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PERMIT BUILDING 35 RUNNING DEER ROAD Dartmouth Building Department Plat : 79 400 Slocum Road-P.O. Box 79399 Lot (s) 48-51 Lot Size:40, 000 Dartmouth, MA 02747 Telephone 508-999-0720 Zoning Dist . :SRB Permit No. : �, �7 April 23, 1999 (t Issued Date: Clerk: BAS Project Location: 35 Running Deer Road Number street Subdivision Name: Spring Brook Nearest Cross Street : Flag Swamp Road Person Permit Issued To: Kisop Lee Address : 15 Running Deer Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747 Applicant/Agent: Same Contact Person Phone #: (508) 998-2983/995-6304 (business) Type of License: Owner: (x) Const. Superv. License #: ( Architect: ( ) Engineer: ( ) Other: ( Proposed Use: Residential Residential,Commercial,Industrial,etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of Improvement,Add,Alter,New Const.,Demo,Land/Move,etc. New single family dwelling with three bedrooms, two full and one 1/2 baths, fireplace, one flue, well water, septic system, heating t/b/d, NO DECKS indicate no.of bedrooms and dooms and other rooms Gross Area of Const. : 3 ,625 sq. ft. Cost of Const . $150, 000 . 00 Cost-Other Const. : TOTAL FEE: $ 423 . 00 Owner(s) of Record: Kisop Lee Address : 15 Running Deer Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747 All work shall comply with 780 CMR 6th Ed. (MGL Chap. 143) and any other applicable Mass. Laws or codes and plans on file. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdicti n are not me ; not withstanding the issuance of this Building\Zoning Permit. f' Signature of Owner/Agent : Address : **************** ** **** *********************************** Signature: Approved/Issu y: Joel S. Ree Title: Local Building Inspector COMMENTS : P SE POST PERMIT SO THAT IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET. SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. ORIGINAL 0 APPLICANT 0 ASSESSORS 0 CLERK 0 COPY TOWN OF DARTMOUTH 2 1 BUILDING RECEIPTS f �' ' I. y ? 0/'r 5 COLLECTOR'S OFFICE ,Y t 7 / , / ' ,..,- /"--7- ,. . Name: r__"' . , )i i i Property �.p - Date: '" �.— / ( Owner: - Icr Job Location: l� �,,,,(/-,-,y l�.:f i I ,t ,t,_,/ -Atet Qc16 Stta�of I�E - - I l k,1 White Copy-Collector's Office �' Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt Plot: • ~ i: Lot: '-` r"" , G / _ 1,C� ,J,� •Pink Copy-File Copy Green Copy-Building Department Phone: 13 OS tft Description General Ledger#'s Ref.# Amount License&Permits-Building 01000-44105 li , License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 License&Permits-Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 r , This is not a Permit or License for Building.Plumbing or Gas Received By: ,' ./% -`L.``" -'f .. ,P, / TOWNY OF DARTMOUTH 1 n310 'B JILDING RECEIPTS $oLL '5 OFFICE N TAX Name: N s` Property ',, y .t._.:>, Date: ° lP r, r{ ,e ". } Ya Owner: , , .- .' j Job Location: '-' ' - —"TOWN OF DART t,ill H COLLECTOR'S 0 4 Copy-Collect or's Office Plot: d Lot ' ,ti/r _. c-.-- I el ow Copy-Customer's Receipt I t-• w 1 Pink Copy-File Copy Phone: A R 2 Teen Copy-Building Department F 1 Description General Ledger#'s Ref M B 08 Amount License&Permits-Building - g 01000 44105 License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 _ Iw .r ---- ` '.i g ( License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 -,,, License&Permits-Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 This is not a Permit or License for Building,Plumbing or Gas Received By: Residential ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY 1999 `;"T" DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATE RECEIVED n 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 , f ,- . - - -. .-I, . 2 Dartmouth, MA 02747 , ,.. �`_ Syy 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 I` ` '""` i t i `r /56a�� APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWEL,IING .;::.;;:;<:;:.;:.;:.::::-;:.::;.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.::.:::.::.::.:::.;:.>:.>:;:.;:.;;:.;:.;;:.;:.:::;:.;ii:.:.:.;::.i:.::.:THMSE.•;.;::lC "Nto. -.Q....................................... ....................--....................... .................................. . . ......-. --- ;>:.;::;i::i::::i::::::::::::::::::i::>'i::::i::::i:i::::::::ii:::>::::i::i:: :::::;::�::i::i::i:::s:::::?:::>::i::::.`:::�'":�::''•i:::;::::;:::: .i�}::�:::r:::�:::::::<::::::::y:�:: :�ii i:;:::'�::i:::':: :....--- --.Vil.F # F.�:.::: --...:::.;.:::.:::::::.:::.::.:...::..... .........................:::-:::::::::..�::::.�:::?•::::::. ::...:::.�::.�::.:: ""." .:.:� .:::. ; i: .--:.'i> .aE%���.�..'.'��.�.:.i: '::.�.:--:: :.- ::..:::::•:':::..::::: :ii.:;-i:-i: iiii:.i;:-i:.i:.ii:-i'.i'.i: :.i:.i:.:�:.ii:.:_:-i:-i:.i:.i:-i:-i:.i:.i. 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'�?. >lik'll�l;l��'iGrt�.-,� ......... ....... ......... ........::..::.::...:: Zoning Review: Signature: Energy Report: Signature: _ Date: 4 7`i ' Fire Chief: Signature: ,,e ,,,,� Date: 51-/Z. f7 Board of Health: Signature: Date: Conservation Commission: Signature: Date: Other: Signature: ,3 G ,. bi1 o'1 od- A. t/- ..t 1 : . .i ::;i:i: :;.;.;:.i:.. ::. i:i..:..:.:ii;: .>:i:::i:i::i:::.ii:::i:;::: .,. ..:....::: ... . .. . .: :.....: ..... i::i•••••.;.;.:.•.;:.i:-i::.i:.::.:.;'-.: •••••:;.•••••,.:.••••. i:.:.:.i:.i.:::.:::.;::-i:.:.; E : - ..-:.I'I' ':.E. :.' ILIA.:: p..:.-.:.:::' :..i.....,:.;:. .::.:::.;: -. ..:. . :::... •.:.:.i...••::..•:... • • • • • • • NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: '5 SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: yes 0 no 1.1 Property Address: 4" .� q) -,r. FA 1.2 Assessors Plat&Lot Num er: �5—/ v • R 6 Plat 7 y Lot - "- Nearest Cross Street:�t 1�, •4(0044AF Subdivision Name: e i U 1.3 Historical District ❑yes 0 no �j" t.`'J �� Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? Total Land Area Sq.Ft.: [ 0 i-0 0 0 , 0 yes 0 no Date: 1.4 Water Supply(MGL c 40§54): 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: 0 MunicipalgYftivate Well 0 Municipal [13'On Site Disposal System 2:,::: >::::::„..::::': '>: :i:.:::::>:::::::.>:.::::::>::::::: .: :..„.?.:„::.: :;,;. . . .::: =::QWk`ER 1P.1`tT J'i' R1. Ii r::AG'1 ::......::>:: > :: : >:> >:::: : :>.....• `:`;:`;:;: ::>::::... 2.1 Owner of Record: )<I S ( ,� Contact Address /S 0 f 1- " Name(print) jn�� /�]C RIA.-vvV` t 1S1 D-L' r' e LJt � �l phone number t-Ib vC c:\wpwin\forms\bldgapp.res Page 1 January 20, 1999 Residential 1999 2.2 Authori ed Agent: Contact Address -61 LQ-A Name print) Telephone ..... .::.:::.::::.:.... ::.:::::;::;::>:.>:::<:>::::;:<:is:::.::>:::;..:::.. 3.1 Licensed Construction struction Supervisor:p Not Applicable 0 Licensed Construction Supervisor License Number Address ,./� Expiration Date Signature r Telephone 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable 0 Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to(780 CMR-6)? 0 yes 0 no If no,go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? 