Request for Determination of Applicability /
Dartmouth Building Department In:a
O M�
400 Slocum Road
P. O. Box 9399
North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 LEITER
( 617 ) 999 - 0720
Date. July 10 , 1989
To. Conservation Commission Subject Anthony D . Falco
June 29 , 1989
Request for Determination
This Department has no concern with this project except to note that
Zoning Section 6 B ( 4 ) ( 6 ) exempts pre-existing lawns from zoning control
and , I feel this may give some direction here . .
Signed David J . Silveira
el-(IVr/V gan(-1/olowd
�, 400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 9399
.- North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747
June 29, 1989
TO: Department of Public Works
Planning Board $;�"
Building Department 'a'p-i
Board of Health /' X5'
FROM: Conservation Commission Office
SUBJECT: Request for Technical Review and Written Report on the accompanying
Request for Determination from Anthony D. Falco dated received
June 29, 1989.
Please review the attached and referenced Request for Determination
of Applicability. If you have any comments, please prepare a
report and submit it to the Conservation Office A.S.A.P.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter.
7- 0d-Fr
:,t,o4ez acoGj
0N1r , , 1 eJ ;teviZ get/amota
400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 9399
orth Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747
Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be held under the provisions of
M.G.L., C 131, S 40, the Wetlands Protection Act, and Article 13, the Dartmouth
Wetlands Bylaw, on the Request to Determine Applicability of Anthony D.
Falco , for a parcel of land located at 567 High Hill Road
in Dartmouth. The meeting will be held at 7:00 P.M. , Tuesday, July 11 ,
1989, at the Dartmouth Town Hall, 400 Slocum Road, Room 103, in Dartmouth.
THE CHRONICLE iGerald Franklin
LEGAL AD: Please run once in your issue of July 5, 1989
cc: D.E.Q.E.
Dart. D.P.W.
Dart. B.O.H.
Dart. Planning Bd.
Dart. Zng. Bd. of Appeals
Engineering Firm
L . _
Form 1
DEQE File No.
` (To be provided by DEQEI
•- ,�� u,i 2 196, City/Town
_ Commonwealth
1:,1 of Massachusetts.. .. Applicant
-I (.lets 1 t-,,,-,J of i
r l*i
Request for a Determination of Applicability
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, G.L. c. 131, §40
1. I,the undersigned, hereby request that the /otehA/0 C®/ roles d
Conservation Commission make a determination as to whether the area,described below, or work to
be performed on said area,also described below,is subject to the jurisdiction of the Wetlands
Protection Act,G.L c. 131, §40.
2. The area is described as follows.(Use maps or plans, if necessary,to provide a description and the
location of the area subject to this request)
S , 7 )41 6-0 /.11 I L L 121L i Rt ie- ,- 8 c lard A is -a O L' t$Aoy)0 1?"-for
, c j/c P --- 010 Lgr- s kaz o A . 4- D. �+t-co , 0A7veWi9r ,
feel-Pee7 Y L/ '
Coca/ c?.c 7 / S ( `-e-4
3. The work in said area is described below.(Use additional paper, if necessary,to describe the
proposed work.)
/VPfl 1, N41 BA1-0-S op) - ;,. Pc2.a Pc 0E7r L) ,s ,. ,S`c4R„G'c o LSI G,egsf
¢ epv.eft W 1 Th ALL -tLogw, Ato dC�-se4..o . ke-TsiwiNL^ 6-124.4c, g,
04;44>xi- 1&I.£0 •
Effective 11/1/87
4. The owner(s)of the area,if not the person making this request,has been given written notification of this
request on (date)
The name(s)and address(es)of the owner(s): •
5. I have filed a complete copy of this request with the appropriate regional office of the Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Quality Engineering on (date)
Metro Boston/Northeast Southeast
38 Commerce Way Lakeville Hospital
Woburn, MA 01801 Lakeville, MA 02346
Central Western
158 Grove Street State House West,4th Floor
Worcester. MA 01605 436 Dwight Street
Springfield, MA 01103
6. I understand that notification of this request will be placed in a local newspaper at my expense in accor-
dance with Section 10.05(3)(b)1 of the regulations by the Conservation Commission and that I will be
billed accordingly.
Signature ak`T-77 Name_ //1/1`a Pi/Y di' • Fe;
u o
Address S6 7 /G// /(>41/1 Tel. / 7 C"6II y.‘
99`3- 6 93 0