EP-282 Report pd $ 25.00 (7 f t+''n Ft Fee 1 Owner Dave Costa ' Date 11/3/89 Address 600 QUANAPOAG RD. , N. D. Pe •trro 282 Contractor Michael Courchesne Red Address 1168 Dwelly St., Fall River 02724 Blue Green '- ►ft7� RemarksAddition: wire plugs and light in 10 x 10 addition 6 plugs, 1 light Will call. Inspected By: Date r��^~'~`"-«� ~ ' . . ` � � �u a�\ ,( V -o n el,,fi gaminmaxt 400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 9399 North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 OFFICE OF THE (617)999-0721 INSPECTOR OF WIRES January 3 , 1990 ' Mr. Marc Willette 642 Bay Street Taunton , MA 02780 . • Re : 600 Quanapoag Road ,- North' Dartmouth Dear Mr. Willette : Upon inspecting the premises at the above-mentioned location , we noted a violation of Article 110- 16 , which states that a clearance of 30" must be maintained on all service equipment . Please correct this situation and notify this office as soon as possible . If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact us . 'espe ' tfull yours , = 4nald Per "' er Inspector of Wires RP : dvs .... 111111111 Office Use Only The Comm on wealth of Massachusetts Permit No. il' _ _ Occupancy&Fee Checked � `T —� —: (leave blank)'`/ ^\3,�S h=_ 1 Department of Public Safety l �' BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS FPR•11, RULE 8 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK Town of Dartmouth All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code, FPR-11 Date 11 19 %:�'9 To the Inspector of Wires: The undersigned applies fora permit to perform the electrical work described below. Location (Street & Number) C C) O Q J Q Piat P t\c Q "`a Pole No. - Owner or Tenant pc\ e C cam. w 1 u Owner's Address G v 0 ct A a f •N Rli Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? \J Yes No Purpose of Building 1 a k S 1 c 7 • Service Amps volts No. of Meters Existing New Increased from to Nature of the Proposed Electrical Work s`` Pit)�� S I' IN 1 ' OX ��0 c�` ( el,„ PLicVSv PROPOSED FIXTURES IN DETAIL(See attached schedule, if necessary) Light Location of Room Light Sw. Plugs Fixt. Location of Room Sw. Plugs Fixt. Outlets Outlets No. of Sw. Out. Heat—Type No. of Outlets Lt. Oil No. of Rec. Gas No. of Motors H.P. Electrical—KW Connected Load No. of Signs Trans. r Hot Water—Motors and Size Air Cond. Steam—Motors and Size Range Name Plate Rate Hot Air—Motors and Size Water Heater Name Plate Rate -. Misc. ‘ n 62 Clothes Dryer Name Plate Rate Total Load Size of Main Entrance Sw. /' Size of S.E. Conductors f • ! Work to Start I i ` -5 _ F 9 Inspection Date Requested Permit Fee r Signed under/�the Penalties of Perjury: s, .,iN \ �U �� Licensee ' `: c'�1 0. C 0 a =�C Imo.C: r5� Signature �\41—: License No. (Please /print) _ (Please sign) { } c' /l Address . 0 C tJ DkN)2), / JC l P q 0� R,'V e It' CJ a- 1) l a Tel.No. c 4' -i€ r I.-p (Street&Number) (City or Town) (Zip Code) Supplemental information on forms furnished by the inspectors of wires shall be mailed or delivered by the applicant within five(5)working days from the date of said application,if required by the inspector of wires. c ,c7`" i pUTq, ,�Z4, s 8`t\ A TOWN OF DARTMOUTH WIRE DEPARTMENT / �y y Date o/ - 3 N / ) Name In Payment-of/ f Amount