0 yes 0 no If yes,submit the required affidavit! Company Name Registration Number(if none,state"none") Address Signature Telephone Expiration Date 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CON TRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: - Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place-Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 Owners Name(print) Signature by signing the above,the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 3.4 Homeowner Exemption-One&Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1, 1982,no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction,reconstruction,alteration, repair,removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures,unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section;provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s)for hire to do such work,that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only,a"Homeowner"is defined as follows: Person(s)who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: 41Signature: Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability c:\wpwin\forms\bldgapp.res Page 2 January 20. 1999 Residential 1999 NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor,whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) .::.............. Ef;'T`l� T. ....'4'tfi Ili ER :Cti1S l f1I.:.N:>I1'+15 C?I€tA t.:> :ti.F A ?IT::.:1 IL> ::: ...:.. ...:... . ...,. :::.. : :.:..:..:..:.:......:..:::::. Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. jallure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: Cp es 0 no $. _E, i... .:.e s:«:<<:>:::::::::;:::::«::::>::::::>:<:>::::>::::>:<:>;:s::::>:::;>::>:::::::: :: . : .: . : :::::::: .SIEE.:IE`.f�.,,,,,:; ES..(; T!TIf)N..E `:RRQ!1 4)1 !:.v. :1 ::E.::::::::::::::.:::::::::F :::: ::.�:::. .::::::::: ::.:: :::::::::..::::,::.::.,....... new 0 addition 0 alteration 0 repairs chimney/fireplace 0 woodstove >::>::>: chimney/fireplace onstruction* yy� deck 0 pool 0 accessory bldg. 0 replacement window/door 0 other 0 demolition C t (shed/garage) no. of windows doors_ (specify below): (specify below): * If new construction,please complete the follo g: t Single Family: no. of bedrooms z- no.of baths Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit 1 no. of baths unit 1 no. of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths unit 2 Brief Description of Proposed Work: p SiA1-4 #,,i/U-c-Lt-i. SE TION: 6ESINFATEI RU I _:C: S >' >>' > > » >»>>»>> »: > » > >»> :;,:''"` :: `"': ::>' ":>:.>>:::::»` :::::'?:::::::>:::: :':' >....... ::: : .N..:.fF ES k iI�!TA.TEI .tri3N . TI IilN.iii:.: ........... .. .. . ...:::::::,:::.::::................... .................................... .............................. ..��'K.. .....:::SOS;�: ::::::::::::: . . . . . .:. : : . Item Estimated Cost($)to be completed by permit applicant 1.Building 2.Electrical 3.Plumbing 4.Mechanical(HVAC) 5.Total=(1 +2+3+4) * Estimated Total $ 5O 660 �� :.::..:. .. .::::.:::::.:::.. ....................::.:..: :>::>::>,:,":;;�EC'1'ION:7A_.g:Q�'1�:f:ETt:t4tTIItiIt)ltit'l'LQIiE::»::::>:::>::::::::>:':<:>::;:.:.;:::................. ceaDt l etcd::�v]fre�t:::tt r;: .: . . . contract�or:::a �eftr�€:Puild:. ;:.;.:<.;:.::.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;:;.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;:.;:.;::;::.;:.;::. (please print) I, ,as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date S CTItioil:.:'y_:,,,,:N_E:., ;.: ._,:,,:::; fZ :,.:A.. ;vbtiet;...`::::lifj,.>: ::><>:>:.:.,i i.;i «s<<: :>: .':< >:;»:>:;::o fly itWN <:>:>:: � ::>>:; .::.;..;;:> :; .;;::;::; :.;::' ....... ......... . .'1.................R�AL€TH )€il�� ..A E.T.D CI.A t Lee-- ,as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. - ki.S ce Print Nam . f� Signatur of 6wne Authorized Agent Date k3/, --.9/9? c:\avpwin\forms\bldgapp.res Page 3 January 20, 1999 . Residential RU/C),--7/1 ,_} 1999 �i:<:::•iii ii:<i•iiii:i•iii}iiii:Jiiii:i::::^i::::ii:iiiii::'4:i•iii::iC::iiiiiiiiiii:i:•:.:... ':••::::::::::::.:•:::`••::::::::::::•::•::••:::.:::::::::::::. .ii:::r.iii}i:.i:.ii:.ii:.iii}?ii:.:�X�:.ii:.i:ii.i:.i::.?:}i:.i}ii:i:v:-::.�:is iii}}}iiiiiY•i:v:.. :.i:..:... .: :Mi yy�x {4 - .. ..................................................................................... .: q' ..:. :•. "�Y.�: �'..:: .. �:.1: :�:"'.::'::.:::.::':::::::.::.:�:::i}i:.:.iii:.:::.::.:.:::.::::::.::.::.::::.:::::::::::::::i:.::�::^iii - .i:.;::.i-::::::::.�.:..::::::.�.:::..:::.::::::.::.: :;:.i:.;:•;:.;::.:;:.;:.i:.i:.:::::.:.::.i:.i::': ::..; is . 1. Date plan reviewed: 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals(see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED(see project review worksheet): Date: 6. HOLD reason: "A-e-e-�iL --�4 F- Date'3--31 ? 0,1 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: 8. Comments: 9. Inspector's Signature: "/ Date:- �M a.�...............:�::::+�.:......:.C�.:...:..:........................................:............:::.:_:::::::::::::;:.;i:.;;:.;:.i:.;i:.i:.i:.i:.i:.;:.i:.i:.i:.i:.i:.::i:.;:.i:.i:.>;:;:.::::: Applicant informed of above ate 7 c1 C Time: C erk• OComments: JJ1 . Ro� k. I • f } \a ) ok) 7.6)N (04_Li-4 9 c'Y 3) :.;:.;:.;:.i:;.;:.i:.��i:.i:.;:.i:.i:.:.i:.::.............................................................................................................................................:.i:.i:.:.i:.i:.i;;:.:�ii:.i:.is i:.i:.i:.i:.i:.i:.i:.i........ Total Permit Fee: $ Less Application Fee: $25.00 Remaining Balance: $ 3( TOTAL FEE: �/"?,3 ' Gross Area-New Construction total sq. ft. 6 6 ( Gross Area-Alteration total sq. ft. Permit Issued To• i I ............. . .9AF/9c, Ok P/k- c:\wpwin\forms\bldgapp.res Page 4 January 20, 1999 • , _ A--/-1- - .-/;k// 6J 35 c c n I pfr‘,„664( P o,------ '' , [4-- / ....) / 1 January 5, 2001 Please extend my building permit, #12811, for 35 Running Deer Road for a time period of six months. Thank you J• 7(1 l � � I I MAScheck COMPLIANCE REPORT Massachusetts Energy Code I Permit # MAScheck Software Version 2.01 i I I Checked by/Date CITY: Dartmouth STATE: Massachusetts HDD: 5426 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 1 or 2 Family, Detached HEATING SYSTEM TYPE: Other (Non-Electric Resistance DATE: 11-17-2000 DATE OF PLANS: 11/06/00 TITLE: Lee Residence PROJECT INFORMATION: 35 Running Deer Rd Dartmouth, Ma. > NOTES: prepared by Dartmouth Building Supply COMPLIANCE: PASSES Required UA = 598 Your Home = 589 Area or Cavity Cont. Glazing/Door Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Value UA CEILINGS \2469 30.0 0.0 g7 WALLS: Wood Frame, 16" O.C. 2599 13.0 0.0 214 GLAZING: Windows or Doors 295 0.320 94 GLAZING: Windows or Doors 220 0.330 73 GLAZING: Skylights 4 0_250 1 DOORS 53 0.660 35 DOORS 17 0.320 5 FLOORS: Over Unconditioned Space 980 30.0 0.0 32 Gopt+S FLOORS: Over Unconditioned Space 930 19.0 0.0 44 FLOORS: Over Outside Air -112 30.0 0.0 4 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts Energy Code. The heating load for this building, and the cooling load if appropriate, has been determined using the applicable Standard Design Conditions found in the Code. The HVAC equipment selected to heat or cool the building shall be no greater than 125% of the design load as specified in Sections 780CMR 1310/and J4.4. Builder/Designer Date J3 3 a :ass SFr. 4 a (3—, ) ag-00 _AS t. MAScheck COMPLIANCE REPORT I I - Massachusetts Energy Code I Permit # I MAScheck Software Version 2.01 I Checked by/Datmlt, In 1 -.) !..7.,. 