Notice of Intent 1992 //4' - Yawn 1 groventota " •;,;•. ..r• - 3.1; 57, 400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 9399 % 5 7,1 North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 RECEIVED '92 OCT 16 F M 8 02 DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEEP5 .$)999.0722 CONSERVATION COMMISSION DARTMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION r� NCYICE OF CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING } Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held under the provisions of the Dartmouth Wetlands Bylaw and M.G.L. , C 131 , S 40, the Wetlands Protection Act on the Notice of Intent of Dartmouth Land Trust c/o Frank Lipis who wishes to construct a single family dwelling located at Lot 304, Rox Run Terrace, Sundance Road , in Dartmouth. The hearing will be held at 7:25 pm, Tuesday, October 20, 1992 at the Dartmouth Town Hall in Room 103, 400 Slocum Road in Dartmouth. Gerald Franklin Chairman THE CHRONICLE LEGAL AD: Please run once in your issue of October 14, 1992 • CC: D.E.P. Dartmouth D.P.W. Dartmouth Planning Board Dartmouth Board of Health Dartmouth Building Department Owner Applicant Engineering Firm FILE copy MEMORANDUM / y:e S3- TO: Conservation Commission � ���� FROM: David J. Silveira, Building Commissioner 'ir I"✓ SUBJECT: Plat 79 Lot 48-28 Fox Run Terrace DATE: September 30, 1992 After review of the proposed project at the above-mentioned location I find the following: 1. Is located in a Single Residence A District. 2. Is not located in an Aquifer Zone. 3. Is in a 1=. I. R. M. Zone C Panel 0015B 6-1-83. 4. Is not in a Zoned Wetlands (Section 18) . 5. Will not require ZBA. 6. Will require Building Department Permits. V n✓ `i \ V 1iZtevit gfut,entexa _4) 400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 9399 \�eaa•j North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 CONSERVATION COMMISSION (508)999-0722 DURTMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held under the provisions of - • the Dartmouth Wetlands Bylaw and M.G.L. , C 131 , S 40, the Wetlands Protection Act on the Notice of Intent of Dartmouth Land Trust c/o Frank Lipis who wishes to construct a single family dwelling located at Lot 304, Fox Run Terrace , in Dartmouth. The hearing will be held at 7:25 pm, Tuesday, October 6, =1992 at the Dartmouth Town Hall in Room 103, 400 Slocum Road in Dartmouth. Gerald Franklin Chairman THE CHRONICLE LEGAL AD: Please run once in your issue of September 30, 1992 . CC: D.E.P. Dartmouth D.P.W. Dartmouth Planning Board Dartmouth Board of Health Dartmouth Building Department Owner Applicant Engineering Firm ,ik e7\ a e_dV/911M fi 9.a/KAW114 Jk c a la , 400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 9399 " P r ! ° �ee4•Sy North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 _ I L , q RECEIVED '92 SEP 29 An io CONSERVATION COMMISSION Septembe 1992 8) 999-0722 iAKIMOUiN BUi�011v'6 DEPT. Building Department TO: Department of Public Works •- - Planning Board Board of Appeals Board of Health FROM: Conservation Commission office SUBJECT: Request for technical review and written' report on the accompanying Notice of Intent and plans from Darliuouth Land Trust c/o Frank Lipis re: Lot 304, Fox Run Terrace. Please review the attached and referenced Notice of Intent and plan(s) . If you have any comments, please prepare a report and submit it to the Cons ation office by October 5, 1992. Th you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. V.\°1\46°^ Al 0--eVAL ‘2,0 79'lc/5 - 5-6 RC:rc • • 310 CMR 10.99 Form 3 4.trr—ot ....-. 4:, DEP Fde No. I (To be Prw+oed by DEP) Die=:_ Commonwealth �r N '--it = of Massachusetts 0 R: Dartmouth 1 .. _ •�� ..r... City.Town .- s•,. Aaohcant Dartmouth Land Trust Notice of Intent Under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, G.L. c. 131, §40 and . Application for a Department of the Army Permit and The Dartmouth Wetlands Bylaw Part I:General Information ` 1 . Location:Street Address Lot 304, Fox Run Terrace Lot Number 304 . 