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Permit No. BP-84046 BUILDING PERMIT` GIS#: 4205.00 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Map: 0079 TOWN OF DARTMOUTH Lot: 0021 400 Slocum Road,Dartmouth,MA 02747 Sub-Lot: 0000 Phone:(508)910-1820 • Fax:(508)910-1838 Category: NEW DWELLING Project# JS-2017-001923 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Est.Cost: $162000.00 /0//acontractor: License: Phone#.: Fee: $980.00 1OBERT G FERREIRA CS-012318 (508)763-2624 Const.Class: Engineer. License: Phone#.: Use Group: R3 5� Lot Size(sq.ft.) 40565 App want. Phone#: ,. "'.' Zoning: SRB INFINITY LANDSCAPING&CONSTRUCTION LLC (508)763 2624,..w-"" Aquifer Zone: ZONE 3 lJ Flood Zone: ZONE X OR7VER: ROGERS WALTER E&ALIC IFE ESTATE r G' /Z New Const.: 3,320 sq.ft. ► ' Alt.Const: N/A DATE ISSUED: 7 2, 1 Date Typed: 02-03-2017 / , /) 4//2 61//7 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:a fda' / /z aceiii Set a new single family m•a ar dwelling with two bedrooms, one full bath, kitchen, dining room, living room, two bonus rooms and fi re b,th on 2nd flo'r unfinished basement, NO DECKS, well water, septic system, gas heat- RECHARGE SYSTE ,l , NE ISL� lotion ' Approved/Issued By: tiv ` /1 DAVID BRUNE ' ,LOCAL BUILDI` INSP OR All work shall comply with 780 CMR 8TH Ed.(MGL Chap.143)and anyother applicable Mass. aws or C. •d plans on file. P Y P PP Schedule appropriate inspections as required. Upon completion,final inspection is required. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdiction are not met; not withstanding the issuance of this Building/Zoning Permit. Signature of Owner/Agent: - :, "Persons contracting with unregistered contractors do not have access to the guaranty fund(as set forth in MGL c.142A)" Inspector of Inspector of D.P.W.Inspector Building Inspector Inspector of Gas Fire Department Plumbing Wiring Water Service#: Footings: Underground: Oil: Underground: Service: Foundation: Rough: Smoke: Rough: Rough: Sewer Service#: Rough Frame: I Insulation: Final: Final: Final: Cross Connection Final: Final: Board of Health E-911 Additional Comments: Planning Board Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy/Completion,this card must be returned to the Building Department with all necessary inspections signed off. Department phone numbers are listed on the white"Required Inspections"document provided with the issuance of the building permit. POST CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET TOWN OF DARTMOUTH • F . - BUILDING DEPARTMENT RECEIPT 84232 PHONE: 508-910-1820 FAX:"508-910-18-38 ? ! t i1' Fit' 1 f 1. t #t '' a. Naxri'e: ,�i ne'r• i` r r"- �.� �.,..1''rbperty Ow .-� , :�s.;..,�"_� 1�a Job Loc Lion: ! /5 `— P,,,, . ie'''' it,..„,......... Map: 7/ Lot: 241 Description General Ledger#'s Ref. # f Amount Building &Building Misc. 01000-44105 = Electrical 01000-44106 ti Jry U, Plumbing & Gas 01000-44107 01 Trench Safety 01000-44129 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 White-Collector's Office Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt Pink Copy-Building Department Received'B� p" i t, i,i ,-1,- I THIS IS NOT A PERMITILICENSE FOR BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING OR GAS TOWN OF DARTMOUTH -' ILDING DEP TMENT RECEIPT _ 84046 r' PHONE: 508-910-1820 FAX: 508, 0- 38 I '''of \ , " , . i"„/Jy { ,4(.....:(.44 fJ f, Namef ' / _ 2, 0/, (/p Yt:` ✓ rt O mer: 'lj -,,-Z, ate/ l/ /LJob Location: r. r ' rap: _l Lo Description General Ledger#'s Ref. # Amount Building & Building Misc. 01000-44105 1' r°'� "i NBT Electrical 01000-44106 �o`( Ili Plumbing & Gas 01000-44107 Trench Safety 01000-44129 ` Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 6 oe- } / / White-Collector's Office Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt Pink Copy-Building Depaitment Received By THIS IS NOT A PERMIT/LICENSE FOR BUILDING,ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING OR GAS IIESIBENTIAL1 0 Phased Approval(R106.3.3) be APPLICATION FEE IS NON RE-FUNDABLE&NON-TRANSFERABLE C,urh. DATE RECEIVED ""''r 7 . DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT >: N, 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 1:// - ?`' j, Dartmouth, MA 02747 6.:sy Phone: 508-910-1820 Fax: 508-910-1838 www.town.dartmouth.ma.us = APF:ATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY : Weik.76.. RECEIVED gl BUILDING PERMIT NUMBE DATE ISSUED: 2/3 /7 SIGNATURE; � 7�✓ DATE: / l Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings r Zoning Di- ,F,1;:,stri• ct: S R.6 Proposed Use: r Zone: X ❑ B El 0 V Aquifer Zone: 3 ns I T E FOLLOWING AGENCIES SHOULD BEblOTIFIED: on ❑Board of Board of Cons. 0 Demo ❑DPW 0 Elec. 0 Energy Report If Appeals Health Commission Affidavit Card Sent: Cut Off Follow-up* ❑Fire 0 Gas 0 Planning 0 Sewer Card 0 Water Card 0 Zoning 0 Other Chief Cut Off Board Cut Off Cut Off *REQUIRES INSPECTOR'S REVIEW BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT. DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL i ' 7 / rd f Health: Signature: (6 e � Date: �/ 3 2 K) 'L1IIf 66 Ii �rvation Commission: Signature: (Q, Date: Other: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Signature: rii?.L.it i-`N as rjco 0IL&iv(, . Date: f. 3a -J7 Brief description of work being performed: 1 Qi i \Q4 2,, SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: j i >I 9`., kr,c{ R 'nC1 1.2 Assessors Map 8 Lot Number: Lot Area(sf.) .`I 0 AA Frontage A 0 tz, Map .I I Lot .i.I - R uir Provided Front Yard to C` b 1- *" 1.3 Historical District El Yes liNo Side Yard 4(-3 (,y).. Year Built Rear Yard ;,G 0 Altering more than 25%per side of building i 1.4 Water Supply(MGL c40 s54): 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? ❑Municipal [Private Well 0 Municipal ion Site Disposal System 0 Yes 0 No Date: Revised 10/11 ❑ CONSTRUCTION PLANS ❑ SITE PLAN 0 ENERGY REPORT RESIDENTIAL SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner Record: l'{ Sc1' J"'{ s---- c_ sE ', A L:je or lk ik' .,l- ( {,ccRol trs Ojr-i"lly {� Name(print) Contact Address Phone Number I J err,/ ` o q.rs �1'- - I-i L 'I — 2.2 Authorized Agent .�;� i—e t-re i% i2 e; 1./4 .ter )9. )(A!..5trr ,rtf. 3 5r/7' 3 -24�`, Name(print) Contact Address Phone Number SECTION 3-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor/Specialty License: License Number: $ ic.2.3 %, Company Name/Contractor Name: 1r.nity 1�andSca1,,., 4- C1� 1-+r .fret Address: .,, 49,/V, -St- 4- .),t5 ter ri' Expiration Date: Signature: Telephone:.ScA ;24..3.2 „11 t/ /J,,,, k 3.2 Homeowner Exemption-One&Two Family Only Section 110.R5.1.3.1 Exception: FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section;provides that if a Homeowner ,„, engages a person(s)for hire to do such work,that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only,a"Homeowner"is defined as follows: Person(s)who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is,or is intended to be,a one or two family dwelling,attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. N If you are applying under this section sign below: Signature: SECTION 4-WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(MGL c 152§25) Worker's Compensation Insurance Affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: Yes 0 No SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(Check all applicable) 0 Deck 0 Pool 0 Repairs 0 Alteration 0 Chimney/Fireplace 0 Woodstove/Pellet Stove 1$1 New Construction' 0 Acc spry Bldg. 0 Roofing/Siding ❑Other (Energy report required) ( Gaarage) (Specify below) 0 Addition 0 Replacement window/door 0 Demolition (Energy report required) No.of windows Doors (Specify below) If new construction,please complete the following: Single Family: No.of Bedrooms No.of Baths I Two Family: No of Bedrooms Unit 1 No.of Baths Unit 1 No of Bedrooms Unit 2 No. of Baths Unit 2 0 Furnace(hot air)-fuel gas(natural or propane),fuel oil,electricity,other(specify): Boiler(heating)-fuel gas(natural or propane),fuel oil,electricity,other(specify): T.!1 leHVAC(combined unit)-primary fuel,natural gas,propane,electricity,other(specify): iirop/?`G' o Air conditioning-(separate unit) C None of the above to be provided r� i '0 Hot tamer: Gas Electric ?1 t9�r t I Fuel Oil Other r.. SECTION 6-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST Item Estimated Cost($)to be completed by permit applicant 1. Building %, � no() 2. Electrical Ge,' 3. Plumbing 3 600 4. Mechanical(HVAC) 5. Total=(1 +2+3+4) /,6, ewe) SECTION 7A-OWNER AUTHORIZATION (to be completed when owner's agent or contractor applies for building permit) (Please Print t rr f 'J ,as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize 11.:rt 1-e r rc%Rt to act on behaatfI in all matters I ive o work uthorized by this building permit application. tct I-1 Signatu Owner , Date SECTION JB OWNER/AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION I, t�..r {�r_rre-t fa. ,as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under t pains an nettles of perjury. Signet er/Authorized Agent Date SECTION 8-OFFICE/INSPECTOR'S NOTES ® Less Application Fee: $25.00 Remaining Balance: $ 757 Total Permit Fee:$ , Other$Amount$ Gross Area-New Construction total sq.ft. 3 d b Gross Area-Alteration total sq.ft. Permit Issued to:A2.11-6..,, I:e.L4.7- ,. / )2'%L fE�,L c th. t-'h( 2, %- a 36,27zavA' R00.44,ce„-tiellez7‘e... ••te.."21--4 cirri /00 , 6,(4-to-C;n2:44--C)---1 Ader--e-43,0444 gie_A&Ay-- Qrs ,77.7", go c SECTION 9-ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/SKETCHES a 0 if 1(526', -------. t/ 1,61 )1 _gam 1. 1)E- Si 1,1— go.,1-771641/6 i ., liAtz./ne. 0,1t XI 1.- /171/4.4" 47'n id 4 1...0 4/--' t'---7 PO g' 1 1 I 0 /1 ipi 4 . L . liphor Commonwealth of Massachusetts aif Y g �': Manufactured Buildings Program E r Transmittal Form for all correspondences relating to -- , Manufactured Buildings and Building Components To: Linda McAlister factured Buildings Program Phone Number: Date Transmitted Linda.McAlister e.ma.us 508-422-1955 1/03/2017 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Safety Board of Building Regulations and Standards 50 Maple Street, Suite One Milford Massachusetts 01757-3698 The person forwarding this material shall complete the following portion of this transmittal Name of Person Greg Oyster MC Number TPIA Number Transmitting Material 221 02 The following information is being transmitted to the Board of Building Regulations Please indicate the Distinct and Standards and/or the Department of Public Safety for reasons detailed below Model and/or Serial Use (Please check the appropriate box or give a further description of the transmitted Number pertaining to Group items under the section labeled other. Be sure to identify the appropriate Use Group.) transmitted items Building Plans for Review and Approval Building Plans forwarded as a record copy for your files 70787 R 3 (Review not required) /� Revised building plans for review. (Please clearly identify revisions on the plans.) , Revised Building Plans forwarded as a record copy for your files (Review not required-Please clearly identify revisions on the plans.) Compliance Assurance Programs Original Submission Modification to: Calculations Manual Original Submission Modification to: Installation Manual Original Submission Modification to: Systems Drawings Original Submission Modification to: Other-Provide a detailed description of any other materials which are being transmitted. Identify any revisions clearly along with BBRS number. Also, identify the requested action. Site Location: 115 PINE ISLAND ROAD,DARTMOUTH,MA 02714 The office transmitting this information has reviewed the above mentioned and attached materials and has found them,to the best of our knowledge and abilities,to be in compliance with the codes and\or rules and regulations for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts'Manufactured Building Program,as applicable Digitally signed by Renee Moist Re n e e DN:cn=Renee Moist, Signed By o=PFSCorporation, Signed By for TPIA: omail=R oist Region, BBRS No: assigned byMass. for MASS: M O I St email=R PFSCo g IL rporation.Com,c=US Date:2017.01.05 16:39:38-05'00' Print Form , , K... N m R m 6 W F ; ._, M 3 - TX 1tt ca m o DI 3 '! E o .o aEt R• Ho a o f) m y ▪ o . _,, -a r., x 11 v ,i m ' t° I1I CD 4 V} $ rri w 1,'''y� CU E pj N a n i.: d = s k 1,1 N 1 O Q CT g k'r 0 k '+< N i froD OI N x I c en o 20 v„ f - , Y. • G't n G 222xi n mmm � C ... Oa. n s r O. II- a- 3 3' Pt •-• S. o to23 4 n el k co m s LI a to DI 4,1 d a { Bun 72 East Market Street•Middleburg,PA 17842 (800)837-4552•(570)837-1424•Fax:(570)837-6133 www.pbsmodular.com January 14,2017 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to serve as confirmation that Guaranteed Builders&Developers,Inc./Avis Modular— FEDERAL lD#04-2674126, has submitted all paperwork and insurance certifications required by Professional Building Systems, Inc("PBS")to perform builder-controlled sets of modular homes manufactured by PBS. Please contact me at 570-837-4407 if you need further information. This letter expires on 04/02/2017 Sincerely, 01.A,tA.i, Tammy Moyer Professional Building Systems, Inc. • Town of Dartmouth, MA October 5, 2016 - - _ __ j .: 1f5 i�if - _• _ 10' - ors.,......., ta,r4;1 «r;,i a s - - _-_E - �•t z. as„ Tj A; {,. 3 I " 'WW _ .-�._ .r�?i;;i;3;;;ii�:'i3;i`<<i:iiiii:iri+:T' - %aa y0 - - rt� r't • g. - re' " - - - .rJ,- Yew--Y�. - ' - ; 3 Vic.'.. - may:: _ _ � _ _ _ - - _ -.ram-.-��5'".`;- _ _ __" x- _ - __ -_ ,.-any-! 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ID Location 115 PINE ISLAND RDvgi `% 'V' Owner ROGERS WALTER E&ALICE M eat LIFE ESTATE MAP FOR REFERENCE ONLY NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT Town of Dartmouth,MA makes no claims and no warranties,expressed or implied,concerning the validity or accuracy of the GIS data presented on this map. Parcels updated 1/1/2013 Properties updated 1/1/2013 i ,'t i CON SF COMMISSION INSPECTOR COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS V; / No wetlands or other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission exist on site or within 100 feet of s;. No other finite;with the Conservation Conisnission red-al-fed. *' 'a O The proposed worlds not located within 100-feet of a wetland area. Other wetlands may exist on site. Any further work to be, 1. located outside of inspected area requires the filing of an additional A-1. n Wetlands exist on( North; South, East, West )of site.Please refer to drawing(if provided by inspector)for location L': information. All locations on skekh provided by inspector are approximate, \ Edge of wetland has been marked on site by Inspector. Flag numbers: wet Through wet i Additional wetlands marked wet Through. wet wet Through wet IJ A Request for Determination(permit application)should be filed with the Conservation Commission before any work begins on site. n A Notice of Intent(permit application)should be filed with the Conservation Commission before any work begins on site. O Coastal Bank exists on site. Engineer must delineate Coastal Bank per DEP Wetland Program Policy 92-1. Delineation must be submitted to the Conservation Commission office for review and approval, 0 Riverfront Area may exist on site. Iftivork is located in Riverfront Area then a further filing with Conservation Commission is required before any work begins on site. i 100-year flood plain may be present on site. Engineer and/or Dartmouth Building Department must determine if proposed i work is located within flood plain. If work is located in flood plain then a further filing With Conservation Commission is required betbre any work begins on site. o A survey plan of the wetland delineation should be submitted to the Conservation Commission office. i O Due to abnormal site conditions and/or the necessity of gathering an extensive amount of soils information to adequately describe the wetlands on site the applicant must obtain the services of a private consultant to perform a wetland delineation. The delineation must be submitted to the Conservation Coimission for review and approval. Other Comments:Any hand drawn sketch on the attached plan by the Conservation Inspector is not to scale. To determine the actual extent of the wetlands on the site it is recommended that the applicant/ovviler have the flag line surveyed onto a plan, IMPORTANT: Any activity(clearing, digging, removal of vegetation, etc.) in a wetland Resource Area(as noted by inspector on this form)or within 100 feet of a wetland requires a permit from the Conservation Commission pursuant to Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act(MGL Ch13 I section40)and/or the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw. Neap shall begin until permit is received., This completed fond is not a permit. it: 40 ea-ne, AticiOce ins'.1�1-n. nee: A sue. it2D ndc rneseg- n4 s von n-r-r ✓ve r 0 The SiT& P : c.-et-• . 5 Cr i600 eo Date of Issuance �''—_( Ivlichael O'Reilly Mare Garre Environmental Coordinator Conservation Officer (Revised 07/30/15 MJO) RESIDENTIAL ❑ Phased Approval(R106.3.3) $2S.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON RE-FUNDABLE t NON-TRANSFERABLE_ �v• *N• DATE;RECEIVEED t�'�"'f*.,r DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT • t p,.1 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 J /3 ,, 9 o =_ `' Dartmouth, MA 02747 / N'r� :64 ; Phone: 508-910-1820 Fax: 508-910-1838 www.town.dartmouth.ma.us APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RECEIVED BY: BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER: DATE ISSUED: SIGNATURE: f DATE: Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings Zoning District: Proposed Use: Zone: 0 X 0 B 0 A 0 V Aquifer Zone: THE FOLLOWING AGENt,,rlES SHOUL ,B VO '- '7 ! JFIE ' 0 Board of liBoard of Cons.J ` 0 Demo"' 0 DPW 0 Elec. 0 Energy Report Appeals Health Commission Affidavit Card Sent: Cut Off Follow-up* 0 Fire ❑Gas 0 Planning 0 Sewer Card 0 Water Card 0 Zoning 0 Other Chief Cut Off Board Cut Off Cut Off *REQUIRES INSPECTOR'S REVIEW BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT. _� DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL o4 and f Health: Signature: Date: '▪ nservation Commission: Signature: (1, Date: 0/ '' / 7-- / 7 )they. Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Signature: - Date: rieif description of work being performed: J(' ) '\°( ,1 Q , IU&1 SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION 1 Property Address: I 15 l '9 d.) Can 4 R"'CI 1.2 Assessors Map&Lot Number: Lot Area(sf.) . I U ,R a Frontage alb ld Map .7 el . Lot of I - Reouired Provided Front Yard Froe Yard ( 0 0I a 1.3 Historical District 0 Yes No Rear Yard : 0Year Built 0 Altering more than 25%per side of building Water Supply(MGL c40 s54): 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? Municipal a/Private Well ❑Municipal a/On Site Disposal System ❑Yes ❑No Date: Revised 10/11 J CONSTRUCTION PLANS ❑ SITE PLAN 0 ENERGY REPORT CHARLES E. MICHAUD 54 ROCKY ROAD WHITINSVILLE 508-769-4344 December 16,2016 Beam Analysis for GBI, Douglas, MA r Rogers, Dartmouth FILE , ':_ _, _ ,.: Load area per Floor and Roof First Floor= 60 LBS/SqFt LL&DL Second Floor= 50 LBS/SqFt LL&DL Roof= 60 LBS/SqFt Total Load= 170 LBS/SqFt AREA=13.5 X 22.5=303.75 SqFt Total Load=170 X303.75=51,637.5 LBS or 51.64 Kips Manuel of Steel Construction** Allowable Stress Design h ,ti + `y ,, Ninth Edition cHARLES mac. (C .( Page 2-67 W12 X 58 Flange Width=10" ` HAUD 44 9 Opn.-.. L CIVIL- ' --/a/l e i -0-111,1,4,01 flif 9 a it/ 0' .(7)/#167 j jo,, lit j , j, ie'— ,=, Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 10 Park Plaza - Suite 5170 Boston, Massachusetts 02 116 Home Improvement Contractor Registration Registration: 166618 Type: Corporation Expiration: 9/18/2018 Tr# 419291 INFINITY LANDSCAPE & CONSTRUCTION ROBERT FERREIRA 92 PINE ST ROCHESTER, MA 02770 ---_---____-- Update Address and return card.Mark reason for change. ,tA „�r�s�i Address f` Renewal E Employment Lost Card i/., ,,, ,,,-,,fr, /i/,f- //f..;,.,d,,..,✓r: 4 Office of Consumer Affairs&Business Regulation License or registration valid for individual use only Z HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR before the expiration date. If found return to: 1\pn, la, Registration: 166618 Type: Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation " Expiration: 9/18/2018 Corporation 10 Park Plaza-Suite 5170 ,—• Boston,MA 02116 INFINITY LANDSCAPE&CONSTRUCTION LLC ROBERT FERREIRA 92 PINE ST ROCHESTER,MA 02770 L ndersecretary Not valid withoutut signature i,w i Massachusetts -Department of Public Safety %- Board of Building Regulations and Standards on,trui tir o Si*p i i i nr License: CS-102318 ~ t II S I `'i� ',r. I 11 ill ROBERT G FE. " I I. = ;, 92 Pine St ) Rochester MA 02770m . r i F I f r r � / s )! lit Expiration Commissioner € 04/22/2017 )etails http://elicense.chs.state.ma.usNetiticationfDetails.aspx?agency_id=1... The Official Website of the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security(EOPSS) Mass-Gov Home State Agencies Licensee Details Demographic Information Fuel Name; Paul ELaPlante 'Owner Name: License Address Information Cit Dudley State: MA 7ipcode: 01571 Ctuniry United States License Information ptcense No` H -054228 Tm License Type:mm ' - HE-1A-Derricksf Lattice Cranes rofession: Engineering Licenses Date of Last Renewal: 7/8/2015 Issue Date: Expiration Date: 8/10/2017 �tcense Status: Active Today's Date: 1/1312017 ondary License Type: rig Business As: Status Change Reason: License Renewal Prerequisite Information Licensee: LaPlante,Paul E `Relationship: Attribute Of License No: HE-054228 Close Window 4)2011 Commonwealth of Massachusetts $ite Policies Contact Us rfp . , -,. .. ,1 - ,,_,1...sz ,,, ,, . 1 oft 1,13/2017 3:41 PM RESIDENTIAL ❑ Phased Approval(R106.3.3) $23.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON RE-FUNDABLE&NON-TRANSFEAAOL1 ���`" •_.T� DATE;BEEPED _„ _'''� DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 / \mo . .: • Dartmouth, MA 02747 f 'a`��' •ssa Phone: 508-910-1820 Fax: 508-910-1838 www.town.dartmouth.ma.us APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY -IRECEIVED BY: BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER: _ v DATE ISSUED: SIGNATURE: ,t` DATE: Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings Zoning District: Proposed Use: Zone: ❑X 0 B 0 A 0 V Aquifer Zone: THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES SHOULD BEVOTIFIED: 0 Board of (Board of tCons. 0 Demo ❑DPW Appeals Health 0 Elec. 0 Energy Report Commission Affidavit Card Sent: Cut Off Follow-up* O Fire 0 Gas 0 Planning ❑Sewer Card 0 Water Card Chief Cut Off Board ❑Zoning ❑Other Cut Off Cut Off *REQUIRES INSPECTOR'S REVIEW BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT. DEPARTMENTAL APPRO AL , oard f Health: Signature: , ,� •, / n 1,0 �A Date: r�.{;,._ ;l,rXC7 ' nservation Commission: Signature: Date: )they: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: rief description of work being perfonned: `ELkJ o\ p ,_Q , L „ SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION 1 Property Address: i I I>t 9 S Te(ctr,ci 8 1.2 Assessors Map&Lot Number: Lot Area(sf.) 11 D a ci Frontage nA b t4,. Map "7 9 Lot ei.I - Reouired Provided Front Yard 420 01' ' 1.3 Historical District 0 Yes tip No Side Yard ol 0 ivy Rear Yard ,A 0 i-I Year Built El Altering more than 25%per side of building Water Supply(MGL c40 s54): 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? Municipal Cbrivate Well CI Municipal fVOn Site Disposal System 0 Yes 0 No Date: Revised 10/11 CONSTRUCTION PLANS ❑ SITE PLAN ❑ ENERGY REPORT k 1 ENERGY STAR v3.0 Home Verification Summary Property Organization HERS ii RAR LAND Jerry Rogers Infrared New England Projected Rating 115 Pine Island Road 508-728-1099 12/22/2016 Dartmouth,MA 02714 Norbert Reichhold Rating No:719 Rater ID:5209289 Weather:Dartmouth,MA Builder 115 Pine Island Road Mark Hester 115 Pine Island Road.blg Projected Rating: Based on Plans - Field Confirmation Required. Building Information Rating Conditioned Area(sq ft) 1265 HERS Index 62 ._) Conditioned Volume(cubic ft) 10323 HERS Index w/o PV Insulated Shell Area(sq ft) 4089 HERS Index Target(SAF Adjusted) 73 Number of Bedrooms 2 HERS Index of Reference Design Home 73 Housing Type Single-family detached Size Adjustment Factor 1.00 Foundation Type Unconditioned basement This home DOES NOT MEET the EPA's requirements for an ENERGY STAR Home. HERS Index w/o PV<=HERS Index of Reference Design Home AND HERS Index<=HERS Index Target to comply. ENERGYSTAR Building Shell Ceiling FG1,10-16 Win • 1 a s Seal _ _� Vaulted ing R30,- 0-16 =0 037 .Window/ Ratio 0.11 Above Grad `-•lls R21,F' -16 058 r x ' Infiltra .wer door to Found.Wall nd) None - I g: 3.00 Clg: OS ACH50 Found. Walls( nd) Unins 0 •ge t tside 0.04 CFM25 / •rs R3 0 ,10-16 1.052 - Du , ' '.kage 0.04 CFM25/ 1 Sla• = r �` d Mechanical Systems Heating Fuel-fired air distribution, 100.0 kBtuh, 92.0 AFUE. Cooling Air conditioner,24.0 kBtuh, 13.0 SEER. Water Heating Heat pump, Elec, 3.24 EF. Programmable Thermostat Heat=Yes; Cool=Yes Ventilation System Exhaust Only: 35 cfm, 15.0 watts. Lights and Appliances Percent Interior Lighting 100.00 Clothes Dryer Fuel Electric Percent Exterior Lighting 100.00 Clothes Dryer EF 3.01 Refrigerator(kWh/yr) 673.00 Clothes Washer LER 704.00 Dishwasher Energy Factor 0.46 Clothes Washer Capacity 2.87 Ceiling Fan(cfm/Watt): 0.00 Range/Oven Fuel Natural gas Note: Where feature level varies in home, the dominant value is shown. REM/Rate- Residential Energy Analysis and Rating Software v14.6.4 This information does not constitute any warranty of energy cost or savings. 01985-2016 Noresco, Boulder, Colorado. t / 5-- 1247-45:1- 47-47 ' ./7 `6 67 7 G 7 ,2g 11? J �[�� to = x � yy � a -3axx555 zzmm0v, n4 � C b mY 4�n m o 0 0 0 o n co rn o o ,x,� x p o o C •d vi0 ° ] o w o w ? ° �. M �°n =; ti c a CD- cc �'�'• C 7C o w rn n7 0 0 0 o n o' o'1 ° h� O et co w 04 g -i Q f' 0 - O 00 O N O co O O co 1-• O O O O .. N O - ,kV p C .U.' ti ` N N A �+ A N A W W W -1 W r Q\® Ir w1' oo� 0 0 0 - n - n•o� ,S ' bx p '-' • Q K7 • . ® o < 0 0 O `-- pt 'b c m y N `0 0 c° o c 0 7 $" aas . aCA s m ;11 N.,*.A. -1 va ti 0 c)•O `T E. a,• o Cj t i C $ (� CAD = c A 'n 0 N O O U O IHilt-L, _ _ -11 o tel � � � �bc � n ° �y �4. ovCD � o ^° Sao n £® 5 tti xi p 0 Ro N. E. •+ ' 7 o ? . p n O Oco e � C)�Co�8DaO� rcr'o (�� co I 3 way om o OOo a p TJ p Z ', 000\ ..viU° w < < p O y � a w 154 o , 0 b III © 0w0NU b� b vti 4"g Pi° 1071 € . - - -cc - - o oa000cooa b ..� o o e U w w •r, �O sO--)l0 -7 O� to W O COOvo �' J a�wow tj ‘e., 1.• ....e. 0.) SZ,n O "o "o A 00 C,'D o w w b E.''''..4 7, q ..,-:1 ..„. i:):1 , ; . :.. ... ,- Q L �A W WNbW W' g s'` e W ..U A 00 U .. x- O ..+s I.+ v ct o0 C) a a <` ti � D O 03cD Co 3 In co t y fiT 1 O p v N 3 A N..) O W •+ O A N A 7:1 _ co - v Q amP.. Lu " ...... ... W © N O ,,, .. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents 1 _ Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street • ' Boston,MA 02111 www.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name (Business/Organization/Individual): 'Au/= v, t y L kid S cedus. Address: '12 p e City/State/Zip: -r5 —c' ,n 0..77z, Phone #: —2 3 -- Are an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of pru ect(required): 1. I amyog a employer with -/ 4. ❑ I am a general contractor and I 6. ,rNNew _construction employees(full and/or part-time).* have hired the sub-contractors 2.❑ I am a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the attached sheet. 7 ❑ Remodeling ship and have no employees These sub-contractors have 8. ❑ Demolition working for me i workers' comp. insurance. 9. ❑ Building addition [No workers' co I, e - 5. K.,/ We are a corporation and its 10.❑ Electrical repairs or additions required.] officers have exercised their 3.❑ I am a homeowner doing all work right of exemption per MGL 11.❑ Plumbing repairs or additions myself. [No workers' comp. c. 152, §1(4),and we have no 12.❑ Roof repairs insurance required.] t employees. [No workers' comp. insurance required.] 13.0 Other *My applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. $Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and their workers'comp.policy information. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: 1_ itY1 c Lop pe, Policy#or Self-ins. Lic.#: (Air 5-- 3 j 3 6 p 97 Expiration Date: -Z/- )o/2 Job Site Address: /l,5- rye ).5/ C A City/State/Zip: .vor' Attach a copyof the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy numbeaVet.ration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certi u er th ' s and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct. Signature: • Date: 1—//l7 Phone#: Cog 7 i — 262 q Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town officiaL City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6. Other Contact Person: Phone#: - PF LEIvELI 10/7 012016 2 :20 1508763269,1 INFTIATTY P I i,`,,`i I, ";$,,;:—, $$, Fri;; E1T— 1 •-'1 I it 1' .i ' As DATE ii MIDD!YYT-t. 14 ACt---7►RD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 1011012016 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIEF BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZE: REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER.AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER,. IMPORTANT: if the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(es)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorse' If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED subject to the temTs and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement o this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CiDE1Cd~.N CONTACT PH _ - OH DUNN INSURANCE NAME 64 FAIRHAVEN RD PHONE 1 I-Ax MATTAPOISETT MA 02739 tA;c.a e�tl LA t_44 -,., tro ADDRESS. — _.__ INSUR@RI$I AFFORDINGCovERAGE KAIC4 ENSURER A t,Eyi Insurance COIP;aull an 3."$600 _ =INSURED INSURER e e INFINITY LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION LLC -�- 92 PINE ST kNSURERC ROCHESTER MA 0 770 INSURER ,».. INSURER COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: :32311180 REVISION NUMBER: Titis IS 1'o CERTIFY THAT TrIE POLICIES OF iNSURAFI E LISTED BELOW HAVE ODES ISSUED TO THE INSURED'AAMCD ABOVE FOR TIIE POLICY PEki•`'[ INDICATED. NOTWITIISTANDiNG ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WM I RESPECT TO WI Ili}i Tilt CERTIFICATE vAT BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY TI IE PCJLICIE3 DESCRIBED HERDS IS SUBJECT TO ALL TIlE. TDP'`v'z:` EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCI I POLICIES OMITS SI OWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLANS INSR /WELL%UDR .� _� �.—_..--- Poitey Et+ f POLICY ExP ?R rYPEOF INSURANCE RLStt W4S POLMYNUMUkrt ffMtr3DtYYtirk'tNPNkSDYYYYk LRAM COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ' - FRrn OC?`I IRRFFTC F is Y.7` lAt rET DI TEED [. FLAW:MADE z*=CtarEr PPFE SFS iFE trs n ola5k S men F.arrttA,,t pA.vx.t 5 l FFr'''CNAL E.ACV N-t7€c=' A GFNL AGGREGATE OMIT T AKA F$PFR I CEDER hL3tt;,L:RFA ALF A, r IpUT Cu �7 Imo,t1F-1 FED El ,.FR rucT CoMpoP AC $.. OTHER s AUL OMDBILCUTABILITY COLTS NFP F,NC`'I F I sM.T $ j (IC' L;nTAII ._ aANT AIMTG'I. Et•4$A V WAR r.(Fes lree2oal F5. cww$NFB �"'I=S;NFGHfiFr) AUTOS anti' s R4£TOE i COCA.1 gd:(1P$sPLE ez,-N,,e II $ ,_ IA1rR54u Cdj,Y t AAKCO " , PROPERTY DAMAGE I if*.FAL. c- A�NI,_..�,. � F UMRRELLA LIAO nrr4IR Fr`:{`H r7 Cr:IiRRFUCF -.., EXCESS LIAR cLA El,MACE Ati'101;ATF $ G RFTENCON E A WORKERSCQMFt.NSAUON WCS-315-6085/6-CJ26 DP21/"T.:016 i 61221/2013 FEE ETC ,5 AND LOYEN LIAHttil'Y' Yt N. +`$ $TATAITF,._I (FR_,.. Ak4i'tl aI'II�610TT{,i Alarm I23:'Ei fA EI t-d{: [ 7 `Or[Ifb'3�.r`FAIRERFEALI-7Jrh rig V I NJ.A FL.Pn.alrt i:CFNT i, (1=6 s (MJmWteey 7a NH) I E L..IFt=.EASE FA EMPLOYEE'$ 5fiU(: 'I rer stnba.vo, CESCRPTloHDEorFRATONm sob-> Ft CSPOF PCI LIM;T 1$ s,tE oeseasniottOf OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS I VEHICLES:;AGGRO ill Atltf I0'I RrtiraU II te:kt,theIe,Eno,1,4,01Iduperi,I fume Eprt<1.N natko f.< WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE APPLIES ONLY TO THE WORKERS COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF MA, This cen Icate cancels and supersedes all Frrev5ously,ssu ell curt Icafes only as they relate to workers compensat on coverage_ CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION _ TOWN N OF I RT Mc U TH SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES SE CANCELLED SEFf/RI' 400 SLOCUM RD, ROOM 203 THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED ra' DARTMOUTH MA 02747 ACCORDANCE WI-II-IMF POLICY PROVISIONS. AUIHORIMIOREPRESENTA IIVE - (VI 1 , , I LM Insurance Corporation .<.- c 1988-2015 ACORO CORPORATION. All rights reserve ACORD 25(20 16/03) The ACOITO name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 1 Permit I�d.`BP-84046 Project Location: 115 PINE ISLAND RI) Coa�nmonwe - .. ` :� ° sachusetts T---,..,„-...., 4,.';;;':7.2::---.,,,, ,:i: ' $ �! `'_,._ . _.., r,iii::46, 7 :-..-,\ y��`•': N `g!:IOC . :' .•"r ...;,. ',*k cur.? k. { �� ���� � x,x:� �g& 044 y'��e"y�'t�� �; � :'fi � �-:. r � fi ;. t, a Contra4 �e: ;one#: ROBE' I' 1 . ,# 8 ( 08) 763-2624 Architec ,404 t ;;? �� °hone#: i �- � F ��. � �� ta F s� g F Y^t� Applicant. _,,. "„ � } �,.. �„��"` $���,� Phone#: � �. Et)i :41- INFINITY I: PI mow) " (508) 763-2624 io _ ` OWNER: w 6 erGx a r.'.s t.. .�s#i.s ROGERS WALT wFII°r� ., � a .��H � DATE ISSUED: n hi?WEI1 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: Set a new single family modular dwelling with two bedrooms, one full bath,kitchen, dining room, living room, two bonus rooms and future bath on 2nd floor,unfinished basement, ECKS, well water, septic system, gas heat -RECHARGE SYSTEM_ F (2 X [2" d -o DATE y� TIME �/ TYPE OF INSPECTION&REMARKS INITIAL 3 c ��� /w l� aril�/� LG- va-� t9C1 `�' '1'f �� � ��..r%1 I'll tit; Aill . Pie-e(' 51 �1 a� v © try f' &a...1...ps.c.l.„Mtle 0 d<. S 14- �.�.� • i f T • g-/ o--/ 7 ,o(N -Ar2., e )-)-tro eo 66A/...,,, 4.)-;-7--)4 e6cAdt, ca-4.) 64...)44z.... :s \t, /69-)L.,/v) AL) c ecfx.2._ sli;:i.c) 07, ) yam'' %� (,�-v ,, c -?x `jam ' TOWN OF DARTMOUTH - BUILDING DEPARTMENT RECEIPT "r` , 3.: v` ,,_,,..-' PHONE: 508-910-1820 FAX: 508-910-1838 st ritfi° r+8ti i Name:/4 11 / 21 v`IA e K Property Qwner: .5 0ef - -— ri'„ Date: '0 f �# ( f`` L k p. t `Job Lbe'ation: t d,r Ma 7,0 ,kyfy 4cc+ ;-- v, Description General Ledger#'s Ref. # Amount Buildin i& BuildingMisc. 01000-44105 , g !1fUt ,...5 - — - Electrical_t 01000-44106 ��kof DAgTyj0G Plumbing & Gas 01000-44107 UMS 1. Trench Safety 01000-44129 413R 2 0 P0j7 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 ib 6 IL 4 White-Collector's Office Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt Pink Copy-Building Department Received By / [ st2 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT1LICENSE FOR BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING OR GAS 0:. TOWN OF DARTMQUT I - BUILDING DEPARTMENT RECEIPT =- j I v 4- . PHONE: 508-910-1820 FAX: 508- 0-1838 Name: ' ; t"1-, " i'7 Property Owner: / Dater!f Z Job Location: 1 / /`r' ;w' > ' j l Map: Lot Description General Ledger#'s Ref. # Amount Building & Building Misc. 01000-44105 ...,. 75: Electrical 01000-44106 ���:cs T .;: Plumbing & Gas 01000-44107 c .,` (k� Trench Safety 01000-44129 , ` 111 u`, Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 , White-Collectors Office Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt Pink Copy-Building Department Received By THIS IS NOT A PERMITILICENSE FOR BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING OR GAS .• ' • O ri (1) $-1 COI , . , O al c▪t g • 4▪-, cn 0 0 Cg ••-•I .--I 2 V) ,•ZZ 74 ' ••-i 0 •0 .1-, Z -1-, -e-, L. .)1 ,4 d 00 1:11) e•• ( c.) 0 a) Isoloo :::1 CO) f=4 2 a.. 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It,-•;.°-- ..i.et Is r-:',Iir-J,,,,,,VnIr--405-1:-NTiA,-','!:'N,-,-Qat 1-1,,,V,z_iiy-: al 0 a( rar) a^� Q y ti �- •+•'1 Mt '4 �`'� n mil, ,� `" - F ' 1 cuc/o 0 • _ • 1 r-, !-� `j qua = 1 0 .ti b O _ Permit No. BP-84046 BUILDING E MI GIs#: ., - 4205.00 Co lmonwealth of l assathusetts '' Map: , 0079 'r:OW'sl OF DAIiTMOUTH "r Lot: _0021 400 Sloc m Road.Dartmouth,MA r,02747 a' ., Sub-Lot: 0000 ho (508k 910 1820 tx,Fax (508)910 1 38 , Category: NEW DWELLING ,5 • ,. , Project#__ JS-2017-001923 PERMISSION IS IIERERI GRANTED T▪ O: '} x , ^, Est.Cost: $162000.00 Contractor: 4Liceise „ Phone# i. Fee: $980.00 ROBERT G FERRFIRA A s *• CS 0.12318 (508).763-2624 Const.Class: Engineer: x, License Phone.# ( � e -r� ' Use Grbup: R3 • i� s E. n Lot Size(sq.ft.) 40565 4 4 o � s Applicant: t w Phone# Zoning: SRB INFINITY I ANDSCA P' G&CO STRUCTION LLC ', (508):7,6342624 Aquifer Zone: ZONE 3 ,t OMVER: Flood Zone: ZONE X ROGERS WALTER E&ALICF I }E ESTATE _ New Coast.: 3,320 sq.ft. 4 y ;; Alt.Coast: N/A DATE ISSUED fi = ' f' Date Typed: 02-03-2017 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: Set a new single family m•a ar dwelling with two bedroom, one=full bath,kitchen, dining room, living room, two bonus rooms and fi re b,th on 2nd flo•r unfinished basement,NO DECKS, well water, septic system, gas heat -RECHARGE SYSTE ' WINO r r, / , tatrw,n NE ISL , Approved/Issued By: _ A., ` _ (..'411rilid � DAVID BRUNE ' ,LOCAL BUILDII INSP OR All work shall comply with 780 CMR 8T"Ed.(MGL Chap.143)and any other applicable Mass. aws or CI d plans on file. Schedule appropriate inspections as required. Upon completion,final inspection is required. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdiction are not met; not withstanding the issuance of this Building Zoning Permit. -eA Signature of Owner/Agent: � --` ___ "Persons contracting with unregistered contractors do not have access to the luarant fund(as set forth in MGL c.142A" Inspector of Inspector of D.P.W.Inspector Building Inspector Inspector of Gas Fire Department Plumbing Wiring Water Service#: Footings: Underground: Oil: Underground: Service: Foundation: a IRO ' '*-'r Rough: 1 Rough: Rough: II i Sewer Service#: Rough Frame ) `S 'Y'`!v V\ 1 6� 9 Insulation' c-7 3._l° Final: / L Final: Final ] '1r"l t\1 /�1 c—I f !. Cross Connection Final: Final: ,, ` 1 Board of Health 91 c. -cIA4S • p !/' +a„t �E�e ` Additional Comments: �, ; , ta; L.; �, — _,'s, _ ll'�e�r Planning Boar Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy/Completion,this card must be returnedne to the Building Department with all necessary inspections signed off. Department phone numbers are listed on the white"Required Inspections"document provided with the issuance of the building permit. P T CARD SO IT IS ISIBLE FROM THE STREET 0 16 ,j 010, r-\ `Ok ., 6\ 6 t ,tv R s ..„„:ti,,, 4, . Crane OSHA/ASME ANIWAIMODIC L.r8, Institute INSPECTION CHECKLIST Telescoping Boom Crane }�� of America i craneins6tute-corn• 3880 St.Johns Parkway• Sanford,FL 32771 • 1.800-832.2726 Crane Owner G �8..r (Contact Person: Cr,C1 n 9i x Date: �.fC ' Location:` 3 Zatc2 5.4' 1).{Oettri. it,uz , Service Status. N�f 5 Hours: 36 I Make: �' Model: 4_ ��� Serial Number. LUCa 1 U Unit ID: Max.Capacity:15 ICW5 inspectort � 1 T� Inspector Name/Company:kij0.125 ,Y O/J C r„r.x.�, Phone Number:sns ,/_ i-t 5 a R Before inspecting crane,lock out/tag out powersource. ^-E ! 3 Ur Consult operator/service manual,service bulletins,etc.for additional Inspection items. ;„ CiBefore inspection,crane must be set up away from personnel and power lines,with outriggers/crawlers fully exte 'nd ne leveled on firm ground. 41 OSHA and ASME allow only qualified and competent persons to inspect cranes.To qualify,inspectors must have been through training,have extensive knowledge and demonstrated ability. - References:0=OSHA 1926 Subpart CC,1926.601,1910.180 A=PCSA#4,ASME B30.5,830.10 Status: ✓=Satisfactory X=Safety Hazard M=Monitor R=Recommendation N/A=Not Applicable REFERS 1Fr' .=x.e s REFERENCE ITEM Status { ,� gip_..., '���,+��:..],i _ �-'�-•� " �3t• i : 1 . ' 0-1926.1412(e, 1.Mon t.?''tt:' `. 017 ec rds - 9+0-1 .....- 4 , 3d_ll1i �.'.tr,, A-930.5-- .1 a ib :a:t 1t fix► t- i L r '0-19 .x:+7i it 4) ' ilDn .�9r 0-1926. ,t .Y111..� .. . 11' b 33. •; � �,: � 0.192fi,14l2(I}{2i(-� Tires/Wheels 0-1926. 0-1926.1412( 2)ix s 34 we Air Pressure 4.Mod m a w 930 2.2(bX2) 5 Load Test Re, i.Li 0• 14 g1i ,3 .i. , , <. ,; = �.�'�. • '�' 't dC� .:;S"zs:+y`$,� aii� °'ti'",� wr""°'�k y,,'' �r �(.,�.��r .+.,M,'".' t i a7= eracE2Y.' ,: m ^s i S'.,, ., l'x, S i .e �-T:IP'-,,. - oil r . , ... t.in _. a630.5.2. a) 6 Shee s :t/ t4 .. of 3 ` ydr81 FI'Et- f- _t,.*'- O 1926.143 8) 7.Gua:: /Cove .. ` • 19 + `" i 0-1926801(2xu it B. . ' "• t 0-t .nor -.v,. - •T-` •rsrr- -.r*•' .MS __, �1412( 1{xiu) 39. e L• • 1, 0-1926 8 "~ ff ;�;" -in -- .,.1 .; _ 0-1926.601(b i) 40.Backup Alarm 0-1926.1433(d)(5) 10 Safety/W,. Decals`. s 7 # 1 61 /r1 . 0-1926,1422 11.Hand Signal 7fr - • 4 d ' 12.Other - 0-1926.1412(f1(2>{0 42.Boxes 13.1Other r � 0-1926.14i2 fq ,r z am 43.Beams . 1 ,,J.,`:, `„$1 t,: ':s D`/ ers 41i4 ii ?Iiit "4 » .-:. � O-1926.1412 r1(2ltw 4/'u) 44.Cylinders 4 , i 0-1928.601(bH1) 14.Brakes:Sere _ ;5 0-1926.1412pfrii2)(xiv) 45. Floats/Pads 0-1926.601(b)(2Xi) 15.Headlights/TII his 0-1926.1412,(0(2)(x) 46. Hydraulic Hoses/Tubes/Fittings •_V 0-1926.601(bX2)(6) -• 16.Brake Llrghts >,� !,✓ °; ;0-1926.1412 if)(2,{xiii_ 47. Holding Valves g� 0-1926,601(b)(3) 17,Audible Warning Device f ° 0-1926.1433 fd}(5) 48.Warnings inq Sign 0-1926.601(bJ(4)(,) 18.Backup Audible Alarm V`A 49.Other 0-1926,1433 Amain 19.Windows y"' -" 3 -C#__�- - . ) 0-1926.601(1 5) , 20.Powered Wipers . 0-192661412(f)(2)(i) 50.Car Body/Side es r 0-19261433 d)t7)({) 2t,Defroster - )- - ice,�°r' o 0-1926.1412 ff)(2010 51.� Chain-Condition/ ' stment 0-1926.t4t2(fx21(xviw)5fxix) 22.Seat X 0-1926,1412 L 2JV i) 52.Sprockets/id /Rollers 0.1926,601(b(9) 23.Seatbelt(s) „.1," 1, g 0-1926.1412 f1'2Kit 53.Track P Pins ,,� 1926.1412(1)(2Nvi 24.Stee' --- a •. o' ;O 1928;r4,1�Z t}{2pas),01z5.1.Tra ,ocksZN .,,-0° �a1926 601(b)(14)"� 25.Fire li u er i ,/ -- 4.,�,�%���.,> '" f - .�.:ti- •�-PI�' Q'-%19�6.14t:fi0(2)(vlii) � egi�t 0-1926.1412(f)f(2)(vi) _26.Pe'". _ 0-1926.1433(d)(9) 27.Exhaust System/Guards&Insulators ' 0-1926.1433(d)(7)(i) 57.Windshield Wiper 0-1926.1433(d)(8) 28.Belts ✓ (d)( 0-1926.1433 7)(1i) 5e.Door Restraint 7- 0-1926.1433(d)f6) 29.Guards/Covers/Rotat&Redo.Parts 0-1926.1433(d)(7)(iv) 59.Cab Access 1 30.Other i 0-1926.1412(1)(2Xxxi) 60.Guard Rails and Hand Holds f OD 2015 Crane Institute of America,LLC.All rights reserved.ILLEGAL TO COPY without written permission. TELESELL.uNoo sot 112.15) Crane Institute of America trademarks and copyrights are owned by Crane Institute of America,LLC. 1 of 4 5 M References:0=OSHA 1926 Subpart CC,1926.501,1910.180 A=PCSA#4,ASME B30.5,B30.10 Status: ✓=Satisfactory X=Safety Hazard M=Monitor R=Recommendation N/A=Not Applicable REFERENCE ITEM Status REFERENCE ITEM 'Status � 's �z""" � � Wiz- �r�.��� "° �� �.. �s. � �' !f/> , $ it'`1J ni j V u.