2: "7 .,4, ,t. - . ...., 4 i, CITY: Dartmouth STATE: Massachusetts HOD: 5426 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 1 or 2 Family, Detached HEATING SYSTEM TYPE: Other (Non-Electric Resistance) DATE: 4-10-1999 TITLE: lee PROJECT INFORMATION: Mr. Lee rt FILE COP y Running Deer Road N. Dartmouth, MA NOTES: , half of basement unheated 1-i.-., nr, - !,‘-'-1 nr-, Recreation Room heated • - , Si,...)L ,. - ' --0 ',..,9% COMPLIANCE: PASSES r!.',Iini''',., Construct: , Required UA = 519 ' ' ' APR 1 4, TIP , Your Home = 510 Area or Cavity Cont. Glazing/Door Perimeter 2-Value R-Value U-Value UA CEILINGS 54-0/..76-47 947 30.0 0.0 33 CEILINGS PW07- 888 30.0 0.0 31 WALLS: Wood Frame, 16" O.C. 1533 13.0 0.0 126 WALLS: Concrete, Interior Insulation 257 13.0 0.0 22 GLAZING: Windows or Doors 390 0.300 117 GLAZING: Windows or Doors Acs,r&,•zo- 162 0.270 44 GLAZING: Windows or Doors ....c,-- ....,2- 18 0.310 6 GLAZING: Skylights 12 0.420 5 DOORS 5 0 6- .5,,ed-ire 8 0.450 4 DOORS ie-3 20 0.170 3 DOORS il,c-/ 17 0.140 2 DOORS 1..-wedt, 17 0.540 9 FLOORS: Over Unconditioned Space 583 30.0 0.0 19 FLOORS: Over Unconditioned Space 865 30.0 0.0 28 FLOORS: Over Outside Air 26 30.0 0.0 1 SLAB FLOORS: Unheated, 48.0" insul. 80 5.4 59 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts Energy Code. The heating load for this building, and the cooling load if appropriate, has been determined using the applicable Standard Design Conditions found in the Code. The HVAC equipment selected to heat or cool the building shall be no greater than 125% of the design load as specified in Sections 780CMR 1310 and J4.4. REQUEST FOR ASSIGNIENT OF HOUSE NUMBER Owner(s) of Property le, , S p Present Address Telephone Number ) g c$61? House Location: Plat 7 Lot 'Vg-5/ Subdivision Lot Corner Lot ? Yes No Street Single Family ✓ Multi Family Condominium # of Units Site P1.:n Submitted ? Yes No Date Submitted iignafure of Owner House Number Assigned ;5 RUNNTNC; nF;FR Rn_ Date Assigned 4_5-99 Date Assessors Notified 4-9-99 Date BuildingDept. Notified p 4-5-99 Date Owner Notified et, Department of Public Works / ,'7 __ The Commonwealth of Massachusetts � ent ( ' Department of Industrial Accidents f j = �1� OUIceolinvcstIgatIatis 600 Washington Street . s„ Boston,Mass. 02111 ` Woirkers' Compensation ompensation Insura nce Affidavit 47it£1tuJ £Eari6 ¢llJirriz£ 1 // %. / ,s1.h7�N/% / 'jj-foira ;ig:�2Yg1:.,1zs11r..c- i£j£ r.,.. F;o,.,, ,,./i.:< _-,,isa::. name: ) i &10 location: '5 tvutiu.l1 --ek r ci b(.t1 -1--" phone# gg "c - v03 ►,A I am a homeowner performing all work myself. I am a sole proprietor and have no one working in any capacity D I am an employer providing workers' compensation for my employees working on this job. company name:' address. city: ph9ne#, insurance ca. pobey# 0 I am a sole proprietor,general contractor,or homeowner(circle one)and have hired the contractors listed below who have the following workers' compensation polices: company name: address: city: phone#. insurance co. policy# Ay'.'7'3, i,y-.' /,/i ,, s, //z,,//;///Os/d 0, ',"f0 ,i. 1//'/".,n,, `/,' ,rt'r.`/nrF,i` ,/,r%'" z ;F% :!';.,: ., 'i '','"',/,, i ,,, •,r,-.-: l,:Y'" company name: address: city: phone#: insurance co. policy# i'M it v , Y4iby4 If jbW Y rf ✓/1 F4 ✓V� n� Y7,F.,/, : ,v 0r0+o,,t, , /.;c f/,T' .,,k/9,-.i4f'5,/ , /%1;b Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of bMGL 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to 51,500.00 and/or one years'imprisonment as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of S100.00 a day against me. I understand that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for coverage verification. I do hereby certify under the pains and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and corrrecct. 3gnature Date 3/a/h / , 714( Print name K 1 6io Le- - Phone# official use only do not write in this area to be completed by city or town official" city or town: permit/license# Building Department Licensing Board ❑check if immediate response is required ❑Selectmen's Office ❑Health Department contact person: phone#; Other rt, (revised 3/95 PJA) Information and Instructions Massachusetts General Laws chapter 152 section 25 requires all employers to provide workers' compensation for their employees. As quoted from the "law", an employee is defined as every person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written. An employer is defined as an individual, partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity, or any two or more of the foregoing engaged in a joint enterprise, and including the legal representatives of a deceased employer, or the receiver or trustee of an individual , partnership, association or other legal entity, employing employees. However the owner of a dwelling house having not more than three apartments and who resides therein, or the occupant of the dwelling house of another who employs persons to do maintenance , construction or repair work on such dwelling house or on the grounds or building appurtenant thereto shall not because of such employment be deemed to be an employer. MGL chapter 152 section 25 also states that every state or local licensing agency shall withhold the issuance or renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or to construct buildings in the commonwealth for any applicant who has not produced acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance coverage required. Additionally, neither the commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall enter into any contract for the performance of public work until acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this chapter have been presented to the contracting authority. /lG;y .F .. ..�y i, ..,/mac :%„✓r. r,rn,,o:,,, ,: �F �,�;c./,; .„�� / ty Applicants Please fill in the workers' compensation affidavit completely, by checking the box that applies to your situation and supplying company names, address and phone numbers as all affidavits may be submitted to the Department of Industrial Accidents for confirmation of insurance coverage. Also be sure to sign and date the affidavit. The affidavit should be returned to the city or town that the application for the permit or license is being requested, not the Department of Industrial Accidents. Should you have any questions regarding the"law"or if you are required to obtain a workers' compensation policy, please call the Department at the number listed below. ✓ % '�Y3, h- /,oi /'/iU` /i4„ ✓� l✓/ tj,:.: , u ,. /ir �,i:r �i�%d/ :• ..< i.;,v �.,�'.; 1.