2. Project:Type Residential Description The construction of a single family dwelling with appurtenant grading and utilities. • 3. Registry: County Bristol (SD) Current Book_ 1630 &Page 850 Certificate(If Registered Land) 4. Applicant Dartmouth Land Trust c/o Frank Lipis Tel. (508) 678-5021 Address 61 Alden Place, Somerset, MA 02725 5. Property Owner Dartmouth Lane Trust c/o Frank Lipis Tel.(508) 678-5Q21 Address 61 Alden Place, Somerset, MA 02725 6. Representative SITEC► Inc. Tel.(508) 998-2125 Address 13 Welby Road, New Bedford, MA 02745 7. a. Have the Conservation Commission and the Department's Regional Office eacn been sent, by certified mail or hand delivery.2 copies of completed Notice of intent,with supporting plans and documents? Yes i No b. Has the fee been submitted? S Yes 72 No c. Total Filing Fee Submitted $250.00 d. City/Town Share of Filing Fee $137.50 State Share of Filing Fee $112.50 (sent'to City/Town) (1/2 of fee in excess of 525. sent to DEP) e. Is a brief statement attached indicating how the applicant calculated the fee? E Yes D No Effective 11t10/89 • 8. Have all obtainable oermits.variances and approvals reouired by local by-law been obtained? Yes x No - Obtained: Appued For: Not Applied For: N/A 9. Is any portion of the site subject to a Wetlands Restriction Order pursuant to G.L.c. 131, §40A or G.L. c. 130. §105? Yes = No E 10. List all clans and supporting documents submitted with this Notice of Intent. Identifying Title. Date Numoer!Letter L-1 Locus Plan. SS-1 Subsurface Sewage Disposal Plan, 8/24/92 1 1 .Check those resource areas within which work is proposed: (a) Buffer Zone (b) Inian::: - Bank` Land Subject to Flooding, - Borderinc Veeetated Wetland' _ Boraering Land Under Water Body&Waterway` _ Isolated (c) Coastal: Land Under the Ocean• Designated Port Area' Coastal Beach- Coastal Dune - Barrier Beach - Coastal Bank Rocky Intertidal Shore - Salt Marsn' Land Uncer Salt Pond' Land Containing Shellfish' Fish Run' •Lately to involve U.S. Army Cocos of Engineers concurrent jurisdiction. See General Instructions for. Comotetma Notice of Intent. 3-2 • 12. Is the wetland resource area to be altered by the proposed work located on the most recent Estimated Habitat Map(if any) of rare. "state-listed"vertebrate and invertebrate animal species occurrences provided to the conservation commission by the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program? YES [ ] NO [ x] Date printed on.the Estimated Habitat Map issued NO MAP AVAILABLE [ ] (if any) January 1992 If yes, have you completed an Appendix A and a Notice of Intent and filed them, along with supporting documentation with the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program by certified mail or hand delivery,so that the Program shall have received Appendix A prior to the filing of this Notice of Intent? YES [ ] NO [ j 33 • Part II:Site Description • Indicate which of the following information has been provided (on a plan,in narrative description or calcula- tions) to clearly, completely and accurately describe existing site conditions. Identifying Number/Letter • (of plan, narrative or calculations) Natural Features: SS-1 Soils Vegetation SS-1 Topography • L-1 Open water bodies(including ponds and lakes) L-1 Flowing water bodies(including streams and rivers) L-1, SS-1 Public and private surface water and ground water supplies on or within 100 feet of site SS-1 Maximum annual ground water elevations with dates and location of test SS-1 Boundaries of resource areas checked under Part I, item 1 1 above • L-1 Other Man-made Features: L-1 Structures(such as buildings, piers, towers and headwalls) L-1 Drainage and flood control facilities at the site and immediately off the site.including culverts