Misc. Docs r r ,,,i) )44.1taizi ' 4--- . .. . . _.. .. j--el-a-4--IC";, 41,t. /3-49. 6000,74zeut,60.7 a j., /%'<t,./ ,A4ei.04./ 0-4--/ 1,1,r- 1.- (47-4e/4A-6- j-44-44_, 1.11- -4.-eia.., &i:jiei iiili,ep,/ �; 2 Oswald W. Cornell Box 600, Quanapoag Rd. No. Dartmouth, Mass . 02.747 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Bristol, ss New Bedford January 10, 1979 Peasonall.y appeared before me , the above named Oswald W. Cornell and acknowledged the foregoing ._ to be trues end correct , "L.A laq0 7 A. P74-Z&A i y Notary-:Public My commission expires April; -2c'�,' ;1984 3 i/7/77 ,..J0,.46,--01Z# ei7,-,gz-Z d)---.464,-, ---67eit-e Avz, a -- ..,,,,towyc., ,4„ f,k - , ,„,„4,,,,,,,A.„„,„,,,,,-,• ,i„,,,,,,,,,o, ...0 J42 : C ,2J/9 . G / - . t - (d.44 A-W4----,-,'L' Oswald W. Cornell Box 600, Quanapoag Rd. No. Dartmouth, Mass . 02747 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Bristol, ss New Bedford January 10, 1979 Personally appeared before me the above need__ Oswald W. Cornell and acknowledged the foxegoi�ng - to be true and correct . 4 ` Notary Public My commission expires April 20, 1984