BP-73921 1 r� Permit No. BP-73921 BUILDING „, si 7 f ---,, GIS.# 435QA0 Co 3 o . ,. e ac= � Map -0080 ,') 4 Lott; 0007 '" ri sub-Lot 0000 ' ° ( $ a % $oo te SOLAR PANELS , 1 Project# JS 2014-003032 PERMISSIONI. I�U TM' TO E > sh Cost $35000 U� Contractor: : nu = one Fee S75 00 BRIEN LANG40 , , x $K4-2 I Gofsft Class: Engineer: s , E see�#f Use Group: > R3 - R t 1. 4. � a ' t Lot Size{sq.ft.) d7416 -1 2 ' VApplicant: Y 4 i4#I4Zonwg SRB VIVINT SOL BEVI LOPER L i7- - ( 70 3 9 AOtiifer done ZONE 3 Ow1vEx: ,k r� D g Flood Zone. ZONE a.'tr� i New-Const.: NIA RILEY PETE LL p - : 4{; 0.99 V M.Con* N/4: rr� 4 ' w DATE ISSUED. ‘,... =_ Date typed: '06-19-2014 A t 4 , V.4,4 m ar � / 44114/1/ TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: Construct a 28 panel photovoltaic array on existing rooftop -7. Prof' t Locat'on: 11 PINE ISLAND RD Approved/Issued By: Iw d ..� Ligi7, DA1710 BRUNE 1TE,LOCAL BUILDING INSPECTOR All work shall comply with 780 CMR 8TH Ed.(MGL Chap.143)and any other applicable Mass.Laws or Codes and plans on file. Schedule appropriate inspections as required. Upon completion of work,final inspection is required. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by.the owner to make this application as his agent and and to receive this permit, I further underst other agencies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdiction are not met; not withstanding the issuance of this Building/Zo ' g rmit. Z Signature of Owner/Agent: .� I, "Persons contracting with unregistered contractors do not have access to the guaranty fund(as set forth in MGL c.142A)" Inspector of Inspector of D.P.W.Inspector Building Inspector Inspector of Gas Fire Department Plumbing Wiring Water Service#: Footings: Underground: Oil: Underground: Service: Foundation: Rough: Smoke: Rough: Rough: Sewer Service#: Rough Frame: Insulation: Final: Final: Final: Cross Connection Final: Final: Board of Health E-911 Additional Comments: Planning Board Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy/Completion,this card must be returned to the Building Department with all necessary inspections signed off. Department phone numbers are listed on the white"Required Inspections"document provided with the issuance of the building permit. POST CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET i TOWN OF DARTM , - U� ,I G DEPARTMENT RECEIPT 70 9: 1 -` PHONE -9 0 l'; 0-1838 �C ,J: -r""°f'^ . i S rq, a�';„,y c 1 ri "�-"'� Q *Name: Vol, v '''J I s z>,/ j++ .:'r Vt.�1 Prdperty owner: Date: I '` '"'r"f Job Location: I 7 // 76.£`,y� / Map: t Lot: il it'/ Description General Ledver#'s Ref. # Amount Building &Building Misc. 01000-44` (�"S°'COL. r,� PI' /fir / . s� Electrical 01000-44106 JU Plumbing & Gas 01000-44107 ZU E4 Trench Safety 01000-44nWI- 04 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 /3 fir."7 White-Collector's Office Yellow CopyCustomer's Receipt Pink BuildingDepartment Received ByII . P Copy- P . i i+ THIS IS NOT A PERMITILICENSE FOR BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING OR GAS a . t • RESIDENTIAL ❑ Phased Approval(R106.3.3) $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS;NON RE-FUNDABLE & NON-TRANSFERABLE fl1771a---Z) DATE RECEIVED !�` DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTi`IIENTT `r° , 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 Dartmouth, MA 02747 :`��.k- - 4y :r Phone: 508-910-1820 Fax: 508 910 1838 �___� www.town.dartmouth.ma.us , APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RECEIVED BY: i BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER734) DATE ISSUED: SIGNATURE: . -d4,--- DATE: JUN 1 8 2014 Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings Zoning District: RS Proposed Use: R Zone: 0 X © B 0/A ❑V Aquifer Zone: ..3 THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES SHOULD BE NOTIFIED: I I ❑Board of 0 Board of 0 Cons. 0 Demo 0 DPW 0 Elec. Leap I9D Appeals Health Commission Affidavit Card Sent: Cut OffF 1 ❑Fire 0 Gas 0 Planning 0 Sewer Card 0 Water Card 0 Zoning 0 Other Chief Cut Off Board Cut Off Cut Off • . rl 17:: LLI 11 1. *REQUIRES INSPECTOR'S REVIEW BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT. DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL Board of Health: Signature: Date: Conservation Commission: Signature: Date: 4 t Other: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Brief description of work being performed: Installation of roof mounted photovoltaic solar systems. 2P modules= 7 6 kW i SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: / Pie,1 Loam Rd- 1.2 Assessors Map& Lot Number:ezy g________. �� ..4Lot Area (sf.) Frontage i Map of 4/WV Required Provided Front Yard ' 1.3 Historical District 0 Yes 0 No Side Yard Rear Yard Year Built 0 Altering more than 25%per side of building 1.4 Water Supply(MGL c40 s54): 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? O Municipal ❑ Private Well 0 Municipal 0 On Site Disposal System 0 Yes ❑ No Date: ' Revised 10/11 0 CONSTRUCTION PLANS ❑ SITE PLAN 0 ENERGY REPORT RESIDENTIAL I SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner Record: ; I pe1e' Pi I erg 11 Pme 1 and Rd. 774-92i9_-5 iiii1 Name(print) Contact Address Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: Brien Langill 370 Paramount Dr., Raynham, MA 02767 508-884-2411 Name(print) Contact Address Phone Number SECTION 3-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor/Specialty License: Brien Langill License Number: 106675 Company Name/Contractor Name Vivint Solar Developer, LLC Address: 4931 N. 300 W., Provo, UT 84604 Expiration Date: 01/09/2017 Signature: ,,%„..., - Telephone: 508-884-2411 3.2 Homeowner Exempti n- One&Two Family Only Section 110.R5.1.3.1 Exception: FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section;provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s)for hire to do such work,that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only,a"Homeowner"is defined as follows: Person(s)who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is,or is intended to be,a one or two family dwelling,attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a Iwo-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: Signature: N/A SECTION 4-WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(MGL c 152§25) w Worker's Compensation Insurance Affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this F affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: �:1 Yes 0 No J SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(Check all applicable) ❑ Deck 0 Pool 0 Repairs ID Alteration 0 Chimney/Fireplace 0 Woodstove/Pellet Stove ❑ New Construction* 0 Accessory Bldg. 0 Roofing/Siding 0 Other (Energy report required) (Shed/Garage) (Specify below) ❑Addition ❑ Replacement window/door 0 Demolition (Energy report required) No. of windows Doors (Specify below) if new construction, please complete the following: Single Family: No.of Bedrooms No. of Baths Two Family: No of Bedrooms Unit 1 No. of Baths Unit 1 No of Bedrooms Unit 2 No. of Baths Unit 2 ❑ Furnace(hot air)-fuel gas(natural or propane),fuel oil,electricity,other(specify): 0 Boiler(heating)-fuel gas(natural or propane),fuel oil,electricity,other(specify): ❑HVAC(combined unit)-primary fuel,natural gas,propane,electricity,other(specify): ' i 0 Air conditioning-(separate unit) ❑None of the above to be provided y 0 Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other 1 SECTION 6-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST Item Estimated Cost($)to be completed by permit applicant 1. Building I,Lid d 2. Electrical rbed 3. Plumbing 4. Mechanical(HVAC) 5. Total=(1 +2+3+4) -QO SECTION 7A-OWNER AUTHORIZATION (to be completed when owner's agent or contractor applies for building permit) (Please Print) I, P a' alley , as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize Brien Langill to act on my behalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. See attached contract O5/ Signature of Owner Date SECTION 7B-OWNER/AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION I, Brien Langill ,as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. '14//fir Sig ure of Ow .Authorized Agent Date SECTION 8-OFFICE/INSPECTOR'S NOTES r� --� Less Application Fee: $25.00 Remaining Balance: $ -- Total Permit Fee: $ / S ; Other$Amount$ i Gross Area-New Construction total sq.ft. K Gross Area-Alteration total sq, ft. v Permit Issued to: �,U)/7 7 'JJ6 . 6777 ..,,,e-4, /57 1v/ i 0/1? V SECTION 9-ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/SKETCHES A Permit No. BP-73921 Project Location: 11 PINE ISLAND IUD Commonwea � sachusetts UTH „E rrkf�4 1 ;"I? �o A i =, , '` 1 1:1 ns,� 10- � : : 1 i t z f,r ,}ua J t..:q r } �':14 a:, "'"F )1,„::,,,,.,,:, g''° y ti' -:.` kS S '' .�' :$ , 1 n V � � � � '. q,45- 4; k h •''y� , k Y .,d , i'�,,3� F.. t4`2 25ss it '. '3'S - S ; T r < U`ate ..,,, r � .����` � S€� -+ � y+.n A ,� � "ar r� ���3 � if�ft� ",k Contra , e: one#: BRIEN- T } � : 884-2411gizc: rj g „tk <, g r Enginee_ a r ' hone#: o $ } SS yk,;pfr� Yi /,::- Itlitii III 5 'i 1 �9e� £� £. iilliiilf ,fig :. �, {' re s at �. Applicant. '., .- Phone#: VIVINT SO • E�' � � (801)704-9389 4 ` f t'1 " OWNER: 1 '- '� ..�' . `- } xa c. r. F s to 01::' RILEY PETER M ' ., „.2� '" ,x,;,: ,..t._. ia i�w 't' r :..s.... s:s: �:.,.1,.k T11,,,..., kr—ijoir DATE ISSUED: II �_ _�.� r. _ ;-�:, \ TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWIN �`! `✓� "::,„ { �f �R�:' Construct a 28 panel photovoltaic array on existing rooftop - 7.0 KW DATE TIME _ TYPE OF INSPECTION&REMARKS INITIAL % / , his (, n j< __ a _ rr/' i r,(j il'11/I( ////('p, ///,. r�,/ 1 f, '`r'�,1� -.'F' �i(-y, f Office of Consumer Affairs andJBusiness Regulation 10 Park Plaza - Suite 5170 Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Home Improvement Contractor Registration Registration: 170848 Type: Supplement Card VIVINT SOLAR DEVELOPER LLC Expiration: 1/5/2016 BRIEN LANGILL 4931 NORTH 300 WEST PROVO, UT 84604 Update Address and return card.Mark reason for change. e7W s; Address 0 Renewal 3 Employment (l Lost Card _lffice of Consumer Affairs&Business Regulation License or registration valid for individul use only t�tltE IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR before the expiration date- If found return to: w- 7J£4S Type: Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 1 10 Park Plaza-Suite 5170 Expiration: 1/5/2016 Supplement Card Boston,MA 02116 VIVINT SOLAR DEVELOPER LLC. BRIEN LANGILL 4931 NORTH 300 WEST �'_� cx+ _ • - f PROVO,UT 84664 ! T_ / -- ✓Undersecretary Not Not valid irlirjst-4n;eture ) / Massachusetts -Department of Public Safety Board of Building Regulations and Standards C'unvtructinn Supert iNor License:CS-106675 BRIEN LANGILL= 603 POND STREET South Weymouth MA 02190' Expiration Commissioner 01l09l2017 ' y te . Teriptiase_-4, _ do_ - ,, ; NEC 2014 — Enphase System CodeCo pliance Overview This technical brief discusses new NEC 2014 requirements that apply to Enphase Microinverter Systems. It is useful for installers, electricians, and electrical inspectors or authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs)for understanding how code-compliance is handled where NEC 2014 is adopted. Main topics discussed in thisdocument are: _� . • NEC 2014 Section 690.12 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems on Buildings (� i A a� , • NEC 2014 Section 705.12 Point of Connection • NEC 2014 Section 690.11 DC Arc-Fault Circuit Protection NEC 2014 Section 690.12 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems on Buildings Enphase Microinverter Systems fully meet this rapid shutdown requirement,without the need to install additional electrical equipment. Properly labeling the PV system power source and rapid shutdown ability is required per NEC Section 690.56(B)and (C). Solar electric PV systems with Enphase Microinverters have one utility-interactive inverter directly underneath each solar module, converting low voltage DC to utility grid-compliant AC.When the utility grid is available and the sun is shining, each microinverter verifies that the utility grid is operating within the IEEE 1547 requirements. Only then does it export AC power into the electric service for use by loads onsite or export power to the utility grid for others to use. When the utility grid has a failure, or the PV system AC circuits are disconnected from the utility service via an AC breaker, AC disconnect or removal of the solar or main utility service meter,the microinverters stop producing AC power in fewer than six AC cycles. Enphase Microinverters are not capable of operating as an AC voltage source. This means that without an AC utility source, Enphase Microinverters are not able to energize connected wiring and no AC voltage or current can be injected into the PV system AC circuits or the grid. When the AC utility source is removed from the PV system AC circuits via any means, such as an AC breaker,AC disconnect, or removal of the solar or main utility service meter, this equipment performs the rapid shutdown function per 690.12. With an Enphase Microinverter System this shutdown occurs well within the 690.12 required 10 seconds, and there are no other conductors energized more than 1.5 m (5 ft) in length inside a building or more than 3 m (10 ft)from a PV array. Code Reference 690.12 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems on Buildings. PV system circuits installed on or in buildings shall include a rapid shutdown function that controls specific conductors in accordance with 690.12(1)through (5)as follows. (1) Requirements for controlled conductors shall apply only to PV system conductors of more than 1.5 m (5 ft) in length inside a building, or more than 3 m (10 ft)from a PV array. (2)Controlled conductors shall be limited to not more than 30 volts and 240 volt-amperes within 10 seconds of rapid shutdown initiation. (3)Voltage and power shall be measured between any two conductors and between any conductor and ground. (4)The rapid shutdown initiation methods shall be labeled in accordance with 690.56(B). (5) Equipment that performs the rapid shutdown shall be listed and identified. 