GP-6826 I . ...— r MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DO GASFITTIN DARTMOUTH, MASS. Type of Occupancy-Commercial ❑ Residential 61 Owners Name e a K-«r Owners Address Building Loon c%' ,6 S(Ij 'ckci" /1 Date AC'/(' ,f New 111 ' Renovation n Replacement ❑ Plans Submitted ❑ cn rr� z o cn a a o x H tx z H 1 * L z 0 w ¢ x z 0 z • O -_ ww ¢ W w � � arx > � w vg p; z U �1 x v) W tx Q F., r2" -_1 ww � � � ¢ xxx w w xtx U � - — C7 H z a H z w w � O � w H W L.Li w�.,, _� z ¢ WW ¢ �4 � F" � rnpa Oz � O � x J Z x 0 '1 x w 3 A v9 a OU ct Q a v O SU B-BSMT. G BASEMENT 1st FLOOR J ' 2nd FLOOR -.?"' 3rd FLOOR ' Ai ./ ,_./:7 4th FLOOR 5th FLOOR i, 6th FLOOR / 7th FLOOR 8th FLOOR Installing Company Na Check ne: Certificate Address 793itiEviERI cad L GEoN HWY. Corp. WHOM MA 02790 City State Zip Code ❑ Partner Business Telephone: CO&'625'f! C) I I Firm/Co. Name of Licensed Plumber or Gasfitter Dehae,r_s INSURANCE COVERAGE: Check e: I have a current liability insurance policy or its substantial equivalent. Yes No ❑ If you have checked yes,please indicate the type coverage by checking the appropriate box. A liability insurance policy Other type of indemnity Bond OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Mass.General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. Check One: Owner ❑ Agent ❑ Signature of Owner's Agent I hereby certify that all of the details and information I have submitted(or entered)in above application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all plumbing work and installations performed under the permit issued for this application will be in compliance with all pertinent provisions of the Massachusetts to Plumbing Code and Chapter 142 of the General Laws. B y Type of License: i '�//�2 V• Si nature of Li ens urn er or Gasfitter Title ❑ MASTER City/Town O T /EYMAN License Number LP Z�r r� z w ' z r-- . w' W j O rA 0 g. - k a g , Li z : 1 d E• r.) w E. rx A & ' :,.., A A \9 O A z Lw C7 A z L W w ,�� z a F , p 5 Ua 'o x A F pa E l A ao \W a I51, ' W x WU d v) C 1 L =�'` A CON TH OF MA.SSACHUSETTS R M:ENT OF INDUSTRIAL ACC'm S -- 6)0 WASHINGTON STREET Caramel: ---•ssione• BQ :ON, MASSACHUS ETIS 02111 WC ;' CO EPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT — / 1\-./ .____.S. i j li nscc/perrttittec) ' � CJfr/v �J ��C :n a principal place of bus � .... IBC • S ) 7 -7 ;J 2 h, lcreby certify, under the (C(City/State/Zip)pa; �cnalti s of perjury. that:/ I am an employer providing !owir;r, workers' compensation coverage fo r or my employees working on this ' ____O_____LL__. A _____.,V :ranee Company V3---- Policy Number I am a sole prop.Icroz and l- re ti,, ,:-king forme. I am a sole proprietor, gene. 2 or or homeowner (circle one) and have hind the contractors have the following workers rs listed below .isat.�., insurance policies: of Contracror - In cc Company/Poliey Number of Contractor Insurance Company/I'oliry Number = of Contractor —_ Insurance Company/Policy Number am a homeowner performir. wort: :nyself. NOTE: Please be aware that tg ofN not more thin three `:,ow:. :, who employ persons to do units nor::;_ow-owner also raidea or on the maintenance, t n t t thereto or rrpair work on a :rednerally to be craploycrs t.>_:der the ' - grounds apptsrttnant thereto are not ar may -.,r=, i:Sznon Act(GL C. 152,sect. 1(5)), application by a botneow�ner for license evidence the leg-al cure ?Iovrr '..adcr the Workers' Compensation Act. stand u that a copy of this stcrtrc - - :ion i d that failure to sec;; 'orwar ed ro the Department of Indtssrrial Accidents' Office of Insurance for mveragc rc cc .:1rc;. .:ndcr Section 25A of MGL 152 ng of a Fine of up to S)SUO.OU a: can lead CO the imposition of ciminal penal ues i 1 00.00 a day „ t of up to one year and dvil penalties me form of a Stop Work Order and a agaito ^c. 7-7 this - day of 19 -c/Pcrmirrcc - Liccnsor/Pcrmicior