Cease & Desist �-�•_ Town of Dartmouth Building Department (---- y: tZ ){'*WO s= 400 Slocum Rd, P.O. Box 79399. Dartmouth,MA 02747-0985 Tel: 508-910-1820 Fax:508-910-1838 ,�; ``.:..la..; Joel S. Reed Director of Inspectional Services Letter of Violation and Order to Cease, Desist and Abate: Michael J. Scott&Brenda J. Desmarais and all persons having notice of this order, As owner/occupant of the premises/structure located at 75 Pine Island Rd. Assessor's Map 79 Lot 25 you are hereby notified that you are in violation of the Town of Dartmouth Zoning By-law and are ORDERED this date Tuesday, May 01,2007 to: 1. CEASE AND DESIST, all functions connected with this violation on or at the above-mentioned premises by 6/1/07. 2. SUMMARY OF VIOLATION: Town of Dartmouth Zoning By-law Single Residence B District Sec. 4B. 200 allowed Uses. 3. COMMENCE immediately, action to abate this violation. It is the determination of the Town of Dartmouth Building & Zoning Department that this property is in violation of Sec. 4B.200 Allowed Uses. Operating a business in a single residence B district, is not an allowed use. 4. SUMMARY Of ACTION TO ABATE: Bring property into full compliance with town of Dartmouth Zoning By-laws 5. DEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE: 6f1/07 Dartmouth Zoning By-law Section 27.402 A "Letter of Violation" shall, and a "Ticket" may, provide a deadline for compliance which deadline may be extended if, in the opinion of the ZEO, the offender is proceeding with due diligence to comply. If the offender is not in compliance as described in the "Letter of Violation" after the deadline has passed, the ZEO shall issue a "Ticket" for the violations and may also seek compliance through judicial proceedings, including injunctive relief. FILE COPY 2 The offender shall be fined three hundred (300) dollars for each offense that continues after the time for compliance; and each day that the offender fails to comply beyond the deadline for compliance shall constitute a separate offense. And, if aggrieved by this notice and order,to show cause as to why you should not be required to do so,by filing an appeal with the Board of Appeals (specifying the grounds thereof)within 30 days of receipt of this order(in accordance with Chapter 40A Section 8 and 15 of the Massachusetts General Laws. By order, David W. Mattos Local Building Inspector& Zoning Enforcement Officer ,,(;) ,,,e ‘17— CER'11FIED MAIL 7O99 3zz0 0coq &Z22 70 7y 7-1 is.) o , ‘ to iiiit,,,i,ii. i‘i,iiiii " I• t•il ril 0 Ar, ,,...› -i,,:, © eb 0, iiisi4 c*=H.,',. . = .3 M›. •• -s- I-1 e-r<1- •-s) •-•.` C)b 5----t .kas7 as ,'-'s 0:1...,-,p,.i.,- — -,•.].) 00 rtvn - 0 tc.34t11,--•-:., tM x ›. po s•s:•-'..,, c.t:1.-,--s.s-s-s• ,.,,,,,,,,,,, -- .ss•l. bi-, 'cs •-074 .. n4 .... i;'''', •i *3 i-,,,S' '''''rii rii „ ,„„", z - 4 pz .•.:.,- :-.''''F r, i'f'.. -•,.* ›- •, ‘-,,'",,,,'' b'''iii:i g 11 4,-,' ,te ii.:no .3 ..„ 06: .. . ... , . , oc -.. .-;.-.-,--.------- .g.-- ...„ - , y, .....„ to,..e....! n ,,,..•,-,..,.. EA., .. ,, = _ . --w t., =..., f 9 .'''.',•1Z, Dn -, s•n - ----:a AD S . , Dow,-,z, ^, ,,,'' 0 Ca, sisss.is- = e.T.: ..tt • ,- ci. .... , ....-....., „1.. s*, ...........,.....41:.-' brs C71-Z ..'' • ,,,„.:::. , ,.., ,....i :to' 4, sir cz' ci I*1 :....3 tTi„...3 c,<=5 E,-, ek•• o . c o •:..,., .ttl' X A z...e. , .u. 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' r,,,,,,,: ,._,,:,,,,.w..„i"hw, .,104,..,,,, s t r �84+ ;r ". .;y t;a� .. s , TOWN OF N E OF OFFENDER h 1L /;/ L , -. sfa0T� ,e3et-A--LLt4 10t" C Aiselir , DAR 0 11 DARTMOUTH AI/ i OF OFF,E C. . e A I.- ,° C) CITY,STATE,ZIP CODE "f DATE OF BIRTH OF OFFENDER MV OPERATOR LICENSE NUMBER MV/MB REGISTRATION NUMBER w a • O NSE 0 a /0 U'. A' 6, I'J O/5111' I,e)7�*'4'r"/1 „ .!%d;. i-- .r f_" !y -,4 i- !r ,r�r, . j� ,.;• W NOTICE OF r ,r 6 , ' . u '' < C, .c ) . , ' Z VIOLATION TI.ME AND E 0 VIOLATION + y LO ATJAN OF LATION y f OF TOWN I/ 4� Z (A.M./P.M.)ON, k::_,ff/ .20C,7 S ,, i- ! .`r e"-m.- r� . — fIII A BY-LAW OR SIGNATURE9F EENF RCING-PERSON/,j' ENFQRCING DEPT. BADGE NO. REGULATION I EREBB''Y ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF CITATION X °w' I- - Unable to obtain sig 'ture f offender. THE NONCRIMINAL FINE FOR THIS OFFENSE IS $ _ 6/r d Date mailed L w YOU HAVE THE FOLLOWING AL RNATIVES WITH REGARD TO DISPOSITION OF THIS MATTER.EITHER OPTION(1)OR OPTION(2)WILL OPERATE AS A W FINAL DISPOSITION WITH NO RESULTING CRIMINAL RECORD. 