1 ©2014 Enphase Energy Inc.All rights reserved. March 2014 NEC 2014—Enphase System Code Compliance NEC 2014 Section 705.12 Point of Connecti•n Code Reference 705.12(D)(6)Wire Harness and Exposed Cable Arc-Fault Protection.A utility-interactive inverter(s)that has a wire harness or cable output circuit rated 240 V, 30 amperes, or less,that is not installed within an enclosed raceway, shall be provided with listed ac AFCI protection. This requires exposed AC cable systems, such as the Enphase Engage Cable,to be protected by AC Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupter(AC AFCI) protection devices in the AC panel. Since Enphase Microinverters are utility-interactive inverters that backfeed into the electrical service through the overcurrent protection device, any overcurrent protection devices with AC AFCI that are installed must be specifically backfeed capable. NEC 2014 705.12 (D)(4) Suitable for Backfeed. Circuit breakers, if backfed, shall be suitable for such operation. If terminals of circuit-breaker AFC's are marked "Line"and "Load,"then the product is not backfeed capable. Today there are no known AC AFCI backfeed capable products in existence or planned, so Section 90.4 of the NEC code advises the inspector/AHJ to grant permission to use products that comply with the most recent previous edition of the Code. Until AC AFCI backfeed capable product is available, complying with NEC 2014 Section 705.12 (D) (6) is achieved by discretionary guidance per NEC 2014 Section 90.4 and referring to NEC 2011 Section 705.12,where AC Arc-Fault Circuit Protection is not a requirement for utility-interactive inverters. Code Reference 90.4 Enforcement. This Code may require new products, constructions, or materials that may not yet be available at the time the Code is adopted. In such event, the authority having jurisdiction may permit the use of the products, constructions, or materials that comply with the most recent previous edition of this Code adopted by the jurisdiction. NEC 2014 Section 690.11 DC Arc-Fault Circuit Protection This requirement is for direct current(DC)Arc-Fault Circuit protection, and only applies to systems with DC voltages above 80 VDC. Enphase Microinverter systems are exempted from this requirement as they always operate well below 80 VDC. The requirement is basically unchanged from the NEC 2011, and it is unnecessary to add DC AFCI to an Enphase Microinverter System installation. Code Reference 690.11 Arc-Fault Circuit Protection (Direct Current). Photovoltaic systems with dc source circuits, dc output circuits, or both, operating at a PV system maximum system voltage of 80 volts or greater, shall be protected by a listed (dc)arc-fault circuit interrupter, PV type, or other system components listed to provide equivalent protection. 2 ©2014 Enphase Energy Inc.All rights reserved. March 2014 Enphase ro rter with tee Ground Enphase's latest generation microinverters feature Integrated (DC isolated)Ground. Because the DC circuit is isolated and insulated from ground,these microinverters do not require a Grounding Electrode Conductor(GEC)connected between each microinverter. This means you don't need to attach a separate copper grounding conductor to each microinverter or worry about a continuous run to ground. The result is faster installation with lower materials costs and a safer system. Integrated Ground and Code equirements Solar installers must comply with the National Electrical Code(NEC)when installing Enphase Microinverters. Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground meet the requirements specified for Ungrounded PV Power Systems in sections 690.35 and 690.41 of the 2008, 2011and 2014 NEC. It also meets the Underwriters Laboratory(UL)Standard 1741 grounding requirements. For further information, refer to the whitepaper on Enphase Microinverters and Ungrounded PV Arrays and other materials at www.enohase.com/Groundinq. identifying Microinverters i No grounding terminal with Integrated Ground Installers and inspectors can easily Flat lid identify Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground. installing Microinverters t Product label with Integrate Groundett°m edg Enphase Microinverters ship with DC and AC cables and connectors.The DC connectors attach to the PV module,while the AC connector attaches directly to the Engage'"' Cable. It's that simple: no additional cabling is needed. About System Grounding Electrical code requires two types of grounding conductors:the Grounding Electrode Conductor(GEC), which is used between the grounding electrode and the point where a normally current carrying conductor is intentionally bonded to ground and the Equipment Grounding Conductor(EGC),which grounds non- current carrying metal parts of the system, such as the racking and module frames. Because Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground have DC integrated ground,they do not require a GEC. However electrical code still requires that exposed metal in the array be grounded (NEC 690.43 and 250.136(A)).This requirement is met for the microinverter because the ground conductor internal to the Engage Cable acts as the EGC. It may be met for racking and modules with use of an EGC or WEEBs to provide bonding to this ground system. ©2014 Enphase Energy Inc. All rights reserved. January 2014 ;•'-f? Werii A-43, lei cup-i.e.: 4e Enphase Microinverters and Ungrounded PV Arrays Enphase M250 and new M215 with integrated Ground—no need for a separate GEC Overview Enphase has developed a new microinverter family that includes the M250 and new M215 with integrated (DC isolated)ground.Because the DC circuit is isolated and insulated from ground, these microinverters do not require a Grounding Electrode Conductor(GEC)connected between each microinverter.The Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground are compatible with most 60-cell PV modules(210W to 300W STC or higher)and install quickly and easily. They work with either three-phase 208 VAC or single- phase 240 VAC services. Enphase Microinverters ship with integrated DC and AC cables and connectors.The DC connectors attach to the PV module,while the AC connector attaches to the EngageT" Cable. No additional cabling is needed. An ungrounded array,when coupled with sophisticated features of the Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground,offers greater safety for the installer,system owner,and maintenance personnel. In addition to enhancing safety,the integrated ground technology streamlines,simplifies, and economizes the installation process for installers and inspectors of all project types. This document clarifies solar grounding terminology and describes NEC(National Electrical Code) compliant grounding methods for Enphase®Microinverters with integrated(DC isolated)ground.The 2008,2011 and 2014 editions of the NEC allow for ungrounded PV arrays based on the provisions specified in NEC article 690.35. Features • Integrated ground eliminates the need for a GEC: Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground isolate the DC conductors from ground.This has the significant advantage of eliminating the need for a GEC connection between microinverters. • Ground fault detection on board: Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground offer advanced features to detect DC ground faults on either DC positive or negative conductors and always check the insulation resistance before exporting power.This eliminates the hidden ground faults that often go undetected with less mature microinverter technologies. • Smart disconnects:As on all Enphase Microinverters,the AC and DC connectors are rated and listed as disconnect devices under load per the NEC requirements.This simplifies design and eliminates the need for redundant and hard-to-locate disconnect devices. • Ruggedized DC wiring: Each Enphase Microinverter with Integrated Ground is built with PV (Photovoltaic)Wire for all DC conductors.This provides double insulation for protection against wire damage and meets all wiring requirements of NEC 690.35.The PV module must also use PV Wire. 1 O 2014 Enphase Energy Inc.All rights reserved. January 2014 Enphase Microinverters&Ungrounded PV Arrays PV Grounding Terms Under NEC definitions in Article 100,two conductor types provide paths to ground.These are the Equipment Grounding Conductor(EGC)and the Grounding Electrode Conductor(GEC). Distinguishing between the EGC and the GEC is important when ensuring a photovoltaic array is code-compliant and safe.The following describes key terms from the NEC related to PV system grounding relevant to Enphase Microinverters. For reference,grounding requirements for microinverters are covered in UL1741 while grounding requirements for photovoltaic systems are covered in the NEC under Article 250 with amendments in Article 690.Always check with your jurisdiction for information about local amendments to the code. Underwriters Laboratory(UL)Standard 1741 grounding requirement: In Spring 2012, UL issued a document amending UL 1741 to address inverters for connection to ungrounded PV arrays. Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground have been successfully evaluated against this document.Therefore,a grounding electrode terminal for the attachment of a GEC is not required for this microinverter.All required grounding for Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground is met by the AC EGC supplied by the Engage Cable system and meets both NEC and UL requirements. National Electric Code grounding definitions: The Grounding Electrode System: Described more fully in NEC Article 250 Part III,the grounding electrode system provides a network of conductors,bus bars and bonding within a facility through which a direct connection to earth is established.The grounding electrode system is comprised of the equipment ground conductor,the grounded conductor,the grounding electrode conductor, and the grounding electrode. Grounding Electrode: Is a conducting object through which a direct connection to earth is established per the requirement outlined in NEC 250.52.Typical examples of a grounding electrode are a ground rod, buried metal pipe, plate electrode, concrete encased ground(UFER), and/or a ground ring. Equipment Grounding Conductor(EGC): Provides a conductive path to connect normally non- current-carrying metal parts of equipment together. EGCs are also found in traditional household wiring and connected to the rounded contact in a three-hole,grounded wall socket.The EGC is also used in the PV industry to connect all exposed metal parts such as PV module frame, racking structure,wiring enclosure(combiner and junction boxes), and the microinverter chassis. With Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground,the EGC is supplied through the Engage Cable system. Grounded Conductor:The NEC defines the grounded conductor as a current-carrying conductor that is intentionally grounded. Examples are the Neutral conductor found in an AC system or a grounded DC conductor found in many PV systems.The point at which the current- carrying conductor is connected to ground must be connected to the