDGE ONLY TO BE USED FOR V.T. SCREEN ROOMS #816 ANCH{ORS WS-1432 0 6" o c T-7 (1) 3i/16" TAP -CONS 24� o% ON ° ' ' SURFACE BURNING CHARACTERS ;S #817 3 4 4 5 3 4 4 5 3 4 SIDES' :'• : '� OF V.T. COMPOSITE P 4 5 3 4 OF ROOM AND (2) AT COLUMNS. 4' .' .e PANEL #�L31 s �L3 t o B 12 �B 10 #s2o �ET2o 810 �� 12 #8 f o �r817 2 4 6 M � _ ..; . • - : 1" 2' 3' 4' 2 �MBED. INTO CONC. SLAB MUST t..:� • ' • � • (17') Max. Max. Max. Ma1':. BE 1.;5' (FOR VA) Flame Spread 10,*s 10** 15 *** 15**': fe • • Fuel Contributed - Non Determinable -- FRAME FOR SLIDING =- 12 S.M.S.2 & 3' ROOM Smoke Developed 130,t*, 1304**e 130«** 130r;,*e�*, GLASS DOORS. DETAIL 2 (2) #5 REBAR *installed In a thickness, or stored it 1 GUTTER SECTION i L/60 12" f r effective fd nsity thickness, Ib/f?indicated, FOR SCREEN ROOMS, CONCRETE SLAB MUST BE A RAIN nr 3 5 N 2500 (3500 FOR VA.) FlOtt'a spread and smoke developed P.S.I.,AN APPROVED VAPOR BARRIER , A MIN. OF G'X IrX # 10 WIRE MESH recorded while material remained in ON A VEGETATION FREE SOIL BASE,AND REMOVE AND REPLACE ALL DELETERIOUS molten9residue anothe �ofurn c�enfof loor SECTION THRU 3" SCREEN ROOM DETAIL 3 ALL WITH GRANULAR FILL COMPOSED OF 95% PROCTOR. resulted in flame travel equivalent tc" SECT/ON THRU 2" SCREEN ROOM VERTICAL SECTION THRU AS N •I osilR� MUST HAVE A MIN, OF 4!*- 25n0 ( (� FOR VA 1 PSI CONCRETE calculated flame spread classificatior SCREEN ROOM WALL SLAB WITH A TuIIN, OF 8"X =12" x 12" FOR VA) FOOTER AND REBAR AS SHOWN. of 15and smoke developed classiflca ion SLAB MUST ALSO MEET SCREEN ROOM SPEC. of over200. 3 ' ROOM " 3" ROOM NOTE: ALL LOCAL, `57ATE,AND NATIONAL CODES MUST BE ** Flame spread and smoke developed 2 & 3 ROOM IN COMPLIANCE ** recorded while material remained #8 x 3/4 HEX. TEK " » the original test position.lgnition of In 2 �' 3 ROOM molten residue on the furnace floor SCREW W/ WASHER resulted in flame travel equivalent to 8 X 3 4" HEX. TEK SCI's calculated flame spread classification of 70and smoke developed classification ADJUSTABLE of over 450. w WASHER ® 12" o c ROOF Adjustable Header Recciver � / WALL MOUNT *** Flame spread and smoke developed PANELS NOTE: Caulk ALL Joints, Edges, & Fasteners 3' .4',or 6' Roof Section *** recorded while material remained In SLOPE the original test position. Ignition of molten residue on the furnace floor /k%djuatable Wall Receiver Adjustable Gutter resulted in flame travel equivalent tc calculated flame spread classification of 85 and smoke developed classifico'lon FOR SCREENS. REFER TO Header Receiver Adjustable Fascia of over 450. CHART #1 FOR 7 PSF AND " ADJUSTABLE AND CHART # 2 FOR CORRECT Typical Ir values Roof systems I ADJUSTABLE RIDGE BEAM SPACING OF VERTI�,ALS USING APPROVED CAULKING MUST BE ,a x 4' or III x 4 ,/ EPS OR w ex Hd. with Neoprene EPS ECK TYPE EPS COMPOSIT EXISTING WALL HEADER HEIGHT AS THE CONTRIBUTING USED AS SEALANT BETWEEN o sMs ca!1 Nut o ,4' O.C.o.cii STRUCTURE SILL EXTRUSION AND CONCRETE 10 .05 .