and open channels (with inverts),dams and dikes SS-1 Subsurface sewage disposal systems SS-1, L-1 Underground utilities SS-1, L-1 Roadways and parking areas SS-1 Property boundaries,easements and rights-of-way Other Part III:Work Description Indicate which of the following information has been provided(on a plan,in narrative description or calcula- tions)to clearly,completely and accurately describe work proposed within each of the resource areas checked in Part I, item 1 1 above. - Identifying Number/Letter (of plan. narrative or calculations) Planvs•-w and Cross Section of: SS-1, L-1 Struc.ires(such as buildings,piers, towers and headwalls) L-1 Drainage and flood control facilities,including culverts and open channels(with inverts), dams and dikes SS-1 Subsurface sewage disposal systems&underground utilities --_ Filling, dredging and excavating,indicating volume and composition of material Compensatory storage areas,where required in accordance with Part III,Section 10:57 (4)of the regulations -- Wildlife habitat restoration or replication areas -- Other Point Source Discharge -- Description of characteristics of discharge from point source(both closed and open channel),when point of discharge falls within resource area checked under Part I.item 1 1 above,as supported by standard engineering calculations, data and plans. including but not limited to the following: 3-4 • 1. Delineation of the drainage area contributing to the point of discharge: 2. Pre-and post-development peak run-off from the drainage area, at the point of discharge, for at least the 1 0-year and 100-year freauency storm: 3. Pre-and post-development rate of infiltration contributing to the resource area checked under Part I, item 11 above: 4. Estimated water quality characteristics of pre-and post-development run-off at the point of discharge. Part IV:Mitigating Measures 1. Clearly.completely and accurately describe, with reference to supporting plans and calculations where necessary: - (a) All measures and designs proposed to meet the performance standards set forth under each re- source area specified in Part II or Part Ill of the regulations:or (b) why the presumptions set forth under each resource area specified in Part II or Part Ill of the regula- tions ao not apply. Coastal Resource Area Type. Ioent.^.yang numoer or tester Inland of swoon oocuments Coastal Resource Area Type: _ I Ioentifymo numoer or letter Inland of suction documents • l i . l I 1 ' 1 i 1 3-5 Coastal Resource Area Type: Identifying number or letter of support documents I _ Inland • • 2. Clearly. completely and accurately describe.with reference to supporting plans and calculations where necessary: (a) all measures and designs to regulate work within the Buffer Zone so as to ensure that said work does not alter an area specified in Part I,Section 10.02(1)(a)of these regulations;or (b) if work in the Buffer Zone will alter such an area,all measures and designs proposed to meet the performance standards established for the adjacent resource area_specified in Part II or Part Ill of these regulations. Coastal Resource Area Type Boroered By 100-Foot Discretionary Zone: loentifying number or letter Inland Bordering Vegetated Wetlands of support documents The applicant proposes to construct a single family SS-1 dwelling as shown on the attached plan. No work is proposed within the delineated Bordering Vegetated Wetlands. Prior to any work, a haybale/silt fence barrier will be installed prior to any work. Upon completion of firm grading, all exposed areas will be stabilized. • I i 3-6 Part V:Additional Information for a Department of the Army Permit 1 . COE Application No. 2. (to be provided by COE) (Name of waterway) 3. Names and addresses of property owners adjoining your property: 4. Document other project alternatives(i.e.,other locations and/or construction methods, particularly those that would eliminate the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters or wetlands). 