grounding electrode with a GEC. Grounding Electrode Conductor(GEC):The purpose of the GEC is to provide a conductive path to connect the common grounding point of the power system(AC or PV power systems)to the grounding electrode or to a grounding electrode system. AC or PV power system grounding is established when a current-carrying conductor is intentionally connected to ground by a GEC. 2 ©2014 Enphase Energy Inc.All rights reserved. January 2014 Enphase Microinverters&Ungrounded PV Arrays Building Arrays with Grounding in Mind Many methods are available for installing PV systems that enable a variety of approaches both to system design and to system grounding.We discuss two common methods and place emphasis on specific grounding requirements. • Wire EGC: The PV modules are mounted to the racking platform with mechanical clamps and clips.As per NEC 690.43,all exposed metal must be grounded.An EGC provides a conductive path for the racking and PV module frames.The EGC is connected to each PV module frame and all racking members.The EGC from the array can be connected to the AC EGC that then connects to the AC ground system. Main `' Panel Board Ground Bond °' Equipment Jumper(GBJ) �,. '. .; Conductor Neutral Neutral Bar Ground mu um sr- (EGC) Electrode Ground Conductor Bonding Point Ground Bar (GEC) Racking AC EGC Ground M215/ M215f M215, M215- M2t 1 Electrode M250 t 250 M250 M250 M250 ` Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground with EGC Connecting PV Frames and Racking • WEEBs: WEEB equipment bonding washers can be used to connect the PV modules to each other or to the racking for the purpose of equipment grounding. NEC 690.43 and 250.136(A) allow for the equipment to be electrically connected to mounting structures that are themselves grounded,and the electrical connection bonds the equipment frame to ground.To be considered grounded, the mounting structure must be connected to an equipment-grounding conductor. WEEBs can only be used as part of the EGC system. Main Panel Board v '±: Equipment Ground Ground Bond _ +'' 2 Conductor Jumper(GBJ) Neutral Bar Ground Neutral Electrode Ground ( Conductor Bonding Point Ground Bat Racking • ' (GEC) C—►. ® Q AC EGC Ground 1 M 23. 1 Electrode 25 o Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground with WEEB Ground Jumpers 3 ©2014 Enphase Energy Inc.All rights reserved. January 2014 Enphase Microinverters&Ungrounded PV Arrays Fully Integrated Microinverter SystemGround Like the Enphase M190 and the previous-generation M215,the Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground are utility-interactive microinverters.All Enphase Microinverters use transformer coupling to isolate the DC and AC circuits.The major difference between the grounded and integrated ground models lies within the DC input stage of the microinverter,where DC power from the module enters the microinverter. Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground do not ground the DC input,as did their predecessors. By isolating the DC conductors from ground, Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground enable the installer to create an NEC-compliant Ungrounded PV Power System (690.35,690.41). With the Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground,the grounding requirement is satisfied with an EGC, so a GEC is not required.The EGC is provided through the Engage Cable system that has been certified and listed for this application. Unel Line2 Neutral ac EGC +DC • • AC GFDI Invert IM • ' • • • -DC • — Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground: Ground Connections In previous models,the DC input was bonded to ground through a GFDI circuit. This essentially grounded the PV module's output.This construction required connection from this point to the grounding electrode using a GEC. However,since Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground isolate the DC conductors from ground, only a simpler EGC is required.The EGC is provided within the Engage Cable system, which connects seamlessly to the AC power system output of the microinverter. Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground detect ground faults in either the DC positive or negative conductor of the PV module by detecting the insulation resistance of each conductor to ground.Also new to Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground is the Insulation Monitor(IM),which measures the insulation resistance of the DC circuit with respect to ground.Together,these features offer greater safety than previously possible in any inverter technology. Acronyms and Definitions AC Alternating Current DC Direct Current EGC Equipment Grounding Conductor Engage Cable Enphase cable system listed for use with Enphase products GEC Grounding Electrode Conductor GFDI Ground Fault Detection and Interruption IM Insulation Monitor NEC National Electrical Code PV Photovoltaic WEEB Washer, Electrical Equipment Bonding 4 ©2014 Enphase Energy Inc.All rights reserved. January 2014 4/28/2014 Grounding-Enphase Energy _ enphase i ' _ F N F R G Y Understanding Microinverter Grounding Now,with Enphase's Integrated Ground (IG) technology, fully-compliant system and equipment grounding is incorporated into the microinverter cabling and the microinverter itself making safety and code compliance easier than ever. Isolated DC Circuit Enables Integrated Ground System Grounding vs. Equipment Grounding To fully understand PV system grounding, it is essential to first differentiate between system grounding and equipment grounding. System grounding requires a Grounding Electrode Conductor(GEC), which connects the current-carrying circuit to ground, including: • the negative or positive of a DC array • the neutral of a split single-phase AC system • the neutral of a bi-polar DC system Equipment grounding requires an Equipment Grounding Conductor(EGC), also known as bonding,which connects all non-current carrying metal parts to ground, including: • metal enclosures • racking • module frames With Enphase Microinverters, the EGC is bundled into the Engage Cable wiring system, which forms a ground connection with the enclosure of the microinverter. Plus, Enphase Microinverters with Integrated Ground do not require a GEC because the unit physically isolates the DC circuit within the microinverter from ground, thus meeting the NEC requirements for Ungrounded Photovoltaic Power Systems described under section 690.35. http://enphase.coinlgrounding/ 1/3 Mono Multi Solutions Trna m • U I PRODUCT WARRANTY FOR MODULE Trinasolar AND RACKING SYSTEM FOR PITCHED ROOF �. 4® FASTER TO INSTALL Si PLIF1ED GR • UN ' ING UP TO 72 MODULES WITH ONE -: GROUNDING POINT \ . . . ' maimnsise SUITABLE FOR COMBINING PV MODULE EXPERTISE WITH A HIGHLY Ifill mom COMPOSITION SHINGLE INNOVATIVE MOUNTING SYSTEMSOLUTION. WNW Trina Solar is introducing Trinamount the fastest,easiest and least expensive way to mount PV modules onto residential and commercial AIR rooftops. With a series of drop-in and cuarter-turn connections on a TRAPEZOIDAL METAL specialized module frame,this mountin solution installs upto 5 times �► p, .,. g � faster than conventional mounting systems.Trinamount connects directly to the module frame, eliminating the need for long rails. STANDING SEAM ROOF By drastically reducing he number of parts, cost of materials and installation time Trinamount offers the optimal solution for residential and commercial installations. T° nasolar ; behind <rnrapa,„ Trinamount II FOR PITCHED ROOF TSM-PC05.18 tFast and simple to install through TRINA MODULE ,.�. MOUNTING SYSTEM drop in mounting solution HARDWARE tow parts and SKU count in {0 comparison to conventional /0 `< . mounting solutions inter�ock 4Superior aesthetic solution for _ �r residential rooftops ILeveling Foot Etas Long rail elimination reduces . inventory and freight cost � ,, i +/ Theft resistant with auto TSM-PC0518 Ground Bolt nnun punt Tool grounding hardware Compact packaging with erns. module and mounting hardware delivered together TRINAMOUNT SYSTEM iu w + , �" - 5 .p . „ate'` _ s sf - r-- � c: ' ,4 "5:. a r rT0: ., '` _ 3°.ik eH ^ :.4 ?�r=.x=,,.r, a- is \.. q Mono Multi Solutions BASIC HARDWARE N... Interlock The Interlock provides north-south and east-west structural and ground 1 bond connections creating a structurally contiguous hyper bonded array. -t , L ' 'ilJ , I' • L hBaDn-, „.-] i Q `i.a 1 Hybrid Interlock . N., The Hybrid Interlock functions as both Interlock and Leveling Foot for areas c where the structural attachment falls at on Interlock location. t♦ t i sn L 1 L wamJ Ix,mmi i, O Leveling Foot 3... ��` The Leveling root provides a means of attachment between the PV array and the mounting surface or flashed attachment apparatus and allows for ti\ T.,,r' easy array height adjustment{1,25"Ihraw{. l 41111111"41* - „cs T �Ti _ . Illl [ {nzm.n n.mnl } ifi-i 0 - .1sn k we mlJ. e Ground Lug Provides point of connection between PV array&the equipment grounding conductor,One lug grounds up to 72 modules. V k Wire Clipi ACCESSORIES `s4 0 Trinamount Tool,Flat Tool r_. A fi Clips into Groove For fast and easy managementent o of PV / C4g/P* - ' wiring and micro-inverter cables. Trinomount Tool:4 functions,I tool; /� Flat Tool:For inter-module removal "f d 1.Il eavrr rl �, �4{ '�-Va Array Skirt r ml f �[,9zm,nj y .r i I I , ,v Enhancing both function and aesthetics,the Array skirt facilitates easy front-row installation while providing a clean look of the front ,�z .`.....E of the PV array, Trinamount II FOR PITCHED ROOF TSM-PC05.18 Mono Multi Solutions rr wr ELECTRICAL DATA ii.ciL SIC 225 230 235 240 245 DIMENSIONS OF PV MODULE TSM-PC05.18 Peak Power Watts-Prwx(Wp) 225 230 235 240 245 OS Power Output Tolerance-Pnxx(%) 0/+3 0/+3 0/+3 0/+3 0/+3 + `$' Maximum Power Voltage-Vm(V) 29.4 29 8 30.1 30 4 30.7 .err Maximum Power Current-I,rr(A) 7 66 7 72 7.61 7 89 7.98 S Open Circuit Voltage-Vac(V( 36.9 37 D 37 1 37 2 37.3 Short Circuit Current-Ise(A) 8.20 8.26 8.31 8.37 8.47 Module Efficiency ne(%) 13.7 14 1 14.4 14 7 15.0 Values at Standard Test Conditions STC(Air Mass AMI 5.Irradiance I OOOW/rW.Cell Temperature 25°C). AL _IA y ELECTRICAL DATA W NOCT 225 230 235 240 245 Maximum Power i W) 164 168 172 175 178 Maximum Power Voltage(V) 26.9 27 1 27.4 27 7 27.8 tuixc e a, MOM Maximum Power Current(A) 6 12 6.20 6.27 6 32 6.41 Ga 9' Open Circuit Voltage(V) 33.8 33.9 34.0 34 1 34.2 b MAN MOLE Short Circuit Current(A) 6,62 6 68 6.70 6 75 6.83 180 ( NOCt:Irradiance at800Wfm',Ambient Temperature 20.C.Wed Speed lM/s. Bock View MECHANICAL DATA Solar cells Multicrystalline 156 x 156mm(6 inches) '.( Cell orientation 60 cells(6=10) t. LModule dimension 1650 x 992 x 40mm(64.95 x 39.05 x 1 57 inches) [ti= J.' Weight 20.3kg(44.8 lb) Glass High transparency solar glass 3.2mm(0.13 inches) f`--1 Frame Black anodized aluminium alloy A-A J-Box IP 65 rated Cables/Connector Photovoltaic Technology cable 4.0mm'(0.006 inches'), 1100mm(43.3 inches),MC4/H4 I-V CURVES OF PV MODULE TSM-230PC05.18 9° 'mba/n' 8m TEMPERATURE RATINGS 7f° 371w/m` I Nominal Operating Cell 46°C(±2°C) 6`" Temperature INOCT) a A.;Gwrrn' 57° Temperature Coefficient of P ax -0.43%/K m 4l 3� r6avrm° Temperature Coefficient of Voc -0.32%/K XVW/m' "`'-- "-�--- Temperature Coefficient of Ise 0.047%/K I Ow 0P 10P 2001 30F 409° MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltage(vl Operational Temperature -40-+85°C Maximum System Voltage 1000V DC(IEC( Max Series Fuse Rating ISA CERTIFICATION 'o I._ r o :.. .�i uEE (c E i ISO PV CYCLE `3m< C Yt. US WARRANTY WED cd i 10 year workmanship warranty L, i A I L ('s' _11 25 year linear performance warranty w (Please refer to product warranty for details) `z t Tr asolar CAUTION:READ SAFETY AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT. I h o uo+mer brhind t ho_sa:v:'. 02011 Irma Solar Limited All righls reserved-Specifications included in this dolasheet ore subject to change without notice F - r For Flush Mount Applications Zep System II from Zep Solar offers the fastest and least expen- Zep Compatible^ sive way to mount PV arrays for flush mount installations.With a series of drop-in and quarter-turn connections,Zep System II installs up Zep System II mounting hardware i designed for use with Zep to 5-times faster than conventional mounting systems.The structural Compatible' PV modules. connections of Zep System II are auto grounding,eliminating the need ,qti for separate grounding hardware.And with its hyper-bonded grounding For a current list of Zep Compatible'" matrix,Zep System II offers the safest,most reliable way to ground PV PV modules,please visit:http:Jjwww. arrays. zepsolar.com/modules.html Key System Benefits Key Technical Features Suitable For LISTED ii Zap System II ':Interlock _ _ �.