(13 LROOF FACTOR T C ACTOR ROOF PANEL ADJUSTABLE 8M Cr ELEVATION OR DISTANCE M-%L DECKS o90 047 0�9 ABOVE GRADE TO BE IN R PANEL WALL HEADER � Prr•t ED crPsuM (2 t/Z) .077 .043 .o to FASCIA ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL LPHTWEIGHT CONCRETE .072 .042 .017 FOR GLAZED UNITS,, REFER (,-1/2) 1 GUTTER TO NOTE # 2 USIN:, ONLY PGT BUILDING CODES 9M N CONCRETE (4') .067 .048 .0,'9 N _ ( ) .063 .045 .0• .9 DETAIL A DETAIL B �- UNITS, ALL CAN BE REFERENCED 4" CONCRETE SLAB - N,.. CALCULATIONS BASED ON ASHRAE WINDBOOK I GUTTER SECTION FASCIA SECTION 1s' TO TEST DATA # 1.- 45557 MTL 6 X 6 - 10 X 10 W.W.M. P,.^EiwREs AND A55UME WINTER HEAT FLOW cavomcvs. AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST 10" X 161FOOTING W/(2) 1" DIA. WASHER WITH SEALANT - #s coNnNuous THICKNESS R VALUE C FAC70R I � - - - - - -•1 r----� (IN VA. TO 2' 8.3 .12 BY VINYL TECH, AND #10 S.M.S. FROST LINE.) 2 1/r 10.4 X 4' (4) PER PANEL AS SHOWN -�" 3' 12 4 .10 I ON ROOF PLANS. SCREEN ROOM ! 4" 1/r 14.6 .08 T t� .08 �I ! 51 20.8 .05 w/ ADJUSTABLE PITCH SCREEN ROOM wry/ RIDGE BEAM 25.0 .04 TYPICAL FRONT ELEVATION Sub)frame Receiver IT' TYPICAL SIDE ELEVATION 332 •� gOTE VALUES BASED ON THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY i ' C I o s u re (K) OF 0.24 AT 40 F MEAN TEST MIPEtATUA E FOR NOM/NAL 1.0 PCF DIENSITY EPS. 3" ROOM �ljustable Corner #12 S.M.S. ROOF PLANS A 8 x 3/4" Hex pECIGNED TO WITHSTAND UP TO///zz_o ihzK' O.C.H6TEK Screw 120 MPH FASTEST MILE WIND LOADS IN BOTH UPLIFT AND LATERALLY IN I I I I I #8 TEK SCREW Male Receiver 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ® 12" O/C Female Receiver I' b.� s ACCORDANCE WITH SBCCI REPORT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Y, ara'�fFa A, #O8Yo I I A I I r r COPY AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Floor Receiver ," "'"'„� (2) 1/e DIA. REDHEAD WEDGE I I I ( I I I I I I ( I I I 3/16" TOGGLES OR ANCIIORS WS-1432 0 8" C.C. I I I I I I I 1 14 'x 2' Tapcon (Concrete) or n I(?�• I I 3 16" TAP -CONS ®,12" t o r Hex Washer Hd. Screw ° i _ I I I I I I I I I I I / ce ' of his E�� �s� 3 (1) 3/16" TAPCON BTWN COLUMNS. I I I I 1 I REF. I I I I REF.I =_� C.C. FOR C.B.S. BLD"G. l0 4:' from ea. end a le O.C. Existing Deck or Foundation �'� a 2 3/1f TAPCONS ®24" C.C. ON SIDES SPAN I I I I SPAN I I I I I REF. I I I I I I I REF. CS�•=CONCRETE BLOCK #��? it�`� ,0 t C'� $ite n r, t � OF i:OOM AND (2) AT COLUMNS. i 48E ATE) I I CHARTS. I I I I CHARTS. I I I I I CHARTS. I I I I I I SPAN / CCO CONSTRUCTION. � �; �, ��,� i � Lion MUSE BE INTO CONCRETE SLAB ( I I I I I CHARTS. 