< 4 4 .._ e TIl rf/ q 'm? a niter iteA tdf:0l lIJ IELi(�a 0-1926.1423{C}(3J(s) 61 Anti-Slip Walking Surfaces 01926.1412{f)(2)(xi} 102.Hydraulic Pump(s) 0-1926.1433(d)(1) 62.Load Chart *o ,0-1926.1412(f){2j(x) *103.Hydraulic Hoses!Tubes l Fittings s 0-1926.1433(d)(6) 63.Fire Extinguisher o `01926.1412(f){2}(xi)(A)'104.Hydraulic Pressure 0-1926.1417(a)(t} 1 64.Operator's Manual 01926.1412(f)(2)(xvt) 105. Electrical Wiring 0-1928.1412(f}(2Xxvin)8(dx) 65.Seat 1 _-4 0-1926.1412(l)(2)(xiJ 106. Main Hoist-Motor!Valves!Lines ,, Z. A 630 5-1,8.1(e) 66.Seathetts 0-1928.1413(ax41(i)(B) 107.Main Hoist Minimum(2)Rope Wraps r./ 0-1926,1407(g) 67.Electrocution Sign 0-1926,1412(f)(2}(xi) 108.Aux.Hoist-Motor!Wives&Lines Msr _ 0-1926.1415(a)(1) 68.Level 0•1925.1415(a)(7) 69,Horn ps *i,' � 0 1925.1416(ey(4} 70.Load Markings _ ._. n t .r `01925.1412(fJ{2}{xi} 112.Swing Gear BoxMouniittgA i JI ., O-A-89z614 21 da)1 ,its 71.ControlIndicator t7-132s:i12 f6(2}ii 111.Countetw� ht! r r ( )( )( ) 72.Controls(Function) - ;0-1926.1407(g) 113.Electrocution Warning Sign(Outside) tom' 'A-830,5-1,6.3 73.Power Plant Controls "` vr''`IR 0-19261433(d)(5) 114.Counterweight Warning Sign 0-1926.1412(t)(2Xiv) 74 Swing Brake&Lock , �1 hittlifik' vlhi' 1412 (tX jv ) 76.Travel Controlsrakesu /0-1926.1412(f)(2(xifi) 5Cylinder(s) �� 0-1926 Travel(d {� � 115.Lift 4 2(f)(2)(xiit) 116.Telescoping Cyllnder(s) I 04926.1412(r)r ; 77.Travel Mechanism 0-1926.1412(f)(2Xx) 117.Hydraulic Hoses!Tubing&Fittings 0 t9281412,, i) 78.Travel Locks , 0-1926,1412(f)(2)(xii) ,118.Holding Device i� 4.m'fi Y 9 C n vit r i 1 w l ,fir ,ehhi>f Y i , I '0-1926.1412(t)(2)(i) 119.Boom Sections Alignment 0 1926.1433(. � 4. .: zK x r J.1., w : . it 0-1910.180 c ' - 80. =r ,r �,r- { fie. .i,.14121{6)�.1 't ear ,. �0-1910.180(c�2} 81. (3uFtt• , s 192. i __.T � ,. 3,� _� 12 .T_ne ee�d End � ✓ 0-1910.1 (c)(2) 82.S-a : 4 zgosimit: i 12 , :tt. ..stainer_., $�33d 1 0-1926 ( J( } 83 Visible s Station ���� 0-19261412(t)(2J(fu) _124. Boom Hinge Pin r . ; Safety Deh,-dal OperfiJ faa/ ids x,.', - rt 0125,, )m Head Section 17-1925.1412 VI 0-1928.t.i6(exi") 84.Boom An (, .r 00.4 41 1 12Fj Ili Boa eat' 01926.1 7 8(eM3) $5.Boom :, iii T �12 ,) 127'i .., 1 O 1926.14 :(e)(5}{ii} 86. Mai -trum R%� .. dicator '' Tt ` n a�Ei loll' •!^'"'""� 01926.141. ,- 5)tii} t37 Auxi`'..n� DrumNI?... 1 ,� ,` i 6. '.12 r3 ) 1 ' --_ i rr , 0-1926.1416(e 88.Load .` . : . ,. d' 0-1926.141 r ao, . 129.Locking beviva 0-1928.1416(ex4) :i ,,. , r_ rt t 0 �s Structure O 1926.1416(exf) Radius nit .�., A L.- e s1. �a0 fJ7# 0 1926.1415{aXI) 61 Crane Level t --far ITr 01928.1416{dJ{3)(j) 926.1415(e}(5)tf} 93.' ' -- erlM* : 0-1926.1412{6(2)(i) Inds Haarj fr o 0-1926.1412{t}(2){i} 133. = 0-1926.1416(eX2) 94.Lufting JibAri2 Indicator VI.; 0 t926.1413(a}{2�i)(D) 134.En} * iinectto -k mob. , Porous.. lan;�ti' er z- s.. a___ - F._ a D :0-1926.1412(f)(2)(fi (tJ( }{ } heave(s) 0.1926.1412 2 vr} 95.Performer�� .+ "r _ F0 1926.1413{a - } J i 136.Wire Rope Retainer 0-1928.1433(d)(9) 96.Exhaust Syste - �.. '"'.`sutators 5-1925 fh2)(1) 137.Structure 019251433(d}{8) 97 Belts!Hose 5 0-19251433(d)(8) 98 Guards !Rotel& p Parts .-1 � ;� 0-192B 141 138.Stops � I_ V;' R'otatin . ep$rtictY, •' -n-1'�, _. r�.�P� ,�, _..: -_a._ k �0=1926.1412tf){2i(h} -• e_. 0-1926.1412( 2)(ih) 99.Turntable __ - r• r 0-1926.1413(a){2}{iJ{D) .. ire 'ors --ainer{s) 0-1928.1412{d)(1Xvirn 100. Meddcal Collector Ring- n9 ,n- 1� ;0-1926.1412 � 141.Structure 0-1926.1412(f)(2xi) 101.Counterwe ht Frame i9 0-1-_. 16(d}(2} 1`b2.Cuffing Jib Stops 0S a2iil 3` ' 443`,$', '4.` ' J r " s . c Wir�. eRo�a � x ;. u � 4 .'' ^ ` .4si: '4 i`fi:' ;= 1)' a,4„ww .V. . 0 tJ ` - lnEencdan i . atusApi oeT •e She off �. e DRo $AM easu redi Byro I sn e#ic on Mle it ,, �_ ra; v, t � r ,' ' W- �j t'. Aufr.}folk i PeidaCCa 02015 Crane Institute of America,LLC.All rights reserved.ILLEGAL TO COPY without written . Crane Institute ofAmenca trademarks andpermissioni nacho tnf 17 ss} copyrights are owned by Crane Institute of America,LLC 2 of 4 References:0=OSHA 1926 Subpart CC,1926,601,1910,180 A=PCSA#4,ASME B30.5,B30.10 Status: ✓cis Satisfactory X=Safety Hazard M=Monitor R=Recommendation NIA=Not Applicable -' shldiu LoadBl dcfr�& olr ,' x. .. a, 0verhadiBallJPrlook 0 y d Manufacturer- S!N Ii) actursr SIN: Rated Capacity; if w •` Rated acity: Block Weight: '640 : Block Wei e Hook Tram Mea i Hook Tram Meas. If�GI r - REFERENCE ITEM Status 2 REFERENCE TEM Status 0-1926,1433(d)(3) 144. Capacity Marking - 0-1926.1433(d)(3) 4157.Ca city Marking 0-1926.1433(d)(3) 145, Weight Marking , 6. 0-1926.1433(d)(3) 1513.Weigh larking 0-1926.1412(f)(2Xil) 146. Sheave(s) - l+� s 0-1926.1433(d)(4) 159.Safety La es 0-1926.1433(d)(4) 147. Safety Latches f/-- V A-830.10-2.10.5() 160.0°Hook Ben. . Twist A-0030.10-2.10.5(f) 148. 0°Hook Bend or Twist ,fr `" `1 A-830.10-2.10.5(g) 161.5%Hook Openins •r 114"Max. A-830.10-2.10.5(g) 149. 55 Hook Opening or 1/4"Max_ � u A-830,10-2.to,5(e) 162.10%Hook Wear Max, A 930.10.2.105(e) 150, 10%Hook Wear h 4. _ �' 0-1926.1412(f)(2r(ia)163.Swivel 0.1926.1412(1)(2)(rin 151. Swivel 12} 0-1926.1412 164.Bearing 0-1926.1412(q(2 rs) 152. Bearing \_." ,0-1926.1414(fag) 165.Wedge Socket!End Fitting 0-1926.1414(18g) 153. Wedge Socket/End Fitting ( - '3 0-830.5-21,3 ram) 1166,NDT Results: 0-1926.1412(di-',154. Reeving i V 1167.Other .._ 0-830.5-2.1.3,a)(1•1 155. NDT Results: m \i 66�Otf1 i!q `,�.--'%`; U s No-Goad Operational ' ' ' - • rC ution:1, pefa n p1 ran y In" ctors is limited to those crane Rine- REFERENCE ,�•* p ��p' P p ITEM 6" ' $ a S ne r r..� hiF1: 1 trr. Inspectors must meet o pera- tor trainee qualificationquirements in ASME B30.5 and only operated 0-1926 12 "(t)(3) 168, No-txsar! Test 5 under the direct wiper s n of a certified operator. 1 s -St =1 169.Rt NCE ,A-930.5-2.2.2 , oad est Hoisting Boom!Ext!Ji :' ..t 3.a oo i it,a f I ,x at . f ' d s! of Rated f"mir Length_it - R` ng if` U� i. padA.II e- O h �`' ,r `° � , fl 9 Capacity Main „i 3 � L. y S lO .�:. /O ,,� ?2. ii-d 1 ° `` I h" g 8. .,'"2 c ::: 1 ,,, � ' t� ,� "".t.+Qtl r t_ x CCaa13 ... s` _ ..-. _. y. t� s .Y 4a takF z. -•- - • Results of Load Test elePassed 0 Failed 0 Not Applicable Explanation: C- --4 Je 'eux/ej/LQIV5 i {L. 911417-6901.- ‘i Loitz M ' e.c: /-x- Cautions: Load Test shalt be conducted by a qualified person.Operators must be certified through a nationally accredited and OSHA recognized certification program,such as CIC. O 2015 Crane Institute of America,LLC.Ail rights reserved.ILLEGAL TO COPY without wntten pemussion. TELESELLINat)ir.1 12 15) Crane Institute of America trademarks and copyrights are owned by Crane Institute of America,LLC, 3 of 4 • 0, a+ d2 a2 �2 �[ al �D v'� .O M O o Op C w no ii N L §Ille4O H $ O O o0 O O N f L.) tn. 0 W 7 1� 00 M Is- O 43 E S'. Vim. ffli7 co 0, N v• o E `-, . C C� o f 'V o , a r �� a) as I o al oc +�+ OOnn 'Qul - a) X L. C 4, a1 4'1 a., E v En 1 o W on E) o to sn on o on V 1 V Ill cO L d fC I a) 4! L M VM C (�' 1�� 16400, Z 1� C Cfl iQ 23 Q > a) N W -0 a/ N CO N W ,O O i F7 3 O V F V- N_ V- Z GJ • '' IO •O LA Q •Z ,y N 0 L tel W jr P a+ T a/ 0 o L N 0c W a1 ' > E = u = =1 a to f I— U N u0i 0 v y not Q L w W Ce i 3 � 0 V L o i+ N of w E a7 d o on u Fa �A o CO �n c on > W, v z e u m uCV = ' a,lii -0 a �to s E a f0 N M on pL I IRSin as .ta •Cle Las n v s o; ar v C 6. L a= O L O c = L �O RI 0. o v o 3 a s a C a, E ce y O M > on o 0 0 $ own a, L O _ _�, , z Ce = = CC1 d d ri 0 L ° 0 0 €.. _J O o OnU U w w LW I E v> > Q o T ... = 3 W " y L . 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E D) .0 LI C y •o L on ' y LLB C O l t> J > E C Q = C w N a s CL E in C u 7 rilon t ` c o a .- = 0 = C7 110 c a` m DA ° a J Air Leakage N Infrared New England Street Property Organization HERS 18 b Shreewswsbuuryry,, MA 01545 Jerry Rogers Infrared New England Confirmed 508-781-1099 115 Pine Island Road 508-728-1099 08/09/2017 Dartmouth,MA 02714 Norbert Reichhold Rating No:719 Rater ID:5209289 Weather:Dartmouth,MA Builder 115 Pine Island Road Mark Hester 0130-0523-C1 Mark_Hester_115_P ine_Island_Road_HERS_QAD.big Whole House Infiltration Blower Door Test Heating Cooling Natural ACH 0.17 0.15 ACH®50 Pascals 2.90 2.90 CFM @ 25 Pascals 318 318 CFM®50 Pascals 499 499 Eff. Leakage Area(sq.in) 27.4 27.4 Specific Leakage Area 0.00015 0.00015 ELA/100 sf shell(sq.in) 0.67 0.67 Duct Leakage Leakage to Outside Units Whole House CFM @ 25 Pascals 41 CFM25/CFMfan 0.0410 CFM25 / CFA 0.0324 CFM per Std 152 N/A CFM per Std 152 / CFA N/A CFM®50 Pascals 64 Eff. Leakage Area(sq.in) 3.53 Thermal Efficiency N/A Total Duct Leakage Units CFM25/CFA Total Duct Leakage 0.0395 Ventilation Mechanical Exhaust Only ASHRAE Sensible Recovery Eff. (%) 0.0 62.2-2010 Total Recovery Eff. (%) 0.0 Rate(cfm) 40 35 Hours/Day 24.0 24.0 Fan Watts 15.0 Cooling Ventilation Natural Ventilation ASHRAE 62.2 - Ventilation Requirements The ASHRAE 62.2 flow rates shown above are the CONTINUOUS mechanical fresh air ventilation which will meet the'whole-building' requirement under that version of the standard. Both values incorporate any appropriate'infiltration credit'. Intermittent mechanical ventilation may be used if the flow rate is adjusted accordingly. For example, the runtime can be reduced to 12 hours per day using a doubled flow rate, as long as the system provides ventilation at least once every 3 hours. For more detail, refer to the appropriate standard. REM/Rate-Residential Energy Analysis and Rating Software v14.6.4 This information does not constitute any warranty of energy cost or savings. ©1985-2016 Noresco, Boulder, Colorado. ENERGY STAR v3 .0 Home mRAR ' ""'NEW ENGLANA Infrared New England Verification Summary 18 Fiske Street Shrewsbury,MA 01545 Property Organization HERS 508-728-1099 Jerry Rogers Infrared New England Confirmed 115 Pine Island Road 508-728-1099 08/09/2017 Dartmouth,MA 02714 Norbert Reichhold Rating No:719 " /l Rater ID:5209289 426445Qi.t egt Weather:Dartmouth,MA Builder 115 Pine Island Road Mark Hester 0130-0523-C l_Mark_Hester_115_P ine_Island_Road_HERS_Q4D.blg Building Information Rating Conditioned Area(sq ft) 1265 HERS Index 58 Conditioned Volume(cubic ft) 10323 HERS Index w/o PV 58 Insulated Shell Area(sq ft) 4082 HERS Index Target(SAF Adjusted) 76 Number of Bedrooms 2 HERS Index of Reference Design Home 76 Housing Type Single-family detached Size Adjustment Factor 1.00 Foundation Type Unconditioned basement Building Shell Ceiling w/Attic R38,FG1,10-16**U=0.031 J Window Type U:0.30,SHGC:0.25** Sealed Attic None Window U-Value: 0.300, SHGC: 0.250 Vaulted Ceiling R30,FG1,10-16,C**U=0.037 Window/Wall Ratio 0.11 Above Grade Walls R21,FG1,6-16**U=0.058 Infiltration Type Blower door test Found. Walls(Cond) None Infiltration Htg: 499 Clg: 499 CFM50 Found. Walls(Uncond) Uninsulated Duct Leakage to Outside 41.00 CFM @ 25 Pascals Floors R30,FG3,10-16*U=0.052 Total Duct Leakage 50.00 CFM @ 25 Pascals Stab Floors None Mechanical Systems Heating Fuel-fired air distribution, 39.0 kBtuh, 92.0 AFUE. Cooling Air conditioner, 30.0 kBtuh, 13.0 SEER. Water Heating Heat pump, Elec, 3.50 EF. Programmable Thermostat Heat=Yes; Cool=Yes Ventilation System Exhaust Only: 40 cfm, 15.0 watts. Lights and Appliances Percent Interior Lighting 100.00 Clothes Dryer Fuel Propane Percent Exterior Lighting 100.00 Clothes Dryer EF 3.80 Refrigerator(kWh/yr) 563.00 Clothes Washer LER 151.00 Dishwasher kWh/yr 270 Clothes Washer Capacity 3.31 Ceiling Fan (cfm/Watt): 0.00 Range/Oven Fuel Propane Note: Where feature level varies in home, the dominant value is shown. REM/Rate- Residential Energy Analysis and Rating Software v14.6.4 This information does not constitute any warranty of energy cost or savings. ©1985-2016 Noresco, Boulder, Colorado. jop'NEW ENGLANO BLOWER DOOR TEST — IECC 2012 Customer Information Test Conditions Name: GBI Modular Homes Date: 8/2/17 Address: 138 Main Street Time: 1:15 pm City/State/Zip: Douglas, MA 01516 Temperature: 90 F Phone: Mark Hester (508)-476-1500 Wind Speed: 4 mph Email: markh@gbiavis.com Relative Humidity: 56% Test Location Base Pressure: -1.4 pa Range: -1.4 pa/-1.4 pa Street: 115 Pine Island Road Test Pressure: - 50 pa City/State/Zip: Dartmouth, MA 02714 Volume : 10,323 cu/ft Comments: PASSED @ 2.90 air changes per hour Fan Model: Retrotec 5000 Serial Number: 100402 Fan Flow Ring: B4-ring Fan Flow Pressure: 499 CFM Test Criteria: 3 air changes per hour Test Results: 2.90 ACH Test Performed by: Gerald T. Brady Certified HERS Rater#3118495 Address: 18 Fiske Street, Shrewsbury, MA. 01545 Phone: 508-728-1099 Signature: Cer Z Ge r.eraay O Ia:RAGA s, * f * 41. www.InfraredNewEngland.com "See what's hot and what's not." Fes ' ' 'NEW EN6L NJD DUCT LEAKAGE TEST - IECC 2012 CUSTOMER INFORMATION Name: GBI Modular Homes Address: 138 Main Street City/State/Zip Code: Douglas, MA 01516 Phone: Mark Hester(508)-476-1500 Email: markh@gbiavis.com TEST LOCATION Street: 115 Pine Island Road City/State/Zip Code: Dartmouth, MA 02714 TEST CONDITIONS Date: 8/2/17 Time: 1:15 pm Indoor Temp: 68 F Outdoor Temp: 90 F Supply Location: Basement Return Location: Basement Pressurization: 25 pa Depressurization: Fan Model: Retrotec DU200 Serial Number: FT9010335 TOTAL LEAKAGE RESULTS Zone/Sq/ft Duct-A Fan-B Flow Flow Pressure/Leakage% Pressure Pressure Ring 1st Floor/ 1,265 sf 25.0 pa 49.6 pa Mid 50 cfm /4.0% LEAKAGE TO OUTDOORS RESULTS Zone/Sq/ft Duct-A Fan-B Flow Flow Pressure/Leakage % Pressure Pressure Ring 1st Floor/ 1,265 sf 25.0 pa 39.2 pa Mid 41 cfm/3.4% HVAC Contractor: Comments: Testing Performed By: Gerald T. Brady Certified HERS Rater# 3118495 Address: 18 Fiske Street, Shrewsbury, MA. 01545 Phone: 508-728-1099 Signature: t s 1'Ze. 5,..4u,�t,r. Leval 111 O r; X GeraA T.Braay * Z www.InfraredNewEngland.com "See what's hot and what's not." ,,,,,,. ,--„:_is,.-4. ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes �F Thermal Bypass Inspection Checklist Home Address: 115 Pine Island Road City: Dartmouth State:MA Thermal Bypass Inspection Guidelines Corrections Builder Rater N/A Needed Verified Verified 1. Overall Air Barrier Requirements: and Thermal Insulation shall be installed in full contact with sealed interior and exterior air barrier except for alternate to interior air barrier Barrier Alignment under item no.2(Walls Adjoining Exterior Walls or Unconditioned Spaces) All Climate Zones: 1.1 Overall Alignment Throughout Home 0 ❑ [x] ❑ 1.2 Garage Band Joist Air Barrier(at bays adjoining conditioned space) ❑ 0 0 ❑x 1.3 Attic Eave Baffles Where Vents/Leakage Exist ❑x x❑ 0 ❑ Only at Climate Zones 4 and Higher: 1.4 Slab-edge Insulation(A maximum of 25%of the slab edge may be ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑x uninsulated in Climate Zones 4 and 5.) Best Practices Encouraged,Not Req'd.: 1.5 Air Barrier At All Band Joists(Climate Zones 4 and higher) ❑ ❑ 0 0 1.6 Minimize Thermal Bridging(e.g.,OVE framing,SIPs,ICFs) ❑ ❑ 0 El 2. Walls Adjoining Requirements: Exterior Walls or . Fully insulated wall aligned with air barrier at both interior and exterior,OR Unconditioned •Alternate for Climate Zones 1 thru 3,sealed exterior air barrier aligned with RESNET Grade 1 insulation fully supported Spaces • Continuous top and bottom plates or sealed blocking 2.1 Wall Behind Shower/Tub ❑ ❑x ❑ 0 2.2 Wall Behind Fireplace ❑ ❑ 0 El 2.3 Insulated Attic SlopesiWalls 0 ❑ 0 El 2.4 Attic Knee Walls 0 ❑ 0 El 2.5 Skylight Shaft Walls 0 0 El 2.6 Wall Adjoining Porch Roof 0 ❑ ❑ El 2.7 Staircase Walls 0 0 ❑x 0 2.8 Double Walls ❑ ❑ 0 3. Floors between Requirements: Conditioned and • Air barrier is installed at any exposed fibrous insulation edges Exterior Spaces • Insulation is installed to maintain permanent contact with sub-floor above including necessary supports(e.g.,staves for blankets,netting for blown-in) • Blanket insulation is verified to have no gaps,voids or compression. • Blown-in insulation is verified to have proper density with firm packing 3.1 Insulated Floor Above Garage ❑ ❑ 0 tEl 3.2 Cantilevered Floor 0 0 0 El 4. Shafts Requirements: Openings to unconditioned space are fully sealed with solid blocking or flashing and any remaining gaps are sealed with caulk or foam(provide fire-rated collars and caulking where required) 4.1 Duct Shaft 0 0 0 El 4.2 Piping Shaft/Penetrations ❑ 0 tEl 0 4.3 Flue Shaft ❑ ❑ 0 El 5. Attic/Ceiling Requirements: Interface •All attic penetrations and dropped ceilings include a full interior air barrier aligned with insulation with any gaps fully sealed with caulk,foam or tape • Movable insulation fits snugly in opening and air barrier is fully gasketed 5.1 Attic Access Panel(fully gasketed and insulated) ❑ 0 ❑ tEl 5.2 Attic Drop-down Stair(fully gasketed and insulated) ❑ ❑ 0 0 5.3 Dropped Ceiling/Soffit(full air barrier aligned with insulation) 0 ❑ ❑ El 5.4 Recessed Lighting Fixtures(ICAT labeled and sealed to drywall) ❑ 0 ® 0 5.5 Whole-house Fan(insulated cover gasketed to the opening) ❑ 0 0 0 6. Common Walls Requirements: . Between Dwelling Gap between drywall shaft wall(i.e.,common wall)and the structural framing between units is fully sealed at all exterior Units boundary conditions 6.1 Common Wall Between Dwelling Units ❑ I 0 I 0 Home Energy Rating Provider: BER Rater Inspection Date: 8/2/17 Builder Inspection Date: c Home Energy Rater Company Name: Infrared NE Builder Company Name: Home Energy Rater Signature: "--- Builder Employee Signature: f I 1; , PRoFEssIo'1oI .E P „, BUILDINGP8 �3 SYSTEMS, INC. ... Set Manual PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver . n 7 �' 2/17/16 If you feel the information in this manual does not comply with the home that you are setting please contact Professional Building Systems, Inc. for further instructions. The manufacturer of the structure,Professional Building Systems,Inc.,72 East Market St.,Middleburg,PA,certifies that this structure is not a manufactured home subject to the provision of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act and is:(1)Designed only for erection or installation on a site-built,permanent foundation.(2)Not designed to be moved once erected or installed.(3)Designed or manufactured to comply with the International Residential Code,National Electrical Code,International Energy Conservation Code and...(4)To the manufacturer's knowledge is not intended to be used other than on a site-built permanent foundation. 1 Table of contents 1. Today's Modular Home 3 2. Builder Participation 4 3. Delivery of Your Professional Building Systems, Inc. Home 7 4. Building Codes 7 5. Module Set-up Introduction 8 6. Before Home Arrives 9 A. The Foundation 9 B. Job Site And Grade (See drawing 6.B.) 9 C.Acceptance Of House At Delivery 9 A. House Preparation For Installation 13 B. Placing The Home On The Foundation 15 1. Roll-On Method 15 2. Crane Installation 18 C. Mating and Securing the Home to the Foundation 20 D. Exterior Final Finish Carpentry 23 E. Interior Final Finish Carpentry 23 F. Plumbing 25 G. Electrical 26 H. Heating 29 8. Raised Ranch/Bi-Level Set-Up Instructions 30 9. Two-Story Set-Up Instructions 34 A. Setting And Securing To The Foundation 34 B. Exterior Final Finish Carpentry 35 C. Plumbing 35 D. Electrical 35 E. Interior Final Finish Carpentry 35 F. Heating 35 10. Split Level Set-Up Instructions36 PFS Corporation 11. 5/12 & 7/12 Truss Roof Pitch Set-Up Instructions 38 Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 1 12. 5/12 and 7/12 Rafter Roof Pitch Set-Up Instructions 40 13. 9/12 and 12/12 Roof Pitch Set-Up Instructions 43 14. Cape Dormer Installations 47 15. Cape Shed Dormer Installation (Ship loose or Panelized) 48 16. Hip Roof Set-Up Instructions 50 17. Transverse Roof Pitch Set-Up Instructions 52 18. Hinged Overhang Set-Up Instructions 57 19. Raised Roof/Porch Package Setup Instructions 59 20. Panelized Roof Dormer Installation 61 21. Marriage Wall Cross Over Stair Detail 62 22. Panelized Vaulted Roof Set-Up Instructions 64 23. Air Infiltration and Insulation 67 24. Fire Protection of Floors for Homes to be Located in Pennsylvania 70 25. Firestoppinq of Fire Rated Assemblies 71 PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 2 1. Today's Modular Home Is a one story, or two story, or multifamily structure built in sectional units to rigid specifications at our factory? Working conditions are controlled at all times, for all units, and our homes are assembled in the factory to assure quality and compliance with specifications. Additionally, after Professional Building Systems, Inc. quality assurance inspectors examine the home; a private independent inspection firm repeats the process. Most models that leave the factory and are delivered to your building site are 90 percent complete. The units are completely insulated and have nearly completed electrical, plumbing, heating, and interior trim. The builder does final hookup of utilities and other trim-out preparation for the customer, at the site. Many of our builders are accomplished and successful site builders who have discovered the financial and scheduling advantages of Professional Building Systems, Inc. Their costs, quality, and delivery are predictable. The relationship with Professional Building Systems, Inc. permits the builder to more closely estimate his costs for the project. Although our construction standards are unsurpassed in the Industry, we do not promise delivery of a "perfect" structure. There always will be some adjustments at the building site, costs of which should be anticipated by the builder and allowed for in his total cost estimates. Elsewhere in this manual we outline those adjustments, which are the responsibility of the builder. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 3 2. Builder Participation Set Up and Trim Out Because a successful relationship with our builder depends on proper handling of the new home at the site, we would like to summarize certain responsibilities of the builder. They involve preparation of the site and foundation, installation of the modules, and trim-out adjustments to the home. It is important that you understand these responsibilities, and plan for them in your cost and production schedules. PFS Corporation The following are the primary field adjustments to be made by the builder. Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver The Building Site 2/17/16 There must be proper soil conditions and clearances to permit access and movement by the module carrier and the installing crane. Grading around the foundation must be clear, level, and solid. Overhead wires, tree limbs, underground pipes and other items which could be damaged or broken by tall, heavy equipment should be removed, or installed after the home is erected. The Foundation Professional Building Systems, Inc. will supply the builder with plans and specifications to assure a foundation that will fit the delivered home. The foundation's size and square must be accurate and level. We cannot stress the importance of this. The final assembly of the modular is critical to a correct foundation. Please verify this. The builder must supply all sill plates, columns, and caps, the footings must be in place, and the columns and caps must be available on-site for installation by the set-up crew. Installation The correct size crane, proper slings, spreaders, and workmen needed for installation are the responsibility of the builder. The setup crew will install the modules, set support columns, raise and secure the roof, and finish off shingles and gable ends to make the house weather tight. Trim Cut Inevitably, modular wood structures need final touch ups once they are mated to the foundation. Various fixtures and hardware need adjusting, and utilities need connecting. These items are the responsibility of the builder. This checklist will help builders fulfill their responsibility to trim out the home for proper delivery to the customer. Doors and Windows Keep in mind that some warpage may occur when heat is turned on. Turn on heat gradually, then: 1. Adjust interior passage and closet doors for proper opening and closing. 4 2. Adjust exterior doors for proper opening and closing, and for proper seal. 3. Adjust windows for proper movement. Loose Nails Professional Building Systems, Inc. construction techniques minimize problems at the site, but following transportation, settling on the foundation, and the introduction of the heat expect some nails to pop out. Therefore: 1. Re-nail loose wall panels and ceiling panels. 2. Reset loose miter joints and cove moldings. Drywall Cracks As with popping of nails and screws, you can expect minor cracking of drywall due to movement and warming of modules. Minor cracking at doors, windows, archways, and corners is to be expected, and should be adjusted by the builder at his expense. Minor Scratches The touch up of scratches or imperfections in the drywall finish, moldings, kitchen cabinets and similar surfaces are the responsibility of the builder. Floor Covering Any damage, which occurs to the floor covering after the home is delivered, is the builders' responsibility. Builder should make necessary corrections. Plumbing Adjust trap assemblies at tubs, showers, and sinks for water holding capability, and check all plumbing for leaks. Our experience suggests that these tests be done soon after the units are on the foundation, so any necessary adjustments can be made while plumbing is still accessible. Shipping Damage Professional Building Systems, Inc. stands behind its products and makes every effort to assure that all materials and items ordered are shipped with the home, and that all units are properly inspected and secured at the factory for proper delivery to the site. Policies on shortages, damaged merchandise and defective merchandise are included in the P.B.S. Service & Warranty Manual. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 5 Typical on-site completed work and inspection criteria: 1) Foundation: per approved plans. 2) Column support as per approved drawings* 3) Column supports installed so that center beam bears 100% on support column plate. 4) Center beam is bolted as per approved drawings*. 5) Units secured together at marriage wall openings per approved drawings*. 6) House secured to sill plate per code/drawings*. 7) Roof system fastened and secured per approved drawings* 8) Basement wall and/or floor Insulation installed as per code/ ResCheck requirements (see Data Plate) 9) Attic insulation installed correctly (no voids, not compressed). 10)Field shingle installation installed per manufacturer's instructions including ridge vent and shingle caps. 11)Field siding installed per manufacturer's instructions. 12)DWV vents installed through roof. 13)Bathroom exhaust vented to exterior. 14)Kitchen range hood vented to exterior or filtered (where permitted by code). 15)Dryer vented to the exterior 16)Unit made energy efficient at joints. 17)Utility connections completed. 18)DWV and Water Supply systems tested as required by code. 19)Water heater discharged properly. 20)Sprinkler system completed /tested /sign or valve tag installed /owner's manual present. (see pages 25 and 26 of Set Manual) 21)Attached garage & 20 minute fire rating & door 22)Required fire stopping accomplished - SEE PAGE 70 AND 71 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 23)Items documented in the special instructions area on the Data Plate completed. 24)Air Barrier and Insulation Inspection Checklist (if applicable) completed. Copy returned to PBS Quality Assurance Department. 25)Window guards installed where required by code. **THIS IS ONLY TO BE CONSIDERED AS A GENERAL GUIDE FOR TYPICAL ON-SITE WORK AND INSPECTION.SOME ITEMS ABOVE MAY NOT APPLY TO YOUR HOME.FOR ITEMS NOT LISTED,REFER TO THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PROVIDED OR THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 6 3. Delivery of Your Professional Building Systems, Inc. Home The Site 1. Accessibility to the home site is essential. The driveway entrance must be wide enough to allow turn-off from the road, and the driveway must be sufficiently level to avoid damage to the home modules on delivery. 2. Proper site assembly requires adequate space to place the home next to the foundation. This may require removal of trees and other obstructions. Our drivers have instructions not to enter an area which is improperly prepared and does not allow safe, easy access. 3. Prior to delivery, Professional Building Systems, Inc. will ask for the builder's cooperation in routing homes to the final destination, so that proper permits may be obtained. 4. Professional Building Systems, Inc. and the drivers are not responsible if damage occurs while trying to deliver the units beyond the hard surface roads, or damage that occurs while traveling on hard surface roads near the job site that is not at least 20' wide and have a 15' height clearance. The Builder is responsible for checking routes for low hanging tree branches, wires, bridges, and any other obstacles that may cause damage to the units. Arrival of the Home 1. Your representative should meet the driver at a predetermined location, to direct him to the building site, and to accept and pay for the home. 2. The builder is required to inspect the home upon arrival of the units at the jobsite or staging area. The builder must use the ship-loose report and check off all items shipped in the home. The builder must list any and all damages and shortages at this time to qualify for service or replacement parts at no charge to the builder. 3. The driver will not pull or move a home into an area that could result in damage to the home, its carrier, or the truck. The builder should have equipment on site to move units from the hard surface roads to the foundation. All further transportation costs and/or damage are the responsibility of the builder. 4. When the drivers arrive at the predetermined destination, two (2) hours of waiting time will be maintained at no charge to the builder. Any waiting time exceeding two (2) hours will be billed to the builder at prevailing rates. 5. The builder is responsible for unbolting the modules from the carriers. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED 4. Building Codes D Weaver 2/17/16 Professional Building Systems, Inc. manufactures its homes to meet rigid specifications, including the standard state building codes when applicable. Although we design our products to meet most local building codes, due to circumstances beyond our control we cannot guarantee that we meet all local code requirements. For specifics, the builder should refer to his local building inspector and to Professional Building 6. Before Home Arrives Regardless of the style of home being installed, the following general procedures should be followed in erecting the modules: PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED A. The Foundation D Weaver The builder is responsible for the foundation preparation, and checking 2/"/16 foundation for level, square, correct length and width. There is no tolerance for level when installing a modular home. A foundation that is out of level will cause many problems with the home. It is recommended that the builder use a transit to check the entire foundation, prior to scheduling the set crew. 1. Check plans for proper foundation size, measurements, column or pier placement, diagonal dimensions to insure square, and levelness. Correct as necessary. 2. Apply Sill-Sealer insulation to top of foundation wall and secure a sill plate to top of foundation with bolts in foundation. Bolts should be located 1'-0" from each corner and spaced a maximum of 6'-0" between. SILL PLATE BOLTS MUST NOT INTERFERE WITH FLOOR JOISTS. 3. If the home is to be put on the foundation using the roll-on method, check to see that the rail slots are located one/quarter (1/4) of the total length of the foundation in from each end. The rail slots should be 32" wide and 8" deep. (See drawing 6.A.) 4. The foundation should be braced and back filled before arrival of the modules. Extreme care should be taken so not to damage foundation during this process. 5. The foundation should be exposed a minimum of 36" if the roll-on method is used or 18" if crane is being used to install the home on the foundation. B. Job Site And Grade (See drawing 6.B.) 1. Access road must be hard packed and have minimum of gradual turns to prevent damage to home (no right angle or sharp turns). Road should have a minimum clearance of 20' width and height of 15'. The grade of the site should not have more than 1' rise in 20'. Moving units over rough terrain will cause excessive drywall cracks and can cause damage to windows and other areas of the home. 2. The unloading area (usually the front of the house) must be level and hard packed. It must be cleared 20'-0" from the foundation wall and the entire length of the house. Egress must be possible for the delivery truck from this area. 4. Positioning of the modules, at the site, should be accomplished by a dozer with a rear ball hook. It should be also used to stack and position the undercarriage frame for the safe storage until the return trip. C. Acceptance Of House At Delivery 1. The Builder or his authorized representative must meet the house upon delivery at the job site. 9 2. Assurance must be made that the house shipping papers match specifications ordered. 3. Ship loose items must be checked and signed for by the Builder or authorized representative with 24 hours allowed to check out the packaged items under any given category. 4. Any damages, shortages, or any obvious discrepancies must be noted on the shipping papers before the drivers are released. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 10 N N O N C 14 O QI . 00 O i� O � N 2. _g 0 O-f6 U CCS LL \ „8 o a in � c a CO 1 j (uo Ho()-uiw„9E PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 11 O SSa\ O N V: ' m I I\ Cl)C/) C U y C 0OC:1 :: O E • N ❑ E _ e CO \) ,,, E. A f -- 11— _0,OE /4- R�9 O 5 N i SS 4) dp E ob D. o C. c E. 0 PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 12 7. Single Story Two Module Ranch Setup Instructions A. House Preparation For Installation 1. While the modules are along side of the foundation, clear the marriage walls of all plastic, paneling, nailer strips, nails, etc. to insure a close fit. 2. If the home was ordered with optional sheathing on the marriage walls, cut out all doorways and archways after home is on foundation. 3. Utilizing a reciprocating or hand saw, remove all top and bottom plates at doorways along marriage walls, and temporary framing, being extremely careful not to damage carpet or vinyl floor covering. (Do this after set on foundation) 4. Check all ceiling insulation, making sure all insulation is properly in place. 5. Apply Seal-Type Insulation (Builder provided) along the bottom, top, and both ends of one marriage wall to prevent heat loss after modules are together. (See drawing 7.A.5.) The set crew is responsible for insuring this area is energy efficient. 6. Reference the electrical prints of home for locations and uncoil electrical leads. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 13 C O m 6 N C 0 O 2.O C TxN 28 CCo w O T V! > a O a _ _ N 0 — C a7 O CD °•• •• :.4..�.,4 a a) , w _ 4= Ix C y rn m o 4 'its cn E s G O :< ,I .O : •\ t \ \\.V O- ,1j c CU (13 1I1 m O m c '� 5 o. o CO I: �Vv $ �� 4i 0 _ �� 1! p 1 o 4.41 1. I 1., 1�:4,4 O o. 1�: 0j N ? tn+4!i..K..9c!idi.w!iwwww��o, z co N- PPS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 14 B. Placing The Home On The Foundation The modules can be placed on the foundation by choosing one of two methods: crane or roll-on. Both methods have advantages to each, and local set crews can better inform you as to which method is best suited for your site location and style of home. The roll-on method can be used only on ranch and raised ranch style homes (2 module homes) while multi-module homes require a crane for proper maneuvering. 1. Roll-On Method a. Install 2 each 24'-0", 26'-0", or 28'-0", 32'-0" (depending on width of home) I-Beams (8"wide flange minimum) across foundation in knockouts in foundation. (See drawing 6.A.) Be sure top of I-Beam is below top of sill so I-Beam can be removed after house is on its foundation. b. Shore up center of each I-Beam. Install cross ties to keep I-Beam from moving or twisting. Crossties could be secured to sill on sides. c. If not already done, position Unit"B" (first half of house-normally rear half) parallel to the foundation with approximately 36" between the module and foundation. d. From underside of module, remove lag bolts used to secure home to carrier during transportation. e. If the home has a 5/12 or 7/12 roof, in is suggested that the roof system be lifted into position at this time. Refer to Section 11 through Section 17 of this manual for necessary instructions. PFS Corporation f. Using 3-Ton Capacity Jacks position them near but not directly opposite Northeast Region the I-Beams in the foundation and jack the module up. If possible, locate APPROVED jack under an interior partition. D Weaver g. Avoiding the jacks, remove the undercarriage carefully. 2/17/16 h. Butting one end against the I-Beam resting on the foundation wall, install another I-Beam (24'-0", 26'-0", or 28'-0", 32'-0" depending on width) under the module. Install blocking under the opposite end and center span of these I-Beams. After assuring that the I-Beams are straight and level, secure the ends together by using 2 ea. 3/8" plates, 16" long with 6 ea. 3/8" x 1 1/4" machine bolts. (See drawing 7.B.1.) i. Install rollers (4 ea.) centered on I-Beam and under perimeter of unit. Straighten and square rollers with I-Beam to assure a straight line traveling. Wedge in place. (3" x 12" rollers with 1-1/2" hex shaft and bearing are suggested) j. Check to assure that there are not any pipes or wires hanging below the module that may be damaged by hitting the top of the foundation. Remove wedges and push unit across equally on each end. Adjust roller direction by tapping on one corner or the other as needed to assure proper alignment when in place. Make sure module is aligned with edge of foundation. When in place, wedge rollers securely. k. Using 1/2" x 4" x 4" steel plates on top of jacks to eliminate damage, install hydraulic jack in each foundation knockout next to I-Beam. Raise outside of unit evenly, remove outside rollers, and let unit down evenly on foundation wall. 15 I. Under the inside wall install jacks on center support of I-Beam if room is available, otherwise set jack on 6" x 6" post. This post should be secured to foundation pillars if possible and on a solid base. Raise inside of unit, install 4" shims under end walls between sill and band joists and under band joist and I-Beams. Remove rollers and lower module evenly onto shims. (See drawing 7.B.2.) m. After completing the above steps, repeat steps a. through I. with second module. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 16 1 r Ql' 1j H ea to _ ii v 3 E /r cis U , / I Y CO W I / 0 1- _ /,/ 1 r_L 47-+ I I I a) �o i � (� D' w � � ' a ^ m � a) W E E CtS25 E N (6 o 0 O O E. O E > Q) Eo , O O o co ' �� lc O CU I m a)O i W 1 r \\ , ; \ \ 0 1 -- tn. 0 \\\ ,\` �_— o N \ L PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 17 2. Crane Installation Individual module weights vary depending on length, width and style of home to be erected. This, along with the distance the crane has to "reach out" to the foundation, drastically affects the size of crane needed to erect the home. Please consult your local crane companies to determine what size would be needed for your particular situation. (Estimated module weight = 40 -45 lbs. /s.f.) a. If the home has a 5/12 or 7/12 hinged roof, it is recommended that the roof be lifted into position at this time. Refer to Section 11 through 16 of this manual for necessary instructions b. The cradle used to erect each module should be constructed so that it is capable of telescoping to conform to both width and length of the modular units being set. Straps or cables should be used to under-sling the module to the cradle. Straps should be plumb from the cradle to the point where they meet the floor of the module, which should be 1/4 distance in from each end. In areas where straps rub against siding, fascia, windows, or doors, place a 2" x 4" block between strap and home to prevent damage. c. Begin to raise the module. Outward pressure should be applied to both sides of each strap to insure that the module remains centered on the straps. During the craning operation, it is essential that the bottom of each module remain level to avoid lateral stress on exterior walls, which can rack the module and prevent proper alignment when the sections are joined together. d. Set module evenly on foundation. Place 4" shims under each end of module at marriage wall between band joist and sill plate. (See drawing 7.B.2.) Install lolly columns per foundation print for proper spacing and location. FAILURE TO PROPERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN UNEVEN FLOORS. e. Remove straps and proceed to 2nd module and repeat steps a. through d. NOTE: Additional rigging is required by the set crew, in specific areas, when offsets occur. NOTE: It is recommended to use a 3 or 4 point pick on all homes over 56' in length. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 18 Ili / r \\ I CD / i 1 a 3 // o / -- (U 4- li h- d / , i 1 1 (13 f__. W 1 0 = INL 15 o \\ , I g • to CD to E CO 0 \\ '\ 11 r ■ \� PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 19 B. Mating and Securing the Home to the Foundation 1. Be sure both units are aligned with the foundation, the end walls are going together flush, and the floors butt together tightly; use a come-along to accomplish this. (Note: Because of shims on sill plate under marriage wall band joists, there will be a gap at the roofline.) 2. Install two hydraulic jacks under the center floor beam at 1/4 end points. Raise floor evenly, remove shims, and lower equally. Boxes should fit tight together. 3. Lag screws must be installed in center of the perimeter joists under the marriage walls where modules come together. These lags should be spaced 32" O.C. with factory-supplied lags. 4. Starting at the one end, level the floors at the center seam by adjusting the jack posts. Assure that factory installed doors are working properly and that door openings are level and even. Some adjustment may be necessary by builder. 5. Sometimes a misalignment will occur showing up on the end walls or interior marriage wall archways and/or doorways, which will not be flush. This can occur as a result of an un-level foundation, improper adjustment of basement center supports, transportation due to irregularities in road conditions, or from "flexing" of the modules during setup. The problem is recognizable in the following manner. The modules will be flush at the end walls and doorways at the floor, but a discrepancy will start to become evident as you go up toward the ceiling or roof. This can be easily remedied at this time with the use of a come-along. Attach a come-along and chains to ceiling of opposing modules and apply pressure to bring them back into alignment. Secure in place with 16d nails and 4"x6" straps before releasing come-alongs. FAILURE TO TAKE CORRECTIVE MEASURES AT THIS TIME RESULTS IN EXTENSIVE WORK AT A LATER TIME. (See drawing 7.C.5.) 