„ r / lu��,5 y City or Towns Please be sure that the affidavit is complete and printed legibly. The Department has provided a space at the bottom of the affidavit for you to fill out in the event the Office of Investigations has to contact you regarding the applicant. Please be sure to fill in the permit/license number which will be used as a reference number. The affidavits may be returned to the Department by mail or FAX unless other arrangements have been made. The Office of Investigations would like to thank you in advance for you cooperation and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call. 7h f� y A r , :77P;/ i 7 ,:/�77,7", /q Via- / The Department's address, telephone and fax number: The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street Boston, Ma. 02111 fax#: (617) 727-7749 phone #: (617) 727-4900 ext. 406, 409 or 375 k l O,pzn�4 G / l/WUt/ 1 LC�. - _.- ln.ill Y �, ��� 400 Slocurn..Road -• P: O: 13ox'79399 t 1',Fb Dartmouth Massachusetts 02747-0985 i i U u _ .i, n tom. 1 if . "CONSERVATI N COMMISSION _.�. - >- _�. �-�(508)99g-0721 A-1 Site Inspection Form FAX: (508) 999-0797 Fk- i".1 /i 40p Z. e 3 /3a Name of Person Making Request Date ( " / 14../1/\ 1� (.' -,e ,c4 Mailing Address Street Location Of Property To Be Viewed M c p 79 L t-- • cl2'--C/ City/Town, State Zip Code Dartmouth Assessors Map and Lot Number qe-„)--?S3 Telephone -Day Proposed Use of Land Ouse, addition, garage. etc.) 6r CP-C— ‘3 0 y I .___„,........._,..? ,‘ ... Telephone - Evening Sig tore of Person Making Request KI ,40p Lee_ Name of Owner of Site To Be Viewed Print Name L R LA-vt:C c) d;'c— Owner's address Signature of Owner of Site to be Viewed Print Name Site Inspection Fees: 1-5 Acres $50.00; 5-10 Acres $75.00; 10-100 Acres $200.00; Above 100 acres $400.00 All filing forms are available in the Conservation Conunission office,room 107 at the Dartmouth Town I Iall,400 Slocum Rd.from 9AM-4PM Monday and 8:45AM-4:30PM Tuesday through Friday. For parcels from I to 5 acres only,the Conservation Inspector is available to flag the wetland edge. However it is the Applicant's option to acquire the services of a private consultant to delineate the wetlands on a parcel of that size. The Inspector has the right to require the Applicant to obtain the services of a private consultant to perform a wetland delineation on areas less than 5 acres where abnormal site conditions or extensive use of soils evaluation would require an excessive amount of time he spent by the Conservation Inspector in making a determination of the wetland areas present. Sites over 5 acres must be flagged by a wetland scientist,botanist or other qualified person prior to submitting the A-I site inspection form. line Conservation Inspector will then review the flagging in the field and make adjustments where necessary. The Conservation Commission may require proof of the qualifications of the person performing the delineation. Note:The A-1 Site Inspection is a procedure outlined in the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw. It is a service available fOr the purpose of identifying wetland areas on a site. The issuance of this completed Site Inspection is NOT a final determination of wetland boundaries or their jurisdictional status under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act(MGL Ch. 131 §40)or the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw. Only the issuance of a Determination of Applicability or Order of Conditions by the Conservation Commission finalizes the determination of wetland boundaries and\or their jurisdictional status under these Laws The completion of this Site Inspection is not an authorization to proceed with work. Ills site inspection expires three(3)years I rom the date of issuance. CONSERVATIONCOMMISSION INSPECTOR COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS v la No wetlands or other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission exist on site or within 100-feet of site. No other filing with the Conservation Commission required. 7; ❑ The proposed work is not located in or within 100-feet of a wetland resource area. Other wetlands may exist on site. Any further work to be located outside of inspected area requires the filing of an additional A-1. ❑ Wetlands exist on ( North, South, East, West ) of site. Please refer to drawing (if provided by inspector)for location information. All locations on sketch provided by inspector are approximate. ❑ Edge of wetland has been marked on site by Inspector. Flag numbers: DCC wet Through DCC wet Additional wetlands marked: DCC wet Through DCC wet ; DCC wet Through DCC wet DCC wet Through DCC wet ; DCC wet Through DCC wet ❑ Wetland delineated using: ❑ Vegetation only ❑ Soils and vegetation ❑ Any activity (clearing, digging, removal of vegetation, etc.) in a wetland or within 100-feet of a wetland requires a permit from the Conservation Commission. No work shall begin until permit is received. This completed form is not a permit. ❑ A Request for Determination should be filed with the Conservation Commission before any work begins on site. A Notice of Intent should be filed with the Conservation Commission before any work begins on site. ❑ Coastal Bank exists on site. Engineer must delineate Coastal Bank per DEP Wetland Program Policy 92-1. Delineation must be submitted to the Conservation Commission office for review and approval. ❑ 100-year floodplain may be present on site. Engineer or Dartmouth Building Department must determine if proposed work is located within floodplain. If work is located in floodplain then a further filing with Conservation Commission is required. ❑ A survey plan of the wetland delineation should be submitted to the Conservation Commission office. ❑ Due to abnormal site conditions and/or the necessity of gathering an extensive amount of soils information to adequately describe the wetlands on site, the applicant must obtain the services of a private consultant to perform a wetland delineation. The delineation must be submitted to the Conservation Commission office for review and approval. 'r Other Comments: p i4n hill 6 ten re-vier;Ave) (4- is1-53 • Date of Issuance Michael O'Reilly Revised MR)Ri'i Environmental Affairs Coordinator r 11 :a " carol. ag ./ter p 20 Jnr L Air `'fr► .. t. f! -tea#s r �, °! ' p R so hs waar. 3. .17�b. di 33 •1r " ll' /,7. S i S. f fir h5. \ '* 4,,,,,, s..ta�s. a .7 8 air ° Jq• id a e li' .!� -!ii: i 9 4 Jaa fair Y 57 •'r G� • too. .a..• al, C / . LP*,r. 4•� c Sf-2 S • a1f it ` 'b,\ S. Y ° \ •% 31 1 •.�ww .1./ • •,• •.• ,13 110. t 71 Se a • r — a III. ,,. 3l-2 af,•. .v•a O.f '-',..... M IMF i• 4111 re•17Sr rtc G. 3s f. J•li •,.•V 1e•41 7 1 1 •1 /a•,i ,...a O. /Mr ° a • 4e-40 • • 71 •••••• 46 ♦' wOn 111 •, 1 10,' ( 7 — IN0 "• 4e-4 ,,! oa.a WAY• .•as• s•; 4e-6 , 4e-S /Jr•. - /i!a ••is • •• •' 1 — - -/„„ 36 Nn a ..Js. fan. j 1Jl a.. ••a. aON° >• Q, — .4 •20 -. 4 4e-7 ,: p££ft 2"44 t 106 ' Z WO • 0 J 4aa1D, - Y 4e•37 • • ik. ., a4 1 mr {•'r.'i1° I• 8 )i" ± . y• ; .,aar 1�••. .rwr p _ 7_7 48'6 III Ay 1 \ • /.4,„17 \.1, R.aav• r „.1. t.w a. • .an• 1.n ' 1 .aw j ww • ; ;n VT . ' o• .q,M 4!,M I• •, ' 'was:Jo? y Jr•• 4e-'' 4° �'r AJAR A. •°..• r.n aCs • •a40 ()-- -- w!1 VyC4e24_ "' ,,46 rar. ill M92 t -,4,,,..., {it., � —�srfQ7l RAT► ZLRRtt 4e-10` E, - . z •MAOL Z.aGs 1111111\ ,a" .sane '1+ 4 ,.. 37 1.