EP-37 Report Fee pd $ 20.00 Owner Long Built Homes Date 7/20/94 Address 26 SUNDANCE RD., N. D. 79/48-29 Permit No. 37 Contractor Kenneth Charlton C1127 L uo _= Red Address30 Acorn St. , N.B. MA 02740 Green White Remarks NEW DWELLING: SECURITY SYSTEM (pre-wire only) Ready 7/21/94 Inspected By: Date �) p O WORK REQUEST INFORMATION PAGE 1 OF 1v'h.l�b tY� �Itl� WORK It \ PAGE 1 Y """' _` SEP 09 , 1996 Entry Date : C•....S ED....n Req . Da t : 18-..S Eu-9 Work Request No : 119529 ��.,u�: . 0� SEP �6 \� ;� Entered Sy : oAMOS , DEBORAH A . a /Re,- Co WR Type : N W SERVICE Annual nnla- Ka r am �J O,L�V4.1 WR Status : DES Annual K�rVH: c c, Demand Lb-ad „W: 1,7 C? I /RES NEW WIRING r C HOUSE ^_n 4Y1, Description : JD , f?E YLYY �, WR Name /Custom r : GU A LEONARD t� m L!'„ IYl,I,V Service Address : 42 SUNDANCE ST Acct# : ca -'-• -rn City : DARTMOUTH Ci i tP d-i• MH No : 10/'y0n72 t'S 90(�.- B l et : Pl of : i fl e t l a t i 1 1 V V! G t 1 J 1.1 V V 1. . 1+ YO NG a A Rov Designer : l �J .�8. 00D„�!",,,,\ � L CONTACTS Name - Tyne Phone No FALL °IVE°, P'/h 02720 ELECT ( ; x WALTERS , CLAY ELECT (508 57o_n290 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS Service Voltage : 120 /240 3W 1PH Number of Meters : 1 Amperage : 200 Typo of Heat : Phase : 1 Meter Number : Service' Location : OK TO TERMINATE SERVICE AT HANDHOLE NEAR „� �TERMINATE SERVICE DRIVEWAY Or_, RIGHT SIDE FACING HOI IS C LEAVING ,l L VV I'"\ f � � RIGHT FACING Y V i V V J L V /-\ Y V ENOUGH CABLE FOR COM/ELEC TO MAKE �( �•, v'ONNECTIONS . TM! #93426 O A D T nlr'r,r.t4a-r rr,$I ice ese Only1 €.wt__z The Commonwealt of Massachusetts / L .., 'Ltd_-r Permit So. .H f_ : L/epQ 2CT)t of Public Safety Occupancy 1. Fee Checked �' BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS 527 CMR 1200 3/90 (leave blank) 7--a �' � `r ',/- APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code.527 CMR 12:00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR. TYPE ALL INFORISAJ:ION) Date 7/%<2/yam City or Town of zAt '/2v e'('/ /2' To the Inspector of Wires: The undersigned applies for a permit to perform the electrical work described below. -, y location (Street Eh Number) .off - 1:---o'//)///C. ,< ,J Lt Jc ep, Owner or Tenant !— V/ t:-'e . f /Je`/+i':.� Owner's Address , % X/ L_„ %,5i . .✓L /V / /_ ,v�C, ',) Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit: Yes Er No ❑ (Check Appropriate Box) Purpose of Building '/V47/, . /A ;'/V Utility Authorization NO. Existing Service Amps / Volts Overhead ❑ Undgrd❑ No. of Meters New Service Amps / Volts Overhead ❑ Undgrd 0 No. of litters Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work ?4 /�/e/ ...5 X , /Tip (1,sC9f---v+is: 's- e�hii.y) No. of Lighting Outlets No. of Hot Tubs No. of Transformers Total RVA No. of Lighting Fixtures Swimming Pool Above In- grnd. ❑ grnd. ❑ Generators KVA No. of Receptacle Outlets No. of Oil Burners No. of Emergency Lighting Battery Units — No. of Switch Outlets No. o-f-Gas-Burners -- FIRE ALARMS No. of Zones No. of Ranges No. of Air Cond. Total No. of Detection and tons Initiating Devices _ Heat Total Total No. of Disposals No. of Pis Tons KW No. of Sounding Devices No. of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW No. of Self Contained Detection/Sounding Devices No. of Dryers Heating Devices KW Local❑ Municipal ❑Other Connection No. of Water Heaters KW No, of Lo:. Voltage Signs Ballastsof Wiring — No. Hydro Massage Tubs No. of Motors Total HP OTHER: INSURANCE COVERAGE: Pursuant to the requirements of Massachusetts General Laws I have a current Liability nsurance Policy including Completed Operations Coverage or its substantial equivalent. YES❑ NO I have submitted valid proof of same to this office. YES❑ NO If you have checked YES, please indicate the type of coverage by checking the appropriate box. INSURANCE ❑ BOND ❑ OTHER❑ (Please Specify) Estimated Value of Electrical Work $ -i 6 (Expiration Dace) Work to Start //, -'/4 ' Inspection Date Requested: Rough 7. / /g-Final uigned ta.:der the Penalties of perjury: ?'& is—vv:.,e &v ow.3' ` FIRM NAME C�C ..iZi 7-2/ C - f1/�/;/ / j..Ic. NO. C- /f Licensee /�.�%,/,/,,�%/// ///f4/f4A' Signature s.,, X /'1!-R.t.L'!,LIC. NO. ,` Address f7 ,"` ,:-' //44i 4,,, .,i .'l'Bus. el. No. � 1..Z >" 3 /`1 o✓ -�/f/V�v✓ f�r�/�� x Alt. Tel. No. /4 )H .- :: ?4 f'%G/.. ` t 0 'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee does not have the insurance coverage or its sub- at nt 1 equivalent as required by Massachusetts General Laws, and that my signature on this permit ap li a n wa ves t is requirement. Owner Agent (Please check one) \ Telephone No. �-- /6 w // PERMIT FEE S )0 Signature of Owner o nt) BC- 84 RECEIPT FOR PERMIT �00 :4.M TOWN OF DARTMOUTH -` � �r PERMIT NO. No •to yy -Jeea•s Date Received From M Owner r Location Type Amount Paid Received By 4