�` Hybrid Interlock G �,-____-i • 4mrn ix I ' 1 SSIn ei ..f" - ,,.j ' 7 2Pn -• 1203.2mm1 _130.7mm.1 80ein F—� I77rr V 'p Leveling Foot [31.8mm] t 30,7mm] L i. 125in J 1 21in 39emml` r --- '�, 1 [57.2mmj SSmJ ' w ?75'r;. : 012mmJ r _ 1 3.20in - ! �� : [101.bmmi .1. 4_DOin Ground Zep —� l A _ 5 , ie Universal Box Bracket Wire Clip Comp Mount 44 Array Skirt Array Skirt Cap Set Zep Tool,Flat Too{ Mono Multi Solutions TSM - PCO5 .08 TSMPAO5 . O8 THE UNIVERSAL SOLUTION 15.0% MAX EFFICIENCY Module can bear snow loads up to 5400Pa and 245W wind loads up to 2400Pa MAX POWER OUTPUT �r Guaranteed power output 10 YEA 3% 0-+3� PRODUCT WARRANTY 0 High performance under low light condtions Cloudy days, mornings and evenings 25 YE LINEAR POWER WARRANTY independently certified by international certification bodies Fo.rdedin 199/.Tino Solar i ,verli.oliv Manufactured according to international Quality rniegrot d PV cridnufac,urer invol l i s the production of ngcts,wafers and calls ISO and Environment Management System Standards to theassembly of high qualify modal as, using hod mnno and mulria ystallireo IS09001, IS014001 technologies Aas of July 2011,the Corr p i,,,y Isar already cols e>ed an _.... ._ annualized nomeplafe module cagcc ry orcr r roxirr a r ly I 9s-30,, ToreSolar` Black frame improves aesthetics -,,--c a le of urc is o s o e ed a r rc ni ol.:sown:-rc. oI i J r rl and public utility applical oes fr.,o_.geout lire world Only by matching an efficient cost- -N st1Vcturrs,�eh p >vor r. rtr,r„an,,t.„,i ll LINEAR PERFORMANCE WARRANTY we s nn indw,li✓achieve grid parity And et Tura solar Behave nosh 6 10 00% Fie Year Product Warranty • 25 Year Linear Power Warranty _. .... _. - Trine Solar Limited ,a fdeiion°f votu,v r� Cci,,gin' rtl Tri p .h ul,lrrt, ry, rrrH;- fra 0 0 U 50%-) • rinasolar Years i I0 15 20 25 ■ rre',i ri;;et III' TSIM-PC05.08 / TSM-PA05.08 THE UNIVERSAL SOLUTION DIMENSIONS OF PV MODULE TSM-PC/PA 05.08 ELECTRICAL DATA @ STC 1SM-225 TSM-230 TSM-235 TSM-240 TSM-245 4a1mm PC/PA05.08 PC/PA05.08 PC/PA05.08 PC/PA05.0B PC/PAOS.08 Peak Power Wafts-PM+x)Wp) 225 230 235 240 245 1 Power Output Tolerance-PMAx(%) 0/+3 0/+3 0)+3 0/+3 0/+3 i Maximum Power Voltage-Vrr(V) 29 4 29.8 30,1 30 4 30.7 G Maximum Power Current-1Mrr(A) 7.66 7.72 7.81 7.89 7.98 Open Circuit Voltage-Vox(V) 36 9 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 Short Circuit Current-Ise(Al 8.20 8 26 8.31 8.37 8.47 Module Efficiency rim(%) 13.7 14.1 14.4 14-7 15 0 E r o Values al Standard fest Condilions sic(Air Mass AMI 5,Irradiance 1000W/m',Cell Temperature 25°C) € TSM-225 TSM-230 TSM-235 ISM-240 TSM-245 ELECTRICAL DATA g NOCT t ) PC/PA05.08 PC/PA05.08 PC/PA05.08 PC/PA05.08 PC/PA05.08 ' ' Maximum Power(W) 164 168 172 175 178 A i I A { Maximum Power Voltage(V) 26.9 27.1 27.4 27.7 278 ` ' Maximum Power Current(A) 6 12 6.20 6.27 6.32 6.41 Pr?writ. - Open Circuit Voltage(V) 33.8 33..9 34.0 34.1 34.2 Short Circuit Current(A) 6 62 6.68 6.70 6 75 6.83 Rock View NOCT:Irradiance.al 800W/m',Ambient Temperature 20°C,Wind Speed IM/s . MECHANICAL DATA o! ._. j, Solar cells Multicrystaliine 156 x 156mm(6 inches) '"'-I!I Cell orientation 60 cells(6 x 10) --..�1- �_...._. Module dimension 1650 x 992 x 40mm(64.95 x 39.05 x 1,57 inches) 4Qmm _: A-A Weight 195kg[43.01b) Glass High transparency solar glass 3.2mm(0.13 inches) Frame Anodized aluminium alloy J-Box IP 65 rated I-V CURVES OF PV MODULE TSM-230 PC/PA 05.00 Cables/Connector Photovoltaic Technology cable 4.0mm'(0.006 inches'), 9's 1000mm(39.4 inches),MC4 8". 7' eTr�lrt,ri• 6- a-:-Wr,r= TEMPERATURE RATINGS MAXIMUM RATINGS 5c; c 0 4�- Nominal Operating Cell 46°C(±2°C) Operational Temperature -40--+85°C Temperature(NOCT) O 3. a�`w+>rrs: ! i:s:::atng 0C)/ ffif0 ISA i7: Temperature Coefficient of Ise 0.047%/°C 0f° I(I° 20P 30P 40" Voltage(V) Average efficiency reduction of 4.5%at 200W/m' WARRANTY according to EN 60904-I. 10 year workmanship warranty - 25 year linear performance warranty (Please refer to product werrrnly for details) CERTIFICATION PACKAGING CONFIGURATION *Lk per box:25 pcs w ,8 Modules per 40'container:650 pcs SOOS PV CYCLE Uses - ■ n solar CAUTION:READ SAFETY AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT w 2011 Trine Solar Limited.Al rights reserved,Specilicalicns included in this do lash eel are subject to change '- -' without notice. r ` 41,41( " .; 00, 0104 The Engage Cable is a continuous length NJ G AG E of 12AWG cable with pre-installed S S I EM connectors for Enphase Microinverters to plug into. The cable is handled -Quick installation like standard outdoor-rated electrical FAST - Large branch capacity wire, allowing it to be cut, spliced and extended as needed. - Simple design FLEXIBLE - No additional cables The Engage Accessories complement the Engage Cable and give it the ability to - No high voltage DC adapt to any installation. SAFE - Reduced fire risk S�® m >r CABLING ACCESSORIES - DETAILS and SPECIFICATIONS - _ � _� mot° ` � _a � .�,,- � . ,� � _ �' , .,., � _ ,. I Voltage Connector Spacing Accommodates PV module orientation 1 240VAC,4 conductors 1.025 meter(40") Portrait 1240VAC,4 conductors 1.7 meter(67") Landscape 208VAC,5 conductors 1.025 meter(40") Portrait 208VAC,5 conductors 1.7 meter(67") Landscape (e ms eif a io - iie Len too tic), = s. -� � vim ; ;,,.-�. vz.._ _` ..« , ": ; ,....= �' `.; , .... Description Rating Model Number Orientation #Connectors Approx weight Cable temperature rating 90°C(194°F)wet/dry ET10-240-40 Portrait 40 40 lbs Cable insulator rating THWN-2 ET17-240-40 Landscape 40 45 lbs UV exposure rating UL 746 C, F1 ET10-208-30 Portrait 30 30 lbs Conductor gauge 12AWG ET17-208-30 Landscape 30 35 lbs Compliance UL1741;CAN/CSA C22.2 Nos 0,21,42, 65, 153, *additional lengths available through Enphase authorized 182.1, 182.2,and 182.3;IEC distributors. 605291P67 Engage Access°cries y l I Branch Terminator ��� Disconnect tool I17,1\4\ i One terminator needed per branch circuit '4 i,, Plan to use at least one per installation ET-TERM-10(quantity 10) .% f�:j� ET-DISC-05(quantity 5) 4 Watertight sealing cap - Cable clip �,: One needed to cover each unused Many needed to fasten cabling to the \4-1,�'' connector on the cabling. -000 racking or to secure looped cabling. Ili.'" ET-SEAL-10(quantity 10) ET-CLIP-100(quantity 100) 142-00013 Rev 01 Enphase Energy, Inc. 201 1st Street Petaluma,CA 94952 Phone:877-797-4743 Fax:707-763-0784 info@enonasoencrgy.corn ni a://v,.v".v.enphase corn Vivint Solar - PV Solar Rooftop System Permit Submittal 1. Project Information Project Name: Peter Riley Project Address: 11 Pine Island Rd,North Dartmouth MA A.System Description: The array consists of a 7 kW DC roof-mounted Photovoltaic power system operating in parallel with the utility grid.There are(28)250- watt modules and(28)215-watt micro-inverters,mounted on the back of each PV module.The array includes(2)PV circuit(s).The array is mounted to the roof using the engineered racking solution from Zep Solar. B.Site Design Temperature: (From Boston Logan Intl AP weather station) Average low temperature: -19.7°C (-3.46°F) Average high temperature: 37.4°C (99.32°F) C. Minimum Design Loads: Ground Snow Load: 40 psf (ASCE 7-10(7.2)) Design Wind Speed: 100 mph (ASCE 7-10(26.5.1)) 2. Structural Review of PV Array Mounting System: A.System Description: 1.Roof type: Comp.Shingle 2.Method and type of weatherproofing roof penetrations: Flashing B. Mounting System Information: 1.Mounting system is an engineered product designed to mount PV modules 2.For manufactured mounting systems,following information applies: a.Mounting System Manufacturer: Zep Solar b.Product Name: ZS Comp c.Total Weight of PV Modules and mounting hardware: 1204 lbs d.Total number of attachment points: 54 e.Weight per attachment point: 22.29 lbs/square foot f.Maximum spacing between attachment points: *See attached engineering caics g.Total surface area of PV array: 493.08 square feet h.Array pounds per square foot: 2.44 lbs/square foot i.Distributed weight of PV array on roof sections: -Roof section 1: (28)modules,(54)attachments 22.29 pounds per square foot F7' 7 , „ U 3. Electrical Components: A. Module (UL 1703 Listed) Qty Trina TSM 250-PA05.18 28 modules Module Specs Pmax-nominal maximum power at STC - 250 watts Vmp-rated voltage at maximum power - 30.3 volts Voc-rated open-circuit voltage - 37.6 volts Imp-rated current at maximum power - 8.27 amps Isc-rate short circuit current - 8.85 amps B. Inverter (UL 1741 listed) Qty Enphase M215-60-2LL-S22 28 inverters Inverter Specs 1. Input Data (DC in) Recommended input power(DC) - 260 watts Max.input DC Voltage - 45 volts Peak power tracking voltage - 22V-36V Min./Max.start voltage - 22V/45V Max.DC short circuit current - 15 amps Max.input current - 10.5 amps 2. Output Data (AC Out) Max.output power - 215 watts Nominal output current - 0.9 amps Nominal voltage - 240 volts Max.units per PV circuit - 17 micro-inverters Max.OCPD rating - 20 amp circuit breaker C.System Configuration Number of PV circuits 2 PV circuit 1 - 14 modules/inverters (20)amp breaker PV circuit 2 - 14 modules/inverters (20)amp breaker D.Electrical Calculations 1.PV Circuit current PV circuit nominal current 12.6 amps Continuous current adjustment factor 125% 2011 NEC Article 705.60(B) PV circuit continuous current rating 15.75 amps 2.Overcurrent protection device rating PV circuit continuous current rating 15.75 amps Next standard size fuse/breaker to protect conductors 20 amp breaker Use 20 amp AC rated fuse or breaker 3.Conductor conditions of use adjustment(conductor ampacity derate) a.Temperature adder Average high temperature 37.4°C (99.32°F) Conduit is installed 1"above the roof surface Add 22°C to ambient 2011 NEC Table 310.15(B)(3)(c) Adjusted maximum ambient temperature 59.4°C (138.92°F) b.PV Circuit current adjustment for new ambient temperature Derate factor for 59.4°C (138.92°F) 71% 2011 NEC Table 310.15(B)(2)(a) Adjusted PV circuit continuous current 22.1 amps c.PV Circuit current adjustment for conduit fill Number of current-carrying conductors 6 conductors Conduit fill derate factor 80% 2011 NEC Table 310.15(B)(3)(a) Final Adjusted PV circuit continuous current 27.7 amps Total derated ampacity for PV circuit 27.7 amps Conductors(tag2 on 1-line)must be rated for a minimum of 27.7 amps THWN-2(90°C) #12AWG conductor is rated for 30 amps (Use#12AWG or larger) 2011 NEC Table 310.15(B)(16) 4.Voltage drop(keep below 3%total) 2 parts: 1.Voltage drop across longest PV circuit micro-inverters (from modules to j-box) 2.Voltage drop across AC conductors(from j-box to point of interconnection) 1.Mirco-inverter voltage drop: 0.39% The largest number of micro-inverters in a row in the entire array is 9 inCircuit 1.According to manufacturer's specifications this equals a voltage drop of 0.39%. 