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Zoning Compliance Request 1999
(,,,,;;;;.vT H k Na Dartmouth BuildingDepartment 400 Slocum Road P.O. Box 79399 508-999-0720 Dartmouth, MA 02747 FAX 508-999-0738 April 22, 1999 do 9 Steven F. Evangelho 18 Pine Island Road Dartmouth, MA 02747 Re: Site Visit- 18 Pine Island Road, Plat 80 Lot 4 Dear Mr. Evangelho: On April 15, 1999, I viewed the recently delivered"mulch pile"at the above noted location. Although the small section of stockade fence does provide screening to a limited degree and therefore does not meet the requirement of the Zoning By-Law section 4B.209B which states in part "shall be screened from view". The mulch was clearly visible from the road on the approach from the easterly direction and therefore cannot be determined as fully in compliance. I would suggest that another location further back on the property may result in full compliance. Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, --Thr)..;—Dc)- 6-j-‘4----:--- David J. Silveira, Building Commissioner& Zoning Enforcement Officer DJS:sgh • Dartmouth BuildingDepartment De pm (M1rya;S� 400 Slocum Road P.O. Box 79399 508-999-0720 Dartmouth, MA 02747 FAX 508-999-0738 April 7, 1999 Steven F. Evan elho 18 Pine Island Road p6 a Dartmouth, MA 02747 Re: 18 Pine Island Road, Plat 80 Lot 4 Dear Mr. Evangelho: After review I find the "agricultural use" at the above mentioned location is generally in compliance with Zoning By-Law section 4B.209qt has been observed that a mulch pile may exist from time to time which does not comply with section 4B.209(B). Vehicles used in conjunction with activity are not in violation. Should you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, David J. Silveira, Building Commissioner& Zoning Enforcement Officer DJS:sgh q/9/91' - A/1rd, 6u ,C'L4-0 a.G( cL -.Tcuc1 4-4e /2c.. y.l u C t.evc . i Li-7u &i r c.e 9 I /14 cc 101vC4, dE_ 'e t '&j 13 o .e t c G�i7C�.._ J J /tCi-4_ iu TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT -TELEPHONE 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 ZONING COMPLIANCE REQUEST FEE: $15.00 NON-REFUNDABLE R ceipt # 4 Date: / - 9 `?I` Clerk: 'Applicant: C r•EV '/lam U$4)6-644 (please print) Address: r/es- X SZ-A yn _ Telephone: — °o' 9 9 SS© �f Signature: ��7 � .r Current Owner/Address: Location of lot(s): Current Plat # _ Lot # 91. Street Name: Subdivision Name: Reason for request: kv cif"_-, ?•,41 /404, Arny a-4„41. bifir-2/24, 1-1/7,( J ? 0% °'2. . -aci-ry vim. 1 err 2?4 -e iyr e1.4 4! For office use only (attach locus plan) Zoning District Aquifer Zone F.I.R.M. Zone Other Overlay Zone Street: Existing Ancient Way OK "Paper" `` Lot : Frontage (acceptable) (not acceptable) Area sq. ft. (acceptable) (not acceptable) Percentage of lot coverage: (50%) (10%) (other ) Setbacks: Current Allowed de Determin tion: �-GrzG+�� �.�r.2.� By: `-Tm..._.V Date: MAR/ 0 8/1999 The applicant is advised that due to e limitations imposed by law and/or zoning,this demon may change and should be verified immediately prior to commendng any work That determination dos not imply approval by any other agency or compliance with the State Building Code for any structures which may mist. Zoning Compliance 08/14/97 TOWN OF DARTMOUTH Q r r`fig BUILDING RECEIPTS COLLECTOR'S OFFICE Name Property Date: f i �" `R ,, Owner: ( .f_.'L = r' Job Location: s White Copy-Collector's Office Plot: Lot: 9 Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt Pink Copy-File Copy Green Copy-Building Department Phone: el ''! Description General Ledger#'s Ref.# Amount i`;c . n,ent7N License&Permits-Building 01000-44105 COIL EC.TO!S OFT1C,E License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 i ' r,, ,, License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 f„ License&Permits-Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 - S r+ d This is not a Permit or License for Building.Plumbing or Gas Received By: ; ' •"' — Sae MAPS 81 5 82 --. — — — for MAP 80 LOTS 15,, :I 12-1 Thru 12-8 a ' See MAP 79 For-1 0 •(11.r MAP 80 LOTS a1U•- �0 km __ •� ^' 12-9 , 12-10 ,se PIERCE/ eer _elsow ` 8 12 r'.. I ROIL +' roe • — — + II ty 'Meg — • rf ,\CR,E C FARM • a 12-13 , darn �'v , tSZKCED 12-12 '• At. zrp.:•kit S e IZII .I.st4. 10 = ;is T — v q7p• 44W • Are — • 1 f1 4. AR S .r7 — \ • pries• . — / ezf.N, ee._ e 9 oa• - III 4 _a. _ — . *c I K» 3.3» . S f • H 1114e 6 saR : \r;A 8 ~- ..e_II _ i _ — PINE 30 OAe �/ny ISLAND _____ — PP- • •ee.m — 4. __ \ — �1- ......\\_ . . , 4 AIM St I — g- !F4 t + �� g V w iiillillr. �� ex� / L ' laM. 5y¢ • t9 '•2 o see IX e'''• 20 �. I-I ♦fi 'RID At.. °. o. AKo • a �.. 24 21 ale •,.e 'PO2�� e.a 22 ee� a;s1. `�4, t se., . rP 1 f 23 M1 t-2 s. 4 • 1-29 1b •.1Frt LIs z•5 At33Fea ►�" 5 ^ � Q I.•I re. A. VATV‘V-V4‘41.X.Sis •II.,.. le,,,,., ..t.„ . :. s I11.1I 4. IP N 0:. Y • I-27 0 IM 1-3 1ff 4i I.••At. / -e = raAr lc o _ I - I-S :••,.ffr : LIS ee. � t-2S .. IN re. Pr •gri7 f•re 25-1 e!•p• I-7 - ue.xx • R &HI re. I-24 LIa At. I I.SF At. P/O 77-23 - e3•x . Of r /See MAP 77 For LOTS 1-8 TAro 1-23 •. ADATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 3-29-e3 r DATE OF COMPLETION I-I-AG • LEGEND, DATE OF REvtsloNS I-It-90 ---- i - 1-t-93 PARCEL NUMBERS 2 ----- MATCH LINE 3 • Fer teem P•reo•es i Mel le w riser/ Ie. 9-c/(/;?_-- CURRENT MESSAGES : :: /e• � Aix I 1/2 09 o tLO (1..AI p,e , Jed ---4.ei--7 s .3,4 a AAA.-I ra,_ (Arr-`".(, ..rvg-rn�47vcp ,,a...r� 1 ,!. _ 114(si ',I Le e4- a . _A0 th64-. /40/67-Z,24.4.e‘p ...j(--4--- . '(//2 c-evt- taz e i z } �i n, (j , Wit) eJ.L_ -L -e _,,t.J, ..,, , . 995 ,_3vVV 1 a C zity, iii,-) Cetw ._h_..________, a1_,z_e__ >G/ 1 re„)Lt.,1 .,d-Cley — )," r/ eriu-64,0 ,--mA--4--a-e--.-4 - ...‘a-?46,-- ,464-1 d,, 64p a'aer are .. . .-erea-4 , e--Yezi- _Li.7-1,-() ( .,---- ---- i -----6a- t ilr6t /04 44A / A)2 7/ 9. - (1 /Y 64-41 VA a.--i ,--- :,f;) -17L-e---/- ,... ,, ,,,,_ ./,_& (-gia...,, /- e4%, - d , _, ,,,,y),•-) qid-' i ,...i_./ ..,,,,6 (74/,,,,, — 4 ./cit 7 , A f,..,- V. ) i • 'I - '\ }1- r