\ — — • — ' 4 4e-]3 7 T• J•ea •.I y SN e.MAP 76 f LOTS 17 1 4e•26 TMa/ 4e•:Z 5 f4a ____�_ / 4s•,- M 7 � ,�.,, _ TOWN OF 0 Il ,. — —— — ,� corms. cOLH7r, -AME= N SEWALL CCMP • ,cAi E 4,.. s ft BUILDING PERMIT 35 RUNNING DEER ROAD FIELD INSPECTION Dartmouth Building Department n Plat : 79 400 Slocum Road P.O. Box 79399 '� Lot (s) : 48-51 Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size :40, 000 Telephone (508) 999-0720 Zone Dist . :SSRB Issued Date : QiO / '7 Permit No: AP/ Project Location: 35 Running Deer Road Number Street Subdivision Name : Spring Brook Nearest Cross Street : Flag Swamp Road Applicant/Agent : Kisop Lee ) Contact Person Phone # : (508) 998-2983/9-95-630-4 (business) Proposed Use : Residential Residential,Commercial,Industrial,etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of Improvement,Add,Alter,New Const.,Demo,Land/Move,etc. New single family dwelling with three bedrooms, two full and one 1/2 baths, fireplace, one flue, well water, septic system, heating t/b/d, NO DECKS sq. ft . 4/6--6 Z 51�7 Ind,rarP nn _'-an,'c�a,cr iovm� ------- ...__._. of I,w1m ...,.-.a-...-`,..�.:.z,.,n.� -_.. Owner (s) of Record: Kisop Lee Address : 15 Running Deer Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747 DATE TIME TYPE OF INSPECTION REMARKS INITIAL BLD. CODE 6TH ED./ENERGY CODE (yes no) .579 c$ ' / = :L _ dirif 3/ r //t's,,z n- .C" - ,1- ` fir jd-V: /o/v106 , � a7a.. /7. , � i0/40 )4. 30 ( 7 I :7: jozz4 ..-‘4-)--At * 4.,,,,,, , . , '- --et-e-ee-,"9. •-- ,,-7_,,7,4-6-z-77 . - __,cr - „exY-c,,,Y/1, -ostj-fr...d ,,e cLe.tZ, se6 i, .:,--)c- et -,...10E- , - 13eerri p-zi Avi „.../6„:2 ,. .... --''. , ,e4 ,t- /62 ..7z L_,,, j..nr„," --?,Q,--, -, _ 2i. ?Zga, C /6 f.4,10-6, (.2,- A;, - , A /t/Lek.J 1 ° ' . 4. )44 --) Vt2--X— ///7/0 0 9',1/6 NOV 0 7 2000 ifi,2_,_ ,,,,,,e- _.,/,--4441,---Q—, a_. ___ 4ge) 5 ()- * ,, - .,.., c--.4. ,, ,,,,,s.10,2_ „, ,,_ A:fe ,, _ ,,,ilg / O //./5 0,6,,,f,-el iell 74( 4,tze,4 Al- 7, .,e6 , /A.//,,/,, &(() //, in ol.c.rx_e,t_ J1, 4,4&6- / _ G-J7 za(,(iA ,:,i;/,_,) /tLe(- tf-t /11,c70 1 :,_.) ._et4_4 alz; A---e/4c-/ t.- .-71 6 zfr?-ext -4 e)._/..A ."--(-Z----:e e i:e 4 .446-74-Z47 Vil3b1 ke' q A14; pli,L,,,e q 1 x?10/ f- .,4 -- .1 TOWN OF DARTMOUTH ,' BUILDING RECEIPTS COLLECTOR'S OFFICE Name: - `; Property. Date: " t t . Owner: f Job Location: _ ? - ,,. - `'` _ `> f..,.` �r � �``,Z White Copy-Collectors Office 1 R c c\� Yellow Customer's Receipt Plot: Lot: = / ,�_- _..;: c.a ,S p, Copy- P / *IA 00 Pink Copy-File Copy CPOS- Green Copy-Building Department Phone: `,� .J Description General Ledger#'s Reif. Amount - License&Permits-Building 01000-44105 f License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 ,,I..,-r r ``` {{,, ' c License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 ( License&Permits-Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 .., , This is not a Permit or License for Building,Plumbing or Gas Received By: - p, — r_ BUILDING PERMIT 35 RUNNING DEER ROAD Dartmouth Building Department Plat : 79 400 Slocum Road-P.O. Box 79399 Lot (s) : 48-51 Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size :40, 000 Telephone 508-999-0720 Zoning Dis(t . :SRB April 23 , 1999 (t Permit No. : �91/7 Issued Date : Clerk: BAS Project Location: 35 Running Deer Road Number Street Subdivision Name : Spring Brook Nearest Cross Street : Flag Swamp Road Person Permit Issued To: Kisop Lee Address : 15 Running Deer Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747 Applicant/Agent : Same Contact Person Phone # : (508) 998-2983/995-6304 (business) Type of License: Owner: (x) Const . Superv. License # : ( Architect : ( ) Engineer: ( ) Other: ( Proposed Use : Residential Residential,Commercial,Industrial,etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of Improvement,Add,Alter,New Const.,Demo,Land/Move,etc. New single family dwelling with three bedrooms, two full and one 1/2 baths, fireplace, one flue, well water, septic system, heating t/b/d, NO DECKS indicate no.of bedrooms and bathrooms and other rooms Gross Area of Const . : 3 , 625 sci. ft . Cost of Const . $150, 000 . 00 Cost-Other Const . : TOTAL FEE : $ 423 . 00 Owner (s) of Record: Kisop Lee Address : 15 Running Deer Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747 All work shall comply with 780 CMR 6th Ed. (MGL Chap. 143) and any other applicable Mass . Laws or codes and plans on file . I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdicti9n are not me ; not withstanding the issuance of this Building\Zoning Permit. / �! Signature of Owner/Agent : Address : H **************** **** **** *********************************** Signature: Approved/Issu=: :y: Joel S . Reed Title: Local Building Inspector COMMENTS : PL ' SE POST PERMIT CA D SO THAT IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET. SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. 0 ORIGINAL 0 APPLICANT 0 ASSESSORS 0 CLERK 0 COPY OCCUPANCY PERMIT KISOP LEE NEW DWELLING Occupancy is hereby gr anted for the premises located at 35 RUNNING DEER ROAD Assessors Plat 79 Lot 48-51. The premise has been found to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code in effect as of the date of permit issue and other applicable Massachusetts Codes and regulations as evidenced by approvals affixed to the reverse of this permit. The use is further found to be in compliance with the Local Zoning By-Laws for use as indicated, as of this date of issue. This permit is further conditioned on the continued maintenance of permitted conditions as provided by law. ZONING DISTRICT - SINGLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT APPROVED USE - RESIDENTIAL-ONE FAMILY DWELLING SPECIAL VARIANCE/BOARD OF APPEALS CASE - N/A Approved b Local Building Insp r DATE F ISSUE 1 - �.: ,I.,..,.i,.u.Atkla•ii'.Gui;[Lp.JC A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL To be signed by each division indicating compliance..on final inspecti on, BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS PER 780CMR 6TH EDITION SECTION 120.0 USE GROUP CLASSIFICATION TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION MAXIMUM LIVE LOAD FLOORS SPECIAL CONDITIONS BUILDING PERMIT NO. 12811 Approved by Date gam-/$1-0 I Comment PLUMBING /4PERMIT NO. ,;19a Approved by Date - Comment GAS PERMIT NO. Approved by Date 7- —0 Comment s A."-TM s Ti mrc. ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO. 7/6 ;Z, Approved by Date d/ Comment FIRE PERMIT NO. '-- Approved by 2 Wilejlp,4 Att Date cf-/3 0 / Comment `l BOARD OF HEAL PERMIT NO. Approved by q� 4,11: Date 'km o v Comment DPW-WATER PERMIT NO. Approved by / Date Comment DPW-SEWER PERMIT NO. Approved by Date Comment N/A WATER DIVISION-CROSS CONNECTION JOB NO. Approved by Date Comment N/A E - 911 COORDI T R ADDRESS 7.35 R.,„„.4,...„..„.a.,....,_ Approved by Date � �/ n r J Comment / PLANNING DIRECTOR (off-street Parking Plan) Approved by Date Comment N/A 1 TO APPLICANT.: SEE REQUIREMtNI6 PUK JU13Mlb lvlN t-trrAvVr%L., TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 1'7` � ° ZONING REVIEW received date TO: %ENGINEER BOARD OF HEALTH %FILE & LOG NOTEBOOK PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONSERVATION COMMISSION OTHER PLAT lq LOT 4g"5/ STREET ( ►A Vu :Q--h - SUBDIVISION NAME .LOT # /6a OWNER'S NAME l S 6 1__2e__ DESIGNER ( j 9( CONTACT PERSON t&U-t0 DESIGNER'S SPECIALTY: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER SURVEYOR SANITARIAN OTHER 1. ZONING DISTRICT -S Proposed Use/Project 5 2. VACANT LOT 4 le'1 Use complies 69 (M61 3. The site is found on a ( an) t (Cl-- £ubdiv'cion-Pan) . Farm-"'A"Date Pten-approved Plan endorsed • to 2 SP-Bb Lot is protected by M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6 s;( (n }--("grandfathered"). 