5. 8%" x 11" drawings in planview and cross-section,showing the resource area and the proposed activ- ity within the resource area. Drawings must be to scale and should be clear enough for photocopying. Certification is required from the Division of Water Pollution Control before_the Federal permit can be issued.Certification may be obtained by contacting the Division of Water Pollution Control,1 Winter Street, Boston,Massachusetts 02108. Where the activity will take place within the area under the Massachusetts approved Coastal Zone Management Program,the applicant certifies that his proposed activity complies with and will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the approved program. Information provided will be used in evaluating the application for a permit and is made a matter of public record through issuance of a public notice.Disclosure of this information is voluntary,however,if necessary information is not provided,the application cannot be processed nor can a permit be issued. I hereby certify under the pains and penalties of perjury that the foregoing Notice of Intent and accompanying plans,documents and supporting data are true and complete,to the best of my knowledge. Signature o ppiicant Date % - Signatureot Applic a entative Date 9/4 FORM "Exception to ENG Form 4345 approved by HQUSACE.6 May 1982" NED 100 (TEST) _ 1 MAY. 82 'This aocument contains a Joint D meat of the Army and State of Massachusetts application for • permit to obtain permission to perform activities in United S w . The Office of Manasement and Budget COMB)has approved those question*required by the US Army Corps of rim . 0M8 Number 0702-0036 and expiration date of 30 September 1983 applies". This statement will be set in 6 point type. 3-7 NOTICE OF INTENT r'r r: TRANSMITTAL FORM DEPARDENT OF ENVIRCCIOTML PROTECTION DIVISION OF =ANDS AND WITEMAYS NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) APPLICANT: PROPERTY Off: Name Dartmouth Land Trust Name Dartmouth Land Trust Frank Lipis % Frank Lipis Street 61 Alden Place street 61 Alden Place r City/frown Somerset City/Zbxt Somerset State MA Zip Code 02725 State MA Zip Code 02725 Phone Number (508) 678-5021 Project Location: Street/Lot Number Fox Run Terrace, Lot 304 City/Town Dartmouth, MA DEP FILE NUMBER (if available) NOI FILING rrl: DISPUTED FEE Total NOI Filing Fee: $ 250.00 Total Disputed Fee: $ (as determined in Notice of State Share of Filing Fee: $ 112.50 Insufficient Fee letter from (1/2 of fee in exc i= of $25.00) conservation commission) City/Town Share of State Share of Fee: $ Filing Fee: $ 137.50 (1/2 of total disputed fee) City/Town Share of Fee: $ (1/2 of total disputed fee) INSTRUCTIONS 1. Send this Fee Transmittal form with a check or money order, payable to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to the DER Lock Box at: Department of Environmental Protection Box 4062 Boston, MA - 02211 2. Attach a copy of this form to the Notice of Intent submitted to the local Conservation Cannission. 3. Attach a copy of this form and a copy of the DEP check to each of the Notice of Intent forms submitted to the DER regional office. 11/10/89 NOT I CE OF I N-r-• EEE � CATEGORY I - $55.90 PER ACTIVITY CATEGORY 3 - s525.00 PER ACTIVITY A. Any work on a single A. Site preparation for any family residential lot development excluding (addition, deck, garage, single family house pool , shed, driveway) • (removal of vegetation, excavation, grading with B. Site preparation of each no construction proposed) single family house lot • excluding construction . B. Construction of each of house building, any part of which (removal of vegetation, falls in the buffer zone excavation, grading) or resource area (commercial , industrial , C. Control of nuisance institutional , apartments, vegetation an a single condominiums) family house lot Any activities associated (removal , herbicide with said buildings . treatment, etc.) (site preparations, detention basins, septic systems, D. Resource improvement parking lots, utilities, • allowed under limited point source discharges, project status (10.53 roadI.ays/driveways other (4)7 than those reviewable as limited projects) E. Septic system (construction, repair, C. Construction of each maintenance, upgrade) roadway/driveway (not associated with a F. Monitoring well . single family or limited (installation) proJect.status) TOTAL CATEGORY ONE ACTIVITIES 0. Hazardous waste cleanup TOTAL CATEGORY THREE ACTIVITIES CATEGORY 2 - *250.00 PER ACTIVITY CATEGORY 4 - s725.00 PER ACTIVITY A. Construction of each single family house in the buffer A. Each crossing for a limited zone or resource area project access roadway (site preparation, detention (commercial , industrial , • basins, utilities, septic institutional , or residential systems,roadways, construction other than driveways) X single family dwelling) B. Parking lot B. Construction, modification or (any size) repair of a flood control structure C. Beach nourishment (dam, sluiceway, tidegate) D. Construction, reconstruction, C. Public or private landfill maintenance of public (creation, operation, utilities in coastal maintenance) resource areas C10.24 (7a-c)) D. Sand and gravel operations (electric generating facility, (excavation, filling, underground/overhead utilities). stockpiling) Coastal limited projects (repair/maintenance of piers E. Railroads buildings, culverts) (new lines or extension of existing lines) E. Any limited project status filing C10.53 (3)(a-d) F. Control of nuisance (f-1 )] vegetation other than on a single family lot F. New agricultural or (removal , herbicide) aquacultural projects G. Bridges - except to G. Each wetland driveway access a single family crossing associated lot with a single family (construction, reconstruction, home filed for under expansion, maintenance) limited project status (10.53 (3e)] H. Raising or lowering of surface water levels H. Any point source discharge I. Any alteration of a _ resource area to divert I. Any other activity not water described in Categories (clean up hazardous wastes 1 , 3, 4, or 5 or any other purpose) TOTAL CATEGORY TWO ACTIVITIES J. Any activities associated with dredging conducted on land ender a waterbody, waterway or ocean (except associated with a new dock) K. Sewage treatment pti (construction, dis=.-.a-ge of effluent) ''OT?L :ATE ORv =OU'P CATEGORY 5 - s20%LINEAR FOOT - s50.00 MINIMUM - s1000 MAXIMUM • A. Docks, piers, revetments, ' or coastal/Inland engineered structures (construction, reconstruction, repair, replacement and the placement of rip rap on resource areas) TOTAL CATEGORY FIVE ACTIVITIES ADD ALL TOTALS CATEGORY ONE TOTAL CATEGORY TWO TOTAL $250.00 CATEGORY THREE TOTAL CATEGORY FOUR TOTAL CATEGORY FIVE TOTAL TOTAL FILING FEE $ 250.00 PERSON CALCULATING FEE SCHEDULE (PRINT) Brian Levesque ADDRESS SITEC, Inc. , 13 Welby Road New Bedford, MA 02745 TELEPHONE (508) 998-2125 DATE S/eD ember 2. 1992. SIGNATURE LI CONSERVATION COMMISSION VERIF -TION • ft ..; , R \ : _...u.- -= ... I. -"-d-, ; - - . j oo G. 0 4-5c:1, _— -r. \ .' - '_-..•. 0 . '':. . . if . D o O �` \ �� 1 Is-, d . 1 '''-i• di If' 4111:k, _ . -4 it, ...t° - .0 • Illt / \T / l'-.1 • i ... /4 .414 ‘e; -_...7_ = ..k-- ...ida.---_, �- __ \ - 1 411 f,.f''.• \ . %.,,..". .i!'.i.• t pAlii , _--'• .:,,,, I !.14.*--: i V %5,..„ • c c�JJ n _ _ _ 1 0 _.k._ ..._ _ _ \0 .0___,i_ :_i_-..,-._i.__ -\_:-_-_,______7.0 II el 10 :, ..::1140):1,7: ‘7, . , .,, _.:',-JI.,.._1-..._-_:;. :-.--.Ai_ -7 ((I\ . 7._ „ \reo./ _ # \\ - ift:9_ I ik6 —T, - . . 1 / \ 1 ill . .--•,.. 1� Cem °\ d - O Qo 7.- p-- . - � __-,,--1,, Ito _ Rod . e\ ' _ — � .- _—_ _i A .A , --,,- _ -k y.0 Al-_-._.