2.AC conductor voltage drop: =I x R x D (=240 x 100 to convert to percent) = (Nominal current of largest circuit)x(Resistance of#12AWG copper)x(Total wire run) = (Circuit 1 nominal current is 12.6 amps)x(0.00201E2)x(140') -(240 volts)x(100) 1.47% Total system voltage drop: 1.86% Lip Ecotibrium 3o! Customer Info Name: Email: Phone: Project Info Identifier: 750 Street Address Line 1: 11 pine island Street Address Line 2: City: darthmouth State: ma Zip: 02747 Country: United States System Info Module Manufacturer: Trina Solar Module Model: TSM-250 PA05.10 Module Quantity: 28 Array Size (DC watts): 7000.0 Mounting System Manufacturer: Ecolibrium Solar Mounting System Product: EcoX Inverter Manufacturer: Enphase Energy Inverter Model: M215 Project Design Variables Module Weight:41.0 lbs Module Length: 65.0 in Module Width: 39.1 in Basic Wind Speed: 110.0 mph Ground Snow Load: 40.0 psf Seismic: 0.0 Exposure Category: B Importance Factor: II Exposure on Roof: Fully Exposed Topographic Factor: 1.0 Thermal Factor for Snow Load: 1.2 Lag Bolt Design Load-Upward: 820 Ibf Lag Bolt Design Load-Lateral: 300 lbf EcoX Design Load- Downward: 707 lbf EcoX Design Load- Upward: 764 lbf EcoX Design Load- Downslope: 353 lbf EcoX Design Load-Lateral: 233 lbf Module Design Moment—Upward: 3655 in-lb Module Design Moment—Downward: 3655 in-lb Effective Wind Area: 50 ft2 Min Nominal Framing Depth: 2.5 in Min Top Chord Specific Gravity: 0.42 Plane Calculations (ASCE 7-10): 4 Roof Type: Composition Shingle Average Roof Height: 40.0 ft Least Horizontal Dimension:40.0 ft Roof Slope: 18.0 deg Truss Spacing: 16.0 in Edge and Corner Dimension:4.0 ft Snow Load Calculations Description Interior Edge Corner Unit Flat Roof Snow Load 30.2 30.2 30.2 psf Slope Factor 0.95 0.95 0.95 Roof Snow Load 28.7 28.7 28.7 psf Wind Pressure Calculations Description Interior Edge Corner Unit Net Design Wind Pressure Uplift -19.4 -31.9 -47.9 psf Net Design Wind Pressure Downforce 11.4 11.4 11.4 psf Adjustment Factor for Height and Exposure Category 1.09 1.09 1.09 Design Wind Pressure Uplift -21.1 -34.8 -52.2 psf Design Wind Pressure Downforce 12.4 12.4 12.4 psf ASD Load Combinations Description Interior Edge Corner Unit Dead Load 2.3 2.3 2.3 psf Snow Load 28.7 28.7 28.7 psf Downslope:Load Combination 3 9.2 9.2 9.2 psf Down: Load Combination 3 28.2 28.2 28.2 psf Down: Load Combination 5 9.7 9.7 9.7 psf Down: Load Combination 6a 27.3 27.3 27.3 psf Up: Load Combination 7 -11.4 -19.5 -30.0 psf Down Max 28.2 28.2 28.2 psf Spacing Results(Landscape) Description Interior Edge Corner Unit Max Allowable Spacing Between Attachments 61.8 61.8 59.9 in Max Spacing Between Attachments With Rafter/Truss Spacing of 16.0 in 48.0 48.0 48.0 in Max Cantilever from Attachment to Perimeter of PV Array 20.6 20.6 20.0 in Spacing Results(Portrait) Description Interior Edge Corner Unit Max Allowable Spacing Between Attachments 47.9 47.9 46.5 in Max Spacing Between Attachments With Rafter/Truss Spacing of 16.0 in 32.0 32.0 32.0 in Max Cantilever from Attachment to Perimeter of PV Array 16.0 16.0 15.5 in Layout —11111 . . am Skirt Coupling Clamp Distributed Weight (All Planes) In Conformance with Solar ABC's Expedited Permit Process for PV System (EPP) Weight of Modules: 1148 lbs Weight of Mounting System: 108 lbs Total System Weight: 1256 lbs Total Array Area:494 ft2 Distributed Weight: 2.54 psf Number of Attachments: 54 Weight per Attachment Point: 23 lbs Bill Of Materials Part Name Quantity ESEGO1CLASA EcoX Clamp Assembly 54 ESEGO1COASA EcoX Coupling Assembly 34 ESEG01 SKKTA EcoX Landscape Skirt Kit 10 ESEGO1SKKTA EcoX Portrait Skirt Kit 0 ESEGO1CPKTA EcoX Composition Attachment Kit 54 ESEG01 ELASA EcoX Electrical Assembly 1 m m 5 0 0 0g; °i �< C Cmw c m z MM . FDmm 0 O V'� {NOCC) Zmo OrnK Z9 3m-0Z 00 T g mmZ0 0-6 � m 0 D 0 j i0 13z m n 0 0 0 0 Z z DXO Z?=:-I mC 0O� r =Zm m O * o7J1 r-m= mpD CD I I !IPV 11 C=«,> \ � ICD I o 'IU , _�.: , D < r cn O m W A , mxCZ N u>o <�Cz II K {� Z_,zm O co ZNO m�D m ><> o I- A030 D 000 Z m c i Z O INSTALLER.VIVINT SOLAR Riley Residence m m SITE Fr,m INSTALLER NUMBER:1.877 404 4129 11 Pine Island PV 1.0 PLAN MA LICENSE:MANIC 170848 North Darmouth,MA 02747 DRAWN BY:AK I AR 3150745 Last Modified:6/5/2014 UTILITY ACCOUNT NUMBER:1250 622 0032 % ' /, C-I 01; G.,m COz .o m / m A Kn 073 O(3 C 2 m1 m,, //il Ado] ,4c �.o 4 ,. IliSik ik. \ NI • m ca O r i m • A-3 \ G O n Q D � m=I mw c•NN. u) m IIa2 , o 73 O 0 m 71 r > z Km D= INSTALLER:VIVINT SOLAR Riley Residence m m m m INSTALLER NUMBER:1.877.404.4129 ,. PV 2.0 m, " - MA LICENSE:MANIC 170848 - North Darmouth! ROOF MA 02747 PLAN DRAWN BY:AK I AR 3150745 Last Modified:6/5/2014 UTILITY ACCOUNT NUMBER:1250 622 0032 �=o<rtim G0DO Dm-o ZAmr O — 0000m O 1 1 • z o3 QD03 En' r 1.111 0 no R1 m p i r n _ m x— TZ N � - 0 11 v V D� O 3 11 X o' m —I 6 <O —I 1 h m o m Z 1 ° 40a ,,,, ,,,,, m 1 D 11 °m U H— — i M ATTii _: :— p --I 11 O ° T V I. 11 m ti O A "m Z mA < --- I l O O N o y < m ° r W Cn D m J` m m I I I yA 'p r y m v Ao N� pD z r K 2 —_— s� o <Pc M o0 O ° O mD WI n r- 0 9 C N I m r m 0 m Z S. m 2 1/2"MIN. 2"MAX z r m n U^^J � N ci CI T OO m O '-I I O r O %..1.�.j\■■ �1 � It': z � a -IIii.- FHIH Q _.�t i O A D�, -D a rn O DZB !D fm C ° N41N U OZ m° ,m F c= n= INSTALLER:VIVINT SOLAR #_. m MOUNT" mm INSTALLER NUMBER:1.877.404.4129 k Riley Residence PV 3.0 m MA LICENSE:MAHIC 170848 g "` 11 Pine Island DETAILS North Darmouth,MA 02747 DRAWN BY:AK I AR 3150745 Last Modified:6/5/2014 UTILITY ACCOUNT NUMBER:1250 622 0032 •• a x m2 *mMT Si z< 130 m-1 A 0, A N0w 0 O D O -t r z'0 m OZm X mn Om 0io < < On 1 DC 't FM-- i0 t --' 7 p DZj co ZZxZ AmH , � �ND o,u E t I O Ap nm D Dr m�, C C �Z m� mn1� o 0 -1 <o mz x m -o C N . . -. m o 0 9, m 0 0 a v o (}-5 J . 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E 1.0 m 1 1 MA LICENSE:MANIC 170848 m et _ RileyY 11 Pine Island A DIAGRAM North Darmouth,T MA 02747 DRAWN BY:AK I AR 3150745 Last Modified:6/5/2014 UTILITY ACCOUNT NUMBER:1250 622 0032 r C) 0 m co I 2 G) r m Ni 03 0 0 O C a F . u 3 _5 AlCD o CD co _ - r O m _ ai - < ,-_ _ a Cr � -. b .` '-- ''''.tZ ':: ::ii4:::;',"' ' -..1.;i':.,..iiiiik,:-:;:.'-':. ..1,,,:i..-T. -..-,:t:',1.:Ltift: ' -,".4, .. liti :::;:'iii,:i.''''':_i:::::"1-,1,::,:i-',"..::,1'.i:,,,,,:':Ei :'-il'4ii';'''''i-7.•'-:.,,,!',, ,ii,,,,i,:,,,,4„.;'„ift:-: ''' g,"•::1:-:',:l.:::,:::::,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,:",-'-:-7ii::1:::;.::7)g.,7:,.--,4,:liii,",,:.::140-1.4%K.L.N:',7'0,44,, :,,,74,,,,,,,E,Ii.,,',L:.:4,:,.,-',!:,,,,,i..."..0.,,,,, ash � `"� � �" - s� � ?- ram: .Irk �; -ems C Z i D Z Z N Z INSTALLER VIVINT SOLAR Riley Residence 3 m DESIGN ''m INSTALLER NUMBER:1.877.404.4129 ' PV 4.0 ? m-1 MA LICENSE:MANIC 170848 ;` a 11 Pine Island LOGIC North Darmouth,MA 02747 DRAWN BY:AK MANIC. 3150745 Last Modified:6/5/2014 UTILITY ACCOUNT NUMBER 1250 622 0032 • 4931 North 300 West,Provo,UT 84604 Employer Identification No.: 80-0756438 v'v'nt• solar ''Phone:(877)404-4129 Fax:(801)765-5758 Massachusetts HIC License No.: 170848 E-Mail: support@vivintsolar.com www.vivintsolar.com AR No.:277 4/8. UY • RESIDENTIAL POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT This RESIDENTIAL POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT(this"Agreement")is entered into by and between VIVINT SOLAR DEVELOPER,LLC,a Delaware limited liability company("We","Us","Our")and the undersigned Customer(s)("You","Your"),as of the Transaction Date set forth below. Full Name(First.,w,cost) Q �;j,Qu Full Name irrrsr.,w.0 Customer(s): Property Owner:0 Yes 0 No �" Property Owner: No 0 Yes 0 No Telephone No.: 77tj 9 7 6-yy1 E-Mail: 7)47"RIZZ-4/ (902 c (--- Property Street Address: J f f. iii ZS Lyig/4-10 ie\ Address: City,County,State,Zip: N. kr/14ecAr, ( ) y7 1.SERVICES A. DESIGN AND INSTALLATION. We will design,install,service and maintain a solar photovoltaic system on Your Property,which will include all solar panels,inverters,meters,and other components(collectively,the"System"),as further described in the Customer Packet and the Work Order that We will provide to You hereafter. All material portions of the System will be installed by pur employed technicians and electricians,and not subcontractors. With Your cooperation,We will (i)design, install and connect the System in material compliance with all applicable laws; (ii)complete all required inspections;and(iii)obtain all required certifications and permits. In order to design a S stem that meets Your needs,You agree that We may obtain Your electrical usage history from Your electric utility(the"Utility")and You shall provide i copies of Your Utility bills as We may reasonably request. Other than the activation fee described in Section 1.B,We will design and installthe Syst cost to You. B. ACTIVATION. You agree to pay Us a one-time activation fee in the amount of$ . We will interconnect the System with the Utility,and cause the System to generate energy measured in kilowatt hours("kWh")(the"En . stallation of the System generally takes one day and is anticipated to begin and be substantially complete between two(2)and six(6 weeks herea er. C. OWNERSHIP OF SYSTEM. We shall own the System as Our sole personal property. You will have no property interest in the System. D. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE. We will operate and maintain the System(i)at Our sole cost and expense;(ii)in good condition;and(iii)in material compliance with all applicable laws and permits and the Utility's requirements. E. INSURANCE. We carry commercial general liability insurance,workers'compensation insurance,and property insurance on the System. For more information concerning Our insurance,and to obtain a copy of Our certificate of insurance,please visit: www.vivintsolar.com/insurance. 2.TERM,PRICE,PAYMENTS,AND FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES A. ENERGY PRICE. For all Energy produced by the System,You shall pay Us SO. `0., ' per kWh(the"Energy Price"),plus applicable taxes. The Energy Price shall increase each year by two and nine-tenths percent(2.9/o). A good faith estimate of the System output,measured m kilowatt hours, will be provided to You in the Customer Packet. THIS AGREEMENT IS FOR THE SALE OF ENERGY BY US TO YOU AND NOT FOR THE SALE OF A SOLAR ENERGY DEVICE. B. TERM. This Agreement shall be effective as of the Transaction Date and continue until the twentieth(20"')anniversary of the In-Service Date(the "Term"). The"In-Service Date"shall be the first day after all of the following have been achieved: (i)the System has been installed and is capable of generating Energy,(ii)all permits necessary to operate the System have been obtained,(iii)the System has been interconnected with the Utility,and(iv)all inspections and certificates required under applicable law or by the Utility have been completed or received. C. PAYMENTS. Beginning with the first month following the In-Service Date and throughout the Term,We will send You an invoice reflecting the charges for Energy produced by the System in the previous month. You shall make monthly payments to Us by automatic payment deduction from Your designated checking account or credit card. It is Your responsibility to ensure that there are adequate funds or adequate credit limit. There is no financing charge associated with this Agreement. For all payments more than ten(10)days past due,We may impose a late charge equal to Twenty-Five Dollars($25) and interest at an annual rate of ten percent(l0%),plus applicable taxes. If You continue to fail to make any payment within ten(10)days after We give You written notice,then We may exercise all remedies available to Us pursuant to Section 13(b). D. RENEWAL. At the end of the Term,You may elect to(i)continue with this Agreement on a year-to-year basis;(ii)enter into a new Agreement with Us and cancel this Agreement;(iii)purchase the System at the end of the Term and cancel this Agreement(the"Purchase Option");or(iv)cancel this Agreement and have the System removed at no cost to You. You will need to notify Us in writing concerning'Your election sixty(60)days prior to the end of the Term. If You elect the Purchase Option, the"Purchase Option Price"will be the then-current fair market value of the System based on an independent appraiser's valuation of similarly sized photovoltaic systems in Your geographic region. The appraiser's valuation will be provided to You in writing and will be binding. If We receive Your payment of the Purchase Option Price,costs of the appraisal,applicable taxes,and all other amounts then owing and unpaid hereunder,We will transfer ownership of the System to You at the end of the Term on an"As Is,Where Is"basis. If You elect to have the System removed,We will remove the System from Your Property within ninety(90)days after the end of the Term. IF YOU DO NOT NOTIFY US OF YOUR ELECTION TO CANCEL BY SENDING A WRITTEN NOTICE TO US, THEN THIS AGREEMENT WILL AUTOMATICALLY RENEW ON A YEAR-TO-YEAR BASIS UNTIL YOU NOTIFY US IN WRITING OF YOUR ELECTION TO CANCEL AT LEAST SIXTY(60) DAYS PRIOR TO THE END OF THE RENEWAL TERM. E. CREDIT CHECK. In connection with the execution of this Agreement and at any time during the Term,You hereby authorize Us to(i)obtain Your credit rating and report from credit reporting agencies;(ii)to report Your payment performance under this Agreement to credit reporting agencies;and (iii)disclose this and other information to Our affiliates and actual or prospective lenders,financing parties,investors,insurers,and acquirers. WE MAY HAVE PRESCREENED YOUR CREDIT. PRESCREENING OF CREDIT DOES NOT IMPACT YOUR CREDIT SCORE. YOU CAN CHOOSE TO STOP RECEIVING"PRESCREENED"OFFERS OF CREDIT FROM US AND OTHER COMPANIES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE (888) 567-8688. SEE PRESCREEN & OPT-OUT NOTICE(SECTION 29)BELOW FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT PRESCREENED OFFERS. 