4. BOARD OF APPEALS action 432' (Roqua.redl (0w-Q..,-.L' Ca # - ,see' isien4 Comment - 5. LOT FRONTA6g,current required top Provided /int.E.c. Complies (_)1ENp (M.G.L. Chapter 40e Section 6) 6. LOT AREA current required g 8 Provided (12? Complies 0 Em1 (M.G.L. Chapter A. Sectign 6 applies). 7. SETBACKS (Building setbacks are measured to the footprint of all habitable/occupiable space, including porches, decks, stairs, full bay windows and all fireplace/chimney projections and the like). Current Required Front (ob (any street side), Z a any other sides. Provided Front - Other .5b Complies ( ss' Ortc6. "Grandfathered" (M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6) minimum allowed front 320 , sides, /O rear The least setback may be used: Other setbacks allowed (l a) (nea- Exempt setbacks existing (yea+- ) Exempt setbacks will exist (lees)-i3 , if yes where Exempt setback(s) occur when legally pre-existing structures are closer to lot lines than is currently allowed. A "grandfathered" setback may become an exempt setback. 8. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE(S) indicated (yes-)- no Setbacks comply (0.$) Eno0 (over) 9. off-Street Parking (two spaces minimum for residential per unit) complies IY (e, j(n . ,�^ DREYAY SETBACK (except common drive) minimum required 3 - Complies a �ww+- 10. ELEVATIONS (,�' Top of foundation elevation b O �} /c.t /�\° ,1`J �i0g Cellar slab elevation - -----7 1 b , V " lJ g j Water table elevation ? �g, Per Test Pit # --' cellar drainprovided ( s) (no)�co lies (yes) 2' between � mp (no). Generally a separation �s required cellar slab and high water table or a cellar drain must be provided per subdivision regulations. 11. PERCENT OF LOT E AQUIFER ZONE n1a. Zones 2 and 3 allow maximum lot coverage of 10X of j ot: Lot coverage maximum allowed per Zoning Dis rict ie-g>�.er r en , . Percent of coverage proposed is G •g G Y verage comp l i es C� (ram'• (geese•)• 12. FLOOD ZONE - F.I.R.M. Zone CI- elev. Panel # 250051 00 U Q L dated _2/.3--/ 1— Flood zone building requirements applicable C+yes)-4). A - .. - '- -may be--a T4d 13. A CERTIFIED •AS-BUILT' is required for all new construction and additions where no other "As-Built" exists and also where additions are placed at the minimum applicable setback. The "As Built" shall also include top of foundation elevation in ACTUAL, not assumed, numbers. The "As-Built" shall be submitted before backfill or any other construction. The "As-Built" shall state conformance with applicable zoning as to placement of the structure. 14. SUBMIT further information es Ga00. If yes, see item(s) # /0 • 15. This project will require further review when new, revised or requested information is submitted to any Y agency. 16. This Zoning review does not indicate compliance with any other Agency, including, but not limited to the Massachusetts State Building Code. 17. BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT(S) required 6e ) (flog- 18. Home Occupations have additional requirements and will require separate review. i 19 r * r N/A = not applicable OFFICIAL USE ONLY • TO APPLICANT/ENGINEER • orrtng APPROVED to proceed. .p.c Zoning APPROVED to proceed subject to submissions noted above. =DO'NOT PROCEED, submit information requested above! =-BO NOT PROCEED, insufficient information provided, RESUBMIT! 1 i t , omitted by, avid J. Sil( ira a Building Commissioner & Zoning Enforcement Officer APR 0 6 1999 Date APPLICANTS RESPONSE TO 014: 61CORRECTIONS APPROVED BYot 1 S DATE d`U /99 ZONREV.298 -' a 1— •""' I 0 1 z0 N and CO z0 L. -..1 rn n -. 33 r-2 -�O J 3 • -v-1J G r DJ o C. ... 0 7- U91--' ►- a o 0 _0 CT0 O O cn O CO -D O 3 1-' x r+- A) I I cn 7 i-10 -1 -3 4-hJ . 1 --1 C I I N • 7) - C_) • r- co �, -1 -' ¢N • P 7 W 7 V C 0 a B �'' m T : ,+ 3 -1 7 0 ;- 1 -� N N 0 "1*1 3 0 0) 7 to -or►- d 7 r X- r r+. - -1 • 7" O j fi 7 L OD ti � � Cr 1 I . v -< I_ --1 r (TN O TOI Ch ' O W r�- N �. (D I N ITl —1 1 •+ f P3 OD I ¢> • CO Nn r • . I I ill N U, IvN.) _► .4 � \P to R R. J Sri C3 Q7 c+ 5. 3 v' c. • O `n, cI- 70 r` CD Nn ►. !(I) �• G O CJ -i -D a' cc+ �' p • .1 H ' `-° A n 3 CD I • `� •1 n CI • o r m m Q �s - •m p- p v co c W 0, I a k0 v a, a I w & • 7 + -.. 7 a 0:, p' vim+ ,r o, r �n a a CAD a w -0 S. t D -s �r x �' W r„ l0 • 1-'• •-' .--1 � __ S --- C3 0 W IVW CT' C r• N In v.) ~' till �-�+ O (0 tn In CD ao Ia CD p_ -. o w .0 o rD a' w - C, la -"I -S 0 in °' a a Z� . lc) ro Soo fD In 6E1, 9 0 dd� - _if LEGEND SOIL DATA 1�'� S_ ag BY-�+.w-v 1ITNESSED BY 100 EXISTING CONTOUR DATE: ,I•P � PERFORMED TPrw 1 10 PROPOSED CONTOUR q.� O -lq'� PIPE INVERT ELEVATION �iU�O1L �� CoIo�EP TEST PIT IOr "1�1 �jASJD SEPTIC TANK DISTRIBUTION BOX 1AMUuA W PROPOSED WATER SERVICE LINE 17AW 12 F�>J� OBSERVED GROUNDWATER ���t11j1L-t TABLE ELEVATION rI RESERVE AREA LOT INFORMATION - Subdivision Name: ��-t oEG Penny, A-c -DAr- MOUTH Date: MAVIUA 1*5, ANP (APP'D • MAC _AA t4, tq&o) ' Lot: i.01 16 Owner:DD.e-C1JloV-C 1-E L AtJ D "��U� Assessors Plat: Lot-� Zoning District: _L7���• Aquifer District: f Other Overlay Districts: I�EDI l� LOCUS -MAP FIRM Zone: G SCALE :1"=2083' Special Permits Or Variances: Lrc-��E PLOT PLAN _ 1-2 IL'"j tt_ 50 . , $ Of Lot Coverage: - I Io" q5� . I w A �t�� ��.'' C-�� �) o� c� -- - • A;,L JAk1,> YE�C- P.A't� 1„_110�`� PEAL �� i 1 - AAA= 40,000�,F. ILA t 00 AC"ftVT I pY �I�� Z,O),.SE 4 15'ti'• J-' I � I �� � ��. TOP VIEW .�� xi�lq r pIA. INLETS ]•• S 5•-DIA OUTLETS . S�4 i �EL-L-P2OTE IVE END VIEW A Q,A (, CL' 1 �.. 2" WALLS �HiYNI-C I-2II,T C L1�� x 3 "' $�►J�A�I-1 SIP->zAP 11J O<zD��X \��� �, Lill �FE 1Jo-TElli ------- `:. il� F x 110 GPD/�0�. - ?j?jp GPD �EpUIQ.ED I - � - -. _ �E1�1G�41►�A�t� / ToP of COUCZECE �1• - -11, . (., � � - ` s8. � �` .. '� P�UU 1J D cSTE M � ES I Gr }J • U�..�E "1 �ww DI Ffc�.�QS, 4 xa x .9Co , W tTH � Gem 1✓D s-Tb 1.1 E ,• ;>;> I --- KNOCKOUTS I 1'•-• �l k� INLET S DIA r__, - OUTLET �' S1D'E WALt(0�' L,000 X . q(o' Dt✓EP x 2 SI DES X O.GiO GPD S.P 1, ¢ G PD I / (� 4 8 I ti I I <;:;;;;:>'``' IO-T-TOM 104' LOQG x IV WIDI✓ X O•'Jj�J GrPc)/�SE = ZG7� GPD L '!-- - - - - - - ----- -,tom 1 + - a - -- - - - - - - _ , PLAN VIEW i wlor-, X . q(o DEEP k Z EKADS k .�j0 GPDf s.Ir = 1�L.�J C. PD 6-.9 OER ts'DiA COVER i0' . is COVER ,"1 UPD 1- TAPER —+ . Pt7�vI��D T -i LIQUID _..I J" Vol ALLf LEVEL I I d 1 _--1 I I 2 3 4 5 A•' rc CpOSS SECTION VIEW DE�AII. SEPTIC TANK NOT TO SCALE FINISH GRADE DV;ELLING I ELEV. *� 8(S i FINISH GRADE OVER TANK = a(o•o QO E • it1EZE AZE EXk,�;,T 1Uco I3ELt. , WITWU 1001 DF `C 1-4E PCz.opo�ED ',Ep-T C Da�1 Col.. I 1 ST LENGTHS TO FINISH GRADE PRECAST LEACHING CH�h'aER TOP OF BE LEVEL ELEV FD4X8—D ' FOUNDATION : �•.� � �� w � .