--•-=- —-. - % 4 y „,, , a ;,ili , __ ____,:_____1 _ __„ .4 -=._ • _ o / 1� "Z • '0� 1 2 0 1 MILE 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET F—+ i--i F--i t---_, t i I 1 .5 0 1 KILOMETER F--, e—y �---. 1--1 s—. i ; CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 - LOCUS PLAN . DARTMOUTH LAND TRUST FOX RUN TERRACE PHASE II siTEc • Civil and Environmental Engineering • Land Use Planning ►.,Ass- FALL RIVER EAST, MASS. SITEC, Inc. - - N4137.5—W7100/7.5 13 Welby Road • d New Bedford, MA 02745 QUADRANGLE LOCATION 1963 • • THIS CHECK IS DELIVERED IN CONNECTION WITH THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNT(S) DATE AMOUNT DARTMOUTNK HS LAND TRUST 2619 J.,4- 3 4 FALL RIVER, MA 02720 53-23 10 ay Y 113 I[2.Q'D Ls+�t� ��` PAY $147-fiel ' 7/- 19 L—LTO THE YORDER OF $ +� J 1 . iir cl A - , , - DOLLARS TOTAL OF INVOICES �ry LESS %DISCOUNT Dy.�UrfEE III I Attleboro �EborO murnba )z. ! i 62.1_zil-c-- � TOTAL DEDUCTIONS AMOUNT OF CHECK 1 ---ri—14,—9.e.,, , 000 26 190 1:01L3002361: 000 L40 3250 I THIS CHECK IS DELIVERED IN CONNECTION WITH THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNT(S) DATE AMOUNT DARTMOUTH LAND TRUST 2618 215 BANK STREET a a J3 7 Sv FALL RIVER, MA 02720 ��Y 5 � � S 0 113 10 I PAY _ Y 19 f L'"__ i TO THE \ ORDER OF L c7a v‘-ftad06- ® TOTAL OF INVOICES DOLLARS LESS %DISCOUNT DUffee 7 ' LESS , AttlEb0r0 mulnbank /, -et j i _ TOTAL DEDUCTIONS ,\� /(� ,/ /- AMOUNT OF CHECK 7 tz 6-2) "co5.e...e..4,-,-Q__ n'00 26 La ' 1:0 L L 300 2 3 61: 000 L 40 3 2 So SOIL DATA 4110f 89 T-V 414 DATE: 5128189 PERFORMED BY : (oNQ. £tab\t4'E* lM WITNESSED BY ; TP 3o4 A TP 3o4 5 TP 414 c` `► Ilv s 0 e,, Ilg.s << hciP>5o1L hU135D1L hUP�SoII. 3o M0.0 � �jZ 113. 8 ?ko� t ► S• 5 FII,IE - Mea• SD,tiip�5ub\�'c N1�n. -PINE t•AED• SA P It 4tt.T ti4.S 5AN0, w/ ,jlL_T Mr -A) ILIM 4 At�LD h IL'i, -tz t I Z •S o `�'ot�tES h-roN1c5 r✓oA.Q.sE PSoIiI.DF.2'� '`� AN D l08 Io9.5 S l•l (r%4T C.4P1P51-7 &7_p6VEL� t7,(o _ 10(0.0 �� IZo y10$.5 '5t-\ (o\1►T AtVt) T tivll7 U-T �.Np �j1L`ti �Zo IOg.S 13Z 105.5 I(o4� Gd l ti5 Io4lo QIEec.. VIoLiE@ 54' Piz('. 1�01� @ 5(v" 1�,•pPP.Gror- PT�Q,C, . 1Zx7T-_ , PER.G . V_ 1� IN Z m1m. t" IN 11 M1m. 4 � I L L �ils..r ;��.� 11 j.e � _J TOP VIEW S. 5- DIA OUTLETS 3. SDIA. INLETS END VIEW 2` WALLS -t. 1% z T_ e- CROSS SECTION VIEW DISTRIBUTION BOX NOT TO SCALE - to -off r- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- I L__ ,- . ]. 5- DIA. KNOCKOUTS 6` DIA. _ _ , I INLET OUTLET r - I I L_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �� J PLAN VIEW �i`■9"COVER //--1e"DIA COVER �10..■t•"COVER 1` TAPER � i'■7- .Ic LIOVIO ?-BALLS LEVEL t CROSS SECTION VIEW SEPTIC TANK mmommum NOT TO SCALE LEGEND 100 EXISTING CONTOUR -- 10 PROPOSED CONTOUR -1-' PIPE INVERT ELEVATION TEST PIT ° SEPTIC TANK DISTRIBUTION BOX W PROPOSED WATER. SERVICE. LINE OBSERVED GROUNDWATER TABLE ELEVATION R � RESERVE AREA PLOT PLAN' >r1 3 0 a �3 ILI L1 O � N 7 r- �t � � r oO 2 l; o; r I ► '°o 1 � � TZGT y p / 1 2 / fr 1,0 I 1 r ; / -ram'• '. F mo. oIx I ` � a r � � / ;1' J I ! I Q 0 I I I� I III � / ....:. ::::. i•d I I �/ I I I l o I I I I 1 Ir I I I VE1�1T P1P�. IZ 4 4 4 do 14 oK 1 � � PLOT T FLA1,l I " _ (00, DESIGN DATA �Iz� . R..A-c�E. •, I„ \ e� 1 � MISS . - L7t✓�tGr�1 F--Low - 4 �oer�5, x I10 GPD/e>Oe_�. = 44;.0 GPD 9-EQUI>ZI:rD O ES IG w = ubE 9 1.>< �+c.Hltsfo t .i.