3 ITED WARRANTY 1 A. LIMITED INSTALLATION WARRANTY- We pr6Vtde a orkmanship warranty that the System shall be free from material defects in design and workmanship under normal operating conAtionsiforthe Teeth 'f e rther warrant that all rooftop penetrations We install shall be watertight as of the date of installation. We do not provide any\warranty to.You with respect to y component of the System. Any manufacturer's warranty is in addition to,not in lieu of,this limited installation warranty. This warranty does lot c r problems resulting from exposure to harmful materials and chemicals, fire, flood, earthquake,or other acts of god,vandalism,alteratin of-sYstem by anyone not authorized by Us,or any other cause beyond Our control. B. MANUFACTURERS'WARRANTIES. The System's solar modules carry a minimum manufacturer's warranty of twenty(20)years as follows: (a)during the first ten(10)years of use,the modules'electrical output will not degrade by more than ten percent(10%)from the originally rated output;and (b)during the first twenty(20)years of use,the modules'electrical output will not degrade by more than twenty percent(20%)from the originally rated output. The System's inverters carry a minimum manufacturer's warranty of ten(10)years against defects or component breakdowns. During the Term,We will enforce these warranties to the fullest extent possible. C. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION 3,WE MAKE NO OTHER WARRANTY TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PERSON, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE OF THE EQUIPMENT, INSTALLATION, DESIGN, OPERATION, OR MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM, THE PRODUCTION OR DELIVERY OF ENERGY, OR ANY OTHER ASSOCIATED SERVICE OR MATTER HEREUNDER, ALL OF WHICH WE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM. OUR LIABILITY FOR ANY BREACH OF ANY WARRANTY IS LIMITED TO REPAIRING THE SYSTEM OR YOUR PROPERTY TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE ARE RELYING ON THIS SECTION 3.C.AS A CONDITION AND MATERIAL INDUCEMENT TO ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION OF THE FACE HEREOF. 4.REMOVAL OF THE SYSTEM You shall not make any Alterations(as defined in Section 9(c))to the System. If You want to make repairs or improvements to Your Property that require the temporary removal of the System or that could interfere with its performance or operation,You must give Us at least thirty(30)days'prior written notice (a"Customer-Requested Shutdown"). You agree that any repair or improvement to Your Property shall not materially alter Your roof where the System is installed. As compensation for Our removal,storage,and reinstallation of the System,You agree to pay to Us a fee equal to Four Hundred and Ninety-Nine Dollars($499)before We remove the System. You shall be required to pay the Shutdown Payment as defined in Section 15)if the System is not reinstalled within thirty(30)days of removal. In the event of an emergency affectingthe System,You shall contact Us immediately. If We are unable to timely respond,You may(at Your own expense)contract with a licensed and qualifed solar installer to remove the System as necessary to make repairs required by the emergency. You shall be responsible for any damage to the System that results from actions taken by Your contractor. 5.ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES Most customer concems can be resolved quickly and amicably by calling Our customer service department at(877)404-4129. If Our customer service department is unable to resolve Your concem,You and We agree to resolve any Dispute(as defined below)through binding arbitration or small claims court instead of courts of general jurisdiction. BY SIGNING BELOW,YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT(I)YOU ARE HEREBY WAIVING THE RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY;AND(II)YOU MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST US ONLY IN YOUR INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY,AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING. You and We agree to arbitrate all disputes, claims and controversies arising out of or relating to '01j ',,S l4rDer;.,per.LLC:.All R'.I Rner,c+i :}} uld+', 1 ) 3't { 1.5: 1tt1P1<.4 S �tsl \1S. n at Batt slit r t t t i} t t It=..You r •' 21 \t As". 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BUY. :01' . >.._ GA I 1 i-(123 (i)any aspect of the relationship between You and Us,whether based in contract,tort,statute or any other legal theory;(ii)this Agreement or any other agreement concerning the subject matter hereof; (iii) any breach, default, or termination of this Agreement; and (iv)the interpretation,validity,or enforceability of this Agreement,including the determination of the scope or applicability of this Section 5(each,a "Dispute"). Prior to commencing arbitration,a party must first send a written"Notice of Dispute"via certified mail to the other party. The Notice of Dispute must describe the nature and basis for the Dispute and the relief sought. If You and We are unable to resolve the Dispute within thirty (30) days, then either party may commence arbitration. The arbitration shall be administered by JAMS pursuant to its Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures(available at: http://www.Jjamsadr.com/rules-streamlined-arbitration,the"JAMS Rules")and under the rules set forth in this Agreement. The arbitrator shall be bound by the terms of this Agreement. No matter the circumstances,the arbitrator shall not award punitive,special,exemplary,indirect,or consequential damages to either party. If You initiate arbitration,You shall be responsible to pay$250. All attorneys' fees,travel expenses,and other costs of the arbitration shall be borne by You and Us in accordance with the JAMS Rules and applicable law. The arbitration shall be conducted at a mutually agreeable location near Your Property. Judgment on an arbitration award may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. Nothing in this Section 5 shall preclude You or We from seeking provisional remedies in aid of arbitration from a court of competent jurisdiction. NOTICE:BY INITIALING IN THE SPACE BELOW YOU ARE AGREEING TO HAVE ANY DISPUTE ARISING OUT OF THE MATTERS INCLUDED IN THE"ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES"PROVISION DECIDED BY NEUTRAL ARBITRATION AS PROVIDED BY APPLICABLE LAW AND YOU ARE GIVING UP ANY RIGHTS YOU MIGHT POSSESS TO HAVE THE DISPUTE LITIGATED IN A COURT OR JURY TRIAL. BY INITIALING IN THE SPACE BELOW YOU ARE GIVING UP YOUR JUDICIAL RIGHTS TO DISCOVERY AND APPEAL. IF YOU REFUSE TO SUBMIT TO ARBITRATION AFTER AGREEING TO THIS PROVISION, YOU MAY BE COMPELLED TO ARBITRATE. YOUR AGREEMENT TO THIS ARBITRATION PROVISION IS VOLUNTARY. YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FOREGOING AND AGREE TO SUBMIT DISPUTES ARISING OUT OF THE MATTERS INCLUDED IN THE"ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES"PROVISION TO NEUTRAL ARBITRATION. c_omor(s mitiats: I/WE AGREE TO ARBITRATION AND WAIVE THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL: MI- 6.NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS A. LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE INCORPORATED INTO THE CONTRACT: (i)this Agreement,(ii)the Additional Terms and Conditions,(iii)the Customer Packet,and(iv)the Work Order. These documents are expressly incorporated into this Agreement and apply to the relationship between You and Us. B. IT IS NOT LEGAL FOR US TO ENTER YOUR PREMISES UNLAWFULLY OR COMMIT ANY BREACH OF THE PEACE TO REMOVE GOODS INSTALLED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. C. DO NOT SIGN THIS AGREEMENT BEFORE YOU HAVE READ ALL OF ITS PAGES. You acknowledge that You have read and received a legible copy of this Agreement,that We have signed the Agreement,and that You have read and received a legible copy of every document that We have signed during the negotiation. D. DO NOT SIGN THIS AGREEMENT IF THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS ANY BLANK SPACES. You are entitled to a completely filled in copy of this Agreement,signed by both You and Us,before any work may be started. E. YOU MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO THE LATER OF: (I)MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD (3an)BUSINESS D• . • R THE TRANSACTION DATE,OR(II)THE START OF INSTALLATION OF THE SYSTEM. SEE THE NOTICE O. ANCE ATION BELOW FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT. VIVINT SOL• DEVE "I PE• CUSTOMER(S):By: iAlOrBy: Printed Name: 1 ' • '�To�J" Printed Name: ioi`-r - /Ca'-Lff Title: •[ es - By: Printed Name: Transaction Date: S—a 7-RI FOR INFORMATION ABOUT CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS, CONTACT T E MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS AND BUSINESS REGULATION:TEN PARK PLAZA,SUITE 5170,BOSTON,MA 02116, (617)973-8700 OR 888-283-3757. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Transaction Date: AR No.: YOU MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION,WITHOUT ANY PENALTY OR OBLIGATION,WITHIN THREE(3)BUSINESS DAYS OF THE ABOVE DATE, OR (IF LATER) UNTIL THE START OF INSTALLATION OF THE SYSTEM. IF YOU CANCEL,ANY PROPERTY TRADED IN,ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY YOU UNDER THE CONTRACT OR SALE,AND ANY NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT EXECUTED BY YOU WILL BE RETURNED WITHIN TEN (10) BUSINESS DAYS FOLLOWING RECEIPT BY THE SELLER OF YOUR CANCELLATION NOTICE, AND ANY SECURITY INTEREST ARISING OUT OF THE TRANSACTION WILL BE CANCELLED. IF YOU CANCEL,YOU MUST MAKE AVAILABLE TO THE SELLER AT YOUR RESIDENCE,IN SUBSTANTIALLY AS GOOD CONDITION AS WHEN RECEIVED,ANY GOODS DELIVERED TO YOU UNDER THIS CONTRACT OR SALE, OR YOU MAY, IF YOU WISH, COMPLY WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THE SELLER REGARDING THE RETURN SHIPMENT OF THE GOODS AT THE SELLER'S EXPENSE AND RISK. IF YOU DO MAKE THE GOODS AVAILABLE TO THE SELLER AND THE SELLER DOES NOT PICK THEM UP WITHIN TWENTY(20)DAYS OF THE DATE OF YOUR NOTICE OF CANCELLATION,YOU MAY RETAIN OR DISPOSE OF THE GOODS WITHOUT ANY FURTHER OBLIGATION. IF YOU FAIL TO MAKE THE GOODS AVAILABLE TO THE SELLER,OR IF YOU AGREE TO RETURN THE GOODS TO THE SELLER AND FAIL TO DO SO,THEN YOU REMAIN LIABLE FOR PERFORMANCE OF ALL OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE CONTRACT. TO CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION, MAIL OR DELIVER A SIGNED AND DATED COPY OF THIS CANCELLATION NOTICE OR ANY OTHER WRITTEN NOTICE,OR SEND A TELEGRAM,TO VIVINT SOLAR.DEVELOPER,LLC,AT 4931 N 300 W,PROVO,UT 84604 PRIOR TO THE LATER OF: (I)MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD(3'")BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE TRANSACTION DATE,OR(II)THE START OF INSTALLATION OF THE SYSTEM. I HEREBY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION: Date: Customer's Signature: f.:•�'_I p13\' S'I-)e:cii�. LI hIIR ;_Nitc.cd \'Lt (I tLr:PPA•:2. TERMS AND 3fll's!CP 7. R11100351EN1 irae, h"41 ith itRil.-11ATI135; 'dos ref-pc:Hnt h Juno)) and Joni moyinki: s in)tp,!min noti,e ' )rs•s it: Pirlaial41 to L11111 racil Oi r ,e 1, 011,1,0.1, '' i, .i: Coisicsniog hiliti• no If, , as, rots DO .11 1101.1 LSIC.COiraul...111(1 11:, 1S, 0Nlileirr)or ine pe,),,c,,en it. pet„kho!sip, 4er !EL , s etre ihmie i nt, h).1 H• 'AA,I. 33111 111333 31-3)1!'lliill:s'APT!, 11371-13"),iti -iff)1414",,e4. You nk.by, ), Exe :Pm o11,111con f 0, ooig,,,i,s us,,,-,00 io Io N o ii1 lisi,ic,oisrussisli!,1 Jae'Emig SI1S101111LU0 Motions;inn!thibi ins Ms:mance tt 011,11.1/0P rio 01.11,0e(0,,.:LOLL riff You Jot fs.1"-,hers 0.•1 ',SION. s111 0111C 110 SI,id 111100 )1 have 11,5j lu,Obobpalpio, itetee,inni discuss Po,Agreement with hi. selds gen) tit, broisosco hyr10, or , ime any Ether ao.isr r ilsarr it ri,LINLIIL or:demean)dlat cm, 10.10.-11a1 d.... si10 111.0001.0111.O1 01,110.I011 1010.01,11.11 ii1111,11>N 1, 111L11.aii 010.11 01 N o. .„,„1, '4.1reisa,110i1 L11111 12111.111.1S N 11-10 Far-S.10S pro,Ire,' r, ed SCC11,31) 13(Si hist, hon.:Apo, dashed„,isonsle!of t ma 1 \Ns II:1, Y, 1111,11...0010,..,C111.1111011,or 1,s(fardiss OS0111 CdoleS(11 Si,101. n in lilir rASNI. en) me ice"ssors and hens to mins!,110,Ads'. 1,111i a,,, rI 11. 01 11-SERVICES. J lviete)rQ Wevvill in-kali bed:orris:nee ineterliAli h..necked 'Seley!!kf to in:insure the Energy prodUCeei di: 51exteill Vriii Case!pc,0111111S. TM: 13. Evil:P:15;(11.3/11/hk131.3 Jinf Lc:slop!,Ikelithil Or, ! re,I,ACt •11>-lire p,r(V,:ir,A I Ci dal:: th Yoe, ti,,,g) 0001-0,ids ,t111, L1ie J.'Id: siiiya 11-.1iso NO.,111, "PS.,( bel701111,3 regsomial,:mem.hi mine!It,s'yeme, ,he ps) oi v he!,mie am!sum)1 OIL', . piL(01,1 001•101111iliks10,11Sra Zu Ulaar.(Fair I, pr. 1 OIL, ',Erre, grid, U1,i,110 Iii11,11 Pb, (di d said sod IN.-N.1,0.c ilia Lnsids n.e 10 1,01 10.111,71I,1 di!'"111,1 1.1...11I1` 'I 1,101.1.101,ru 111111(11 L SUSS,rePriitmlipc adjusimemil pi Yon,pip inents iNaroir rrrcorn:sued r r, i sisiliFsotOrs 0.1y(10000111. siiilio iss,OF Y0,11 1 the mem) err arts rOaSiirs PO „ned soeit:Ekes, -s !:. gym,: Y mon itii70, 010.'1-1,,, Sr Sc 5 Lo 1111,01.11'SO:1:111g ii,.161,11 C,, !,-0, ; hynr. 