�• .� �,rr FLOWDIFFUSOR'° EL ,• .A I '6 PRECAST LEACHING CHAVBER FD4X8— L FLOVvVDIFFUSCR 'a. 1,5D d GAL. Ac © IJ L— REINFORCED CONG SEPTIC TANK LEVEL STABLE BASE (SEE IJoTr- KII) _„' W ATi✓IZ CAB I,� a y -- - ---- - `------------ L ` CI I.. —, • —C,—COVI. I PtA■ vuw I ir 1�7 O IE� C1 _�• =3 rAorr view .Io• vuw •• I •. o.• � �r 0,7 o _7,,,r L•tv Jr .� H Cn Or A A .ICTIO■ •-. PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBER FD 4 X 8 — L FLOWDIFFUSOR•" r--------ram-- -- -,--- --- , A � 1 1 I C.•.. OU,•.•tT•C•b. COv1• •tA to n... T7=3 Q r llo�t,n PAr r.O•.uw ri 1,77 '~, •� J i l� J L,. . .ICTI"A A .•CriOr.. PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBER FD 4 X 8 — D FLOWDIFFUSOR' ' Pb NAA, f J 2r--D EH eZ7T-C*1 po Nt-' SOKIS 02 APP eov�__D EQL)AL— GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS SYSTEM SHALL BE INSPECTED WHEN LEACHING AREA IS FULLY EXCAVATED AND WHEN ALL COMPONENTS ARE IN PLACE. WHEN THE SYSTEM IS READY FOR INSPECTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. 2. WASHED S ED R i C t US ED T S ONE SHALL BE FREE OF ALL DIRT, DUST AND FINES. 3. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON AluAec? ELEVATION DATUM. 4. HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO OPERATE OVER THE LIMITS OF THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEMS. 5. NO FIELD MODIFICATIONS TO THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SHALL BE MADE WITIiOUI PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF A ENGINEER AND THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. 6. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE V OF THE STATE ENVIROMENTAL CODE AND ANY APPLICABLE LOCAL RULES. 7. AT ALL POINTS OF INTERSECTION OF WATER LINES AND SEWER LINES, MECHANICAL JOINT CAST IRON PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED FOR BOTH LINES 10' EITHER SIDE OF THE INTERSECTION POINT. 8. SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, ETC. SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY A. ROTONDO & SONS OR APPROVED EQUAL. 9. GROUT TO BE USED AT ALL POINTS WHERE PIPES ENTER OR LEAVE ALL CONCRE`E STRUCTURES IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT SEAL. 10. ALL SHIPLAP JOINTS IN SEPTIC TANK SHALL•BE SEALED WITH NEOPRENE GASK:TS OR ASPHALT CEMENT. 11. EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IN LEACHING AREA AND BACKFILL WITH CLEAN GRAVEL AND COARSE SAND. 12. A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AS REQUIRED BY SECT. 2.3 OF TITLE V MUST BE OBTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UPON COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE WORK. IF AN "AS -BUILT" PLAN IS REQUIRED DUE TO CONTRACTOR DEVIATING FROM THESE PLANS, WORK FOR SUCH "AS -BUILT" PLANS SHALL BE COMPENSATED FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR. 13. THIS SYSTEM IS NOT DESIGNED FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT. 2'' of 3jg' Pr--- c�-,Tt 2, OF S14-"- 112- I GEarsl-i�0 AL-U A.P.oUQD SYSTEM PCJFILE T VIN OF DARTEM; NOT TO SCE .701!If rJ ' M11MI FI rm w MAY cfla8i midprus i t,�� y . ;,{t; uLyn I11;4PP1 ' M. REPORT REV 1�i�D Ca -1-94 1?Ev1�ED (o—lo-Q4 i Low 1lD , zUU UI). G DEED Beook p-t DA.�"C1�i0U-TI-E B.O.N. STAMP P.E. STAMP CLIENT. F�AIJk L1�' I� DAIE.-tVoU7" , "A SUBSURFACE SEWAGE F DISPOSAL SYSTER4 TP-1 0" 12" SOIL DATA FILL A SANDY LOAM 10YR3/3 B COARSE SAND 10YR6/6 C FINE TO MEDIUM SAND 2.5Y5/3 110 70.3 90" I 172.0 34" I 176.7 120" 1 1 72.2 WATER ® 24"&12" WATER @ 24"&12" WATER ® 24"&12" MOTTLES@48" ELEV=78.2 RATE: 1" IN 16 MIN RATE: 1" IN 2 MIN 10YR6/8 PERC ® 24" PERC ® 24" WATER® 90" WEEPING@66" SUBSOIL FINE MEDIUM SAND SOME SILT GRAY FINE MEDIUM SAND, LITTLE SILT TP- 2 WT-I 79.5 0„ " 78.5 10" 77.2 FINE MEDIUM SAND TP-1, TP-2, WT-1: DATE: 12= 8-8$ PERFORMED BY: GHf� ENGINEERING WITNESSED BY: WENt)Y HENDERSON 30.5" 79.5 0 78.7 16" 18.5" 7.5" TOP VIEW 5, 5" DIA. OUTLETS 5 dia. outlet RUST COLORED SAND FINE SAND SOME SILT 79 5 ., TP-SE-1 &2 0 42" 78.2 46" 82.2 78.7 78.4 76.7 TP-SE1, TP -SE-2: DATE: 6-3-99 PERFORMED BY: SITEC, INC ' WITNESSED BY: SUE GRIFFIN Z 9" DIA. OUTLETS END VIEW CROSS SECTION VIEW DISTRIBUTION BOX NOT TO SCALE 1" taper 5'-4- 3.5"duo. knockouts in!et PLAN VIEW r4" T CROSS SECTION VIEW SEPTIC TANK NOT TO SCALE 4' -6" L3" / - EARTH BACKFILL 0 e Q 06 0 4 0 0 e 0 00 e 0 e ° e 6 0 4 0 Qi 0 A 4 0 e 4 03 d o d O 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 00 4 0 0 d 04 0 0 0 0 d 4 0 p 4 0 0 v °° ° vo o °° °� v v v v v° °� v d v v vd vd vd v v vvd ° v d° d d v ° S ° ° ! ° v ° v V ° V ° ° v v ° �° v ° v v v ° ° v ° v ° v v ° v ° v ° v V v ° v v v V ° v v v v v v °° ° v v v v v 4' 6' 6' 4' 7 TYPICAL OF ALL TYPICAL FIELD CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE N 30'06'37' W DRAINAGE EASEMENT LIMIT OF BORDERING VEGETATED It WETLANDS' EXISTING 12" RCP .P 0 FINISH GRADE ELEV. = 86.5 DWELLING i I TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEV.= 88.0 I 1500 GALLON 84.57 REINFORCED CONCRETE 84.04 ` SEPTIC TANK _ 84.37 - DISTRIBUTION 84.12 BOX • .; LEVEL STABLE BAS SYSTEM PROFILE 12" MIN. EARTH BACKFILL 2" DEPTH OF 1 /8" - 1/2" WASHED PEASTONE 10" DEPTH OF 3/4" TO 1-1/2" WASHED CRUSHED STONE EXISTING WELL LEGEND 100 EXISTING CC)NTOUR ^^ PROPOSED CONTOUR PIPE INVERT- ELEVATION TEST PIT C� SEPTIC TANK El DISTRIBUTION BOX W PROPOSED VLATER SERVICE LINE 0 OBSERVED C;ROUNDWATER TABLE ELEV/gTION RESERVE AREA LOCUS MAP w. t t y `y a •fr v, a5� .tt+: �///����.,� . e! f Y tl te=-ar Rr f +.. w. r}. A.� . t'.;1 Kr •i e. !'f. ! v }r `kr `•. t i sy::.«,i tl r", i i� ;+�•�`i� t MY f�. i�� i S,'sy." .• y +... } �., �' / .i 4 �• .1J � a..-� ? rY � is Q rA. ��""QQf(T�OfiiiR�lf/ r P tiY ,_� yt♦.. .r. �"'I. Y I k ' ,y , ;i1,y f s � H � {'.' F r �t � h -• a. � i e. ,y � �O© /'�°• r•r ' I } /r k . - r; �.b lrt +s f f""', � .^k.t,. a'-sg./,. � � - i! t v i`"'r "+1 r �r � '14J .�, R- .; `t.� r 5+`. �,.• � v t w%� .I :, i ♦ TT 1rd ,:+ ss r � e ♦ y v _ 'i'�:: a L :. 1. i ��. IN.�.' a �-;�.r ift ,. .+!�O 4 I • .:'_ ♦.. .. .p ��t-�� y��rr ;•�T �i '� �.l ;}r ♦♦LL �i F fl yr1a S/�'�S y .Is , y T i i .. i '� V 3�T • t !1 'ii w"' eY`' yv `Y,d +}''� •�"..l *� ky'1 :.t: W�„• t ti 'r' f .1\v ,.;�• },.f. J� , .►,p y�>-or I� ki I.• p J'tr' 7'} � {'� a r .-�r i,`..� r. ['<'.,�:.y. '�� � ''1• R..i, t.s + � Mf t , r s. e: .`t•� ••e ,ya r� ��t �,"••III►• �'- ro� r '•yf'>f ' 4 {+: y -'• p- �r.z f . r s.,•kt •M-• � f'� ��T�'� � .•.. _ 4 } ors,'. 1w. +'r ♦ :�� y � r , h�swr,..�» i�. �{ � vlf. 1!` 4 it(/}(���7 �i";'r >.� r .� a _ ,, w i .t} � ♦i }� �} 1'� w� i' ''*iy' Yr '�n�'i i s r +.i'. '�� / 7 e 1'IA j 1' / a►r 'Z t I,- Y'1 'rk f l �� r+R, _ .•� iG:� S(�yi � dt 1 a _?. r I * • r, k, n ~•M �t a Y a� y -{,r; a �*O 4 !.. i s�w+ � a�,ti � s I r,t.; �r•.� '7,'• I„r, } .'� • J}� r p( .a ' .♦: (GA 1 t' �. a -'' 4�� Y+4r yr .: JN a�l���e,�r� i.r,',` •7�.•. '!y- >.! ��, sI �l�'p �aP Y4, i r�� V 7 i� * -4 iS� .,-P • � � �r�' i Jl ti J I � w.� .'(:+ y. � ..,, �jy .Y� h.,.�.�► �y `�`, / r 1, "�. t .o •rt.., .,a r 1 X 4 j•a �Y•.;.� O'{ t► y `,J ' >r a. f . f ' a i� "�" ' v ( � t r-r' P .••� ', i r � , 4 /gyp',. «�7gy*�yr,,. ! � s i • .+' t ,, "' 'rPT['•/1.