4.* - ,(1) You may elect to pay the above fine,either by selecting by appearing in person between 8:30 A.M.and 4:30 P.M.,Monday through Friday,legal holidays excepted,before the Q selectman's office 400 Slocum Road,Dartmouth,MA or by mailing a check,money order or postal note to selectman's office 400 Slocum Road,Dartmouth,MA,WITHIN J - TWENTY-ONE(21)DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE. 0. (2) If you desire to contest this matter in a noncriminal proceeding,you may do so by making written request to Third District.Court 75 N.Sixth Street,New Bedford,MA 02740, Alt 21D Noncriminal Hearings and enclose a copy of this citation for a hearing. (3) If you fail to pay the above offense or request a hearing within 21 days,or if you fail to appear for the hearing or to pay any fine determined at the hearing to be due,criminal complaint may be issued against you. 1 I HEREBY ELECT the first option above,confess to the offense charged,and enclose payment in the amount of$ Signature vsc-�.. .n .-. "�v Z.iL.dr..+�-a.. 'i2v i•'h.cE .L,v:Li�.aua. .._. ., _��r_....,..�..,.. -sue..,.,_._. .._. _,_s.r.�.,..Y sue__,�..;i_.z -�,a..s.._.'. .... _. ...'T « . . • . ,ft ' I 'fir i , HRP I ` 1 • • j • - . ` r. w' f • L r. � x , ' i z• Q=rk . 1 ' a ' s 4{ - r du 4 ,� f, i) p o , � YYe, j�!_4,, w,r ,• ,. ¢ 2 a a { _ ''�s. _ - 'f >K "sii�l- y p i 4A.100 PURPOSE The purpose of Single Residence A Districts is to: preserve the rural character of the Town by maintaining low and moderate population density. minimize congestion on Town roads. - provide uses compatible with on-site sewage disposal and water supply capabilities. minimize the impact of development on natural resources. allow the use of property without creating a nuisance to abutting properties. provide for certain non-residential uses which are compatible with the residential setting. 4A.200 ALLOWED USES The following uses are allowed in Single Residence A Districts: 4A.20 1 Single Family Dwelling A single building or portion thereof that provides living quarters for one family. The living quarters may or may not include cooking, sleeping or sanitary facilities but generally provides space for people to live. The living quarters shall be clearly designed for use by one family which forms a single housekeeping unit. Indications of a single housekeeping unit may consist of but not be limited to shared: living spaces,cooking,sanitary facilities,use of utilities or table board. Where multiple facilities such as kitchens, baths, or living rooms are provided in a single- family home,they shall only be allowed in such a manner so that they cannot be partitioned into separate,family living quarters,unless as allowed in these by-laws. 4A.202 Garages,Sheds&Storage Buildings A building or structure used primarily for the purpose of storage, sheltering motorized vehicles and boats, or as a workshop provided that such building or structure shall not be used for business, service or industry except as allowed in these by-laws for such uses as home occupations,home educational uses,etc. Each garage,shed,or storage building shall be limited to a maximum foundation footprint of 1,500 square feet. Barns,stables, and other buildings for agricultural uses are exempt from this limit. In addition, garages accessory to a residence are allowed to exceed the footprint limit by up to 1/3 the area of the residential living space. 4A.203 Renting of Rooms Within a single-family dwelling, rooms may be rented to a maximum of two additional persons. The accommodations of these two additional persons shall be within the living quarters of the resident owner,sharing the same cooking, sanitary facilities and table board. A resident owner is defined as the person or entity that owns the fee to the property and occupies the premises. i 4A-2 ❑ ,SUMMONS FOR DEFENDANT DOCKET NUMBER Trial Court of Massachusetts UMMONS FOR WITNESS District Court Department SESSION: ❑ CRIMINAL 0 JUVENILE ❑ JURY Wi4AGISTRATE HEARING NAME AND ADDRESS OF COURT DIVISION NAME,ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF DEFENDANT New Bedford District Court r N/Gdd-a"g G� _1N