6. Install shingles at roof peak taking care not to cover ridge peak to prevent airflow. 7. Install continuous ridge vent per manufacturer's instructions. MAKE SURE THE FELT PAPER AND ROOF SHINGLES DO NOT COVER THE RIDGE PEAK AND RESTRICT AIR FLOW. 8. On certain styles of homes, it will be necessary to install roof vent caps in areas where exhaust fan ducts are protruding through the roof. Apply mastic to vent cap and install by lifting upper shingle and sliding vent cap under this shingle. Secure to roof with roofing nails. 9. Secure house to foundation by fastening provided narrow strip of exterior sidewall sheathing along bottom of floor perimeter rail securing it into unit with 8d nail 2" O.C. and sill plate with 8d nails 2" O.C. (Width of sheathing strip will vary depending on model, ceiling height, and floor joist size) wall perimeter sheathing strip into floor perimeter PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 20 10. If not already done, secure center floor beam to jack post columns. For maximum spacing of supports or pillars, refer to foundation prints. 1. Secure units together at interior marriage wall openings using provided metal straps. (3 each side and 1 across the top of the opening with 6d nails) Be sure the walls are the same width at the top, bottom, and center. Shim walls apart or clamp together as needed to align. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 21 V. II \\ - � ° // /i, 0 /rr C � // r p rn z/i ,\\E\i'r f/,rj/ix : /// it V r /r / N. r ' //3/ i' \\\\\(//�/ /i t r o r r ��'�` r/ / �?� / r i \ � . a) f //i i/// // ` Y/ w i/ t/  O / / ' ' \\ r ; li i ,� U t/ ; % 'j , / ' "� il�i itT Jr ii T\ // %'i / Ti '/ CO O Q o \' // %/ lr/ /i r /l ifi A\y/ „/ ii/ // j/ / \ \ /r',, <"/c';/,i/ ,r//\<' //,iv rr r /// ' /,/ / / ' "O o \// a/ Ur i / ; /Ai/ i// //j/ // > , ! / X\\,r /�/ ' r% j/ e \ _ i, r// q% ?/ / \ � i' '// ' % ' ir" 10 N Or. ; � /,/i ' /// "\ d / i yi' ;yr Ijr e a cc 1 '//%//1 '7/,r ;l / /// /;r///' ;^ �r///,/1/ %/�\�"fir/4�/ \�i/ /rr 1r f/r/// \\' `� %/ G i j/ .it /% n �' % ' it r /.•'i i, ,i' r/' N N E O)'C 0)N m n )o Y O V m m .n` N• U co O PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 22 C. Exterior Final Finish Carpentry Vinyl Siding 1. If not completed at the time of the set, fasten provided narrow strip of exterior sidewall sheathing along bottom of floor perimeter rail securing it into unit with 8d nail 2" O.C. and sill plate with 8d nails 2" O.C. (Width of sheathing strip will vary depending on model, ceiling height, and floor joist size.) 2. Install provided starter strip around perimeter of home by measuring down appropriate distance from second row of siding. Hook bottom row of siding on starter strip and secure per manufacturer's instructions. Using siding "zipper" tool, hook second row of siding to bottom row. 3. The siding manufacture requires on site flash of the corners of the home, it is accomplished by bending a 10"wide piece of aluminum rim coil 90° (builder supplied) so you have two 5" legs. Cover the entire length of the corner lapping the upper pieces over the lower pieces. Install the outside corners. Apply horizontal siding to ends of home per siding manufacturer's instructions. 4. Complete installation of the exterior siding. 5. Install exterior soffit, fascia, J-channel, and drip edge to overhangs. D. Interior Final Finish Carpentry 1. At marriage walls, seam carpet-to-carpet areas with seaming tape. Install threshold molding at carpet-to-vinyl areas. 2. Install all interior pre-hung doors. Installation varies depending on style of home and thickness of marriage wall. (See drawing 7.E.2. for details) 3. Adjust all other factory installed interior and exterior doors. Exterior doors were only temporarily installed at the factory to ease the adjustment process. 4. Trim out all archways, including cathedral areas, where applicable. (See drawing 7.E.2.) 5. Check entire home for drywall "stress cracks" which may have occurred as a result of shipment, setup. etc. Repair as necessary. 6. Complete all casing and base molding where needed. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 23 F 7 C _ .a .c a o E= coE j_ 8 d O 'l >. U ry - for 3 m m 3 V/) Oa a4-0 'L (�6 r-I 05 (U E 3 m S.- rn� m 0 m 2 O U ZO Q O O 0 M If 0) 3 C CO To CO o CI. (.� aU " ( 0 ♦ m W £ m E.a _ vJ - m ap a) f6 N �m o) 0 c6 al cc'i E a) m N m co coV 3 rn— L a > E `3 U N O t0 a)a)O al - m 1 p) c N ° a W I o ° ti0) Y -d Q} m m o ° `E' 0 -° c6 a m a i m M m a E-0 I a ru � 0 0 0 0� a 1 0 m � LL PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 24 F. Plumbing 1. Hot and Cold Supply a. All Water supply lines to fixtures are stubbed through floor and hookup of all horizontal runs underneath floor is the responsibility of the builder/developer or others. Water supplies are color coded (red or blue). b. Connect cold water supply lines with underground supply line source for house. c. Connect the hot water distribution systems to the hot water heater being installed. DO NOT TURN ELECTRICITY ON TO WATER HEATER UNTIL IT IS FILLED WITH WATER. If electricity is turned on prematurely, damage to the water heater will occur. d. Test entire water system per local code requirements upon completion. Although testing was performed at the factory prior to shipment, leaks will sometimes occur as a result of shipment, set-up, and/or on-site plumbing. 2. Sanitary Drainage Systems a. All drain lines to fixtures are stubbed thru floor and hook up of all horizontal runs underneath floor is responsibility of the Builder/Developer or others. All drain lines are labeled. b. The soil waste stacks from the toilets, utility areas, and kitchens are stubbed through the floor framing for the field contractor to make the approximate waste line connections, depending on the sanitary facilities installed in the basement and the exact location of the soil waste line. c. Depending on the overall height during shipment and the particular model chosen, it may be necessary to extend the soil waste stacks through or above the roof to the required height as mandated by each individual state and applicable codes. Necessary material has been provided for this to be accomplished. d. Test entire drain system per local code requirements upon completion. Although the testing was performed at the factory prior to shipment, leaks will sometimes occur as a result of shipment, set-up, and/or on-site plumbing. 3. Sprinkler System a. All sprinkler supply lines are stubbed through the floor and hookup of all horizontal runs underneath the floor and crossover connections between modules are the responsibility of the builder/developer or others. b. On-site connections are to be per the approved drawings and as required by the sprinkler piping manufacturer's installation instructions. PFS Corporation Northeast Region C. Upon completion of on-site connections the system shall be filled with APPROVED water and the air bled from the highest and farthest sprinklers before D Weaver pressure testing is applied. Air must be removed from piping systems to 2/17/16 prevent it from being locked in the system when pressure is applied. Entrapped air can _generate excessive surge pressures that can result in bodily injury and/or property damage. The system is then to be tested at water pressure of not less than the working pressure of the system for not less than 15 minutes. The water used for tests shall be obtained from a potable water source. 25 d. Leaks, if any, shall be located and materials repaired or replaced. The system shall then be retested. e. Where sprinkler pipe is located in unconditioned space, sufficient insulation must be installed over and /or around the pipe to prevent freezing. f. A final inspection of the system shall be conducted to verify completion of the system. This inspection shall verify the following: i. Sprinklers are not painted, damaged, or otherwise hindered from operation. ii. Where a pump is required to provide water to the system, the pump starts automatically upon system water demand. iii. Pressure-reducing valves, water softeners, water filters or other impairments to water flow that were not part of the original design have not been installed. PFS Corporation iv. The sign or valve tag required by Section P2904.7 and NFPA 13D Northeast Region Section 6.3(5) is installed and the owner's manual for the system is APPROVED present. D Weaver 2/17/16 NOTE: For sprinkler systems designed and installed in accordance with the 2009 International Residential Code Section 2904(see approved drawings for code complied with),the Sprinkler Water Distribution System Inspection Form, provided by the manufacturer is to be completed. G. Electrical 1. See electrical prints for circuitry and location of panel box. 2. Electrical connections between the two modules are made at a junction. Boxes are in the attic cavity near the gable end of the home. These connections, made with wire nuts provided, are the responsibility of the builder/developer or others. (See drawing 7.G.2.) 3. The circuit panel box has been pre-wired and tested at the factory. It is located on an exterior wall with a conduit run beneath the floor for homes being placed on a crawl space. For homes being placed on a full basement, it has been wired to accommodate installation in the basement with excess wire to facilitate ease of installation. Lower electrical panel into basement during set. 4. On models being placed on a full basement, a wire (14/3) will be found extending beneath the floor near the basement stairwell. This wire is to be connected to a 3-way Switch (provided by builder) to control the stairwell light;,When installing this switch, the "black"wire should be hooked to the "common terminal on the 3- way Switch. 5. On models being placed on a full basement, another wire (14/3) will be found extending beneath the floor in an area directly beneath a factory installed smoke detector on the main floor. These wires are to be connected to an additional smoke detector(provided) for installation in the basement. Please refer to manufacturer's instructions with the smoke detector. (See drawing 7.G.5.) 6. Install all exterior lights (provided) as shown on electrical plans. 7. CHECK ALL LIGHTS, RECEPTACLES, APPLIANCES AND ANY OTHER ELECTRICAL DEVICES TO INSURE PROPER WORKING ORDER! 26 o U 0 G) m 0 e 3 U E U U J N CO1- I- F F V/ C 0 W a C c 2 Nt 0 ' U ... O U «. 'p c oUc ON tlJ o ct c 9 cc d -m a ' m 0 m 0 0S 0 V �\ m m o 0 0 0 o I\\ o o ow m o CO 0 '�0 Y d C Y 0 C y r, _ v a V AS L O V Mc P O SU6 Ltat' N � mac_' 7 W m 6 m 5 0 m w m S 0 W L a) CO oE 2 2 0 V 'V ..a. N 0 F- F 0 H O 0 L. 0 U c0 N O h (13 UN t 2 N .c N• .� v m d m 3 = d m �},2 rO 0 N 0 a c6 _O 0 0 U 0 U c P. N Y r U U 0 N l0 W U_@ N ? — f0 N O 0)a) c a C 0-0 V N yip c ct_ 0 ° c_ 0 a oa 'O4t U U O OL V Na N Oc E 0 0,y a0M y E§a a a c m . Ocw E v �'2 > ma9 m my o ,. a > E E x o 2 O y y O cy N N -5. O E 0_a hcg'> � c `mc `m a000 N 3 o 0 0 o 0.- v O N--a N N ON) N N V i0 N N 0 00..Ti O1 O)� ';'p §C O � o.N 0 £• Ql 01 O > z > 0 0 W d 0 N V 0 0 0 O O.O C N YO 0 .;;it 2 O pig O C1 U O E.o E O=_ o c=)U 0- (00<<2c0 OU o<zO m ""'a" °° oa PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 27 8 IS .c g o U O N G 9 a to,a C M o a m 0 O /�� . _ V at a -4-0 O W d a C m I o c Q \\ Eu_ `L 0 \' = .� co E o O. a) \\ ) 1 i 4 pimmwamm� _ ai!4M /�'/E punaae VJ p 8 a Y o U c N Y U C U=4 �/ �0 a C 0c 0 w 2 E 4) 2 a) U alO'O a) U) CZ 1 LO 0 N- PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 28 H. Heating 1. Electric Heat 1. Electric heat elements are all pre-wired with the exception of wire connections between modules. These connections are made in junction boxes similar to light and receptacle circuits. (See drawing 7.G.2.) 2. Hot water Baseboard a. Baseboard hot water element plumbing is stubbed through the floor with the builder/developer or others installing all horizontal plumbing under the floor connecting the furnace and all accessories. (See baseboard heat print for the particular model chosen) b. TEST ENTIRE SYSTEM, INCLUDING ELEMENTS, FOR LEAKS PER LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS 3. Forced Hot air a. Floor mount registers (optional) will be installed on all models requesting Forced Hot Air. Wall returns (optional) may also be installed. (see plan) b. Supply and installation of all furnaces, heat ducts, and plenums will be the responsibility of the builder/developer or others. c. Supply and installation of any or all fuel supply lines are the responsibility of the builder/developer or others. NOTE: CHASES, OR AREAS TO ACCOMMODATE THE BUILDER'S FLUE OR CHIMNEY CAN BE MADE, IF SO NOTED AT THE TIME THE ORDER IS PLACED. LOCATION OF THE BASEMENT FURNACE MUST BE IN THE GENERAL AREA UNDER THIS SPECIFIED AREA, SO PLANS SHOULD BE MADE ACCORDINGLY. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 29 8. Raised Ranch/Bi-Level Set-Up Instructions The installation of a raised ranch home follows all the same procedures described for the single story ranch home instructions beginning on page 13. In addition, the following procedures should be followed: 1. Remove temporary flooring in foyer area and construct landing and stairs per drawing 8.1. NOTE: Lower stair riser height will vary depending on overall foundation height and cement floor thickness. This must be considered when constructing stairs. 2. Complete framing of area surrounding exterior door. (See drawing 8.2.) Install exterior door per manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Insulate module floor area extending beyond foundation. Install J-channel and soffit as shown on drawing 8.3. 4. Install inside and outside exterior corner posts in foyer area and complete siding installation in this area. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 30 C a o _. y CC t od' ki C m 9 / L— .o-b .C• in �k; I o,, I Ow 1 t`o: C f fig; 1 w s° • .sloe , .Oc, f .F. SatikA tl s LL O a m PFS Corporation 2 a Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 31 N 91 _ 0 o L L1 0 C T O .0 N 3 N N Z. C ----____, t C I LL I I 1, r i- N CI o ru, V \ \ \\\2 1 \\\\\\\\ \ ! oC ai� c -a a\\; F ort I N o NV?y c\a _ o c 1 Ps \>\ \\F,_ \\ II O' � 13 U Ti 1 i .0-,b m 0 o g CV I— f — o y N_N f I / c c / _ I I 23 i zo ¢¢ i �, —N PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 32 N N .0 O >. a C O .� ) Ti j .�i H N O O Q3 OIli .e ry L //�.�� > O I�i 0 O �-' p N - O a)L a Ii3 C _� N O �w C C 4.. !n to Q c_u `�J Nca i, cC c' '1. _,,j77/;r ; C \ _ Ct -----N Ii \\ NN � A \ /+�\ "N \\ 1 CON 1 iv C N fto ONNG O N to N oOO p O O mi• Q y a. O.d n O. 71/ C C CON w 0 C C N N aS L .0 C a V U CO CO CO r, EL PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 33 9. Two-Story Set-Up Instructions This section sets forth the steps to complete field installation of PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. two-story homes. The field installation work varies with each model; therefore the installer must consult the building drawings for the particular model involved for module connection details and the systems interconnection requirements. This, along with the following general procedures, should be followed in erecting the modules. PFS corporation Northeast Region A. Setting And Securing To The Foundation APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 I 1. Follow "HOUSE PREPARATION FOR INSTALLATION" detail as outlined on page 13. 2. Place the bottom two modules ("A" & "B" units) on the foundation utilizing the Crane Installation Method as described on page 18. 3. Mate and secure the modules to the foundation as described on page 20. In addition, secure "A" unit first floor ceiling band joist to "B" unit first floor ceiling band joist with 3/8" lag screws 4'-0" on center. 4. Check for exhaust fan hoses that may need to be run to exterior sidewall vents. Hook up as required. Also at this time appropriate measures need to be taken to insure necessary fire-stopping per code. 5. BEFORE INSTALLATION OF ANY SECOND STORY UNIT CHECK ENTIRE FLOOR PERIMETER FOR VOIDS IN INSULATION THAT MAY HAVE FALLEN OUT DURING TRANSPORTATION. IF FOUND, INSULATE THOSE AREAS. THIS CANNOT BE DONE AFTER THE MODULES ARE SET, THEREFORE IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT IT BE DONE AT THIS TIME. Prepare "D" unit for installation. 6. Attach crane as previously described. If the home has a 5/12 or 7/12 hinged roof, it is recommended that the roof be lifted into position at this time. Refer to Section 11 or Section 12 of this manual for necessary instructions. If the home has a hip roof, see Section 16 of this manual. If home has a transverse roof see Section 17 of this manual. 7. Locate wiring drops and position into areas designed to accommodate. 8. Check for proper alignment at corners and at marriage wall and lower into place. 9. Fasten "D" units floor perimeter into "B" units ceiling perimeter with 16d nails 12" O.C. 10.Repeat steps 5 through 8 for"C" unit. 11.If the home has a hinged roof overhang along the sidewalls, it should be lowered into position at this time as described on page 60. 12.Secure top modules ("C" & "D") to bottom modules ("A" & "B") around entire perimeter by fastening a section of side wall sheathing (provided) in voided are between top and bottom modules around entire perimeter, overlapping from top to bottom modules and fasten with 8d nails at 2" O.C. into floor perimeter and 8d: 2" O.C. into ceiling perimeter. 34 B. Exterior Final Finish Carpentry Vinyl siding: 1. Refer to instructions as described on page 23. C. Plumbing (including sprinkler systems) 1. Complete plumbing hook-ups between first and second floors in areas designed to accommodate. 2. Follow plumbing instruction as described on page 25 Section "F". PFS Corporation Northeast Region 3. Test entire system as described on pages 25 Section "F". APPROVED D. Electrical D Weaver 1. See electrical prints for circuitry and location of panel box. 2/17/16 2. Electrical connections between second floor modules ("C" & "D" units) are made in junction boxes in the attic cavity near the gable end of the home. These connections, made with wire nuts provided (see drawing 7.G.2.). Electrical drop from second floor modules to be pulled through factory provided wall chase for connection to electrical panel in basement. E. Interior Final Finish Carpentry 1. AFTER TESTING ALL PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL, install all drywall in areas where it was left off, to accommodate installation of plumbing and or electrical. Finish drywall as recommended. 2. Install and finish drywall in stairway area. 3. Refer to page 23 - for interior door, archway, and carpet finishing details. F. Heating 1. Electrical Baseboard a. Electric heat elements are pre-wired, with the exception of wire connections between modules. These connections are made at the junction boxes in the attic or are taken directly to the panel box. (drawing 7.G.2) Refer to drawings showing heat layout for particular model. 2. Hot water baseboard a. Elements in the first floor modules are installed with plumbing pipe stubbed through floor. b. Second floor has continuous loop that must be connected to supply and return lines in the plumbing chase and connected at the marriage wall of upper modules. Some modules with open foyer or cathedral on first floor require a connection of heating pipes in the ceiling at access provided c. TEST ENTIRE SYSTEM, INCLUDING ELEMENTS, FOR LEAKS PER LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. 35 10. Split Level Set-Up Instructions This section sets forth the steps to complete field installation of PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. split-level homes. General procedures are identical to the ranch home, two-module, set-up previously described with the following exceptions. Additionally, the installer must consult the building drawings for the particular model involved for module connection details and the systems interconnection requirements. A. Set and secure the lower two modules ("A" & "B") to the foundation. B. Next, set upper module that has hall/stairway in it, aligning it with lower module area built to accommodate. C. Set fourth module into position. D. If the home is a "T-Split", complete roof valley construction per the following: (See drawing 10.D) 1. Measure and cut ridge beam to extend parallel and level with roof ridge of lower modules into roof of upper modules. 2. Snap a chalk line from point of ridge beam where it meets roof down to overhang of lower modules. 3. Measure from ridge beam to chalk line and cut"rafters" to necessary length. On-center spacing will be determined by on-center sparing of the roof on the modules. 4. Cut and install roof sheathing in the area as required. 5. Install necessary "valley" flashing, felt paper, and shingles to complete roof construction. E. Complete: EXTERIOR FINAL FINISH CARPENTRY, INTERIOR FINAL FINISH CARPENTRY, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, AND HEATING as described previously. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 36 o N m ots CC X / N N , I � ' N O O O l\ yJ / i / 18iIP7-111 - / 1 C i' CO X Lit a 1 I- — .N I � ®,� d ius OIV- � � �� �� 1 o 1" IIIII1I r (u All > X / u! j/ Inll1r UPI ! I1i0 I a6P!a c 1 II I1 IJU'ri:I1 I '; IJII P I 1 L PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 37 11. 5/12 & 7/12 Truss Roof Pitch Set-Up Instructions This procedure is designed to provide ease and simplification of set up for PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. 5/12 & 7/12 Roof Pitch System. This procedure applies only to the 5/12 & 7/12 Roof Pitch and MUST NOT be used with any other design or system. 1. Set and secure the home to the foundation as described previously in the SINGLE STORY or TWO-STORY SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS. 2. After checking trusses to assure they are free to move, lift top hinged portion of roof up to same angle as the lower fixed portion. USE EXTREME CARE: DO NOT RAISE ROOF TOO HIGH AS DAMAGE TO THE TRUSSES AND/OR ROOF SHEATHING WILL OCCUR. 3. Lift up the shingles at the "hinge area" and nail overlapping roof sheathing of top portion to the top chord of the bottom portion truss. FAILURE TO PROPERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN EVENTUAL BUCKLING OF THE ROOF IN THIS AREA. 4. Fasten overlapping roof sheathing from rafter extensions to top chord of roof truss with 8d nails 8" O.C. FAILURE TO PROPERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN EVENTUAL BUCKLING OF THE ROOF IN THIS AREA. 5. When necessary shim between ridge beam and fasten together with 10d nails at 6" O.C. This shim should not be continuous. Complete shingle installation at hinge area and at peak. Install ridge vent per manufactures instructions. 6. Install gable end panels. 7. If the home has hinged eave overhangs, refer to instructions on page 60 at this time. Size of boxes and floor plan layout will dictate. 8. Install exterior siding, soffit, fascia, J-channel, and drip edge as previously described on page 23 Section "D". 9. Locate plumbing waste vents, install appropriate flashings and extend them through the roof. Follow manufactures installation instructions for the installation of exhaust fan hoses, range vent ductwork and flashings and caps. FAILURE TO PROBERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN DISPENSING OF HARMFUL GASES AND MOISTURE INTO THE ATTIC SPACE PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 38 1 '1'4:0\''''‘IN ••• i ''.7--.' ' i'i LA 1 1 8 7 -0,,,,6:0" CY) i C /..-- C A 0 Il 0 ea u.. a.) - i''',1 1.•., ! • ' • c0) -[,...? 0 17. - ,. 0 -;, ,. 1 :"?';i ! 0 Ct - ',.. '-0,,; 1 tti: ''' "'i,,,I,'•:-,"' 1 sor-, ' El,Cl) „ ITV Iii1.3H-fFk7iH i--." . • , !,,,,...)10101.i,,,,!!! co ! 0 — . , >, 1-. ,J I , .., `t•—• 7,:+. ' . A:E. 01111 lit', •‘‘ SE'H • ', '''. \--- : ,.• 10......— .•q '. •-,,,,,,'„- *: , ..: _ , Z4'•Abit 4.ACI" ' ' "tf.',.. ',.-- -k W. . ' AG•W RE —; ..:. d1 A t ----- .,. •.... - I: :44 ..,vr,....1 , , , 4". •,..',-- ',__,°F TE14, %` CONNECTIONS AND TRUSS DESIGN SHOW ARE TYPICAL AND NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIUM.11 1 BUILDER/SET CREW SHOULD REFRENCE APPROVED TRUSS CALCULATIONS AND DRAWINGS IN 09/29/11 APPROVED PACKAGE INCLUDED IN HOME FOR SPECIFIC FASTENING. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED 1 D Weaver 2/17/16 39 end and the bottom of the last rafter. Shim accordingly. 11.Attach collar ties (provided) into each rafter at each end (reference the detail drawings included with the home for placement location) fasten with 26-16d nails into each rafter(reference drawing 12.A.). FAILURE TO INSURE THIS MEASUREMENT WILL RESULT IN AN APPARENT "DIP" IN THE ROOF WHEN VIEWED FROM THE EXTERIOR. 12.Raise upper roof sections into position. Make sure the rafter section at hinge lays down tight, flush, and straight onto the ledger before nailing. Adjust ledger strip if necessary to be sure there are no high spots. If rafter does not seat properly, the high spots will throw the roof sheathing out of alignment. Fasten upper rafter headboard to lower rafter headboard with 10d nails 6" O.C. Fasten extended roof sheathing from upper rafter into top of lower rafter with 8d nails 8" O.C. (reference drawing 12.A.) FAILURE TO PROPERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN EVENTUAL BUCKLING OF THE ROOF IN THIS AREA. 13.Cross nail the ridge with 10d nails 6" O.C. (reference drawing 12.A.) 14.There should be a 1/2" space between top of gable wall and bottom of upper rafter sections. Shim accordingly. 15.Install roof dormers if applicable. Refer to instructions on page 49 and/or page 63. 16.Install gable end wall window(s) or vents if applicable. 17.When applicable, if the home has a set of stairs that crosses the marriage wall see Section 21. 18.Apply drip edge, felt paper, shingles, and ridge vent per manufactures installation instructions. 19.Locate plumbing waste vents, install appropriate flashings and extend them through the roof. Follow manufactures installation instructions for the installation of exhaust fan hoses, range vent ductwork and flashings and caps. FAILURE TO PROBERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN DISPENSING OF HARMFUL GASES AND MOISTURE INTO THE ATTIC SPACE. NOTE: ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS BETWEEN MODULES ARE MADE IN JUNCTION BOXES IN THE ATTIC AREA BEHIND THE KNEEWALLS. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 41 , CA 0" , •-..,*.).,0: / '....!` 0 L..../L.,... 4.4. ... iA.s., 1 • ;5. 11.----- .0„,g<C.,, ,a,\., 0,•:* Ints,o-- - (3) C i C Cl) 0 LL Cl) _ ,,,,,,.____. ,_ 1 1 ,s•; 1--, •— 7-qi(f) !E- t i': u. u • i .'...3! i Z H., c 7' ..1....t% ? „it.,,,4 ,:1,, ?.1S1 Ot- 77--, T v.. ,•,, ;1' 5 ..1,fl.! 1 g.. 0`E,-‘! , ;' ' , - -5 11_ ,.„------ l(f31 1.Pd.tSH 1.4 z. fp t. -' 0,gi Vri. IC ligitiii IM:01 k CO fX .C4 \ ., .i • ' 1 i',-,'Cj' 'F.3H,,, Z..,! . f41.41,,i, Oi Et :,,,,,Allit.11.7 ;;!,.‘.“ 5.,1,,,,r,5ki• 1.:,: 1, ,,-4L ,.? ;''' , 7 0 x 171Zi:iT! ,-,i-' 1.2 i. .-- 'j',141:1Wer--,:g .P >;.1 i dEEE 1;i:H•E; NiFq11;16;.:;;I:;,;( i.;;.!;. I < C\I S. \ : - T-' 2. 0 sEPli °, r, , \ ''H : %. C,..• . , '9..i ,-,,• \ - • - — . r . - • ; I kr.: 01.P;....4. . . t,,g.t61% #,,41) .*' ...!. 9 ', sVP , i‘‘ CONNECTIONS AND TRUSS DESIGN SHOW ARE TYPICAL AND NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. 109/T971 BUILDER/SET CREW SHOULD REFRENCE APPROVED TRUSS CALCULATIONS AND DRAWINGS INJ APPROVED PACKAGE INCLUDED IN HOME FOR SPECIFIC FASTENING. 2 PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 42 13. 9/12 and 12/12 Roof Pitch Set-Up Instructions The erection of a 9/12 or 12/12 roof varies depending on the width and particular model chosen. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. offers several different styles of these roofs on various widths of homes. Whether the roof being erected is on a Cape Cod or a Two-Story home, these general procedures can be followed, but the installer must consult the building drawing and instructions shipped with each house. PFS Corporation A. 9/12 and 12/12 Roof Pitch: Northeast Region APPROVED 1. Set and secure the home to the foundation as described previously in the D weaver SINGLE STORY or TWO-STORY SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS. 2/"�lb 2. Using a crane, raise the lower roof section. Be sure not to raise it beyond proper height or you will damage the roof rafters and/or roof sheathing. 3. As the roof is being raised into position, install the knee walls (reference the detail drawings included with the home for the knee wall locations). Knee wall studs should be in alignment with the rafters and ceiling joists, adjust knee walls accordingly. 4. Adjust the knee wall so it is straight and plumb. It should be resting against, not on the floor decking that has been installed. The knee wall should be directly on the first floor ceiling joists. 5. Check to insure that the distance from the top of the floor decking to the bottom corner of the rafter at the upper hinge point is correct(reference the detail drawings included with the home). 6. Run a string line above the knee wall against the bottom of the roof rafters. Check for high or low rafters and shim knee wall between floor joists in appropriate areas. When complete, secure knee wall to floor joist and rafter/cord block with 2-16d nails into each member and 1-26 gauge strap with 3-10d nails into knee wall and rafter/ceiling joist (reference drawing 12.A.) 7. Run a string line above the knee wall against the bottom of the roof rafters. Check for high or low rafters and shim knee wall between floor joists in appropriate areas. When complete, secure knee wall to floor joist and rafter/cord block (reference the detail drawings included with the home for fastening requirements). 8. Proceed to exterior at eaves and make sure roof sheathing lines up and fits flush with roof sheathing on overhang. Nail this sheathing extension of the overhangs with 8d nails 8" O.C. nails per rafter. FAILURE TO PROPERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN EVENTUAL BUCKLING OF THE ROOF IN THIS AREA. 9. Install the remainder of the floor decking starting with the row that was installed at the factory (reference drawing 12.A. for proper fastening) 10.Lag units together at marriage wall ceiling girder using 3/8" lags 4'-0" O.C. Install the remainder of the floor decking starting with the row that was installed at the factory. 11.Now install the two outer gable end walls with the sheathing side out and flush with lower level wall sheathing. There will be approximately 1/2" gap between 43 top of gable end and the bottom of the last rafter. Shim accordingly. 12.Install the center gable end walls by fitting directly between the smaller triangular sections previously installed. They should sit on top of the floor decking and be flush with the top of the sides of the smaller sections. If a gap is apparent between the center gable wall and the triangular end wall, shim as necessary. 13.Attach collar ties (provided) into each rafter at each end (reference the detail drawings included with the home for placement location and fastening requirements). FAILURE TO INSURE THIS MEASUREMENT WILL RESULT IN AN APPARENT "DIP" IN THE ROOF WHEN VIEWED FROM THE EXTERIOR. 14.Raise upper roof sections into position. Make sure the rafter section at hinge lays down tight, flush, and straight onto the ledger before nailing. Adjust ledger strip if necessary to be sure there are no high spots. If rafter does not seat properly, the high spots will throw the roof sheathing out of alignment. Fasten upper rafter headboard to lower rafter headboard with 10d nails 6" O.C. Fasten extended roof sheathing from upper rafter into top of lower rafter with 8d nails 8" O.C. (reference drawing 12.A.) FAILURE TO PROPERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN EVENTUAL BUCKLING OF THE ROOF IN THIS AREA. 15.Cross nail the ridge with 10d nails 6" O.C. (reference drawing 12.A) 16.There should be a 1/2" space between top of center gable wall and bottom of rafter. Shim accordingly. 17.Install roof dormers if applicable. Refer to instructions on page 49 18.Install gable end wall window(s) or doors if applicable. 19.When applicable, if the home has a set of stairs that crosses the marriage wall see Section 21. 20.Install pre-built walls (provided) and door (provided) around stairway. 21.Apply drip edge, felt paper, shingles, and ridge vent. 22.Locate plumbing waste vents, install appropriate flashings and extend them through the roof. Follow manufactures installation instructions for the installation of exhaust fan hoses, range vent ductwork and flashings and caps. FAILURE TO PROBERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN DISPENSING OF HARMFUL GASES AND MOISTURE INTO THE ATTIC SPACE. NOTE: ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS BETWEEN MODULES ARE MADE IN JUNCTION BOXES IN THE ATTIC AREA BEHIND THE KNEEWALLS. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 44 B. 9/12 and 12/12 Root Pitch - Single Wide Module (see drawing 13.B) 1. Set and secure the home to the foundation as described previously in the SINGLE STORY or TWO-STORY SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS. 2. Using a crane, raise top roof section into position. Be sure not to raise beyond proper height or you will damage the roof rafters and/or roof sheathing. 3. As the roof is being raised into position, install the knee wall. See drawing 13.B, step "A". 4. Adjust the knee wall so it is straight and plumb. It should be resting directly on the first floor ceiling joists. 5. Run a straight line above the knee wall against the bottom of the roof rafters. Check for high or low rafters and shim knee wall between floor joists in appropriate areas. When complete, secure knee wall to floor joists and rafter by toe nailing through with 2-16d nails into every joist. 6. Repeat step 2 through 5 on opposite side. "Interlock" rafter extensions at peak. Secure together with 16d nails at 12" O.C. entire length. See drawing 13.B step "B" 7. Install triangular gable end wall panels, securing with 10d nails @ 6" O.C. at bottom into ceiling joist, each side into roof rafter, and together in middle 8. See Hinged Overhang Set-up Instructions page 60. 9. Install pre-built gable end overhang on end of main house roof. Secure with 16d nail 12" O.C. into side of top cord of roof. 10.Check all other roof sheathing to be sure all sheets are secure and that seams have not loosened. 11.Apply drip edge, felt paper and flashing along roof where it meets house end wall. 23.Install shingles and ridge vent. Top roof flip will need to be shingled. 24.Install soffit, fascia, J-channel, and siding as described earlier 25.Locate plumbing waste vents, install appropriate flashings and extend them through the roof. Follow manufactures installation instructions for the installation of exhaust fan hoses, range vent ductwork and flashings and caps. FAILURE TO PROBERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN DISPENSING OF HARMFUL GASES AND MOISTURE INTO THE ATTIC SPACE PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 45 001111111ij1j� i rr 11879 i ii , 1 O 41" a i= (I) CD - •_ cn CO y } _,, .r.. o a E ...... F Q' t , 1 i,1 JCp £V i IN 9 f" , f I ( YI .,( CY rt 2 _,jam ,LL I 1 z 1 0 i 7,1 c `.% s�j .••• 9. / c ._Iil at 1r u _ ' AG ,.. :W g17i, 5 In c�,CF.' I -, ,ice yi,� �`;. CONNECTIONS AND TRUSS DESIGN SHOW ARE TYPICAL AND NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. 1pg/29/11 BUILDER/SET CREW SHOULD REFRENCE APPROVED TRUSS CALCULATIONS AND DRAWINGS I APPROVED PACKAGE INCLUDED IN HOME FOR SPECIFIC FASTENING. PFS Corporation a Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 46 14. Cape Dormer Installations Cape gable dormers are constructed at the factory and are optionally shipped with the home. They should not be installed until the 12/12 roof has been completely and properly erected as previously described. The following general procedures should be followed: 1. Remove all protective and necessary shipping material from the dormer. 2. Utilizing a crane, lift the dormer into position with bottom of front dormer wall resting on floor sheathing. 3. Secure dormer to roof by nailing with 16d nails through each stud into rafter. Shim sides of dormer to roof rafters as needed. 4. On the exterior, secure flashing, install under dormer siding to roof. 5. Install "valley" flashing on roof dormer to house roof. 6. Complete remaining shingle installation on dormer and house. 7. Complete siding, soffit, and fascia on dormer. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 47 15. Cape Shed Dormer Installation (Ship loose or Panelized) 1. Set and secure home on foundation as described previously on pages 13 PFS Corporation through 21. Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2. Erect cape roof pitch as described previously in Section 13. 2 17/16 3. Install all floor decking in shed dormer area, cutting out for plumbing pipes or marking accordingly if applicable. 4. Install shed dormer exterior wall (sheathed) and secure in place with 16d nails 12" O.C. at bottom and between wall sections, if applicable. 5. Install each shed dormer end wall (partially sheathed) between exterior and interior walls. Secure in place at bottom and corners with 16d nails 12" O.C. 6. Set collar ties in place, toe nailing with 3-16d nails per joist at side wall and 26- 16d nails into front cape rafters (reference the detail drawings included with the home for placement location). 7. Set vertical knee wall on top of collar ties, plumb and fasten into each joist with 16d nails (reference the detail drawings included with the home for placement location). 8. Set roof panels or shed rafters and ridge board in place, face nail rafters at side wall into adjacent collar tie with 26-16d nails, toe nail into ridge with 2-16d nails, fasten ridge into front cape ridge with 10d nails 6" O.C. 9. WHEN DORMER DOES NOT EXTEND FULL LENGTH, DORMER RAFTERS SHOULD BE SET TO ALIGN AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE WITH FRONT CAPE ROOF. IF MODULES ARE NOT TIGHT TOGETHER AT MATING WALLS AND THIS STEP IS NOT FOLLOWED, SHED DORMER RAFTERS MAY HAVE TO BE SHIMMED TO MATCH PITCH WITH EXISTING CAPE ROOF. 10.Install 2x6 eave face board to ends of rafters. Leave face board extend beyond each end rafter to accommodate gable overhang. 11.Cut and install 2x6 gable overhang face boards and secure in place by nailing through sidewall face board at one end and into roof at the other. 12.Install knee wall ceiling girder and face nail into knee wall with a minimum of 3- 16d nails into each stud. Fasten ceiling girder to collar ties using Simpson MMH8 Hangers. 13.Install gable end panels, toe nail 16" O.C. into rafter and collar tie. 14.Install roof sheathing, allowing 1/8" between sheets and 1" gap at ridge peak for ventilation. If roof rafters are 24" O.C., install H-clips between sheets. 15.Install felt paper, drip edge, mineral paper, shingles, and ridge vent. 16.Install metal flashing along main roof where it meets shed dormer end walls and complete shingle installation in this area. 17.Install all optional windows. 48 18.Complete exterior siding and soffit/overhangs. 19.Locate any/all plumbing stubs and make connections as required. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 49 16. Hip Roof Set-Up Instructions This procedure is designed to provide ease and simplification of set up for PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. Hip Roof System. This procedure applies only to the Hip Roof and MUST NOT be used with any other design or system. 1. Set and secure home on foundation as described previously on pages 13 through 21. 2. After checking rafters to assure they are free to move, lift lower roof up to required angle. Place knee walls at proper angle, place hip beam post at proper location. With the main section of roof in place the gable end hip roof will have also been raised into place. USE EXTREME CARE: DO NOT RAISE ROOF TOO HIGH AS DAMAGE TO THE RAFTER WILL OCCUR. 3. Flip rafter extension into place. 4. Center portion of gable hip is shipped loose. Fasten shipped loose hip beam into place, frame gable hip with provided precut rafters and knee wall. Install fascia board and roof sheathing in this area. 5. Fasten overlapping roof sheathing from rafter extensions to top chord of roof rafters with 8d nails 8" O.C. FAILURE TO PROPERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN EVENTUAL BUCKLING OF THE ROOF IN THIS AREA. 6. Complete shingle installation at hinge area and at peak. Install ridge vent. 7. If the home has hinged eave overhangs,refer to instructions on page 60 at this time. In most cases the overhangs will be shipped loose for a hip roof. 8. Install exterior siding, soffit, fascia, J-channel, and drip edge as previously described on page 23 Section "D". 9. Locate plumbing waste vents, install appropriate flashings and extend them through the roof. Follow manufactures installation instructions for the installation of exhaust fan hoses, range vent ductwork and flashings and caps. FAILURE TO PROBERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN DISPENSING OF HARMFUL GASES AND MOISTURE INTO THE ATTIC SPACE. NOTE: ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS BETWEEN MODULES ARE MADE IN JUNCTION BOXES IN THE ATTIC AREA BEHIND THE KNEEWALLS. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 50 ottittrill$$$$$ ..,s:,\Ai, CA ossfis,,,. , % .,•-.6,,\ ,,a.., . V------) OSEPH ", ,_ %....),.c.e /••., . •0') ...... . . 1, , Ci'r ;°..- *..7 'i. ..• G,...- •:: • 7 : F.' t;i • -7.. ••• •44, e•••• 1 - ,... •'s .. ..ON... 0 - • ............ ';', ,4• "_:-.1 0.t.).:•::*sto,:' -..,pi, • •14%-•• *1.11 1 tt‘‘ 09/29/1 1 5 ...,:: c i CO 4 „a. 1, 4- 0 0 Ct ^1 a. i.5' 'i :;:',,, • (Ci .:: ,. .. T. ... „ 6 f .9- fr, saiJeA wIt.A.9InnOLAI CONNECTIONS AND TRUSS DESIGN SHOW ARE TYPICAL AND NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. BUILDER/SET CREW SHOULD REFRENCE APPROVED TRUSS CALCULATIONS AND DRAWINGS IN APPROVED PACKAGE INCLUDED IN HOME FOR SPECIFIC FASTENING. PFS Corporation 4 Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 5 1 17. Transverse Roof Pitch Set-Up Instructions The erection of a transverse roof varies depending on the type and particular model chosen. Whether the roof being erected is on a Ranch, Cape Cod or a Two- Story home, these general procedures can be followed, but the installer must consult the building drawing and instructions included with the home. A. Transverse Roof With Knee Wall: 1. Set and secure the home to the foundation as described previously in the SINGLE STORY or TWO-STORY SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS. PFS Corporation Northeast Region Using a crane, raise the lower roof section. Be sure not to raise the roof APPROVED beyond its proper height or you will damage the roof rafters and/or roof D Weaver sheathing. g. 3. As the roof is being raised into position, install the knee walls (reference the detail drawings included with the home for the knee wall locations). Knee wall studs should be in alignment with the rafters and ceiling joists, adjust knee walls accordingly. 