EP-185-96 1 he U-ornmonweatth of Massachusetts /J' � 4 ' '' ' Department of Public Safety _ r..." ,., rpm •'i1�:'i BOARD OFoi: r+�> a r.. Checked �.�(.� •,,.. FIRE PREVENTION REGUL11710NS 527 CMR IZOO 3/90 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK AU..wok a Ass perivnncd in aces•denee with Ilse Masaachasatu Electrkal C .S. 7 CMR 12:00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK Oil ALLINFogHAIi'ON) Date City or Town of - 3.I:dlc 1\ To the Inspector of Wires: The undersigned applies for a permit to rfora the electr cal work described{� � below. c°./ Location (Street &Number) \ '�t1,`e-. — —rrpCt�� \�5,� .`�1� 140.` /4° 7 Owner or Tenant' �j�Z� e ' 1 t c_tn PN e) , Owner's Address • Is this permit in Conjunctionwith a building petait: Yes [Er-No (neck Appropriate Box) Purpose,of Building Utility Authorisation M. Existing Service Amps / Volts Overhead 0 Uad Ltd❑ No. of Meters Nei, Service Asps / Volts Overhead'❑ Uadi 0 No. of Meters - Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work VNe, a.c_.VI mL i No. of Lighting Outlets No: of Bat Tubs No. of Transformers Total No. of Lighting Fixtures Sviauiag Pool Above In- xVA . d. ❑ . S� >Srnd. ❑ Generat ors I<VA No. of Receptacle Outlets No. of Oil Earners No. of Emergency Lighting i Battery Units No. of Switch outlets No. of Gas Burners FIRE ALARMS No. of Zones • No. of Ranges Total .; So. Detection and No, of Air Cond. Initiating Devices f Beat Total No. of Disposals No. o s T XII No. of Sounding Devices No. of Dishwashers Space/Area Beating KR ;No. of SelfSorComaintained De tection ng Devices No. of DiyC.s Heating Devices KW Local❑tbniciConnectio 1n❑Other No. of Water Heaters l37 No• of No. of Low Voltage Signs Ballasts Wiring - No. Hydro Massage ILbs No. of Motors Total HP OTHER: e- r 1 oil Lam, INSURANCE COVERAGE: Pursuant to the requirements of Massachusetts Central Lava I have a current Liabili Insurance Policy including Caepleted Operations Coverage 0 f equivalent. TS(D.l100 I have sutaitted valid proof of same to this office. viz( NO substantial you have checked TES, please indicate the type of coverage.by checking the appropriate box INSURANCE EOND ❑ OTHER❑ (Please Specify) Estimated Value of Electrical (Jock S S` ` (gicpiriticr. Date) Work to Start Inspection Date Requested: Roult Final s-Signed under the penalties of perjury; j (AA) NAME A R ty1A 1 4 -.. - C Ov'2,.c�A.; rs,J e. /'. �� LTC. Na. / ! �S fl - Licensee RR m 0 .1 Cots Q._ I,/1 v eSi;na .. /.Tj fie% (. .�ti' . HO. q fa A Address is--0 lik, M-rt=2A, Aue. MANS-c1( 011A, 0 Ot-tPus. Ie1. N). 5 U- - � �-7Li (AMER'S 1}1SI7RANGE WAIVER: 1 en aware that the Licensee Alt. /el. No. G does not have the insurance coverage or its suo- scantial equivalent as required by Massachusetts General wcI , that ay signature on this permit application Waives this requirement. Owner Agent (Please check one) • • Telephone No_ PERMIT lk± S (Sigrucure of Owner or Agent) • • ^ i\J-.. •-•.k 04,_____--, "-T.-3_ x .5 Z. iP., ' •)-, -- , " i a) 1) J ..E: " .,Z 1, s z oIr. no ' z° ,,., r al Z O rs. �I U• �z can z ag it I - ; " j.-g 1a ` Z z 4 E>m 1 19 O. �J CEj c i �� It _. =� O4 O -1 — -� 12 q _ vZ < ..� Im H Z / Q. Q t o �'�s %� O U cJ- Q • x. � .�, /i, :�' A panIaaa { // t'' __ --S- 6 ez, pied 4unoWd adA1 / "- ►y' J, - - t. -v /J / / UOIwJO1 2/1"( Jaum0 F ----75WOyy paniaDaJ r :. ,. , , i - ,...." alea _.. � ON _ ? to .ON 11W213d w`� �9a E. 7.'` j//a AIf1OW121va 1O NMOI- 4`•Rino'y F 11W213d 1103 1d13D3 J