North Sixth Street YOu MRST �/��, New Bedford, MA 02740 TH APPAR AT SECOURT ADDRESS ON THE DATE DATE AND TIME OF APPEARANCE AND TIME SPECIFIED /� HEREIN (/ W AT -%S M. DATE TI NAME,ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF WITNESS OFFENSE(S) �� 7 9c3 726, L GG^2 ,V! ,I't��' , 07 ea7V j TO ANY PERSON AUTHORIZED TO SERVE CRIMINAL PROCESS IN THE COMMONWEALTH: You are hereby commanded to forthwith serve the annexed summons upon the defendant or witness named within by delivering it to the defendant or witness personally,or by leaving it at the dwelling house or usual place of abode of the defendant or witness with some person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein, or by mailing it to the last known address of the defendant or witness. NOTE: A summons for a witness may also be served by any person authorized to serve a summons in a civil ac- tion. See Rule 17 (d) (1) of the Massachusetts Rules of CriminalProcedure. To the above named ❑ Defendant C�'Witness: You are hereby ordered to appear in this Court on the appearance date noted above ❑ ��To answer to a criminal complaint charging you with the offense(s) listed above. L� To give evidence and testify on behalf of the Emmonwealth ❑ Defendant in the matter described above, and to appear from time to time and day to day thereafter as ordered. You are further required to bring with you: /s r /.SS/ VV./ ? Xjyr FIRST JUSTICE DATE OF ISSUE CLERK-MAGISTR WITNESS: Hon. Bernadette L. Sabra _/,?-e? I ., RETURN OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I served the within summons upon the above named ❑ Defendant ❑ Witness by ❑ Delivering a copy of it personally to the defendant or witness. ❑ Leaving a copy of it at the dwelling house or usual place of abode of the defendant or witness with a person of suitable age and discretion residing therein. ❑ Mailing a copy of it to the last known address of the defendant or witness. ❑ I received the summons on but I was unable to make service because: DATE RECEIVED DATE OF SERVICE SIGNATURE OF PERSON MAKING SERVICE TITLE OF PERSON MAKING SERVICE X DC-CR-7(1/84) APPLICATION FOR APPLICATION NO.(COURT USE ONLY) PAGE Trial Court of Massachusetts CRIMINAL COMPLAINT v of District Court Department 5 e-E I,the undersigned complainant, request that a criminal complaint issue against the accused charging the offense(s)listed below. If the accused HAS NOT BEEN ARRESTED and the charges involve: New Bedford District Court 75 North Sixth Street ❑ONLY MISDEMEANOR(S), I request a hearing ❑ WITHOUT NOTICE because of an imminent threat of New Bedford,, C2740 0 BODILY INJURY 0 COMMISSION OF A CRIME 0 FLIGHT 0 WITH NOTICE to accused. 0 ONE OR MORE FELONIES, I request a hearing 0 WITHOUT NOTICE ❑ WITH NOTICE to accused. ' ARREST STATUS OF ACCUSED ❑WARRANT is requested because prosecutor represents that accused may not appear unless arrested. 0 HAS 0 HAS NOT been arrested INFORMATION ABOUT ACCUSED NAME(FIRST MI LAST)AND ADDRESS �{ BIRTH DATE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Jj �f tJ# rr� f Y� ( l( ` }.- ///,..r l.',-f ., 41 s ' 9— :, •/ PC MARITAL STATUS xx if'' r = DRIVERS LICENSE NO. STATE r j t' " /'' :1 /' .: > ;a'- r,.„,� ,:,♦/� /;/ ' GENDER HEIGHT WEIGHT EYES HIKIR - RACE COMPLEXION SCARS/MARKS/TATTOOS i-, '1 BIRTH STATE OR COUNTRY ' DAY PHONE /' - icy ,f' j`' ' 1 i EMPLOYER/SCHOOL MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME(FIRST MI LAST) FATHER'S NAME(FIRST MI LAST) CASE INFORMATION COMPLAINANT NAME(FIRST MI LAST) rf COMPLAINANT TYPE PD " '=/r,' -' :-, 7 - '❑ POLICE ❑ CITIZEN 111-0-THER - ADDRESS r _ r I PLACEFEN ) OF OFFENSE .,. s�, I, sfi f ! i' INCIDENT REPORT NO. OBTN__ OFFENSE CODE DESCRIPTION ,--'` '" . "d / c.. OFFENSJp 1 -' -'(- C' ,//,. . ;_ .f; ,/'; .. -i // / , �' Iy .:r v,! 7.` *=",7? �"' 1 r ,l.,,j J ..-,1 VARIABLES(e.g. victim name,controlled substance,type and value of properly other variable information;see Complaint Language Manual) OFFENSE CODE DESCRIPTION OFFENSE DATE 2 VARIABLES OFFENSE CODE DESCRIPTION OFFENSE DATE `; VARIABLES REMARKS COMP ANT' SIGNATURE DATE FILED COURT USE ONLY A HEARING UPON THIS COMPLAINT APPLICATION DATE OF HEARING TIME OF HEARING COURT USE ONLY O. WILL BE HELD AT THE ABOVE COURT ADDRESS ON} �` -.!,' f AT f / t DCCR-2(08/04) CO iP ATNANT'S COPY