3 V Masi BE 1.s I I I I I I N I I I I I I I Q s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It's �� I I I I I I I II I I I II A 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION A -A S.M.S. _ - - - -1- -1 - Revisions. e e o o --- o e e o�o o e o� e o e o e o 0 0 -o o e o -- - -�- -�- » 0 0 0 0 o e + e e ° ' ' - -I- - - CI 2 ROOM -ogressive tech gy • 2'- 48' MA7L WIDTH I OVER HANG a learn• ft &dsu. eAs„A, . d sess■r t oemn am 'r 'T 'rJ _L I I 2'- W/ABOVE Material: Classification: Prod. Category. Series Model: Item: Sheet: DETAIL C TYP. INSTALLATION c� NO'a � SPAN TYP. ALUM. I VERTICAL SECTION THRU O GUTTER FLAT TO WALL AT FRONT O G '- " ,j NOTE' THE INF ^0Wn Dote: Description: 2 ' 3 1 OF, 2 ORMATION, !DESIGN OR DATA CONTAINED HEREIN IS R' 3/8/95 FASCIA FLAT TO WALL AT SIDES UTTER L 6 AT FRONT FASCIA FLAT ALONG WHEN USING TOTAL ROOM THE EXCLUSIVE PRTOPERTY OF VINYL T2=CH., INC. AND IS Revised By: Date: SCREEN ROOM WALL. FASCIA FLAT AT SIDES FRONT AND SIDES. PACKAGE MAXIMUM PANEL FASCIA OVERHANG 2'-6" AT CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY No PORI 2 & 3 PATIO SCREEN R 0 0 SEE C rTAILS FRONT AND 1 '-6" EACH SIDE. OF 7H/S DOCUMENTT MAY BE USED OR REPRODUCED IN 1 WIDTH IS 48". ANY FORM WITHOUTT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION co/e: Vendor Na.:ze: rowing o.: OF WNYL TECH., IIITC. Rev.: __- °-- N.T.Se VT1692-1 D // POLYSTYRENE 4 1/2" OR 6 1/2" O.S.B. DECKING DOUBLE 2 x 6 LUMBER FIGURE A - SIDE VIEW pop w Aj PDOUBLE FOUNDATION E 2 x 6 I RUNNERS d POST i f \MYOTBETAN NECESSARY CHECK W LOAD CHART. � r FIGURE C - SIDE VIEW GROUND LEVEL r4"x6" LG. ►L CLEATS. II it II CHECK WITH SPECIFICBUILDING I I I I I I FOR FOOTERPARTMENT REQUIREMENT !DC1 LJ E1 MIN. = 2.4 K SIDE ELEVATION CHECK LOCAL I 1 � WOLM. POST BEYOND. —1 CODES------=---------------------� II POLE BUILDING NEW CONCRETE _L FOOTINGS 12" TRENCH FTG. ROUND BY 4 DEEP. r% 1 r1 r-- r-1 r-1 / A T / /1 A / EXISTING STRUCTURE 3/4' �— LUMBER O.S.B. DECKING i POLYSTYRENE I THERMADECK PANEL FIGURE B -TOP VIEW LUMBER LOCATION OF FIRST LUMBER THERMADECK PANEL _ FOUNDATION C-0� RUNNERS Cl)ORE / FOUNDATION RUNNERS POST NOTE: FOUNDATION RUNNERS MUST BE 1/2" BELOW I THE LUMBER ON THE k EXISTING STRUCTURE. FIGURE D - FRONT VIEW REFERENCE SPAN CHARTS ON EXISTING V7--1692-1 FOR PROPER OVERHANG THICKNESS, DENSITY AND ALUM. SKIN THICKNESS. BEARING HT. ALUM. POSTS & SCREENS 2"x 10" S. P. ( 2"x4"x6" 4"x6" HEADER NAIL CLEAT w WOLM�� I I 6-30d NAILS/ POST 48' ON BOTH SIDES. MAX. B.C. II II II II II r—r_1 /i A/ T r— 1 r-1 / A T 1 /-\ A l DOUBLE 2x6 BOLTED TO HOUSE. LUMBER 1 x 6 / FASCIA BOARD 2 x 10 FOUNDATION RUNNER LIVE LOAD (SNOW) 9# SF. SUN ROOM LIVE LOAD DIAGRAM ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE 3000 psf ALLOWABLE STRESSES CONCRETE 3000 psf WIND 80 mph EXP B BOCA 20 psf GROUND LIVE LOAD 50 psf FLOOR LIVE LOAD 60 psf ROOF LIVE LOAD SEE DIA. ERRING PRESSURE: 3000 ps '_LOWABLE STRESSES ONCRETE: 3000 psi IND 80MPH ICC BOCA: 35 ps _nnR I nAn• an .,,-,, CHECK ' LOCAL I �— A CODES I L---------- ---------------------- NEW CONCRETE TRENCH FTG. FRONT ELEVATION 7,-6" WALL