4. Adjust the knee wall so it is straight and plumb. It should be resting against, not on the floor decking that has been installed. The knee wall should be sitting directly on the ceiling joists 5. Run a string line above the knee wall against the bottom of the roof rafters. Check for high or low rafters and shim knee wall between floor joists in appropriate areas. When complete, secure knee wall to floor joist and rafter/cord block (reference the detail drawings included with the home for fastening requirements). 6. Check to insure that the distance from the top of the floor decking to the bottom corner of the rafter at the upper hinge point is correct (reference the detail drawings included with the home). 7. Proceed to exterior at eaves and make sure roof sheathing lines up and fits flush with roof sheathing on overhang. Nail this sheathing extension to the overhangs with 2-16d nails per rafter. 8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for second module. Measure the distance between the knee walls; add whatever space there is between the two modules at the marriage walls. It is not always possible to get them tight, so this distance can vary (reference the detail drawings included with the home). 9. Lag units together at marriage wall ceiling girder using 3/8" lags 4'-0" O.C. Install the remainder of the floor decking starting with the row that was installed at the factory. 10.Now install the gable end walls with the sheathing side out and flush with lower level wall sheathing. There will be approximately 1/2" gap between top of gable end walls and the bottom of the last rafter. Shim accordingly. 11.Raise upper roof sections into position. Make sure the rafter section at hinge lays down tight, flush, and straight onto the ledger before nailing. Adjust ledger strip if necessary to be sure there are no high spots. If rafter does not seat properly, the high spots will throw the roof sheathing out of alignment. 52 Fasten upper rafter headboard to lower rafter headboard (reference the detail drawings included with the home for fastening requirements). Fasten extended roof sheathing from upper rafter into top of lower rafter (reference the detail drawings included with the home for fastening requirements). FAILURE TO PROPERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN EVENTUAL BUCKLING OF THE ROOF IN THIS AREA. 12.Cross nail the ridge (reference the detail drawings included with the home for fastening requirements). 13.There should be a 1/2" space between top of center gable wall and bottom of rafter. Shim accordingly. 14.Attach collar ties (provided) into each rafter at each end (reference the detail drawings included with the home for placement location and fastening requirements). FAILURE TO INSURE THIS MEASUREMENT WILL RESULT IN AN APPARENT "DIP" IN THE ROOF WHEN VIEWED FROM THE EXTERIOR. 15.Install gable end wall window(s) or doors if applicable. 16.When applicable, if the home has a set of stairs that crosses the marriage wall see Section 21. 17.Install pre-built walls (provided) and door (provided) around stairway when applicable. 18.Install roof dormers if applicable. Refer to instructions on page 49. 19.Apply drip edge, felt paper, shingles, and ridge vent. 20.Locate plumbing waste vents, install appropriate flashings and extend them through the roof. Follow manufactures installation instructions for the installation of exhaust fan hoses, range vent ductwork and flashings and caps. FAILURE TO PROBERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN DISPENSING OF HARMFUL GASES AND MOISTURE INTO THE ATTIC SPACE. NOTE: ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS BETWEEN MODULES ARE MADE IN JUNCTION BOXES IN THE ATTIC AREA BEHIND THE KNEEWALLS. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 53 „o-".. 1�', Cq 'Zt, I •,%,fit!� y1. r 11379 `'o,� J. BPk`,„�.. C a) co LL. I v III (I) �r.^ 4t 1 ... d i a r ' .. o „er r ao '1 1 L I.L.. jai' �: > , I l l i N 1 �� I6ff nLV_J , U c t jC_ I FI_I 1 iy ) - 1) .. b y `n 9 . "'.S 1{L '_ Imo! l G-J� ) 6 I' I F” i c: z l S,, .` ,n lair rt Iml I U c _ A H 1 AG U RE 73' ,; !�`` its' S A ,,,�5.:�5. CONNECTIONS AND TRUSS DESIGN SHOW ARE TYPICAL AND NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. 09/29/11 BUILDER/SET CREW SHOULD REFRENCE APPROVED TRUSS CALCULATIONS AND DRAWINGS IN APPROVED PACKAGE INCLUDED IN HOME FOR SPECIFIC FASTENING. 5 PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 54 B. Transverse Roof With Gable Bearing Walls: 1. Set and secure the home to the foundation as described previously in the SINGLE STORY or TWO-STORY SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS. 2. Using a crane, raise one half of the lower roof section. Be sure not to raise the roof beyond its proper height or you will damage the roof rafters and/or roof sheathing. 3. As the roof is being raised into position, install the gable bearing walls (reference the detail drawings included with the home for the wall locations). 4. Adjust the wall so it is straight and plumb. Fasten wall to ceiling perimeter with 16d nails 16" O.C. There will be approximately 1/2" gap between top of gable end walls and the bottom of the last rafter. Shim accordingly. 5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for the other half of the lower roof section. 6. Now install the remaining gable end walls with the sheathing side out and flush with lower level wall sheathing. 7. Raise upper roof sections into position. Make sure the rafter section at hinge lays down tight, flush, and straight onto the ledger before nailing. Adjust ledger strip if necessary to be sure there are no high spots. If rafter does not seat properly, the high spots will throw the roof sheathing out of alignment. Fasten upper rafter headboard to lower rafter headboard (reference the detail drawings included with the home for fastening requirements). Fasten extended roof sheathing from upper rafter into top of lower rafter(reference the detail drawings included with the home for fastening requirements). FAILURE TO PROPERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN EVENTUAL BUCKLING OF THE ROOF IN THIS AREA. 8. Cross nail the ridge (reference the detail drawings included with the home for fastening requirements). 9. There should be a 1/2" space between top of center gable wall and bottom of rafter. Shim accordingly. 10.Repeat steps 2 through 9 for each additional module 11.Lag units together at marriage wall ceiling girder using 3/8" lags 4'-0" O.C. Install the remainder of the floor decking starting with the row that was installed at the factory. 12.Install gable end wall window(s) or doors if applicable. 13.When applicable, if the home has a set of stairs that crosses the marriage wall see Section 21. PFS Corporation 14.Install pre-built walls (provided) and door (provided) around stairway when Northeast Region applicable. APPROVED D Weaver 15.Install roof dormers if applicable. Refer to instructions on page 49. 2/17/16 16.Apply drip edge, felt paper, shingles, and ridge vent. 17.Locate plumbing waste vents, install appropriate flashings and extend them through the roof. Follow manufactures installation instructions for the installation of exhaust 55 fan hoses, range vent ductwork and flashings and caps. FAILURE TO PROBERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN DISPENSING OF HARMFUL GASES AND MOISTURE INTO THE ATTIC SPACE. NOTE: ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS BETWEEN MODULES ARE MADE IN JUNCTION BOXES IN THE ATTIC AREA BEHIND THE KNEEWALLS. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 56 .MI111,104, , k‘ ‘‘. CA # • , • •:." \ .A., it.1/ ,,, 0., '‘',.TA•• 4Y/ r .,s... -to' ,,,) rci.:.•-' 1, \ /..t•'`V ' '\ 1:Y. `• --.°--"71-/"* •1- : ; t ... /••• ' •:. , •',.. 11379 i s '..1,1°.,,c,(1.4 ,t• •••• -v.'•:,,c,tsc,-;••••,s,c) „•::' , ,........ \., . .- • '' 6 c (1) u) , CIS I— LI_ , 1 ...... L-1 u) ,A 0 „, 4.- .. cf ' (1) / ,..4 6..., ,..,., ., ca , kV 76 • - 0 '..... CI — , F>•, , ‘‘‘OSEPH : ///, — . % .... . I ,... .4414%411 i , • , • 1• 0. ,•\ • .: 1'.. 1' t.*be>.'•"' k r— .,4%...'• .'..•%,..1.$, i "IWO 09/29/1 1 CONNECTIONS AND TRUSS DESIGN SHOW ARE TYPICAL AND NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. BUILDER/SET CREW SHOULD REFRENCE APPROVED TRUSS CALCULATIONS AND DRAWINGS IN APPROVED PACKAGE INCLUDED IN HOME FOR SPECIFIC FASTENING. 6 _ PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 57 18. Hinged Overhang Set-Up Instructions All PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. 27'-6" wide homes feature a hinged overhang on the sides of the home to permit proper and legal transportation. Regardless, if the home is a Ranch, Cape, or a Two-Story Home, or if it has a 5/12, 7/12 , 9/12, 12/12 roof pitch the following general procedures should be followed: 1. Set and secure the home on the foundation and erect the roof as described previously for the style of home and roof pitch chosen. 2. Carefully lower the hinged overhang into position. DO NOT DROP AS DAMAGE TO THE ROOF AND/OR OVERHANG WILL OCCUR. 3. Align overhang with existing roof and secure into position with 2-16d nails through nailing strip into sidewall stud. 4. Secure roof sheathing overhang into top cord of roof truss/rafter by nailing with 8d nails 8" O.C. through overhang roof sheathing into every truss/rafter. 5. Install felt paper, mineral paper, and shingles. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 58 19. Raised Roof/Porch Package Setup Instructions The following general procedures should be followed for the erection of the optional ship loose raised roof package. 1. Set and secure the home on the foundation and erect the roof as described previously. 2. Install porch and secure to home, see drawing 19.2. Install temporary bracing until header and posts (not supplied) are installed. Install porch 2x6 header. Finishing Porch Area 1. Install J-channel (provided) along sidewall of house and header. 2. Cut and install perforated soffit from 2x6 header to J-channel at side of house. Use excess soffit for overhangs. Failure to cut porch soffit first will result in an inadequate amount of soffit to complete porch/house overhangs. 3. Install fascia (provided) over 2x6 face board. Finishing Gable End of Raised Roof Section 1. Install flashing under loose shingles of existing roof and up side of raised roof rafters. This should be done at the first and last rafters of raised roof section. Secure shingles when complete. 2. Install perforated soffit (provided) on gable and overhangs. 3. Install fascia (provided) over face board. 4. Install J-channel (provided) under overhangs and at top edge of existing roof to accept siding. 5. Install siding (provided) on gable ends of raised roof section. 6. Locate plumbing waste vents, install appropriate flashings and extend them through the roof. Follow manufactures installation instructions for the installation of exhaust fan hoses, range vent ductwork and flashings and caps. FAILURE TO PROBERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN DISPENSING OF HARMFUL GASES AND MOISTURE INTO THE ATTIC SPACE. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 59 0 I QJ G co lip N s T� tea. ♦`�011ill!/� ♦ $EPH ' r, �nu�ryp� ` • AG.tr u RZ w".•- _.1‘ lll� ni 11879 y �.� '•. 'ER 1 'IR C°75. <C; G' ' �• isle,` Op TB ��� �•,,.'���►'''" 109/29/11 CONNECTIONS AND TRUSS DESIGN SHOW ARE TYPICAL AND NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. BUILDER/SET CREW SHOULD REFRENCE APPROVED TRUSS CALCULATIONS AND DRAWINGS IN APPROVED PACKAGE INCLUDED IN HOME FOR SPECIFIC FASTENING. 7 PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 60 20. Panelized Roof Dormer Installation 1. Install 2-piece front gable walls centered in opening. Secure with 16d nails through bottom plate of gable walls into each rafter. 2. Install each side of dormer roof panel by toenailing with 16d nails 16" O.C. through top plate of gable walls into dormer rafter. 3. Secure center ridge beams together with 16d nails 16" O.C. from both sides. 4. Nail dormer roof panel with 16d nails through valley board into roof rafters on both sides. ROOFING COMPLETION 6. Install metal flashing in valleys on both sides of dormer. 7. Install drip edge, felt paper, and shingles to manufacturer's instructions. SIDING COMPLETION 8. Install perforated soffit on overhang. 9. Install fascia over face board. 10. Install J-channel under overhang against soffit to accept siding. 11. Complete siding installation on gable dormer wall. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 61 21. Marriage Wall Cross Over Stair Detail This procedure is required when a home has a set of stairs to the second story or attic space that crosses the marriage wall. 1. Remove section of ceiling perimeter see drawing 21.1 (for additional information, reference the detail drawings included with the home). 2. Install top riser, nosing and sideboard or if he home has a set of ship loose stairs, they may be installed at this time. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 62 oillitio, ,1,.% p %%\,..1('v t'Ai . .'•e7--.::: '.2. , %4‘'..4 *Aa, •(,".•.. 1,. -. , 6 , -j p• . ,r...., ......1.,„,,..- ._ i AG U dItE ' T; .. 'vg , k •• . :AO : -•ILI- - . , . _ ._.... ,-,-3 • ' ' . , 1•••\ :4,- :. ,,, .v • -t% .. 5,.. ., -,,,,X%"1- , 5tt•• e*,' „4;',.,-.....,•.......-. ..1'30 = ,-. ,,,ii, I ,1. , I .,. ..., iiiiti 109/29/11 0 CI ., • T. . . Ht.•.": '-, ?,..:.` i.., . .... a -,:-..1:T .•,. o :?..'F-'2 r•:,, .. . I--0 i'..:, ', • . . • (I) 0 . • ..-, 0 . ... --I ,.., .-. . 0 •-.... , ..... ,. . co Co 0 — CI. >, • :-: H 1 ' • .• t11111., 4, •*, ' ‘ ..... `,1-.. C'if.? '4. 0,1 ,r :-.• 4,,..,-, ,• •,p,,... 4. I/ ,*''s :••';'-/ f i\ It •-y 1.p .. -:-; ._. 7...(61, 1137 I 47 .`"-V.`<>1, t•Q".' :.:" s .. 4, J... 'os'P.S\ ...... ...,ii,..... CONNECTIONS AND TRUSS DESIGN SHOW ARE TYPICAL AND NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. BUILDER/SET CREW SHOULD REFRENCE APPROVED TRUSS CALCULATIONS AND DRAWINGS IN APPROVED PACKAGE INCLUDED IN HOME FOR SPECIFIC FASTENING. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED 8 D Weaver 2/17/16 63 22. Panelized Vaulted Roof Set-Up Instructions The erection of a panelized vaulted roof varies depending on the type and particular model chosen. Whether the roof being erected is on a Ranch, Cape Cod or a Two-Story home, these general procedures can be followed, but the installer must consult the building drawing and instructions included with the home. 1. Set and secure the home to the foundation as described previously in the SINGLE STORY or TWO-STORY SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS. 2. Using a crane, raise the folding rafter roof per the set up instructions found on page 3. Set and secure interior and exterior gable end wind columns (reference the detail drawings included with the home for the wind column locations). 4. Locate the laminated ridge beams that are shipped loose with the home, (reference the detail drawings included with the home for the quantity and size of the ridge beam). This is typically located on the parts carrier. Secure the laminated beams together. 5. Using the crane set the laminated ridge beam so that each end is resting on the wind column. Secure the laminated beam at each end to the wind column by drilling 2 holes through the wind column and laminated beam. Install 2-5/8" bolts through the wind column and laminated and secure with 5/8" nuts. 6. Using the crane set the gable end panels, plumb and temporarily secure in place. 7. Using the crane begin setting the vaulted roof panels starting from the PFS Corporation folding roof section and finishing with the gable end alternating on each Northeast Region side of the ridge beam. Be sure to align the panel's eave fascia with the folding eave overhang fascia. APPROVED D Weaver 8. Before securing panels together check for high or low rafters between the 2/17/16 panels. It is critical that adjustments be made at this time, if this step is note done it will result in panel seams being visible through the shingles. Secure panels together with 16d nails staggered 10" O.C. 9. Check to insure that the distance from the top of the floor decking to the bottom corner of the rafter at the upper hinge point is correct (reference the detail drawings included with the home). 10.Proceed to exterior at eaves and make sure roof sheathing lines up and fits flush with roof sheathing on overhang. Nail this sheathing extension to the overhangs with 2-16d nails per rafter. 11.Repeat steps 2 through 7 for second module. Measure the distance between the knee walls; add whatever space there is between the two modules at the marriage walls. It is not always possible to get them tight, so this distance can vary (reference the detail drawings included with the home). 12.Lag units together at marriage wall ceiling girder using 3/8" lags 4'-0" O.C. 64 Install the remainder of the floor decking starting with the row that was installed at the factory. 13.Now install the gable end walls with the sheathing side out and flush with lower level wall sheathing. There will be approximately 1/2" gap between top of gable end walls and the bottom of the last rafter. Shim accordingly. 14.Raise upper roof sections into position. Make sure the rafter section at hinge lays down tight, flush, and straight onto the ledger before nailing. Adjust ledger strip if necessary to be sure there are no high spots. If rafter does not seat properly, the high spots will throw the roof sheathing out of alignment. Fasten upper rafter headboard to lower rafter headboard (reference the detail drawings included with the home for fastening requirements). Fasten extended roof sheathing from upper rafter into top of lower rafter(reference the detail drawings included with the home for fastening requirements). FAILURE TO PROPERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN EVENTUAL BUCKLING OF THE ROOF IN THIS AREA. 15.Cross nail the ridge (reference the detail drawings included with the home for fastening requirements). 16.There should be a 1/2" space between top of center gable wall and bottom of rafter. Shim accordingly. 17.Attach collar ties (provided) into each rafter at each end (reference the detail drawings included with the home for placement location and fastening requirements). FAILURE TO INSURE THIS MEASUREMENT WILL RESULT IN AN APPARENT "DIP" IN THE ROOF WHEN VIEWED FROM THE EXTERIOR. 18.Install gable end wall window(s) or doors if applicable. 19.When applicable, if the home has a set of stairs that crosses the marriage wall see Section 21. 20.Install pre-built walls (provided) and door (provided) around stairway when applicable. 21.Install roof dormers if applicable. Refer to instructions on page 59. 22.Apply drip edge, felt paper, shingles, and ridge vent. 23.Locate plumbing waste vents, install appropriate flashings and extend them through the roof. Follow manufactures installation instructions for the installation of exhaust fan hoses, range vent ductwork and flashings and caps. FAILURE TO PROPERLY PERFORM THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN DISPENSING OF HARMFUL GASES AND MOISTURE INTO THE ATTIC SPACE. NOTE: ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS BETWEEN MODULES ARE MADE IN JUNCTION BOXES IN THE ATTIC AREA BEHIND THE KNEEWALLS. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 65 23. Air Infiltration and Insulation Energy efficiency and indoor air quality are a priority with new homes. Professional Building Systems and Custom Building Systems build a high quality, well insulated and draftstopped home. To maintain this high level of efficiency, however, the finishing touches need to be completed on site. This chapter will provide the necessary details to accomplish this and must be followed closely. For all homes built to comply with the 2009 or newer International Residential Code our Quality Assurance Department completes an "Air Barrier and Insulation Inspection Checklist" for items completed in the manufacturing facility. As with all modular construction there are items that will need to be completed and inspected on site. This partially completed form is sent to the respective builders for completion. Copies of the completed form will need to be given to the local building official and a copy returned to this company for our records. Shown below, is text as it appears on the Inspection Form. Below each item, in bold text, is a brief explanation of the requirements. Following thereafter is a copy of the actual form. **NOTE:AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE VISUAL INSPECTION AND COMPLETION OF THE AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION CHECKLIST, N1102.4.2.1 OF THE 2009 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE, "TESTING OPTION", MUST BE COMPLETED. REFER TO THIS SECTION OF THE CODES AND/OR CONTACT A PROFESSIONAL FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS IN YOUR AREA. PFS Corporation EXTERIOR THERMAL ENVELOPE INSULATION FOR FRAMED WALLS IS Northeast Region INSTALLED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONTACT AND CONTINUOUS ALIGNMENT V APPROVED BUILDING ENVELOPE AIR BARRIER. D Weaver AN AIR BARRIER IS ANY MATERIAL THAT RESTRICTS THE FLOW OF A 2/17/16 1'1 THROUGH A CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBY.TYPICALLY,THE AIR BARRIE THE DRYWALL ATTACHED TO THE INTERIOR OF THE EXTERIOR WAL AND CEILING ASSEMBLIES. THEREFORE,THE INSULATING MATERIAL TYPICALLY FIBERGLASS INSULATION,MUST BE INSTALLED IN 1 AIR BARRIER AND SUBSTANTIAL CONTACT WITH THE DRYWALL. THERMAL BARRIER BREAKS OR JOINTS IN THE AIR BARRIER ARE FILLED OR REPAIRED. 1.2 THIS COULD INCLUDE ANY AREAS WHERE THERE ARE PENETRATION THE DRYWALL(AIR BARRIER)SUCH AS AROUND LIGHT FIXTURES AN RECEPTACLES IN EXTERIOR WALLS. AIR-PERMEABLE INSULATION IS NOT USED AS A SEALING MATERIAL 1.3 FIBERGLASS INSULATION IS NOT AN AIR BARRIER.WHERE THERE AR PENETRATIONS IN THE AIR BARRIER A SUITABLE MATERIAL SUCH AS. CAULK OR SPRAY FOAM COULD BE USED TO SEAL THESE AREAS. AIR BARRIER IN ANY DROPPED CEILING/SOFFIT IS SUBSTANTIALLY ALI( WITH INSULATION AND ANY GAPS ARE SEALED. SAME APPLIES AS DESCRIBED ABOVE IN 1.1 2 CEILING/ATTIC 2.1 *NOTE:TYPICALLY THIS DOES NOT APPLY IN MODULAR CONSTRUCT] AS THE AIR BARRIER IS NORMALLY INSTALLED BEHIND DROPPED CEILINGS AND SOFFITS. 66 PFS Corporation Northeast Region ATTIC ACCESS(EXCEPT UNVENTILATED ATTIC),KNEE WALL DOOR,OR D APPROVED DOWN STAIR IS SEALED. D Weaver 2.2 ACCESSES MUST BE SEALED OR GASKETED TO PREVENT AIR 2/17/16 INFILTRATION.THIS CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH THE INSTALLATI(OF GASKETS,DOOR SWEEPS,AND SIMILAR METHODS. CORNERS AND HEADERS ARE INSULATED. 3.1 USING ALTERNATE CONSTRUCTION METHODS ELIMINATE"HOLLOW' CORNERS AND VOIDS IN HEADERS OTHERWISE THESE AREAS MUST B PROPERLY INSULATED. JUNCTION OF FOUNDATION AND SILL PLATE IS SEALED. 3 WALLS TYPICALLY ACCOMPLISHED BY INSTALLING SILL SEAL. 3.2 *NOTE:SPECIAL ATTENTION IS NEEDED IF THE FOUNDATION IS SEPARATING A DWELLING FROM AN ATTACHED GARAGE.DANGEROL GASES COULD PASS FROM THE GARAGE INTO THE LIVING SPACE IF T JOINTSARE NOT PROPERLY SEALED. SPACE BETWEEN WINDOW/DOOR JAMBS AND FRAMING IS SEALED. 4 WINDOWS AND DOORS A MINIMALLY EXPANDING SPRAY FOAM DRAFTSTOPPING MATERIAL IS AN EXCELLENT METHOD OF ACHIEVING THIS. RIM JOISTS ARE INSULATED AND INCLUDE AN AIR BARRIER. GYPSUM OR SPRAY FOAM INSULATIONS ARE POSSIBLE OPTIONS. 5 RIM JOISTS *NOTE:FOAM SILL SEAL IS INSTALLED ON THE DOWNSTAIRS CEILINGS OF TWC STORY MODELS TO SEAL THE GAP BETWEEN THE FIRST STORY CEILING AND SECOND STORY FLOOR. IF THERE ARE GAPS EVIDENT AFTER SETTING THE SEC STORY MODULES,THESE AREAS SHOULD BE FILLED WITH CAULK,SPRAY FOAL SIMILAR MATERIAL. INSULATION IS INSTALLED TO MAINTAIN PERMANENT CONTACT WITH FLOORS(INCLUDING 6.1 UNDERSIDE OF SUBFLOOR DECKING. 6 ABOVE GARAGE SAME APPLIES AS DESCRIBED ABOVE IN 1.1 AND CANTILEVERED FLOORS) AIR BARRIER IS INSTALLED AT ANY EXPOSED EDGE OF FLOOR. 6.2 SAME APPLIES AS OTHER AREAS DESCRIBED. INSULATION IS PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO WALLS. 7.1 CRAWLSPACE SELF EXPLANTORY. 7 WALLS EXPOSED EARTH IN UNVENTED CRAWLSPACES IS COVERED WITH CLASS 7.2 VAPOR RETARDER WITH OVERLAPPING JOINTS TAPED. SELF EXPLANTORY. DUCT SHAFTS,UTILITY PENETRATIONS,KNEE WALLS AND FLUE SHAFTS OPENING EXTERIOR OR UNCONDITIONED SPACE ARE SEALED. SHAFTS, 8 PENETRATIONS THESE AREAS SHOULD BE FILLED WITH CAULK,SPRAY FOAM,OR SIMILAR MATERIAL. BATTS IN NARROW CAVITIES ARE CUT TO FIT,OR NARROW CAVITIES ARE FILLED B 9 NARROW CAVITIES SPRAYED/BLOWN INSULATION. SELF EXPLANATORY. GARAGE AIR SEALING IS PROVIDED BETWEEN THE GARAGE AND CONDITIONED SPACES. 10 SEPARATION SEE NOTE IN ITEM 3.2 ABOVE. 67 RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES ARE AIRTIGHT,IC RATED AND SEALED TO DRYWALL 11 RECESSED LIGHTING (EXCEPTION-FIXTURES IN CONDITIONED SPACE). SELF EXPLANATORY. INSULATION IS PLACED BETWEEN OUTSIDE AND PIPES.BATT INSULATION IS CUT T4 PLUMBING AND AROUND WIRING AND PLUMBING OR SPRAYED/BLOWN INSULATION EXTENDS BEI 12 WIRINGWIRING AND PIPING. SELF EXPLANATORY. SHOWERS AND TUBS ON EXTERIOR WALLS HAVE INSULATION AND AN AIR BARRIE SHOWER/TUB ON SEPARATING THEM FROM THE EXTERIOR WALL. 13 EXTERIOR WALL WALL DRYWALL INSTALLED IN THE MANUFACTURING FACILITY IS INSTALLED SEALED BEHING TUBS AND SHOWERS TO PROVIDE AN AIR BARRIER. ELECTRICAL/ AIR BARRIER EXTENDS BEHIND BOXES OR AIR SEALED TYPE BOXES ARE INSTALLE 14 PHONE BOX ON EXPANDING SPRAY FOAM IS AN IDEAL PRODUCT TO USE TO SEAL AROUND EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS IN BOXES. AIR BARRIER IS INSTALLED IN COMMON WALL BETWEEN DWELLING UNITS. 15 COMMON WALL THIS IS NORMALLY ACCOMPLISHED WITH THE INSTALLATION AND FINISH OF DRYWALL MATERIAL. HVAC REGISTER BOOTS THAT PENETRATE THE BUILDING ENVELOPE ARE SEALED 1 16 HVAC REGISTER SUBFLOOR OR DRYWALL. BOOTS CAULK,FOAM,OR CERTAIN TAPES ARE GOOD PRODUCTS. TIGHTNESS OF DUCTS,AIR HANDLERS,FILTER BOXES AND BUILDING CAVITIES USI DUCTS VERIFIED AS COMPLYING WITH SECTION N1103.2.2 OF THE 2009 INTERNATIC RESIDENTIAL CODE. 17 DUCT TIGHTNESS DUCT TIGHTNESS MUST BE VERIFIED PER SECTION N1103.2.2 OF THE 2009 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE.REFER TO THIS CODE SECTION FOR FUR'1 DETAILS. FIREPLACE WALLS INCLUDE AN AIR BARRIER. 18 FIREPLACE AS EXPLANED ABOVE. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 68 CDAIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION CHECKLIST-FINAL ON SITE INSPECTION • PBS SERIAL* BUILDER: W a""" COMPONENT NUM% DY1 �MAM'NTI Af MINTS E7(TERIORTFEF✓1IALENVELOPE INSUATION FOR FRAMED WALLS IS INSTALLED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONTACT 1'1 AND CONTINJOUSIJJGMLENTYATHBUBDING ENVELOPE AlR BARRIER 1 AN BARRIER AND THERMAL 1.2 FREAKS OR JOINTS INTFEAIR BARRERATE FILLED OR REPAIRED. BARTER 1.3 NR1PERMEABIE INSULATION IS NOT USEDAS A SEALING MATERIAL NR&IHERINANY CROPPED CE6JNG/SOFFIT IS SUBSTANTIALLY AUGNEDYATH INSLUTIONANDANY GAPS 2 CELAN(ATTIC 2.1 ARE SFALID. 2.2 ATTIC ACCESS(EXCEPT UW9,01IATE0ATDCJ,KNEE WALL DOOR OR DROP DOWN STAR IS SEALED. 3.1 CORPERSAN)FEACERS ARE INSUATED. 3 WILLS 3.2 JLNCTION OFFOUFDATWN AND SILL RATE IS SEALED 4 WIDOW AND DOORS SPACE BETWEEN YAWOWJ DOOR JAMBS AN)FRAMING IS SEALED. 5 RMAISIS RBA JOIS1SARE INSULATED AND INCLLDEANAR BARBER. FLOORSpIQWJDNG ABOVE 6.1 OSUATION IS INSTALLED TO MAINTAINPERRAPENT CONTACT WITH UACERSDE OF SUFLOOR DECKING. 6 GARAGE MIDCAMTLEIERED FLOORS) 6.2 OFR BARRIER IS NSTALLEDAT ANY E7(POSEDEDGE OF FLOOR 7.1 INSULATION IS PERMA FENTLY ATTAQ£D TO WALLS. 7 CRANLSEAIFNIMlS D(POSEDEARTH IN UWENTEDCMWTSPACES IS COVERED WON CLASS I VAPOR RETARDER RATH 7.2 OVEBAPPIPJO JOINTSTAPED. 8 SHAFTS, DUCT SHIFTS,UTILITY PBJET ATTONS,KNEE WALLS AND FWE SHAFTS°PRANG TOEC(TEROR OR UNCONOMO FED ' PENETRATIONS SPACE ARE SEALED. 9 IIARIBAEICANTES BATTS IN NARROW CAVITIES ARE CUT TO FIT,OR NARROW CAVITIES ARE FILLED BY SPRAYED/BLOWNIFJSUATION. 10 GARAGE SEPARATION AIR SEALING IS PROVIDED BEIWEENTFE GARAGE AND COMTRON®SPACES 11 RECESSED UMWRECESSED LIGHT FORUMS ABE AIRTIGHT,IC RATED AND SEALED TO DRYWALL(ERCEPTION-FIXTURES IN COICMNJED SPACE). 12 PLUMING ANDNWD NAUTIONIS RACED BETWEENOUTSDE AND PIPES.BATTINSJATIONIS CUT TO FIT AROI.ND WRING APO PWMENG OR SPRAYED TBLOPAJINSUATION BXTEFDS BEHIFDWIRING AND FIRMS. 13 SHOVER 1TL8011 EXTERIOR MIILL SHOWERSANDTLJBS ONEEIERIORWALLS HAVE INSJATIONAFDANAIR BARRIER SEPARATING TIER FROM THE EXTEROR WALL 1A EIECTRCALIRNF MOWN AIRBARRERR WENDS BEHRO BOXES ORAlRSEAIEDTYPE BOXES ARE INSTALLED. EJRERIORMIL IS COMDMNELL AIR BARRER IS INSTALLED IN COMMON WALL BETWEEN DWELLING MATS. 16 INAC IEGISFRBOOTS INAC REGISTER BOOTS THAT PEFE'IRATETFE BUILDING ENIELOPEARE SEALED TO SLBFLOOR OR DRYWALL 'TRIMNESS OF DUCTS,AIR INPOLERS,FILTER BOXES AND BUILDING CAVITES USED AS DUCTS VERIFIED AS 17 DUCT iNBITIESS COMPLYING WITH SECTION N1103.22OF TFE 2009 INTERNATIONALRESIDENML CODE. TEST METHOD USED(CIRCLE ONE) POSTCONSTRUCTIONTEST OR ROUGIUNTEST 18 FRERACE FIREPLACE WALLS INCIJJCEAN AIR BARRIER BUAOER AERESENTATN'E NAME: TOLE DATE CHECKLIST DUNS FROM TABU N110S42OFTHE2009NTERRLATDILAL RESIDENTIAL CODE TO WET TILE REQUIREMENT OF SECTION N1102422'NSUAL NSPECTEN OPTION'.ARANALTERNATNETO THE SISUAI INSPECTION ANDCOWLET/01i OF THIS FORM,N1172.421 TESTING OPTION'MUS BE COMPLETED.FOR ADOOIONA NFORWTIOR REFER TO SECTION23 OF ERECTION INSTRUCTIONS.FOR H W DESTO BE LOCATED IN PENNSYLVABM,OEM23 OF THE SIDE INSTALLATON INSPECTION REPORT.REFERRINGTO THE COMMON OF THE VISUAL INSPECTION OR TESTING,MUST ALSO COMPLETED. LDER•I+'; COPT OF COFPLA EDFCEr•!. 3 RC_EE ION;L 5UILDING STET_-IS"_E S ..'.,ET8.TREET.'1IDDLEEURG.PE 17842 -TRi OJ _ITT a SSURLNCEDEP-.RTGTENT PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 69 24.Fire Protection of Floors For homes to be located in Pennsylvania: FROM PA HOUSE BILL 377: (H) FIRE PROTECTION OF FLOORS.-- (1) EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPH (2) , A FLOOR ASSEMBLY NOT REQUIRED IN THE INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE, OR ITS SUCCESSOR BUILDING CODE, TO BE FIRE-RESISTANCE RATED SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A 1/2-INCH GYPSUM WALLBOARD MEMBRANE, 5/8-INCH WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL MEMBRANE, OR EQUIVALENT, ON THE UNDERSIDE OF THE FLOOR FRAMING MEMBER. (2) PARAGRAPH (1) SHALL NOT APPLY TO ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: (I) A FLOOR ASSEMBLY LOCATED DIRECTLY OVER A SPACE PROTECTED BY AN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION P2904, NFPA13D OR OTHER EQUIVALENT SPRINKLER SYSTEM APPROVED BY A MUNICIPAL CODE OFFICIAL. (II) A FLOOR ASSEMBLY LOCATED DIRECTLY OVER A CRAWL SPACE NOT INTENDED FOR STORAGE OR FUEL-FIRED APPLIANCES. (III) A PORTION OF A FLOOR ASSEMBLY WHICH COMPLIES WITH ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: (A) THE AGGREGATE AREA OF THE UNPROTECTED PORTIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED 80 SQUARE FEET PER STORY. (B) FIRE BLOCKING IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION R302 . 11 . 1 SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG THE PERIMETER OF THE UNPROTECTED PORTION TO SEPARATE THE UNPROTECTED PORTION FROM THE REMAINDER OF THE FLOOR ASSEMBLY. (IV) A WOOD FLOOR ASSEMBLY USING DIMENSION LUMBER OR STRUCTURAL COMPOSITE LUMBER EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN TWO- INCH BY TEN-INCH NOMINAL DIMENSION OR A FLOOR ASSEMBLY APPROVED BY A MUNICIPAL CODE OFFICIAL DEMONSTRATING EQUIVALENT FIRE PERFORMANCE. **DOCUMENT CONFORMANCE TO THE ABOVE ON THE PA SITE INSTALLATION INSPECTION REPORT PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 70 FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES Due to the nature of modular construction,fire rated assemblies may not be totally completed in the factory and must be finished on-site.Joints and penetrations in fire rated assemblies must be adequately filled (FIRESTOPPED)to preserve the integrity of the system. Firestops are designed to restore the fire-resistance ratings of wall,ceiling,and/or floor assemblies.A firestop is a fire protection system made of various components used to accomplish this. Failure to do so could result in a catastrophic failure of the assembly. Areas that may need firestopped include: Electrical penetrations Plumbing penetrations Mechanical penetrations Junctions between fire-resistance rated wall or floor assemblies Acceptable Materials Firestop components may include intumescents,cementitious mortars,silicone,firestop pillows,mineral fibers,and rubber compounds. Be sure to refer to the assembly used to determine the appropriate material to be used. PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED D Weaver 2/17/16 71 Polka MASSACHUS] .71 TS CODES: MA SINGLE &. TWO FAMILY DWELLING CODE (780 CMR)-8TH EDITION MA FUEL/GAS/PLUMBING CODE 2009 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE W/AMENDMENTS 2015 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE W/ AMENDMENTS 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE W/ MA AMENDMENTS DRAPING INDEX I I SITE ADDRESS: PAGE DESCRIPTION 1 COVER SHEET ELEVATIONS FIRST STORY FLOOR PLAN 2.1-2.4 3.1 3.2 SECOND STORY FLOOR PLAN 3.3 FIRST STORY BRACED WALL PLAN 3.4 SECOND STORY BRACED WALL PLAN 3.5 BRACED WALL DETAIL 4 FIRST STORY ELECTRICAL 5 FOUNDATION 6.1-6.2 CROSS SECTION(s) 7 RAFTER(s) 8.1-8.2 CONNECTION 9.1-9.2 TYPICAL PLUMBING 10.1 FIRST FLOOR HEATLOSS 10.2 SECOND FLOOR HEATLOSS 11 BOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULES RESCHECK RAFTER /BEAM CALCS `WIND CALCS STRETCH ENERGY DESIGN 11 5 h'INt ISLAND ROAD DARTMOUTH, MA 02714- MANUFACTURER INFORMATTON- PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS 72 E. MARKET ST. MIDDLEBURG, PA 17842 MA MANUFACTURER MC : MC221 EXPIRATION DATE: APRIL 30, 2017 THIRD PARTY INFORMATION: PFS CORPORATION MA THIRD PARTY APPROVAL AGENCY: TPIA-02 EXPIRATION DATE: APRIL 30, 2017 BUILDING_ INFORMATION: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VB USE GROUP: R-3 48 hour notification is required prior to the set. The CSL on record will relay this to the local building . If an authority. y connections have been concealed prior to inspection, the building official may request having the removal of elements that conceal the connections to provide access. This would not constitute "Destructive Dissassembly". All connections on site must be inspected by the local authority. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM: SMOKE/CO DETECTORS (P.E.) TO BE INSTALLED EVERY 1200 SQ. F.T. PER LEVEL AND SHALL BE AC/DC TYPE. HEAT DETECTORS TO BE INSTALLED IN GARAGE PER SECTION R314.5 2009 IRC / 780 CMR DESIGN LIVE LOADS: WALLS (MPH, PSF): 110 MPH ROOF (SNOW): 30 PSF FLOORS: SLEEPING AREAS: 30 PSF KITCHEN, LIVING, ETC.: 40 PSF CORRIDOR: 30 PSF STAIRS: 40 PSF BALCONIES: 40 PSF OTHER: NA PROFESSIONAL UILDING �YSTEMS, IiVC. PLANT #1/PLANT#2 72 EAST MARKET STREET 72 E. MARKET ST. MIGDLEBURG, PA. 17842 PHONE: (570) 8,37-14241 FAX: (570) 837-6133 Jill CAP I- 0DIM-iiiiiiaL f71111iiiiiii f 77 7 78 SPECIAL USE PROVISIONS, BUILDING SETBACKS AND ZONING REQUIREMENTS ARE THE R OF THE LOCAL CONTRACTOR. RESPONSIBILITY CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS: MASSACHUSETTS: 5'-0" MINIMUM SETBACK FOR ZERO HOUR WALL. HEATING SYSTEMS: PREFABRICATED FIREPLACES AND FLUES, U.L. LISTED AND MASSACHUSETTS APPROVED, INSTALLED ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS OPTIONAL). FURNA(,ES OR HEAT PUMPS TO BE INSTALLED ON —SITE ACCORDING TO MASSSACHUSETTS, AND/OR LOCAL CODES. VENTING SYSTEMS: RANGE HOOD AND BATH FAN TO BE EXHAUSTED TO EXTERIOR. EXTERIOR ENVELOPE SEE ATTACHED REScheck THERMAL PERFORMACE SEE RESCHECK FOR INSULATION AMOUNTS . R-30 IS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED ON —SITE BY THE BUILDER TO COMPLY WITH THE REScheck R-30 IS TO BE INSTALLED IN THE FLOOR LABEL LOCATIONS: DATA PLATE PER DWELLING AS INDICATED ON PLANS THIRD PARTY EACH MODULE AS INDICATED ON PLANS STATE LABELS EACH UNIT AS INDICATED ON PLANS THESE DRAWINGS ARE PROPERTY OF PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED AND OR COPIED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION. PBSI WILL BE CONSIDERED AS A SUB —CONTRACTOR IN ALL BUILDING PROJECTS, SUPPLYING A BUILDING COMPONENT TO A GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER. ALL NOTES WITH REFERENCE TO "IN —FIELD", "ON —SITE" OR BY BUILDER" ARE PERTAINING TO THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. THE DRAWINGS IN THIS SUBSET SHOULD NOT BE SCALED FOR DIMENSIONAL REFERENCE. ALL DIMENSION LINES AND NOTES SUPERCEDE ANY SUCH REFERENCE. DISCRETE MODELS (PLANS HAVING THE SAME SPECIFIC ROOM ARRANGEMENT OR ARCHITECTURAL STYLE) SHALL BE PREPARED FROM THESE DRAWINGS WITHOUT MODIFICATION, ADDITION OR DELETION IN ANY MANNER. 1. IT IS MANDATORY FOR THE BUILDER TO COMPLETE THIS HOME IN STATE STAMP COMPLIANCE WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS ADDITIONAL SITE WORK MAY BE: a. FLOOR INSULATION — CRAWL SPACE b. FOUNDATION WALL INSULATION — BASEMENT c. PERIMETER INSULATION — SLABS d. INSULATION — PIPING EXPOSED TO UNCONDITIONAL SPACES THE ABOVE MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED WITHIN STATE CODE REQUIREMENTS 2. BUILDER RESPONSIBLE TO FILE THE REQUIRED CERTIFICATION FORMS WITH THE LOCAL ELECTRIC UTILITY PRIOR TO OBTAINING PERMANENT ELECTRIC SERVICE 3. PBSI TO USE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY COMPLIANCE CODE. SEE SUBMISSION SET FOR EXAMPLE. EACH INDIVIDUAL MODEL TO REQUIRE A RESCHECK TO MEET THE I.R.C. REQUIREMENTS *ALL MECHANICAL HEATING SYSTEMS TO BE DONE ON -SITE BY OTHERS *FLOOR PLAN MAY BE FLIPPED AND OR MIRRORED GREGO P.E. SEAL I i PFS STAMP � FS w u PFS CO PO T IOIN Approval Limited to Factory Built Portion Only State: iassachusetts Signature: ToRX177cc Title: Staff Dian Reviewer date: 1/5/17 1/3/2017 V, 3:01:48 PM Q �w T) Q0 N o0 0 �- Cf�o ry z QC m �- a � c z w 0 z 0 = w z Q 0 �Li tJ7 W U)0Ofo O z 00 � 0 z �— � W o r-., o � 00Cn � (.0 LLLJ Q 0000 o00 <C� o < LLJ WooX � � U z z 0 wz � t o w OOC � w cLMcr)nz CL COz am cam; Q Q > Q_ � Wz�� f---- � CL WQ_ ct�Q w 00 \\\ Q N O CDN �-O\N\ w Q I• •Y_ CEILING O I! cap FLOOR ATTIC VENTILHI IvIv LOWER 50% @ EAVES REQ'D2_11 SUPPLIED_2.8_5 UPPER 50% 3'—�0" MIN ABOVE EAVES REO'D2_11 SUPPLIED2_16 (3 PCS) U1-jL ROO RIDG VENT ACTUAL HOUSE MAY VARY FROM ELEVATION —ACCESS TO GRADE ON —SITE BY OTHERS GREGO A PFrtesE1r-D DATE P FOS CORTORtATF OH Bloomsburg, PA 1/3/2017 O CEILING FLOOR 3:01:48 PM u J Q Q0 N � i 0 O w 0 Ln U 00 W 0 m Qj w U O� w Q� W1 � W1 W EL Z- 1 00 0 o E— 0 U� O r4-) L m iV\ 00 C/� 0 o D r� 0 w � J L.� 0 U L o J Q of C0 G � Q 0 G Q � O 00 to 0 Of� O Z_ W 0 af I— W � 00 �rl_� wQ0� �0 o00 of 0 < w p z O X N J Q U Z z O U) c� to w ESw J ~ N >' z CL m U) n z ' cf) —J Q J Q D > Q Wj z � �--. to wn 0� Q z Q M U-ri�canc°a (_0 (c) Lj 000\ Q N N r7 r� N 0 a 0 Y CEILING FLOOR FU ROOF RIDG V NT i F,4. of ' 1 - �. �'* ; I i t H *il. l�Lj A Pt rrz0,Fr-D, DATE 1/5/17 PFS COPI-TORAWE"410k, Bloomsburg, PA ACTUAL HOUSE MAY VARY FROM ELEVATION -ACCESS TO GRADE ON -SITE BY OTHERS GREGO 1/3/2017 CEILING FLOOR 3: 01: 48 P M Ln � Q N W F_ 0 Q O vi o W 0 V) U p O O J �\ p z V) M m j ^ ,00 1 z z O a_ O 0 J - Q U V- 0 CY o 01iw 7- z cr' Q > o � w U) ry n C) w z 00 w co0�o o o�ory w m U O W wNN cr- 00 Q w <c 00 U Q:� o °° �z Lc) o (.J > W Ell C) X U N = Q Li V J z o z ) z < w LLJ F \/ uJ�/�) WW CL M N z U 00 ■ ■ d QQ J Z > W Lv Z ry Q a- > (/ n ry Q 0- Z - 3: 3: 0 ry 0 (DQ0(0 �T_T_T_ 000\ O`N` a2�2 LOT LINE SET BACK FIRE—RATING/SEPARATION SOT REQ_°IRED UNLESS SPECIFIED BUILDER IS RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY AND INSTALL GAS N r•-E 00 Ln I Ln TO LINE OTHERWISE WHOLE 6' - 3" HDR: 2-1 1 /2" x 7 1 /4 LVL 5'-0" HDR:2-2x6 17 CODES: SPF #2 3056 MA SINGLE & TWO FAMILY DWELLING CODE (780 CMR)-8TH EDITION MA FUEL/GAS/PLUMBING CODE 2009 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE W/AMENDMENTS 2015 INTERNA I ZONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE W/ AMENDMENTS 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE W/ MA AMENDMENTS NOTES: 1. - DENOTES ADDITIONAL COLUMN IN BASEMENT 2. 2X6 EXTERIOR WALLS 16" O.C. 3. 2� 4 MARRIAGE WALLS 16" O.C. 4. 8'J9" CLG. ri DUCT TIGHTNESS AND BLOWER DOOR TESTING ON —SITE BY BUILDER AND CERTIFIED BY STATE HOUSE FAN ON —SITE BY BUILDER 13'-0" HDR:2-2x6 SPF #2 21'-1 1/2" HDR: 2-2x8 DATA PLATE, STATE LABEL SPF #2 3056 3" RADON VENT 2" FUTURE VENT- 23'-0" HDR: 2-2x6 SPF #2 3" ELEC. DEPICTED AT THIS SITE ADDRESS TO BE NOTE: STRUCTURE DEMOLISHED BY BUILDER AND REPLACED WITH THIS HOUSE 31'-3" HDR:2-2x SPF #2 3" DRAIN & 4-3/4" SUPP. CTi IDDrfn T(1 ATTIr 5. STAIRS TO BE 81/4" RISERS AND 9" TREADS. 6. CEILING BEAM OVER LIVING / DINING ROOM TO BE: (2)11/211 x 18" LVL (PER UNIT) 7. HEAT LOSS WAS CALCULATED W/ R-30 INSULATION IN FLR 8. BUILDER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING A PROPERLY SIZED HEATING SYSTEM TO COVER A BTU LOSS OF 61900 33'-0" HDR: 2-2x6 SPF #2 J 3056 39'- 4" HDR: 2- SPF #2 41'-0" HDR:2-2x6 SPF #2 46'- 0" 46'-0" A P PP O VED DATE PFS CORPORATION Bloomsburg, PA 3-2x4 FS STUD GRADE —MECHANICAL VENTILATION ON —SITE BUILDER PER TABLE M1507.3.3(l). GREGO 1/3/2017 LO cn �Q W W Q. 0 w= ci w 11� w 0 0 U 00 o r� 0 J 0 }— 9� 0 N-) z Lp m =z L1J <: L_.1— �J Q n = U of LJ C:)) 0 Q) I— L ( 1 W >_ nz 0 Qo (m 00� N ()�) IT-- �— 00 z O O LLJ J l"- n p z 0 W = z c J J D Q O w Q w 0 00 p can 0 z � 0 �— Ld c 0 z IY- LLJ N CV L .LJ 00 M cn I L,J Q P7 00 r-, � � (Y- ��L0 000 o `- amw W 0 O x N I� :E = CL Q LL_ PC •• I Q J Q D J Z > F— J Q lL O Q o_ w z ct� CL Z j 3: ��' 3: 0 ry BY w-000 \\\ Q N r.j 0 O N 3:01: 48 PM 10. LU 11. � 12. 4-16d NAILS @ 12" -SITE SHIPLOOSE SHEATHING NAIL W/8d NAILS 2" O.C. (ON -SITE) �C --- / TOE NAIL PERIMETER TO SILL PLATE �- NAIL W/16d NAILS 3" O.C. (ON -SITE) ON -SITE CONNECTIONS (SEE PGS. 3.3, 3.4, 5, 6,2, 2" AIR SPACE PROVIDED BYBAFFLES AT EVERY OTHER RAFTER SPACE ALL RAFTER MODELS ICE SHIELD (TWO LAYERS OF UNDERLAYMENT CEMENTED TOGETHER AND EXTENDED FROM THE EAVES EDGE TO A POINT AT LEAST 24" INSIDE THE EXTERIOR WALL LINE OF BUILDING DOUBLE 2x6 TOP PLATE STUD GRADE R-21 FIBERGLASS INSULATION W/ VAPOR BARRIER 2x6 STUD GRADE 2x6 SOLE PLATE STUD GRADE R-30 FIBERGLASS INSULATION W/ VAPOR BARRIER 3" COMPRESSION STRIP DOUBLE 2x6 TOP PLATE STUD GRADE R-21 FIBERGLASS INSULATION W/ VAPOR BARRIER 3/8"x 10" LAG SCREW 32" O.C. ALTERNATING SIDES„ (ON -SITE) ' MUST PENETRATE 1 OF INSIDE PERIMETER )ST 2x6 STUD GRADE 2x6 SOLE PLATE STUD GRADE CAULK IN FIELD 8" MIN. 2x6 TREATED SILL PLATE APPROVcr� DATE 1/5/17 PFS C OR6, P 0 RA T 11 0 N Bloomsburg, PA -------------- C A 8.1, 8.2 RIDGE VENT 12 112 FOR ADDITIONAL SITE CONNECTIONS) ASPHALT SHINGLES W/ SELF -SEALED STRIP AND COMPLY W/ ASTM D225 OR ASTM D3462. MANUFACTURER TO FASTEN W/ 6 FASTENERS TO COVER ALL WIND AND HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS -R-38 FIBERGLASS INSULATION W/ VAPOR BARRIER � R-30 FIBERGLASS INSULATION W/ VAPOR BARRIER 1" AIR SPACE ---15# FELT PAPER BUILDER TO BUILD DOWN SLOPED PORTION 3.5" TO ACHIEVE DEPTH NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE REQUIR R-30 INSULATION (FASTEN 2X4 TO COLLAR TIE AND KNEE WALL (TOE NAIL 3-10d NAILS PER SCAB) 5/8" TYPE "X" GYP-/ SEE CALCS MANUAL FOR OPEN SPAN BEAM SIZE 1 /2" WALL SHEATHING THERMO-PLY STRUCTURAL SHEATHING SINGLE LAYER 3/4" OSB SHEATHING-\ 2X10 SPF#2 @ 16" O.C. "-R-30 FLOOR INSULATION TO COMPLY WITH RESCHECK AND INSTALLED ONSITE BY BUILDER 1 /2" DIA x 17" ANCHOR BOLTS WITH 15" EMBEDMENT IN CMU AT 6'-0" O.C. cry w Q 3 1 /2" MIN. DIA. STANDARD STEEL PIPE COLUMN > PROVIDED BY BUILDER CONTRACTOR DOUBLE 2X4 TOP PLATE STUD GRADE 2X4 SPF STUD GRADE @ 16" SINGLE 2X4 BOTTOM PLATE 2X10 SPF#2 @ 16" O.C. TRIPLE 2x10 SYP#2 PERIMETER BANDS JOIST HANGER(MMU28) OR 2x2 LEDGER 7/16" RATED OSB ROOF SHEATHING 12/12 RAFTER ROOF @ 16" O.C. — ON -SITE AIR BARRIER �- R-13 FIBERGLASS INSULATION W/ VAPOR BARRIER �—R-38 FIBERGLASS INSULATION W/ VAPOR BARRIER O /1 0• �' • �d •:• �. • •. •' d i 000p , �0000 0 �. �► OOp000p0000000000 0000p000pO00p00p000pO00pO00pOOpOOppOOOpO Op0 Op0 p0 •'d • p0 00 00 O O p0 p0 O O O O p p / �p0 : , O O O d O p0 p0 O O 000 00 00 000 000 000 0000000000 OOOOOOOo000o0000000C . e O 00C o a ., \ '\ O N —SITE B Y T r i ; ,� a �i �,�\ \\ p° a� Ope p �, y, OTHERS \�' .. r . \ \\ 4 MIL. POLYETHE N\'�\_4 LE E VAPOR BARRIER GRAVEL BED.'��.�\..�. 1'2.. CONCRETE FOOTING BY OTHERS *FOUNDATION IS TYPICAL ACTUAL FOUNDATION TO BE DESIGNED BY SITE ENGINEER GREGO 2x6 SUB FASCIA —ALUMINUM FASCIA VINYL VENTED SOFFIT WATER RESISTIVE BARRIER 7/16" OSB SHEATHING EXTERIOR WALL SHEATHING w 0 z FIELD INSTALL SHEATHING STRIP TO BE FASTENED m TOP OF SILL PLATE Of 0 m m 1/2" CONCRETE EXTERIOR PARGING COVER W/ BITUMINOUS COATING OPTIONAL BASEMENT WALL INSULATION WHERE PERMITTED. FOUNDATION WALL BY BUILDER. PLANS ENGINEERED FOR 8" TO 12" THICKNESS 4" PERFORATED DRAIN TILE #4 REBAR CONTINUOUS FOOTING ON -SITE BY OTHERS 1/3/2017 3: 01: 48 P M Ln Cr Q o cn 0 U 00 � o � O f-- -� O o � z � C� m Cr_ 00 CU r (J� o r�-- '*_� z - w I� U CD -J n << o D z C� 0 CD :I_- U W z J O r,.-) (if w Q W O 00 w V) 0 z w o o I= w O M ~ U z O W� W Lq N CO N Cn, Q_ WQC� I�^� U0 CDo°° I ��Ln o Ln � Q W J liJ z O X �— WME N - = 0- Q ( (� 0 z -- w z�Q_ o0 n U L mcna _ - 4t 00) rc.1a Z N� J > _z Q ra_ w z ry cn ry Q ' Li r-000 M N 0 0 .- N c� a a 4 DETAIL A DETAIL B DETAIL C NOTE: (6) NAILS PER SHINGLE SECTION DOWN SIDEWALL. -- ROOF SHEATHING TO BE FASTENED W/ 8d (.1310) NAILS @ 6" EDGE / 12" INTERMEDIATE. SEE CALCULATIONS FOR SHEATHING SUCTION FASTENING AT APPROPRIATE ZONES. DETAIL A TOP PLATE SPLICES SHALL BE MIN. 6' -0" W/ (2) ROWS OF 10d (0. 131 " X 3") NAILS FACE NAILED @ 4" O. C. DETAIL C— OVO OQa„o 0 •o�C 26 GA. GALV. STRAP w/ (4) 16 GA. STAPLES EACH END OF STRAF (OR EQUAL CONNECTION OF 184#) 26 GA. GALV. STRAP w/ (3) 8d NAILS EACH END OF STRAP (OR EQUAL CONNECTION OF 138#) SECTION DOWN ENDWALL. GREGO ENDWALL MODULE TO MODULE AFFR0TfrzfJ 1/5/17 PFS CORPORA-77-0k Bloomsburg, PA 1/3/2017 3:01:48 P M Ln N G� V) o ct:�� w O V) U p O O � O I— J �� O (J} O N-) ry Z V) Q0 M 00 U, O z � O D O J < 0 O CD w = o U� U j w V) o w 00 W V) O � U p J o cr w m U 7 c O .1/--� ICY W IQ N N � 00 n--_c/-) _ LLJ _ wQ o Ne U �co°° � �� W � LnLn wc:1Cx N M S Q Or- 0- Li U) W] U o z 0- CJ� cn z M w U-J f •— N r � V J 5 >- Z � ICL M o � c� o Z 00 U D _l QQ Z > Q LL, Z c) Lj Q USE 16d (.131 0) NAILS @ 12" 0. C. THROUGH BOTTOM PLATE AT 7 ACH SHEATHING W/ 16 GA. STAPLES @ 2" 0. C. (OR EQUAL CONNECTION OF 415 LBS.) UPLIFT CONN'=-CTION SECOND FLOOR STUD TO FLOOR BAN 10d NAILS TOE NAILED @ 10" 0. C. SHEAR CONNECTIC ATTACH SHEATHING W/ 16 GA. STAPLES @ 2"' 0. C. (OR EQUAL CONNECTION OF 415 LBS.) UPLIFT CONNECTION FIRST FLOOR STUD TO FLOOR BA DETAIL B SECOND LEVEL SIDEWALL FASTEN CEILING BAND TO EACH TRU. W/ (4) 10d (.1310) NAILS & SIMPSON H2.5A EACH TRUSS (OR EQUAL CONNECTION FOR 415#) UPLIFT CONNECTION ATTACH SHEATHING W/ 16 GA. STAPLE% @ 2" 0. C. (OR EQUAL CONNECTION OF 4151 STUD TO CEILING BAND UPLIFT CONNECTI DETAIL A TRUSS CONNECTIONS SE (2) 10d (.1310) NAILS TOE NAILED TRUSS TO TOP PLATE ISE 8d (.1310) NAILS @ 9" 0. C. THROUGH DBL. TOP PLATE SE (2) 10d (.131 0) NAILS END NAILED PLATE TO STUD ENDWALL - FASTEN TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD TO TOP PLATE W/ 10d (0.1480) NAILS @ 4" 0. C. OR SIMPSON LTP4 PLATES @ 18" 0. C. (18) 3/8" DIA. LAG TOESCREWS ALONG MATE WALL (30" O.C.) (MIN 1" PENETRATION IN LAST BAND) 1) NAILS @ 9" 0. C. DBL. TOP PLATE 0) NAILS END NAILED PLATE TO STUD CONNECTIONS FASTEN SHEATHING TO RIMBAND W/ (1) ROW OF 8d (.1310) NAILS @ 5" 0. C. USE 16d (.1310) NAILS @ 12" O. C. THROUGH BOTTOM PI "T'" A.1 TACH SHEATHING W/ 16 GA. STAPLES @ 2" O. C. (OR EQUAL CONNECTION OF 284 LBS.) UPLIFT CCN. NECTION FIRST FLOOR STUD TO FLOOR B O�IQERBCOOF N31 LBS. NECTION FLOOR A O SILL PLATE 10d NAIL T0E�NAILED @ 7" 0. C. (ON SITE BY SET CREW 1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS TO BE 58" OR 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS TO BE 71e' (MAXIMUM 1'-0" FROM CORNERS) FIRST LEV DETAIL C EL SIDEWALL CONNECTIONS FASTEN SHEATHING TO RIMBAND W/ (1) ROW OF 8d (.1310) NAILS @ 2" 0. C. DETAIL B-1 MODULE TO MODULE CONNECTION (18) 3/8" DIA. LAG TOESCREWS ALONG MATE WALL (30" O.C.) (MIN 1" PENETRATION IN LAST BAND) ALONG MATEWALL) DETAIL C-1 MODULE TO MODULE CONNECTION ALONG MATEWALL) USE 16d (.131 0) NAILS @ 12" 0. C. THROUGH BOTTOM PLATE ATTACH SHEATHING W/ 16 GA. STAPLES @ 2" 0. C. (OR EQUAL CONNECTION OF 415 LBS.) UPLIFT CONNECTION SECOND FLOOR STUD TO FLOOR BAN 10d NAILS TOE NAILED @ 2" 0. C. OR SIMPSON LTP4 PLATES @ 10" 0. i SHEAR CONNECTION ATTACH SHEATHING W/ 16 GA. STAPLES @ 2,0. C. (OR EQUAL CONNECTION OF 415 LBS.) UPLIFT CONNECTION FIRST FLOOR STUD TO FLOOR BA, E 7-,, z�V45 's DATE 1/5/17 1 I PFS-o CORPORA ' Bloomsburg, PA 3) NAILS @ 9" O. C. DBL. TOP PLATE DETAIL B-1 '-' -- --31 0) NAILS END NAILED PLATE TO STUD SECOND LEVEL ENDWALL CONNECTIONS FASTEN SHEATHING TO RIMBAND W/ (1) ROW OF 8d (.1310) NAILS @ 2" 0. C. USE 16d (.131 0) NAILS @ 12" O. C. THROUGH BOTTOM Pl "T'" ATTACH SHEATHING W/ 16 GA. STAPLES @ 2" 0. C. (OR EQUAL CONNECTION OF 284 LBS.) UPLIFT CONNECTION FIRST FLOOR STUD TO FLOOR B, LOW SIDE CONNECTION FLOOR BAND TO CRADLE SYSTEM CONNECTI( DESIGNED BY OTHERS FOR 494 PLF UPLIFT 10d NAIL TOENAILED @ 2" O. C. OR SIMPSON LTP4 PLATES @ 12" 0.1 (ON SITE BY SET CREW) 1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS TO BE 21" OR 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS TO BE 3( (MAXIMUM 1'-0" FROM CORNE DETAIL C-2 FIRST LEVEL ENDWALL CONNECTIONS FASTEN SHEATHING TO RIMBAND W/ (1) ROW OF 8d (.1310) NAILS @ 2" 0. C. GREGO 1/3/2017 Ln < Q0 �J N Ll Ld � < CO a 0 W 0 M U O O 0 J /� I- O (� o ► r) fy z L Q0 m C� 00 r � O E- z O O l r� `J J IL U lL Q � z c O U� O n cif U) Q UCJI 0 � cn O o z 00 � W z � w o M U O Lc �00 r Q w Q rl- 00 co U �W o� _Z < M�r-o � L0 LLJ Q m w Ln �� o z O X p (_O W �� Q o z U LLJw cn 0 C I---� c o w cn >_z QZ o_mcn� O z z 00 (� 1 a �\ lJ G. m D =�_zj Q W z Q � Q Pee 0 0 co c0 (0 L1j ro N � O 3:01:48 P M 2 TO 3" VENT THRU ROOF - TEE TEE TEE TEE TEE TEE I I I SAN—TEE ' WASHER (DOUBLE SAN—TEE BOX WITH BACK —TO— KITCHEN SINK I BACK FIXTURES I I � LAVATORY I I— IEXCEPT W A TER (FIXTURE INSTAL— II I' 'I CONTINUOU X CLOSETS) LATION ON VENT SAN TE Q WASTE - I 1/4 BEND SAN-TE E STACK) LAVATORY I TAIL PIECE FOR P-TRAP LAVATORY I i -00 (BACK-TO-BACK WET VENT THRU INSTALLATION -p - 0 LOW AND WAS .,� ONE D.F.U. ONLY P-TRAP, �i��"' TUB/SHOWER WATER i STAND PIPE I P-TRAP I OR WHIRLPOOL I I P TRAP � I CLOSET SHOWER I P TRA I OPTION Lt -- --------------- --------------------------- M FINISH FLOOR SAN-TEELONG T1 /4 BEND 1 4 BENDSAN-TEE ET FLANG /1/4 BEND TEE WY & 1 /4 BEND LONG SWEEP P-TRAP LONG SWEE P-TRAP LONG SWEEP CAPPED FOR FUTURE USE 1/4 BEND LONG TURN DOUBLE 1/4 BENT-D SEE NOTE 10 DOUBLE FITTING 1/8 BEND GARBAGE DISPOSAL WYE WITH LONG TURN 1/4 BEND I 1/8 BEND TEE WYE LONG TURN HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL AND VERTICAL TO HORIZONTAL CONNECTIONS (SEE NOTES #10) LE WYE 1/8 BEI 1/4 BEND (LONG SWEEP nR SHORT SWEEI SEE NOTES) 3/4" DISHWASHER DRAIN LOOPED HIGH AND SECURELY FASTENED TO COUNTER OR WALL OR AIR GAP 2" P-TRAF-J -AIR GAP FITTING WYE-BRANCH FITTING KITCHEN SINK/DISHWASHER/DISPOSAL WI TH BEND TUF YE VENT EXTENSION PIPE INCREASER REDUCER (OCCURS MIN 12" BELOW ROOF; 24" RI) TYPICAL HORIZONTAL TO HORIZONTAL CONNECTIONS. THESE FITTING WILL BE USED TOGETHER OR INDIVIDUALLY TO DRAIN FIXTURES IN COMPLIANCE WITH STATE CODES (SEE NOTES #10) INSTALLATION AND WEATHERPROOFING PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS 3" VENT -7- �18" MINIMUM VENT THRU ROOF DETAIL 2„ SAN. TEE FINISHED FLOOR --,- 1 1 /2" VENT SINK DRAINS AIR GAP �2„ „DISHWASHER DRAIN LINE KITCHEN SINK/DISHWASHER/DISPOSAL DWV NOTES: 1. ALL WASTE AND VEI1T LINES IN MODULE ARE PVC PIPE. 11. DISHWASHERS CANNOT DISCHARGE INTO GARBAGE DISPOSALS. 2. PITCH ON HORIZONTAL WASTE LINES IS 1/8" PER FOOT FOR LARGER THEN 3" DIA. PIPE, 12. TRAPS SHALL BE PLACED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO FIXTURE OUTLET. MAXIMUM AND 1/4" PER FOOT FOR PIPES SMALLER THAN 3" DIA LENGTH FROM FIXTURE OUTLET TO TRAP WEIR IS 24" 3. WASTE LINES: INSTALL WYE W/ CLEANOUT PRIOR TO EXITING WALL FOR CONNECTION 13. INACCESSIBLE TRAPS SHALL NOT HAVE UNIONS, CLEANOUTS OR SLIPJOINTS. ACCESSIBLE TO DISPOSAL SYSTEM. TRAPS SHALL BE REMOVABLE WITH UNION IN TRAP SEAL OR HAVE CLEANOUT OPENING 4. PVC-DWV PIPE SUPPORTS: AT BRANCHES, CHANGES IN DIRECTION AND AT THE BASE, SAME SIZE AS TRAP. EACH FLOOR AND MID STORY (VERTICAL) MAXIMUM EVERY 3'-0" AT THE END OF 14. ALL HORIZONTAL VENT BRANCH PIPING SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 6" ABOVE BRANCHES, AND CHANGE OF DIRECTION OR ELEVATION. THE FLOOD LEVEL OF THE HIGHEST FIXTURE IN THAT BRANCH. 4„ MINIMUM MAIN WASTE TO SEPTIC (BY BUILDER). 5. PLASTIC PIPE SHALL PENETRATE FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES INCLUDING FLOOR/CEILING. 15. MAXIMUM DISTANCE OF FIXTURE TRAP WEIR TO VENT SHALL BE: 1 1 /2" PIPE = 6'-0"; 2" PIPE = 8'-0"; 3" PIPE = 12'-0" PIPING SHALL BE FIRESTOPPED ACCORDING TO THE UL THROUGH PENETRATION FIRESTOP SYSTEMS F-C-2135 FOR 3" OR LARGER OR F-C-2137 FOR 2" OR SMALLER 16. PLASTIC PIPING SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH 16 GAUGE STEEL PLATE WHEN PIPE PASSES THRU WOOD MEMBERS LESS THAN 1 1/4 INCHES FROM EDGE OF MEMBER. 17. DWV PIPE IS SIZED ACCORDING TO FIXTURE LOAD. 6. EACH DWELLING UNIT SHALL HAVE ONE MAIN 3 INCH MIN. STACK FROM BUILDING DRAIN TO ABOVE ROOF. 18. NOTE BACK TO BACK HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL FITTING TO BE LONG TURN (DIRECTIONAL) ( L) FITTING. 7. ALL TRAP ARMS MUST BE SUPPORTED WITH 3/4" MINIMUM BEARING. 19. FIRST FLOOR FIXTURES SHALL CONNECT INTO HORIZONTAL BUILDING DRAIN MORE 0 E THAN 8. ALL PLASTIC PIPE MUST BE SUPPORTED AT INTERVALS OF NOT MORE THAN 4'-0" 10 PIPE DIAMETERS DOWNSTREAM OF STACK BASE & NOT CONNECT INTO SECOND FLOOR HORIZONTALLY INSTALLED PLASTIC PIPE UNDER 2" SHALL BE SUPPORTED AT 3'-0" DRAIN STACK. INTERVALS. VERTICAL PIPE SHALL BE SUPPORTED AT 4'-0". 20. POTABLE WATER SYSTEM SHALL BE DISINFECTED BY ON -SITE BUILDER FOR PER 9. BASEMENT MODELS SHALL BE PROVIDED IN FACTORY WITH A 2 INCH VENT TO BASEMENT SECTION 10.14 STUBBED BELOW FIRST FLOOR, THEN CAPPED &LABELED. 21. 3" RADON VENT PROVIDED CAPPED AND LABELED AS RADON N 0 LY. IF REQUIRED TO BE USED MUST BE VENT INDEPENDENTLY OF DWV VENTING SYSTEM. 10. HORIZONTAL TO HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL TO HORIZONTAL DRAIN CHANGES IN DIRECTION SHALL BE 45 DEGREE WYES, LONG SWEEP ELBOWS, LONG SWEEP TY'S, 6TH., 8TH. OR 16TH BENDS, APPROVED COMBINATIONS OF THESE OR EQUIVALENT LONG SWEEP FITTINGS. SHORT SWEEPS PERMITTED IN SINGLE BRANCH HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL CHANGES IN DIRECTION & ON 3 INCH OR LARGER. TUB OVERFLOW DRAI 1 1 /2" TUB DRAIN 1 1/ 2" TRAP TUB/SHOWER 2" TRAP-----*" FINISHED FLOOR oR SINK DRAINS 1 1 /2" VENT FINISHED FLOOR AN TEE 2" VEN dip FA PIE,, 01(z 13, DATE 1/5/17 p F S cffrPQPJAF.62R" Bloomsburg, PA ------------ DRAIN `may 2„ LONG TURN 2„ LONG TURN - 1 /8 BEND SAN. TEE FINISHED DRAINS TO 2" TRAP FLOOR NON -HAZARDOUS I LOCATION FINISHED FLOOR WASHER/WATER HEATER PAN USED WHEN CRAWL CLOTHES WASHER SPACE OR USED WHEN EITHER IS INSTALLED ON 2ND FLOOR DBL, SAN TEE S, TE KITCHEN SINK/DISHWASHER/DISPOSAL ISLAND VENTING W/BOW VENT WATER CLOSETS & MAIN VENT IAIN VENT C. VENT JCH VENTS REQUIRED 2" VENT FOR FUTURE BASE- MENT FIXTURES FINISHED FLOOR VANITY DRAIN 1 1 /2" TRAP 1 1 /2" VENT 1 1 /2" SAN. TEE FINISHED FLOOR BATHROOM VANITY GREGO SF DF 2„ 2„ 1/3/2017 ---------------- 2" VENT FINISHED FLOOR SHOWER 3:01:48 P M Ln (J� `Q N ZE U_ O Q < O cn a cj� a� w 0 0 Q 0 � j U o r-I-) z m 00 0 >- cn oz O O J Q�- 0 � z 0 0 LJ z J Cn Q > d Q H— _ o o00 w � cn 0 z 1"1.-I �- z r- 0:� w o m U O W �00,� d- U� cn i rl- co co Q --J w Q o � UQ N__' cy— CD NO CO �CD�o W W �' °' w � z � X N = Q Wz m o z :2 w z I 0 o J w ~ N Ix CL M > � Z d 0 �Z a cn Q Q Q -i w �< :z(y- E O a_ LJ L > LLJ 0- Q 0 Q m cn 0 co�-0� LijN �_��^� \ Q N cc\' 1 r7 r�7 WATER SUPPLY NOTES: 1. ALL WATER AND DRAIN LINES ARE STUBBED THRU FLOOR ONLY, FOR FIELD COMPLETION. 2. ALL POTABLE WATER LINES ARE TO COMPLY WITH MA 248 CMR 3. RODENT PROTECTION SHOULD BE APPLIED IN FIELD AT WATER INLET WALL PENETRATIONS. (� �Q QO 4. ALL VALVES ARE GATE OR ANGLE TYPE. N 5. ALL HOSE BIBBS ARE TO COMPLY WITH MA 248 CMR W CONNECTION TO 1 /2" CONNECTION T 1 /2" 6. WATER HEATER IS SHIPPED LOOSE AND INSTALLED BY BUILDER FOR FULL BASEMENT. INSTALLED C� < SHOWER HEAD SHOWER HEAD 3/4" AIR BY FACTORY FOR CRAWL OPTION OR BUILDER MAY CHOOSE TO INSTALL ON SITE. 0 CHAMBER 7. NO PLUMBING IS DONE IN FACTORY BELOW 1ST FLOOR, CONNECTIONS BELOW FIRST FLOOR w PLUMBING ACCESS ANTI SCALD VALVE ANTI -SCALE VALVE CONNECTIONS TO BY BUILDER. PANEL ALL SHOWERS ALL SHOWERS VANITY FIXTURE 8. FIELD PLUMBING TO BE APPROVED LOCALLY & FIELD TESTED PER CODE BEFORE CONSEAVING. 3/4"x15" HIGH - CD 9. PLUMBING WALLS ARE NOTCHED OR DRILLED TO SUPPORT HORIZONTAL PIPING WHEN REQUIRED. D �' NOTCHING AND DRILLING OF STUDS MUST CONFORM WITH SECTION R602.6 " < o AIR CHAMBER � `.� PLUMBING ACCESS � -.� o � `� PANEL �1 2" 3 4" AIR 10. EQUIVALENT FIXTURES &MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MAY BE SUBSTITUTED IF NORMALLY C� J O i / / FURNISHED OR SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT IS UNAVAILABLE. h- � V, 1 /2" CHAMBER 11. ANY VERTICAL COPPER TUBING TO BE SUPPORTED 4'-0" O.C. BY STRAPPING OR EQUAL. �� o r� CONNECT TO SHUTOFF 1 12. COPPER DISTRIBUTION SUPPORTS: AT THE BASE & AT EACH FLOOR NOT EXCEEDING 10'-0" �� �' � TUB FIXTURE VALVE -1 2" ON CENTER (VERTICAL). MAXIMUM EVERY 6'-0" HORIZONTAL Cm � �� / i 1 /2 3 4 ( ) (HORIZONTAL) m 00 FINISHED / 13. WHERE CODE PERMITS, SHUTOFF VALVES MAY BE INSTALLED BELOW FLOOR WITH ACCESS. �- o � FLOORS 1 /2" HOT � i HOT 14. 3 4" MINIMUM HOT & COLD MAIN SUPPLY LINE TO BE USED 1" FOR 20 GPM © 8 FT. PER SECOND z D z O SHUTOFF SHUT-OFF WITH 1 /2 SUPPLY FROM MAIN SERVICE TO INDIVIDUAL FIXTURES. o CD FLOOR D VALVE VALVE COLD 15. FLOOR PENETRATIONS FOR SUPPLY LINES ARE TO BE FIRESTOPPED AND BLOCKED IN FIELD Q FINISHED FLOOR FLOOR WITH MATERIALS EQUIVALENT TO CONSTRUCTION MEMBERS IT PENETRATES AND BE SUITABLE -� z J J FINISHED 3/4 TO PIPE MATERIAL. COLD COLD FLOOR 16. PRESSURE BALANCE/THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED U IN ALL SHOWER AND SHOWER/BATHING FIXTURES -= LiJ TUBS AND WHIRLPOOLS PER 10.10 iv �� J 17. HORIZONTAL COPPER PIPING SHALL NOT BE SOFT COPPER. (l) (0 ro 18. SUPPLY PIPING IN UNHEATED AREAS (OUTSIDE WALLS & CRAWL SPACES) SHALL BE > v INSULATED BY BUILDER. THE MANUFACTURER SHALL KEEP PIPING OUT OF UNHEATED AREAS Q f� _ WHERE POSSIBLE PER 10.05.8. o 19. FLOOR JOIST NOTCHES MAY NOT EXCEED 1 /6 OF JOIST NOTCH DEPTH AND MAY NOT OCCUR �Q w 0 00 TUB/SHOWER SHOWER HOT TUB/WHIRLPOOL/GARDEN TUB IN, MIDDLE 1 /3 OF SPAN. HOLES MAY NOT EXCEED 1 /3 DEPTH OF JOIST AND MUST OCCUR a O � 2 IN FROM EITHER EDGE.of 20. SILL COCKS & HOSE BIBBS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH PERMANENT VACUUM BREAKERS z T- 0 rll-- IN ACCORDANCE WITH 241 CMR TABLE 1 ASSE STD. m U §i O 21. FUTURE VENT FOR BASEMENT MODELS TO BE CAPPED AND LABELED. 22. THIS SPACE LEFT BLANK FOR FUTURE USE 23. ALL MATERIALS AND FIXTURES ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ACCEPTABLE STANDARDS. IN PLANT PLUMBING TO BE PLUGGED OR CAPPED FOR PROTECTION DURING TRANSIT. 24. ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES TO BE WATER CONSERVING. CONNECTIONS TO 25. LEAD CONTENT IN SOLDER & FLUX FOR COPPER TUBE JOINTS SHALL BE LIMITED TO 0.2%. SINK FIXTURE 26. HOSE SPRAY (IF SUPPLIED) FOR SHOWER OR BATH SHALL HAVE A DIVERTER THAT WHEN w N N WATER IS SHUT OFF REVERTS TO TUB POSITION & PROVIDES A VACUUM BREAKER WHEN W .� „ WITH DISHWASHER W � oo � CONNECTIONS TO 3/4 AIR CONNECTION TO OPTION ONLY UNDER VACUUM (E.G. BATH SPOUT DIVERTER) OR SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A VACUUM (� �- i VANITY FIXTUR CHAMBER SHUTOFF VALVES 1 2„ BREAKER. � � ; `D AND WASHER WATER CLOSET / _I w Q oo 1 /2 27. BATH TUBS & SHOWERS ARE TO BE LISTED/LABELED BY AN APPROVED AGENCY. Q Y � HOOK UPS 28. ANY VERTICAL CROSSLINKED POLYETHYLENE (PEX) TUBING TO BE SUPPORTED U Q � CD 00 Ln 1 /2" SHUTOFF cD 3/4 x15 HIGH 4'-0" TO 5-0" O.C. BY PLASTIC U-NAILS. C)- v o SHUT-OFF �-1 /2 VALV AIR CHAMBER 29. CROSSLINKED POLYETHYLENE (PEX) TUBING DISTRIBUTION SUPPORTS: AT THE BASE & AT W L1J Q m w VALVE-m- SHUTOFF EACH FLOOR NOT EXCEEDING 4'-0" ON CENTER (VERTICAL). MAXIMUM EVERY 4'-0" (HORIZONTAL) Ur woo x SHUT-OFF VALVE 1 /2 o = Q HOT VALVE 1/2" PLUMBING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS -PER MA 248 CMR TABLE 1 F- `- HOT 1. Air gap fittings for use with plumbing fixtures, appliances and (� C FINISHED 3/4' COLD �-FINISHED FLOOR COLD appurtenances - L1J Z Q FLOOR COLD HOT SHUTOF 2. Bathtub/whirlpool pressure sealed doors o z COLD VALVE 3. Diverters for faucets with hose spray anti -syphon type, m 0 �, �; cn z residential ap lication : W W FINISHED FINISHED FLOOR 4. Enameled cas -iron plumbing fixtures o C FLOOR 5. Floor drains '' Z CONNECT TO 1113" m Cn 6. Floor -affixed supports for plumbing fixtures for public use DISHWASHE pP or off -the -floor pumg ures 7. Framin -affixed supports for off -the -floor water closets with concea ed tanks 00 BATHROOM VANITY CLOTHES WASHER WATER CLOSET KITCHEN SINK/DISHWASHER/DISPOSAL 8. Horne laundr y. equipment N a m 9. Hose connection vacuum breaker 10. Hot water dispensers, household storage type, electrical 11. Household dishwashing machines NOTES: 12. Household disposers 13. Hydraulic performance for water closetsandurinals ._.-__-_- i-, 1. WATER HEATER INSTALLATION SHALL MEET ALL APPLICABLE 14. Individual pressure balancin valves for individual fixture fittings STATE CODES. 15. Individual shower control va ves anti scald , Ar � ; 16. Macerating toilet systems and related components17 cn Q Q 2. PRESSURE TEMPERATURE RELIEF VALVE SHALL PIPE TO VACUUM BREAK 17. Nonvitreous ceramic plumbing fixtures ��5�1� Q z > A VISIBLE AIR GAP AT FLOOR IN THE SAME SPACE AS 18. Plastic bathtub units DATE w o WATER HEATER. WHEN WATER HEATER IS ON FIRST OR 19. Plastic lavatories U a_ SECOND FLOOR A PAN SHALL BE PROVIDED & ITS DRAIN TEMPERATURE & 20. Plastic shower rece tors and shower stall PFS CORPOROJ0k, w < PRESSURE RELIEF P I Q SHALL PIPE BELOW FIRST FLOOR (DRAIN RPOVIDED IN SHUT-OFF VALVE 21. Plastic sinks Bloomsburg, PA j PLANT FOR SECOND FLOOR UNITS). DRAIN SHALL PIPE VALVEALE 22. Plastic water closet bowls and tanks & DISCHARGE INDIRECTLY TO A HAZARD FREE POINT. SIZE TO MATCH COLD 23. Plumbing fixture fittings--� FINISHED 3 4,24. Plumbing fixture waste fittings 3. NO FUEL BURNING WATER HEATERS IN OR OFF SLEEPING, FL00 / SUPPLY LINE TO HEATER 25. Porcelain -enameled formed steelplumbing fixtures m BATH OR TOILET ROOMS. PROVIDE DOOR ON PANEL in vices forplumbingfixtures 3/4 HOT SUPPLY 26. Pressurized flushing de LARGE ENOUGH TO REPLACE HEATER. DO NOT PLACE ACCESSIBLE z �_ 3/4" COLD SUPPLY SHUT-OFF VALVE 27. Specification for copper sheet an strip for building construction � � �_ Y � � ACCESS THRU CLOSET. SPACE FOR WATER HEATER 28. Stainless steel plumbing fixtures residential) Q m cn, °- co CD SHALL BE PROVIDED IN PLANT. INSTALLATION SHALL BE 2" MIN. 29. Suction fittings for use in swimming pools, wading pools, spas, hot tubs o PROTECTED FROM FREEZING. DRAIN PAN INSTALLED FINISHED AIR and whirlpool bathtub appliances PER SECTION 2801.5 FLOOR GAPTemperature-actuated,fl w reduction valves to individual fixture fittings 4. VACUUM RELIEF TO BE PROVIDED ON COLD WATER SUPPLY 30. o t itt gs WHEN FIXTURE OUTLETS ARE LOCATED BELOW TOP OF THE DRAIN TO NON- 3"x1 1/2" FINISHED 31. Thermoplastic accessible and replaceable plastic tube and tubular fittings HEATING UNIT HAZARDOUS REDUCE FLOOR 32. Trench drains LOCATION-,."3/4" INLET 33. Trim for water closet bowls, tanks and urinals 5. WATER HEATER TO BE INSTALLED PER 248 CMR 34. Vacuum breaker wall hydrant frost -resistant, automatic -draining type o o CD PRESSURE RELIEF LINE 35. Vitreous china plumbing fixtures N N N 6. HEAT TRAPS TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 504.4 OF THE I.E.C.C. AT FINISHED FLOOR 36. Wall -mounted and pedestal -mounted, adjustable and pivoting lavatory 0 N r) o TYPICAL WATER HEATER INSTALLATION WHEN WATER and sink carrier systems o 37. Water closet flush tank fill valves o N HEATER IS NOT INSTALLED IN BASEMENT GREGO 1/3/2017 3: 01: 48 P M 6i 2 Q _ o_ r 4. s DATE 1/5/17 Bloomsburg, PA NJ GREGO 1/3/2017 3: 01: 48 w 2 O V) D U PM W 0 m 00 o � z O w I� M 00 �� � O) O J U) O V) M)I U) D i 0 0 z 0 U _= W Q) LIJ W U) O F-- LLJ d- Q r7 W Q cc) (— U � o °° Q W W Miry�0 ~ m �' Q J L1J � z W M CD X N = Q (y V I LLJ 0 Q ci O z n CD C/) �I u� � Z � _ Lj- O � � I O >- z (-0�McnCL g d- �— z 00 N a m V) Q Q D z> Q Li. O Q U rJ Q= lZ j in L.1j Q I 3 `-�Y2o- mctna"cn� r j 0 co cD w C"j C"J Q N C) \ t� N r4) 'r- d \ O N iw 0 Q a. 0 _1.. ___ _._.._ - 41, r% �Schectc Zo�vVare Version 4•.�.3 Project ON-70787 Energy Code: 2015 i ECC Location: New Bedford, Massachusetts Construction Type: Single-family Project Type: New Construction Conditioned Floor Area: 3.1265 ft2 Glazing Area 16% Climate Zone: 5 (5426 H DD) Permit Date: Permit Number: Construction Site: 115 PINE ISLAND RD. DARTMOUTH, MA 02714 EnvelODe Assemblies Owner/Agent: ROGERS AVIS MODULAR (GBI) EAST DOUGLAS, MA 01516 (508)476-1500 7 5 R er • > w �r-t ,ter h y �4 h t u ? �J 4 - c _ �4 - � L Ceiling 1 Above Collar Tie: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss Ceiling 2- Behind knee walls: Raised or Energy Truss Ceiling 3-Sloped clg: Cathedral Ceiling Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" O.C. Window 1: Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E Door 1: Glass Door 2: Glass Door 3: Solid Knee walls: Wood Frame, 16" O.C. Floor 1: All -Wood Joist/Truss: Over Unconditioned Space DATE PFS CORPORATE OKI Bloomsburg, PA Designer/Contractor: PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS 72 EAST MARKET ST. MlDDLEBURG, PA 17842 (570)837-1424 w I� ' • n, • r 0� + • ILA • !� •. L • r 1 912 38.0 0.0 0.030 27 253 38.0 0.0 0.025 6 176 30.0 0.0 0.034 6 1508 21.0 0.0 0.057 69 204 0.300 61 44 0.270 12 20 0.270 5 22 0.140 3 218 13.0 0.0 0.082 18 1,265 30.0 0.0 0.033 42 Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consistent with calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been de REScheck Version 4.6.3 and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in th �I PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS Name - Title sig iat e building plat , s, specifications, and other sed to meet t' 2015 IECC requirements in ch ,. Inspe . on :hecklist. 1/05/17 Date Project Title: ON-70787 Report date: 01/05/17 Data filename: M:170000\70787.rck Pagel of 9 �t�5checEc Software Version 43 RA 13 -o EUTS -(Bctuc. Energy Code: 2015 IECC were addressed directlyin the REScheck software Requ�rements.0.0% • n is provided b the user in the REScheck Requirements screen. For each Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column p y . • ' ' code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception rr�rtt t�rAmr�nt' thin �1�Pr certifies that a q _ DATE i -r, .k F F ROVI, t VE 0 1/5/17 Cill?PQ[�.faso"" u F.GSfL" � Bloomsburg, PA 3 1 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 `Medium impact (Tier 2) 3 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: ON-70787 Report date: 0I/05/17 Data filename: M:\70000\70787.rck Page 2 of 9 1. Additional Comments/Assumptions: APP �01rzfJ 1 1/5/17DATE PF CORPORATTOP Bloomsburg, PA `2 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: ON-70787 Report date: 01/05/17 Data filename: M:\70000\70787.rck Page 3 of 9 1 (High impact (Tier 1) i Section - Fram1ing oUg n nsp coon .. Plans V a s Verified s - Vaiue �ieid'erif�ed Value Corr plieso n�en s Assurnptio s 402.1.1, Door U-factor. U- U- OComplies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.3.4 {Does Not f table for values. [FR1]1 {EJNot Observable `^f i i INot Applicable } 402.1.1, Glazing U-factor (area -weighted t U- U- lComplies 'See the Envelope Assemblies 402.3.11 t average). f s }Does Not ;table for values. 402.3.3 402.3.6, s f DNot Observable 402.5 } % {DNot Applicable ' f [FR2]1 1 { } } } 1 S i I i 1 402.4:5 ;f IC -rated recessed lighting fixtures, _ OComplies [FR16]� sealed at housing/interior finish r Not f and labeled to indicate �2.0 cfm y�Does E r leakageat 75 Pa. _ FC]Not Observable 7 E]Not Applicable 403.2.1 Supply and return ducts in attics --.-.E]Complies [FR12]1 insulated >= R-8 where duct is f E]Does Not > -= 3 inches in diameter and > = R-6 where < 3 inches. Supply and r E 'MNot Observable f return ducts in other portions of = CJNot Applicable ;the building insulated >= R-6 for F diameter >= 3 inches and R-4.2 for < 3 inches in diameter. 403.3.35 Building cavities are not used as OComplies s [FR15]3 :ducts or plenums. D' oes Not [Not Observable t t r Not Applicable s 403.4 HVAC piping conveying fluids R- R- lCom lies p f [FR171 sabove 105 °F or chilled fluids -ODoes Not =� below 55 °F are insulated to >_R- k - 3. UNot Observable ONot Applicable 403.4.1 Protection of insulation on HVAC l t F = Elcomplies [FR24]1 piping. Does Not s f - QNot Observable i F ;-Not Applicable 1/5/17 Project Title: ON-70787 L I&PI ' Bloomsburg, PA fi Data filename: M:\70000\70787.rck 1 4 Additional Comments/Assumptions: At r7F R C VED 1/5/17 Pie C 0 R P 0 pj� 217 0 k' Bloomsburg, PA 1 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact (Tier 2) `3 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: ON-70787 Report date: 01/05/17 Data filename: M:\70000\70787.rck Page 5 of 9 r • Additional Comments/Assumptions: i--- - - DATE 1/5/17 i i PF(S CORPOR.A77.0KI Bloomsburg, PA 11 High Impact (Tier 1)IZ...]Medium Impact (Tier 2) 113. 1 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: ON-70787 Data filename: M:\70000\70787.rck Report date: 01/05/17 Page 6 of 9 'Blower door test @ 50 Pa. <=5 ACH 50 = ACH 50 =_ ;Compliesmplies [ FI17]1 {ach in Climate Zones 1-2, and ;Does Not <=-3 ach in Climate Zones 3-8. ;(Not Observable i f MNot Applicable 403.2.3 Duct tightness test result of <-4 cfm/100 _cfm/100 I (Complies i ft2 =ft2 ;Does Not F14 1 cfm/100 ft2 across the system or ' { <=3 cfm/100 ft2 without air ;(Not Observable handler @ 25 Pa. For rough -in UNot Applicable nests, verification may need to f t pp 9 s l occur during Framing Inspection. j 403.3.2 Ducts are pressure tested to [F127]1 determine air leakage with either: Rough -in test: Total leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch w.g. across the system including the manufacturer's air handler ;enclosure if installed at time of test. Postconstruction test: Total leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch w.g. across the entire system *including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure. 403.3.2.1 ;Air handler leakage designated [F124]1 Iby manufacturer at <=2% of ;design airflow. i 403.11 Programmable thermostats [F1g12 ' installed for control of primary heating and cooling systems and :initially set by manufacturer to s code specifications. 403.1 2 ;Heat pump thermostat installed [FI10]2 on heat pumps. 443.51 A Circulating service hot water [F111]2 ;systems have automatic or _r accessible manual controls. ft2 cfm/100 cfm/100 ;E]Complies ft2'E]Does Not '[]Not Observable E]Not Applicable r i t i f } s 3 k � ypr DATE 1/5/17 PFS CCRPOPJA710 Bloomsburg, PA 1 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: ON-70787 Data filename: M:\70000\70787.rck Report date: 01/05/17 Page 7 of 9 0. n ■ d Plans Verified Field Verified Final Ilue cornplies? &,Req,.ID cflM.ments/Assnm Lion / Z r- tP 4 R 0, 1/5/17 PFS CORPORATT.01r, 1 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: ON-70787 Data filename: M:\70000\70787.rck Bloomsburg, PA Report date: 01/05/17 Page 8 of 9 i i Additional Comments/Assumptions: PF-%� CORPORATT1.0k, Bloomsburg, PA 11 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 ;Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 ` Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: ON-70787 Data filename: M:\70000\70787.rck Report date: 01/05/17 Page 9 of 9 s h Above -Grade Wall 21,00 Below -Grade Wall 0.00 Floor 30.00 Ceiling / Roof 38.00 Ductwork (unconditioned spaces): Window 0.30 Door 0.27 b.re.:.ti.':�wJ:..y�ww.�:._�r__.a._:.._..:: _'_:_._._Y.}i.Y-TY� _� �..:18.X.':itiue:s-�.Fa.i-.w:�:a:a.u:.-�:�-+r-a:�:r .:.w.:..�u ..w+.sw✓ww�-- .•.•.•...•�.....-�.-. Heating System: System: Cooling System: Water Heater: _tee �.taah-��x..ra.:.r. a. �.. . � -� -.-._ - .... � - r. ,-..-.h.........:.;.•,i�&r:�8ct _.�!d+.�,xi7tix.:..i:,.'n..n.e.....t..+,.,�. � .� � . - ._ ,-. �. _.. _-:...,..e�vwkr..,znwz �a�.�-l.. ......,.... __.- .. .. .. - .. -...-. �..F :::n ,.,:.0 v'�a. aiait`�.6-��.�e+. ..:.:6.�.s:3- ifi Name: Date: Comments PFS CO RPOPIWA 71; OP Bloomsburg, PA Barlow Engineering, PC 6512 Six Forks Road Suite 203B Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 919-845-1600 September 30, 2016 Subject: 2006 PBS Systems Calculation Manual MA State Building Code 8t" Edition — Residential Volume To Whom It May Concern: have reviewed the subject calculations manual and it is sufficient for, and meets the requirements, of the referenced MA State Building Code. Sincerely, Barlow Engineering, PC James J. Barlow,, PE President APPROVED DATE 10/3/16 P Fs C 0 R P",QRnrrO H Bloomsburg, PA I 1 „ W,, OO 49508 M 109/30/16_1 f 7�w�o A b4 1/5/17 I DATE pr-S., CORPORAO-L"'YOU Bloomsburg, PA a e�t0,.- F 3 ti��tll��� 07 0 2!Lq SHED DORM of M - i�4 • f � APPROVED, DATE P F c 01 R I k P 0 N1 Bloomsburg, PA SECTION 10 ER TRUSSES - 20-25 / 30-35 / 40-45 psf GROUND S w/ CONNECTIONS O•ap t0 a +' I• _ • I Ne", dP 33A . 1VA1, ���. •"1811t:s11 0709 caolzsq PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. r ro 11879 b 1 �k#lllt�ltftlj��;�� U 7c, ZZ r-o-r"o-is AFFRQVFP vc F - " a, u p 11/9/07 NOW LOAD; 110 & 130 mph WIND 4.1875112 & 12112 PITCH, 23 =8" WIDTH 4.8125112 & 12112 PITCH, 27' 6" WIDTH 5.6875112 & 12112 PITCH, 31'--6" WIDTH �J, - .� .••......., i u• 'ice'• t ` • N �I`vEER > • r"I . 17705 OP Mi .07 � 22 • •�0 00 �L 0• lop • w • OW r f"1 � � +� i,� • i ter' 3ov M � eft' tiol '6 y1o %1 I I I I �015h ff** J# 11 P1 - P13 P14-P26 P27 - P39 0-7 a 11 OW WEAt7%" 11c IN 0 C) r 4.�goo do A. t '' R E .� fib 7; % LX F Oft 1, 00 1 o�- '0006016 , aft%6 • 1 �t r 070224 1 l % 1111 A�� 07�2 070asq &.�-%v.Isa.rs. I - iVO. PE063811 IV S Y L\J Pfit d?o 22 � t STRUCTURAL LUMBER INTERACTION CALCULATIONS TRUSS NO.: SHED-27-6 JOB NO.: 070224 PITCH: 4.8125/12 & 12/12 SPAN: 27'-6" TRUSS CENTERS: 124" FOR 20 & 30 psf GSL 16" FOR 40 psf GSL 20125 psf 4.8125/12 BALANCED TC LL: *17.5 4.8125/12 UNBALANCED TC LL: 34.85 OPPOSITE SIDE UN6. SNOW LOAD (psq: 5.25 UNBALANCED SNOW LOAD LENGTH (ft): 6.44 12/12 BALANCED TC LL: '`13.46 12/12 UNBALANCED TC LL: 40.34 OPPOSITE SIDE UNB. SNOW LOAD (psf): 4.04 UNBALANCED SNOW LOAD LENGTH (ft): 4.16 * 20 psf MINIMUM USED ------------------ A 17F DINE U-111 all" R F Bloomsburg, PA MEMBER INFORMATION: MEMBER SIZE & SPECIES 1-4 2x10SPF#2 5 & 6 2x6SPF#2 7 & 8 2x10SYP#2 9 2x4SPF#2 10-13 2x8SPF#2 14-16 2x4SPF#2 30/35 psf 24.5 45.53 7.35 7.26 * 18.84 51.42 5.65 WOE; PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. 40/45 3 56 9 7 24 62.41 psf O O 7.27 psf 5.13 ft TC DL: 10 psf BC LL: 10 psf WHERE h < 42" BC LL: 20 psf WHERE h ? 42" BC LL: 40 psf INSIDE KNEEWALL BC DL: 10 psf 4.8125/12 UPLIFT: 40.89 psf AT 110 mph PER ASCE 7-05 57.13 psf AT 130 mph PER ASCE 7-05 12/12 UPLIFT: 33.21 psf AT 110 mph PER ASCE 7-05 46.4 psf AT 130 mph PER ASCE 7-05 MAXIMUM SUPPORT REACTIONS (Ibs): DEAD LOAD DL+LL+ 20 psf SNOW DL+LL+ 30 psf SNOW DL+LL+ 40 psf SNOW DL+ 110 mph UPLIFT DL+ 130 mph UPLIFT 12/12 EXTERIOR WALL (4) 609 1380.2 1535.1 1153.1 -622.1 -1013 4.8125/12 EXTERIOR WALL (6)1 316.8 700.8 821.5 662.2 -480.9 -747.3 INTERMEDIATE BEAM (7) 493.2 1031.5 1159.1 872 -106.5 -266.4 MATING WALL (1)1 110.7 1 375.5 379.8 260.3 0 -5.3 NOTES: 1. MATING WALL LOADS ARE PER SIDE. 2. WIND PER ASCE 7-05, 110 & 130 mph, EXP. C, C&C PRESSURES. 3. SNOW PER ASCE 7-05, 20, 30 & 40 psf GSL, Ct = 1.1, 257 35 & 45 psf GSL, Ct = 1.0, Ce = 1.0, DRIFTING LENGTH IS LATERAL DISTANCE FROM RIDGE. 4. WIND UPLIFT REACTIONS ARE BASED ON C & C PRESSURES. WIND LATERAL AND UPLIFT ANCHORAGE AT SUPPORTS ARE DESIGNED w/ MWFRS PRESSURES (SEE CONNECTION SECTION OF MANUAL). -p P:12007107022412006-TRUSSES120-30-401SHEDIINTER-SHED-27-6.xls MAXIMUM INTERACTION & DEFLECTION: MAXIMUM CSI MAXIMUM DEFLECTION (in) l / BOTTOM CHORD 0.48572 0.15389 1102 COLLAR TIE 0.81647 0.5805 395 4.8125/12 TOP CHORD 0.98621 0.66639 296 12/12 TOP CHORD 0.97976 0.32338 913 WEB 0.17333 0.00 ***** o •;.; P3,cn a r P 00 N M elk o' IL PFS Corporation Northeast Region APPROVED H noup - 3 l l/9/07 WIItI$#$ �r M0064600 OF �1 _. ap 40 so 3Al ,* . . • 3 AL ,l 10 8l8 0 1 1 "14 11 070 ?1-. NLT 0j' Vh go Eariety � oNow, 035206 0 2z`� SECTION 21 UNIFORMLY LOADED BEAM CHARTS I /360 DEFLECTION .�." APPROt PFS c0pv1'p0RA01""1'5T00H Bloomsburg, PA 'wits, i t • •_' i • ,f •'. Ago r ftb .. -►4 E. 05 t'"1v w� a - C * t of t4f,11� �� 07022 0070 22( �OSE . PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. 0 7o zo ro i ., . f A. RE !f r . c* 4 . f�0010' 90 0 dt• P 1 - P26 40.PE;�!fi12Erf `�t4 p IV S Y L\Jj'f ff 070 2*2`� ft z. UNIFORMLY LOADED BEAM CHARTS NOTES: 1. LOADS ARE UNIFORM ALONG BEAM LENGTH. 2. DEFLECTION LIMITS: U360 3. BEAMS ARE ASSUMED TO BE LATERALLY BRACED. UNIFORMLY LOADED BEAM (1/360) SPAN CALCULATION a DATE 1/5/17 F N F cilC�la i icC` Bloomozhurg, PA %-f� MEN 4. MULTIPLE PLIES ARE TO BE FASTENED PER MAWACTURER / CODE REQUIREMENTS. 5. DESIGNER TO ACCOUNT FOR REQUIRED BEARINC� AREA & SUPPORT STUDS. 6. SPANS ARE LIMITED BY THE MAXIMUM SPAN DUE TO BENDING, DEFLECTION OR SH EAR. 7. SPLITS LIMITED TO 3/4 x DEPTH IN SOLID SAWN LUMBER. 8. DURATION FACTOR (Cd) =1.15 & REPETITIVE FACTOR Cr = 1.0. 9. "-" DENOTES SPAN GREATER THAN 30'-0". 10. SINGLE MEMBER LVL'S GREATER THAN 14" DEEP ARE NOT TO BE USED EXCEPT FOR MATING WALL LOCATIONS WHERE ONE EACH SIDE ARE FASTENED TOGETHER TO FORM A DOUBLE MEMBER MAXIMUM LIMITED REQ'D MAXIMUM LIMITED REQ'D MAXIMUM LIMITED REQ'D MAXIMUM LIMITED REQ'D MEMBER LOAD (plo QUANTITY SPAN BY BEARING (in`) QUANT( TY SPAN BY BEARING (in) QUANTITY SPAN BY BEARING (in`) QUANTITY NTITY SPAN BY BEARING (in ) 2x4SPF#2 750 1 2'-0" Lb 1.789 2 �_ �� 2 10 Lb 2.53 3 3 ' - 6" Lb 3.098 4 , „ ow 2 x 6 SPF #2 750 1 2 ' -11" Lb 2.612 2 3 -10 Ld 3.44 4,_2„ Lb 3.694 3 5,_1„ Lb 4.524 4� 5�_ ►, 2x8SPF#2 750 1 3'-9" Lb 3.314 2 1_ 1� Lb 5.224 5 3 Lb 4.686 3 6 61v Lb 5.74 4 � _ „ 2 x 10 SPF #2 750 1 4'-7" Lb 4.048 2 � _�� 7 6 Lb 6.628 6 5 Lb 5.725 3 7 ' lift Lb 7.011 4 � _ „ 2 x 12 SPF #2 750 1 5'-3" Lb 4.694 2 � _�� 9 2 Lb 8.096 7 6 Lb 6.638 3 9 1 _ 2„ Lb 8.13 4 � _ „ 2 x 4 SYP #2 750 1 2 ' - 2" Lb 1.438 2 10 7 Lb 9.388 „ 3 ' - 0" Lb 2.034 3 3 1 _ 8„ Ld 2.458 4 „ 2 x 6 SYP #2 750 1 3_ 1 Lb 2.06 2 4- 0 Ld 2.706 41_4" Lb 2.913 3 5'-4" Lb 3.567 4 „ 2 x 8 SYP #2 750 1 4 ' - 0" Lb 2.665 2 6 2 Lb 4.119 5'-8" Lb 3.769 3 6'-11„ Lb 4.616 4 2 x 10 SYP #2 750 1 4 ' - 9" Lb 3.18 2 8 - 0 Lb 5.33 6 , _ g„ Lb 4.498 3 8 @ _ 3„ Lb 5.508 4 „ 2 x 12 SYP #2 750 1 5 ' - 7" Lb 3.727 2 9 ' 6 Lb 6.361 7 ' - 11 " Lb 5.271 3 9 1 _ 8„ Lb 6.456 4 � _ „ 1.5 x 5.5 LVL 750 1 4 ' - 4" Ld 1.853 2 � _ �� 11 2 Lb 7.454 5 5 Ld 2.334 3 6 ' - 3" Ld 2.672 4 � �, 1.5 x 7.25 LVL 750 1 5 ' - 8" Ld 2.442 2 6 -10 Ld 2.941 7 � _ 2„ Ld 3.077 3 8 ' _ 3„ Ld Ld 3.522 4 1.5 x 9.25 LVL 750 1 7 ' - 3" Lb 3.108 2 9 - �„ Ld 3.876 9 � _ 2„ Ld 3.925 3 10 ' - 6„ Ld 4.494 4 , _ „ 1.5 x 11.25 LVL 750 1 8 ' - 9" Lb 3.756 11 7 Ld 4.946 2 11 ' - 2„ Ld 4.774 3 12 ' - g„ Ld 5.465 � _ „ 1.5 x 12 LVL 750 1 91 dormer 4 14 � Ld 6.015 S�l�d11 -11 Ld ,„5.093 _ 3 13 ,„ 8 Ld 5.829 4 15 - 0 1.5 x 14 LVL 750 1 10 ' Ld 6.416 13 ' -11 " Ld 5.941 3 15 ' -11 " Ld 6.801 4 � „ 1.5 x 16 LVL 750 1 12 ' - 4" Lb 5.28 2 17 - 6 Ld 7.486 15 ' -11" Ld 6.79 3 18 _ 2„ Ld 7.773 4 „ 1.5 x 18 LVL 750 1 13 ' -10" Lb 7 20 - 0 Ld 8.555 2 17 ' -11 " Ld 7.639 3 20 ' - 6" Ld 8.744 � _ „ 1.5 x 20 LVL 750 1 15 ' - 4" Lb 6.553 2 4 22 7 Ld 9.624 19 ' -11 " Ld 8.488 3 22 ' - 9" Ld 9.716 4 � _ �, 1.5 x 24 LVL 750 1 18 ' - 4" L 25 1 Ld 10.694 b 7.817 2 23 -10 Ld 10.185 3 2 „ 7 - 4 Ld 11.659 - - _ 2 x 4 SPF #2 800 1 1 ' -11" Lv 1.828 2 � _ 2 911 Lb 2.613 3 3,_4„ Lb 3.2 4 2 x 6 SPF #2 800 1 2' -10" Lb 2.698 2 3 9 Ld 3.592 4'-0" Lb 3.815 3 4'-11" Lb 4.672 4 « 2 x 8 SPF #2 800 1 3 ' - 7" Lb 3.422 2 5 - 8 Lb 5.395 5,_ 1„ Lb 4.84 3 6,_3„ Lb 5.928 4 „ 2 x 10 SPF #2 800 1 4 ' - 5" Lb 4.181 �� 7 - 3 Lb 6.845 2 6�_ 3 Lb 5.912 3 7 ' - 8" Lb 7.241 � �, 2 x 12 SPF #2 800 1 5 ' -1 " Lb 4.848 1 _ 4 8 -10 Lb 8.361 2 7 3 Lb 6.856 3 8 ' -11 " Lb 8.397 � _ „ 2 x 4 SYP #2 800 1 2 ' -1 " Lb 1.486 2 f _ 4 10 3 Lb 9.696 2 11 Lb 2.101 3 3 ' - 7" Ld 2.566 4 „ 2 x 6 SYP #2 800 1 3 ' - Q" Lb 2.127 t _ 11 3 -11 Ld 2.825 2 4 2 Lb 3.008 3 5 , _ 2„ Lb 3.684 1 _ 2 x 8 SYP #2 800 1 3' -14" Lb 2.752 4 6 off Lb 4.254 2 5 1 - 5" Lb 3.892 3 6 1 _ 8,1 Lb 4.767 „ 2 x 10 SYP #2 800 1 4 ' - 7" Lb 3.285 4 7 - 9 Lb 5.504 2 6'-6" Lb 4.645 3 8'-0" Lb 5.689 �_ „ 2 x 12 SYP #2 800 1 5 ' - 5" Lb 3.849 4 9 3 Lb 6.569 2 7 ' - 8" Lb 5.444 3 9 , _ 5,1 Lb 6.667 1.5 x 5.5 LVL 800 1 4 ' - 3" Ld 1.934 4 10 10 Lb 7.699 2 5 ' - 4„ Ld 2.437 3 6 1 _ 1 „ Ld 2.789 „ 1.5 x 7.25 LVL 800 1 5 ' - 6" Lb 2.536 4 6 - 9 Ld 3.07 2 7 ' - 0" Ld 3.212 3 8 ' -1 " Ld �_ 3.677 1.5 x 9.25 LVL 800 1 7 ' - 0" Lb 3.21 , _ 4 8 10,t Ld 4.047 2 9 0 Ld 4.098 3 10 ' - 3" Ld 4.691 1 _ 1� 1.5 x 11.25 LVL 800 1 g 1 _ 6,► Lb 3.879 � _ �� 4 11 4 Ld 5.163 2 10 11 Ld 4.984 3 12 ' - 6" Ld � 5.705 4 � „ 1.5 x 12 LVL 800 1 9' - 0" Lb 4.129 13 - 9 Ld 6.28 2 11 ' - 8" Ld 5.316 3 13 ' - 4" Ld 6.086 , _ 1.5 x 14 LVL 800 1 10 ' - 4 14 8 Ld 6.698 6" Lb 4.793 2 13 , _ 7„ Ld 6.202 3 15 ' - 7„ Ld 7.1 � _ „ 1.5 x 16 LVL 800 1 11 ' -11 „ Lb 5.454 4 17 2 Ld 7.815 2 15 ' - 7" Ld 7.089 3 17 ' -10" Ld 8.114 t _ „ 1.5 x 18 LVL 800 1 13 ' - 5" Lb 6.111 4 19 7 Ld 8.931 2 17 ' - 6" Ld 7.975 3 20 ' - 0" Ld 9.129 1 _ 1.5 x 20 LVL 800 1 14 ' -10" Lb 6.767 4 22 111 Ld 10.047 2 19 ' - 5" Ld 8.861 3 22 ' - 3" Ld 10.143 _ 1.5 x 24 LVL 800 1 17 ' - 9" Lb 8,074 4 24 6 Ld 11.164 2 23 ' - 4" Ld 10.633 3 26 ' - 9" Ld 12.172 � _ " 4 29 5 Ld 13.396 UNIBEAM-360.xis o o *� c WS a, c` o Alp (31 UNIFORMLY LOADED BEAM CHARTS MOTES: 1. LOADS ARE UNIFORM ALONG BEAM LENGTH. 2. DEFLECTION LIMITS: U360 3. BEAMS ARE ASSUMED TO BE LATERALLY BRACED. UNIFORMLY LOADED BEAM (1/360) SPAN CALCULATION DATE Cl r i Bloomsburg, PA 4. MULTIPLE PLIES ARE TO BE FASTENED PER MANFACTURER / CODE REQUIREMENTS. 5. DESIGNER TO ACCOUNT FOR REQUIRED BEARING AREA & SUPPORT STUDS. 6. SPANS ARE LIMITED BY THE MAXIMUM SPAN DUE TO BENDING, DEFLECTION, OR SHEAR. 7. SPLITS LIMITED TO 3/4 x DEPTH IN SOLID SAWN LUMBER. 8. DURATION FACTOR (Cd) = 1.15 & REPETITIVE FACTOR (Cr) = 1.0. 9. "-" DENOTES SPAN GREATER THAN 30'-0". 10. SINGLE MEMBER LVL'S GREATER THAN 14" DEEP ARE NOT TO BE USED EXCEPT FOR MATING WALL LOCATIONS WHERE ONE EACH SIDE ARE FASTENED TOGETHER TO FORM A DOUBLE MEMBER M EMBER LOAD (plo MAXIMUM LIMITED REQ'D QUANTITY SPAN BY BEARING (in`) QUANTITY MAXIMUM SPAN LIMITED BY REQ'D � BEARING (in) QUANTITY MAXIMUM SPAN LIMITED MITED BY REQ D . BEARING in` ( ) QUANTITY MAXIMUM SPAN LIMITED BY REQ D BEARING (in ) 2 x 4 SPF ##2 2 x 6 SPF #2 2 x 8 SPF #2 2x10SPF #2 2 x 12 SPF #2 2 x 4 SYP #2 2 x 6 SYP #2 2 x 8 SYP #2 2 x 10 SYP #2 2 x 12 SYP #2 1. 5 x 5.5 LVL 1.5 x 7.25 LVL 1.5 x 9.25 LVL 1.5 x 11.25 LVL 1.5 x 12 LVL 1.5 x 14 LVL 1.5 x 16 LVL 1.5 x 18 LVL 1.5 x 20 LVL 1.5 x 24 LVL 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 1 2 ' -11" Lb 1.222 f► 1 4 - 3 Lb 1.784 1 5 ` - 5" Lb 2.264 1 6'-8" Lb 2.765 1 7 ' - 9" Lb 3.207 f �� 1 3 - 2 Lb 0.983 f �� 1 4 - 6 Lb 1.407 1 5 ' -10" Lb 1.82 1 7 ' - 0" Lb 2.173 1 8 ' - 2" Lb 2.546 � _ �� 1 5 7 Ld 1.115 1.469 mw cig beam over 1.875 2.28 rm 2.432 1 14 ' - Ld 2.837 1 16' - 3" �i. 3.242 1 18 ' - 4" Ld 3.648 1 20 ' - 4" Ld 4.053 �� 1 24 - 5 Ld 4.864 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ''� 2 �- 2 3 ' -11" 6 ' - 1" 7 ' - 9" 9'-5" 11 ' - 0" 4 ' - 2" 6 ' - 5" 8 ' - 3" 9 ' -11 " 11 ' - 7" � 7 - 0" 9 ' - 3" � _ 11 loftLd 14'-5" 15 '-4" 17 ' -lift 20' - 6" 23 ' -1" 25 ' - 8" Ld Lb Lb Lb Lb Ld Lb Lb Lb Lb Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld 1.643 2.523 3.201 3.911 4.535 1.292 1.99 2.574 3.072 3.601 1.404 1.851 2.362 2.872 3.064 3.575 4.085 4.596 5.106 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 ' - 6" 7 ' - 2" 9 ' - 5" 11 `-7" 13 ' - 5" 4 ' - 9" 7 ' - 6" 9 ' -10" 12 ' - 1 " 14 ' - 2" 8 ' - 1" 10 ' - 7" , _ 't 13 7 16'- 6" 17 ' - 7" 20 ' - 6" 23' - 6" ' - " 26 5 29 ' - 4" Ld Ld Ld Lb Lb Ld Ld Ld Lb Lb Ld Ld Ld Ld L d Ld Ld Ld Ld 1.881 2.955 3.896 4.79 5.554 1.479 2.324 3.064 3.763 4.41 1.607 2.119 2.704 3.288 3.507 4.092 4.676 5.261 5.845 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 0 _ 1� 5 0 7 1 _ 10►f 10 - 4 1� #_ 1� 13 3 1 _ 1� 15 6 1 _ 1� 5 3 / _ " 8 3 101 _ 1011 131 _ 1011 1 _ 1� 16 5 8_ 1011 11 - 8 1� 14 -11 „ �_ ��din/kit/liv 18 2 # _ '� 19 4 1 _ 1� 22 7 1 _ 1t 25 10 29 -1 1� _ Ld Ld Ld Ld Lb Ld Ld Ld Ld Lb Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld _ 2.07 3.253 4.288 5.471 6.413 1.628 2.558 3.372 4.302 5.092 1.769 2.332 2.976 3.619 3.86 4.504 5.147 5.79 _ 2x4SPF#2 2 x 6 SPF #2 2 x 8 SPF #2 2 x 10 SPF #2 2 x 12 SPF #2 2x4SYP #2 2 x 6 SYP #2 2 x 8 SYP #2 2 x 10 SYP #2 2 x 12 SYP #2 1.5 x 5.5 LVL 1.5 x 7.25 LVL 1.5 x 9.25 LVL 1.5 x 11.25 LVL 1.5 x 12 LVL 1.5 x 14 LVL 1.5 x 16 LVL 1.5 x 18 LVL 1.5 x 20 LVL 1.5 x 24 LVL 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 1 2'-9" Lb 1.306 1 4 ` - 0" Lb 1.907 1 5 ' -1 " Lb 2.42 1 6 ` - 3" Lb 2.956 1 7 ' - 3" Lb 3.428 1 2'-11" Lb 1.05 1 4 ' - 2" Lb 1.504 t �� 1 5 - 5 Lb 1.946 1 6 ' - 6" Lb 2.323 1 7 ' - 8" Lb 2.722 1 5 ` - 4" Ld 1.218 1 7 ` - 0" Ld 1.606 1 9 ' - 0" Ld 2.049 1 10 ` -11 " Ld 2.492 1 11 ` - 8" Ld 2.658 1 13 ' - 7" Ld 3.101 1 15 ` - 7" Ld 3.544 1 17 ` - 6" Ld 3.987 1 19 ` - 5" Ld 4.43 1 23 ` - 4" Ld 5.316 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3'-9" 5' - 8" 7 ` - 3" 8 ' - 1 0" 10 ' - 3" 3'-11" 6 ' - 0" 7 ' - 9" 9 ' - 3" 10 ' -10" 6 ' - 9" 8 ' -10" 11 ' - 4" 13 ' - 9" 14 " - 8" 17 ' - 2" 19 ' - 7" 22 ' -1 in 24 ' - 6" 29 ' - 5" Ld Lb Lb Lb Lb Ld Lb Lb Lb Lb Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld 1.796 2.698 3.422 4.181 4.848 1.412 2.127 2.752 3.285 3.849 1.535 2.023 2.582 3.14 3.349 3.907 4.465 5.024 5.582 6.698 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 4'-4" 6 ' - " 10 8 ' - 10 10 ` - 10 12 ' - " 7 41- 6 7 ' - 2 ' - 9 5 11 - 4 ' - " 13 3 ' - 7 8 ' - " 10 2 ' - " 13 0 ' - " 15 9 - 1 ' 6 10" ' - " 19 8 22 ' - " 5 2 ' - " 5 3 28 ' -1 - Ld Ld Lb Lb Lb Ld Ld Ld Lb Lb Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld 2.056 3.231 4.192 5.12 5.938 1.617 2.541 3.349 4.023 4.715 1.757 2.316 2.955 3.594 3.834 4.473 5.112 5.751 6.39 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 _ �_ �1 4 9 # _ 1� 7 6 9 _ 1� 9 11 12 - 6 1� � _ 1� 14 6 1_ " 5 0 1 _ 7 10 10 - 4 �� 13 -1 1� 15 - 4 1� 8- 6 1' 11 - 2 " 14 - 3 1� 17 - 4 1� 18 f - 6" 21 - 7 1� 241 _ 911 1 _ f� 27 10 _ Ld Ld Ld Lb Lb 2.263 3.556 4.6$7 5.912 6.856 Ld Ld Ld Lb Lb 1.779 2.796 3.686 4.645 5.444 Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld _ 1.934 2.549 3.253 3.956 4.22 4.923 5.626 6.329 _ UNIBEAM-360.xls P)7 UNIFORMLY LOADED BEAM CHARTS NOTES: 1. LOADS ARE UNIFORM ALONG BEAM LENGTH. 2.' DEFLECTION LIMITS: U360 3. BEAMS ARE ASSUMED TO BE LATERALLY BRACED. UNIFORMLY LOADED BEAM SI'Aid CALCULATION (11360) DATE �11�r F-7; U) 11:5/17 Fr� COG c�rcr,�, i a,cr��� Bloomsburg, PA 4. MULTIPLE PLIES ARE TO BE FASTENED PER MANFACTURER / CODE REQUIREMENTS. 5. DESIGNER TO ACCOUNT FOR REQUIRED BEARING AREA & SUPPORT STUDS. 6. SPANS ARE LIMITED BY THE MAXIMUM SPAN DUE TO BENDING, DEFLECTION, OR SHEAR. 7. SPLITS LIMITED TO 3/4 x DEPTH IN SOLID SAWN LUMBER. 8. DURATION FACTOR (Cd) =1.15 & REPETITIVE FACTOR (Cr) = 1.0. 9. "-"DENOTES SPAN GREATER THAN 30'-0". 10. SINGLE MEMBER LVL'S GREATER THAN 14" DEEP ARE NOT TO BE USED EXCEPT FOR MATING WALL LOCATIONS WHERE ONE EACH SIDE ARE FASTENED TOGETHER TO FORM A DOUBLE MEMBER o � o c 0 *�^ M a� o' O MAXIMUM LIMITED REQ'D MAXIMUM LIMITED REQ'D MAXIMUM LIMITED REQ'D MAXIMUM LIMITED REQ'D MEMBER LOAD (p If) QUANTITY SPAN BY BEARING (in`) QUANTITY SPAN BY BEARING (in`) QUANTITY SPAN BY BEARING (in`) QUANTITY SPAN BY BEARING (in`) 2 x 4 SPF #2 450 1 2 ' - 7" Lb 1.386 2 3 ' - 8" Ld 1.943 3 4 ' - 2f 1 Ld 2.224 4 4 ' - 7" Ld 2.447 2 x 6 SPF #2 450 1 3 ' - 9t1 Lb 2.023 2 5 ' - 4" Lb 2.861 3 6 ' - 711 Ld 3.494 4 7 ' - 3" Ld 3.846 2 x 8 SPF #2 450 . 1 4 ' -1011 Lb 2.567 2 6 ' - 1011 Lb 3.63 3 8 ' - 4" Lb 4.446 4 9 ' - 6" Ld 5.07 2 x 10 SPF #2 450 1 5 1 -1111 Lb 3.135 2 8 ' - 4" Lb 4.434 3 10 ' - 31' Lb 5.431 4 11 ' - 10'1 Lb 6.271 2 x 12 SPF #2 450 1 6 ' -10" Lb 3.636 2 9 ' - 8" Lb 5.142 3 11 ' -1011 Lb 6.298 4 13 ' - 8" Lb 7.272 - 2 x 4 SYP #2 450 1 2 ' - 9'1 Lb 1.114 2 3 ' - 1 0" Ld 1.528 3 4 ' - 4" Ld 1.749 4 4 ' -1011 Ld 1.925 2 x 6 SYP #2 450 1 4 ' - 0" Lb 1.595 2 5 ' - 7" Lb 2.256 3 6 ' -1011 Ld 2.748 4 7 ' - 71' Ld 3.025 2 x 8 SYP #2 450 1 5 ' - 2" Lb 2.064 2 7 ' - 311 Lb 2.919 3 8 ' -11 11 Lb 3.575 4 10 ' - 0" Ld 3.987 2 x 10 SYP #2 450 1 6 ' - 2tf Lb 2.463 2 8 ' - 8" Lb 3.484 3 10 ' - 8" Lb 4.267 4 12 ' - 4" Lb 4.927 2 x 12 SYP #2 450 1 7 ' - 2" Lb 2.887 2 10 1- 3" Lb 4.083 3 12 ' - 6" Lb 5.001 4 14 ' - 5" Lb 5.774 1.5x5.5LVL 450 1 5'-111 Ld 1.318 2 6'-5" Ld 1.66 3 7'-511 Ld 1.901 4 81-2" Ld 2.092 1.5 x 7.25 LVL 450 1.737 EXT \AIALL HDR 2 8 ' - 6" Ld 2.189 3 9 ' - 9/1 1- t! Ld 2.505 4 10 ' - 9" 1- ti Ld 2.758 1.5 x 9.25 LVL 450 2.216 2 i ff 10 -11 Ld 2.793 3 12 6 Ld 3.197 4 13 9 Ld 3.518 1.5 x 11.25 LVL 450I(SHED)2.696 2 13'-3" Ld 3.396 3 15'-211 Ld 3.888 4 16 '- 8" Ld 4.279 1.5 x 12 LVL 450 2.875 2 14 ' - 2" Ld 3.623 3 16 ' - 2" Ld 4.147 4 17 ' -10" Ld 4.564 1.5 x 14 LVL 450 1 13 -111 Ld 3.355 2 16 ' - 6" Ld 4.226 3 18 ' -1111 Ld 4.838 4 20 ' - 9" Ld 5.325 1.5 x 16 LVL 450 1 14 ' - 1 Ld 3.834 2 18 ' - 1 0" Ld 4.83 3 21 ' - 7" Ld 5.529 4 23 ' - 9" Ld 6.086 1.5 x 18 LVL 450 1 16 ' - 1 011 4.313 2 21 ' - 31' Ld 5.434 3 24 ' - 3" Ld 6.22 4 26 ' - 911 Ld 6.846 1.5 x 20 LVL 450 1 18 1 - 8" Ld 4.792 2 23 ' - 7" Ld 6.038 3 27 ' - 011 Ld 6.912 4 29 ' - 9" Ld 7.607 1.5 x 24 LVL 450 1 22 ' - 5" Ld .. 1 2 28 ' - 4" Ld 7.245 - - - - - - - - 2 x 4 SPF #2 500 1 2 ' - 5" Lb 1.46 f 2 3 ' - 6t1 m�mmj Lb 2.065 3 4 ' - Off Ld 2.385 4 49,511 Ld 2.626 � 2 x 6 SPF #2 500 1 3- 7f! Lb 2.133 2 51 -1/f Lb 3.016 3 61- 311 Lb 3.694 4 1 _tl 7 0 Ld 4.126 2 x 8 SPF #2 500 1 4 ' - 7" Lb 2.706 2 6 ' - 6'1 Lb 3.826 3 7 ' -1111 Lb 4.686 4 9 ' - 2/1 Lb 5.411 2 x 10 SPF #2 500 1 5 ' - 7t1 Lb 3.305 2 7 ' -1111 Lb 4.674 3 9 ' - 8" Lb 5.725 4 11 ' - 2" Lb 6.61 2 x 12 SPF #2 500 1 6 ' - 6" Lb 3.833 2 9 ' - 2" Lb 5.42 3 11 ' - 3'1 Lb 6.638 4 13 ' - 0" Lb 7.665 2 x 4 SYP #2 500 1 2 ' - 7" Lb 1.174 2 3' - 8" Ld 1.639 3 4 ' - 2" Ld 1.876 4 41 - 7" Ld 2.065 2 x 6 SYP #2 500 1 3 ' - 911 Lb 1.682 2 5 ' - 411 Lb 2.378 3 6 ' - 6" Lb 2.913 4 7 ' - 4'1 Ld 3.245 2 x 8 SYP #2 500 1 4 ' -11 " Lb 2.176 2 6 ' -11 " Lb 3.077 3 8 ' - 6" Lb 3.769 4 9 ' - 8" Ld 4.277 2 x 10 SYP #2 500 1 5 ' -1011 Lb 2.597 2 8 ' - 311 Lb 3.672 3 10 ' -1 " Lb 4.498 4 11 ' - 8" Lb 5.193 2 x 12 SYP #2 500 1 6 ' - loll Lb 3.043 2 9 ' - 8" Lb 4.304 3 11 ' -1011 Lb 5.271 4 13 ' - 9" Lb 6.086 1.5 x 5.5 LVL 500 1 4 ' -11 " Ld 1.414 2 6 ' - 3" Ld 1.781 3 7 ' - 21' Ld 2.039 4 7 ' -loll Ld 2.244 1.5 x 7.25 LVL 500. 1 6 ' - 6" Ld 1.864 2 8 ' - 31' Ld 2.348 3 9 ' - 5/t Ld 2.688 4 10 ' - 4t1 Ld 2.958 1.5 x 9.25 LVL 500 1 8 ' - 4" Ld 2.378 2 10 ' - 61f Ld 2.996 3 12 ' - 0" Ld 3.429 4 13 ' - 311 Ld 3.774 1.5 x 11.25 LVL 500 1 10 ' - 2" Ld 2.892 2 12 ' - 9" Ld 3.643 3 14 ' - 8" Ld 4.171 4 16 ' -1 " Ld 4.59 1.5 x 12 LVL 500 1 10 ' -1011 Ld 3.085 2 13 ' - 8" Ld 3.886 3 15 ' - 711 Ld 4.449 4 17 ' - 2" Ld 4.896 1.5 x 14 LVL 500 1 12 ' - 8" Ld 3.599 2 15 ' -11 It Ld 4.534 3 18 ' - 311 Ld 5.19 4 201,111 Ld 5.713 1.5 x 16 LVL 500 1 14 ' - 5" Ld 4.113 2 18 ' - 2" Ld 5.182 3 201,1011 Ld 5.932 4 221,1111 Ld 6.529 1.5 x 18 LVL 500 1 16 ' - 3" Ld 4.627 2 20 ' - 6'1 Ld 5.829 3 23 ' - 5" Ld 6.673 4 251,1091 Ld 7.345 1.5 x 20 LVL 500 1 18 ' -1 " Ld 5.141 2 22 ' - 9t1 Ld 6.477 3 26 ' -1 " Ld 7.415 4 28 ' - 8" Ld 8.161 1.5 x 24 LVL 500 1 21 ' - 8" Ld 6.169 2 271- 4'1 Ld 7.773 - - - - - - - - UNIBEAM-360.xts It UNIFORMLY LOADED BEAM CHARTS NOTES: 1. LOADS ARE UNIFORM ALONG BEAM LENGTH. 2. DEFLECTION LIMITS: U360 3. BEAMS ARE ASSUMED TO BE LATERALLY BRACED. UNIFORMLY LOADED BEAM (1/360) ir►■ w . ■ 9%2 ■■ w 0901/1wt 7--MiW4 - DATE A F-1 F Fe� 0-1 MF U-) Bloomsburg, PA 4. MULTIPLE PLIES ARE TO BE FASTENED PER MANFACTURER / CODE REQUIREMENTS. 5. DESIGNER TO ACCOUNT FOR REQUIRED BEARING AREA & SUPPORT STUDS. 6. SPANS ARE LIMITED BY THE MAXIMUM SPAN DUE TO BENDING, DEFLECTION, OR SHEAR. 7. SPLITS LIMITED TO 3/4 x DEPTH IN SOLID SAWN LUMBER. 8. DURATION FACTOR (Cd) = 1.15 & REPETITIVE FACTOR (Cr) = 1.0. 9. "-" DENOTES SPAN GREATER THAN 30'-0". 10. SINGLE MEMBER LVL'S GREATER THAN 14" DEEP ARE NOT TO BE USED EXCEPT FOR MATING WALL LOCATIONS WHERE ONE EACH SIDE ARE FASTENED TOGETHER TO FORM A DOUBLE MEMBER bF'AN UAUt ULA 11UIV MAXIMUM LIMITED REQ'D MAXIMUM LIMITED REQ'D MAXIMUM LIMITED REQ'D MAXIMUM LIMITED REQ'D MEMBER LOAD QUANTITY SPAN BY BEARING ( in`) QUANTITY SPAN BY BEARING (in`) QUANTITY SPAN BY BEARING (in`) QUANTITY SPAN BY BEARING (in`) (pl�j 2 x 4 SPF #2 950 1 1 ' - 8" Lv 1.93 2 2 ' - 6" Lb 2.847 3 3 ' -1 " Lb 3.487 4 3 ' - 7" Lb 4.026 2 x 6 SPF #2 950 1 2 ' - 7't Lb 2.94 2 3 ' - 8" Lb 4.157 3 4 ' - 6" Lb 5.092 4 5 ' - 3" Lb 5.879 2 x 8 SPF #2 950 1 3 ' - 4" Lb 3.73 2 4 ' - 8" Lb 5.274 3 5 ' - 9" Lb 6.46 4 6 ' - 8" Lb 7.459 2 x 10 SPF #2 950 1 4 ' - 0" Lb 4.556 2 5 ' .- 9" Lb 6.443 3 7 ' - 0" Lb 7.891 4 8 ' - 1 " Lb 9.112 2 x 12 SPF #2 950 1 4 ' - 8" Lb 5.283 2 6 ' - 8" Lb 7.471 3 8 ' - 2" Lb 9.15 4 9 ' - 5" Lb 10.566 2 x 4 SYP #2 950 1 1'-lift Lb 1.619 2 2'-8" Lb 2.289 3 3'-4" Lb 2.804 4 3'-9" Ld 3.168 2 x 6 SYP #2 950 1 2 ' - 9" Lb 2.318 2 3 ' - 1 0" Lb 3.278 3 4 ` - 9" Lb 4.015 4 5 ' - 6" Lb 4.636 2x8SYP #2 950 1 3 ' - 6" Lb 2.999 2 5 ' - 0" Lb 4.241 3 6 ' - 2" Lb 5.195 4 7 ' - l " Lb 5.998 2 x 10 SYP #2 950 1 4 - 3" Lb 3.579 2 6 ' - 0" Lb 5.062 3 7 ' - 4" Lb 6.2 4 8 1- 6" Lb 7.159 2 x 12 SYP #2 950 1 4 ' -11 " Lb 4.195 2 7 ' - 0" Lb 5.932 3 8 ' - 7" Lb 7.266 4 9 ' -11 " Lb 8.39 1.5 x 5.5 LVL 950 1 3 ' -11 " Lb 2.115 2 5 ` - 0" Ld 2.732 3 5 ' - 9" Ld 3.128 4 6 ` - 4" Ld 3.443 1.5 x 7.25 LVL 950 1 5 ' -1 " Lb 2.763 2 6 ' - 8" Ld 3.602 3 7 ' - 7" Ld 4.123 4 8 ` - 4" Ld 4.538 1.5 x 9.25 LVL 950 1 6'-5" Lb 3.498 2 8'-6" Ld 4.596 3 9'-8" Ld 5.261 4 l0'-811 Ld 5.79 1.5 x 11.25 LVL 950 1 7 ' - 9" Lb 4.227 2 10 ' - 4" Ld 5.589 3 11 ' -10" Ld 6.398 4 13 ' - 0" Ld 7.042 1.5 x 12 LVL 950 1 8 ' - 4" Lb 4.499 2 11 1 - 0" Ld 5.962 3 12 ' - 7" Ld 6.824 4 13 ' -10ft Ld 7.511 1.5 x 14 LVL 950 1 2 12 ' -10" Ld 6.955 3 14 ' - 9" Ld 7.962 4 16 ' - 2" Ld 8.763 WALL H D ' - 7.949 3 16'-10't Ld 9.099 4 18,_6" Ld 10.015 /i�14 8 Ld 1.5 x 16 LVL 950 1 2 1.5 x 18 LVL 950 1 12 ' - 4" Lb 6.66 2 16 ' - 6" Ld 8.943 3 18 ' - 11 " Ld 10.237 4 20 ' -10" Ld 11.267 1.5 x 20 LVL 950 1 13 ' - 7" Lb 7.375 2 18 ' - 4" Ld 9.936 3 21 ' - 0" Ld 11.374 4 23 ' - 2" Ld 12.519 1.5 x 24 LVL 950 1 16 ' - 3" Lb 798 2 22 ' - 1 " Ld 11.923 3 25 ' - 3" Ld 13.649 4 27 ' - 9" Ld 15.023 2 x 4 SPF #2 1000 1 1 ' - 8" Lv 'I ' S 2 2 ' - 5" Lb 2.921 2 x 6 SPF #2 1000 1 261 1 Lb 3.016 2 3 3 3 ' - Ott Lb 3.577 4 3 , _ 6„ Lb 4.131 ' - 7" Lb 4.265 3 4 ' - 5't Lb 5.224 4 5 ' -1 " Lb 6.032 2 x 8 SPF #2 1000 1 3 - 3" Lb 3.826 � 2 4 t - 7" Lb 5.411 3 5 ' - 7" Lb 6.628 4 6 ' - 6" Lb 7.653 2 x 10 SPF #2 1000 1 3 ' -11 " Lb \5.4 674 2 5 ' - 7" Lb 6.61 3 6 ' -10" Lb 8.096 4 7 ' -11 " Lb 9.348 2 x 12 SPF #2 1000 1 4 ' - 7" Lb 22 6 ' - 6" Lb 7.665 3 7 ' -11 " Lb 9.388 4 9 ' - 2" Lb 10.84 2 x 4 SYP #2 1000 1 1 ' -10't Lb 1.6 l 2 2 ' - 7" Lb 2.349 3 3 ' - 3" Lb 2.877 4 3 ' - 8" Ld 3.278 2x6SYP #2 1000 1 2 ' - 8" Lb 2.378 2 31 - 9" Lb 3.363 3 4 ' - 7" Lb 4.119 4 5 ' - 4't Lb 4.756 2 x 8 SYP #2 1000 1 3 ' - 5" Lb 3.077 2 4 ' -11 " Lb 4.352 3 6 ' - 0" Lb 5.33 4 6 ' -11 " Lb 6.154 2 x 10 SYP #2 1000 1 4 ' - 1" Lb 3.672 2 5 ' -10" Lb 5.193 3 7 ' - 2" Lb 6.361 4 8 ' - 3" Lb 7.345 2 x 12 SYP #2 1000 1 4 ' -10" Lb 4.304 2 6 ' -10" Lb 6.086 3 8 ' - 5" Lb 7.454 4 9 ' - 8" Lb 8.608 1.5 x 5.5 LVL 1000 1 3 ' - 9" Lb 2.17 2 41 - lilt Ld 2.828 3 5 ' - 8't Ld 3.237 4 6 ' - 3" Ld 3.562 1.5 x 7.25 LVL 1000 1 41-1111Lb 2.835 2 6 ' - 6" Ld 3.727 3 71,611 Ld 4.267 4 8 ' - 3" Ld 4.696 1.5 x 9.25 LVL 1000 1 6 ' - 3" Lb 3.588 2 8 ' - 4" Ld 4.755 3 9 ' - 6tt Ld 5.444 4 10 ' - 6" Ld 5.991 1.5 x 11.25 LVL 1000 1 7 ' - 7" Lb 4.337 2 10 ' - 2" Ld 5.784 3 11 ' - 7" Ld 6.621 4 12 ' - 9" Ld 7.287 1.5 x 12 LVL 1000 1 8 ' -1 " Lb 4.616 2. 10 ' -10" Ld 6.169 3 12 ' - 5" Ld 7.062 4 13 ' - 8" Ld 7.773 1.5 x 14 LVL 1000 1 9 ' - 5" Lb 5.359 2 12 ' - 8" Ld 7.197 3 14 ' - 6" Ld 8.239 4 15 ' -11't Ld 9.068 1.5 x 16 LVL 1000 1 10 ' - 8ft Lb 6.097 2 14 ' - 5" Ld 8.226 3 16 ' - 6" Ld 9.416 4 18 ' - 2" Ld 10.363 1.5 x 18 LVL 1000 1 12 ' - Off Lb 6.833 2 16 ' - 3" Ld 9.254 3 18 ' - 7" Ld 10.593 4 20 ' - 6ft Ld 11.659 3" - Lb 7.566 2 18 ' -1 " Ld 10.282 3 20 ' - 8" Ld 11.77 4 22 ' - 9" Ld 12.954 1.5 x 20 LVL 1000 1 13 ' 9.026 2 21 ' - 8" Ld 12.338 3 24 ' -10tt Ld 14.124 4 27 ' - 4't Ld 15.545 . 1.5 x 24 LVL 1000 1 15 ' - 1011Lb UNIBEAM-360.xds oGO' � 0 ,C ® e z0 or o n 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 20 RALEIGH5 NC 27615 HIGH WIND CALCULATIONS MIDDLEBURG, PA PBS-70787 ASCE 7-05, RISK CATEGORY II, Vmph I lO MPH, VELOCITY PRESSURE q = 24.12 psf WIND EXPOSURE: C PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 3-B 101/03/17J .. __ _________________ ' - j DATE p FS--' C 0 Rp0R" , I 3 I I Bloomsburg, PA 161002 16 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS INDEX NARRATIVE SECTION 1 ASCE 7-05 WIND CALCULATIONS SECTION 2 SHEARWALL CALCULATIONS SECTION 3 ALTERNATE CALCULATIONS rr�r�csev%r� DATE 1/5/17 p F-5 CORPORATY OH Bloomsburg, PA 11 - --------------- 161002 2 P3 P4-9 P10-45 P46-47 41 NARRATIVE 161002 PBS-70787 0652nec2016 27 9 -6" x 46"-0" 12/12 & 2.5/12 Wind Speed: 110 MPH (Basic Wind Speed —Nominal Design 3 sec. gust, mph) Wind Exposure Category C MA AKASH NIK.AM 12/21/2015 It is assumed that the house will placed over a crawl space foundation. The mean roof height (MRH) of the house is adjusted accordingly per drawings provided. Ensure that the foundation is structurally adequate for the shear, uplift and downward point loads imposed at corner connections and similar locations. The structure was analyzed using ASCE 7-05 with Basic wind speed (Vmph —nominal design 3 sec. gust mph) = 100 mph. The structure has two floors with the first floor having all four exterior walls designed as shearwalls. The second floor has two end walls and one side wall designed as the shear wall. See the markup drawings for details. WW t APPROVED VN I C IhSI1 PFC. CORPORA73'OH Bloomsburg, PA 161002 3 s PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS SECTION 1 ASCE 7-05 'BIND CALCULATIONS ov) w TIEAt EO1 /03/1C, VE D, DATE 1/5/17 Pl--,S CORPO RtATI, Oki Bloomsburg,. PA 161002 4 t WIND LOAD CALCULATIONS (PER ASCE 7-05) PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS DESIGN INPUTS: FIRST FLOOR WIDTH: 27.50 ft NO. OF STORIES: 2 SECOND FLOOR WIDTH: 18.50 ft 1st FLOOR WALL HEIGHT: 8.00 ft THIRD FLOOR WIDTH: 0.00 ft 2nd FLOOR WALL HEIGHT: 8.00 ft FOURTH FLOOR WIDTH: 0.00 ft 3rd FLOOR WALL HEIGHT: 0.00 ft FIRST FLOOR LENGTH: 46.00 ft 4th FLOOR WALL HEIGHT: 0.00 ft SECOND FLOOR LENGTH: 46.00 ft WIND SPEED: 110 mph THIRD FLOOR LENGTH: 0.00 ft WIND EXPOSURE CASE: C FOURTH FLOOR LENGTH: 0.00 ft ROOF SPAN (RS): 27.50 ft STUD SPACING: 16 in TRUSS SPACING: 16 in ROOF PITCH: 12 / 12 ROOF ANGLE ( 0 ): 45.00 ° RAFTER LENGTH (L) = 19.45 ft Z = 20.00 ft hr = 13.75 ft hr / 2 = 6.88 ft h = 22.00 ft WALL EFFECTIVE WIND AREA = hs x STUD SPACING = 21.33 ROOF EFFECTIVE WIND AREA = L x TRUSS SPACING = 126.10 ft" MIN. WALL & ROOF EFFECTIVE AREA FOR FASTENERS = 0.17 ft't ( WIND BORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION IS REQUIRED FOR HURRICANE PRONE REGIONS) (IF ROOF SLOPE <= 10 DEGREES, USE EAVE HEIGHT) (EFFECTIVE WIDTH NEED NOT BE LESS THAN 8ft / 3 = 2.66 ft) (EFFECTIVE WIDTH NEED NOT BE LESS THAN 19.45ft / 3 = 6.48 ft) (WORST CASE: 2" o.c. FASTENERS WITH 12" o.c. FRAMING) a = 10% OF LEAST HORIZONTAL DIMENSION OR 0.4h, WHICHEVER IS SMALLER, BUT NOT LESS THAN EITHER 4% OF LEAST HORIZONTAL DIMENSION OR 3 ft. (p. 54, FIG. 6-10, NOTATION 9.a) a: 0.1W=0.1 * 27.5 ft = 2.75 ft OR LESSER = 2.75 ft DETERMINE WIND LOADS PER ASCE 7-05: MAIN WIND FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM: CONSTANTS: WIND VELOCITY (V): VEL. PRESS. EXP. COEF. (Kh): VEL. PRESS. EXP. COEF. (KZ): MOLT. for TOPO. FACTOR (Kj): MOLT. for TOPO. FACTOR (K2): MULT. for TOPO. FACTOR (K3): Kzt: = (1 + K, x K2 x K3)2 = AND NOT LESS THAN EITHER: 0.04W = 0.04 * 27.5 ft = 1.1 ft a= 3ft 110 mph 0.92 0.90 0.09 0 0 1 PER TABLE 6-6, ASCE 7-05, pp 49, "EXTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS, Cp" WALL PRESSURE COEFICIENTS SURFACE Cp I USE WITH WINDWARD WALL ALL 0.8 qz LEEWARD WALL SIDE -0.5 qh LEEWARD WALL END -0.4 qh SIDE WALL ALL -0.7 qh DATE 1/5/17 F S) C 0 R P 0 A 1"10 N Bloomsburg, PA P:\2016\161002\2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls 5 0.4h = 0.4 * 22 ft = 8.8 ft DIRECTIONALITY FACTOR (Kd): IMPORTANCE FACTOR (1): qh: = .00256 x Kh x Kzt x Kd x V2 x I = qZ: = .00256 x Kz x Kzt x Kd x V2 x I = 0.85 1 24.12 23.7 GUST EFFECT FACTOR (G): 0.85 INTERNAL PRESS. COEF. (GCpi,): 0.18 -0.18 ROOF PRESSURE COEFICIENTS FOR USE WITHgh NORMAL TO RIDGE (WIND FROM SIDEWALL) Cp -WINDWARD WALL 0.00 0.34 Cp -LEEWARD WALL -0.60 PARALLEL TO RIDGE (WIND FROM ENDWALL) Cp - 0 TO h/2 -0.90 Cp - h/2 TO h -0.90 Cp-hTO2h -0.50 Cp - > 2h -0.30 Cp -0.1$ PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 4 WIND LOAD CALCULATIONS (PER ASCE 7-05) LATERAL LOADS: EXTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS: 45.00 ° ROOF CASE A - WIND FROM SIDE WALL: SIDE WALL: GCpi, = 0.56 GCpf1E = 0.69 SIDE WALL: GCpE4 = -0.37 GCpf4E _ -0.48 LOAD CALCULATIONS (WIND FROM SIDE WALL): P = q GCp - qi (GCpi) EXAMPLE: P = qh GCp - qi (GCpi) = (24.12 psf x 0.85 x 0.8) - (24.12 x 0.18) = 12.1 psf P = qh GCp - qi (GCpi) = (24.12 psf x 0.85 x 0.8) - (24.12 x -0.18) = 20.7 psf WINDWARD P = 12.10 psf WINDWARD P = 20.70 psf LEEWARD P = -14.60 psf LEEWARD P = -5.90 psf WINDWARD SIDE: USE 26.70 psf WIND LOAD CASE B - WIND FROM END WALL: PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS WINDWARD P = 2.63 psf WINDWARD P = 11.31 psf LEEWARD P = -16.64 psf LEEWARD P = -7.96 psf ENDWALL: GCpi, = 0.4 GCpf1E = 0.61 ENDWALL: GCpf4 = -0.29 GCpf4E = -0.43 LOAD CALCULATIONS (WIND FROM END WALL): P = q GCp - qi (GCpi) EXAMPLE: P = qz GCp - qi (GCpi) P = qz GCp - qi (GCpi) WINDWARD SIDE: ROOF SIDE: = (23.7 psf x 0.85 x 0.8) - (23.7 x 0.18) = 12.1 psf = (23.7 psf x 0.85 x 0.8) - (23.7 x -0.18) = 20.7 psf USE 13.63 psf WIND LOAD WINDWARD P = 12.10 psf WINDWARD P = 20.70 psf LEEWARD P = -12.50 psf LEEWARD P = -3.90 psf USE 24.60 psf WIND LOAD ------- P:\20161161002\2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls 6 r APPROVE k DATE 1/5/17 rS c 0 R p 0 0 K, Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 S. WIND LOAD CALCULATIONS (PER ASCE 7-45) LATERAL LOADING: MAX. FLOOR WIDTH (W) = MAX. FLOOR LENGTH (L) = ROOF SPAN (RS) = ROOF PITCH: ROOF ANGLE ( e ) = MAX. WALL HEIGHT (H) = RIDGE ROOF HEIGHT (hr)= EDGE ROOF HEIGHT (he)= 27.5 ft 46.00 ft 27.50 ft 12 / 12 45.00 ° 8.00 ft 13.75 ft 6 ft CALCULATE LATERAL PRESSURE AT FLOOR: (PERPENDICULAR TO RIDGE) WLAT = wFL = W LAT * H — WFL = 26.7 psf 26.7 psf * 8 ft= 214 plf CALCULATE LATERAL PRESSURE AT FLOOR: (PARALLEL TO RIDGE) WLAT = wFL = W LAT * H — WFL = 24.6 psf 24.6 psf * 8 ft= 197 plf CALCULATE LATERAL PRESSURE @ ROOF: (PERPENDICULAR TO RIDGE) WR-PER = WLAT* hr + WFL / 2 = WR-PER = 13.63 psf * 13.75 ft + 214 pif / 2 = ( BUT NO LESS THAN: 214 pif / 2 = 107 ptf ) WR-PER = 294 ptf CALCULATE LATERAL PRESSURE @ ROOF: (PARALLEL TO RIDGE) GABLE AREA (AT) = RS * hr / 2 = AT= 27.5ft* 13.75ft/2= AT = 18 9.0 6 ft' TOTAL WIND LOAD (Pw) = (AT- Ae) * w f + k * wre = Pw = (189.06 ft^2) * 24.6 psf = Pw = 4651 Ibs WR-PAR= Pw/R+Wfl/2= WR-PAR = 4651 Ibs ! 27.5 ft + 197 plf / 2 = WR-PAR — 268 plf PA2016\16100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls 7 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS (ASCE 7-05 FIGURE 6-10 NOTE 6) APPROVED 1/5/17 RFC cop-IkPORA71Oki Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 WIND LOAD CALCULATIONS (PER ASCE 7-05) DETERMINE WIND LOADS PER ASCE 7-05 FOR LOW RISE BUILDINGS: COMPONENTS AND CLADDING: CONSTANTS: WIND VELOCITY (V): VEL. PRESS. EXP. COEF. (KZ): MULT. for TOPO. FACTOR (Kj): MULT. for TOPO. FACTOR (K2): MULT. for TOPO. FACTOR (K3): KZt: = (1 + K, x K2 x K3)2 = LATERAL LOADS (COMPONENTS AND CLADDING): EXTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS: SIDE WALL: FIELD: GCpf4 = -1.00 EDGE: GCpf5 = -1.16 LOAD CALCULATIONS: P = qh X (GCpf - GCvj) EXAMPLE: PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS 110 mph DIRECTIONALITY FACTOR (Kd): 0.85 0.92 IMPORTANCE FACTOR (1): 1 0.09 qz: = .00256 x KZ x Kzt x Kd x V2 x I = 24.12 0.00 qi = qh = qz = 24.12 0.00 GUST EFFECT FACTOR (G): 0.85 1.00 INTERNAL PRESS. COEF. (GCpi): 0.18 -0.18 P4i=ghx(GCpf4-GCpj4)= 24.12 psf * [ (-1 - 0.18) ] = -28.47 psf P4i=ghx(GCpf4-GC04)= 24.12 psf * [ (-1 - -0.18) ] = -19.78 psf FIELD: P4; = -28.47 psf FIELD: P41= -19.78 psf EDGE: P5i = -32.33 psf EDGE: Psi = -23.64 psf 5 2 0 .r 5 USE -28.47 psf WIND LOAD FOR FIELD. USE -32.33 psf WIND LOAD FOR EDGE. THE MAXIMUM LATERAL LOAD FOR 110 mph WIND (COMPONENTS AND CLADDING) IS UPLIFT LOADS (COMPONENTS AND CLADDING): EXTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS: ROOF: FIELD: GCpf, = -0.80 EDGE: GCpf2 = -1.00 OVERHANG: GCpf3 = -1.80 DOWNWARD: GCpf» = 0.80 LOAD CALCULATIONS: Ph = qh x (GCp - GCpi) EXAMPLE: Ph = qh X (GCpf, - GCp;j) Psi = qh x (GCpf, - GCpij) = 24.12 psf * [ ( -0.8 - 0.18 ) ] = -23.64 psf = 24.12 psf * [ (-0.8 - -0.18) ] = -14.96 psf FIELD: Pi; = -23.64 psf FIELD: P„ = -14.96 psf EDGE: P2; _ -28.47 psf EDGE: Pei = -19.78 psf OVERHANG: P31 = -47.76 psf OVERHANG: P31 = -39.08 psf DOWNWARD: P1-31 = 14.96 psf DOWNWARD: P1.3i = 23.64 psf -32.33 psf. DATE 1/5/1.7 P F-S CORPORA81070H Bloomsburg, PA USE -23.64 psf WIND LOAD FOR FIELD. USE -28.47 psf WIND LOAD FOR EDGE. USE -47.76 psf WIND LOAD FOR OVERHANG. USE 23.64 psf DOWNWARD WIND LOAD. THE MAXIMUM UPLIFT LOAD FOR 110 mph WIND (COMPONENTS AND CLADDING) IS P:120161161002\2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls 8 -47.76 psf. PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 lk WIND LOAD CALCULATIONS PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS (PER ASCE 7-05) DETERMINE WIND LOADS PER ASCE 7-05 FOR LOW RISE BUILDINGS: COMPONENTS AND CLADDING: FOR FASTENERS ONLY (EFFECTIVE AREA SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN FASTENER TRIBUTARY AREA): CONSTANTS: WIND VELOCITY (V): 110 mph DIRECTIONALITY FACTOR (Kd): 0.85 VEL. PRESS. EXP. COEF. (K7): 0.92 IMPORTANCE FACTOR (1): 1 MULT. for TOPO. FACTOR (K,): 0.09 qZ: = .00256 x KZ x Kzt x Kd x V2 x I = 24.12 MULT. for TOPO. FACTOR (K2): 0.00 q; = qh = qZ = 24.12 MULT. for TOPO. FACTOR (K3): 0.00 GUST EFFECT FACTOR (G): 0.85 Kzt: = (1 + K, x K2x K3)2 = 1.00 INTERNAL PRESS. COEF. (GCp;): 0.18 LATERAL LOADS (COMPONENTS AND CLADDING): -0.18 EXTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS: 2 2 21 SIDE WALL:) (ZONE 4): GCpf4 = -1.10 2 21 EDGE (ZONE 5): GC = -1.40 2 - ' :�• LOAD CALCULATIONS: "� •Y 5 Ile P = qh x (GCpf - GCp,) 5 . i 4 4 ' EXAMPLE: 5 5 P4;=ghX(GCpf4-GCp!4)= 24.12 psf * [ (-1.1 -0.18)]=-30.88 psf P41=ghx(GCpf4-GCpj4)=24.12psf *[(-1.1 --0-18)]=-22.2psf FIELD (ZONE 4): P4i = -30.88 psf FIELD (ZONE 4): P4; = -22.20 psf EDGE (ZONE 5): Pa = -38.11 psf EDGE (ZONE 5): P5; = -29.43 psf UPLIFT LOADS (COMPONENTS AND CLADDING): EXTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS: ROOF:) (ZONE 1): GCpf, = EDGE (ZONE 2): GCpQ = CORNER (ZONE 3): GCp3 = CORNER OH (ZONE 3): GCpfl_3 = LOAD CALCULATIONS: Ph = qh x (GCp - GCO EXAMPLE: Ph = qh X (GCpf, - GCpj,) Pli = qh X (GCpf, - GCpil) -1.00 -1.20 -1.20 -2.00 = 24.12 psf * [ (-1 - 0.18) ] = -28.47 psf =24.12psf *[(-1--0.18)]=-19.78 psf FIELD (ZONE 1): Pi; = -28.47 psf FIELD (ZONE 1): P„ = -19.78 psf EDGE (ZONE 2): P2i = -33.29 psf EDGE (ZONE 2): P2; = -24.61 psf CORNER (ZONE 3): P3; _ -33.29 psf CORNER (ZONE 3): P,.0 _ -24.61 psf CORNER OH (ZONE 3): P1.3; _ -52.59 psf CORNER OH (ZONE 3 : Pi-3; _ -43.90 psf P:120161161002\2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xis 9 USE 30.88 psf WIND LOAD FOR FIELD. USE 38.11 psf WIND LOAD FOR EDGE. USE 28.47 psf WIND LOAD FOR FIELD (ZONE 1). USE 33.29 psf WIND LOAD FOR EDGE (ZONE 2). USE 33.29 psf WIND LOAD FOR CORNER (ZONE 3). USE 52.59 psf WIND LOAD FOR CORNER OH (ZONE 3). 4 A FR, 0 VE D 1/5/17 DATE P FOS CORPORA7E,6TC� Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RDA, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 0 • PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS SECTION 2 SHEARWALL CALCULATIONS ------- AFPR0tr,:c, r 115/1.7DATE} E F: c 0 R P 0 RAT E 01 Hf 1 ' Bloomsburg, PA 1 161002 10 e PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS f BUILDING INFORMATION: JOB NUMBER = 161002 PLAN NAME / NUMBER = PBS -70787 FIRST FLOOR WIDTH (WI) = 27.5 ft SECOND FLOOR WIDTH (W2) = 18.5 ft FIRST FLOOR LENGTH (1-1) = 46 ft SECOND FLOOR LENGTH (1-2) = 46 ft ROOF SPAN = 27.5 ft TRUSS SPACING (TOC)= 16 in STUD SPACING (SOC) = 16 in WIND SPEED (V3S) = 110 mph EXPOSURE FACTOR = C SHEARWALL SUMMARY: SHEATHING FASTENING MUST USE THE MORE RESTRICTIVE FASTENING OF THAT SPECIFIED FOR SHEARWALL SHEATHING FASTENING AND SHEATHING SUCTION FASTENING FIRST FLOOR ENDWALL #1: 7/16" OSB EXTERIOR (BLOCKED) w/ 1/2" GWB INTERIOR LIVING ROOM END WITH 8d COMMON NAILS SPACED AT 4" EDGE FIRST FLOOR ENDWALL #2: 7/16" OSB EXTERIOR (BLOCKED) w/1/2" GWB INTERIOR BEDROOM 1 END WITH 8d COMMON NAILS SPACED AT 6" EDGE FIRST FLOOR SIDEWALL #1: 7/16" OSB EXTERIOR (BLOCKED) w11/2" GWB INTERIOR DINING RMIKITCHEN SIDE WITH 8d COMMON NAILS SPACED AT 6" EDGE FIRST FLOOR SIDEWALL #2: 7/16" OSB EXTERIOR (BLOCKED) w11/2 ; GWB INTERIOR LIVING RMIBR 1 SIDE WITH 8d COMMON NAILS SPACED AT 6 EDGE . SECOND FLOOR ENDWALL #1: 7/16" OSB EXTERIOR (BLOCKED) w11/2" GWB INTERIOR BONUS ROOM END WITH 8d COMMON NAILS SPACED AT 4" EDGE SECOND FLOOR ENDWALL #2: 7/16" OSB EXTERIOR (BLOCKED) w1112" GW`B INTERIOR BONUS ROOM END WITH 8d COMMON NAILS SPACED AT 4" EDGE SECOND FLOOR SIDEWALL #1: 7/16" OSB EXTERIOR (BLOCKED) w1112" GWB INTERIOR BATH #2 SIDE WITH 8d COMMON NAILS SPACED AT 6" EDGE P:12016\161002t2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS) -XIS Vv j►,�fE DATE 1/5/17 E i PF-S-1 CORPORA7140H Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 11 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS SHEATHING SUMMARY: ROOF SHEATHING: 7/16" OSB (UN -BLOCKED) w/ 8d NAILING @ 6712" CEILING SHEATHING: 1/2" GWB (UN -BLOCKED) w/ FASTENERS @ 777" FLOOR SHEATHING: 19132" MIN. OSB (UN -BLOCKED) w/ 10d NAILING @ 6"/12" SHEATHING SUCTION FASTENING: FOR ROOF ZONE 1: FOR ROOF ZONE 2: FOR ROOF ZONE 3 (CORNER): FOR ROOF ZONE 30H (CORNER OVERHANG): FOR WALL ZONE 4: FOR WALL ZONE 5: EDGE DIMENSION, a = USE 0.131" x 2.5" COMMON NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 12 in o.c. USE 0.131" x 2.5" COMMON NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 12 in o.c. USE 0.131" x 2.5" COMMON NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 12 in o.c. USE 0.131" x 2.5" COMMON NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 10 in o.c. USE 0.131" x 2.5" COMMON NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 12 in o.c. USE 0.131" x 2.5" COMMON NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 12 in o.c. 3 ft CONNECTION SUMMARY: CONNECTIONS TO BE AS SPECIFIED OR EQUIVALENT UPLIFT CONNECTIONS REQUIRED TRUSS TIE DOWN: USE (4)10d (0.131" x 3") NAIL (ENDNAILED) CEILING BAND TO TRUSS AND USE (1) SIMPSON H2.5A EACH TRUSS OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND TOTAL UPLIFT FORCE OF 415 lbs 2nd FLOOR STUD TO CEILING BAND: USE A 1.5 x 26 ga STRAP EACH STUD WITH (6) 8d NAIL(S) EACH END OR WITH (9)16 ga. STAPLE(S) EACH END OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND AN UPLIFT FORCE OF 415 lbs 2nd FLOOR STUD TO FLOOR BAND: USE A 1.5 x 26 ga STRAP EACH STUD WITH (6) 8d NAIL(S) EACH END OR WITH (9)16 ga. STAPLE(S) EACH END OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND AN UPLIFT FORCE OF 415 lbs 2nd FLOOR BAND TO 1st CEILING BAND: USE A 1.5 x 26 ga STRAP EACH STUD WITH (6) 8d NAIL(S) EACH END OR WITH (9) 16 ga. STAPLE(S) EACH END OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND AN UPLIFT FORCE OF 415 lbs 1st FLOOR STUD TO CEILING BAND: USE A 1.5 x 26 ga STRAP EACH STUD WITH (6) 8d NAIL(S) EACH END OR WITH (9) 16 ga. STAPLE(S) EACH END OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND AN UPLIFT FORCE OF 360 lbs 1st FLOOR STUD TO FLOOR BAND: USE A 1.5 x 26 ga STRAP EACH STUD WITH (6) 8d NAIL(S) EACH END OR WITH (9)16 ga. STAPLE(S) EACH END OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND AN UPLIFT FORCE OF 284 Ibs FLOOR BAND TO SILL PLATE CONNECTION: USE (3) SIMPSON RSP4(1) PLATES AT EACH ANCHOR BOLT LOCATION TO CONNECT FLOOR BAND TO SILL PLATE OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND AN UPLIFT FORCE OF 831 lbs P:t2016116100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xis � A rrrrc�e�%r� DATE 1/5/17 p Fouat. cvk.r40p-A'T"'H Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 rN 1 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS LATERAL CONNECTIONS TRUSS TO TOP PLATE CONNECTION: USE (2) 0.131" x 3" NAIL (TOENAILED) PER TRUSS PLATE TO PLATE CONNECTION: ATTACH WITH 8d (0.131" x 2.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 9" ON CENTER PLATE TO STUD CONNECTION: USE (2) 10d (0.131" x 3") NAIL (ENDNAILED) PER STUD BOTTOM PLATE TO FLOOR CONNECTION: ATTACH WITH 16d (0.131" x 3.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 12" ON CENTER TOP PLATE SPLICES TOP PLATE SPLICES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6 ft w/ (2) ROWS 10d (0.131" x 3") NAIL (FACE NAILED) 4" o.c HORIZONTAL FLOOR DIAPHRAGM CONTINUITY SECOND FLOOR MODULE TO MODULE CONNECTION AT FLOOR RIMBAND: (ALONG MATE LINE) USE A MIN. OF (6) 1/2" DIA. THRU BOLTS (SPACED A MAX. OF 92" o.c.) OR USE A MIN. OF (18) 3/8" DIA. x 12" LAG TOE SCREWS (SPACED A MAX. OF 30" o.c.) MODULE TO MODULE CONNECTION AT FLOOR RIMBAND: (AT ENDWALLS) USE A 1.5 x 26 ga STRAP WITH (3) 8d NAIL(S) EACH END OR WITH (4)16 ga. STAPLE(S) EACH END TO ATTACH MODULE TO MODULE AT EACH ENDWALL OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A TENSILE FORCE OF 184 Ibs FIRST FLOOR MODULE TO MODULE CONNECTION AT FLOOR RIMBAND: (ALONG MATE LINE) USE A MIN. OF (6) 1/2" DIA. THRU BOLTS (SPACED A MAX. OF 92" o.c.) OR USE A MIN. OF (18) 3/8" DIA. x 12" LAG TOE SCREWS (SPACED A MAX. OF 30" o.c.) MODULE TO MODULE CONNECTION AT FLOOR RIMBAND: (AT ENDWALLS) USE A 1.5 x 26 ga STRAP WITH (2) 8d NAIL(S) EACH END OR WITH (3)16 ga. STAPLE(S) EACH END TO ATTACH MODULE TO MODULE AT EACH ENDWALL OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A TENSILE FORCE OF 138 Ibs P:12016116100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls !� Arr�rcre�r_-r� DATE 1/5/17 p1=� cQt�PGIP, 4 kAa E 0R Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 13 n PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS SHEAR CONNECTIONS SECOND FLOOR ENDWALL UNIT SHEAR SHEATHING TO FLOOR BAND: USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 2" O.C. (AND SHEATHING TO TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD) OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 509 pff UNIT UPLIFT SHEATHING TO FLOOR BAND: USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 2" O.C. OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 509 pff ALTERNATE: FASTEN SHEATHING TO BAND WITH 1" WIDE STRIP OF 200 psi MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD TO TOP PLATE CONNECTION: USE 10d (0.148" x 3") NAIL (TOENAILED) @ 4" ON CENTER OR USE (1) SIMPSON LTP4 PLATE @ 18" ON CENTER OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 6785 Ibs RIMBAND TO BOTTOM / TOP PLATE / RIMBAND CONNECTION: USE 10d (0.148" x 3') NAIL (TOENAILED) AT 2" ON CENTER OR USE (1) SIMPSON LTP4 PLATE @ 10" ON CENTER OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 11707 Ibs SECOND FLOOR SiDEWALL UNIT SHEAR SHEATHING TO FLOOR BAND: USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 5" O.C. OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 196 ptf UNIT UPLIFT SHEATHING TO FLOOR BAND: USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 5" O.C. OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 196 pff ALTERNATE: FASTEN SHEATHING TO BAND WITH 1" WIDE STRIP OF 200 psi MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE RIMBAND TO BOTTOM / TOP PLATE / RIMBAND CONNECTION: USE 10d (0.148" x 3") NAIL (TOENAILED) @ 10" ON CENTER OR USE (1) SIMPSON LTP4 PLATE @ 46" ON CENTER OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 6781 Ibs FIRST FLOOR ENDWALL UNIT SHEAR SHEATHING TO FLOOR BAND: USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 2" O.C. OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 553 ptf UNIT UPLIFT SHEATHING TO FLOOR BAND: USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 2" O.C. OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 553 pff ALTERNATE: FASTEN SHEATHING TO BAND WITH 1" WIDE STRIP OF 200 psi MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE RIMBAND TO SILL PLATE CONNECTION: USE 10d (0.148" x 3") NAIL (TOENAILED) @ 2" ON CENTER OR USE (1) SIMPSON LTP4 PLATE @ 12" ON CENTER OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 15399 Ibs SILL PLATE TO FOUNDATION CONNECTION: USE 1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS @ 21" O.0 OR USE 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS @ 30" O.0 OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 15399 tbs (560 ptf) FIRST FLOOR SIDEWALL UNIT SHEAR SHEATHING TO FLOOR BAND: USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 2" O.C. OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 391 ptf UNIT UPLIFT SHEATHING TO FLOOR BAND: USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 2" O.C. OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 391 ptf ALTERNATE: FASTEN SHEATHING TO BAND WITH 1" WIDE STRIP OF 200 psi MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE RIMBAND TO SILL PLATE CONNECTION: USE 10d (0.148" x 3") NAIL (TOENAILED) @ 7" ON CENTER OR USE (1) SIMPSON LTP4 PLATE @ 32" ON CENTER OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 9699 Ibs SILL PLATE TO FOUNDATION CONNECTION: USE 1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS @ 58" O.0 OR USE 518" ANCHOR BOLTS @ 72" O.0 OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 9699 Ibs (211 pif) P:12016116100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).x1s l�� DATE 1/5/17 &ON P FM Sh c u? K P 0 RA E, 0 N Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203•B RALEIGH, NC 27615 14 14 10 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS n DESIGN PARAMETERS MEAN ROOF HEIGHT (MRH) = 22.00 ft NUMBER OF STORIES = 2 FIRST FLOOR WIDTH (WI) = 27.5 ft SECOND FLOOR WIDTH (W2) = 18.5 ft FIRST FLOOR LENGTH (LI) = 46 ft SECOND FLOOR LENGTH (Lz) = 46 ft BUILDING ASPECT RATIO (L/W) = 2.49 FLOOR JOIST DEPTH = 9.25 in MAX. VERTICAL FLOOR OFFSET = 0 in FLOOR ASPECT RATIO (L/W) = 2.49 MAX. FLOOR DIAPHRAGM OPENING WIDTH = 3.5 ft MAX. FLOOR DIAPHRAGM OPENING LENGTH = 9.25 ft FIRST FLOOR HEIGHT (Hj) = 8 ft SECOND FLOOR HEIGHT (1-12) = 8 ft CEILING ASPECT RATIO (UM) = 2.49 MIN. SHEARWALL SEGMENT (H 13.5) = 2.29 ft ROOF PITCH = 12 /12 P:12016116100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls �t�t�r�rs��r-rs DATE PF-SIPI CORPO RA Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 15 14 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS CONNECTION INFORMATION: TRUSS TO PLATE CONNECTORS UPLIFT STRENGTH: (1) SIMPSON H2.5A U = 535 Ibs (2) SIMPSON H2.5A U = 1070 Ibs (2) SIMPSON LS50 U = 1260 Ibs 200 psi MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE 200 psi MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE SHEAR STRENGTH: F2 = F2 = F2 = Z= f4M 110 Ibs 220 Ibs 0 Ibs 100 psi (END -GRAIN) 200 psi (FACE) FLAT STRAPS FASTENERS: 8d NAIL 16 ga. STAPLE 1.5 x 26 ga STRAP Z = 630 Ibs Z = 76.7 49.9 Ibs 1.5 x 22 ga STRAP Z = 1053 Ibs Z = 127.2 48.6 Ibs 1.5 x 20 ga STRAP Z = 1265 Ibs Z = 127.3 48.3 Ibs (2) 1.5 x 20 ga STRAP Z = 2530 Ibs Z = 131.4 46 Ibs (3) 1.5 x 20 ga STRAP Z = 3795 Ibs Z = 140.5 45.1 Ibs HOLDDOWNS w/ 1 1/2" EDGE DISTANCE MINIMUM 8" STEM WALL ASSUME 3000 psi Fc CONCRETE SIMPSON HHDQ11-SDS2.5 Z = 8505 Ibs SIMPSON HHDQ14-SDS2.5 Z = 10745 lbs SIMPSON STHD14RJ Z = 4430 Ibs (2) SIMPSON STHD14RJ Z = 8860 Ibs 1/2"DIA. THRU BOLT Z = 623 Ibs 1/2" ANCHOR BOLT Z = 1056 Ibs 5/8" ANCHOR BOLT Z = 1488 Ibs 318" DIA. LAG SCREW Z = 288 Ibs 3/8" DIA. x 12" LAG TOE SCREW Z = 208 Ibs 8d (0.131" x 2.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED) Z = 100 Ibs 10d (0.131" x 3") NAIL (FACE NAILED) Z = 131 Ibs 16d (0.131" x 3.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED) Z = 131 Ibs 8d (0.131" x 2.5") NAIL (TOENAILED) Z = 83 Ibs 0.131" x 3" NAIL (TOENAILED) Z = 109 lbs 8d (0.131" x 2.5") NAIL (ENDNAILED) Z = 67 Ibs 10d (0.131" x 3") NAIL (ENDNAILED) Z = 88 Ibs 10d (0.148" x 3") NAIL (TOENAILED) Z = 132 Ibs 16d (0.162" x 3.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED) Z = 191 Ibs 16d (0.162" x 3.5") NAIL (ENDNAILED) Z = 128 lbs 8d (0.131" x 2.50) NAIL (FACE NAILED), 7/16" SIDE MEMBER Z = 95 Ibs 0.131" x 2.5" COMMON NAIL (FACE NAILED) Z = 69 Ibs (7116" SIDE; WITHDRAWAL) (1) SIMPSON LTP4 PLATE Z = 575 Ibs SIMPSON RSP4(1) PLATE Z = 285 Ibs (2) SIMPSON RSP4(1) PLATES Z = 570 lbs (3) SIMPSON RSP4(1) PLATES Z = 855 Ibs 1/2" GWB (UN -BLOCKED) w1 FASTENERS @ 7"/7" Z = 70 pff 7/16" OSB (UN -BLOCKED) w/ 8d NAILING @ 6"/12" Z = 296 pff 7/16" OSB (BLOCKED) wl 8d NAILING @ 6"/12" Z = 328 pif 19132" MIN. OSB (UN -BLOCKED) wl 10d NAILING @ 6712" Z = 368 pff 19132" MIN. OSB (BLOCKED) wl 10d NAILING @ 6712" Z = 412 pff 7/16" OSB (BLOCKED) wl 8d NAILING @ 6"/12" & 4" o.c. @ PERIMETER Z = 437 pff 19/32" OSB (BLOCKED) w/ 10d NAILING @ 6"/12" & 4" o.c. @ PERIMETER Z = 548 pff 19132. OSB (BLOCKED) w! 10d NAILING @ 4"112" & 212' o.c. @ PERIMETER, DOUBLE FRAMING Z = 824 pff NOTE: SIMPSON CONNECTORS & FASTEN VALUES ASSUME SPF FRAMING MATERIAL ANCHOR BOLT VALUES ASSUME DFISP VALUES P:12016116100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls 7 17 it ME D �vv 40.1 A t DATE 1/5/17 �r-u C�r�:�c��.�rrcr�+ Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 16 DESIGN UPLIFT LOADS ROOF & CEILING ASSEMBLY DEAD LOAD = WALL DEAD LOAD (WDL) = FLOOR DEAD LOAD (FDL) = ROOF SPAN (RS)= TRUSS SPACING (TOC)= STUD SPACING (SOC) = FIRST FLOOR HEIGHT (HI) = SECOND FLOOR HEIGHT (1-12) = UPLIFT CONNECTION LOAD: FROM SHED TRUSS STANDARD TRUSS TO CEILING BAND CONNECTION: (4)10d (0.131" x 3") NAIL (ENDNAILED) 15 psf 12 psf 10 psf 27.5 ft 16 in 16 in 8ft 8ft Z = 4 NAILS x 88 Ibs / NAIL Z= 352 Ibs USE (4) 10d (0.131" x 3") NAIL (ENDNAILED) CEILING BAND TO TRUSS ADDITIONAL TIE(S) REQUIRED FOR TRUSS TIE DOWN: PW = wup * TOC - 352 Ibs Pu, = 311 pif * 16 in / 12 - 352 Ibs = Pun = 63 Ibs AND USE (1) SIMPSON H2.5A EACH TRUSS OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND TOTAL UPLIFT FORCE OF 4151bs REQUIRED SIDEWALL STUD TIE DOWN LOADING: 2nd FLOOR STUD TO CEILING BAND: 2nd FLOOR STUD TO FLOOR BAND: 2nd FLOOR BAND TO 1st CEILING BAND: Ist FLOOR STUD TO CEILING BAND: 1 st FLOOR STUD TO FLOOR BAND: Pen = WU0 * SOC = Pam, = P2m = P2b = P2f1c = P2±b = 311 * 16/ 12= 415 Ibs Pjc,= P2'.b-0.6*FDL*W214*SOC = Plcb= 415lbs-0.6* 10psf* 18.5ft/4* 16in/12= Picb = Plb = Plc- 0.6 * WDL * H, * SOC = Plb= 3601bs-0.6*12psf*8ft*16in/12= P:\2016116100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls 311 1pff 415 Ibs 360 Ibs PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS 415 Ibs 284 Ibs VED DATE 1/5/17 p FS CGAC�C�CDf�/�'u T6FR M. Bloomsburg, PA11 PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 17 I. F] PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS CHECK FASTENERS: 8d NAIL Z = 76.7 Ibs 415 Ibs / 76.71bs / FASTENER = 5.41 FASTENERS USE (6) 8d NAIL(S) EACH END 16 ga. STAPLE Z = 49.9 Ibs 415 Ibs / 49.9 Ibs / FASTENER = 8.31 FASTENERS USE (9)16 ga. STAPLE(S) EACH END USE A 1.5 x 26 ga STRAP EACH STUD WITH (6) 8d NAIL(S) EACH END OR WITH (9) 16 ga. STAPLE(S) EACH END OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND AN UPLIFT FORCE OF 415 Ibs SIDEWALL 1st FLOOR BAND TO SILL PLATE CONNECTION: SIDEWALL UPLIFT AT SILL PLATE: wsr, = P1, ! SOC - 0.6 " FDL " W, 14 = w�= 284 Ibs * 12 /16 in - 0.6 * 10 psf * 27.5 ft / 4 = wso = 172 ptf PLATE CONNECTION AT ANCHOR BOLT LOCATIONS: 1/2" ANCHOR BOLT SPACING (BOC) = 58 in Psp = wsp * BOC = 172 pif * 58 = 831 Ibs USE (3) SIMPSON RSP4(1) PLATES AT EACH ANCHOR BOLT LOCATION TO CONNECT FLOOR BAND TO SILL PLATE OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND AN UPLIFT FORCE OF 831 Ibs CHECK BENDING IN RIMBAND: DBL. 2x10 SPF #2 RIMBAND DESIGN VALUES: SECTION MODULUS (S) = 42.78 in ALLOWABLE BENDING (fb) = 875 psi MMAX = wI; OC2 _ 8 Mm = 172 pff * (58 / 12)^2 -- 6027 in-Ibs 8 APPLIED fb 6027 in-tbs = 141 psi S 42.78 in^3 ALLOWABLE BENDING (fb) = 875 psi > APPLIED fb = 141 psi DBL. 2x10 SPF #2 RIMBAND IS OK P:12016\161002t2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xiS 1/5/17 PP, r-u Cc��P��Arrcrr� Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 1 We" PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS LATERAL LOAD AT ROOF/CEILING DIAPHRAGM ROOF SPAN = ROOF PITCH = WIND PERPENDICULAR TO RIDGE: WIND PARALLEL TO RIDGE: LATERAL LOAD AT FLOOR DIAPHRAGM WIND PERPENDICULAR TO RIDGE: WIND PARALLEL TO RIDGE: P:\2016\161002\2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls 27.5 ft 12 /12 295 ptf 268 plf .�.. 214 plf 197 ptf At FFRkct1fjc-,9 ; DATE PFS cok�PORA17110N F Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SURE 20343 RALEIGH, NC 27615 19 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS LATERAL FRAMING CONNECTION LOADS FROM WIND: (FOR ROOF -TO -PLATE, PLATE -TO -PLATE, PLATE -TO -STUD, AND PLATE -TO -FLOOR) PER ASCE 7-05 WIND PRESSURE (w) = 32 psf wiwall'= w*H/2= TRUSS MULTIPLIER = 1.33 STUD MULTIPLIER = 1.33 TRUSS TO TOP PLATE CONNECTION: PC '= W[-v !1 * M24 = 130 pi * 1.33 = 130 pif 173 Ibs # OF 0.131" x 3" NAIL (TOENAILED) REQUIRED = Pc = 173 Ibs = 2 NAILS Z 109 Ibs USE (2) 0.131" x 3" NAIL (TOENAILED) PER TRUSS PLATE TO PLATE CONNECTION: SPACING OF 8d (0.131" x 2.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED) = Z * 12 = 100 Ibs * 12 = 9 in O.C. w,_wal 130 pif (16" max) ATTACH WITH 8d (0.1319* x 2.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 911 ON CENTER PLATE TO STUD CONNECTION: Pc = w,-Mll * M16 = 130 ptf * 1.33 = 173 Ibs # OF 10d (0.131* x 3") NAIL (ENDNAILED) REQUIRED = n = 173 Ibs = 2 NAILS Z 88 Ibs USE (2)10d (0.131" x 3") NAIL (ENDNAILED) PER STUD BOTTOM PLATE TO FLOOR CONNECTION: SPACING OF 16d (0.131" x 3.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED) = Z* 12 = 131 Ibs * 12 = 12 in O.C. w,_va! 130 pif (16" max) ATTACH WITH 16d (0.13199 x 3.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 12" ON CENTER ITOP PLATE SPLICE LENGTH STRUCTURE WIDTH (W) = 18.5 ft STRUCTURE LENGTH (L) = 46 ft 10d (0.131" x 3") NAIL (FACE NAILED) Z = 131 Ibs ROOF DIAPHRAGM LOADING (wi-per) = 295 plf FLOOR DIAPHRAGM LOADING (FLI-per) = 214 pif ROOF DIAPHRAGM LOADING CONTROLS CONTROLLING LOADING: 295 pif DIAPHRAGM CHORD FORCE = T = wi-per * L2 = 295 plf * 46 ft ^ 2 = 4218 Ibs 8 * W 8* 18.5ft REQUIRED SPLICE LENGTH (w/ (2)10d 4" o.c.): T * 4" / 12" / ft = 2 * Z 4218 Ibs * 4" / 12" / ft = 2 * 131 Ibs / NAIL TOP PLATE SPLICES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6 ft w/ (2) ROWS 10d (0.131" x 3") NAIL (FACE NAILED) 4** o.c P:12016116100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).As Rmt APPR..GVED, 1/5/17 PrS C0M���znrra� Bloomsburg, PA 6 ft PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 20 r 4 ROOF DIAPHRAGM SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS ROOF SPAN (RS) = ROOF LENGTH (RL) = ROOF PITCH = ROOF ANGLE (RA) = wi-w _ STANDARD ROOF SHEATHING = ROOF SHEATHING SHEAR CAPACITY (v;) _ STANDARD CEILING SHEATHING = CEILING SHEATHING SHEAR CAPACITY (v,) _ 27.5 ft 46 ft 12 /12 45.0 Is 295 pif 7/16" OSB (UN -BLOCKED) w/ 8d NAILING @ 6"/12" 296 pff 1/2" GWB (UN -BLOCKED) w/ FASTENERS @ 7"/7" MAX DIAPHRAGM SHEAR (v) = L * wl., / 2 = RS NET DIAPHRAGM SHEAR CAPACITY (v„) = v, + v, = 70 pff PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS 46 ft * 295 plf / 2 = 247 pff 27.5 ft 296 pff + 70 pff = 366 plf DIAPHRAGM SHEAR CAPACITY STANDARD ROOF/CEILING DIAPHRAGM REQUIRED = 247 pff CAPACITY = 366 pff STANDARD ROOFICEILING DIAPHRAGM OK FLOOR DIAPHRAGM SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS BUILDING WIDTH (W) _ BUILDING LENGTH (L) _ FLi.1, _ STANDARD FLOOR SHEATHING = FLOOR DIAPHRAGM SHEAR CAPACITY (v;) _ 18.5 ft 46 ft 214 pif 19/32" MIN. OSB (UN -BLOCKED) w/ 10d NAILING @ 67/12" 368 plf MAX FLOOR DIAPHRAGM SHEAR (v) = L * FLI_, / 2 = W 46 ft * 214 pff / 2 = 267 pff 18.5 ft DIAPHRAGM SHEAR CAPACITY STANDARD ROOFICEILING DIAPHRAGM REQUIRED = 267 pff CAPACITY = 368 pff STANDARD FLOOR DIAPHRAGM OK P:120161161002t2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).x1s A rf�'!?t�P�r-f� � `..DATE 1/5/17 PF" 5 c 0 R P 0 TLQ{L" Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 21 SHEATHING SUCTION CONNECTION (PER ASCE 7-05 C-C PRESSURES, pp. 55-58) TRUSS SPACING (TOC) = STUD SPACING (SOC) = 0.131" x 2.5" COMMON NAIL (FACE NAILED) FOR ROOF ZONE 1 (FIELD): FOR ROOF ZONE 2 (EDGE): FOR ROOF ZONE 3 (CORNER): F;� M 16 in O.C. 16 in O.C. 69 Ibs (7/16" SIDE MEMBER; WITHDRAWAL) 3 ft 28.47 psf PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS TRUSS LOADING = 28.47 psf x 16" o.c.1 12" / ft = 38 pif 38 pif = 0.6 FASTENERS / ft = 20 in O.C. 69 Ibs / FASTENER MAX ALLOWABLE SPACING: 121 in O.C. USE 0131" x 2.5" COMMON NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 12 In o.c. M 33.29 psf TRUSS LOADING = 33.29 psf x 16" o.c.1 12" / ft = 44 ptf 44 plf = 0.7 FASTENERS / ft = 17 in O.C. 69 Ibs / FASTENER MAX ALLOWABLE SPACING: 121 in O.C. USE 0131" x 2.5" COMMON NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 12 in o.c. M 33.29 psf TRUSS LOADING = 33.29 psf x 16" o.c. / 12" / ft = 44 pif 44 pif = 0.7 FASTENERS / ft = 17 in O.C. 69 Ibs / FASTENER MAX ALLOWABLE SPACING: 12 1 in O.C. USE 0131" x 2.5" COMMON NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 12 In o.c. P:120161161002\2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls 115/17DATE CORPO R,,,ATT.1,0H Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 22 . PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS FOR ROOF ZONE 30H (CORNER OVERHANG): FOR WALL ZONE 4 (FIELD): FOR WALL ZONE 5 (EDGE): M 52.59 psf TRUSS LOADING = 52.59 psf x 16" o.c. / 12" / ft = 70 Plf 70 ptf = 1.1 FASTENERS / ft= 10 in O.C. 69 Ibs / FASTENER MAX ALLOWABLE SPACING: 12 1 in O.C. USE 0131" x 2 5" COMMON NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 10 in o.c. M 30.88 psf STUD LOADING = 30.88 psf x 16" o.c. / 12" / ft = 41 plf 41 ptf = 0.6 FASTENERS / ft = 20 in O.C. 69 Ibs / FASTENER MAX ALLOWABLE SPACING: 12 1 in O.C. USE 0131" x 2 5" COMMON NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 12 in o.c. M 38.11 psf STUD LOADING = 38.11 psf x 16" O.C. / 12" / ft = 51 plf 51 ptf = 0.8 FASTENERS / ft = 15 in O.C. 69 Ibs / FASTENER MAX ALLOWABLE SPACING: 12 1 in O.C. USE 0131" x 2.5" COMMON NAIL (FACE NAILED) AT 12 In o.c. P:120161161002\2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE 7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls A F�R 0,e�cr� DATE S--� C C) R P 1, 0 H Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 23 s s PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS SECOND FLOOR ENDWALL #1 SHEATHING LENGTH REQUIREMENTS BONUS ROOM END FIRST FLOOR LENGTH (WI) = 27.5 ft SECOND FLOOR LENGTH (W2) = 18.5 ft FIRST FLOOR LENGTH (1-1) = 46 ft SECOND FLOOR LENGTH (1-2) = 46 ft SHEARWALL TYPE: 7/16° OSB EXTERIOR (BLOCKED) w/ 112" GWB INTERIOR SHEATHING EDGE 8d NAIL SPACING = 4 in O.C. (8d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT) SHEARWALL STRENGTH (V) = 590 pff MIN. SHEARWALL SEGMENT LENGTH = 2.3 ft FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING PROVIDED (11;) = 15 ft 2nd FL. PERCENT FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING= 82 % 2nd FL. MAX. UNRESTRAINED OPENING HEIGHT = 4.5 ft SHEAR ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (Co) = 0.89 (TABLE 2305.3.7.2, IBC) 2nd FL. NUMBER OF SHEARWALLS (N,d) = 2 ADDITIONAL WALL LOAD = 0 Ibs SHEARWALL REACTION (Rend2) = L2 * wl-. l Nend + ADDITIONAL= Reid2 = 46 ft * 295 pff / 2 + 0 Ibs = 6785 Ibs MIN. LENGTH SEGMENTED SHEARWALLS (Lgw) = Rerd2/ V = 6785 Ibs / 590 pff = 11.50 ft PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING LENGTH REQUIRED (ENDWALL) = LSW / Co = 11.5 ft 10.89 = 12.93 ft PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING < PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING REQUIRED =12.93 ft PROVIDED =15 ft ENDWALL SHEARWALLS OK ALL EXTERIOR SHEATHING TO BE BLOCKED UNO P:12016\16100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).Xls i s i nn-rF A PF R*GVED vsii7 CORPORAT.170k' Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 24 1 a PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS SECOND FLOOR HORIZONTAL FLOOR DIAPHRAGM CONTINUITY: MODULE TO MODULE CONNECTION AT FLOOR RIMBAND: (ALONG MATE LINE) (DEEP BEAM HORIZONTAL SHEAR) Vf = Q * F,_„.,. / 41* L = 314 * 214 p1f * 46 ft = 3692 Ibs 2 2 # 1/2" DIA. THRU BOLT = V = 3692 Ibs = 6 BOLTS Z112 BOLT 623 Ibs SPACING = L2 / # = 46 ft / 6 BOLTS 92 in # 3/8" DIA. x 12" LAG TOE SCREW = V = 3692 Ibs = 18 SCREWS Z3/8 LAG 208 Ibs SPACING = L2 / # = 46 ft / 18 SCREW: 30 in USE A MIN. OF (6)1/2" DIA. THRU BOLTS (SPACED A MAX. OF 92" O.C.) OR USE A MIN. OF (18) 318" DIA. x 12" LAG TOE SCREWS (SPACED A MAX. OF 30" O.C.) TO ATTACH MODULE TO MODULE ALONG MATE LINE MODULE TO MODULE CONNECTION AT FLOOR RIMBAND: (AT ENDWALLS) (CHORD FORCE CONTINUITY) T W 2 2 = 197 pff * 18.5 ft A 2 = 184 Ibs 8*L2 8*46ft CHECK FASTENERS: 8d NAIL Z = 76.7 Ibs 184 Ibs 176.7 lbs / FASTENER = 2.4 FASTENERS 16 ga. STAPLE Z = 49.9 Ibs 184 Ibs / 49.9 Ibs / FASTENER = USE (3) 8d NAIL(S) EACH END 3.69 FASTENERS USE (4)16 ga. STAPLE(S) EACH END USE A 1.5 x 26 ga STRAP WITH (3) 8d NAIL(S) EACH END OR WITH (4)16 ga. STAPLE(S) EACH END TO ATTACH MODULE TO MODULE AT EACH ENDWALL OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A TENSILE FORCE OF 184 Ibs SECOND FLOOR ENDWALL #1: UPLIFT DUE TO OVERTURNING FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING PROVIDED (.N'L;) = 15 ft SHEARWALL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (CO) = 0.89 SHEARWALL REACTION (Re„ d2) = 6785 Ibs WALL HEIGHT (H) = 8 ft UPLIFT FORCE (UE2) = R,-, x H = IL,xCO UE2= 67851bs x 8 ft 15 ft x 0.89 P:L2016\16100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xIS 4066 Ibs A 10 -311 " 17" " R GO ' " I f rz a r.m+s+�!1a► i DATE Cow* R.Po""' RA710H Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 25 t PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS SECOND FLOOR ENDWALL #2 SHEATHING LENGTH REQUIREMENTS BONUS ROOM END FIRST FLOOR WIDTH (WI) = 27.5 ft SECOND FLOOR WIDTH (W2) = 18.5 ft FIRST FLOOR LENGTH (Lt) = 46 ft SECOND FLOOR LENGTH (1-2) = 46 ft SHEARWALL TYPE: 7/16" OSB EXTERIOR (BLOCKED) w/ 1/2" GWB INTERIOR SHEATHING EDGE 8d NAIL SPACING = 4 in O.C. (8d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT) SHEARWALL STRENGTH (V) = 590 plf MIN. SHEARWALL SEGMENT LENGTH = 2.3 ft FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING PROVIDED (11..;) = 15 ft 2nd FL. PERCENT FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING= 82 % 2nd FL. MAX. UNRESTRAINED OPENING HEIGHT = 4.5 ft SHEAR ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (Co) = 0.89 (TABLE 2305.3.7.2, IBC) 2nd FL. NUMBER OF SHEARWALLS (N,„d) = 2 ADDITIONAL WALL LOAD = 0 Ibs SHEARWALL REACTION (R9„d2) = L2 * w,.ow / Ne„ d + ADDITIONAL= Renee = 46 ft * 295 plf / 2 + 0 Ibs = 6785 Ibs MIN. LENGTH SEGMENTED SHEARWALLS (Lgw) = Re.,d2/ V = 6785 Ibs / 590 Ibs = 11.50 ft I PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING LENGTH REQUIRED (ENDWALL) = Lsw / Co = 11.5 ft 10.89 = 12.93 ft I PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING < PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING REQUIRED =12.93 ft PROVIDED =15 ft ENDWALL SHEARWALLS OK ALL EXTERIOR SHEATHING TO BE BLOCKED UNO SECOND FLOOR ENDWALL #2: UPLIFT DUE TO OVERTURNING FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING PROVIDED (::L.;) = 15 ft SHEARWALL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (Co) = 0.89 SHEARWALL REACTION (Rertd2) = 6785 Ibs WALL HEIGHT (H) = 8 ft UPLIFT FORCE (UE2) = Rdj x H — II,xCo UE2 = 6785 Ibs x 8 ft 15 ft x 0.89 P:\2016116100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xis E111*4I07 /��/ A fsl�rCJ'@�Gl� ,i DATE 1/5/17 p F S-1% r".0 01 Rva, p 0 RA 111"a 7 0a Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 26 6 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS (SECOND FLOOR ENDWALL: SHEAR CONNECTIONS I SECOND FLOOR WIDTH (W2) = SECOND FLOOR LENGTH (1-2) = FLi-w = 1/2" ANCHOR BOLT 5!8" ANCHOR BOLT 10d (0.148" x 3") NAIL (TOENAILED) 16d (0.162" x 3.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED) (1) SIMPSON LTP4 PLATE 18.5 ft 46 ft 214 pff Z = 1056 Ibs Z = 1488 Ibs Z = 132 Ibs Z = 191 Ibs Z = 575 Ibs MAXIMUM SECOND FLOOR ENDWALL SHEAR LOAD = TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD TO TOP PLATE CONNECTION: # TOENAILS PER FOOT = TOENAIL SPACING = # LTP4 PLATES PER FOOT -- LTP4 PLATE SPACING = V / Z / W = 67851bs / 132 lbs / 18.5 ft = 12/#= 12/2.8= V / Z / W = 6785 lbs / 575 lbs / 18.5 ft = 121#= 12/0.6= USE 10d (0.148" x 3") NAIL (TOENAILED) @ 4" ON CENTER OR USE (1) SIMPSON LTP4 PLATE @ 18" ON CENTER OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 67851bs RIMBAND TO BOTTOM / TOP PLATE I RIMBAND CONNECTION: V = MAX ENDWALL SHEAR + L2 x FL,, / 2 = V= 67851bs+46ftx214pff/2 # TOENAILS PER FOOT = TOENAIL SPACING = # LTP4 PLATES PER FOOT -- LTP4 PLATE SPACING = V/Z/W= 11707lbs/132lbs/18.5ft= 12/#= 12/4.8= V / Z / W = 11707 Ibs / 575 Ibs / 18.5 ft = 12/#= 12/1.1 = USE 10d (0.148" x 3") NAIL (TOENAILED) AT 2" ON CENTER OR USE (1) SIMPSON LTP4 PLATE @ 10" ON CENTER OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 11707 Ibs P:120161161002\2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xis 4 " O.C. 18 " O.C. 2 " O.C. 10 " O.C. 6785 Ibs 2.8 NAILS I ft (16" MAX) 0.6 PLATES / ft (72" MAX) 11707 Ibs 4.8 NAILS I ft (16" MAX) 1.1 PLATES / ft (72" MAX) ¢ �MA F T VE 13 s DATE 1/5/17 p F C0 �RfA'[ F 0 R! Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 M PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS CHECK SHEATHING TO RIMBAND CONNECTION: UNIT SHEAR CHECK: SHEAR FORCE (V) = Rera2 = �LiXGo SECOND FLOOR ENDWALL #1: SECOND FLOOR ENDWALL #2: V = 6785 lbs 15 ft * 0.89 V = 6785 lbs 15 ft * 0.89 MAXIMUM SECOND FLOOR ENDWALL UNIT SHEAR = CHECK SHEATHING CAPACITY: 7116" OSB SHEATHING 3168 plf 509 ptf 509 plf 509 p1f (165 Iblin X 1.6 X 12) 7116" OSB SHEATHING MEET THE SHEAR CAPACITY REQUIREMENT CHECK # 8d NAILS REQUIRED FOR SHEATHING CONNECTION: 8d (0.131" x 2.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED), 7/16" SIDE MEMBER Z = 95 lbs # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = V — 509 plf Z 95 lbs / NAIL # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = 5.36 NAILS PER FOOT OVERALL 8d NAIL SPACING = 12 / # = 12 / 5.36 = 2.23 " O.C. # OF ROWS : 1 ROW(S) 8d NAIL SPACING WITHIN EACH ROW = 1 * SPACING 1 * 2.23 o.c. 2 " O.C. USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 2" O.C. OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 509 plf 01 t1frz D 1/5/1.7 DATE i r�-sco�pop'6"ATTow a Bloomsburg, PA P:120161161002\2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).XIS PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 w 19 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS UNIT UPLIFT CHECK: (EQUAL TO UNIT SHEAR) CHECK # 8d NAILS REQUIRED FOR SHEATHING CONNECTION: 8d (0.131" x 2.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED), 7/16" SIDE MEMBER Z = 95 Ibs # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = V = 509 plf Z 95 Ibs / NAIL # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = OVERALL 8d NAIL SPACING = # OF ROWS : 5.36 NAILS PER FOOT 12/#= 12/5.36= 1 ROW(S) 8d NAIL SPACING WITHIN EACH ROW = 1 * SPACING 1 * 2.23 o.c. USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 2" O.C. OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 509 pif ALTERNATE SHEATHING CONNECTION FOR UNIT UPLIFT (GLUE): 200 psi MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE Z= V= 200 psi (FACE) WIDTH OF GLUE REQUIRED FOR SHEATHING CONNECTION ALONG FLOOR BAND: WIDTH OF GLUE STRIP REQUIRED = V = 509 ptf = Z 200 psi * 12" / ft 2.23 " O.C. 2 "O.C. 509 plf 1" FASTEN SHEATHING TO BAND WITH 1" WIDE STRIP OF 200 psi MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE P:12016116100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls r0 t*fFz ' DATE 1/5/17 virq CO V UROSA Fl-'00w, Bloomsburg, PA ----- ------------ ---------------- ------------------------------------ -- - - PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203•B RALEIGH, NC 27615 29 t PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS IF RST FLOOR ENDWALL #1 SHEATHING LENGTH REQUIREMENTS LIVING ROOM END FIRST FLOOR WIDTH (WI) = 27.5 ft SECOND FLOOR WIDTH (W2) = 18.5 ft FIRST FLOOR LENGTH (1-1) = 46 ft SECOND FLOOR LENGTH (1-2) = 46 ft SHEARWALL TYPE: 7/16" OSB EXTERIOR (BLOCKED) w/ 1/2" GWB INTERIOR SHEATHING EDGE 8d NAIL SPACING = 4 in O.C. (8d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT) SHEARWALL STRENGTH (V) = 590 plf MIN. SHEARWALL SEGMENT LENGTH = 2.3 ft SUM OF FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING PROVIDED (: L.;) = 24.625 ft 1 st FL. PERCENT FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING= 90 % 1st FL. MAX. UNRESTRAINED OPENING HEIGHT = 6.83 ft SHEAR ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (Co) = 0.861 (TABLE 2305.3.7.2, IBC) 1 st FL. NUMBER OF SHEARWALLS (N,d) = 2 ADDITIONAL WALL LOAD = 0 Ibs SHEARWALL REACTION (Re„dj) = 1-1 * FL.�.pe, / Nem + R9„d2 + ADDITIONAL= R,dl= 46ft*214ptf/2+6785Ibs +0lbs= MIN. LENGTH SEGMENTED SHEARWALLS (Lsw) = Rendt / V = 11707 Ibs / 590 plf = 11707 Ibs 19.84 ft PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING LENGTH REQUIRED (ENDWALL) = LSW I Co = 19.84 ft 10.861 = 23.05 ft PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING C PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING REQUIRED = 23.05 ft PROVIDED = 24.63 ft ENDWALL SHEARWALLS OK ALL EXTERIOR SHEATHING TO BE BLOCKED UNO P:120161161002\2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls !� A rr�F�r-r� ............... DATE 1/5/17 pF-1 0.) c 011 [� p 0RATF.fAR" Bloomsburg, PA N PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203•B RALEIGH, NC 27615 30 10 a PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS (FIRST FLOOR HORIZONTAL FLOOR DIAPHRAGM CONTINUITY: MODULE TO MODULE CONNECTION AT FLOOR RIMBAND: (ALONG MATE LINE) (DEEP BEAM HORIZONTAL SHEAR) Vf = (3 * F._.,s,14) * L = 3 / 4 * 214 pif * 46 ft = 3692 Ibs 2 2 # 1/2" DIA. THRU BOLT = V = 3692 Ibs = 6 BOLTS Z1n BOLT 623 Ibs SPACING = Ll / # = 46 ft / 6 BOLTS 92 in # 3/8" DIA. x 12" LAG TOE SCREW = V = 3692 Ibs = 18 SCREWS ZIT LAG 208 Ibs SPACING = L, / # = 46 ft / 18 SCREW: 30 in USE A MIN. OF (6)1/2" DIA. THRU BOLTS (SPACED A MAX. OF 92" o.c.) OR USE A MIN. OF (18) 318" DIA. x 12" LAG TOE SCREWS (SPACED A MAX. OF 30" o.c.) TO ATTACH MODULE TO MODULE ALONG MATE LINE MODULE TO MODULE CONNECTION AT FLOOR RIMBAND: (AT ENDWALLS) (CHORD FORCE CONTINUITY) T = 3/4 * Fi ;,2-10 * W12 = 3/4 * 197 p1f * 27.5 ft ^ 2 = 138 Ibs 8*L, 8*46ft CHECK FASTENERS: 8d NAIL Z = 76.7 Ibs 138 Ibs / 76.7 Ibs / FASTENER = 1.8 FASTENERS USE (2) 8d NAIL(S) EACH END 16 ga. STAPLE Z = 49.9 Ibs 138 Ibs / 49.9 Ibs / FASTENER = 2.77 FASTENERS USE (3)16 ga. STAPLE(S) EACH END USE A 1.5 x 26 ga STRAP WITH (2) 8d NAIL(S) EACH END OR WITH (3) 16 ga. STAPLE(S) EACH END TO ATTACH MODULE TO MODULE AT EACH ENDWALL OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A TENSILE FORCE OF 138 Ibs FIRST FLOOR ENDWALL #1: UPLIFT DUE TO OVERTURNING SUM OF FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING PROVIDED (I in) = 24.625 ft SHEARWALL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (Co) = 0.861 SHEARWALL REACTION (Re dj) = 11707 Ibs WALL HEIGHT (H) = 8 ft UPLIFT FORCE (UE1) = Re„d, x H = I,xCo UE1 = 11707 Ibs x 8 ft 24.625 x 0.861 P:120161161002\2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls 31 4418 Ibs DATE A !"!�!�(3'Ffl=lS 1/5/17 C 0 r4,, , P 0 U-3� T .0k Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 w PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS FIRST FLOOR ENDWALL #2 SHEATHING LENGTH REQUIREMENTS E3tUKUUM 1 END FIRST FLOOR WIDTH (W,) = 27.5 ft SECOND FLOOR WIDTH (W2) = 18.5 ft FIRST FLOOR LENGTH (L,) = 46 ft SECOND FLOOR LENGTH (1-2) = 46 ft SHEARWALL TYPE: 7/16" OSB EXTERIOR (BLOCKED) w/ 112" GWB INTERIOR SHEATHING EDGE 8d NAIL SPACING = 6 in O.C. (8d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT) SHEARWALL STRENGTH (V) = 436 pif MIN. SHEARWALL SEGMENT LENGTH = 2.3 ft SUM OF FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING PROVIDED (I Lj) = 27.5 ft 1st FL. PERCENT FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING= 100 % 1st FL. MAX. UNRESTRAINED OPENING HEIGHT = 0 ft SHEAR ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (Co) = 1 (TABLE 2305.3.7.2, IBC) 1st FL. NUMBER OF SHEARWALLS (N,d) = 2 ADDITIONAL WALL LOAD = 0 Ibs SHEARWALL REACTION (Ref,d,) = L, " FLU—. / Ne,,a + Re^d2 +ADDITIONAL= Rmd, = 46 ft • 214 ptf / 2 + 6785 Ibs + 0 Ibs = 11707 Ibs MIN. LENGTH SEGMENTED SHEARWALLS (LSW) = Rer4l / V = 11707 Ibs 1436 plf = 26.85 ft I PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING LENGTH REQUIRED (ENDWALL) = Lsw l Cn = 26.85 ft / 1 = 26.86 ft PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING C PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING REQUIRED = 26.86 ft PROVIDED = 27.5 ft ENDWALL SHEARWALLS OK ALL EXTERIOR SHEATHING TO BE BLOCKED UNO FIRST FLOOR ENDWALL #2: UPLIFT DUE TO OVERTURNING SUM OF FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING PROVIDED (�' L;) = 27.5 ft SHEARWALL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (Co) = 1 SHEARWALL REACTION (Rend,) = 11707 Ibs WALL HEIGHT (H) = 8 ft UPLIFT FORCE (UE,) = R,., x H = XL,xCo UE, = 11707 Ibs x 8 ft 27.5 x 1 P:t20161161002t2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls 3406 Ibs APPRO { I DATE /5/17 F - P S-N C0P%,P0R,&A7E0kw Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 32 lb PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS (FIRST FLOOR ENDWALL: SHEAR CONNECTIONS I FIRST FLOOR WIDTH (Wj) = FIRST FLOOR LENGTH (Lt) = F4c)ef = 1 /2" ANCHOR BOLT 5/8" ANCHOR BOLT 10d (0.148" x 3") NAIL (TOENAILED) (1) SIMPSON LTP4 PLATE RIMBAND TO SILL PLATE CONNECTION: 27.5 ft 46 ft 214 plf Z = 1056 Ibs Z = 1488 Ibs Z = 132 Ibs Z = 575 Ibs MAXIMUM FIRST FLOOR ENDWALL SHEAR LOAD = V = MAX ENDWALL SHEAR + L, x (314 * FLU,,) / 2 = V = 11707 Ibs + 46 ft x (3/4 * 214 pIf) / 2 # TOENAILS PER FOOT = TOENAIL SPACING = # LTP4 PLATES PER FOOT = LTP4 PLATE SPACING = V / Z I W = 15399 Ibs / 132 Ibs / 27.5 ft = 12/#= 12/4.2= V / Z / W = 15399 Ibs / 575 Ibs / 27.5 ft = 12/#= 12/1 = USE 10d (0.148" x 3") NAIL (TOENAILED) @ 2" ON CENTER OR USE (1) SIMPSON LTP4 PLATE @ 12" ON CENTER OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 15399 lbs SILL PLATE TO FOUNDATION CONNECTION: 2 "O.C. 12 "O.C. # 1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS = V / Z = 15399 Ibs / 1056 Ibs = BOLT SPACING= (W-2)1(N-1)= (27.5ft-2)/(15-1)= USE 1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS @ 21" O.0 ANCHOR BOLTS TO BE A MIN. OF 4" AND A MAX. OF 1'-0" FROM CORNERS OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 15399 Ibs (560 pIQ # 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS = V / Z = 15399 Ibs / 14881bs = BOLT SPACING = (W - 2) / (N -1) _ (27.5 ft - 2) / (11 - 1) _ USE 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS @ 30" O.0 ANCHOR BOLTS TO BE A MIN. OF 4" AND A MAX. OF V-0" FROM CORNERS OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 15399 Ibs (560 pIq P:12016116100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls 11707 Ibs 15399 Ibs 4.2 NAILS /ft (16" MAX) 1.0 PLATES / ft (72" MAX) 15 BOLTS 21 in 11 BOLTS 30 in A Fflo"'Lm�'l�r-l� 1/5/17 DATE P�� CG3[:lT�[:I�TLCTiI' Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SURE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 33 CHECK SHEATHING TO RIMBAND CONNECTION: UNIT SHEAR CHECK: SHEAR FORCE (V) = Rerdl _ L; X Co PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS FIRST FLOOR ENDWALL #1: V = 11707 Ibs = 553 pff 24.625 ft * 0.861 FIRST FLOOR ENDWALL #2: V = 11707 Ibs = 426 pIf 27.5 * 1 MAXIMUM FIRST FLOOR ENDWALL UNIT SHEAR = CHECK SHEATHING CAPACITY: 7/16" OSB SHEATHING 3168 pif 553 pff (165 Win X 1.6 X 12) 7/16" OSB SHEATHING MEET THE SHEAR CAPACITY REQUIREMENT CHECK # 8d NAILS REQUIRED FOR SHEATHING CONNECTION: 8d (0.131" x 2.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED), 7/16" SIDE MEMBER Z = 95 Ibs # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = V = 553 pff Z 95 Ibs / NAIL # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = OVERALL 8d NAIL SPACING = # OF ROWS : 8d NAIL SPACING WITHIN EACH ROW = 5.83 NAILS PER FOOT 12/#= 12/5.83= 1 ROW(S) 1 * SPACING 1 * 2.05 o.c. USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 2" O.C. OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 553 pIf UNIT UPLIFT CHECK: (EQUAL TO UNIT SHEAR) CHECK # 8d NAILS REQUIRED FOR SHEATHING CONNECTION: 8d (0.131" x 2.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED), 7/16" SIDE MEMBER Z = 95 Ibs # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = V = 553 pff z 95 Ibs / NAIL # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = OVERALL 8d NAIL SPACING = # OF ROWS : 8d NAIL SPACING WITHIN EACH ROW = 5.83 NAILS PER FOOT 12/#= 12/5.83= 1 ROW(S) 1 * SPACING 1 * 2.05 o.c. USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 2" O.C. OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 553 pIf ALTERNATE SHEATHING CONNECTION FOR UNIT UPLIFT (GLUE): 200 psi MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE Z= V= 200 psi (FACE) WIDTH OF GLUE REQUIRED FOR SHEATHING CONNECTION ALONG FLOOR BAND: 2.05 " O.C. 2 " O.G. 2.05 "O.C. 2 " O.C. 553 pIf WIDTH OF GLUE STRIP REQUIRED = V = 553 pff z 200 psi * 12" / ft FASTEN SHEATHING TO BAND WITH 1" WIDE STRIP OF 200 psi MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE P:12016116100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xis APY RG VED 1/5/17 P FS CAR RA t10H Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 34 SECOND FLOOR SIDEWALL #1 SHEATHING LENGTH REQUIREMENTS BATH #2 SIDE FIRST FLOOR WIDTH (Ws) = 27.5 ft SECOND FLOOR WIDTH (W2) = 18.5 ft FIRST FLOOR LENGTH (Ls) = 46 ft SECOND FLOOR LENGTH (1-2) = 46 ft SHEARWALL TYPE: 7/16" OSB EXTERIOR (BLOCKED) w/ 1/2" GWB INTERIOR SHEATHING EDGE 8d NAIL SPACING = 6 in O.C. (8d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT) SHEARWALL STRENGTH (V) = 436 plf MIN. SHEARWALL SEGMENT LENGTH = 2.3 ft SUM OF FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING PROVIDED (I Li) = 31 ft 2nd FL. PERCENT FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING= 67 % 2nd FL. MAX. UNRESTRAINED OPENING HEIGHT = 4.5 ft SHEAR ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (Ca) = 0.82 (TABLE 2305.3.7.2, IBC) 2nd FL. NUMBER OF SHEARWALLS (N$;de) = 1 ADDITIONAL WALL LOAD = 0 Ibs SHEARWALL REACTION (Rsjde2) = W2 * w►-vam / Nside + ADDITIONAL = Rs;de2 = 18.5 ft * 268 pff / 1 + 0 Ibs = MIN. LENGTH SEGMENTED SHEARWALLS (Lsw) = RS;de2 / V = 4958 Ibs 1436 pif = PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING LENGTH REQUIRED (SIDEWALL) = LSW / Co = 11.37 ft / 0.82 = PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING C PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING REQUIRED =13.87 ft PROVIDED = 31 ft SIDEWALL SHEARWALLS OK ALL EXTERIOR SHEATHING TO BE BLOCKED UNO SECOND FLOOR SIDEWALL #1: UPLIFT DUE TO OVERTURNING SUM OF FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING PROVIDED (1 L;) = 31 ft SHEARWALL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (Co) = 0.82 SHEARWALL REACTION (Rends) = 4958 Ibs WALL HEIGHT (H) = 8 ft UPLIFT FORCE (UEs) = Rsides X H = L,xCo UEs = 4958 Ibs x 8 ft 31 ft x 0.82 P:12016t161002t2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xis 36 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS 4958 Ibs 11.37 ft 13.87 ft 1561 Ibs APPROVED 1/5/17 p F S c 0 RIIL�k P 0 pj-t w-F E 0 N Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, INC 27615 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS 1SECOND FLOOR SIDEWALL: SHEAR CONNECTIONS I SECOND FLOOR WIDTH (W2) _ SECOND FLOOR LENGTH (1-2) _ FLI.om _ 1/2" ANCHOR BOLT 5/8" ANCHOR BOLT 10d (0.148" x 3") NAIL (TOENAILED) 16d (0.162" x 3.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED) (1) SIMPSON LTP4 PLATE 18.5 ft 46 ft 197 ptf Z = 1056 Ibs Z = 1488 Ibs Z = 132 Ibs Z = 191 Ibs Z = 575 Ibs MAXIMUM SECOND FLOOR SIDEWALL SHEAR LOAD = RIMBAND TO BOTTOM / TOP PLATE / RIMBAND CONNECTION: V = MAX SIDEWALL SHEAR + W2 x FL,.oa,a / 2 = V = 4958 Ibs + 18.5 ft x 197 ptf / 2 # TOENAILS PER FOOT = V / Z / L = 6780 Ibs / 132 Ibs / 46 ft = TOENAIL SPACING = 12 / # = 12 / 1.1 = 10 " O.C. # LTP4 PLATES PER FOOT = V / Z / W = 6780 ibs / 575 Ibs / 46 ft = LTP4 PLATE SPACING = 12 / # = 12 / 0.3 = 46 " O.C. USE I Od (0.148" x 3") NAIL (TOENAILED) c@ 10" ON CENTER OR USE (1) SIMPSON LTP4 PLATE @ 46" ON CENTER OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 6781 Ibs P:12016116100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xis 4958 pif 6780 p1f 1.1 NAILS / ft (16" MAX) 0.3 PLATES / ft (72" MAX) A-1,117Przrsffr-D 1/5/1.7 PFS CORPORATIOH Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 W a i CHECK SHEATHING TO RIMBAND CONNECTION: UNIT SHEAR CHECK: SHEAR FORCE M = Rg;dP2 _ AV L;XCo SECOND FLOOR SIDEWALL #1: V = 4958 Ibs 31 ft * 0.82 MAXIMUM SECOND FLOOR SIDEWALL UNIT SHEAR = CHECK SHEATHING CAPACITY: 7/16" OSB SHEATHING 3168 pif PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS 196 pff 196 pff (165Win X 1.6 X 12) 7/16" OSB SHEATHING MEET THE SHEAR CAPACITY REQUIREMENT CHECK # 8d NAILS REQUIRED FOR SHEATHING CONNECTION: 8d (0.131" x 2.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED), 7/16" SIDE MEMBER Z = 95 Ibs # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = V = 196 plf z 95 Ibs / NAIL # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = OVERALL 8d NAIL SPACING = # OF ROWS : 8d NAIL SPACING WITHIN EACH ROW = 2.07 NAILS PER FOOT 12/#= 12/2.07= 1 ROW(S) 1 * SPACING 1 * 5.79 o.c. USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 5" O.C. OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 196 plf UNIT UPLIFT CHECK: (EQUAL TO UNIT SHEAR) CHECK # 8d NAILS REQUIRED FOR SHEATHING CONNECTION: 8d (0.131" x 2.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED), 7/16" SIDE MEMBER Z = 95 Ibs # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = V = 196 plf Z 95 Ibs / NAIL # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = OVERALL 8d NAIL SPACING = # OF ROWS : 8d NAIL SPACING WITHIN EACH ROW = 2.07 NAILS PER FOOT 12/#= 12/2.07= 1 ROW(S) 1 * SPACING 1 * 5.79 o.c. USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 5" O.C. OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 196 plf ALTERNATE SHEATHING CONNECTION FOR UNIT UPLIFT (GLUE): 5.79 " O.C. 5 " O.C. 5.79 " O.C. 5 " O.C. V = 196 pff 200 psi MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE Z = 200 psi (FACE) WIDTH OF GLUE REQUIRED FOR SHEATHING CONNECTION ALONG FLOOR BAND: WIDTH OF GLUE STRIP REQUIRED = V = 196 pff - 1 " z 200 psi * 12" / ft FASTEN SHEATHING TO BAND WITH 1" WIDE STRIP OF 200 psi MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE P:12016116100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xis A PFR tom` VE DATE 1/5/17 I P "N4 F 10 °a Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 37 FIRST FLOOR SIDEWALL #1 SHEATHING LENGTH REQUIREMENTS DINING RM/KITCHEN SIDE FIRST FLOOR WIDTH (WI) = 27.5 ft SECOND FLOOR WIDTH (W2) = 18.5 ft FIRST FLOOR LENGTH (1-1) = 46 ft SECOND FLOOR LENGTH (1-2) = 46 ft SHEARWALL TYPE: 7/16" OSB EXTERIOR (BLOCKED) w/ 112" GWB INTERIOR SHEATHING EDGE 8d NAIL SPACING = 6 in O.C. (8d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT) SHEARWALL STRENGTH M = 436 plf MIN. SHEARWALL SEGMENT LENGTH = 2.3 ft FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING PROVIDED = 30.625 ft 1st FL. PERCENT FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING= 67 % 1st FL. MAX. UNRESTRAINED OPENING HEIGHT = 6.83 ft SHEAR ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (Co) = 0.662 (TABLE 2305.3.7.2, IBC) 1st FL. NUMBER OF SHEARWALLS (Nxde) = 2 ADDITIONAL WALL LOAD = 0 Ibs SHEARWALL REACTION (Rs;del) = Wl * FLI.cara / Ns -de + Rside2 + ADDITIONAL = R,, = 27.5 ft * 197 p1f / 2 + 49581bs + 0 Ibs = PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS 7667 Ibs MIN. LENGTH SEGMENTED SHEARWALLS (Lsw) = Rs;del / V = 7667 Ibs 1436 p1f = 17.58 ft PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING LENGTH REQUIRED (SIDEWALL) = Lcw 1 Cn = 17.58 ft / 0.662 = 26.57 ft PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING C PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING REQUIRED = 26.57 ft PROVIDED = 30.63 ft SIDEWALL SHEARWALLS OK ALL EXTERIOR SHEATHING TO BE BLOCKED UNO FIRST FLOOR SIDEWALL #1: UPLIFT DUE TO OVERTURNING SUM OF FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING PROVIDED (I L;) = 30.625 ft SHEARWALL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (Co) = 0.662 SHEARWALL REACTION (Rerdt) = 7667 Ibs WALL HEIGHT (H) = 8 ft UPLIFT FORCE (UEl) = Rs;dPj x H = IL;xCo UE1 = 7667 Ibs x 8 ft 30.625 x 0.662 P:\2016116100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).x1s 3026 Ibs A Pt�Rcrt, (%D P F S C 0 R!, P 0 R A OTIE'2 0 KI i Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 w (FIRST FLOOR SIDEWALL #2 SHEATHING LENGTH REQUIREMENTS LIVING RM/BR 1 SIDE FIRST FLOOR WIDTH (WI) = 27.5 ft SECOND FLOOR WIDTH (W2) = 18.5 ft FIRST FLOOR LENGTH (1-1) = 46 ft SECOND FLOOR LENGTH (1-2) = 46 ft SHEARWALL TYPE: 7/16" OSB EXTERIOR (BLOCKED) w/ 1/2" GWB INTERIOR SHEATHING EDGE 8d NAIL SPACING = 6 in O.C. (8d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT) SHEARWALL STRENGTH (V) = 436 plf MIN. SHEARWALL SEGMENT LENGTH = 2.3 ft FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING PROVIDED = 30 ft 1st FL. PERCENT FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING= 65 % 1st FL. MAX. UNRESTRAINED OPENING HEIGHT = 6.83 ft SHEAR ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (Co) = 0.654 (TABLE 2305.3.7.2, IBC) 1st FL. NUMBER OF SHEARWALLS (Nside) = 2 ADDITIONAL WALL LOAD = 0 Ibs SHEARWALL REACTION (Rg;de,) = W1 * FL�-vara / Nside + Rsjde2 + ADDITIONAL = Rsidel = 27.5 ft * 197 pff / 2 +4958 Ibs + 0 Ibs = MIN. LENGTH SEGMENTED SHEARWALLS (Lsw) = Rside1 / V = 7667 Ibs / 436 pff = PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS 7667 Ibs 17.58 ft PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING LENGTH REQUIRED (SIDEWALL) = Lsw / Co = 17.58 ft / 0.654 = 26.89 ft PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING < PERFORATED FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING REQUIRED = 26.89 ft PROVIDED = 30 ft SIDEWALL SHEARWALLS OK ALL EXTERIOR SHEATHING TO BE BLOCKED UNO I FIRST FLOOR SIDEWALL #2: UPLIFT DUE TO OVERTURNING SUM OF FULL HEIGHT SHEATHING PROVIDED (I L;) = 30 ft SHEARWALL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (Co) = 0.654 SHEARWALL REACTION (Rend,) = 7667 Ibs WALL HEIGHT (H) = 8 ft UPLIFT FORCE (UE1) = RQ;de, x H = V"L;xCO UE, = 7667 Ibs x 8 ft P:\2016\161002\2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xis 30 x 0.654 3127 Ibs APPROVED DATE 1/5/1.7 p r- p i H F 0� COW L-,& U, V� 1 Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 39 dt FIRST FLOOR SIDEWALL: SHEAR CONNECTIONS FIRST FLOOR WIDTH (Wj) = FIRST FLOOR LENGTH (1-1) = FL:-Owa = 1/2" ANCHOR BOLT 5/8" ANCHOR BOLT 10d (0.148" x 3") NAIL (TOENAILED) (1) SIMPSON LTP4 PLATE RIMBAND TO SILL PLATE CONNECTION: PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS 27.5 ft 46 ft 197 pff Z = 1056 Ibs Z = 1488 Ibs Z = 132 Ibs Z = 575 Ibs MAXIMUM FIRST FLOOR SIDEWALL SHEAR LOAD = 7667 Ibs V = MAX SIDEWALL SHEAR + W1 x (314 * Fta_oaa) / 2 = V = 7667 Ibs + 27.5 ft x (3/4 * 197 plo / 2 9699 Ibs # TOENAILS PER FOOT = V / Z / Ll = 9699 Ibs / 132 Ibs / 46 ft = 1.6 NAILS / ft TOENAIL SPACING = 12 / # = 12 / 1.6 = 7 " O.C. (16" MAX) # LTP4 PLATES PER FOOT = V / Z / W = 96991bs / 575 Ibs / 46 ft = 0.4 PLATES / ft LTP4 PLATE SPACING = 12 / # = 12 / 0.4 = 32 " O.C. (72" MAX) USE 10d (0.148" x 3") NAIL (TOENAILED) @ 7" ON CENTER OR USE (1) SIMPSON LTP4 PLATE @ 32" ON CENTER OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 9699 Ibs SILL PLATE TO FOUNDATION CONNECTION: # 1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS = V / Z = 9699 Ibs / 1056 Ibs = 10 BOLTS BOLT SPACING = (L - 2) / (N -1) = (46 ft - 2) / (10 -1) = 58 in USE 112" ANCHOR BOLTS @ 58" O.0 ANCHOR BOLTS TO BE A MIN. OF 4" AND A MAX. OF V-0" FROM CORNERS OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 9699 Ibs (211 pIq # 518" ANCHOR BOLTS = V / Z = 9699 Ibs / 1488 Ibs = 7 BOLTS BOLT SPACING = (L - 2) / (N -1) = (46 ft - 2) / (7 - 1) = 72 in USE 518" ANCHOR BOLTS @ 72" O.0 ANCHOR BOLTS TO BE A MIN. OF 4" AND A MAX. OF V-0" FROM CORNERS OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 9699 Ibs (211 pIQ P:120161161002\2 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xls 1/5/17 Bloomsburg, PA i PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 all 16 s CHECK SHEATHING TO RIMBAND CONNECTION: UNIT SHEAR CHECK: SHEAR FORCE (V) = RSOF.I _ Y;L;XCo FIRST FLOOR SIDEWALL #1: V = 7667 Ibs = 30.625 ft * 0.662 FIRST FLOOR SIDEWALL #2: V = 7667 Ibs = 30 * 0.654 MAXIMUM FIRST FLOOR SIDEWALL UNIT SHEAR = CHECK SHEATHING CAPACITY: 7/16" OSB SHEATHING 3168 plf PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SYSTEMS 379 pff 391 plf 391 pff (165 Ibin X 1.6 X 12) 7/16" 0S13 SHEATHING MEET THE SHEAR CAPACITY REQUIREMENT CHECK # 8d NAILS REQUIRED FOR SHEATHING CONNECTION: 8d (0.131" x 2.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED), 7/16" SIDE MEMBER Z = 95 Ibs # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = V = 391 plf z 95 Ibs / NAIL # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = OVERALL 8d NAIL SPACING = # OF ROWS : 8d NAIL SPACING WITHIN EACH ROW = 4.12 NAILS PER FOOT 12/#= 12/4.12= 1 ROW(S) 1 * SPACING 1 * 2.91 o.c. USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 2" O.C. OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 391 pff UNIT UPLIFT CHECK: (EQUAL TO UNIT SHEAR) CHECK # 8d NAILS REQUIRED FOR SHEATHING CONNECTION: 8d (0.131" x 2.5") NAIL (FACE NAILED), 7/16" SIDE MEMBER Z = 95 Ibs # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = V = 391 pif z 95 Ibs / NAIL # OF 8d NAILS PER FOOT = OVERALL 8d NAIL SPACING = # OF ROWS : 8d NAIL SPACING WITHIN EACH ROW = 4.12 NAILS PER FOOT 12/#= 12/4.12= 1 ROW(S) 1 * SPACING 1 * 2.91 o.c. USE SHEATHING CONNECTION WITH 1 ROW(S) OF 8d NAILS AT 2" O.C. OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND A SHEAR FORCE OF 391 ptf ALTERNATE SHEATHING CONNECTION FOR UNIT UPLIFT (GLUE): 2.91 "O.C. 2 " O.C. 2.91 " O.C. 2 " O.C. V = 391 ptf 200 psi MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE Z = 200 psi (FACE) WIDTH OF GLUE REQUIRED FOR SHEATHING CONNECTION ALONG FLOOR BAND: WIDTH OF GLUE STRIP REQUIRED = V = 391 z 200 psi * 12" / ft FASTEN SHEATHING TO BAND WITH 1" WIDE STRIP OF 200 psi MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE P:12016\16100212 STORY SHEARWALL ASCE-7-05-PBS (ALL HEIGHTS).xis APPROVED, PFS CORPORATIOP Bloomsburg, PA PREPARED BY: BARLOW ENGINEERING. P.C. 6512 SIX FORKS RD, SUITE 203-B RALEIGH, NC 27615 41 SHEARWALL HOLFJOWN DESIGN SHEARWALL UPLIFT FROM EACH FLOORS 2nd FLOOR SIDEWALL #1 1561 Ibs DEAD LCAD 2nd FLOOR SIDEWALL #2 1730 Ibs TRUSS &AD 2nd FLOOR ENDWALL #1 4066 Ibs FLOOR DEAD 2nd FLOOR ENDWALL #2 4066 lbs WALL DeAD 1st FLOOR SIDEWALL #1 3026 Ibs 1st FLOOR SIDEWALL #2 3127 Ibs STORY HEIGHT 1 st FLOOR ENDWALL #1 4418 Ibs 1 ST FLOOR 1 st FLOOR ENDWALL #2 3406 Ibs 2nd FLOOR MODULAR WIDTH #1 (ft) MODULAR WIDTH 92 (ft) UNIT WEIGHT (PSF) 15 10 12 HEIGHT (ft) 8 8 13.25 13.25 SPF #2 VALUE COMPRESSION CAPACITYIbs 1.0) {) (Cd = COMPRESSION CAPACITY {Ibs) (Cd = 1.15) COMPRESSION CAPACITY (Ibs) (Cd =1.6) TENSION CAPACITY (Ibs) (Cd =1.6) 2X4 8 FT 2603 2660 2745 5670 2X4 9 FT 2115 2153 2203 5670 2X4 10 FT 1744 1771 1802 5670 2X6 8 FT 7494 8058 9141 7722 2X69 FT 6629 7005 17668 7722 2X6 10 FT 5792 6041 1 6453 7722 SIMPSON STRAP CAPACITY I:ecT=N=Qc SIMPSON CS16 COILED STRAP 1705 22 10d NAILS SIMPSON CS14 COILED STRAP 2490 30 10d NAILS SIMPSON CMSTC16 COILED STRAP 4585 58 16d SINKER NAILS SIMPSON CMST14 COILED STRAP 6490 66 16d NAILS SIMPSON CMST12 COILED STRAP 9215 84 116d NAILS -- uArAVI I r Ub IAINtU rKUM NW::iUN SIKUNG-TIE 2015-16 WOOD CONSTRUCTION CONNECTIONS CATALOG HOLDOWN CAPACITY Ibs SIMPSON PA51 2025 SIMPSON HD5B W/ 2 STUDS 3785 SIMPSON STHD14RJ 4210 SIMPSON HDU8-SDS2.5 IA 2) STUDS 4870 SIMPSON HD7B W/ 3 STUDS 6245 SIMPSON HD9B W/ 4 STUDS 8430 SIMPSON HD12 W/ 4 STUDS W/ 1-118" ANCHOR BOLT 12690 SIMPSON HD19 W/(4) STUDS W/ 1-114" ANCHOR BOLT 16210 __ liHrJAU1 I r UV I AINtU MUM JIMF'SUN b I KUNG-TIE ZU15-16 WOOD CONSTRUCTION CONNECTIONS CATALOG NET UPLIFT CALCULATIONS (UPLFIT - DEAD LOAD) 2nd FLOOR SIDEWALL #1 SHEARWALL LENGTH 46 ft DEAD LOAD 2696.175 Ibs NET UPLIFT F7 -1135 lbs STUDS REQUIRED 1 2X6 STUDS NO PHYSICAL HOLDOWN IS REQUIRED 2nd FLOOR SIDEWALL #2 SHEARWALL LENGTH 46 ft DEAD LOAD 2696.175 Ibs NET UPLIFT -966 Ibs STUDS REQUIRED 1 2X6 STUDS NO PHYSICAL HOLDOWN IS REQUIRED 2nd FLOOR ENDWALL #1 SHEARWALL LENGTH 18.34 ft DEAD LOAD 528.192 lbs NET UPLIFT 3 5L8j Ibs STUDS REQUIRED 2 2X6 STUDS 2nd FLOOR ENDWALL #2 SHEARWALL LENGTH 18.34 ft DEAD LOAD 528.192 lbs NET UPLIFT 3538 Ibs STUDS REQUIRED 2 2X6 STUDS SHFARWALI. CORNFR CONNECTION SIVO CROUP. 1.5 x DIAMETER EDGE DIS T AINCE 3 x DIA%j - ER MIN. PENETRATION INTO OPPOSITE STUD GROUP SHEARWALL H01 DOWN CONNECTION SIrC t . CALCVt AVON I^ 0R 5t�, t.r,r iA:.I tKXWJ`,�, A,1'Z 5'IVD GRZOUP FASTENING CE-TA t-s STRAP TO STUDS IN LOWER LVEL UPPER STORY HOLDOWN--P CORNER DETAILS 16d COMMON NAILS 114" LAG SCREWS 318" LAG SCREWS 1/2" LAG SCREWS 518" LAG SCREWS 191 Ibs 225 Ibs 295 Ibs 555 Ibs 789 Ibs " ALL WITH Cd =1.6 FACTOR 1st FLOOR SIDEWALL #1 SHEARWALL LENGTH 46 ft DEAD LOAD 4935.225 Ibs NET UPLIFT -1909 ibs STUDS REQUIRED 1 2X6 STUDS NO PHYSICAL HOLDOWN IS REQUIRED 1st FLOOR SIDEWALL #2 SHEARWALL LENGTH 46 ft DEAD LOAD 4935.225 Ibs NET UPLIFT .1808 lbs STUDS REQUIRED 1 2X6 STUDS NO PHYSICAL HOLDOWN IS REQUIRED 1st FLOOR ENDWALL #1 SHEARWALL LENGTH 27.5 ft DEAD LOAD 1584 Ibs NET UPLIFT 2834 lbs STUDS REQUIRED 2 2X6 STUDS 1 st FLOOR ENDWALL #2 SHEARWALL LENGTH 27.5 ft DEAD LOAD 1584 lbs NET UPLIFT 1 1822 Ibs STUDS REQUIRED 2 2X6 STUDS sPr AR'41ALL t4a;a�N SHEARWALL 14OLDOWN CONNECTION SEE I'!AND C LCV .AT*N FOR %,f-! t%'VA� , L F1GLD0"- *,4Il,"_�) S VLU GROVP F ASTE 141,I , CC -TAILS SHEARWALL CORNER CONNFCTION 5 Ti0 G=�' ". 1.5 x. DIAIv1ETER EDGE DISTANCE i x DIAMETER MIN. PENETRATION INTO OPPOSITE STUD GROUP 1ST STORY HOLDOWN " CORNER DETAILS APPY-t'ut ED DATE 115/1.7 ["J"RE� C0rR,`.P0L"_1ft_.0,,A711 OKI AM Bloomsburg, PA 4 SECOND FLOOR SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN CONNECTION #1 NET UPLIFT = 3538 Ibs STUDS REQUIRED = 2 2X6 STUDS SIMPSON STRAP = SIMPSON CMSTC16 COILED STRAP STRAP REQUIRED = 1 STRAP TOTAL TENSION CAPACITY = 4585 Ibs O.K. FASTENERS REQUIRED PER STRAP = 45 16d SINKER NAILS ROWS OF FASTENERS = 2 ROWS 16d NAIL SPACING = 10 "O.C. USE (1) SIMPSON CMSTC16 COILED STRAP W/(45)16d SINKER NAILS TOTAL @ EACH STRAP STUDS ATTACHED TOGETHER W/ 2 ROWS OF 16d COMMON NAILS @ 10" ON CENTER OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND 3538 Ibs TENSION FIRST FLOOR SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN CONNECTION #1 NET UPLIFT = 6372 Ibs HOLDOWN = SIMPSON HD9B W/(4) STUDS HOLDOWN CAPACITY = 8430 ibs O.K. STUDS REQUIRED = 4 2X6 STUDS ROWS OF FASTENERS = 2 ROWS 16d NAIL SPACING = 16 "O.C. USE A SIMPSON HD913 W/(4) STUDS SHEARWALL EDGE STUDS ATTACHED TOGETHER W/ 2 ROWS OF 16d COMMON NAILS @ 16" ON CENTER OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND AN UPLIFT FORCE OF 6372 Ibs FIRST FLOOR SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN CONNECTION #2 NET UPLIFT = 2834 Ibs HOLDOWN = SIMPSON STHD14RJ HOLDOWN CAPACITY = 4210 Ibs O.K. STUDS REQUIRED = 2 2X6 STUDS ROWS OF FASTENERS = 2 ROWS 16d NAIL SPACING = 16 "O.C. USE A SIMPSON STHD14RJ SHEARWALL EDGE STUDS ATTACHED TOGETHER W/ 2 ROWS OF 16d COMMON NAILS @ 16" ON CENTER OR CONNECTION TO WITHSTAND AN UPLIFT FORCE OF 2834 Ibs DATE 1/5/17 PF� �Q�t?[�fTts`!-� Bloomsburg, PA 43 1� PROFESSIONAL BUILD NAG SYSTEMS SECTION 3 ALTERNATE CALCULATIONS ,r vo a w L `. 49508::. • ISTV. ,'. 4� [01/0 3/17 Aw i DATE 1/5/17 PFS CORPORATFOH I Bloomsburg, PA 161002 46 V 0652nec2016 PER ESR-1539 (JULY 20161 TABLE 18 ALTERNATE CONNECTIONS ALLOWABLE SHEAR VALUE (PLF 1 7/16" O.S.B. Sheathing w/ 16,15 & 14 GA. Staples (u, 2" O. C. 1 324 1 * Staple must have a 7-16 -inch minimum crotivn width and must be installed with their crown parallel to the long direction of the framing member. ** Framing adjoining panel edge must be 3-inch nominal or wider *** Shear value assumed fasteners attached along the total length of the framing member specified. Required Side'wall Stud Tie Down STUD SPACING 1.2nd Floor Stud to Top Plate Load = UNIFORM LOAD 7/16" O.S.B. Sheathing w/ 16 GA. Staples @ 2" O. C. 16 inch 415 Ibs 312 plf 2.23d Floor Stud to Floor Band — Ind Floor Band to 1" Floor Ceiling Band ..I UNIFORM LOAD 4� Ibs 312 plf 7/16" O.S.B. Sheathing w/ 16 GA. Staples @ 2" O. C. 3. 