EP-120 R � Fee pd $ 80.00 Bob Viana p 8 1�, ��� / 8/94 Owner . � Date Address 14 SUNDANCE RD., N. D. 79/48-26 Permit No.120 Contractor Wayne Simoes 2697A 99 94',27'11 \l i Yeuow)S--'S`-f`t Red 374 Cross Rd., N. D. MA 02745 Blue 'White?3.5i AddressGreen /N Remarks NEW DWELLING; 100 AMPS., 220 VOLTS, 1 ME'IER WILL CALL. •-t8 `?mot S F QY`� �.`a c a.cLc) Caw,�Y S. �' _ Si,I 2_01 t 41 6 0?-:f , v 1 "~`fir �'� - 61:3! O-- Inpected By: Date WMR, WR INFO. W0RK. R.EOL, EST INFORMATION PAGE 1 OF - A U G 18 , 1994 Work Request No : 72556 Entry Date : 18-AUG-94 Rea . D11 t SO-AUG--94 Entered By : LEGER, GEORGET T E L . � i r.1!0� 23nn Rk c�R v : nu WR Type : NEW SERJ s' --, WR Status : DES WR Description : UG/ RES NEW HOUSE WR Name /Custornr : VIANA, BO5 Service Address : 14 SUNDANCE RD Acct#: - FOX RUN TERRACE City : DARTMOUTH _ Pole/Pad /MN No : H . H. 10072 /120A Lot : Plot : Desianer : FRAZIER, SARSARA A CONTACTS Name Type Phone No 374 CROSS RD ELECT ( N DARTMOUTH ,MA 02747 ELECT ( ) -- x SIMOES , WAYNE ELECT (508 ) 999-1746 x ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS Service Voltage : 1.2C /240 3W 1PH Number of Meters : 1 Amoeraae : 1.00 Type of Heat : Phase : 1 Meter Number : Service Location : TE%MINATEaSERVICE OUTSIDE HANDHOLE ON NOFTHEAST CORNER OF PROPERTY-LOCATION OK- LEAVE ENOUGH WIRE FOR COMM ELECTRIC TO MAKE CO','NECTIONS . TLM IS 29342 . oOiie Use Only ,, . { The Commonwealth of Massachusetts �/ V., VL _'�/ rr rott So. �= nl _ Department of Public Safety g-- Occupancy i�)41==_ b Fee Qtecked"' M��a ,—2tttI;L4= = BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS 527 CMR 1200 3/90 (leave plank) ,qlgfl 3�''sc lJ vc APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed In accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code.527 CMR I2:00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL I:'FORMA iION) Date —�� City or Town ofrk T�tucAt-GC To the Inspector of Wires: The undersigned applies for a permit to perform the electrical work described below. Location (Street E. Number) {`-f ^� ;�,F "" Owner or Tenant U A / / ?— Owner's Address ;Si -- Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit: Yes ci<EI (Check Appropriate Box) Purpose of Building + Utility Authorization NO. Existing Service Amps / Volts Overhead ❑ Undgrd❑ No. of Meters New Service j)(y Ames I r'c' / ) 7 ,Volts Overhead ❑ Undgrd No. of Meters it _ Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work tk.),--; 1-1 �� ,-.= No. of Lighting Outlets No. of Hot Tubs No. of Transformers Total KVA No. of Lighting Fixtures SwimmingPool Above In- grnd. ❑ grnd. ❑ Generators KVA No. of Receptacle Outlets No. of Oil Burners No. of Emergency Lighting nts No. of Switch Outlets- No. of Gas Burners - FIRE ALARMS No. of Zones . - No. of Ranges No. of Air Cond. Total No. of Detection and tons Initiating Devices No. of Disposals No. of Heat Total Total Pumps Tons KW No. of Sounding Devices No. of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW No. of Self Contained Detection/Sounding Devices No. of Dryers Heating Devices KW Local❑ Municipal ❑Other Connection No. of Water Heaters KW No, of No. of Low Voltage Signs Ballasts Wiring No. Hydro Massage Tubs No. of Motors Total HP OTHER: INSURANCE COVERAGE: Pursuant to the requirements of Massachusetts General Laws I have a current Liability Insurance Policy including Completed Operations Coverage or its substantial equivalent. YES❑ NO 0 I have submitted valid proof of same to this office. YES❑ NO 0 If you_have the YES, please indicate the type of coverage by checking the appropriate box. i INSURANCE BOND OTHER❑ ❑ (Please Specify) �'"��,'"" V . (Expiration ate) , Estimated Value of Electrical Work S Work to Start A - Inspection Date Requested: Rough Final r Gigned u.:der(th> penalties of perjur;. FIRM HARE � �`'(/�,_� -3,j 7\ LIC. NO. ,'? M Licensee 6)A tom- Si ature IC. NO. Address ,�,11 t✓ s. k* -------- L.i Bus. Tel. No. ' /k U 4 Alt. Tel. No. , -_� 'VC OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee does not have the insurance cove a' e o it s stantial equivalent as required by Massachusetts General Laws, and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. Owner Agent (Please check one) Telephone No. PERMIT FEE $ ( l.) 0/�]�) (Signature of Owner or Agent) 8C- 84 i4 l RECEIPT FOR PERMIT TOWN OF DARTMOUTH 61-6 OUTN. PERMIT NO. f—.._ No „ .A-w^ y3 I / yDate �C >ti ezdf�/ Received From Wa ///a ( C-/ , O kner VL&A. .Location /V 24(41dam.,a- Type M.22J� Amount Paid "n Received By LJVI 1 RECEIPT FOR PERMIT TOWN OF DARTMOUTH ; ---, 1 otrif.4 PERMIT NO. .tl.Kff..t.:::::to f---7,•:-. .. , . . . . .. t Date ...••: = !..- .,/..4'.. 4 , / / i' ; '-.'s ki/ t• , ,....t 'Recei.;ed From I .--.'1,:-. i •.. ' • - i ),' - -'.: •''' ,..' .-'- :t.';'-' * ' r--- ' , '-‘,..y• •, ; •Owner /- •-• - - ." . ''l .—.--i,... ,. . Location ....- ,_.-•_. . .. Type • . - ''•-•/ Amount Paid ' - I-- - -- . .. -..; ,- •,. ., Received By — . ---