HT. CHECK LOCAL 4 x 6 POST 2 x 6 WOOD JOffi4ER 4 112 OR 6 112 THERMADECK PANEL 1 x 6 FASCIA BOARD Manufactures of Quality Vnyl Enclosures THERMADECK FLOOR SYSTEM 48" x 3 5/8" E.P.S. & 6 5/8" E.P.S. WITH (2) 15/32 0. S. 61. LAMINATES 48" x 3 5/8" E.P.S. WITH (2) 1,5/32 O.S.B. LAMINATFS 1. l FAR .SPAN I P mr_Tu _ / .6 L 2 10 P.S.F. 15 P.S.F. 20 P.S.F. 25 P.S.F. 30 P.S.F. 35 P.S.F. 40 P.S.F. 45 Aar 50 P.S.F. 55 Aar 60 Aar 65 P.S.F. 70 P.S.F. 75 P.S.F- 80 P.S.F. 85 P.S:F- 90 P.S.F. 95 P.S.F. 100 P.S F- 3.625' 1# FOAM 2 E4. 15 32 0SB 2._ 2'- 1•— 1'-0 0•- o•- 9•-6' 9'-0" 8'-6" 8'-0" 48" x 3 5/8" E.P.S. WITH (2) 15/32 O.S.B. LAMINATES CLEAR SPAN LF-Nr, TN = L/360 P.S.F. P.S.F. Aar P.S.F. P.S.F. P.S.F. P S.F. P.S.F P S.F. P.S.F. P.S.F. P.s FF P.S.F. P.S.F. I P.S.F. P.S.F. P.S F. P.S.F. P. 3.2# FOAM 2 sr 15 E4.32 SB 3'-6 2'— 2'— P— 11-4 1'-0 0'— 0'— '-1 9'-8" 9'-6" 9'-4 9'-0" 8'—Ir I8'-6' 8'-4" 8'-0" 7'—ir 6'-0" 48" x 6 518" E.P.S. WITH (2) 15/.0 n c P I AA1lMATr-c /'`I r-AD COAAI I C-­­ = L/360 10 P.S F. 15 P.S F. 20 Aar 25 Aar 30 P.S.F. 35 P.S.F. 40 P.S.F. 45 P-S F- 50 Aar 60 P.S.F. 65 Aar 70 P.S.F. 75 I P.S.F.-. 80 p S F. 85 P.S.F. 90 P.S.F- 95 P.S.F. 100 P.S.F. 6. E2# FOAM 2EA. 15320S ALUM. POST CONCRETE SLAB 8"x CONC. TRENCH FTG. REFERENCE MANUFACTURER VERSA LAM. BEAM FOR SPECIFIC LOAD REQUIREMENT AND SPAN AND ATTACH TO PRINT. NEW REINF. CONC. SLAB ON COMPACTED FILL MATCH EXIST'G. FLOOR ELEV_ #5 x 18" DOWEL ® 24" 4x6 WOLM. POST BEYOND TYP. (2) '►I I I I CHECK LOCA'l II CODES POLE BUILDING I I FOOTINGS 12" ROUND BY 4 DEEP. I /•1 A I A A -SECTION 01001 STANDARDS ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE AND CARRIED ON IN ACCORDAVCE WITH ALL GOVERNING (FEDERAL, COUNTY, TOWNSHIP, CITY, ETC.) AW ACCREDITED AUTHORITATIVE AGENCIES AS LISTED IN THE APPENDICES 0,7 BUILDING OFFICIALS AND CODE ADMINISTRATORS INTERNATIONAL, INC. (BOCA) CODE, LATEST EDITION. SECTION 01002 - REQUIREMENTS A. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK AND VERIFY � LL EXISTING CONDITIONS AT THE SITE OF THE WORK, PRIOI\ TO BEGINNING WORK AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAME. B. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO NOTIFY ARCHITECT/ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IN WRITING IF EXISTING CONDITIONS INVALIDATE THE DRAWINGS OR WHEN QUESTIONS ARISE REGARDING THE INTENT OF THE DRAWINGS. C. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO SECURE ALL NECESS�'RY PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES OF INSPECTION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK. D. ANY DEVIATIONS FROM THESE DRAWINGS WITHOUT THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER'S WRITTEN PERMISSION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND/OR THOSE SO DIRECTING HIM. E. GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO NOTIFY ARCHITECT/ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY, IN WRITING, WHEN REQUESTED, AND PRIOR TO PERFORMING THE WORK OF ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS FOUND IN THE ARCHITECT'S/ENGINEER'S DOCUMENTS. F. PROVIDE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER WITH FIVE SETS OF SHOP DRAWINGS OF ALL WORK FOR HIS CHECKING AND APPROVAL. G. ALL SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL GIVE A ONE (1) YEAR WRTTEN GUARANTEE OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP FROM DA7: OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. H. DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE OF MATERIALS SHALL BE PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. J. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS BY WORKMEN WITH ADEQUATE TRAINI�.'G AND EXPERIENCE WITH RESPECTIVE MATERIALS. CARPENTRY A. BCI-VERSA-LAM SHALL BE MOLT -LAYERED LAMINATED KOOD- SOUTHERN PINE VENEERS WITH Fb=2800 psi AND E=2, 000, 000 psi. B. SIZE AND LOADING ARE SHOWN ON PLANS. C. DIMENSIONAL LUMBER SHOWN ON PLANS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: STUDS: SPF #2 OR BETTER JOISTS AND RAFTERS: SYP #2 OR BETTER BEARING DOUBLE TOP PLATES: SYP #2 OR BETTER OTHER: HEM -FIR #2 OR BETTER D. ALL JOISTS SHALL BE SIZED AND STAMPED GRADED AS SHOWN ON PLANS. E. GRADING - LUMBER: WESTERN WOOD PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION PLYWOOD/WOOD PANELS: AMERICAN PLYWOOD ASSOCIATION F. ALL LUMBER IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE, MASONRY, ANP MORTAR SHALL BE PRESERVATIVE TREATED LUMBER (WOLMANIZED.) G. ALL LUMBER AND PLYWOOD SHALL BE GRADE STAMPED. FRAMING LUMBER: S4S CONSTRUCTION GRADE PLYWOOD: CD EXTERIOR GRADE DOUGLAS FIR, PLYSCORE H. POSTS: SOUTHERN PINE, DOUGLAS FIR, WOLMANIZED TREATED, SMOOTH ON ALL FOUR SIDES, Fb= 1200 psi MINIMUM. AL POSTS SHALL HAVE TWO WOLMANIZED, 2x6x 10 CLEATS FASTENED AT THE BOTTOM IN A MANNER AS TO PREVENT FROST HEWING OR SETTING. PLACE 90# GRAVEL MIX UNDER POST. J. POST HOLES: POST HOLES SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO SIZES AND DEPTHS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. K. HANGERS AND CONNECTORS SHALL BE SIMPSON STRONG TILE OR EQUAL AS FOLLOWS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.: COLUMN BASE - "CB" SERIES POST CAP - "PC" SERIES HANGERS FOR VERSA LAM. BEAM.-"HHU"SERIES L. RAFTER SUPPORT BEAMS: ARE DOUBLE, ONE ON EACH Sj.)E OF POST WITH STUD BRACKETS. LUMBER GRADE TO BE #2 E-)• YELLOW PINE UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE ON PLANS. FASTENER NAILS SHALL BE MINIMUM 30d x 0.177 HARD&ED DEFORMED -SHANK SPIKES. progressive technology NMU& ww of ooatr MCI Fi ume ��,. 9t 9hmabd ! OsEan Y� Mdb w Classification: Prod. Category: Series Model: Sheet: ALUM. 7 27, 3" Item: 2 OF 2 Date: Description: 3/8/95 SCREE � ' Date: NROOM FOR MI�H. STD S co e: Vendor No.: Sze: rowing ^: Rev.: N.T.S. VT1692-2D .