Misc. Docs LAST TRANSACTION REPORT FOR HP FAX-700 SERIES VERSION: 01 . 03 FAX NAME: DART. BUILDING DEPT. DATE: 27-OCT-97 FAX NUMBER: 508 999 0738 TIME: 14:55 DATE TIME REMOTE FAX NAME AND NUMBER DURATION eG RESULT DIAGNOSTIC 27-OCT 14:54 S 508 6759432 0:00:54 1 OK 553140100170 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X S=FAX SENT I=POLL IN(FAX RECEIVED) O=POLLED OUT(FAX SENT) TO PRINT THIS REPORT AUTOMATICALLY, SELECT AUTOMATIC REPORTS IN THE SETTINGS MENU. TO PRINT MANUALLY, PRESS THE REPORT/SPACE BUTTON, THEN PRESS ENTER. From :,GLASER GLASS F R PHONE No. : 508 6759432 Oct.23 1997 9:11AM PO1 \r)/ 1 Cii) ' it I l� i U i?)19)/AfAti"))-.. ' d ".9 ,r. p 0 , _ ..,...k..`/ks ..... ...... ..... .ww ~.. —� .r �w wr **rib rear s . ..•4 .r., v— -- / -may r . I r .:.- C". I A. i , i l i G,cr-6 5 e /„�JGf r' (.-4,05 a ore«.r A' i: 1 ...e.....„ILA3 CA I .114 • , 1 \ .4 ' I 4 )•''''\'' Is, 1 -ice N a Xt r 4 NI u . r ' . • SECTION 4B - SINGLE RESIDENCE B DISTRICTS 4B.400 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 4B.407 PARKING AND DRIVEWAYS (cont.) # of Parking Use Spaces Required Real Estate Signs 0 Exempt Uses # of spaces per uses above or Section 16 as applicable Special Permit Uses # of spaces as required by Special Permit In Single Residence B Districts, parking facilities which include 1�yn s aces, access aisles, �--� driveways or areas used for motor vehicle storage or rvemen hall be setback at least 10 eet from perimeter property lines and 20 feet from a street line exc p where common dnveways must cross lot lines or where driveways connect to the street. The setback from property lines and street lines for parking facilities may be reduced by one half if the parking facility is screened by a hedge at least 5 feet high on the side closer to the property line. (The hedge shall be solidly grown in within 2 years of planting and at that time be dense enough so that 90% screening is provided). All parking spaces and access aisles for home occupations, home educational uses, general educational uses, places of worship, stables, aquaculture, conservation areas/natural recreation areas, and retail uses associated with agricultural uses shall be screened from streets and abutting properties with a minimum 5 foot high evergreen hedge as defined above. Each parking space shall be at least 8 feet wide and 19 feet long and consist of an improved and graded surface, such as but not limited to, gravel, cobblestone, brick, asphalt, reprocessed asphalt or concrete. Parking facilities showing 10 or more spaces shall be regulated by the applicable standards and procedures of Section 16 in these zoning by-laws. Nine or less parking spaces are regulated by the standards set forth here in Section 5. Driveways shall not be located closer than 55' to an intersection of streets. The 55' shall be measured from the closest part of the driveway to the intersection of the two roadways at the corner or from the tangent of the roadway corner radius. Driveways shall be limited to one curb cut for each 100 feet of frontage per lot. Common driveways are allowed serving as access to two or more single-family houses or two or more residential units but no more than four single family houses or four residential units. Common driveways shall be at least 16' wide and be located in a driveway easement at least 20' wide. 30