1st Floor Stud to Ceiling Band Load = F 360 Ibs UNIFORM LOAD 270 plf 7/16" O.S.B. Sheathing w/ 16 GA. Staples @ 2" O. C. 4.1" Floor Stud to Floor Band Load = UNIFORM LOAD �— 2841bs 213 plf 7/16" O.S.B. Sheathing w/ 16 GA. Staples @ 2" O. C. 5. Second Floor Horizontal Floor Diaphragm Continuity Module to Module (Along Mate Line) Load = 3/8" LAG SCREWS = NUMBER OF SCREWS REQUIRED 36921bs 288 Ibs 13 SCREWS Use (13) 3/8" lag screws to attach module to module along mate line. (Minimum 1" penetration in last band) 6. First Floor Horizontal Floor Diaphragm Continuity Module to Module (Along Mate Line) Load = 3/8" LAG SCREWS = NUMBER OF SCREWS REQUIRED 3692 Ibs 288 ibs 13 SCREWS Use (13) 3/8" lag screws to attach module to module along mate line. (Minimum 1" penetration in last band) STAPLES PROPERTIES: SPECIES GROUP LOAD DURATION FACTOR CD SPECIFIC GRAVITY III 1.6 WIND DESIGN) 0.42 APPRDVED I DATE 1/5/17 PFS CORPOPJAWFOJEop f i Bloomsburg, PA STAPLES MIN CROWN WIRE DIA. MIN. PENETRATION LATERAL CAPACITY WITHDRAWN CAPACITY INCH INCH INCH) (lBS) (LBS ! IN PENETRATION 16,15 & 14 GAGE 7/16 0.063 1 67 T 20 47 EfN t1 STAR N�_:, G m VerT,.gyp Tca(1,.A1on �[--j,,mma ry-f Property Jerry Rogers 115 Pine Island Road Dartmouth, MA 02714 Weather: Dartmouth, MA 115 Pine Island Road 115 Pine Island Road.blg Organization Infrared New England 508-728-1099 Norbert Reichhold Builder Mark Hester Projected Rating: based on Plans Field Con Building Information Conditioned Area (sq ft) Conditioned Volume (cubic ft) Insulated Shell Area (sq ft) Number of Bedrooms Housing Type Foundation Type 5.'. q �4 i - t i 1265 10323 4089 2 Single-family detached Unconditioned basement HERS Projected Rating 12/22/2016 Rating No:719 Rater I D: 5209289 firmation Required. Rating HERS Index N FRA'R' E0, TO - FAQ CLAND HERS Index w/o PV HERS Index Target (SAF Adjusted) HERS Index of Reference Design Home Size Adjustment Factor This home DOES NOT MEET the EPA's requirements for an ENERGY STAR Home. HERS Index w/o PV <= HERS Index of Reference Design Home AND HERS Index <= HERS Index Target to comply. Building Shell Ceiling wI�4tt Sealed FG 1,10 -16 rU =0;031 77-7., Vaulted Ceiling R30,-G1,"-l0-16t!C U=0.037 Above Grad Walls R21, F 1, 6716 U: OO 5 Found. Walls Cnd None Y a ` Found. Walls( ncond) Unins fated. 9 Floors R30, G3,10 16U--0.052 _. SlabTl�o�s1 Mechanical Systems Heating Cooling Water Heating Programmable Thermostat Ventilation System Lights and Appliances Percent Interior Lighting Percent Exterior Lighting Refrigerator (kWh/yr) Dishwasher Energy Factor Ceiling Fan (cfm/Watt): F 3 z Window/ all Ratio 0.11 1; Infiltra ion7Type Btower door to t t is � Jx_ ■ _' Iniltaiori Htg: 3.00 C1g:.00 ACH50 Yctl;--akag a to:.Outside 0.04 CFM25 / FA a wry T-Duct-Leakage� _.._ otal°,, ,0.04 CFM25 / Fuel -fired air distribution, 100.0 kBtuh, 92.0 AFUE. Air conditioner, 24.0 kBtuh, 13.0 SEER. Heat pump, Elec, 3.24 EF. Heat=Yes; Cool=Yes Exhaust Only: 35 cfm, 15.0 watts. 100.00 100.00 673.00 0.46 0.00 Clothes Dryer Fuel Clothes Dryer EF Clothes Washer LER Clothes Washer Capacity Range/Oven Fuel Note: Where feature level varies in home, the dominant value is shown. Electric 3.01 704.00 2.87 Natural gas REWRate - Residential Energy Analysis and Rating Software v14.6.4 This information does not constitute any warranty of energy cost or savings. ©1985-2016 Noresco, Boulder, Colorado. 62 62 73 73 1.00 I v Sift -e I fi CUD LPHD 0 a ff e RVA- i n gill", 8/25/2016 O 2 Table of Contents Compact Fluorescent ramps (CFLs) Splrals.......•••••••••••ofeass••••••sesoff •••••••••••••••Gooses•••Gooses •9•••••••••• 96••••*•• ••••••seefoobseess**Bego easels @Bost**B*teBBB**B*B***BBBBotB*t**Betteett•$@$*ttesteetttttetttteetttet*tttttttego Bose t 4 13wTCP 1ES Spiral......... goo Gooses 966996699 see ago 000 ego geese* *so 000 ass fee see sees@* **sees @Geese 090000 goo Geese@ fee Osseo@ @@*foe sees** 000 ooeoe@o@@ 00*0@0@00 see 009009 000fo@o@o fee @@*so* oo&@@O@@e 0@0 000s@000*o@oe A 24wTCP 1ES Spiral..........................................................................................................................................................................................0e 23w TCP 1ES Spiral....................................age .....................................................................................................................................................5 3-way MaxLite MicroMax(Phasing Out) ....................................... Goo .......................................................5 A-Lamps........................................................................................................................................................................................................6 14wTCP A -Lamp (Phasing Out).......................................................................................................................................................................6 18wMaxLite MiniBulb A21(Phasing Out).....................................................................................................................................................6 Globes......... geese@ Osseo@ *ease* *Geese ego @sees@ goofs* egos*@ ego 009 see see goo *so **ages as**** *asset @so see geese@ @Dose* see sesseesessee Dotage see ego 000000 000 sees*e @@@Off see see @00 @00 @0@ see @0@ Doe @**@so egos** assesses* 9 97 9wTCP G25 Globe (Phasing Out)....................................................................................................................................................................7 14wMaxLite Globe (Phasing Out)................................................................................................................................................................... Reflectorsand Floods............... goo see *goes* Gooses *asses Goo gas see ego Doe Geese@ see see *Soso@ 000 ass seessesee of@ seesesses ***fee 969999999 @geese sees@* gas Goosse 6*0099 see sees*@ as@ @*goes see 6998 14w TCP BR30 SpringLight Reflector (Phasing out).....................................................................................................................................8 16wTCP BR30 Dimmable (Phasing Out)........................................................................................................................................................8 Light Emittin Diodes (LEDs A—Lamps........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 10wTCP Omni-Dimmable................................................................................................................................................................................9 9wOmni Gooses ass 890*06 gee Soo agog** Geese* sea 668069699 goo one see ego 999686086 000000 9*s9e@ agog@@ goo Dee 000 gee as .9....................................................................................................................................9 14wMaxlite A -Lamp (14A21/LED/827-22 DIM).........................................................................................................................................10 19w Philips A -Lamp (19A21/2700-WHT DIM 6/1)(Phasing Out).......... see 0*0066 ease seessesefes esessesse ego gee gooses sessessoo *00099006080 see**$ ago seeseeses ofessesee ego Oslo 18wPhillips A -Lamp (18A21/LED/827-22 DIM)..........................................................................................................................................11 Philips3-way Omni-direcfional.....................................................................................................................................................................11 Globes...... geese@ Goo gooses sees****@ Doe *@@gooses see*@@ ease@@ safe so gooses goo 899969 gooses goose@*@@ see sees@@ see gooses gas goo 0@@ @90 @*@ gooses fee@@@ gooassess sees** @60906 @99 goes*@ *sees@ 0@9 geese@ Gooses *a 12 5wTCP G25 LED Globe... 000 see see ass geese* ego gas goo 00*008 egos***** ass ass ego ass see 000090 geese@ fee gee Gibe else see @Osseo 000 @ease*@** seeeee 000 000 000 Oslo 009 so@ @00 assess eoo@@Oge@ lose Gone** @00000 as . . . as e e . . 8.8@6@12 SwE-12 G-16 Min Globe................................................................................................................................................................................13 5wG25 LED Globe......... seeseesee Gooses@@@ ass 000 ass gee see fee ego **sees 000 see offees 99940*40*00 000 Gooses *Osseo @Goose Osseo***@ see *stage Gee goose@ see 0000000@o age @00000 goo 0@9 oeeo@o @@*see *00 gooses @00 @00000 see 0@0 0 13 8wFEIT G25 LED..............................................................................................................................................................................................13 Reflectorsand Floods...... see *Soso@@@* see sees*@ ego see 960 Soo ego @goes* *so @so ego @@agog*** 009 see *so off see ego ego 0*0000000 *ease* @so aeseesses see OGG stooge *Geese ago sees@* fee fee *Osseo 9999686 of goofs* fee @sea 14 10wTCP Elite BR30 Dimmable......................................................................................................................................................................14 9.5w Philips BR30 (Phasing Out)......... @*fees *Osseo ass ego see see *fees@ geese@ see 000 009 ****as fee @*Goes foe sea gooses Soo one Soo 008 @Goose 009 gooses see Gooses go* *00 @000@@ a@* assess 6@0 sea @0@0@6 Geese* gas goo @14 Maxlite7w R20................................................................................................................................................................................................15 8/25/2016 3 LEDs Continued Decorative...... see as* sees@@ see *Osseo @*Gooses seessesseses ass OGG aseeessee sooeor...................................................................................................................016 5wTCP Torpdeo......................................................................:........................................................................................................................16 5wTCP Torpedo Candelabra ......................................... ........:. all" ............... Sea ...... age ............... see Owosso ..................... Sea ...... see 'gooses ...... off See See ...... sees .16 3.5w Torpedo......... 999996609 ego see ass ego*** woof*@ Sea see goes***** ego ego fee *DID Sea see @of see Goo Goo 000 see see 000000 000 00*000 see ego fee silo ewe @Doses Goo ass *oases*** see *ass@@ @oases ass see.sesee ***so@ see ego see Goo a 17 O.Sw Torpedo Candelabra..............................................................................................................................................................................17 RecessedConversion Kit...... see see ego see**@ @fees* see seesee gooses ass see see see see ease me see *Soso* see see @Geese goo ego see see *so ego see see *Soso* *a* *assets** see*** seeess @so son aeoeoesse see *assesses see see 18 10wTCP 4" Recess Retrofit.............................................................................................................................................................................18 12wTCP 5-6" Recess Retrofit........................................................................................................................................................................ 019 MR 16.............................................................................................................................................................................. ............... ............ 9.1 9 7wMR-16.00...069409099000............0.0.000000.0.................................000000.....................90.000.08...............000............080.........................................................e20 8/25/2016 . c E 13w TCP 1ES Spiral 20w TCP 1ES Spiral spirals s A -- } } a E Y S LSa _ y c- PartNumber 1100.128 Replaces Incandescent 60w (hidden) Dimensions (inches) 1.7 x 4.4 ColorTemperature 2, 700 K Dimmable N Outdoor Rated Y mens E 800 Y S _ - � _ Part Number 1100.138 Replaces Incandescent Dimensions (inches) ColorTemperature Dimmable Outdoor Rated Lumens 75w(hidden) 2.3 x 4.4 2,700K [LT u wiff, 8/25/2016 S 23w TCP 1ES Spiral r' y rt $ a- - 3-way MaxLite i�/licroi!llar— Phasing Out F ML.. sSs 71 �-44 PartNumber 1100.139 Replaces Incandescent 100w(hidden) Dimensions (inches) 2.3 x 4.8 ColorTemperature 21700 K Dimmable N Outdoor Rated Y Lumens 1600 117 PartNumber Replaces Incandescent Dimensions (inches) ColorTemperature Dimmable Outdoor Rated Lumens 1100.828 30/70/100w 1.7 x 4.4 2,700K N 1 700/1500/2100 pc r 8/25/2016 w R 14w TCP A -Lamp 18w MaxLite MiniBulb A21 A -Lamps PartNumber Replaces Incandescent Dimensions (inches) ColorTemperature Dimmable Outdoor Rated Lumens 1100.74 60w (visible) 2.4 x 4.8 2,700K N N 700 gy ti �Y p�k�sr-5t Part Number 1100.9271 Replaces Incandescent 75w (visible) Dimensions (inches) 1 2.6 x 5.1 ColorTemperature 2,700K Dimmable I N Outdoor Rated I N Lumens 1 1100 8/25/2016 f 7 9w TCP G25 Globe �4 - 5 r 14w MaxLiteGlobe _ L v r _ _ h.: t _ t p �L L r t Globes CFI .� _� _ _-�,'�+ � _ � �t�" _•. _ a ,+-sip � ` - y •� -�,.,t7 { . ��-y-t�.,�"!`z+ iv PartNumber 1100.755 Replaces Incandescent I 40w Dimensions (inches) I 3.1x 4.3 ColorTemperature 2,700K Dimmable N OutdoorRated I Y Lumens 1520 t r a Y E y y. t:c e: PartNumber 1100.905 Replaces Incandescent Dimensions (inches) ColorTemperature Dimmable Outdoor Rated Lumens 50-60W 3.5 x 5.35 21700K N 1 :1f, 8/25/2016 14w TCP BR30 SpringLight Reflector 16w TCP R30 Dimmable Reflectors 8nd Floods (CFI) • . '� tttFttFF�+tt L �Ft�. � t S t� F { S [jj PartNumber 1100.659 Replaces Incandescent Dimensions (inches) ColorTemperature Dimmable Outdoor Rated Lumens 65w (reflector/recessed) 3.7 x 5.4 2, 700 K N Y 650 S]S]j G X ✓ PartNumber 11160.771 Replaces Incandescent I 65w Dimensions (inches) 13.7 x 5.4 ColorTemperature 21700K Dimmable I Y Outdoor Rated I Y Lumens 1650 8/25/2016 9 10w TCP Omni -Dimmable 9w Omni Dimmable A -Lamps (LED) PartNumber 1100.0172B Replaces Incandescent Dimensions (inches) ColorTemperature Dimmable Outdoor Rated Lumens 60w 4.4 x 2.4 2,700K Y Y i memo PartNumber 1100.9351 Replaces Incandescent Dimensions (inches) ColorTemperature Dimmable Outdoor Rated Lumens 60w 2.5 "x4. r1 2,700K VIA A 8/25/2016 HEO 14w Maxlite A -Lamp (14A21/LED/827-22 DIM 010, 19w Philips A -Lamp 19A21/2700-WHT DIM 6/1 - F_C PartNumber Replaces Incandescent Dimensions (inches) ColorTemperature Dimmable Outdoor Rated Lumens 1100.1556 60w 5.5"x 2.5" x 3" 2,700K Y Y . Part N umber 1100.1553 Replaces Incandescent Dimensions (inches) ColorTemperature Dimmable Outdoor Rated Lumens 100w 4.9 x 2.3 2,700K A N 8/25/2016 a 11 18w Phillips A -Lamp (18A21/LED/827-22 DIM) Philips 3-way Omni -directional a' f � = �1 t ,J Replaces Incandescent Dimensions (inches) ColorTemperature Dimmable Outdoor Rated Lumens 100w 5.5" x 3" x 3" 2, 700 K Y Dimensions (inches) 12.5 x 5.0 ColorTemperature 211700K Dimmable N Outdoor Rated I N Lumens 11620 8/25/2016 f 1 12 Sw TCP G25 LED Globe Sw E-12 G-16 Mini Globe r Globes (LED Part N umber 1100.539 Replaces Incandescent 25w Dimensions (inches) 3.1 x 4.3 ColorTemperature 2,700K Dimmable Y Outdoor Rated N Lumens 300 PartNumber 1100.5392 Replaces Incandescent I 25w Dimensions (inches) 12.0 x 3.5 ColorTemperature I 2,700K Dimmable I Y Outdoor Rated I Damp Lumens 1300 8/25/2016 13 Sw G25 LED Globe 8w FEIT G25 LED Globes (LED tl-4 3� � i. ��,3 i}; o"s 3�+ � _ '' y'r� .�; �.: r.�' .�s t ��Sa.S ram. .3i�t�� �'� �, � rah v."'F "[t4-.• �$ Part Number 1100.0161 Replaces Incandescent 25w Dimensions (inches) 9.5 x 3.5 x 5 ColorTemperature 21700K Dimmable Y Outdoor Rated N Lumens 300 PartNumber Replaces Incandescent Dimensions (inches) ColorTemperature Dimmable Outdoor Rated Lumens 1100.695 45w 3.15 x 4.35 31000 K Y N 8/25/2016 t 14 10w TCP Elite BR30 Dimmable 9.5w Philips BR30 457.243 Reflectors and Floods (LED) PartNumber 1160.538B Replaces Incandescent 65w (reflector/recessed) Dimensions (inches) 3.8 x 5.4 ColorTemperature 2,700K Dimmable Y Outdoor Rated Y Lumens 650 PartNumber 1160.9823 Replaces Incandescent Dimensions (inches) ColorTemperature Dimmable Outdoor Rated Lumens 65w 3.74 x 5.15 2,700K Y N 730 8/25/2016 0 i 15 7w Maxlite BR20 Part Number 1160.9865 Replaces Incandescent 50w Dimensions (inches) 2.5 x 3.5 ColorTemperature 21700K EDimmable y doorRated Damp Lumens 550 8/25/2016 t Lee Sw TCP Torpedo t y� t f x +#R✓�J�� Sw TCP Torpedo (Candelabra) r: �y r. } Decorative (LED) Replaces Incandescent Dimensions (inches) ColorTemperature Dimmable Outdoor Rated Lumens 25w 1.4 x 3.8 2, 700 K Y Y 011I11 - Ilk t } Gam. { Part N um ber 1100.0181 Replaces Incandescent Dimensions (inches) ColorTemperature Dimmable Outdoor Rated Lumens 25w 1.4 x 3.8 2,700K Y Y 300 8/25/2016 17 3.5w Torpedo LED iz k - ba► - r 1 Y 0.5w Torpedo LED r. z t 4 g �I _ t } s ,kf 47 PartNumber 1100.1326 Replaces Incandescent 10-15w Dimensions (inches) 1 4.5" x 2" ColorTemperature 3,000K Dimmable Yes Outdoor Rated I Damp Lumens 1 210 Replaces Incandescent 3-8w Dimensions (inches) 0.8 x 2.3 ColorTemperature 21700K Dimmable Unknown Outdoor Rated I Wet Lumens 1 14 8/25/2016 4 -11 10w TCP 4"" Recess Retrofit 12w TCP 5-6" Recess Retrofit Recessed Conversion Kit (LED - PartNumber 1440.414 Replaces Incandescent I 65w Dimensions (inches) 13.8 x 5.0 ColorTemperature 3,000K Dimmable I Y Outdoor Rated I N Lumens 1650 PartNumber Replaces Incandescent Dimensions (inches) ColorTemperature Dimmable Outdoor Rated Lumens 1440.413 85w 3.8 x 7.5 3,000K Y Y 8/25/2016 1 19 MR16 7w MR-16 PartNumber 1100.0192 Replaces Incandescent 25w ensions (inches) 4.5" x 4" EColorTemperature 3,000K Dimmable Y Outdoor Rated Damp Lumens 420 8/25/2016 s N Property Jerry Rogers 115 Pine Island Road Dartmouth, MA 02714 Weather: Dartmouth, MA 115 Pine Island Road 115 Pine Island Road.blg Whole House Infiltration Duct Leakage Ventilation Organization Infrared New England 508-728-1099 Norbert Reichhold Builder Mark Hester Natural ACH ACH C 50 Pascals CFM C 25 Pascals CFM C 50 Pascals Eff. Leakage Area (sq.in) Specific Leakage Area ELA/100 sf shell (sq.in) Leakage to Outside Units CFM C 25 Pascals CFM25 / CFMfan 5/CFA td 152 CFM per td �152 / "':MCFM C 50ascals :Eff. Leaka e-Area Thermal Efi'icienc Mechanical Sensible Recovery Eff. (%) Total Recovery Eff. (%) Rate (cfm) Hours/Day Fan Watts Cooling Ventilation HERS Projected Rating 12/22/2016 Rating No:719 Rater ID:5209289 Blower Door Test Heating 0.18 3.00 329 516 28.3 0.00016 0.69 Whole House 51 0.0234 0.0400 N/Y 4.3 b y �y FM_ 25/CFA 13 V 2.- 0.0400 s= Exhaust Only 0.0 0.0 35 24.0 15.0 Natural Ventilation Cooling 0.15 3.00 329 516 28.3 0.00016 0.69 ASHRAE 62.2-2010 35 24.0 { ASHRAE 62.2 - Ventilation Requirements The ASHRAE 62.2 flow rates shown above are the CONTINUOUS mechanical fresh air ventilation which will meet the 'whole -building' requirement under that version of the standard. Both values incorporate any appropriate 'infiltration credit'. Intermittent mechanical ventilation may be used if the flow rate is adjusted accordingly. For example, the runtime can be reduced to 12 hours per day using a doubled flow rate, as long as the system provides ventilation at least once every 3 hours. For more detail, refer to the appropriate standard. REM/Rate - Residential Energy Analysis and Rating Software v14.6.4 This information does not constitute any warranty of energy cost or savings. ©1985-2016 Noresco, Boulder, Colorado. I w Q 0 2 4 0 x 24 0 ATTIC TRUSS GARAGE Y 14 WEST STREET, DOUGLAS MA. 01516 Phone: (508) 476-1500 FOR 24'x 24GARA GE 22 EAST WOOD S T. UXBRIDGE, MA 01569 1. BUILDER A. NAME: GBI. B. ADDRESS: 14 WEST STREET., DOUGLAS, MA 01516 C. MANUFACTURING PLANT ADDRESS: 14 WEST STREET DOUGLAS, MA 01516 2. INDEX OF DRAWINGS & PERMINENT INFORMATION SHEETS ARE AS FOLLOWS T-0 TITLE PAGE DWG DATE 1 /4/2017 A-1 FOUNDATION DWG DATE 1 /4/2017 A-2 FLOOR PLAN DWG DATE 1 /4/2017 A-3 CROSS SECTIONS DWG DATE 1 /4/2017 A-4 ELEVATIONS DWG DATE 1 /4/2017 A-5 ELEVATIONS DWG DATE 1 /4/2017 A-6 ELEVATIONS DWG DATE 1 /4/2017 A-7 SHEAR WALL DETAIL & UPPER FLOOR DWG DATE 1/4/2017 NUMBER OF SHEETS IN EACH SET: 8 3. BUILDING INFORMATION: A. PROJECT NAME AND BUILDING LOCATION: Nadia Redder 22 Eastwood Street Uxbridge, MA 01569 TEL: (508) 774-0761 B. AREA OF BUILDING: 672 SQ. FT. C. AMOUNT OF ENCLOSED SPACE 1008' D. HEIGHT OF BUILDING ABOVE GRADE 1. STORIES 1.5 2. FEET 23'-0" E. BUILDING DESIGN LIVE LOADS: 1.CEILING DEAD LOAD 10 PSF 2. ROOF 50 PSF 3. BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOAD 10 PSF 4. CONCRETE FLOOR 3500 PSI F. WIND: ASCE 7-02; 100MPH; TCDL=6.0 PSF; BCDL=6.0 PSF; H=25FT.; CAT II; EXP B; ENCLOSED; MWFRS (LOW RISE); GABLE: END ZONE AND C-C EXTERIOR (2) 0-10-0 TO 2-2-0, INTERIOR (1) 2-2-0 TO 9-0-0, EXTERIOR (2) 9-0-0 TO 12-0-0, INTERIOR (1) 15-0-0 TO 21-10-0 ZONE; CANTILEVER DEFT AND RIGHT EXPOSED; END VERTICAL LEFT AND RIGHT EXPOSED; C-C FOR MEMBERS AND FORCES & MWFRS FOR REACTIONS SHOWN; LUMBER DOL=1.6 PLATE GRIP DOL=1.6 FOR STATE USE ONLY JOB NUMBER: 1-2017 SHEET NO. TITLE DATE: 1/ 4/2017 P.E. TPIA Of w cn D i W Q 24' L- 5/8" GALVANIZED SIMPSON STHD14 STRONG TIES ANCHOR BOLTS W�Tji 3" SQ. WASHERS 6'0.C. — — — — — — — — — — — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I FROST WALL MIN. 4811I I I BELOW GRADE--------- — ---- I I 0 0 -A Off � TYP. 4" CONC. SLAB � � SLOPE FLOOR TO DRAIN T..) � � OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR � TYP. 24" x 12" DEEP CONC. FOOTING � LOWER FOUNDATION WALL � a � TO ALLOW FOR (2) 9'x 7' � e � OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS 0 �v aft 1.911 9.611 ell �Ve --9-611 1 24! J 10! i 0 o � � EXISTING � HOUSE G E IRRS A/E SEAL APPROVAL STAMF-1 DRAWN BY [SATE Brandon 1/4/2C717 APPROVED BY SATE PROJECT NO'S. #1-2017 GBI MODEL/ SIZE 24' x 24' ATTIC TRUSS GARAGE No. Revision/Issue I Date Flan Mon,. and Ad&vu GUARANTEED BUILDERS INC. 14 West Street E. Douglas, MA 01516 TEL. (508) 476-1500 FAX. (508) 476-1392 Flom. Ownm Wi m and Nadia Redder 22 Eastwood Street Uxbridge, MA 01569 TEL: (508) 774-0761 P`*' ##1-2017 s"'t Armin 1 lam. 1 /4/2017 NO SCALE, W w t PRE ENGINEERED TRUSSES 2411 O.C. 10" OVERHANG WITH VENTED SOFFIT TYP. 5/8" GALVANIZED ANCHOR BOLTS WITH 3" SQ. WASHERS 6'O.C. 2411 x 12" DEEP CONC. FOOTING W/ 1" x 4" KEYWAY w Q LL_ w a 0 12 CONT. RIDGE VENT U V r.M UUiVirHV I CU UMMV CL HEADER SIZES: DOUBLE 2 x 8 WINDOW HEADER DOUBLE 2 x 8 DOOR HEADERS ARCH. SHINGLES OVER 15# F & 5/8 ELT PAPER CDX 3/4" PLYWOOD FLOORING GLUED AND NAILED ALUMINUM DRIP EDGE 2 x4 WOOD STUD 1611 O.C. CEDAR CLAPBOARD PRIMED OVER 7/16" OSB SHEATHING 4811 1011 F POURED CONC OUNDATION WA 3000 PSI LL SS S CTION �AN1' V �Ai D S ER A/E SEAL APPROVAL STAMP DRAWN BY DATE Brandon 1 /4/201f7 APPROVED BY DATE PROJECT NO'S. ##1-2017 GBI MODEL / SIZC.= 24'x24' ATTIC TRUSS; GARAGE No. Revision/Issue Dote rkm Moro and Ad&vm GUARANTEED BUILDERS INC.. 14 West Street E. Douglas, MA 01516 TEL. (508) 476-1500 FAX. (508) 476-1392 Nadia Redder 22 Eastwood Street Uxbridge, MA 01569 TEL: (508) 774-0761 pmw #1-2017 Date 1 /4/2017 Ar�13 soo+. NO SCALE 1 1 w a z LL- w .FROINIUT L VATION J� A/E SEAL APPROVAL STAMP) DRAWN BY DATE Brandon 1 /4/2 01 It APPROVED BY DATE PROJECT NO'S. #1-2017 GBI MODEL/SIZE 24' x 24' ATTIC TRUSS GARAGE No. Revision/Issue D"%Ote Rym Nang a+d Addy... GUARANTEED BUILDERS INC. 14 West Street E. Douglas, MA 01516 TEL. (508) 476-1500 FAX. (508) 476-1392 Homy offim. Nan. aw Address Nadia Redder 22 Eastwood Street Uxbridge, MA 01569 TEL: (508) 774-0761 ft*c #1-2017 Do. 1 /4/2 017 Soots NO SCALE r W Q Z Li R AR L VATION 03 000010 ERS A/E SEAL APPROVAL STAMF) DRAWN BY LOATE Brandon 1/4/20177 APPROVED BY LATE PROJECT NO'S. #1-2017 GBI MODEL/ SIZE 24' x 24' ATTIC TRUSS GARAGE No. Revision/Issue I Dote " )b m and Ad*m GUARANTEED BUILDERS INC. 14 West Street E. Douglas, MA 01516 TEL. (508) 476-1500 FAX. (508) 476-1392 Homy 0"m H m. &W Aden»t Nadia Redder 22 Eastwood Street Uxbridge, MA 01569 TEL: (508) 774-0761 P'0*4 #1-2017 Date 1 /4/2017 Ar_-15 NO SCALE w V) t -r- r- .. r % r- r-% r- r% e% 1 A n e% PLATE UPLIFT MSTA36 STRAPS SIMPSON STRONG TIE .L �P�A NTF A/E SEAL APPROVAL STAMP) DRAWN BY C)ATE Brandon 1/4/20 117 [APPROVED BY L7ATE PROJECT NO'S. #1-2017 GBI MODEL/ SIZE 24' x 24' ATTIC TRUSS GARAGE No. Revision/Issue I Date Firm ft. w and Ad&vw GUARANTEED BUILDERS INC. 14 West Street E. Douglas, MA 01516 TEL. (508) 476-1500 FAX. (508) 476-1392 Rmw 0*7m Nam ana mdr.me Nadia Redder 22 Eastwood Street Uxbridge, MA 01569 TEL: (508) 774-0761 Pft*i #1-2017 A�1'7 Dew 1 /4/2017 NO SCALP 001- 000" 0 - I f � • �-f /� _ . ram,.: L- _ _ _ _ _ ��y�u.w I I 1'7 /4 11 t It 10 � FRONT VIEW v DESIGN BY: S U NORTON DESIGN DOCLJ24ENTATION R nruF.-q'7'F.R _MA DESIGN FOR: JERRY ROGERS 115 PINE ISLAND ROAD DATE: SCALE: 3/8 = P 4/15/2017 UNLESS NOTED THESE PLANS PREPARED AS A DRAFTING/DOCUMENTATION SERVICE ONLY. NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN THE INFORMATION IS STATED OR IMPLIED. IT IS THE BUILDER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFIRM ALL FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND COMPLY WITH ALL STATE .AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS. DESIGN 0 GABLE END VElW I DESIGN BY: STU NORTON DESIGN DOCUMENTATION ROCHESTER,MA 774-271-1212 DESIGN FOR: ,JERRY ROGERS DATE: SCALE: 3/8 = 1' 115 PINE ISLAND ROAD 4/15/2017 UNLESS NOTED NORTH DARTMOUTH, MA. THESE PLANS PREPARED AS A DRAFTING/DOCUMENTATION SERVICE ONLY. NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN THE INFORMATION IS STATED OR IMPLIED. IT IS THE BUILDER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFIRM ALL FIEI_JD MEASUREMENTS AND COMPLY WITH ALL STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS. DESIGNI DOCUMENTATION LIABILITY FOR THIS PLAN IS LIMITED TO THE EXTENT OF ITS FEES. u 0 DESIGN BY: STU NORTON DESIGN DOCUMENTATION ROCHESTER,MA 774-271-1212 t a in N b DESIGN FOR: JERKY ROGERS 5 PINE ISLAND ROAD NORTH .DARTMOUTH9 MA. 3'-6" 51-5 1 J211 TWO 1/2" 1st FLOOR PLAN DATE: 4/15/2017 SCALE: 3/8 =1' UNLESS NOTED 3056DH 0 J. il±.%O.Li L J.Jill-j i.0 J. L%."A. L u`a.rL & av A - - -- -- -_ . --- - - - IN THE INFORMATION IS STATED OR IMPLIED. IT IS THE BUILDER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFIRM ALL FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND COMPLY WITH ALL STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS. DESIGN DOCUMENTATION LIABILITY FOR THIS PLAN IS LIMITED TO THE EXTENT OF ITS FEES. i ri I I k 10 i � � y i FOUNDATION PLAN r, DESIGN BY: STU NORTON DESIGN DOCUMENTATION ROCHESTER,MA ., 774-271-1212 DESIGN FOR: - JERRY ROGERS 115 PINE ISLAND ROAD NORTH DARTMOUTH, MA. THESE PLANS PREPARED AS A DRAFTING/DOCUMENTATION SERVICE ONLY. NO RESPONSIBILITY FOlk ERRORS DATE: SCALE: 3/8 =1' IN THE INFORMATION IS STATED OR IMPLIED. IT IS THE BUILDER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFIRM ATLL FIELD 4/15/2017 UNLESS NOTED MEASUREMENTS AND COMPLY WITH ALL STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS. IDESIGN DOCUMENTATION LIABILITY FOR THIS PLAN IS LIMITED TO THE EXTENT OF ITS FEES. r DESIGN BY: STU NORTON DESIGN DOCUMENTATION ROCHESTER,MA 774-271-1212 H2.5 TIES TYF 0 10 4" SLAB ON 6 MIL POLY ON COMPACTED GRAVEL SECTION: AA _t DESIGN FOR: JERRY ROGERS 115 PINE ISLAND ROAD NORTH DARTMOUTH, MA. DATE: 4/15/2017 r ` -ING 2" FOAM INFILTRATION LOCKERS W/ POSITIVE ENTITION SHOOTS TYP. MATCH EXISTING FASCIA AND SOFFIT, VENTILATION K 6 X E8" K.D. SPRUCE STUDS R21 FACED INSULATION 1/2" CDX FIR PLYWOOD WEATHERIZATION WRAP ►TCH EXISTING HOUSE SIDING YP. SCALE: 3/8 =1' UNLESS NOTED im REAR VIEW OF ADDITION ONLY THESE PLANS PREPARED AS A DRAFTING/DOCUMENTATION SERVICE ONLY. NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR EtRR.ORS IN THE INFORMATION IS STATED OR IMPLIED. IT IS THE BUILDER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFIRM ALL,TFIELD MEASUREMENTS AND COMPLY WITH ALL STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS. DEfvIGN DOCUMENTATION LIABILITY FOR THIS PLAN IS LIMITED TO THE EXTENT OF ITS FEES. r T 4 OP F FND EL. = 103.70 =102.9f WITHIN fi" OF D--BOX RISER COVER IS TO BE WITHIN 9+ OF SURFACE FINISHED GRADE MINIMUM ELEVATION OVER D-BOX _ 100.6t MINIMUM COVER OVER TANK EL= 102.7t1. _ _ FINISHED GRADE 3" MIN S=0.02 L=10' 3"w °s- Ow 3 MIN Uf„ •.yt••t. " 6" 4 L. -100.98 EL-100.78 14" POLYLOK M00 ' 4,,•si EFFLUENT FILTER 10MIN. L, TO BUILDING a Qn 4ap Qadtap<Inn4np4np4�4a ,. BASEMENT `. EL = 96.20 PROPOSED ,H-i 0 1,500 GAL PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC * 4• .�,.y,_ , TANK TO BESET ON 6" OF CRUSHED STONE OR APPROVED LEVEL BASE (MODEL TK-1500 BY SHEA CONCRETE OR APPROVED EQUAL) 10'--6" BUILDING :PLUMBING SEPTIC TANK NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE THE SOIL PLACED AS BACKFILL OVER THE SYSTEM SHALL BE PLACED IN LIFTS AND SUFFICIENTLY COMPACTED TO PREVENT DEPRESSIONS DUE TO SETTLING. CLEAN BACKFILL SHALL 8F FREE OF STONE >6" IN SIZE. TAILINGS, CLAY, OR SIMILAR MATERIALS ARE PROHIBITED. " TOP OF 7.13" TO INV. BASE OF =7q' EL-. - - FINISHED GRADE FIRST 2' TO. BE LEVEL 31 THEN S=0.005 4" SOLID PVC SCH. 40 18„ g " MAXIMUM COVER OVER SAS=102.2t MINIMUM. COVER OVER SAS -100.2E MINIMUM OF 1 INSPECTION PORT TO INCLUDE A 7" ROUND STRUCTURAL POLYETHYLENE VALVE BOX AND COVER W/ UD TO FINISH GRADE. THE PORT SHALL CONSIST OF A 4" SOLID PIPE WITH THE PORTION IN THE CHAMBER PERFORATED PIPE PLACED VERTICALLY DOWN INTO THE SAND TO THE NATURALLY OCCURRING SOIL OR SAND FILL. THE PIPE SHALL BE CAPPED W/ ,A SCREW TYPE CAP AND ACCESSIBLE TO W/IN 3" OF FINISH GRADE. W lq1 TIFF A 4" VIENT PIPE (18" ABOVE GRADE M) INIMUIM IS RECOMMENDED AND WILL BE REQUIRED !E THE FINAL GRADE OVER Tk HE LEACHING BED (SAS)_ 'AMOUNTS TO A DEPTH OF COVER GREATER THAN 2': BREAKOUTMINIMUM NJl�ll'11�1�11111�11�I�111!I�il�lh�l�li�ll�l�l-I-I-I-I�I�I�I�lyl�l�l�ll 1'1�1!Illill��. _EVATION DESIGN CALCULATIONS: ESTIMATED DAILY FLOW`DWELLING EXISTING 4-BEDROOM DW I 4-BEDROOM HOUSE TO BE CONSTRUCTED ELLNG TO BE RAZED AND A NEW 4 8EDR00 STR TED 4 BEDROOMS x 110 GPD/BEDROOM = 440 GPD SEPTIC TANK REQUIREMENT: 440 GPD x 3..0 = 1,320 GALLONS USE 1500 GALLON TANK SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM REQUIREMENT: PERCOLATION RATE - 5 MIN./INCH (CLASS I SOIL) ALLOWED LOADING RATE 0.74 GPD/SF LEACHING AREA REQ'D = (440 GPD) / (0.74 GPD/SI=) = 595 SF (133E 600 S.F. MIN. PER ,DARTMOUTI TRY ADS ARC 36 CHAMBERS IN BED CONFIGURATION" 60 ,- 0 SF ( ) / (4.8 S.F. / FT.) 125 FT OF CHAMBERS REQUIRED :SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM PROVIDED: USE 30 ADS ARC 36 CHAMBERS i BOH) EL_ = 98.95 ao a .. N.... EL = 98.78 EL = 98.68 USE 5 ROWS OF 6 ADS ARC 36 CHAMBERS = 34 CHAMBERS (30 CHAMBERS) X (5.00 FT./CHAMFER) = 150 FT.— DISTRIBUTION BOX - 30 ADS .ARC 36 CHAMBERS (14.375'W X 30'L) IN BED CONFIGURATION 1 LEACHING AREA PROVIDED: '(4.8 S.F./FT.) X (150 FT.) = 720 S.F > F-00 S.F. - DAILY FLOW CAPACITY: 720 X 0.74 �-�0 / 5 ou1�.ETs .AND I��FFLIE 20' IN. SF GPD/SF = 532 GPD > 440 G`'D REQ'D WALL PER DARTMOUTH BOH ( ) ,, 'BOX TO B LDING DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER EL = 98.i0 NOTE: DISTRIBUTION SET` ON 6 5 MINIMUM STONE LEVEL BASE AND SHALL ORIGINAL. GRADE (5:2' :PROVIDED) COMPLY TO MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF 310 CMR 15.232. GROUNDWATER ELEV. - 92.9 BASED ON BOTTOM OF TP-1 DISTRIBUTION BOX SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM (SAS) NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE t3 4" PVC PIPE CUT TO FIT WITH - NOTES: a ELBOW INTO SIDE OF END 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LOCAL 'BOARD OF HEALTH AND ZENITH CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LLC., A:i' LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS - O ARE AS FOLLOWS.: PROVIDE "Y" OVERFLOW CAP A. AFTER LEACH FIELD EXCAVATION PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF SAND CONNECTION FOR EACH SMALLVALVE COVER BOX OR DOWNSPOUT CONNECTED IRRIGATION VALVE BOX AT B. AFTER PLACEMENT OF TANKS AND LEACHING CHAMBERS C. PRIOR TO IBACKFILL, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE A CURRENT SIEVE ANALYSIS SHOWING THE SAND, MEETS 310 CMR '15.255 3 SPECIFICATIONS IF REQUESTED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. { ) GRADE D. DURING BACKFILLING OF LEACHING FIELD ILSC,,�NCRETE" TO 1" 'DOUBLE E. FINAL INSPECTION AFTER LOAM AND SEED HAVE BEEN PLACED COMPACT SOIL BASE 2. BENCHMARK: MAG NAIL SET 1N PAVEMENT, EL. 97.99, ASSUMED DATUM, LASH PAD WASHED CRUSHED ANG. IR Nsc 0 SUPPORT BOX STONE3. PER 310 CMR 15.246(2) HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO OPERATE OVER THE LIMITS OF THE ;SEWAGE DISPOSAL FIELD DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEM. (FND.) 4. NO FIELD MODIFICATIONS TO THE SEWAGE SYSTEM SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF TI-:IE ENGINEER AND THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. Q S63� 5. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CONSTRUCTION AND SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL CONFORM WITH CURRENT i V OF THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE AND ANY APPLICABLE LOCAL RULES, 6. IN AREAS SHOWN ON THE PLAN, ALL TOPSOIL, SUBSOIL AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS MATERIALS SHALL BE REM01VED AND REPLACED WITH A CLEAN GRANULAR SAND FREE FROM ORGANIC W _, 46 I.P. -FI R - - 0 fC MATTER AND OTHER DELETERIOUS SUBST. NOES, GRADED AS FOLLOWS: _ w � �_� � (FND.) �`# _�_ _ `� _� � - � `'"�....� 7 , { A. NO MATERIAL _LARGER THAN 2 INCHES. ,� I ' B. UP TO 45% BY WEIGHT MAY BE RETAINED ON A #4 SIEVE. f C. OF THE FRACTION PASSING THE #4 SIEVE, THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA APPLY: o ; b SIEVE EFFECTIVE % THAT MUST 0 -•-----1MIN. 4, S,�ZF PARTICLE SIZE PASS SIEVE ;v J #4 4:75 mm 100% ARC 36 HC CHAMBER BY ADS DETAIL OF ROOF DRAIN #50 0.30 mm 1071100% INFILTRATION SYSTEM #100 0.15 mm 0% - 20% #200 0.075 mm O% - 5% �' cs NOT TO SCALE D. A SIEVE ANALYSIS OF THE MATERIAL SHALL BE PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THAT IT MEETS THE GRAD/ �110N REQUIREMENTS NOTED ABOVE. THE INSTALLER SHALL PROVIDE A COPY OF TH I THE 'DESIGN ENGINEER. J� � � E S EVE ANALYSIS. RESULTS TO 7. THE SEPTIC TANK, AND D-BOX SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY SHEA CONCRETE OR APPROVED EQUAL AND SHAALL WITHSTAND H-10 OR H-20 LOADING CRITERIA A l � � OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FOR ROOF 'INFILTRATION SYSTEM: S NOTED ON SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE. 8 1. THE INSPECTION OF THE GUTTER SYSTEM AND HEAVY DUTY WIRE STRAINERS ARE TO BE . GROUT IS TO BE USED AT ALL POINTS WHERE PIPES ENTER OR LEAVE ALL CONCRETE STRUCTURES 1N 4RDE'R TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT SEAL. CONDUCTED A MINIMUM OF 4 TIMES PER YEAR. CURING THAT TIME LEAVES AND DEBRIS SHALL 9. THE FIRST TWO FEET OF EACH LINE EXITING THE DISTRIBUTION BOX SHALL BE LEVEL 10. THIS SYSTEM IS .NOT DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE A GARBAGE GRINDER. IX. WELL BE CLEANED FROM GUTTERS AND STRAINERS. ,... 2. THE INFILTRATION CHAMBERS SHALL BE INSPECTED A MINIMUM OF 1 11MES PER YEAR THE 11 OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN, THERE ARE NO KNOWN WELLS WITHIN 200' OF THE THE 'PROPOSED SOIL ARSOF;PTION SYSTEM: 131 FROM TANK % INSTALLATION OF AN INSPECTION PORT TO GRADE WILL ALLOW EASY ACCESS FOR INSPECTION. 12. IN ACCORDANCE WITH 310 CMR 15.221, ALL SYSTEM COMPONENT SHALL BE MARKED WITH MAGNETIC MARKINCG TAP E. � (50 MIN.) R AS PART OF THE INSPECTION ALL DEBRIS AND LEAVES ARE TO BE REMOVED FROM CHAMBER. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE (LOAM & SEED) ALL AREAS DISTURBED `DURING CONSTRUCTION. ' - 101 .FROM .SAS �•. o 14. INSTALLER SHALL BE TRAINED AND CERTIFIED BY ADS, INC. FOR INFORMATION ON THE ADS ARC 36 CHAMBER SEE CERTIFICATION FOR GENERAL USE TRANSMITTAL NUMBER X235253 DATE OF ISSUANCE JUNE 3 2013 R 22, 2014. ALSO SEE` STANDARD REV. MAY (100' MIN.) INFILTRATION SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION NOTES. / D FOR REMEDIAL USE REVISED: MAY 22, 2014. ' � h CONDITIONS FOR ALTERNATIVE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEMS I��ITH GENERAL USE CERTIFICATION AND/OR APPROVE` 1. TOPSOIL AND SUBSOIL SHALL BE REMOVED BENEATH ADS ARC 36 HC CHAMBER. -lo. t-r. 15. LOCATION OF UTILITIES ARE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE ONLY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE ACTUAL LOCATION AND INVERTS OF UTILITIES IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 2. HEAVY DUTY WIRE STRAINERS ARE TO BE INST�,LLED AT ALL DOWN SPOUTS. THIS IS TO PREVENT LEAVES AND OTHER DER4 FROM CLOGGING DOWN SPOUT. 16. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE UNDER MASSACHUSETTS STATE LAW TO NOTIFY D192E..(1.888.DIC;SAF'E) 710 LOCATE UTILITIES IN THE PROJECT AREA A MINIMUM OF 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE START OF EXCAVATION. 17. THE PROPERTY IS SERVICED BY A PRIVATE WATER SUPPLY WELL 3. ADS ARC 36 HC CHAMBERS ARE TO BE PROVIDED AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 18. A MINIMUM OF 12" IS TO BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN THE INVERTS ON THE SEPTIC TANK AND HIGH GROUNDWATER. THE ELEVATION FOR HIGH GROUNDWATER WAS DETERMINED BY TEST PITS. DRAINAGE CALCULATION: : AQUIFER IMPERVIONS CA#�CULATION, 19. WATER PURIFICA11ON SYSTEMS BACKWASH SHALL BE PROHIBITED FROM I T I TE FR DISCHARGING INTO THE SEPTIC TANK /AND SHALL 'DISCHARGE TO A DRYWELL OR TO THE GROUND IN ACCORDANCE WITH 310 CMR 15.004 8 . THE BACK�.�SH 1S NOT TO BE DISCHARGED IVTO L OR IN THE DIRECTION OF THE SEPTIC 'SYSTEM. PROPOSED ROOF AREA = 2296 SF TO BE INFILTRATED PROPOSED ROOF AREA = 2296 SF 20. THE SEPTIC SYSTEM OWNER SHALL HAVE THE SEPTIC TANK AND OUTLET FILTER INSPECTED ANNUALLY AND GLEANED AND PUMPED AS IIECESSARY. PROPOSED DRIVEWAY AREA 1950 SFNOT INFILTRATED ' TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS= 1950 SF NOT INFILTRATED1 CALCULATE VOLUME TOR (1" Q&E QWELLINc� SITE INFORMATION: 1. THE SITE IS SHOWN ON THE TOWN OF DARTMOUTH ASSESSORS -MAP AS MAP 79 LOT '21. TOTAL LOT AREA = 40,829 SF (2296 SF)x(1")x(i FT/ 12") = 191.33 CF TO BE INFILTRATED 2. PROPERTY LINE INFORMATION WAS TAKEN FROM :PROPOSED 'ROOF INFILTRATION BED PORT - 2.1. FOR TITLE REFERENCE TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY REFER TO BOOK 4899, PAGE 110 IN THE BRISTOL COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS, TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA (NOT INFILTRATED} 1950 SF = 4.8% CALCULATE INFILTRATION SYSTEM 2.2. A FIELD SURVEY BY MADDIGAN LAND SURVEYING IN OCTOBER 2016. (5) ADS ARC36 CHAMBERS_ 1N "-1" TOTAL LOT AREA - 40,829 SF �' i 7' 3. TOPOGRAPHY INFORMATION TAKEN FROM A FIELD SURVEY BY MADDIGAN LAND SURVEYING IN OCTOBER OF 20'16. USE ADS ARC 36-HC CHAMBER: 10.7 CF STORAGE PER DOUBLE WASHED CRUSHED STONE a 4. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE X, AS SCALED FROM THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP F.I.R.W. OF BRISTOL COUNTY MIP NUMBER 250050378E (nP OF 2 SEE DETAIL) y ""' - -. y PRDPOSED CHAMBER C ) ,EFFECTIVE DATE ,IDLY 7, 2009. SANDS AND GRAVELS USE 8.27"/HR 5. THE SUBJECT PROPERLY IS NOT LOCATED IN A ZONE II OR IWPA (WELL HEAD PROTECTION AREA). C 0 1500 GALLON THE CHAMBER WILL INFILTRATE 9.9 CF/HR 6. THE SYSTEM IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN A SURFACE WATER SUPPLY PROTECTION AREA. / x SEPTIC TANK V2:9 OF CHAMBERS X 10.7 CF + 9.9 CF/HR) _ (191.33 CF) 7. THE PROPERTY IS OT LOCATED IN A PRIORITY HABITAT OR ESTIMATED HABITAT AS SHOWN ON THE MASSACHIUSETTS NATURAL HERITAGE ATLAS 13TH EDITION EFFECTIVE DATE OCTOBER 1 2008. « 10 (CHAMBERS REQUIRED) 8. w - NO WETLAND RESOURCE AREAS WERE FOUND WITHIN 100 OF THE SITE. REFER TO WETLAND :SITE INSPECTION, FORM A-1 SIGNED BY THE TOWN OF DARTMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION ON OCTOBER 5, 2016. BENCHMARK: USE 10 CHAMBERS TOTAL AS SHOWN ON PLAN NAIL P ,' ISSUE _ - IN UP L - EL. = 101.1.1 1 UNIT 5 CHAMBERS --•-- tLEGEND BARD OF HEALTH STAMPS (USE 2 UN TOTAL) DATE: 10-19-16 e U UNITS oo Qp, a s2' PA 10.0' ° , rs of aDRIVE J REBAR j\J�FND , 1 .) p 45.0' _N ```�,_" �1T• •gyp ? �`' b EX. WELL 100' FROM TANK (O MIN.} oo 10 �0 62.4' 10 ' FkQM SAS (19 100' IN.) s' �v; '� y� POST41pa ¢> 1, �9 (END:) gyp : 90' `.,`; , o o 100' RADIUS •J / LQT /AREA Y EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM FROM 'PRIVATE WELL { LOCATION' (APPROXIMATE) (TYP.) \ ~ ,..`. a 40829 S.F g� TO BE REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 310 •'`'` '� / ' CMR 15.00 :ZONING INFORMATION I.P. _ - _ FND. _ BENCHMARK. � � ) _ I E ZONE III AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICT MAG NAIL SET � SINGLE RESIDENCE B DISTRICT t; REQUIRED PROVIDED(MIN. EL.= 97.99 LOT AREA - 80,000 S.F. 40,829 S.F. GRAPHICS SCALE -LOT FRONTAGE 200 FEET 206 FEET 1 inch - 30 feet `,.. MIN. FRONTYARD SETBACK-._. 60 FEET 81 5 FEET ' 0 30 60 90 MIN. SIDEYARD SETBACK. 20 FEET 62 FEET MIN. REARYARD SETBACK 20 FEET 45 FEET \ 4 OF LOAM AND SEED 34.5„ TYP: ._._ 34.5" TYP. - --- 34,5" Tl'P. - 5 ROW: OF CHAMBERS (14.3751) CROSS SECTION OF BED NOT TO SCALE PROP, ADS ARC 36 BED W/ INSPECTION --- .875'----i TOP VIEW NOT TO SCALE PERFORMED BY: NYLES ZAGER, ZENITH CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LLC. WITNESSED BY: COURTNEY COHEN, DARTMOUTH BOH TP-1 Eo-DEPTH TP.2 ELEV. {/DEP� $1j ♦ I (FEET) 1f (INCHES) I ( l n Inn 7 n in> > 12 24 92 A SANDY LOAM 10YR 2/2 B LOAMY SAND 10YR 5/6 Cl MED-COARSE SAND & GRAVEL' 2.5Y 5/6 C2 FINE ND W/ POCKETS OF SILT LOAM 2.5Y 5/2 93.0 52 98 110 87.7 146 A SANDY LOAM 10YR 2 2 B LOAMY SAND 10YR 5/6 Cl MED-COARSE SAND & GRAVEL.. 2.5Y 5/6 C2 FINE SAND 2.5Y 5/2 C3 811.1 LOAM 2.5Y 5/2 C4 MED SAND 2.5Y 5/6 100.1 99.3 • • • 6D EXISTING CONTOURS x 9 8. 15 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION TP-1 ;v w EXISTING TEST IT PROPOSED COIITOURS . 69 100x2 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EXISTING TREELINE - ----- - - EXISTING OVERiEAD WIRES GV EXISTING GAS VALVE EXISTING LIGHT POLE EXISTING UTIUY POLE EXISTING WATER LINE PROPOSED WAIR LINE _--w_ BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS MOTTLING 110" MOTTLING C gg ENGINEERING FIRM: WEEPING WEEPING I x,� J. 7� NONE NONE t �`_... STANDING @ NONE STANDING 0 NONE ESHW EL= ESHW EL =9.'If�. P.L.S. STAMP ' { r i 1 PERC DEPTH:28-46 PERC DEPTH: NONE - s; � �" C PERC RATE: < 2 MPI NONE �`'_ • K� 1;, n�, 3 I ti?id STREET IFVi�LE, �A ®Z3'17 PERC RATE. NOTE:......o. M DATE.- NOVEMBER 2,2016 REVISED: JANUARY 20, 2017 THE A, B & C1 LAYERS ARE TO BE REMOVED TO ODA11ON 98..0, BELOW THE SAS AND r w; j K -° rr SHEET: 1 OF 1 REPLACED WITH CLEAN FILL IN ACCORDANCE WITH 310 CMR 15255(3). AN OPEN HOLE - �� � - INSPECTION SHALL BE PERFORMED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY ZENITH CONSULTING ENGINEERS ,,,,: CONTACT 'PERSON: NYLES ZAGER P.E. E`�ITH CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LLC; LLC AND WITNESSED BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH IN ORDER TO LOCUS ADDRESS: 3 MAIN STREET MEO:L& MA 02347 CONFIRM THE ON --SITE SOILS AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS. NOT TELEPHONE: {508) 947-4208