��.,i-t. y S f +rr ,, y i sty ' 'f �,%'' Ala'. �r *_ n ;. i f� •tl• r. N# t f. ae .\-Y1Y 4. 1er•r.� •a..- i'4Ly ` t ♦ a-_s'' r w E1 { 'a. �r,,, Xv.. 7 (-'�. S •. }i, •� �� } _ wj 4 , a' rt w;l &.' ' ► Jr S3 y♦-.,,:t1 y'y,ti A�f.'tw �4. 1c'r}4� Y^^41;s�iyr..i.`+lry��{��n1��p.■9Y ;��iM +t Y1lii}Df'4!t^ �' �.♦0AD r• t .• v /'�'" '�' r�. a }. 1 *& .ft,% 4 ' "-80 BENCHMARK - E-2 TOP OF CONCRETE BOUND ELEV.=83.2 84 ` 81 82 43'56'42' E 1 o.o9' 83 R=25.00' D L=23.55' P d=53 58 05 PLOT PLAN SCALE: 1 "=30' NOTE: ALL WELLS LOCATED W17HIN 100' OF PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM ARE SHOWN. FINISH GRADE EL.= 8:i.2 5' 5 v 83.7 v v ° ° ° ° ° ° v ° 83.85.,° 3/4"-1 1 /2` WASHED ° v v v ° ° ° STONE v v R' v v v ° v 83.2 SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER ELEV.= 78,2 SEE NOTE #10 ELEV=76.7 LIMIT OF EXCAVA"'110 DESIGN DATA DESIGN PERC RATE: 1" IN 16 MIN DESIGN FLOW: 3 BEDROOMS X 110 GPD/BDM = 33C GPD REQUIRED SYSTEM DESIGN: USE 32' X 20' LEACHING BED BOTTOM: 32' LONG X 20' WIDE X 0.53 G/SF = 339.2 GPD PROVIDED LUNING REQUIREMENTS (MINIMUM) FRONT YARD SETBACK 50 FEET SIDE YARD SETBACK 20 FEET REAR YARD SETBACK 20 FEET GENERAL NOTES 1) THIS SYSTEM SHALL BE INSPECTED WHEN LEACHING AREA IS FLe LY EXCAVATED AND WHEN ALL COMPONENTS ARE IN PLACE. WHEN THE SYSTEt`r IS READY FOR INSPECTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. 2) WASHED CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE FREE OF ALL DIRT, DUST AND FINES. 3) ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON ASSUMED ELEVATION DATUM. 4) HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO OPERATE OVER THE LIMITS OF THE OF THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DURING THE COURSE OF CO`STRUCTION OF THE 5) NO FIELD MODIFICATIONS TO THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SHILL BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER AND THE LOCAL 8()ARD OF HEALTH. 6) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE V OF THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE AND ANY APPLICABLE LOCAL REGULATIONS. 7) SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, ETC. SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY A. ROTONDO & SONS OR APPROVED EQUAL. 8) GROUT TO BE USED AT ALL POINTS WHERE PIPES ENTER OR LEIVE ALL CONCRETE STRUCTURES IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT SEAL. 9) ALL SHIPLAP JOINTS IN THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE SEALED WI1''l NEOPRENE GASKETS OR ASPHALT CEMENT. 10) EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IN LEACHING AREA AND BICKFILL WITH CLEAN GRAVEL AND COARSE SAND. 11) THIS SYSTEM IS NOT DESIGNED FOR A GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT. AUG 1MT, , 8 1999 OF D TM TOBOWARD OF HEALTH H �RD OF HEALTH STAMPS THE APPROVAL BY THIS OFFICE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ENGINEERS AS -BUILT EFFECTIVENESS OF ANY PLAN & CERTIFICATION INSTALLATION STATEMENT REQUIRED STAT ��RTh"OUTH BOARD OF HEALTH - T UIC T ION OF THIS SEPi[IC YSTF fVi BOARD OF HEALTH INSPECTION,r . f BE COMPLETED WITH TH E (S) REQUIRED WHEN EXCAVATED PEARS OF THE DATE OF k PR V-AL BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS ::-, ELEVATIONS MUST NOT BE =' QaOVEo CHANGED WITHOUT BOARD PQO of: 9qYWO -Designed 0. a�,y For Gat,-baae Grinder, Whirlpool °�N Or Other Nigh Water Use Devices. N OF pP w _t P.E. FSTAMP SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM =r� OWNER KISOP LEE LOT 16, RUNNING DEER ROAD SPRING BROOK A DDART is "..�. -i '•ca ..A L a DARTMOUTH MA � ENGINEERING FIRM: �3 Welby Road P.L.S. STAMPVC \ew Bedford, MA 2745 �'^"r'�01!: P, ® j508) 998-2125 5 TAX 08 Civil and Environmental Engineering ,� ) 998-7554 Land Use Planning DATE: 6-17-99 CONTACT PERSON: DAN GIOIOSA ACAD NO. FILE NO. DART- 1872-SSDS.DWG r! 1 , 7 Z - G 7.0 v f.�r� .. ,y s. "'* '1 � �Vt'f �' r'+ t'^ ,� �1" 'r 1�• � n 'F a' yi t 0- 1` r[ t #7i ,3.10. 1 )54 6��e.. Civil and Environmental Engineering Land Use Planning proJect.- LOT 16 SPRING client: RUNNING BROOK KESOP odrowing title: FOUNDATION 2 i t T-i S s �'�• 13 Weiby Rood New Bedford, MA 02745 (508) 998-2125 FAX (508) 998-7554 DEER ROAD SUBDIVISION LEE AS -BUILT scale: > " = 40' dote: MARCH 4, 2004-9 drown: RLD checked.* BR ooprcved- SDG �zxx c 1 Ib:JO �+ct. � 1 sheet droving number: M fA"Z? G CO Lr) C V v�O N000 G ..�.�( U � r-+ � d' -t U 00 1✓ V M NP > p �o OQ gn Ra �'�_.•. ^�r'ri %'�i^' .�lta..y� l � � 9 �'. � �,. ' � � �' � � / � f "i �'�""'R ^'sa.a.s 61wu���.}'>�w �, i• r_ r1 S. j • � ..3 ` e 6 � ,ram � �." �.� . 47i .� 4r• t•�,.,, 3 � Y :�'; ! `�N I ye.' 7 � it[ i 7' 7<� 4�j/CA ✓t ` r.* n.,s.i�+c.} 'k �l tr.i 9. j L: d rT t �./ {,� r+, > t`r► �� ..,r, �a:s. ` 1�..1 j 1 A S '-�-��:► Wit; �,; J 0 t 00 O r 4F u�- I7G fl UT x _ Nov 02000 �.�.... e �......... �._ Q/ M V JG DURING -;'IS �' ORK. � C!) Q � i' 4-4 Y u. U is q� Lr) Q (� M X 4-J C z So d F— Pro _DDENItH This plan is hereuy enaorseu im UUMLI ULAW 1 DuLJJ%.vL, Ol4V1l11UUav 1 of 3etailed Fire Protection Plans certified as to compliance with Laws &,� Regulations (527CMR & 780CMR) to the District Chief prior to -)tart of construction of any such system. You or your representative nust contact the District Chief prior to start of Fire Protection Work. a+� • r rat E:,..,�•'lc��9r', $.y Et,ro-;f`t�� i � • � �� to O O o o J p 0 C/ l O c y v Q�� ti 'hief �� -- -e�Kf District Date r IF G n E LO i d 11 t co N :--) 4� V �0 C/) `� G Ncq o0 4 W N � Lr) O O o06 V N O LO N S--{ 4-4 N b� • r{ t� 9 o � 4 Q) V (n � U iW r ) 4.b (� Lr) O z L � 2rq TnP nF RATE a (U C I qp OC rl FRONT ELEVATION SCALE 1/4'=1'-O,f RIDGE VENT ❑P DE PLATE 4-j a� V cn c u �r o �o0a 00 •� U � � O V N- o0 oo L 4.4 w ft u V U c J b� � O 4-4 n z o r. 000 0 o c� 00 , x moo o O C/) o 0 •y ct r �, 0 v 1* r f %t LO co RIGHT SIDE ESE ATI❑N SCALE: 1/40=1-'-0l/ Q) U rr, U cn cn Q) 4-J 4-4 4-J 4.4 C, z C) C) �pO c/) u c/) A REAR ELEVATI❑N SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0` -4- j +� 4� V 4-J can � N 0 � N ct o ��•u' V N•� Oo0 Lo 4-� N C to V � U V ) 41 �4-4 4-4 �Q 4� 4-4 v z o 0� Lr) moo cn O -110 'En oe-1-1 ct U Q�� C/) cu CD 00 It TOP ❑E UPPER GR❑UNI LEST SIDE ELEVAT SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 4-J cn U 4� u00 d- o O N 000 r� O cr U N Lr) oo O v cd 4-1 fn C1 cr4 v: 4-i cn 4--1 . Q� �Q O O J p O O O .—+ O O e vi G O • cn ai cz U Q c/) .4 11, SCALE: 3/8 #=J/—O# ADJACENT ROOF -RAMING SEE �E CT I ON "B" STAIR BEYOND SHOWN DASHED FIRST (LEVEL BASEMENT co SL AI 4-J 4) V u O� N in oo O t •� Ln V N •� O o N Lo u s--i �-s 4-4 u u V � U u ,� chi V J � u tQ Q) cell .- 4-4 v z 0 LO 0o SECTI❑N SCALE: 3/8'—l"—O' r; 4-J +� U 4) 4- J00 O N °O ct O V N o0a Lr) O cl 4-4 GG u V 1 ci V ) 44 n I M xJ v z u 0 %D (W tq C3 I." x cu 2x10's @ 16'oc UPPER LEVEL FLOOR FRAMING SCALE: 1/80=11-00 2x6 RAFTERS @ 16'oc, PROVIDE 4-- d�rll I AM 'rTr* dM C: IV VL, %>I%> I L-IN OVER CENTER WALL CEILING 2x6 CEILING JOIST @ 16'oc ------- ------- RIDGE BqARD BEARING WALL & ROOF FRAMING SCALE: 1/81=1'-0l 2x6 RAFTERS @ 16'oc, 2x6 COLLAiR TIES @ IIY4' ABIPAVE FLOOR u U P U ;-4 cr)4-J Lo 1-4 n z C) C) 6 C:) O tt ucl w/ c/) 7 f