'or' YO'd lis , LiN1i,u0,11,01 ./' Cr'", `1,1-1,10 i1 IsiO'id.1.111,o '1.1.1,011,,Isp, 1',di 0.1iIs L • u, artilag,i or destroy,:is tire.N,E01'0 root:,caiiddigais.a.01 0111UL Oi 1taciLiuii mbient it)h hsicejLey.,, . rIo teaainI --•(asradt.y ciiii,red by 13, bk.' boimptis ropiii,and ,i I ils,oinur .1)Sii.,i11 Suctirg oi 1,01,1,11.11,damaged portions of the SUStOiri 101 riCCONsar. WOCLing it•puirime this Leseem(rt odniond nay tire Dauer: !,1) ih. eoodition bin),System is da1.11,11.i StistON..,1 Oi II 'SNLISUN 10,111110i cos orcil 0.11 111.1 dr,in VI k otAh,our p ,J) Ht e ,t,), ot d 010 111,0ILiii.. 551 ilisy. al 1 Luc.'00000. (ii estoP. 11".1.11 IVilicil SIIII ,.10,1101 '.0111101II 0, 1.1,1111,11,thir AirructIld111 and,Si1Ii Smstent es permute,.by abinteam: hly '0;;oar, I !a, C0111.- .11 lir 111IIII-1,0,01ii, col:LI:11Ln .0 You foi irioddid, coilisiss.ar'ississ.u 1isgs In.: -ON i1,01' 1S,I01, oLL ads:ISO:12i cOr1S1,1.10,01.Or remove OmSystem Tan 3-A:b.)Smoerte tc:Disconnection io , as: dis. ,0 N 3..ke ISI.S1r-r L.. he dirLosI11..aoLi 1,,,11 I 11:111Ly's this Paremment or tind,apol,gbh!inh !, 13i mai) "S, papii [him theiieuttre such clisciyincelietri i11 i,e aro ruSuirLd 10 dO sO miler appliCable hlid truss':in,ocunione on e of ,ol the Milos j,)Out mimic to pc,its P3„n of ip, t hit 9. YOUR puTrir..s. od,01,111.. solar, (Or oral!iI1,11.001. rii 11, ciYis'01 Ira:, .1,1,1NON 0110:arid I,.Col 0S111,1, phol A) iiines. orsure Iiiirly 011)LisyN sr' t. Ls 1 0.11dsed 1. iyoi d.No1, s or agi ". I): 0.10(0.0 ,11 N' 111,10.,ddrin,111 sOnifils-01,1 dad.,1.1 a ian-uloalilir it.; ,s1LI,Ono vsisud r stanelard Litaloi. YoLfr (Ti LUIS Atuceinere and iceems Jertgool the byst!',". 1)ip. :Ye this) 1,r OroailiNasLii,i1urnsio. ...us.,IV'rir ''.r,i of lIt'orsirly, pro,glird rs...70 is,ado 001.0.110s,1.1, IL, 1111-11,,r rrod..YOU 111,11.1111110. i'eyment (et Sysies, SiLurdtions YOL, YoLl IlliN Alcuri0111 or Mi.., ISIN dolborichT75,The oTinT11PA1collecti:ely have- %.E rii) Satii.1.11,1dosiLi did ir.),,J)J1,1)aifei e term)), espent 11:. Me nal cip io peps,,,,,in,sie dein o' ,to....„).tsL,11 Liia Sysloir :i1 rsisgoils,u1sdeimmo to the st,„stens ma)o mats,.at Elm h oar it:Temp fisisu,2111 I.! "No 1.1 Slio. 101. he 'r 1,:11,it` );tratoni. S.'ddilo (LI) iropi iadidirig L(00 LI: IilL 10,1.111 i11, I'S L10110:1.1r f )1,scapit Alms:Mons Pr, shall El irk,all lice,on Your Enormity hot issis0 dlos,g, I'',Am''os,o dgisiusios rdasoii.iss. oar sop:.ana 1.,s011,1111C stupS,10.Slaru gist tin:ding co the Sepiient is 40 Notice ConceilatiOn Section It).or a Sell::!LAME,Yl):1 1,,1,ihC th, Dalt.;aliCi Ini11,1q:ort,1i1 sol1010,111(1111.1 sari is.picir, --Dcfautt P am yent :said; wa,i! ihe roof'iata 'soul Priaia,ts (ci 7'titiivizttimi, Vat. wtiti a! p 2(I iiiiiii pairii,iaLsac. IirS,o011,011.Or ass,11.- tin •-2 T,ICS it3 Your Propeit, nit nun,J:soons me-psary Mr s iioerete.anti that the inicb renems the o,Iht !EY,.anti 0),C.,"of h rimmion thy Sys'arn 'door E.1111LIA io 0iI1Sin 111dsr 1,1 011 1 .:1‘, sili 11110 pro re,,,,111 ill irairliiii01.1 this Eik,einets Taxies. `IOLI Luso:, O.. Pc-ter You bits to in, Defeo,POIdriaili.‘1,0 1,111 LisinsiSr 0,10,-Nilip of PE assesscci on co arising Heim installailem op or eration.oi the Sysiells inelii(0011.stir fiesmin to Pe my sti AP,.is.Where tyth bksh, genera!exelsc tax on dm Enure-h. I.t.t 14. ;1;112ItN,aTION. tat jaatatotiopkti tVt. in(to o ekoa. et,ittatptatr ii1CLIITIs tax and mope:ty Pax:issest rUIL11100 CiU"Oirildi ship 11-1,iNdrduinctii.(i.11 pri01 1,, th, (LI)fPlanb;,Ls. if Vim!.the 01'arry IrOvorarrirrila! losii1ros 110:ddc lo bp„m PE.)pceJimence osnsmc;:Hy)), ph!thp immix 1),)roehange to the System oder its installation You pay In,sialittaid parts am! Says of this Ain ceilleilit, trail LII`dC1 ft,c1,11111St211,,f IIIhien 1:thoi eh:II-gess prig)the, e Lesi,or otheir charge in relation to the livstetn b)stem iron:kern,to Pr, 17,or Seim!, 3 3,1e will or this .hennement niter the in-Service aue then 101.1 Shall ore no,, 11S1die 1.0 SYSiCin resole ill ri..,(110r.penetratiOrh icalm 1-11dse roi1111,.."..its for sin,tas,fem.oh tithe:dimrge pexcQr:s for incorac arid oroisoiii i 5e e1Li0. 10 this, Aarodiusal. has,- no IsiShor 11,11d011ts that she Our resuismilsilityI S i r 9 I1113 rrubsptirgnceS. !Mon()pr s111111110II iyy kistibipij 'I r 1 1.11 Mg...II.10 Ihc reunest.Yen hal'orinnpply.is,-))and return(I)an, ,p,nlr 'rr,o surocracill ,,',h', 10110,01 Lao INotior Cants:: I. (it,Lira .1 INcilor )1..1 dootaPoEt necessarh to obtain on, cretins.rebates,ire oil:minces or 15.SYSTEM SII1O1/OWN:P \-Sipatiottal, atikticot to 01,11 right ic sob, cm:tine:lies that are kuribuied,allocated. Or 'ebred Ii tile Systeni.tim Energ). , ,,roci thy System Pa niaintenance PP e rimy shui nob,the Shstetn i!'here reason:Rs crivironinental attributes there,. icotieeliiveliy:. the A..5):srion interests), (I)) any believe lint)Property conlitions tip ticindties of-nemesismn thePpropepy.which are inn oerinik.intereonlicelkon,net metering aisaseonl1111S,Slid 001,1'dire,, err rOCILlircd Ire Lind" sOliiiiii,IN'hualat 0! 1101 YoLli uor.01,11,11. 1111,11.1.0 SL11,' ILifity:abei ffii)arts document neeessarei to verily Our Ov.ric,1010 interest 111 ilid1 Opsraiion Ir SvNierri(L1°Art/Utu Shaalo,,,-I. During he pendelics ol Sejeti. SVSLeiri and System interest, (ii!Doix or 3\b:dr, 1'ou shall prompiTS notiry Pith) Slitudo,i,,You ili pay Us the Silthilopm Payment PLopetty In!he AH:11 notice arip.perso Ire'thine inteTiernin wIth die op,ation ol Inc 011 Your ,ent that You t.agate Yihmi i11002r0,1113'310.perjoel eif tone as a resaill of an:He, Propene.11,crop ordinance or,permit Ciottnioas or cricualbraitQa.that:nay prc‘aat i10,ol(ICa iiiiuurs ,i1sLL Sofia( h n g mke yin ttp,:st1 premer stem bTin e: ning:or(1)11 You lake uny SC110111.0 es 1 rm to th ict e L berg,J>roeltici.E1. the System ic)a-aiseopliaciiow fi nitemoimection b.).slem. Your failure I,,pronipily notify d srrdl natters shtill be sC'distontor with PE Utility tieUriSLOS cieSCON at. f`or roasons thai aro roe ,1 Folica Dalault.tinder Section I.;ta) I rcat,or I'll i.attiiied by or related ()lir 1111.OtisiSi'SULU'S',0,iilacii(111 Naidi that 010 10.SALE'or—s-oi_Ain:NEIciV. (to Salk akjIlpetPatily Begilmingiiwith the ins Systein im it inger ir)prodneeI i I .I I icCIFULL. Y0L.ot it%Cf. 5 Date,We will self ro itou and You nil! bile!iihr o 0; the EnergyII r You h,ill on p Es the S1 r I or Prarll'aviment The produced by the Svstem. Title to and risk of loss wan respeci le the Energy shall "Shnitiown Paymeilf Awn equid the sum oi til payments eu the EncrgS Or he that ranter 'corn Us t6 at the point l\here the System is intereonnected\With Your 'Yon nould roVe made to Li,as described in Het:lion 7,\ tor tire 1 igerkis that nould Property s electrical wiring. Eitergix from the SiSsicin veil) ire:I.:sere:1 to you in beep prodb,c(fnp rho O erel I dtn.ii,„:„.the ,itt,Ole Atod,s....t, compliance with all rCqUiFernerli, ri tin,-Urrlo1v (hi Payments You agree that the Es of the SirS('211,Incentives that PAH should'lase received Eith respect u:the Liens' obligation to paki ally amount due under this Agreernetit shall he absolute :md that the Sysitern base produced leillowing such shinelrpen•anti(Mt apolicankle LIM:011,1410.1,oon,i Shall not be subject to era,abataiwani.dehcnte,SounLeiCia.111, 1.0., iDet.i1linalion of the amount of Lnergy hilso gegn cariLiuso(i dm lug recoubment or recluct ion. You Lind We agree that all amounts nasiphie by You the period of the heron shall be based LA thirine Iho ira OCr oiler-PH imtiers ice hereunder shall be payabie in all es eras incluiling by Your heirs,iti est,o, Exicept as Date.on estimated levels of production;and OD afier rho first peer:eller the in-Servicir permitted by the Nome of Cancellalion,You hereby ail rights You may have to Oahe.based:hn ketual operation of the System durini_the same period iv the prey:Jae: reieet or cancel this Attieentent,to revoke acceptanee of the Sisstcm.OF 1.0 romp a year. Ilia shutdown nuneuant SoUI.11 4 or this SOCIA011(5 COIllinues for One haorired prey interest in the System. (c)Iipro on 011liaation to Denver DO NOT and eighty f Int))days or longer. Shie ihers. 1, 0:11 sole diseretion. telminate this WA R KANT OR G t,A R1:1 NTEE 71 I Is.Ak-i300:P1!OF IiSillff<Edr PR ODlit,ED BY Ago:emit:,and req))110 or Lii ELLIN the De13,11 13avmen). THE SYSTENI FOR ANY PE:PLOD OR AN't'COST SAViNCTS We aro 1101.a Laiiitv 16.F011.CE iNIAIEURE. it-You is We 31.l.U11,11k I perform line ol the JI lieiations , or public serdice company and do not assume any obligations of in utility or public under this',ogee:nein because of a I ome hiajbure Event,soon alleeten party hrmiil be some company ro supply You! energy requirements. Vik, LO raLS, a:a:la:act from iAltai..wer men nrnna 0.0 LS afro:Add by the I:JAC,: revie‘h by governmental atithorities. During:the Term You imderstond thal You not that PH suspension or stir.,obligaimns is of no greater scope and of no longerdui:anon require more electricity than the System rilay gOrieraie. If You need any such than is rammed by the Pc!ret,Majeure :Force Aluicw.re Event" 111C011 any adclitional cocoas..then',loft snail be solely responsible to obtain such energy Conn the event,aon.dition(or cirCtlirts,ianco beytmel Inct control or the al reeled parte-shich.'by the Ltilits at Your cost. exercise of dire Coresight such narts"couid not reasonably have(lee,'est:keeled to avoid N , 11.OWERSI1IF OF SYSTEM. (al Our Or of the ,yiltickin. 'We snail own and y hien 1)y the exercise of due diligence stiff)parte enithoin Foul:atm:bumble LO rioS anel hold all property rights in the Sae and the System rile,Oslo 1.01 shah have no unable a 0,101'i:0171C,illeitiL1131(1 her not o,overbiliental authorit,. propirts interest the System or lhe System Interests except(or(if the Energy that the llti lure to,,el cut the part olany governmennil authority or Uns,iiirten! the System generates.and()Hans credits or peso-lents available under'Pour litility's such noon has her,,timely requPsteci and!I:lige:10,i pursued);failtire to obtain ot 'Ire,metering prograin Pm the iPiergy the"Systein generates. YOLL agree in,keep maintain perunt.license.consent oi„ippon-al fj.kiosicitte/that such posy has inacie the Ss,tern and SVSielY1 later-cars Ire',nom ,all lie arid.encuml,zanc.c,. Eof raaS011abio Cruarnerciai Lo ob1alyand nminikin the shrug).laboi Property 'so!',ithsra:Icrin,the manner'm g hich 1110 SUSICril IS dispute,idriks.,0(1,-.5110ppage,sIms,-down, pood, ijgninin/,, attaehEaffo-TOW-Pi0p,rty.nor any fixture filing I Is.You and k1ic htereb):tree then tvind.cpiderkie,win.terrorism.tios us:ono:LOC sanction entharao. ClisiLirbanCr, the SYstern and the System interests shall remain Our sac personal pr,opertv anct shall act ot god. an, of else/Hints front the 130 lity. equipment, supplies or not he deemed or characterized as,Alistkire7 or any part of the-realty,as tliose loons produetil„power OF V011.110.0...12e CIIIISOdby someone otherthar)the aPeered rantOr he defined hr applicable law. It is rurthes agreed thal the installation of the :Enure til equipment 1101 dulizeP by oi and the control oldie,,lie'rod Nets Svstem shall not he,a repot].remodel,alteration,conversion,modernization or,or 17.TIMITATIC)1'or LIABILrry. You 1.111(1,f,tillid that" (ol Wc are not:in insurer addition to.Your Property (c)(non,i of Aumess You lierelry grant to Lis„Ind Our of Your Prop,. .personal prop:etc: OS persona!safety of person,:in or on Your el-plan:yams,agents. a-oats-actors thc rir3111, access and Lire Y'OUr Properkv so that Property,(b)Yon are solely responsible 101-prop itling„ins insurance IV rim respircl So',-may 1C]install.operate,and niaintain the)nhistem throughout the Tenn,iii1enrome Your Properly iLS (c)the amount Y, ogy, lis is bused only J-its the Our rights as to this greeent and the System). and 7,110 take Cr,,Oillal se0011 Sallie 01'Inc Emergy prodticed by the Systeni and not dip halue of Yina Property oriea,sc'onoirb,reason:1bl), necessary h A m i eormection with die constructirin. installation, operation, its contents,oil the Systein may not alisny),(Tonne properk for varirms reasons;ite)it reOLtir,Or reMONSI1 Of Lib Systenl. ire I rights of access to Your is eh II I to determine in ad,once 1 pal,. of toe coi noorents of the System that Properts shall COIISLitlile a license coupled with an interest ainlii,nati be irrevocable In,] might be lost or deisiroyed ir the Sxsient fails to operate properly,121 it is airfield)to tip to ithicix rot):dips, this ALic:3,2w to piovaL ith tins:to 1.110,t, dofoiroine in arisonsc poino0 if cr.',01 ally loss.riSsOiliii the al LILO end:Utile Teeth, (Lb 1.011COS 01 Huilerni tffeynclishim Yon authorize death would he pre)xiblaiels catiseil hs Out l,drli,ill Ilerforin C/Iir negligunee,01 US 1,5 rual,e illitsus and recordings‘N ith reles,U goxernmental authorities os non)be failure(-Mille Sysluin.Or thsSysiern ir,sn.liIV Iron,, neeessar).to proeide notice on Our ownership in dic System and the and System Interests, NOTW ITHSTANDING ANY BRE A i (-)IE THIS ACiREEVENT.Our run)! to access Your Property. libon terininothen or this.Aru-eonsent.each — '1 ^ " such ternlinat.orl. YOH undeHrund that the SI,SICIII Shall lie marked anti ANA! FAILURE OF THE SYS I EIM, OR ANY \IEGLIGENT ACT identifiedPas Our projPertS T I IAT CAUSED ANY INJURY. CI)R LOSS ONHETHER 12.ASSIG 11E-N1 &-FRANSFEII. tat Assignment. Wit! PH, n II i'ROPERTY DOS.AG E. PERSONAL N IV J OR DI ATI'1 TO t con t and Lit 1101 transfer(in wisple or in paHlk this Agnien-i, Sy nUir Acm, the systhpn !merest, INNONE. WE AND G YOU AREE TIIAT UINILF.SS SUC H holit YOST' sen usithO1.1. uSSig ,v2rees in writing to as,me Our riullIS under this A,,I0C,11,1-We mill loish imlizitheroh I rOT t,Nigation und, INI,IL/RY OR LOSS \NI/ S CAUSED BY A PA R T "S CIIRC/SS On,,1)arcernein upon the.ellectiveness ol sec,assignment. NEGLIGENCE, IIR1‘,1.1 I), 1 F) Pro 1 L. You shall proside s II thir Thty(30) iit days'prior no Men 1101i he Ce 01 a;Pr:Tosco tec A " I ih t itlYEP-3NS, "I i)ri JO-3 it 11 x•) 1ff, sinurie sale or YOLir pel-is. ! is ‘srLIII nonce shall inch:tic t name of ' '- it -" ' - ' Jrroposed purehaser or transferee("Pisoperrc Trarksibree")and the!Proposed date of T1IIS AC3REE7viENIT SFLALL IN N() Oil Is EXCEED IIIE s2I,or trn!Isl,r. You syill also prot ide any addilional inleprnig0011 Idgardinq Propene 1)E1 A Li LT Pi kY It Niie . YOU AIFID WE ACi REF, THAT THIS ransicr,c that reilsolghl,re):1131,51 •111 ruiI CUll,, 110110'0,111 1tatst.