>t✓�{s 4' x a-' X3. z� w l-r�1 4` ce�H �O s'Tb t.l SIDE WALL. 44 LOUU X 3•Z4 DEEP x Z SI DESK O. (0(0 GPD/S.F 191; GPD 80"rTOnA t,OfJG x IZ' WIDE X co•43 GtPO/SF = ZZl, G PD T. E1`JDS l2' WIVE, X 3•Z4 DEEP x Z E:Qos X. C. c�.ldo GPD/S;F s ' 5n 47c) GI PD pcov1 DAD �\ of A`� G Oy 1 �� I NOTE: TOPOGRAPHY BASED ON APPROVED CONSTRUCTION PLANS. CON I / TRACTOR SHALL VERIFY GRADES PRIOR TO THE START mow► CONSTRUCTION. OF EXISTING \ UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. ONLY. M. - D M K EXACT LOCATIONS TO BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. - DWELLING PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBEI FD 4 X 8 - D TOP OF FOUNDATION • FLOWDIFFUSORO EL = IZo.o PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBF F D 4 X 8 - L FLOWDIFFUSORO THIS SYSTEM WAS -DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE TIT V AND TOWN OF DARTMOUTH B.O.H. STANDARDS THE SOILS TOPOGRAPHY AND PROPERTY LINE DATA ARE FROM OTHERS. THEREFORE SITEC INC. CANNOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. FINISH GRADE ELEV. = It9.o FINISH GRADE OVER TANK = I lg o vT PIPE i 1 ST LENGTHS TO FINISH GRADE BE LEVEL f ELEV _ 1 7.0+ 6" HOLE 4'. I 1 i 3" WALLS If - 4'-6" 18" DIA. COVER 1 5" DIA. KNOCKOUTS ®®®® ®�9®® ®®ate®® ®C�®®® ®®®®® ®®®®® 3'-3%, C3®® ®�®®® ®®aCi®® ®awl®®® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® C3 ® ® ®®®®® ®ate®®® END SECTION 2, 6" DIA. HOLES C3 C3 2, 5- DIA. KNOCKOUT? 4• ®®®®CAI 3" WALLS 4•-0- -� CENTER SECTION PRECAST GALLEY. G 444. A'(v IAA. W vf-ATU 2-r--D la�y Pz7r0 1 D0 S 02 APP 2o'\/E✓D r�uAL_ GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS SYSTEM SHALL BE INSPECTED WHEN LEACHING AREA IS FULLY EXCAVATED AND WHEN ALL COMPONENTS ARE IN PLACE. WHEN THE SYSTEM IS READY FOR INSPECTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. 2. WASHED CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE FREE OF ALL DIRT, DUST AND FINES. 3- ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON AxuMEv ELEVATION DATUM. 4. HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO OPERATE OVER THE LI:'IITS OF THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEMS_ 5. NO FIELD MODIFICATIONS TO THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SHALL rE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF A ENGINEER AND THE LOCAL EOARD OF HEALTH. . 6. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE V OF THE STATE ENVIROMENTAL CODE AND ANY APPLICABLE LOCAL RULES. 7. AT ALL POINTS OF INTERSECTION OF WATER LINES AND SEWER LINES, MECHANICAL JOINT CAST IRON PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED FOR BOTH LINES 10' EITHER`SIDE OF THE INTERSECTION POINT. 8• SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, ETC. SHALL BE (MANUFACTURED BY A. ROTONDO & SONS OR APPROVED EQUAL. 9. GROUT TO BE USED AT ALL POINTS WHERE PIPES ENTER OR LEAVE ALt CONCRETE STRUCTURES IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT SEAL. 10. ALL SHIPLAP JOINTS IN SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE SEALED WITH NEOPRtNE•GASKETS OR ASPHALT CEMENT. 11. EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IN LEACHING AREA AND SACKFII-L WITH CLEAN GRAVEL AND COARSE SAND. . 12. A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AS REQUIRED BY SECT. 2.8 OF TITLE V MUST BE OBTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UPON COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE WORK. IF AN "AS -BUILT" PLAN IS REQUIRED DUE TO CONTRACTOR DEVIATING FROM THESE PLANS, WORK FOR SUCH "AS -BUILT" PLANS SHALL BE COMPENSATED FCR BY THE CONTRACTOR. 13. THIS SYSTEM IS NOT DESIGNED FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT. C7 C7 1= I� ' ® C3 C= ® C' C3 C9 :: l o L-07 3 0 4 5 125o GA L• � Io � �•®9 o c� o � � ��_ 'DAcz-�- rnou-r � Z O F /�, j'/z GP-Ust-i >=D B.O.H. STAMP s P. E ..� TA C L I E N T: REINFORCED CONG t 1t�.'19 113.5 wk�l 1-1E__ 0 7c> ` SEPTIC TANK f E t>; 2� DF-�� 1 I-1C�UTAl LNW)-TZ(A6_T r • / �. 42ouklID AE S7EVEN D. 6 I (A 0-1010SA '. �= o .:.�. 1 TLIMIT .;.:,- ; ;:: ::".' :• :: .:::: �: LEVEL STABLE BASE MIT of ev_cA &,mc>Q vlt. NG 32t65 L_ isEE I.b-� � ►►) t13•o tf aA ' SUBSURFACE SEWAGE SYSTEM PR FILE - WAN -rep, lo�•s DISPOSAL SYSTEM B.0.1-1. AQ1uSTsp B.O.H. NOTES P.L.S. STAMP NOT TO SCALE contact: at: '*SITEG 13 WMby Road Ntw Bedford, MA 0274S (506) G98-2125 Civil and Environmental r;-11 eying Land Use Planning DATE: 8/;51 /-PZ lob no. A 1990 ROTONDO S SC':S. r•�.