-.1“. si(,'i_1sT is A f-AIR 0 EPRESENTATION OF ill4 DAIslAGES agree in se ritiru,),Ag tent wi P Ill erty Lis Linn P hall ropePy Transferee hell!assume'Your obligations Und (Ill W the , time 1)-our Prollerts is sold) Alternatisvly.if Wc determine that Properly Transieree is INJURY OR LOSS IERE.UNDER. not adequere-IS-cEeditsvoully to assume oblignEons undo no„ oi S1A 1 LL DOO A ISP YU C AT N ST U N S OR AV ProNriy Transieree ieflises IC,S11111,Y0111. LIDder till, " • " • " Wyssling Consulting WCONSULTIN4 40. 321 West Main Street Boonton, NJ 07005 Scott E. Wyssling, PE, PP, CME office (973) 335-3500 cell(201) 874-3483 fax (973) 335-3535 swyssling@wysslingconsulting.corn June 10, 2014 Mr. Dan Rock, Project Manager Vivint Solar 24 Normac Road Woburn MA 01801 Re: Structural Engineering Services Riley Residence 11 Pine Island, North Dartmouth MA AR#3150745 7.00 kW System Dear Mr. Rock: Pursuant to your request, we have reviewed the following information regarding solar panel installation on the roof of the above referenced home: 1. Site Visit/Verification Form prepared by a Vivint Solar representative identifying specific site information including size and spacing of trusses for the existing roof structure. 2. Design drawings of the proposed system including a site plan, roof plan and connection details for the solar panels. This information was prepared by Vivint Solar and will be utilized for approval and construction of the proposed system. 3. Photovoltaic Rooftop Solar System Permit Submittal prepared by Vivint Solar identifying design parameters for the solar system. 4. Photographs of the interior and exterior of the roof system identifying existing structural members and their conditions. Based on the above information we have evaluated the structural capacity of the existing roof system to support the additional loads imposed by the solar panels and have the following comments related to our review and evaluation: Description of Residence: The existing residence is typical wood framing construction with the roof system consisting of truss system with all chords constructed of 2 x 4 dimensional lumber at 24" on center. The attic space is unfinished and photos indicate that there was free access to visually inspect the size and condition of the roof rafters. All wood material utilized for the roof system is assumed to be Hem-Fir#2 or better with standard construction components. Our review of the photos of the exterior roof does not indicate any signs of settlement or misalignment caused by overstressed underlying members. Stability Evaluation: A. Wind Uplift Loading 1. Refer to attached ZEP calculations sheet for ASCE/SEI 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Structures, wind speed of 100 mph based on Exposure Category "B" and 18 degree roof slopes on the dwelling areas. Ground snow load is 30 PSF for Exposure"B", Zone 2 per(ASCE/SEI 7-10). 2. Total area subject to wind uplift is calculated for the Interior, Edge and Corner Zones of the dwelling. Page 2 of 2 B. Loading Criteria • 10 PSF = Dead Load roofing/framing • 30 PSF = Live Load (ground snow load) • 5 PSF = Dead Load solar panels/mounting hardware Total Dead Load=15 PSF The above values are within acceptable limits of recognized industry standards for similar structures and in accordance with the 2012 International Residential Code. Analysis performed of the existing roof structure utilizing the above loading criteria indicates that the existing truss system will support the additional panel loading without damage, if installed correctly. C. Roof Structure Capacity 1. The photographs provided of the attic space and truss system show that the framing is in good condition with no visible signs of damage caused by prior overstressing. D. Solar Panel Anchorage 1. The solar panels shall be mounted in accordance with the most recent "ZEP Code Compliant Installation Manual', which can be found on the ZEP website (zepsolar.com). If during solar panel installation, the roof framing members appear unstable or deflect non-uniformly, our office should be notified before proceeding with the installation. 2. Maximum allowable pullout per lag screw is 235 lbs/inch of penetration as identified in the National Design Standards (NDS) of timber construction specifications for Hem-Fir(North Lumber) assumed. Based on our evaluation, the pullout value, utilizing a penetration depth of 2 %", is less than what is allowable per connection and therefore is adequate. Based on the variable factors for the existing roof framing and installation tolerances, using a thread depth of 2 '/2" with a minimum size of 5/16" lag screw per attachment point for panel anchor mounts should be adequate with a sufficient factor of safety. 3. Considering the roof slopes, the size, spacing, condition of roof, the panel supports shall be placed at and attached to no greater than the panel length when installed parallel to the trusses (portrait). No panel supports spacing perpendicular to the trusses shall begreater pp p g p p g eater than two (2) trusses or 48" o/c, whichever is less. 4. Panel supports connections shall be staggered to distribute load to adjacent trusses. Based on the above evaluation, it is the opinion of this office that with appropriate panel anchors being utilized the roof system will adequately support the additional loading imposed by the solar panels. This evaluation is in conformance with the 2012 International Residential Code, current industry standards and practice, and based on information supplied to us at the time of this report. Should you have any questions regarding the above or if you require further information do not hesitate to contact me. �\�N OF Mqs V truly yours, yob cGvi Scott E. Wyss g, PE o 50 MA License o. 50 FSS/ONAL 1 ♦♦ CONSSULTING ‘. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts _ Department of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations 'sir am, r " __ 1 Congress Street,Suite 100 - `' Boston,MA 02114-2017 www.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information Please Print Legibly \ y'i.:,7t7 Name (Business!Organization/individual): Vivint Solar Developer, LLC , �z 1 11,3 Address: 4931 North 300 West 1' , ,3 City/State/Zip: Provo, UT 84604 Phone#: 801-704-9389 Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): LEI I am a employer with 10 4. ❑ I am a general contractor and I employees(full and/or part-time).* have hired the sub-contractors 6. ❑New construction listed on the attached sheet. 7. ❑Remodeling 2.0 I am a sole proprietor or partner- These sub-contractors have ship and have no employees 8. ❑Demolition working for me in any capacity. employees and have workers' comp. insurance.t 9. ID Building addition [No workers' comp. insurance required.] 5. ❑ We are a corporation and its 10.0 Electrical repairs or additions 3.❑ I am a homeowner doing all work officers have exercised their 11.121 Plumbing repairs or additions myself. [No workers' right of exemption per MGL comp. 12.❑ Roof repairs insurance required]t c. 152,§1(4),and we have no employees. [No workers' 13.❑Other ____ comp. insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box#I must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: New Hampshire Insurance Company Policy#or Self-ins. Lic. #: 029342228 Expiration Date: _ 11/01/14 Job Site Address: // Pi/,,t/? /Apd i4V. City/State/Zip: , °1a &i11I1i,ij4 a271f7 Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine , of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify under >pains( td penaltie.of perjury t t the information provided above is true and correct. Signature: �� �...r �/ Date: L. f,. _ Phone#: :01-704-9389 /i Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official. City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: ® DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) AWORO CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 03/1312014 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT MARSH USA INC. NAME:PHONE FAX 1225 17TH STREET,SUITE 1300 (NC,No,Ext): (A/C,No): DENVER,CO 80202-5534 E-MAIL Attn:Denver.certrequest@marsh.com,Fax:212.948.4381 ADDRESS: INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE ; NAIC# 462738-STND-GAWUE-13-14 INSURER A:Evanston Insurance Company 35378 INSURED National Union Fire Insurance Co of PA Vivint Solar Developer LLC INSURER B 4931 N 300 W INSURER C:New Hampshire Insurance Company 23841 Provo,UT 84604 INSURER D INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: SEA-002457148-01 REVISION NUMBER:1 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSR (M SUBR POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS M/DD/YYYYI (MM/DD/YYYY) A GENERAL LIABILITY 13PKGWE00274 11/01/2013 11/01/2014 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DAMAGE TO RENTED 50,000 PREMISES(Ea occurrence) $ CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $ 5,000 X $5,000 DEDUCTIBLE BI&PD PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 POLICY X !VT LOC B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 9701087 11/01/2013 11/01/2014 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT 1,000,000 B X 9701088 11/01/2013 11/01/2014 (Ea accident) $ ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident $ AUTOS AUTOS ) X HIRED AUTOS x NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTOS (Per accident) $ A UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR 13EFXWE00088 11/01/2013 11/01/2014 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 10,000,000 X EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ 10,000,000 DED RETENTION$ $ C WORKERS COMPENSATION 029342334; 029342335 11/01/2013 11/01/2014 X WC STATU- OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY TORY LIMITS ER C ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE Y/N 029342336; 029342337 11/01/2013 11/01/2014 1,000,000 C OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N N/A E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ (Mandatory in NH) 029342338 11/01/2013 11/01/2014 E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 B DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below DBP29342339(UT) 11/01/2013 11/01/2014 E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 A Errors&Omissions& 13PKGW00029 11/01/2013 11/01/2014 LIMIT 1,000,000 Contractors Pollution DEDUCTIBLE 5,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,if more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Town of Dartmouth ;\� SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 400 Slocum Road `n THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Dartmouth,MA 02747 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE \yA `V of Marsh USA Inc. �! Kathleen M.Parsloe .f -?it- 44¢laG ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD